The Signal, 1930-4-10, Page 8NEW JULIAN SALE Under -the -arm BAGS Smart, correct style. Just the thing to complete your Easter costume. Exceptional Values. $1.00 up. A full line of Made -in - Canada EASTER CARDS for your c hoer. 4-4-4.4.4-4-++++ .--,-++++++++++ COLE'S Book Store demmimmemsemmilimmalsdaft Be Consistent KEEP YOUR PLUMBING AND HEATING AS UP TO DATE AS THE REST OF YOUR HOME. Estimates cheerfully submitted John Pinder Phone 127. Box No. 131 V COUN3ILLORB WANT (Continued from page 1) an inventory had been made of the eon'eute of the Artcruft factory. There were a few articles to be collected front arouud town and It was room - mended 'hat all material and equip- meet quipmeet belonging to the .plant he put but On the premi res and that the tax collector carry out the seizure and sale of stock and material wader iu- ternetions as to procedure from the solicitor. the water, light and harbor VOW - mit tee reptrtal as follows: "Your ,-ouuml'tr• Jolutly with the members of the .yae•lal Committee met Mr. W. L Forrest and rep resenta'lvea of hire men and discussed with them matters, r.f,•rrel '.O In letter of March 21st from .Mr. I.. E. !Macey. and we reeogr- mend that the oseinc11 ujtenimously pews a resolution to be forwarded to <he Hon. J. C. Elliott, through our, local representative and Mr. Thu.. McMillan, M. Li. for Knuth linnet. that we with all possible effort be made to give any further dredging eoutru.•t , at 4u4k•rich harbor to the Forret( Dredging Co. of Goderich; and we oleo rr•.miue•nd that the council t•af• operate with Mr. Forrest In securing a Ilea site for his plant" "'We acre having 11fte1'ttoys nap life• waving esetitment repotted and pat In place a' the dow•k. nod We retrmme11.1 that prices be (Mottoes! on two. art% l i fel ways. Tour committee m.' the water and light cswnmtsstou 1..gnrdlmr the cpip- mwmt and completion of -lie comfort station stat-4enitary t•unveuietiee4 tit tae pinto at the harbor. and we room• aural that your Committee be empow- ered t.. hook over 'ire situation and bring in a report with tetimattsl The fire'i•ommi:tc' re o,rt...1 the, pausing of applications for building permits. Progress was rep,rttl In the NOTICE All owners and occupiers of premises are hereby notified that all garbage, etc., must be removed from their premises by May 1st. 1930. AW -. F. G. WEIR, Assistant Sanitary Inspector. NOTICE The Boar•! of Health ask for the heariy co- operation of all citizens in the enforcement of quaran- tine in the present epidemic of mumps. People in quarantined houses must not mingle with the public. The breadwinner under certain con- ditionais permitted by authority of M. 0. H. to attend his usual occupation, but should under no circum- stances attend any public gathering or meeting( Unless these regulations are adhered to, the Board will be compelled to enforce them. A. D. McLEAN, A. C. HUNTER, Chairman. N1. 0. H. FOR SALE ALL THE MATERIAL IN MY GRAIN WARE- HOUSE, HAMILTON STREET 50,(00 Brick, 200 Joist, 2"x1(1":lei', Studding. 1- Sheeting, Flooring, Poste and quare Timber. Elevator Equipment, Pulleys, Shafting. Belting and Buckets. R Sets of Scales, 1 good( :1 -horsepower Gasoline Engine, 2 bag Truck.. 