The Signal, 1930-4-17, Page 3Save a Little Money by taking advantr.ge of the Signal's clubbing offers. We can procure for you almost any paper or magazine published in the continent. lona Tl® SIGNAL I'RINTIYU OU, LIMITICI, Publishers. GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, APRIL 17. 1930 HAVE YOU SEEN The Signal Calendar? One for each paid -in -advance subscri- ber. Renew your subscription now and make sure of one of these beautiful Calen- dar,. 1:It;11'r\ Tlllltlr 1 F:tlt. .seo to Insure Your Automobile with F. WOOLLCOMBE late Manua,Mani true* OFFICE. HAMILTON STREET et.ONa 2043 orit dose a Child's Col Ceo. Williams Dealer In DIM L\1(1N, PROVINCIAL. MI NI('IPAL AND CORPO- RATION BONDS Eire Accident, Automobile, and General Dunmore Areal t ltlnr.•. ne•rt 0, hank ..1 I'" inerce 1't i. 5.4 .:.nlrnch W. J. Powell Stocks, Bonds, Insurance and Real Estate Cu, Life and Fire Insurance Nelson Street, Uoelerich • Phone 292 P. O. Box 438 The Armstrong Real Estate and Insurance Agency CONTINUAL dosing upsets children's delicate stom- achs. Vicks is applied ex- ternally and therefore can- , not disturb the digestion. It acts in two ways: (1) The body heat re- leases the ingredients in the form of vapors which are inhaled. (2) At the same time Vicks "draws out" the soreness like a poultice. a OewtairCe 1CKS� VAPOR UB OMR tFM/u/ON✓ARS USEDYL4W Heseres and Lots in Goderich and Faroe for Sale Large number listed to choose from Jae( a few of the many hated. Oood 1 1-2 story house, 1 ansa .,1 and interior finishing, full modern equipped, arranged for steam heat- ing, $1200.00. Two -sexy house, fine condition, Rood appearance. I.ights, toilet, garage, BIA00.00. 1 1-2 !Rory veneered cement block house, line coalition good location full modern equipper!, easy temp for payment. Price $24MM1. Modern stucco house, complete, $3200.00. Number tine brick houses, modern equip- ped. Ask be free tical. Prices from 2b00.(0 to $4400.00. Heated apartment to rent. Fine 2 -stay red brick hollow, modern egaipped. 2lots., 1 1.2story good house, I 1.1 snap. Fine cottage. eleear Square. 2 ',to. 314tH, modern equipped. Farms-Itlrge number listed for sale. Special -100 acres choice land, with 40 scree valuable timber. rind buildings. (,'lose to village of Varna, Huron County, 4 miles to R. R. *talion, close togood markets: Price $4400.00, $1000 C1111111. 200 acres clay loam soil, 741 acres tim- ber, 1-2 mike to school, clew to good village., 12 mike to tioderich. P 'rice ' 341000.(11. Easy tenn,. 100 -acre. farm, 5 1-2 miles fr (io,ierich, good btiklinga, will exchange for town property or sell. rase terms. Price $X2011. See or write J. W. ARMSTRONG Real Estate Box 89 Goderieh 1 Automobile Insurance Fee our rates before placing your Automobile Insurance. Insure with Companies that pay their losses. J. W. Craigie Real Estate aad isastraace B. C. MUNNINGSTELLS SIGNAL READERS OF TRIP TO OKLAHOMA Marvellous Development Gni-t: On in Whst a Few Years Aso Was Indian Territory Before leaving with Mn'. Munising. tied lows Theresa on his visit t.. 4►klu Immo, Mr. It. 1'. l* uuhings was asked by 1t1e Signal to send some notes .,f Fresh Bread Baked Daily That's what you get when ordering your Bread from Cleveland's. It contains the purest ingredients known to bakers. Buy a loaf today and taste the difference. We specialize in Cream Goods of all kinds E. U. CLEVELAND Phone 114 West Street Of Interest, to the Busy Farmer Furnished by the Ontario Departtnent of Agriculture K Large Apple Orchard • A Remarkable Crop Norfolk Orclarda Limited operate ,In 1111_19 James !L-Kitlek of Orton in Weill" .on .,nosey harvested 511 bag•, of Iu11rk'1ilIle potatoes off two acres. The field in which This remark- able crop was gruwia Weis of 'it light beim. The potatoes, whf.