The Signal, 1930-4-17, Page 7THE SIGNAL,
The Crash of His C . re
"Who gwine be de Raid of
de comp'ny?" he hazarded
through his gloom.
"I is!" retorted Susie, em-
phatically. "I's de haid of
anything whut you's mixed up
in! An' 1 'ranges fo' de
business whut you does. Wil-
lie, he de vice-pres'dent an'
foreman. An' you, you's de
titch driver."
THAT • Home Sweet Home" bac
been written by a single steep was
the firm conviction of Ipecac In
gaits. small, colored and married. For
ipecac. home was chiefly • place
where he took orders. la more senses
than one, he was on the point of learn
ung. For Susie, his wife. had conceiv-
ed tee notion that the misery in ipe-
cac's back which had kept him long
hgbt work. like sitting down driving •
free-lance taxi. for four years. was •
mere subterfuge on Ipecac's part, and
had acted accordingly. So right now
Ipecac was on the little end of a big
"Whar at my taxi"' was lnqurr-
Ing of her with as m h heat a he
dared show In the dom Atte circle.
"'Spect hit', in de Junk -pile by now.
whar at hit b'longs." returned Susie
coldly "'Who' •t de tail"' is somep'n
you ain't got to pester 'bout no mo'.
Ds big bu'nln' question old you, from
now en, gwine be: 'whar at de
'Truck?" Ipecac broke out all over
with fresh goose -flesh and qualms
Trucks were associated In his mind
with hard work, lots of 1t and regular!
Besides, Ipecac had quit driving
trucks, ever since the white lady drove
leer soden right spang In front of a
furniture truck he was piloting. ■tmul-
taoeoualy with watcning a personable
colored girl cross the street. Ipecac
had never seen that girl -or that fur-
niture truck -any more.
"Hucoome truck!" to repeated now.
••Looe swap In ye' oi' taxi fo' paha
payment on truck to' you " Susie
broke the news. "You e'n step out an'
ties dem ba'becue sae'• an' pool-
rooms good -by now. 'rise dey Aho la
gwine miss you from now oo. Bahtlo'
la de mawnln•, you says: 'So long,
',Gaff; Howdy. Work'!"
Heah 't* sevum 'clock, an' you's fo'
yeah, late to work! Clt up!"
Complications Pile Up
ivR. INGALLS committed murder,
mentally, and aro.. reluctantly.
Might as well M stirring before the
president of the new truck company
got mixed up In tete. Scarcely had be
donned the overeats and shoes [het
constituted dressing for him during
Um summer months. when there were
more. larger and worse complications.
Calhoun Pond, the Fourth Avenue col-
ored realtor and insurer, was eating.
Calhoun had a handful of blanks, •
fountain pec and • pracUcai mtnd.
"Mawnln', Ws Ingalls!" Ipecac
beard him greeting Susie on tbs slde-
walk as she examined her latest deal
in trucks. "I rusbes over moon's I
hese' 'bout yo' busban' gwine In busl-
ness. I rep'sents new n'u'ance com'ny
now whut ain't know 'bout him
yit. eo I c'n flit up de Insu'ance you
'Merited to need on dat truck -wed him
d,lvin' hit. Dal Ip'cac c'n have a'
automobile rnllisiOn In de middle of de
Pacific Ocean."
Ipecac disliked Calhoun Pond some
more. But Mr. Pond's sales -approach
and appeal evidently gave Susie pause.
There was too much truth in them
Ipecac's chauffeuring record was writ-
ten all over the white folk'• books In
Insurance offices -and police stations.
"I wua 'lowln' to break his back wid
• stick, If he gits 1n no wreck wid my
truck," the able -boded wife and su-
perior of the new truckman mused
sufficiently loudly for Ipecac to hear
her. "But hit sho would be nice fo'
me an' Willie to have piece of change
to spend while Ip'cac's In de hawsplal
an' can't work none."
"Sho would." agreed Mr. Pond. Then
the further and ulterior purpose of his
visit emerged In lower tones.
"Ilia Ingalls." he put It into words.
"to -morrow de Fo'th Av'nue Afro-
'Merlcan Business Men's 'Soclation
holds dey big annual open meetln'.