1 fireproof Safe, '25 Windows and Frances, a number of Ihwrrs, 500 Grain Bags, 1 Counter and Store Equipment, n lot of tin Sheeting, Office Equipment, stock of Clover and (;rugs Suds. Royal Purple for stoek and potilt ry Everything must be sold, as the building is to be entirely removed by May 1st. Goods may be seen at the premises. Will sell cheap. A. J. COOPER amr Announcement -We wish to announce to the people of Goderich and district that we are now carrying or a General Planing Mill and Retail Business A complete stock of Building Material such as Cement, Lime. Gyproc, Wood and Patent Shingles carried in stock. Rough and Dressed Lumber, Flooring and a full line of Builders' Supplies. Lowest prices in Ontario. Consult us before you buy. -FRESH CAR OF CEMENT JUST IN The Goderich Manufacturing. Co., Ltd. (J. E. `Raeehli'r. President) Not of Anglesea Street . Goderich . Tele>Flolle i1 TH'E SIGNAL, -- GODERICH, ONT. TELLS OF ANTARCTIC ICE PERILS Kali 1\'ilkina listening to Sir linaert Wiikituo broadcast to -a large radio audi- ence the perils eneo.uttertd in the•l'•oL•r n•gi.os by the second Ilewrst-111'ilkins .tnt- urctie expedlto.rt. Ile f ore•ast'th• time when submarines as well as aeroplanes wont.) aid.1plorers to tindiug and chatting new lan,l4. matter of Ialn•hase of fire h..ei. These reports were till adopted. (.uualllor McLean said the' Wath regard to Dr. Mackliu'a application for the Irlwlldtug of the perch at hi. resideuox' 4.11 West strs4 'here was as ellestion as to whether 'he ;molt did out e'ncr.wch apron the 'i art. The matter was Ief: In the bauds of the fire ..,tututttee. -Petitions for Sidewalks 0.1111111er Moser again brought up t1.' mit ter of 'he petitions for side- walk. 111 thought an effor should be made 1.. give the p't!'luttera their walks. - It was explained the' debentures for :he skieN'alks cuustrWNW lair year .111,1 in -.venal previous years had out yet been issued, lout the eugttteerfng Judo clerical wort preliminary to., the issuing -of these deben'urt's had now heti Completed and It was- desired that :he sidewalks amount, which In th.. ow e:oboe has been carried by the Bank, should be closest up. Want Appeal Proceeded With Reference was made to the mutter of the Weltinrrun `street walk. and a discussion ensued av+q..t•ting the law - gut: over this walk, Wigle versus the town. The tee -II several luo4.ths ago pave instructions to :he solkhor to preyed with 'the appeal. and Mayor MacEwnu was skied wino Neils being done about It. Ills Worship said that be could only repeat what he had reported to the council about two mouths ego- tist it preges,lUon had been (made through Mr. Dancey that' Mr. Wigle agree to a reversal of ,Judge Lewis derislu11, each teary laying I's earn cost*. Thi p p(w Mon was out In writing 1 Mrs. D. Mae•I) nald, Mitten. on Thurs- day. Apr' 10. Mr. .N. Mae,Mun•hy, formerly nn oil r.-ldeut Of Ashfield, la quite III at his home 1n Liu -know w hut ill. Your adverCseawmt in The StguaI h read by the beat people in town noel distrait Merit 'Prue merit, like a river, the deeper t ia, the leas noire It niekes.-l..,rd DOUSE TO RENT. -ON BRUCE IkiItta:. street, between North and Victoria.en Modena Conveniences, gardeu. M. W. Gl1NDRi" S SAE REGISTER DOWELL. 'phone 213. TO KENT APARTMENT TO RANT. -A'PT'LY w MRS. HERBERT McLEAN, Kingston street. Sutunlry. April 12. -Auction sate IIKJIENTIMES FOR `TALE of garage property iu the town of Goderich. See advertisementelse- where on fids targe. F. It. Darrow, aulltttor for the muntgugee. MORN WILSON. -At iundou, un Sa'unlay, March 39th, to Dr. and Mrs. Ivan Wils n. a *on.O MONTGOMERY. -'A'. Alexandra hos- pital. Goderkb, un Tuesday, April �1st. to Mr. and 'Mrs. 11. 