•11 were of the Green 4lomotain variety. were Mauled on June 141. after a .wets a lot. -r pas- ture had been turned under iia th.' •slue crnb trees. fall along will, about Urn tun, of barn- whit':is probably the largest acreage pp of ale orchard under one wuuage- Incnl in Ontario. They have 225 levees of bearing trees, lucblot* usesluding a solid blu of 140 m. 11htea, consist toot try of geek' varieties. sti.•11 as Spy'. Ilakiwin. tit -vetoing. M.clu'o-h. Setirle't Beauty, Uuehess, Wealthy. etc. In this there Is 'ripe and 'lye responds with the " m• blurk of 1.. Ily p • Lotter luta at 44k4ahnlla i Harvey L John-oia• of SIIIHM •. The of Imo Immo& to the *ere ur + --1u hop a hdlowiiiTho uuoagcr of 1111. bmanure ar•hunl is yard Isar Herr. 1u application City, April 3rd: 1 arop Is sold by the Norfolk Fruit centimes -MI fertilizer was.• 11111410 after leaving.Jura n fes' Ills ns promised before Groover.' .\sser.•ialtuu. planting. The crop Ona. ipnty.d for lute blight every two weeks after the AD:er waiting for week, to make Situation leriour potatoes were up six or right nuclei -A. our trip. we eau into 110• w.,rvt .now- Dr. J. F'. nasal', heat ..f `he newly - it Cleaning of Seed General store of 4'hbage. in '114' city'. history. organized e,.uawl' brauell .ef the Dom•Ph.• mea bulletin fed the tint week rwvlur ,uuwel eoutiuwllly for Iwo 11144111 1MIN1rtu1,ut of .\gl.ultavr. iia 111 .\p.ril stresses the general turn of dry.. The train was very la's, but I addr•s,.ing tbr,nudutil wer•:lug yd, 1110 th,t:ario farmer. toward IIs• cleaning we euJoycd the radio in the olws•rv11• O. A. 1': Alu11,ul .\-wo•fletiou at roruu- 4f scot Inquiries in Ihlffecl have I' ear for nearly three !weirs I etor.. to, uffw-.d soitie suggestions for flel1- arriving at 'he station• lair with :'hr present erls►s. Ile did not 111..4 uuun,•nna. for geHNl wird of stand - ,„„,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,f making inquiry as to w'IN'tl our try to minimise tate s.•rirNlsmle. 11( aM yurieties. In 141uNlas the unser- arriving at would leave we ventured sou the economic situnttw. Int: sugar st.1 I lafsoty ed rice Milk market situation Is and vlsl'.rl wane of tie. larger stores. Ilett ^hr Ire`t ihing 4„ do NII' to Iavi'g le very d.•preiwaing effect on (Motor earn were floundering In snow cut the cepa( ..f pruluctlou, dkerif> rleoohetl11n. The .I .rage prim remised nineteen iueares deep. amines. stars farmfur where :111- sun. out being at a ale of Ilulsteiu. lar Durham was were out able to wove. an.l elevated dune, I0 toady local .wuditinus, and set at $14 r. .\ shortage of grain Iv In- reareles were• oyererowelw1, .w, Ne• had turn production study 'o snit, U1 devrlevr ere-. dlcuUrl In F'rs4tew.•, while a heavy to forego our :rip to the pont )eIrt „gy.ra.tly.' m11rkitiug lewd lady ogre at: ble'ouuld i. IN•iug (wade for g's14 seed We' let the .ley a tea . wy• of the city at 41,1.. time.. :motion to quality and a.heerll1lng. ours and barley. F•xeeptloianlly favor \\' I 1 1 t'rn elle• n'aarrls fr sheep flock musters htK, our (min moans alongside the The Royal Trip hove !Norio received from 4.1,')'. 0'11111• all 'Chicago Inver, ..r uNrr1• rlcetltly eta' The regulations lti,rcnatfg the mu• lucre:Isar] acreage lar spring wheat 1. l'hk•ago dralrage conal, earrylni the I.••.t by whp.1 (N,ys farm all ►+arts of i reported in Ilastir>g'. S•tbfpweuts of much-WU:wl-.rf o ule•u water. of the (liatnrto Bill be :be guest: of the Ilia:, Weston .1101,41.