HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1977-06-29, Page 14Married In Wingham
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A double ring .ceremony was
performed May 27 to unite Lori Lee
Henderson of Kitchener and John
Robert Bushell of Mississauga.
Their marriage took place in the
Wingham Presbyterian Church and
was officiated by Rev. Robert
- Parents of the bride and groom
are Mr. and Mrs. John Henderson
and Mr. and Mrs. Morley Bushell,
all of Wingham.
The bride, given in marriage by
her father wore a long white gown,
hand crocheted by her mother. It
featured an empire waistline ac-
cented by rosettes and a rounded
neckline. The sleeves belled from
the elbows and also had rosettes
above the bells. The floor length
veil was topped by a cap with
rosettes matching the ones on the
Town & Country
Wingham Club
On Wednesday evening, June
15, the Lucknow Town and Country
entertained around 40 members
from Wingham Senior Citizens.
President, Pharis Mathers, wel-
comed everyone. • Mrs. Ted Rice
and Mrs. Anna Johnstone led the
singing of 0 Canada and the theme
song. A short program followed.
Mrs. Rutherford gave a piano
selection. A group of ladies1 Fanny
Wraith, Mrs. Bob Reid. Mrs. Ellen
Cardis, Mrs. Mamie Henderson,
Mrs. Gibson, Helen Thompson,
accompanied by Elmer Umbach,
gave some • song selections. Mrs.
Wilbur Brown gave a reading. A
violin selection was given by Ed
McQuillin. accompanied by Mrs:
Rice. Mrs. Anna Johnstone sang a
solo accompanied by Elmer Um-
bach and a duet was sung by Helen
Thompson and Elmer Umbach/
The program was closed by The
Queen. A delicious lunch was
served by the committee and cards
were played. A very enjoyable
evening was enjoyed by all present.
At the May 25th meeting of
Town and Country, Ruth Thomp-
son showed slides .on her trip to
Africa. A few tables of cards were
also played that night. A word of
thanks was giv.en by Mrs. Pete
MacDonald and a gift presented to
dress. She carried a nosegay of
pink roses.
The bride'S attendants wore rose
coloured, polyester jersey dresses
with attached short capes and they
carried baskets of dried flowers.
Maid of honour was Miss Lynda
Hohner, 'Kitchener, friend of the
bride. . Bridesmaids were Miss
Margaret Bushell, sister of the
groom, Miss Janet Morris, 'Kitch-
ener, friend of the bride and Miss
Ellen Rodgers, cousin of the bride,
was junior bridesmaid.
Rob Young of Mississauga,
friend of the groom, was best man
and the ushers were Bill Bushell,
Blair Bushell, brothers of the
groom and Tim Henderson, brother
of the bride.
Steven Sallows, organist, played
and sang "I -Can't Help Falling In
Love With You"' and "If".
The mother of the bride wore a
mint green polyester jersey v-neck-
ed dress with matching tailored
jacket. The groom's mother wore a
pink polyester satin dress with
attached shoulder flounce.
A beautiful rosebud cake, made
by the groom's mother, was shown,
at the reception at the Wingham
On leaving for the honeymoon up
north, the bride wore a blue knee
length dress with a v-neck and
braided belt and the groom wore a
cream coloured suit.
The bride was honoured at
showers given by her former
roommates, Misses Jeannette Barr
and Susan Wilson of Kitchener; her
maternal grandmother, Mrs. John
Gerrie of Harriton; Wingham
neighbours Helen Lee, Ruby Mc-
Lennan, Shirley Sallows and
Maude Schiestel; the groom's
aunt, Mrs. Don Bushell of Holy-
rood; and friend of the bride, Miss
Linda Hanula of Wingham.
Mr. and Mrs. Bushell are 'now
residing in Mississauga.
Mrs. Jerry O'Connor, formerly
of Kingsbridge, passed away in the
Wingham and District General
Hospital on Thursday, June 23 in
her 89th year. Her body rested at
the R. A. Currie and Son Funeral
Home in Wingham from Saturday
afternoon until Mpnday morning
when the funeral Mass took place
in the Sacred Heart Roman
Catholic Church at Wingham.
Officiating clergyman was the
Reverend Father A. Sonderup,
Parish Priest. Interment was in St.
Joseph's Cemetery at Kingsbridge.
Reverend Father Ed Dentinger,
C.R. officiated at the graveside.
Pallbearers were Cyril Austin,
Donald Frayne, Harold Sieman, L.
G. Bryce, Jirn Rutter and Gordon
Mrs. Jerry O'Connor, the former
Catherine McKinnon, is survived
by one sister Annie McKinnon of
Wirigham and several neices and
nephews. Those nieces and neph-
ews attending the wake and the
funeral were Reverend Sister
Catherine Mary Lannan of Toronto;
Reverend Sister Mary Zinimerman,
Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Lannan, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Bill
O'Brien, Goderich; Mrs. Mary
Wain, Kitchener; John and Alec
Sproul, Wingham; Mr. and Mrs.
George Skinn, Wingham; Mrs.
Agnes Lannan, Sarnia; ,Mrs. Jean
Skinn, Wingham; Mr. and Mrs.
John Kilgallin, St. Mary's; Mrs.