Ev'y member 'titled to fotch one good-
lookin' lady to de big ba'becue day
Vein' back of de Fair Grounds at one
o'clock. ip'cac be worktn' den, an' I
ax you be de lady go wid me: us be
back befo' he git done houlln'. An' I
got fine big car wld de cut-out busted;
ev'ybody know 'bout you when you
rides In dat car. Ain't need no hewn."
Smile considered.
"De ladles whut goes to de 'Soda -
Hon meetin' Is all policyholders. of
co'ee." Calhoun put In a further mas-
ter -stroke of selemanehlp
"Make dat pol'cy fo' plenty." Susie
rendered herself eligible without fur-
ther delay. "Aline give dat Ipecac big
fun'ral •n' myse'f a long trip. An' he
got to leave me handsome!"
Again. unfortunately for ipecac's
peace of mind, she raised her voice on
these final remarks to Mr Pond. Ipe-
cac disliked for her to get so definite
about his demise.
"You signs right heah." Calhoun In-
dicated professionally, spreading the
application before Susie. "And otter
dat, ev'y wreck le to' de bed. Ain't
nobody lose but whoever he hit."
Ipecac writhed Inwardly Things
esuldn't be worse. Or •t lout be
thought they couldn't. But Susie's
nut words proved his mistake They
"'Nether thing I's noticed 'bout
you." she continued. "You works best
wed a boss over you An' only time you
works deo is when he's lookin'. I glta
you • boas."
Mr. Ingalls groaned •t this newest
Insult, and awaited Du worst.
"1 settles dal wid Willie." Susie pro-
nounced his doom. "Hencefo'th Willie
be yo' foreman. an' see you ain't set
down In de shade,nowhars durin' busi-
ness houghs "
Sosis'a New Organization
IPECAC received the additional bad
now. with wretchedness. "Cash
Money" Willie Thomas. his brother-in-
law. had been the biggest advocate of
Ipecac's marriage to Susie -and had
bees living with them. board -free, ever
mince. But somehow a brother's loaf-
ing never worried • bride the way a
little rent on the part of her husband
did. Now it was Just like Hassle to
pass out a position to Willie and a
Job to Ipecac In the new trucking
Mr. Ingalls groaned some moreand
felt tenderly and tentatively of his
Susie saw him "Gat yo' hen's off
yo' back!" sh• Instructed sharply.
"Ain't nothin' de matter wid hit but
rust. from not ualn' hit none. An'.
One nothln' better lo' back-
mIs'ry like yourn Ann Isyin' hund'ed-
pound lacks of cotton -seed meal 'cross
hit reeler all day-rn an' out of of
truck." .
Ipecac said nothing. When Susle's
hands began to close and unclose that
way. It was time for doge to husurry
under near -by houses ands
to shut up -`
"Truck be heah early in de mawn-
in'," pursued Scale. "wid gas In de
tank. rarer' to' you to gut up a sweat.
'De Ingalls Truck Comp'n7. All Kinds
of Heavy Haulin' 1)14 Cheap'-dat's
Her husband winced •1 hedeacrtp
t*no Yet there was a ray of
maybe he woud get an office to sit In
"Who gwine be de hold of de rom-
p'hy?" he hazarded through his gloom
"I 1.t" retorted Stolle emphatically.
"I's de held of anything whut Yr
mixed up in! An' I ranges fo' de busi-
ness what you does. Willie. he de vic-
presdent an' foremen. An' you. Yic
de truck driver." mum-
wanted git hit straight,'
bled [pecac weakly. Times were no
better 10a0 he had Imagined. cart
"An' you wants git yo'rest big
t'nlght. 'ca'se you Aho is got
day'• work stehtire In de mawntn',"
Susie closed the dlacueaton firmly.
Ipecac awoke next morning
that something was hangingver him.
Than he rememberedthe detail's,and
looked hopelessly out of lhA
Sante was revealed as already up and
out --examining thetech- sedbefo their
truck that he SAW parkedall !pa -
front gate. and containing .-
rte's equity In • former glorious p
of ease --his tate byCla-
mminginterrupted his gazing
•t his door. "Olt up. boyI
Listen heals, WJUie
bother no rno' 'abort we;
heels • lung time!"
you len ire ew horn*. Don't
sees 1's prise to be laid up In
to'!" countered Willie Indignantly.