%Hess warring a slow sale (insist laked, It was a 1leWsant cur- turiu Department of Agriculture u: they 1(1 111111•011. W11110 hl I.uld.tun aced. prise text atm -Ding to see 'tie 811411 Itoyil Winter 'Fair next hall s^►pwsltite- grails l'' lel"t1' plentiful nun' was ex • wieot-fke•kI'• w•tth cattle grrzlug 1111 that the .mutes'. is open to farmers ) :hem. At N 8.01; We arrived at lianwls Hutt farmers' sons who have not BIs1.L 6'IRa1T All►B11t8 ('ltj';•left at 9.34111.01., travelling ahong reaches! bele twenty-first birthday uu - the • very fertile volley of Katlea., Noc4'mlo'r 1st. dud 111 Ise 'digitate to ' Per Scor: the Ita•ll T1•leph11tx Center lUvrr fur seeertll Mrur.. anal pawsing take part M the tompMltiut they of ale :a'. helTeANrentre hnnlgh ,the very pretty cky of must submit, senor stccement as to titre' has..101111 first Hid Ambulance Asso ht- ItlNTe•la\•, 1111 through a title ri'lllnR (lar ono of p.r.wtncli.rt 114 .erm1• term providedin Ontario on prairie eeruiatry and the eitk. of Fie- crop or .pw.ro'iun. The arrangewett., n�teleepphe. le, i not unusual In real r. {Herta. To1N•km. Flurelr•e 81141 Newt/m provide fur Ihr following u.rowm.Nlaof an - whe•n• our train was dlvkled, 1g1to 4th. thins while in Toronto free .0' 1Jltlrgl•: ofY11 4.'t,hrlrtll' 1an aman t the sceaidne uutll hag dir.rly Nest and we going south.lbtllw•ny fent to and faun the' city: Prom Newton south 'u W'tlhita and Indian( aeCopnmoshaaan for tour n doctor arrives. The Company's an - fine and prr.erspe looking es/nutty,a•. City we welt through a eery eights: nerals while In Toronto: an mudl report, jar. published, says that fu.' extensive and eitally interesting pro` over S:II)4) employees were sn/,ro+ful In we crass coming un utnnY the time 9111111: :ratMsportation while -tarrying first aid examinations d'lrlug the part r out the program arranged. year, Mud that nearly 7.54M1, or ti3 per we .•rres4' the afore Lyne Into 111118• q ern cell'. of the Bell's regular mule staff. p.m.. We sgallarrived In 'he city at 1J•3'O are now quulifled. first alders. Lams, flnding all well. IMant More Trees The Big Oil Gusher There are thousands of :teres of gusher, In feet, the world's biggest- pn.tn1}re that might w'•" ire plan'ed COl[PETITION FOR 1930 fkvwing :tile held. per hour. The oil to f0r,e4'r...1. Any r,-ddent 111 4)ntar- p141ed' high lira Its' air 11114 rq'ray I. Duty obtain each year fret of (large Huron county had a small retire - was carried three to four miles wean ui p, 3500 trews aur r('4'1"st1"44 •'in .coin^ton In the 1rocinclel bacon 11t - the wind was high. It WA. got uiadrr ado "Imla-ter eempetitlon kart year, there lw•lug cwlnrl Se'ttrday'. but bre oy :Ion axes ran also be (oh - bin lona... rent again uatnl 1 for win hen. four entries. However. in spite ot MMNNlay, ,cnatIns 1t very dnngeosls situation' If by any means a fire got stared. The Icahn.- are not encased within a mile. Tilts Heid 1. e„usl,Mred the biggest pnsllor•r he tae world.. The -re are 1100 Cut ('est of Produelisa or more cells drilled in reedy for Wile it gradual .bolo in the level again this year. The (object Is to octets - ' operation, hr_ only ;s1 rt of thew are of lour( funs presln•e pries In the 11-11 a standard of exowlletee for grade allowed to 'welshes. at H time. ass aN pea,( few• year, the /rest of prostuc' brood SOWS kept by the farmer. 14 Is to prevent flooding'market. erket. Charlie tion m again 4ss„ms a %Yaw•u p factor In rgni el that Show. brood saws 1 e;fruit sacs t., tell Mr. Bailie •w9at •grkaltnrnl operations. One very whfeh are prolific. an4 rear Large 11'- wv saw in Texas 41414.. art by nal MtgI factor 111 redwing the costsart torr of select hugs, that are Rowel fl means (rompers.4'1'11 this wonderful field. Wellsm,u n 6(1 to 7!0)41 feet to what 1. elnlme! to 1N• an almost he exhales Nd.' "ntely, attracting oil 'nee and others from all farts of the e,untry. This of .ours.' 1• cresting ' a .]