Walter Kilgallin, St. Mary's. Lunch
was served in Sacred Heart Church
basement following the ceremon-
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Captein of
Sacramento, California and former-
ly , of this area visited with their
many friends at Kingsbridge
during this past week.
Mrs. Carl Riegling was admitted
to the Wingham and District
General Hospital on Monday, June
20 and was released one week
later, where she is convalescing at,
her home here.
Brother Carl Voll, C.R. visited in
Waterloo with his brother and
sisters-in-law on the weekend and
enjoyed with them the Senior
Citizen Bus trip to Oquaga Lake
House, New York. Here the Senior
Citizens were entertained. Brother
Carl returned home by bus on
Monday evening, June 27.
Mr. arid Mrs. John Austin, Mr.
and Mrs. Lorne Luther, Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Wilkins and Mr. and
Mrs. Lorne McDonald attended the
"Walter Miller Night" celebra-
tions held at the Sky Line Hotel in
Rexdale on Saturday, June 25,
returning home the following
Mr. and Mrs. Max Riegling
(Helen Courtney) and Mr. and
Mrs. Desmond Courtney (Linda
Holley) attended 5 year R.N.
anniversary celebrations at St.
Mary's Hospital, Kitchener recent-
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Courtney
returned home on Saturday. June
25 following a three week vacation
in Ireland.
Congratulations to Sister Berna-
dine (Boyle) who is celebrating 60
years of dedication as a Nun.
Thanksgiving Mass will be cele-
brated in honour of Sister Berna-
dine at the St. Augustine Catholic
Church on Sunday, July 3 at 10
a.m. to be followed by a luncheon
in the church basement.
Congratulations to Miss Judy
Tigert, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Jack Tigert. who is an Ontario
Scholar with an average of 80.5
percent. Judy is a grade 13
graduate of the Goderich and
District Collegiate Institute.
A large crowd attended the
auction sale of household effects
and antiques for Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Riegling and Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Ritchie on Saturday, June
25th. Auctioneers were Grant
McDonald and Wallace Ballagh.
Members of the Kingsbridge
1 Catholic Women's League served
lunch at the sale grounds.
The Grade 8 'Graduation Mass
and luncheon is scheduled to be
held at Kingsbridge on Monday,
June 27th beginning at 7 p.m.
Jim Keane of St. Mary's and
formerly of Kingsbridge is a
patient in the Stratford General
Hospital. His many friends wish
him a speedy recovery.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wildgen and
daughter of Kitchener visited on
Sunday, June 26 with their friends
in this area.
Miss Bonnie Bowler of Toronto is
visiting with Yvonne Sinnett and
Grades 7 and 8 students of St.
Joseph's School at Kingsbridge
went to Tdronto by bus on Friday,
June 24. They visited the
Parliament Buildings, Metropolit-
an Zoo and the Science Centre.
They left the school at 7 a.m.
returning back shortly after 8 p.m.
All report a very enjoyable trip.
Accompanying the students was
the Grade 8 teacher, Mrs. Maithel
Wilson, Grade 7 teacher Miss
Joanne Hamilton as well as Mrs. D.
A. Plasschaet;. and Vera VanDiep-
A community shower is being
planned for Miss Anne VanDiepen-
beek on Thursday evening„ June 30
at,8.30 p.m. in St. Joseph's Parish
Hall at Kingsbridge. Everyone is
Congratulations to Tommy Gil-
more who won the Canadian Baton
Twirling Championship for boys
age 7 to 10 at the Championships
held at the Thornhill Community
Centre on Sunday, June 26.
Tommy also placed first in the
Open Solo Division.
Congratulations to Rose Marie
O'Keefe who placed first in the
Maitland Valley Conservation
Authority Scrapbook contest. Rose
Marie received a prize of ,$15.00
and a certificate. She is the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
O'Keefe. Second prize of $10.00
and a certificate was won by Annie
VanDiepan, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Arie VanDiepan. Third prize
of $5.00 and a certificate was won
by Jackie Dalton, daughter of Mrs.
Mark Dalton. Jackie VanOsch was
presented with a pin and all
contestants received badges. Mr.
Rob Keip, Manager of the Mait-
land Valley Conservation, and
Deputy Reeve of Ashfield,- Finlay
MacDonald, presented the award
on Thursday, June 23 at St.
Joseph's School, Kingsbridge.
Huron Perth County Track and
Field competitions were held at
Mitchell on Tuesday, June 21.
Congratulations to the 14 individu-
al contestants of St. Joseph's,
Kingsbridge who took part.
Winners are: Joanne Crawford
placed 3rd in the 200 metre and 3rd
in the, long jump; Jackie Dalton
placed 2nd in the 400 metre; Astrid
Plasschaert won 2nd in the
standing long jump; Jean Vogt won
third in the ball throw; Rose Marie
O'Keefe placed first in the 200
metre, first in the standing long
jump and third in the .400 metre;
Denise Connelly won third in the
running long, ump. The intermed-
iate girls relay team placed 2nd,
taking part were: Denise. Connolly,
Linda Sinnett, Lisa Frayne and
Marian Knoop.
Publicity is a great reformer—.
it has both many corrective and
deterrent qualities.