1t. Mont- gumery, of Goderich 'township. a ffflll da fighter. 1Eltltl'1yr.--..1: Alexandra Marine and Getters! licrgdtal, Golere•b, on Tues- day. .tpril Slit to 'Mr. and Mrs. Gurdon Tt4.butt (nee Lops itrophey), a daughter. --'Mary Edy^he. DIED I% IisTEIC -lu Goderich. on Friday, Nprll 4th, William 11. 1Cetoter, in hi+ `Cod year. d11 M QI'AIle.--ht Gtcrlch, 0onday, April 7th, Margaret .tun. daugb:er of the lute 'Br. stat Mn. Amsirew, Quaid. • I*ICK$lIN. On Sa'urday,•.lprIl S, nt Private Patients' 1'aviliou. Toronto Ge'rie•ra l I Icr.spital, John Turubu 1 Town of Goderich DEBENTURES FOR SALE Sutseelp tloue for the purchase of 33,000.00 of 5 per cent. fire ladder truck bands and =30.000.00 of 3 per tent. Hydro bonds of the Town of G,d- eri.it will be receired by the Towu Treasurer from THURSDAY, APRILAPRILloth. to'r1I('RS- 11.AY. APRIL 17th, 11540 There are five ladder -ruck bads ranging from $5441.1* to $63093 due to from nue to five years There are twenty Hydro FlairFlair's.loads. ranging from 4604.S5 to $l52!t.43 due In from one ^. twenty years. 'Phew fonds are offered to local ruble ibere at lar yielding 5 per tent. TlIe Hot I now open for Ius,a'4lun e•'B at :he Teasurer's Orrice, 11(1(1 of ter April 17th the' ('oue.til *111 fillet 1 hr Iwaah.. No sub'.•rip'iots ass -warily ao r sed o dhn ttuwas today reported too b•�lm- ItieLoou. in his slot sop-. formerly 1 1.. I. 1- N( IX. proving. Of-4.oderitlt ami! Seuforb, oat. ` to 'room' re!. 1;4.(11-1.11. 4 4111x. n.• . OBITUARY WANTED . K. E. TURNER. Chairman FlaanCc Committee, 1:wlerMh, Uurario MINS . l�K 1iF.1tE.-1 am paying the high -i ANN Qt ,tID L est cash prices for fat hens, an(1, a - There l•d+etrl' away In Golerk•It on all kind+ of rags, iron, metals and AUCTION S.UE14 MOMI:.y, April 7th. Mia Margaret A. feather*. D. BROWN. Thune '. 0. Quash!. daughter of rite. late Mr. and A Mrr, Andrew Quaid, !u her scventy- first yts.r. The late Miss Quaid was , t� OR THANKS born in Charlotte county. New Bruns- wick. when (pit's. young she moved to -MR. A2i''D MRS. 11. L. JONES TAKE Ashfield township, where she resided this opportunity of extending their for atsatt...izty years. Abort adz years gra:ef.l thanks for the many exlrees- ago she mored to G.nIPrk•h to ride along of sympathy receive! In their w-I'h her sister, Mrs. Wm. c'arey. tier � -hoe of tae-eat•ement by the death of , parents {rts1pd away many yearn ago. the late) Mnx. A. Mtn\ah. Wt Is sun-Ive} by four Matilda 1, paid. , Wm. %'normrn, Miss Matlkla Quaid, Thr}; FAMILY OP THF: i.ATE W. 11 Mrs. Wm. Carey. of Goderich. and WEI4S'rfltt .w•1 -h to flank -hair Mrs. Malcolm Mlu'hcmald, of 0lymp la, I many friends for Woollies. and sync -I ' Wash. The funeral took place from ; pithy slrow-n -ham at the tlnwe of their. the residence of Mrs. Wm. Carey. N'k- recent lwrencPmrnt end for the twwufl.I torte street, on Wednesday ■fternon' tut floral trit.tr'ea. They also extend to Colborne cemetery. Ree. 1;. W. thanks to those who aro k*udij loaned' !tort coMMctel'the• «ervlee and the and offered curs. ls.11leleren' were quart nephew.. of di.- ..eased: ry .raved: John Quaid, Wm. Vroo,man. John 1'nsrmen and Harry ('prey. FOB SALE t WHITE BLOSSOM SWEET ('I/ rV Eft Ti1OM.\S W11.LIAM i'.Ii.J1F71t rt FOR SALE. --Government nested. The teeth of Thomas William Palm-, W. L YOUNG, R R. 5. Ccwk•rkh. rr escorted Tuesday, tprll 1-t. at ,Phone 2033 Carlow central. Palm - the home of hL. son-inslaw, AI4•rt 1 Whiteside. firer an Hiner et three Nt 9AhF..