•man] for 'senses and uffs4'ting the lm4mploynwnt 'ittatleen very large- ly. .\n a.lnnlutamw here sold his se- acre/fairy and chicken run fora large sum re-editing um -eighth royalty. Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada 1929 - Prosperous and Progressive - 1929 New Assurances paid for in 1929 ..• Total Assurances in force, Dec. 31, Assets at December 31st, 1929 .- A safe and profitable company Office 115 PH(mli" : Reridence 541+ H. $ 654,451,000 - 2, 401, 237 ,000- 568,197,000 in which to insure. R. LONG, District Agent See 1.8 Friday saw 41rnr uul 4•. sem the bag ah laud on Ontario farms a are note- BACON LITTER L Drowsiness is dangerous. Weary miles Kent atones.and the day is brightened when you have Wrigley's with you. Its sugar peps you up. Its delicious flavor adds 10 any enjoyment. dbre'ltks. These trees are dlstrllrutwl in the spring only, to those who moldy to the Ontario Fur- er•lry Branch, Parliament Untidier., this small entry, there were two p1s.Mimter• fr1Nr1 Huron, Mr. Jun. 1'.jper of-Klppen, *wood prize, Hud Mr. Lk,yd Sods -loner of. ltayfield. fount (.1.121•. 'Phis cotopetltlun will he conducted SPEP NATIONAL PA Visit Canada's great mountain country this summer. See the mighty scenery of our Far West. Make jasper Park Lodge in Jasper National Park your mountain headquarter. Ride, climb, swim, golf, tennis, motor, explore. PACIFIC COAST On to the Pacific ... A SOO mile trip from Japer ... past towering Mount Robson following the turbulent F River to Vancouver. Every turn a new thrill .. • every mile a vista of spectacular beauty. or ALASKA A 1,000 mile boat trip from Vancouver through the colorful inside Passage. glaciers, the Klondike. Skagway. Gorgeous scenery , Congenial fellow -travellers. Tours may Ice made by various routes. Pelt InforT.11r.n end 11.11,,11001111111.11,,110011111Ono, .n• Agent of C'.noedi.n National Railways. eee. anadian ational a pnoludlon, the very foundation of all ars making good gains at n low cost. agrialltnre. is better ....t. However. orevlelllalde• as iniproVers of ,om- nef ulnnau•ly when a luau ore" his menial hoes. Tlolr ermpotltluu alms own seed. are the bulk of tho'a1•' to K.4 1. sneh SOWS prominmtre and to torment ale, there Is n» selling and els-enrage tis' breeding of hog' of more Moue• nee government reit-Witt' and thrifty strains of high quality. me A result very lit 1e atterltinn 1. .else Live Stock Branch. Ontario Oe - pallet to grade. (holy 'Neel that Ions part meta of • Agrlenit,,r,, and the been clewuerl tap W mw+' a e•rtain I8.minion Live St leek ler:nleh. Federal grade •Ir4 4onhrrnlel w•1th very strict Department of Agrk•ulture. Ottawa, r•gulntb,n" 111 reward 1.1 8axion, ' are co els•rating In offering $275 prize 4•hleh nets him several Inenelnd dol- -awls Is allowed :o be sold legally in e,ne lar., per day. and Not recurs. this 1.1 (•,mala. Had yet, In sprite 11f till efforts Thr mires are xo follows: 1st $:5; I .mly one of the msng. In protect hem, :he average farmer -21„4 $o -i : :Irl SW; 4th $22; 5th 521 Man•AIeui Development goes ahead JInd uses ungraded tend very' f;1h $LV; 7411 $211; Nth $13; 9(411 $t5 i There are ninny Impmtp ceeia•M going 0ft01 51,1.1. en, sewers. pavements, etc.. Wring put in. and a number Of very expensive rrsldetnes wooing up. There is an ail- ' prvolathen of alonIMN1 for nn addition to 'hr airport. A drive just .ompletwl for the Y M.C.A. went over the top We carry a good stock of. Electrical Appliances, Fixtures, etc, Electric Wiring ot All Kinds 4-,ts- mat 4neia oar application Frank McArthui West Street Electrical Shop Telephone 82 Godench -BRED - TO - LAY Barred Rocks BABY CHICKS - Ilk each; 517 per hundred Express prepaid 100 leve arr,val guaranteed Special low prices to those who can call for them. :GCS FOR HATCHING 75c per 15; 54 00 per hundred. CUSTOM HATCHING -We can take in a limited number of eggs at 4c per egg. KHAKI -CAMPBELL DUCKS lay more anth d larger eggs an hens One of these ducks recent- ly made a record of 357 eggs on 365 days at the Harper -Adams 'eying test in England Eggs$1 50 per 12. 