"Ain't nobody found out," returned
ipecac nastily.
Susie interrupted the argument.
"Willie. honey, finish up dam cakes.
Is you want some mo' cawffee e" she
began bar remarks. And, "Ipecac, quit
eatn' an' git gwine!" .be ended them.
"Heah de key to dal truck. Yo' firs'
atop'• de flat -car on dat 111 sklin' at
Fo'th Street an' 8eaboa'd Railroad.
You lays two thick planks from de car
to de truck. an' reedits ett'ctstn' wad de
blare. rollln' 'sin down planks from de
car to de truck. Don't drap ons of Vin,
or yo' time gwine be all took up wid
gltttn' hit back on de truck by yo'se'f.
Willie, you ride 'long In de seat an' see
dat h. git up a good sweat."
Ipecac swallowed RIs breakfast and
resentment. With both executives lin-
ed up against him, there was mighty
little use In the hired help bringing In
• minonty report. The truck. too. had
a lot of personal peculiarities. "Sho
gwute be hand keep Myst' Greenlnskl
from thtnkln' die heah truck b'iong
',rid de rest da Junk." he grumbled to
Willie as they bucked and rattled
through the lower streets of Birming-
ham toward the siding. Twice Ipecac
narrowly missed collisions with other
and nobler vehicles. "8ho b ambitious
truck," he quarreled. "Brakes ain't
work right, •n' 'ol gas ain't cut off
twel you kicks bit in de stomach
"Hit's insured," retorted the vice-
president airily. "But you ain't."
Susie hung around heaequarters and
listened for reports. No news was good
news when Ipecac was abroad In the
land at a steering -wheel. And the troll-
er Job was good for eight dollars, cash
money, on receipt of signed receipts.
Another good thing about Junk boilers,
they weren't perishable. Whatever
happened, they could not become shop-
worn to excess in Ipecac's hands.
Thursday, April 11, IIS►—T
By Arthur K. Akers
lett over from the previous day'. oust
teas to the truck and effected delivery
to the Junk -yard where Suer could
later collect.
"Now you eats yo fat meat an' glts
gwine un dein lamp globes," Instructed
Willie officiously, "1 guts me Ill wa'm
ba'becue an' cawflee an' French -fry
'tater* an' rawUbrald an' greens over
beak to keep up my strength while
you calla' cold 'Meat."
Ipecac. unrolling his .newspaper,crossings. .rear
realised anew that neither social nor 1 With a howl "t horror 11
n utritional equality were for him. Bo' en.dravoted to somen4 ,into the avenue
r of avoid crrtnin latrl wreCklnK on
• morning devoted to hollermuvine, I rte tailor., crowing., rte was going
Made anything short of • paving brick too
'fast out turntha- but ung he more -he t owes
tante good. And right lifter lunch I turning
thing. _ were scheduled to get a dot . Then /queerly in trient lit Ipecac
i and hie careening cargo .ot lamp
Togs. homy
tIpecac'/ aoUse the white talks !globe,
blueero5d teal Its blue wrsrriuceeeded
at the freight -house were right ready f ler him by an enveloping flame-sbt
for him. The globes were flimsily b;:t;kine.+.+ The blued thirsty roar
crated and stacked by the d,orwhete heltlnd 'him blended
the sting
6 f
loading could be speedy and their ', salrkr. r
darkhe-e •i r darkness shortly punt -
"Olt on all you can," instructed his ambulsurr hriren that seemed gom,l
foreman "De fewer de trips de better along just ahead of him.
de luck „Cautiou*ly Ipecac opened ms eyes
"An' de bigger de bust." mumbled 1 :emir
hto r •whtr-.that huNoenem againten0041s was onlyrt slightlye p
Ipecac as he stacked th,•m. I sowed. This couldn't be heaven. Ise-
,. 'Member dem lamp .h.idea ain't L esuse1 t opsit imi _1pur bad m Willie
I-ey n•
teller*" further u:.tntcvd \\'cUf. "n•' ( gravity. ipecac closed' his eyes to
krrrful' improve the vicar-. H. nurt M seaeo
"Se krrrful nil[ 1 d'ne twrrered I different pl:n•rs and he wu.t •11
me extra rebbit"A bed to de trap." I wrapped up in a lot of Miters. Then
another guna•pu itlou• glance +Rowed
street Jammed with w'hlt• talks, all
of teem hinkiin[t
started praying (of wg+ neeed of
brakes. From being afraid he couldn't
stop Ipecac began to be ntraid ht
would. At the moment the worst
calamity he could imagine would be
running out of gas
Then he looked ahead and e 1er o
d 1ptaceed
this great tear with a g
For. Just starting ,crus„ the thorough.