--0. A. C. NO. 21 DAB w-Pek., the imm eellate carrot of ,I.,044, -,Flit : rise White Bkrwom 44 A B Is -hag pnI 1 le ln. I►eergwl, who wa.+, clover. FRANK L TOUNtl, R R 3.1 in his elghtk•rh year mus terra a' r .ro nod the council took no action on 1t, but apparently the town solk•itor had taken no further steps. with :he ap. peal. Members of the council., were not' satisfied ,ti'h this and saki it was, not flair that than lawyer* should' get together aril nutke an agreement' •uuridl, Coun-. 14 1Mrut coming (44 ane tiller Bailie raid it would be better' to have the appeal properly ser.led,,, and this op►nion west endorsed by i other membera. On tudion of Councillor Bailie, see• 1 ondeed by Councillor Humber. the tax eolivvtor fel nqutste I :o rturn the 19:1, 1 tax roll at the last regular meeting oil :be toanit•11 iu May. Cn,nnctllur Moser again broached the eubjeet of .purchasing a rock - crushing outfit, *1141 proposed that '1101 council should ger up to the Dnminicm Itoucl Machinery Co.'s factory and see l the machin* there. A moaon wes carried that the pub-, Ile works comuatttee look into this = tont:Pr and report to the council. ('mtrr,11 attempts!. at 9.'2 5 ,,'clock. • AUBURN ACRC1tN, April 9. -al F. Nlortl more. of Toronto. spelt a week -enol, ,1^ the hone. of his parents. Rev. W. J. 4141,4 moo. Mortimore. n: the parr'onaae.l Mrs. A. S uhl is conllncl to her lest ❑t prtae11*. Her friends wish Iter a -laeelr rrr.very. Threw of Aubarn'- prop (nen•, cltl z.us started one day to v141t a sugar, .• Imp and n.Ver c.: there. itesan•h ens not mule for them. tot they ran-' 4 hack safely Mr. K. Ihtw-w,n ha- recovered from an n'lack of- nnlnnw and is again on duty nt the 'tank. Mr. E. I)t ,te, of For.lwich, and MIs• A. Iortde, of Stratford. open' the wc4c.end at the p44r•lhal home. The .V.nneu's II*4tl'nte will meet In the 'Forc'4ters' 1hi11 on 'I itesl1y. April 15111. at 2.15 oelosek. Snideet "What it Items to 11e a Canndlant" by. Mrs. eItev., Alortimere. {toll .,all-.. 1(lble verse. llo4'esses. Mrs. W. ittdlln.iiili. Mrs. M.'('Iluch'y, Mrs. llnmilton. The its 01-1 cungr'g•tion areTol01s4sl nntoonn.e tint Mr. ('has. Lightfoot. soloist, of Stratford. 'will noels* in the service of sung nes' Sunday. April 1:,. nt 1 o'cl.w•k. The members all heartily xelc..m,' Mr. Lightfoot lark 'n sing for them again. ASH FIELD NSIIFII'1 Ir 'IV1WNSt11P. .tint. s. - The young people of *IIP United church. ' 1)nngannon, Inn nn rh.•ir phis. "Th. { Village• I,nwyer," nt KIntall h:tli on Friday evening. The en'ertlIntnent was mtnch enjoy4'1 toy nli. present. 'The ladles ,If the NVomen'• Institute ..tied lunch. Nits. Mary St(aar is .o* As well this week ns her many fronds And neighbors would. w•H,l) to hear. Mrs. J. tin -•Ilya 41d, Toronto. ,1s14n11 with her sister. Mr. D. Maclennan, last week. The many . fricndn of Mr. ,fnhn em11*4144 'Are rind 10 know- that he is fee'ling teeter '4141x141 Mrs. 13 r1 *14inee. of noir Winghnm. 