55.00 per 50. C. A. BAXTER R R No.5 - GodsendsPhone Carlow 1704 Coal and Wood Genuine Hard Stove Coal Chestnut Coal Pea Coal Coke Pocohontas (2 by 4 egg) 1 can supply your wants in any of the above fuel Prompt service and reasonable prices. L FLICK Telephone 1 sj (ioderich melt reed. loth $15; ll:h 115: 12 s rh 545; 1.011 ..1.11: I Ith 2415; 15th $1:11. rd Spray Merviee Any ienu.'ffde farmer Is eligible to The ember o Ispar mew of Agra make entry. The date oef farrow tut a, hlrre ha• extender] the orchard and tun't -hoe between Manch 1st and .1 11 spray ....raw to the 11..111111P.11..111111P.at 14111.' 1s4 and rutty furor. tnmt he fl.rward- dns, Prince F4lw9lrel, Hastings, (;res. sal within !WV 4.11 days after da'.. of lest ..wet. A new hey el twenty•ftve Northumberland.Ihlrhanr, ]'eel. ILO- farrowing. stories high started; a pork .•x;w'ndI-I ton. \\'e•Nwor'b, Liiroln, Brunt. L1 order to qualify there must he at t»re of $44W).(N0I ask..) for; H wonder- 1 \1id41ew•x, Welland. Norfolk. Lamb- least nine pigs raise) to dlarketing . fill new golf club house Just leing' toil. Iltrro11..91tm•e'e South, 4►xfe.rd and •g,• nod at least 341 per cent. matt ewgrk:erl ; n riff generating plant telElgin. Agricultural repro sentalv.' grade as fe•leet baron. supply the city's wants, lmrna' 11gl and spray su;wrd'or" of these Iralll- The awards shall be based on 'he the capacity nearly ten 'Imes. It dont ties met with various speclalI•ts and ..1.14111, size, finality and eniformlly stem n1'101441'11 when y01 eou.likrj,officials who assist with this service of the litter. that this very ground wits an Indian gal V111011 WI during the fist w')sk 111 let clew of fir incl that 1hem is no herVege 1111 t0 'sur Into n dice n• .tp11 April at n confring t to ,II'.-n.s oar' e.x;n•nw to the IpvrlManf In .onnel- 3'L'ted. Petit Now there is rt elty all uud means for improving 4li service tion with the epetition. and that 5l4,4NMI ;xvnolntim with spl•nd111 rill wan. Professors Caesar ;size+ are sulestn1N414- there should. t I err+ piers• '4.1°""`''I 1 H itt of u A. 1' are the dire, ;,e n goosed 4'utry and same very iN•nes hospitals nuher.ltf. tars hi „harp • n• OUT-OF-TOWN ]:AL1 -i VUIC:ICaIt Abele CNY�•'KN Ta -AN YVLIi hnmes, ms n . chnrche's, Mel ane a, of this 'en'te• iia 11,.' Neill remelts obtllim•d frons soul, n State capitol, 'tr.' - and boulet'Hrdr 1 Province. All growers video- really fe,e1414I tlnn. app that would do credit -0 any city. w'nnt t.. make their orchards ;fly- and For farther information and npv The weather is wonderfully fine nndl who sore willing te. folium' t1,.4'141 -ATI" .11411)41 forms apply to Ih•pnrtns•nt of sur are euJuying our stray veru nun•h.' spray' rMl.'n41nr nml rposlnl dire t1, .i ,\grtenF tear, Clinton, Ont. Te•mpwrn 11re 74 degree til :he sla•ne.-ileo be the spray snperclw.rs rue f 1 LOST POUNDS OF FAT the In=t few days. obtain this' sercie free 11 charge - __ . - --- -- -- they apply before .\qMl '/1►. y •Care of i,wew To it IMrge eat. -let the •nares. nn ; ,milts 11f sheep�rni•iog de• etion 111.' the Caresso,...0 t;' r.p of, well Il. ire 11g the bombing I,11w1 be/11111y Iambs 111.144)" YIN'e'P�•, Irtlt n ;wart. crap. Invariably me:I1,s n loss. 