fare he was plunKinK down crept on•
Of the long. long freight train. that
often- tied up the mid town grad•
muttered hi. resat ,e by marriage
"Both dem feet go u:e be bus)'. tow,
when us st.ihts iii sin' de -r heah big
Vasa alis
"Step on de las an member whar
at de brake Ie," admonished Caen
Money Willie as the Lail of • moun
tain of fragile glass glebes loomed
above and behind them "An' straight
down Twentieth St.-dat new pave-
ment's smoother dare•'
Ipecac. expression indicated that
he had Just mentall, signed his lad
will and testament. Around the park
goggle-eyed and sweating. he drove
•very undue noise in or •bout the
that his was hut one 0t a long row•
of such beds. a dark face on each
white pillow of the city hospital negro
"You ain't In de truck business to
mo'," Willie greeted his feehle further •
stirrings. "De po-hi'e done hrung you
heah twel you well 'nuugh to go to
the Alehouse."
Ipecac tried to ''are and euuidnl
Being out of the trucking buenese was
a relief that tranteended all other de-
tails, past or future. He red. -Refired
to turn over and winced.
"Mighty nigh ruin me when wrecks
dat truck!" he groaned.
Extending His Convalescence
OMl•✓THING appal .1. • etertteo
"Got somep'n easy [u' to -morrow's
business.- ahs outlined. "But Ipecac truck causing him to break out cold.
IIS typpe out
of a wrrk'm growth. He
bo' got keep the eye on de street ly in excess perspiration over ■ fresh I hall an»e.
area "Dat wreak ain't whut but you!"
he dated solemnly. "Doetuhs says you
"Shet Up An' Drive!" hits de trip of ds blue car fits', and den -
oomrd Mr. Ingalls. -g-SHO is actin tunny moaned bit de 'noun' p o,d se wan' ,otskit. ..
tt ! bray, dem tarty 'globes tt'n! But all
"Shet up! An' listen to what you S IPecae sweeping the •dJacenl wua whut rome after dat whut plumb
wine do!" Instructed Willie authort- asphalt with spprehensiv Rasa rum )•uu!"
/rivets. "W•w••whut fiat'"' quavered ipecac.
"Shot up en' drive!" ordered him "Ie all dem make white folks from up
•'To -mower's de day you watch yo' superior "You done oma' dint of
Twentieth St. gat [:old me'."
a ," Slade addressed her lord and text so long you think agmep n e w rung • tehlle folks git hold of yuU?" de -
fiver. "I got de c'llldoo pol'cy. but It you ain't heah pants rntn'n on de ',Wined Willie &t111 more
dey ain't no profit In t w yo 0
Ipecac wriggled apprehensively. He
"T-t•am't )es' fiat ! chattered Iwhile -Irl 'lune got hold of you! Whut
didn't Ilk* the advance notices Slade Ipecac. "1 got • funny leelin' too.' y,.0 thick you run Into, /chow"'
was putting out about this thing. He "Hit ain't funny leelin' ails you: Ipecac closed 0'1 eyes wearily and
lied them even len a she plunged hit's funny .- look." amended %V iltle. th"ug t. bWh.nerl.•
siTbeardd dawn out thiss
further Into the details.
"You bawn fiat way -an' git • int ward wanes hu gese-a blur of blue
oases att'wehds " and cafe au last. Memory stint* within
"You gee nigh sides fo' de truck.' ..H-h-heah come To entutn St.!" Ipecac. strove on 'was counts -
she instructed. "an' stacks 'em on
gibbered Ipecac, slightly greeiah about "Hit ain't Of wreck." Willie further
Dem thing/ Is big but light. Pile em the gills "Rabbit's hoofs do yo' contributed stn the cause of accuracy
foal you glia big load. an' watch out In accidents. "Hit's whut Susie done
stuff!" to you dey gc' you In de haw•splal
!o' de trolley wires. n Before the groaning truck and tee-
truckmsn key the 1001 Rrntte. traffic;.