1' vlatting with her norther. Mrs. M. C. Mad•Kenf.le. tlintnll. The Women's in.tklY.P meeting for 11140 month, whieh vino jprmtlwrasd ml ae1'0,ID1 Rf It.h'rck'' M M MI at the M me AA. Kallen. N.Irn. Middlesex county. and was for many years it resident of Hensall. ill.. wife died. In 1022 and alMr that 'in* he had made hho home with member. of his family. i urvlvlr.g are one w.n, Thomas 11.. of Henson. and two au ter.. Mrs. Wtrltecadto. .f G0deticlt. and Mrs. Geo. Miners. .f London. Dees'cd a-ee a member of the United church. The funeral took place on Thurelay afternoon, service toe - Ing amdt11e1 ■t the borne of Mr_ and Mrs. White-dde by Rev. C. F. Clarke, after whieh the remains were taken to Hen'otll for aortal, the service there being In charge of Rev. A. Sin- clair. of the Hensali I'n-ted chum!). DAVID ARTHUR ST1tAITON Some particulars have heeeo received of the death of David Arthur Stratton. a former Goderich two%% wid4•h or- currxd on March 7r at Vaneot►ver, R.C.. as the result of an accident. Mr. Stratton was %tru * by a falling timber at the R.C. Electric Railway Co.'s station. ilrls'eased. who Ws. fifty-three year. of age, waw n won of the bite Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Stratton of (;oderkh and had been at the ('oast tar thirty -threw years. He was n member of the Masonic 41nd' (orange or,l4'rs. Ile Is survived by his wife and ane daughter, Beryl, at home; also by too brothers and five sister.: Thomas R. Straiton, of Stratton. 1t.('. ; H. D. Stratton. of Victoria, 11.('.; Mr.. 1'. M. ('Leaner, of S4eaforth, .Iessle Robins. of St. Petersburg. Flor- ida : Mrs. Nellie Whitely, of Detroit. Mich.: Mrs. Herb. Campbell, of %Ving- ham. (h.t.. and -Miss. Katherine Strai- ton. of Rec•jlcester N.Y. The funeral took pine. Manch 2'2nd. Interment be- ing made In the Masonle remoetery. The fYinernt service; were confineted I',y Rev S. 11. Smith. WILLIAM H. W1.7RSTEIt .V. Old 1110 well-known rcesi.leet of l 4:odrrich, elan 'he person of 1Vtilintn 11. \Vih41er. {marl away nt .Vixnndra hnopitnl on Friekuy, April 401, titter a brief illness. The In'e Mr. Webster V141. hotu at 14ran1forl. 4hitnrin. and Viols In hi- eighty -se -owl year. i114 t wife Predeceased him n 111'f0 uv.r two -years• the i- snrvktd by one son, Mr.' W11Ilatn Weleeer, of GoodeP!'-t1. and t tv o 11 tttght.rs. Mrs. Fred Shepherd. of St. 1'.'er+berg. Florida. 11041 Mrs. Io M. Johmton, of Brantford. Two boobo s% hinter Webster. of Lk'(r.l'. 1111,1 Joseph 'Webster..f Grand Refolds, )Ikh.. and a sister living in the Wees' also si,rviv(. The fnnerah which took pin.. from the redolence of decens'41's son, Mr. Wm. Webster. F�u� street, on Sunday nftnrnoon. .wes largely at- t.'nd4e1. Rev. 0. 1'. Mel►.ertnkl con- , dates) 'he sot -flees nt the hnese and at the grnvesid' in Maitland . Geo. tery. The pallbearers were I'rkr. D. M. Johnston, J. W. More and V. C. Innewuy. Those here from a di,(tance for al. funeral included Mr. sad Mrs. 1►. M. Johnston end dattgh'.r lteor.thy Ind ''Mr. Fred Web - Filer, of Itrintford: MIAS 1.Ponn Web- ster and Mr Wm. vmeiter. ,vf London. 1 'Vont" Aolverthremeet In 'l'M4e(f I. need by 1110 twat people nown nal ,1l'4ri't. "11 Is only igt)4rra nt 4041.ple win ore 1,+hwnwd to .4Ootenw fgllotl►I*'e."- 41/11. enc., farrow. 1 "To the ,noir man B,ptor 4 the chloroform that mows Marto ,ndtr, the pelnftil o*9tatlon of living" - (;4eow•g0 Doreen, Shaw • Ooelerk•h. 'Phone 208 Carlow. - R SAL(:. -HALL RUTLEI)GE ES- TATE . property on Palmerston street. Apply to HAYS k HAYS. Dar - floaters: Hamilton street. Goderich. CCTioN SALE OF' (;ARA(;I: PIP H' ERRTY. er. Under mod by virtue of the powers contained In a certain mortgage. whieh, will be prndtww1 at the time of ale, there will bP ottani Mr male tr_ LOIFT OR FOUND B1 1X111 FOUND. -APPLY AT WO - NAL orrice. PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE. 18 Fns11r'EBY GIVEN THAfF l� a bylaw was passed by the M n nal. pal Council of the Town of (loda*WN on the seventh day of March. 