'leen] 'ro'eulent feed with a rea- sonable am0n1t of grunt should he fel DO YOU SUFFER FROM , CONSTIPATION? Countreas remedies are advertised the ewes booth iefern• and •after Lau for constipation. Many relieve for 11814 and espw4'inlly while nursing the the moment but they are habit form- 1 lamdn. In order to a0ppt7 an al onud- ing and must -he continued. Others mice of milk and keep 1111• vom,gstl•r' contain calomel and dangerous min- coming along• eral drugs, which remain in the sys- tem, settle in the joints 'and cause aches and pains. Some are harsh purgatives' which cramp and gripe and leave a depressed after effect. Avoid lubricating oils which Only grease the intestines anti encourage Reed Program Endorsed ',Mn11Mrs of the agricultural advis- ory committee of Elgin county at fihelr Annan' awning early in Alert] en- rlxoe) the e•itrying 11114 of n se.l gralit surrey as provosts! by the agricultiIrn'1e nature's machinery to become lazy. regxesentHlve, F. S. TllomH'. A ptrely vegetable laxative such survey 11, to be made to an effort to as Carter's Little Liver Pills, gently Improve the efll*INy of 411re s.re.d grain toddies the liver, bile starts to flow, grown to tete ernnty and to ttleree'se, the bowels move gently, the intestines ! grown1inn. Mr. Thmm�. to (rte ss t0. are thoroughly cleansed and cnnstipa- work thrrnl,h ental seh.sds. and the tion poisons pass away. The stomach, aPttkyr pll4)Jb4 will he n1•ke1 ((1 t .-'(w'r' liver and bowels are now active and ole by fi,rnhshitg snmpd►w of the cmt' the system enjoys a real tonic effect,and (bavtewwd y being ary as s•on their All druggists 25c and 75c red pkgs. I pstrentf' farm„ tits spring. a 4 in 2 short week$ Knuehen Sans wifl give many • fat person a jo oris surprise. You fan knock Isar H off your weight and yenta orff your age this safe and easy way.Every mmorning take " the little flatly dente of Knaw hen in a glare of hat water before breakfast. This will Mean - t11a1 every particle of poise i ,u waste matter acid harmful said) and gars is teeing expelled fmm the av,leen. They ate the ('sur of all the trouble I.re.:snre they remain in the fystem and fea11mu- late in the fern' of esccaa, 4)nhe%1Itl.y tat. •' 1 have lost 'several pxrands in law than 2 week*. It is an safe sad easy. No (reeling. nu drop. 1 have trent several • other ways. lout with no good result*. Knus•hen is all you el it to he." E. Mrs. . 11, . After three of rout weeks of the little ,1,11 fns•. get .wt U' 4111' sales sad are how many 4Henrtria of fat yu4) have WM.' Your nlirror also will 1e•11 y,.11 what y.n1 '- have gained in health 'and vigenrt. 1 Yew ryes will sparkle. your )kin will rte clearer, you will feel oN.lodw•\ally yn;thfell and energetic. . you will feel many pounds lighter and many >ears, 1 younger.' die Nicest Remembrance of All I.0NG distance call - - that 1K tarries your voice, your IWrs.nality -- is the finest re- membrance you can Send on a birthday. anni4crxlry or any o•hcr occasion. It carries a touch of intimacy no other re- nttmbrau'e can bring. • Awl what other gift could .you send that would et." you w tittle and gite ea much pleds- urc. Just 101 1ncr t:3: lirng distance efts in r'x -!runt of your tcle;itrone book and Hutu the' untr•uall, logy c.,,t since the stscat 4.4.1 ►edue:ion,. Call ht nurfther .,gid te•11.the. 1011" 1 1,...c . e. ass... ; -anyone e• ^a'c, you the lots rla..un 4 '-....50 1 rate. Jf you ca?'after ' in the even-. inh the test will he .l.w:ut /14 lowyr I an the day ratet and (mien 44.344 (+.m. 1(4 -1.1) a.m. the tate is allot': half Il:e day rate. (Thc',e rtYtictie •s ahl,l, on "anyone" 1.11, 011?•..) Long distance end ty is quicker, chtalxr and enure dependable than ever Ix•fore. (311 f3irtLays Ow Aawerto.i s To Wisb Bos Vowed' To Renee Feieadsltipt • ;'Mrs John M,•I,4tsl ..m• me*, e-, anew