S to prevent ler pursuing her orlgl- mtle, keep ye m Y Jemmel slope of the City's "man
AM le cum[ 1n
nal course Indeed. the I*teet Armon- an' off Arm Rills on de n1A.•walks' stem • Ahead of thee: - '.r is the
.•in de cit •mm bits!" Willie deur
ase gwine haul"' 0.- tnqu,teo pnp•ryeel Ipecac c .1d se. winked tatingly comii:eted 1.1 case. ''Susie
over his coffee. changing lights. red ono gt. ,•n and nn' Caihuun t nod In h
"Lamp globes." snapped Susie •'Lem anti• r. at the behest of which flowed b•'herue! An some glee/ you scat -
i tars, big b„y. «hen •vnu crashes Cal-
blg White Way lights globes de whit.' 'nen 1 .sited terrifying sit rum• of. street hmun . car' hitt street ha,k Ilk. Jei
"Ain't nothln' easy 'bout work.'
doln' right smaht studyin' 'bout hit gl
ever since."
"Dat Jas' Ilk, Ipecac!" snorted 9u- k
de. "Trylo' lift a b'lcr back up old t
he mind 'stead of he muscles. Why
fln't he put he back to hit"' s P
"Weal," pondered Willie, "he kind
of cramped 'bout dat; you see. Ipecac'■ d b1 b ' load.
unde de b'ller." '
"Dat Jos' like him. too!" persisted
Susie. "Let D'il•r drap on him to keep
blm from works'!"
"I gone finish dlggin' him out. 1
soon's de sun gut lit further down,"
Willie completed Ms explanation and
outline of his plana "Day wog 11'1 low
place n de ground whar whut 'cep'
him from gittin' squashed."
His Inferior -by -Marriage t An' 1'e a•ole gas
USIL saw notated in the situation blinders fo' you. too. like of plow -
Ind on o business
pavement all time when you ndin•. "Boy you mug( got ""er early'
Whv, dei couldn't even git to you fo
"Susie!" It was ipecac's turn 11 be
startled, "Susie ain't dar! Whar
stretl00 of what Ipecac was needing
for made haste Imperative Io the mat-
ter of getting her hands on some kind
of policy naming her sole beneficiary,
at the earliest possible moment. The
boiler might slip farther. . I heah. You gas 'em from de Frteco
"How 'bout d•t c'lliesion policy!" ' depot an' trucks em croasto.n, steels -
she was interrogating Mr. Pond • ed high an' stahttn' at noontime when
rt--rldln' to
lucks puttln' up on de South Side rare "dray wagon* " •atom
trurk'. end petlrsonan* Rrvnnd.• tie
beyond lay his destination
"Now I Is) me - " .nddrnty •rW
piously howled [peeve as they neared
• red signal shin Ing ominously 'bee
fore him. Then: "I "ain't stop de
Willie looked end ,raped r,,n1110-
eoualy. He knew when to refile from
the trucking burnese.
y,'Meet you AS de place --en' Mow
you how to unload!" he yelled m mfd
Now the truck was gathering speed
Ipecac didn't relish the idea of flatlet
the pavement from It -or tet meeting hl.nk•e hl• cele. ,nih"ler.Uy w•ideh
Susie rf he dol. Frantic pggling of I r•jwn tin txkc In .' .15 hing arras nd him.
*eery switch rind button produced no Li.ten h •eh. W'hlle" hr murmurer
dr tiered effect He shut oft the gas to t:•.- haggled yl.e-president "You
and the truck wiped *heed as tnnagn c'n g'• stn hum•• Di•n `f M.' .rr nn mo
I'bmnt etre 1 erre 1's Rwln. M leld up
he had stepped on the ■cceierator In ! In heah /'long time"
•trade He Jammed on the brakes but With which rine.,rm+uitnb 'tat.-
they didn't tower. j trent. the han.inged Ipeesc settled
meFeweordk .00 stin tprctan1 h■immbe"nfunrg hl• geseffixed rhgatpepnidly'.1 rmorineetlheanperr,
� s measle girl of mane p y
over the next crossing. {oecnc V, I t:ulr.InR ei .rwA R JnPar-aP
to the color of • cooking Buse and 1 him .h•. -rd) new In the h ue•clad per•
hung on. The stern light cycl, caught' eon mf Ria nor••' .