1900. providing for the latae of debentures to the *mount of 193000.00) flees thuueand dollars, for tate lar7a,se of pontoons it fire dep.roireut tackier motor truok. mounted un and Inelmi5ng a lbw•vrolet one -mud -one -half -too char ata; and that such bylaw was regis- tered In the Registry Office of the County of Hurn on tt,e fire day of April, 115)0. Any motion to wash or fast aside the seine or any pear thereof meet he made wltbin deme months af- ter the dart publication of fids neaten au.i •- moot 144• made thereafter. lotted at Geelercb this 211d day of April. I930. 1 L KNNOX. Clerk, Tuw%tof Godar*Sb. WADERS S WANel'D TF,N I,F:R. T11WNR1111' (►F WEST WAWANOIVI Trotters will Is' rsetv.d up to aad Including April 30h. Rifle, for the 'rut -Ling of crave' for the towtrlblp of West Wit' a4,e4h, by the yard per fedi!. Tenders to le• waled and marred • Tnk•k Te'nder." JAS. W. G1R141LN, Itowd Superintendent, Auburn,. (hr. TEN!►F:lt 'I'.,WNSIiII' iI)' WEST WAWAN(►RH The a derstgiied will revise tender n fo to and h,• -hiding .tprll 2111th, 1919, t.,r power to operate +.sac rnmM•r for too• h.wmehk4 of N't•et Wrwnnoleh and :411 Ietor rrerreewary to ter crashed grnv-e•1 In tan, lythe yard Tendert ta. Is' -paled and arced "Crusher Teed JAS. W. GIBSON. itnad Superintendent. Auburn. Ow'. by public auction. ore i AltCTIONEESUNd SATI'RDAT. APRIL 136. 190,0 at the hour of 10 oi4at In flat renin-ITi THOMAS Cl"N'DRY, GOItritICH. Inc. at the premiers In the Tenni or LIVE MI'1ffONEE AND GaeitiliTenni(kslrrO4l in the County of Duren.billAI'( i' XZER jPi000uas Gntwlry, AMet1.a►tver, *41* laic Telephone No. 119. Loathes property. names: Part of LotKale, attended to anywhere and every No. KM In the Tarn of (kwlerlon, lav effort made ' to eta s Uafaedaa. tng a frontage of 75 feet more or lel Farmers' sale notes discounted. s' .1 the vera side of Sn. Andrew's' WESI.YT W. r18Hi1:R, street, by a depth (rf appreximetel% nr tl La't'e. •1r1 w01 Me - conduct mince. - - --- • Pha Carlo 'Phi, We w111 be ar/hjeet 10 a ertch. r . tich.w 1314. ,or address R. R. 4 (led- ► wove Md. TMII.'4niS Ten per cent of the per ELLIOTT MILLER cha'Money to bre paid down at the* time of sale, and the balance to he, Auctioneer paid in 30 days. Phone 70. Lucknow For further particulates and matt -Sales conducted anywhere. Wide ex - Dons oC this apply to 1 Perlence. My very beet effort! pat gar t. and on whieh there 4. wool Aix oneer, Me to be intuated a Ariel( gamer !sea will conduct ..I.. ansa hag with atoeh.roam. archin -444.4 111„} terms are mountable and I lea- - -- - forth In each and F. R. DARROW. ._. Rare«tear. et... (kalerle•h, tint . . Sotlekor for time Mortgagee Dated at (koletlrh. the With day of March, 1930. PHIROPRACIY►R A. D DRItGLipYs T11111R,APIST DRUGLESS PRACTIITIONRR VOR SALE. -SOLID 1415D BR1('K AIJC'TION SALE OF If(SEI101.1) 1 . Goderich, Phone 341 ■■ 1901'8}7, seven rooms, all mo.lern Ft'RNiTI'RE. Fgnlpped with electro-magnette Improvement'. Good locality. Apply to r. WOOtdCOMBE, Hamilton sarect, 'phone 290. VOR SALE.