HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1977-06-29, Page 16Canada Week
June 25- Julyi
Semaine du Canada
25 juin —le' juillet
The Council for Canadian Unity. Le Conseil pour l'unite canadienne.
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YOUNG - to Mr. and Mrs. Donald
Young of Thornhill on Saturday,
June 25, 1977 in Toronto General
Hospital, a daughter, Jessica, a
sister for Kevin and Brian.
BUTTON - Roy and Lori are
pleased to announce the birth of
their daughter, Deanna Michelle, 6
lbs. 13 oz. (3,110 gms.), June 14,
1977 at Vancouver General Hospit-
al, Vancouver, B.C. A first grand;
child for Mr. and Mrs: F. H. Potter
of Vancouver and a 4th grandchild
for Mrs. Marie Button of Blvth.
ZINN - to Debbie and Garry Zinn of
Ingersoll on Tuesday, June 21.
1977 in Ingersoll Hospital. a son
Garett Dwayne, 10 lb.
ADAMS - George and Donna
Adams, R. R. 1 Dungannon, •are
happy to announce the birth of
their son David Michael on Friday,
June 24, 1977 in the Alexandra
Marine and General Hospital,
Goderich, a new brother for
Steven. Proud grandparents are
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Adams and
Mr. and Mrs. Vern Bean.
DAUPHIN - Gary and Heather
Dauphin. R. R. 3 Lucknow, are
proud to announce the arrival of
their daughter, 'Rebecca Nicole, on
Thursday, June 23, 1977 in
Wingham and District Hospital. A
wee sister for' Holly and Sarah.
JOHNSTON - Loraine and John
Johnston are pleased to announce
the arrival of their son, Allan John,
on June 14th at Henderson
Hospital, Hamilton, a brother for
Joyce and grandson for Wm.
Johnston of Ashfield.
CRANSTON - to Mr. and Mrs.
Cecil Cranston of R. R. 2 Auburn
on Saturday, June 25th, 1977 at
Wingham and District Hospital, a
daughter, Tennile Louise.
KING - to Mr. and. Mrs. Brian King
of Teeswitet on Saturday, June
25th, 1977 at Wingham and District
Hospital, a daughter, Annetta
Happy Hearts
Regular meetings for the Ripley
Happy Hearts Club cease for
summer months, but members are
not idle. Two sets of Shuffleboard
are in full swing at the Complex'
under the direction of Reg Godfrey
and Frank Scott. The Zone Picnic
was held on June 21st at Holstein.
Three car loads went from Ripley.
It proved to be a most enjoyable
day. The vice-chairman, Fred
Oehm of Hanover, acted as a
capable chairman for the program.
Facilities were excellent but the
grounds did not lend themselves
for games, so a fine program was
presented in the Park Hall. Mrs.
Wm. Arnold of. Ripley spoke on
behalf of the Zone Executive and
introduced Mrs. Henry Illerbrun of
Mildmay who, reported Clubs hid
been prompt in sending her fees.
This makes a treasurer's task much
easier. The new secretary, Wesley
Osborne of Kincardine. also spoke
briefly. Ripley's ' share in the
program included a sing song led
by Reg Moore and accompanied by
Mrs: Roy MacKenzie, and singing
by a group called the., Three Plus
One, or known as Mrs. Donald
Blue, Mrs. George Sutherland,
Mrs. Peggy Chapelle and Reg
On June 23rd, 'a Bruce Coach.
Lines bus, took' 47 Senior Citizens
on the•annual bu.s trip. This year,
they travelled to Midland, boarded
the Miss Midland for 'a 3-hour
cruise among the islands in
Midland Bay and Georgian Bay. It
was a beautiful day and a lovely
cruise, and all were most impres-
sed with the beauty all about.
Arrangements were in charge of
Reg Godfrey and Mrs. Marjorie
Next comes the Euchre Elimina-
tion Party on June 29th in charge of
Jack Blue, and Frank Scott: The top
winners will compete in Kincardine
in August. Arrangements have also
been made to have a Senior
Citizens Sunday on July 10th in
Knox Presbyterian Church.
Mrs. Roy MacKenzie was host-
ess for a directors meeting
recently. Programs for next year
have been planned. The Senior
Citizens are intensely interested to
know improvements are being
made at the' former Huron Church
Cemetery. Many have relatives
buried there. This is an important
part of lOcal heritage.
JUNE 1957
Rev. G. W. Kaiser of R. R. 2
Sarnia accepted the appointment as
pastor of the Ashfield United
Church Circuit and was to assume
his duties July 1st.
The Kairshea Women's Institute
set up a scholarship of $50.00 to be
awarded to a Lucknow District
High School student from Home
After ninety years in the milling
business, Treleaven Milling Com-
pany had steadily been catering to
a growing feed business. The point
was finally reached where it
became necessary to build, or to
dispose of idle flour milling
machinery to provide room for the
feed business. The latter was
decided upon and the manufacture
of flour became something of the
past. .
JUNE 1937
F. T. Armstrong dispo;,ed of his
Lucknow Jewellery Business to
William Schmid of Hanover. Mr.
Armstrong had conducted the
business for twenty-five years, but
was continuing on full time with his
optical business.
Lucknow was gayly decorated
with flags and bunting in honour of
" the coronation of King George VI
and Queen Elizabeth. Special
church services and social func-
tions were held to honour the
event. In honour of the occasion,
the Lucknow Horticultural Society
planted a dozen shrubs and trees
on the ToVvn Hall lawn and around
the cenotaph. A red maple, so
popular at this time. was among
the trees planted.
A rare occurrence - the birth of
twirl colts, took place on the farm of
Eldon„Miller, concession 13, West
Wawanosh. Rarer still is it for such
twins to live, and after surviving for
three days, one of the pair died.
Miss Farlinger and her class are
'going to the Metropolitan Toronto
Zoo on Monday, June 20.
The grade one class are off on a
field trip to Sunny Valley Game
Farm .on Thursday, June 16. We
are leaving the school at 9.30 and
hope for a nice day.
Everyone has been doing final
tests and are glad they are drawing
to an end.
Field Day and Play Day are our
next "big days” for 'the Primary
JUNE 1917
At the annual meeting of St.
Helens Women's Institute, the
following officers were elected:
President, Mrs. Archie Anderson;
1st vice president, Miss M.
Murray; 2nd vice president, Mrs.
Ed McRoberts; secretary-treasur-
er, Mrs. R. K. Miller; district
representative, Mrs. Ben Naylor;
organists, Misses Little and Mc-
Quillin; auditors, Mrs. David Todd
and Mrs. W. I. Miller; directors,
Mrs. James Gaunt, Mrs. Joe
Gaunt, Miss M. Campbell, Mrs.
George McRoberts, Mrs. George
Webb; program committee, Mrs.
D. McDonald, Misses Little, M.
Webb, E. McPherson, A. McKen-
zie. The Institute sent to the Red
Cross Society in May - 85 pair of
socks and 47 pairs of pyjamas.
REPORTERS: Lori Roberts and
Sheila Osborne
We would like to congratulate
Mrs. Burns on the arrival of a new
baby boy.
Your loss
your gin.
paRnji :=7
f=itness. In your heart yOU krum it's right.