tfbpy1 IgM. 1531/.1
him Just rn time to avoid a smash-up --_ _.-.-•-
with a moving van at the next eurm r
Ipecac glonmed forth later at the I Like a stopped clock 1p.rae was Irrmc rt
whirl of" his hated truck, Willie sir•ule right once s day. But every r.•,v„iutir” k\,J
o• the truel*'s wheels wan taking him
cigar on the sidewalk and wee demon -
deeper into the trriffie mafrA, mute ------ -
short time later. "Sho feels nervous
wldout hit. Wbut time you gwine call
fo' me to ride to de ba'becue «Id
"Jet fixln' fotch bit," Calhoun Im-
provised. "You sho Is look good in
dat dress. You gits five hund'ed
dollars, 1f Ipecac git In wreck. De
prem'ums due now, tasty dollars fo'
fo' weeks -an' canc'llable. Is de com-
Getting His Orders
A A EANTIME her mind reverted to
IVI Calhoun Pond - personally and
professionally. He had spoken of de-
livering Ipecac's collision policy to her
In person that afternoon. With Ipecac
at the wheel, Susie felt that the fore-
noon would be better. Besides, she de-
sired to see him. Mr. Pond was always
soothing to feminine eyes and ear.
Moreover, he might have his car park-
ed out front where she might get •
look •t it. And seeing would be not
only believing but enjoying pleasing
antRlpatlons of riding in 1t to the big
barbecue, beside • man who wa not
day be ready fo' 'em. An' Is you let
nothin' happen to 'ern. you gwine
heah Il'1 birds ebngtn' whut you can't
know was even Ilvin' befo'. Willie
gwine 'long to keep yo eyes off de
sidewalks an' yo' foot on de brake,
too. But firs' you gwine glt dat teeter
to' Mist' Greennskl 1"
Ipecac grew 111 -but Illness did him
no good. Susie was firm, and busl-
p'ny glt looking up Ip'cac's record. nese prospe»ts gond -for all but the
De rate's propo'tlonate to de rick, dei driver. He thought about the teefflr
pol'cy say. You sho Is cute In dat and that truck, end craved ,' methng
red bat. Call fo' you at half pas' different to haul. but without result'.
noon -time to-morrer, in my loud car." \n' nemmfnd cumin' home to no
"Take de fawty out de rive Run- dinner.' Susie added. "I ain't gwine
d'ed-you aln't have to welt so tong I to be heah--get business engagement
fiat way, «Id Ipecac drivin'. 1 De I at noon -time 'bout de tnsu'ence on yo'
ready like you say." Susie consum- 1 truck. I1 you git hongry, eat y'.'se'f
mated both deals. "An' now 'active die heah chunk of rind meat an' keep
me while I scratch up some mo' basal• haulin'."
nese fo' dat truckln' cnmp'ny. 1 1.' • With which Susie thrust • lump ut
In Alley G arose Rounds of truck- fat pork. newspaper-wtapped, into
men returning by night. Denlocrall Ipeeacer r,duetent hands, and hie day
catty and Indignantly -respectively--- and diet were disposed of. se far n'
vice-president and driver were wend- she was concerned.
Mg their homeward • ay to the even-
ing meal.
"Sho' 'its yn'Re'f good rest under
ne blocks.
dal b'iler-while 1 has walk nl
to de shade In a pool -room.'
ecutive half of the pair crib
conduct and attitude of his
by -marriage.
after a big a;wsion 1n a disiefactory.
wid vu.0 lay,n' der all hlack In • foot
of hosted white glee.' glen when
Susie .c► wIin 'twits h.t err an' Cal. -
Auun-dli *when you •tants beedn'
■rnb'lanese, ■n' ow!"
"Whar Susie eide' !" -.ipecac made
motions to rise and flee. Slur might .
not be through with him yet.