-V'ERY BRIGHT ARTiS- 1 TIC limns.. Cheerful surroundings. Centrally located. Two Iota of garden well treed. Will be sold reasonably. Terme It desired. Apply at once to BOX (M►, SiONAL (dr FINE. COR SALE. -FARM. 90 ACRES ON 1 Hnron road three miles east of Goderich; gond barn 70 z 50, red) brick hone. running water. hot and cold; three-piece hathrwrm. C. E. GROVES. Goderich R.R. 1. Phone 33 on (101. NEAR (X)I.i.EGIATFr-AN 8-1100.M. 1711 foment Mork house, including piano, radio, telephone. battery -char- ger -enol the ordinary furniture; lawn. garden. fruit ties. Iwo garages. "New Food" el each. i'riosei at $39301) for quick sale. BOX 322. Tektpbone 183. ti.wlerk•b. LOOM SAJ.E.-FARM OF 115 ACRES, ■a lot No. 39. Goderkh township, two miles north of Bayffed on Blue Water Highway; gnat white MIeIc bonnie with telephone: harms and arteelan well; 10 acres of good timber, hem- lock, bath and maple. Apply to W. G. COOK. It. R. 2. Goderich. Phone *105r32. POR SALE]. --GOVERNMENT TEST- ED O. A. 9'. No. 21 Marey ; aha► U. A. C. No. 3 early oats and 0. A. C. No. 21 barley mixed. This grain being meant crop on virgin sell is free from noxious weeds and I. exceptionally gout finality. For perti.ulnrs amity LLOYD WALTZ RS. (kwlerl•h B.it. 4. 1•h.nc• Unngetnncn Orli. Q0it SALE. -TILE ritoPFRTY AT •• itenmllher tcinnging to the estate 4K the late James Long. This consists of three acre, of lend, more or less: on {which Is situated a seven -rooted frame house in good state of repair and aim a good frame herot suitable for a 'defile and garige. On the property 1a n never-fallind spring of exeel14wd watt j pr. This property- ls.hn nn Ideal lora-1 flan and within there minutes' intik 1 of church, sthol ant store. Pew earth• l er pirtl4•tllans apply to H. R. LONG, Goderich, or JOHN A. IO)NG, R.R. 4. , Goderich. Out. DART (.Hi'.KS AND IIATC•HKNG FNH;B.-(I'A(. itnrrod inner a' 4120 per 100. and S.C.W. Leghorn. at 411(4 for AprIl 10th and Stn(, from our own (4.ole fleecy -laving pens Our chins may MOO n 11111, more. ant In 'lie end an. mach ch'npw•r then Iow1foreewl ehicke. We have many sat {stied cnstomers through the eornntry May Reeks are $1i ' end Leghorn, 117 per 109. R.duwtlnn on large snare ^Bice. Eggs 141 per 100. These priers at the farm. if yon n re I need of brooder stoves. feeders and w terers please remember i handle the 01 mod'-lloysl line. wtk'h' we are going' almost egehPvively. ('an i 141'41 'apply Purine ehlbic feed^. C. G.' CAIMPHiOLls R. R. No. 2. Auhnrei.l 'Main, Rlyh i1124. MR. W. H. FARROW w111 sPII by public an,'ti)n at his re•.+r )dente, Huron road leorner (awhile 1. G4a1er1(h. on S.NTt'RDAV. A1'RIi. 12th, R 1.30 o'clock p.m.: One bedroom write. springs and ma rtrien . 1 hut?v't and .11411. Muret. ; I extension table. 1 new leather ...owl). 2 tree leather rocker.. 1 tap- estry covered crouch. 1 tairery MVP', wl 'heir. a ,rnall noting chairs, 3 small t11bkw. 1 kitchen ,•abinet. 2 4"etralw-et.er trarrt'l.•. 1 whealing machine and. wringer. 1 e•rrklnol. board, 1 rope portiere. 1 'erre hang 1118 lamp. 1 table lamp. round wilt . 1 owl oil heater. 2 Iran her. mat- tresses and spinae•: 1 foot warmer. 2 oil (*ns. 1. and 10 gal.: 1 eonms Ieum rug. 014 1 10'O : k?tehen lin- oleahr. 11 1 11: tapestry nig. 9 1 lawn mower. 75 fruit jars. gladioli'. bulbs.. 1 net dinner td,awn, I wash till. 1 rote'. 1 ee,r.. Marred ROI* pullet=. 