"She in de jail•hnuse.' her broth',
rrnseured him. "Fu' dl.awd'ly con•
.due', '.dull •n' hatt'ry, ruasln' a'
awff'eer, rockier& rirlvin.' r blockl•
traffi". Her •n' Calhoun fond- Cal-
houn still nein' -rime 'nuugh hall sin
he ren gut cul an' pay off Scale'-
polis so 1e e'n use del five hund'ed
tnen'ance Im'ney Yo' het bail. Dat man
.hu it busy''
liut Ipernr wasn't p'y.og 1ttention
to WI'lle any mole. Noe n•e he had
A . revinusl tan•
1 let r ik 11 pro•ehtnR
him. Willie heel found quite s long
I 1 difference between
the oxo 1
strafing the enc a ere• - c.rtAun1y Int" tb. cr,sh of his cal err By T. C. WI RR O.
r' 1 the • vier -president and w mere truck- Ipecac thought of the motion.. •nl 11.• . -
Infrrinr. driving brother-in-law with It. Ipecac
wasn't demonstrating anything, ex•
Yeah." returned the latter Miter -
load end fm yarn• no. unetieeciom• r6T' ACH to each a brother W.
with appteh,n,'rare ttelsthn•K �•
11 .,, .' In the" .rtgn NI m••n may anew
,'cpt that the truck wasn't working . had said, every word dl t5'ilhr : teas are nl My company"-
Ip c c, ufinancial
case o! accident to right
ipecac, but flnencial as well. d It If white fo'ks cautnnfnR came bark to Mm w th m• Thins the Ila•Mr long ego.
Further, nothing. dwarfed Ipecac like
standing him alongside Calhoun, phy-
sically, mentally and vehlcularly And
you never could tell what was liable
to happen. That wax why Susie had
Insured the truck. And part of why
she nought speech with Calhoun Rut
I why she decked herself ip her ftnest I •ear avoided the telephone. com-
finery for the purp us was something pa y's property by the width of •
that Hence.
nobody's and arae.
Hance. Suaie was •hortl) present smell heir. And it seemed unneere•
and prominent upon the .idewelke de. nary and unw'ar to tell • member of
voted to the darker portfnne of Bir- his wale's family why his •tient ion
mtngham'a population. heeded for had been Ro neas hieartr t1ii wan eft act -
Fourth Avenue on buelnese. andel and. ed. But nnfr atfrom Inc th.'tt read
other matters There. accidentally. tering.
she encountered the vice-president of wreck, hut from the fleeting Rllmp-e
the firm, just IeavinR a pool -parlor. he had Mid had on the sidewalk of
"01' sun so d•w•gnne' hot 1'• .h eeR- the same personable -appearing color- e telllrlg any hart her-n•Itw
1 hh h hal clo.eit hie last Ammer
was that driving so teMperamental a
"Ah' 1 been •r y
't rume 'long and pry up dal Nller 1 No Equality for Him tercet. mingled with the 11 .11 ting "1
'nough fo' me to git out. its still
dat Warr on de truck befo' Susie
her money.'
"Cut out fiat '0'. talk!•' instruc
Willie- followed by a loud' "Look
fee flat post "'
get i ti ��1f 1 ain't you Restate at fiat
Rlt : `stop sign!' questioned Willie
sharply when • Ipecac sailed Fleet one
ted •t the next intereertion.
nut ` "Fo•gits de right plere to kirk d:s
heah of truck " quarrelled Iprear
Starting o Tough Day
CieSIE signed. Ipecac sighed. and
sought breakfast.
"Caln't work on no empty stomach."
he grumbled his way Into the kitchen.
where his brother -In-law and foreman,
Cash. Money Willie. was polishing off
a pile of wheat cakes.
"Ain't nothln' drake a boy eat like
been' kin to you by ma'tage!" further
complained Write as he seated him-
self bitterly In front of s ■mailer and
colder stack, and poured black moles-
•es over them with a liberal hand
"Sade may Rn )
greeted him pleasantly but firmly. "Yin'
first job to -day gwine be haulln' scrap
boilers to Ment* Greenfnaki's junk
place. I goes 'ionR evict you to show
you tow to gat 'em up on de truck."
"110 hs'p me gat 'em up on de truck,
7411 means," corrected ipec.0
-Whitt you think • vice-pres'dent b
police whletlee the ehro•Its of the ,. a• for.,nit) !
nimoet run down and the emir) .'t'rrish•d at ed upon • stone[
honking,' of • hundrel tome nehind %me. -s In the wddernesa,
hitn. To his reat *minded the t..•r..,ra M•tthe•w. Mark, Luke and John.
01 siren, ae the mntnrcyele pot:. a carts. I - -
down from tee park hent cin _:'.ani: 1,unehed, d.•creprt '.ndwichmen.
"An' ply back noir, right::et At Ipecac • 1u:: ' 1 1 I Hohhhng through our Chrixtl•i
hit used to Jnr' brfo 1 outln' to Hearing What Hurt firm On their an.•:cl-p1lRnmage it
git broke down old. workers- tu'•h " , e
"Des, he*h light globes ailea v.. r: %it nein t . iinIe • Ilk ,p u.te•1 I Poor pale apache. of deft**.
r the vier•pr• viten, nnA foreman
Fs marked 'Handle old careWII:,•
deprecated the difficulties Ipeere wee Willie Thomas From Fourth A%e •
trying to Introduce Into his eAlllnq- ( bueiness•eeeking ernhulnnce het a little
rime •MA end followed
6n' 1 hires two) ne'p ,vnu wid d• K
fleecier'. ,t. 'Oren down with ominous i
sound. The recut green I0(0? ,'het Men
"Dat ain't whist. rider me more merely pert the heavier' triflic earner
(peen, enigmatically covered hie ceee 1n town and turtle,' him hat,* head•
long upon the •er'nd heavteal By
now Ipe0A0 had nit des, *trip For
11 .fsrthet And fsater h• 'revelled
the !odtdr the uproar int pursuit be-
hind him 1f (hoer white folks Caught
him now!
Loosened by the leecrhing and careen•
Inge as the speeding ]dr. inu,lla *nit
le th
his weld way through the teff 1
flrat crate of hie Ina' f.11 rfff-fell
crashing to %hatter into A thmotend
Unkllne hits ju+( in front of the I I%% far l'hnnti+ally'
n PPP Pet motorcycle cop ipecac didn't . A
tike this *ample of whet wan due to Pert.hed seed upon a atone:
happen the fort time hie rabbit's feet Voices In the wlllernent,
relaxed their effort,' and 1eid down on
ed get m• II'1 feat." he explain• ed girl who a ' that he h,g trouble with his burinr,.
•heenre from 10. immediate viruut) ant, n• a truck -driver. Just li king
at that girl tank Ipecac's minA r1Rht truck took up all his time. leaving
Off the road Yet he never got • gotal I none to devote to further sidewalk
look -pert a glimpse, end -
searching they
rrA-1 ink
of their business eruvity.
"DAt right, don't strain yo se f Su•
d. •equlel'd. "How Ip'ctc 'Win' on
w1d de tellers?" wreck wail the routine on those re •e ,that kept "filling hie mind.
"Not w good." the s•rnnh in rem• occasions when she Rlsh4enM hie eyes It. Meeting nonng noon when an et•
'nand reported 1111" becoming gra""I even briefly Ipr0Rr elghed and hemted Iperar ani his perspiring
and head-ahekinq. "H• git ane dam turned to earth. temporarily employed snsistant, under
b'fler' roll' up on dem planks '(wren
de car rrn' d. truck - an' de planks
busted. E'll.t drap down den 'twetn
de car as"\de truck,. an' Ipecac been
the able and strolnnan direction of
The Collision Policy
USW WAS swotting rhe firm with Foremen Willie Thomas from the
Ssupper and mors ordersaetres1 she'Ae. finally reused the boiler
t �
What care women fluttering by.
Clay se tulips In the sun'.
hent their hearts to Tenebrma-e
Life's • tango-reythmed tuns.
What to you or me strayed souls
From the Purgatorio? •
Smug-sufAdent d'lmm,as we
In •' hideous Window show.
So let sharp wends freeze their bonen.
And the Icy spears of rein: -
Let the horning asphalt make
Their poor feet 1 crush of pain
Matthew, Mark. Luke and Joba.
him. He took one look bark at •
•err, ane
Mr.. Jahn dclAo4.