1 doe. Barred Rork herr•, one year: n ,ptantlty of luntfer, i gnaltity of wangling. einl naim erwls other art- icles. Everything 'must be tarts, as Mr. Farrow i. heaving (;od rieh. TERMS 4'.114}1. T. G1'N"DRT i W307, ba ha. Electronic electric creouniono ■ lel chiropractic. Chronic organic ase nervous diseases. Lady In attendance. Otbc' hour. 2 to 5, and 7 to 9 p.m., excepting Monday and T'horadky sad by appointment. A. N. ATKiN SON Residence and office -Corner of South street and Britannia road. ()HAKTERKD ACCOUNTANT CRANK P GIRISS. CHARTCRED • Accountant, 11/' Ontario ,treat. Stratford. Phone 13(40. Rea 13110J MEDICAL AlmoNimmom flit. F J. R. FORSTER, F.YE. iEAR, NOSE. THiROAT. Late tlotee Burgeon New �,ork Oph- thalmic and Aural Hospital, asistaat at Moorefield Eye hospital and Golder Square Throat Hmrpital. London. Mfg fs4 Waterloo St. S. Stretford. 'lir► ephnn, 267. At Ilotol Redford, G0lerkto. on the evening of third Monday of each I month tilt the following day. Tuesday, at 1 p.m. LEGAL �(,'RN17AT M. LEE. Rarrluter and Solicitor Ai'4 TION SALE OF FARM STOCK I AND IMPLEMENTS. • We are instru"tad shy - MK. THOMAS M•4'.bNN Barrister, Etc. (Mr -Hamilton street. Goderleb. Phone 21. San life Building, Adelaide and Victoria streets, Toronto 2. Telephone Elgin 5301. .DUDLEY E. HOLME to eel! by public auction at ,eon.•essioa :1, West WaN-anosh, on R'FDX1)$1)AY, .tprll 1f'h at I 4i(1(o4c : Horses -1 heavy drat- snare. age! 16. 1 le•evy draft Pre...t.•ron h.r' ', ager) 0; 1 1'er•heron horse. aged 7. Caltk.--otw areal row, milking; 1 raw. .1 years old; i cow'. 4 years old; 1 e4*, rttulttg :t. The last three have Jur fro..IrM,sl ane y g. cow, first calf t.dlny ; 1 serer. rising 2; 1 heifer. rising 2, 4 yearling c•alc.-., three of which are heifers. !oleo; 3 spring +elves. In1IP1fents.--4 one }'ro st h Wood binder. 6 -ft.. ant ; 1 lowering mower, 3- 11 ant : 1 hor'.rnke, Sylvester; 1 Mee harrow. Vessel; 1 Massy-Ilarr1 aet1 drill, '.n tats+,; 1 tMawsey-llarria cnl- tivatnr lino' seeder; 1 (diver riding I plow. 21; 1 Oliver walking Mew. 21; 1 twin plow; 1 ionggy, 1 .utter, 1 wagon, 1 sleigh. 1 Ford etrupe, 1 .week ra.k, 1 gravel box. 1 set dlanomd harrow=, hairiness. (oiler., single -NMI i0i4d.; 1 set of wire stretchers, tanning mill, 1 hay fork, pulley* and rope; weigh s. ales, 24411 sm.; n number of young hens end 1 pair turkey.: 1 b10041 now, fine •o farrow .1111@ 12*4; chains, forks, whiffl.•trer snot nwmernn. other n rtfete'. TERMS: All sums of 4110 and meter, C.esh': over that moon' *.even moths' credit will be given en furnishing air krone' jofir notes. A discount of 4 p r ,ant. allowed for .ash on credit nmounts( ' T1040. Mc('AoNN. 1' (ii'NDItY k PON. Pr.hrrteter Aur'loneere. I_ L'TSIIBANCE, LOANS, ETC. I R. DARROW, IlAttlit rI'AR, 111'1'(:. Nona itor to J. i.. Killoran. I'bonP 97. (IRlcr-The klunf'P. (iodKlei, taped }tape RARRI.rt,R., Flt R.C.HAYS-RC.FIAYS IN.. H.A d/+ ' filmdom St., (lodericm, Mt✓K1LIat111' MUTUAL FIRE 10- ttl7RA•SWClt on.- -Pars n nd iso- lated town property tma ssrl. 1Nfk' tt-Jas ('onnolly. Pree., 4] d erich P.O.; Jan. Evans, Vle.Ppa9.. Reeaehwnod i'.0.: D. F. MvtGragn,, Setcforth P.O. Dlr tor## -.A. Rroadhwrt, 0.14, No. 3, Seaforth : Jamas 4lfloklke(\ Winos; Wm. Ithn, R.lt. No. 2, Rrofor'h; Ito► tort. Ferris, Harloek ; John Ikmnewele, Ituaditagven; Gen. Mo('artney, R.R. Vo :t, Srarerth ; John Pepper, er, ltrnorflcla Agrnte- W. J. Yee, K.R. No: 3, Aro - forth ; Jamie Watt, 'Myth; E. N1nPk- leey, Seatorh; Jahn Mnrrny, Sosfnrtp Polley-hot/term can make ail payments and art their mink. rtvrilted at R. J. MdirTkOa'w (clothing Store, Clinton; (shin 0hr1'. Grocery. Kingston street, (FOdiarkh, or .1 11 Reid'. Reeneaal Store, Rayfield