The Signal, 1930-4-10, Page 7"Now I Do
Enjoy My
What a pleasure it is to sit down
and eat a good. hearty meal without
a premonition that there will he
pain and discomfort in the proems
d digestion.
Chronic indigestion usually results
from torpid liver and a consequently
constipated condition of the bowels.
Naturally. there are headaches and
biliousness in many cases and much
irritability and depressed feelings.
It is so easy to allow this condition
to develop that almost before you
know it you become a "dyspeptic."
But what a relief when you (earn
about Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver
Pills and put them to a test. In a day
or two you are feeling fine and soon
you realise that you have discovered
this most effective regulator of the
liver, kidneys and bowels.
Dr. Chase's
County and District
ILeusall spring fair, held Tuesday of
lase, week, a a. u very successful at -
fair cuu.•►deriug the unfavorable
weather. lu horses espealrily there
way It very fine showing.
'1'be (:rand Beni United church has
ex^e ud d an invitation to Rev. J.
!Lettere. of, to becene pastor
of the church ut 'he l.egiuulug of the
Cuafsr term. '
i)avtd litt)u'cleoru, a lifelong resi-
dent of fiords towt*thip, died Tues- WINGHAM
day of las' week, In 11414 aeventy-fourth - --
)ear. Besides lib widow, be leaves.
a sou, ler. Ula{;utcht•ou, of Wilkes
harre, Pa.
The death of Mrs. Adam Birk, of
IMn.lewuud, ut•eurreit recently in Vic -
torte huspl'al, London. just one week
after she had ontk•rgone an operation.
Diseased wa. In her eixt5-first year.
She leaves, Invades her hu.tbaud. u
.,ne and a daughter.
The delith uctvrrad rl, eutly 4r.
Dunbar was a former resident of tit •
11'ee(Meld uelghborhood.
Mr. and Mrsa Vernon Shatz left
last week for IM,rhwoodwhere the
turner has secured a geed position 1n
one of the general Mori, of the vil-
lage. While here Mr. Schatz was tee
Exiled In Parra Itemier'•`store.
The Itlye, Iiortieueur'1 Society has
n Membership of lis for this year,
You Can Lay the Foundation of
Good Health Now by Building
Up Your Blood and Strengthen-
ing Your Nerves Through the
Use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills.
The y,•.at1 old tar11u14 4f 4ItLIII4 u
tonic in :he Pniringtluw. like Inst of
the cuwt011114 of our gnuilpereuts, ie
basted I4 4 *mud cumus*1 sele..e and
lo•u1 .raeel a • 11'kuer Is al
good weal p -
wtt).. a trying flute for timer who
ore 1101 In rugged htallh. 'Macy cep,
MYr. Robert Stapleton had '.hr mis-
worteu anti children go through the
fortune to fall opposite 'he fountain I winter on reserve ar$reug•h they have
re. the perk, breaking a lug a IlltIe he- stored up during the suuuy ecuwuer
low the lily. months,and grow lm•reasingly tole
while a large truck alae hying Lund languid as the Wring 1111)11 air
backed out of the •Ford garage one
Vruach. A tonic for the blood xud
day lent week t)ougla+ Wettwrall was •teurveve at 'hie time will du much for
pinned between the 'ruck and the ('INP y 4444(1 en pwrtlingt errior Lt the
wall and was severely Injured. Hu ung 111 and tatnlstdug that ttrerl A+rl•
was aken ,Lo the hospital and a lug that worries ehousenels of lkrrytle
at this eettemi of the year.
It Is lutpo.*iLbie to be energetic if
your blood Is thin and weak, or if
your uerves are frayed or slwatted.
You cannot compete with other: If
you do not get refreshing sleep at
night. or If your appeti'*' M ',poor or
you ere toeing weight. You need a
took at this time to add to your
,•f.fkiene y now. as well as 'o cave you
from suffering later on. And in all
the realm of inedlctne, there Ls no
,niter or better tonic then Dr. Wil-
liam'. &Link Pills These quills tone
and enrich the blood which ,irula'.e.
through every- portion of the betty,
strengthening Jaded nerve.. and run-
down organs, and bringing a feeling
or new strength and energy to weak.
rnslly Tawas deep uudetit men, women
and children.
Mrs. 1.. 1rupman. Summerville (en-
toe, N.B., writer:--'1►r. Wlllfant� sous. fee. 'rho may first radish ay *Lei MO\El
Pink Pills have been of the greatest I lie putt in ,art this. Muse. The next in
lmenefl', to ant. A few• years ago i blue will Ire those burtaa. ur rout I The growing of ere" vegetables in I
vegetables 441411 ate pursuits:, beets.; your warden tr•otn'-Rieittilp's swede -the
early -under. onions and carrots. As las- that grow --sot only waves money
a spatter of hit*. these rorty be eNrwv, ALAI mimeo the cost of living, but
or tot leant the first of Meese, shun' provide,. healthful employment. as
tlpeclaltst was brought from Loudon
Grey township of 'Mary Voy Steven- Ler attend to him. It wee found that he
.4.., widow of the late Edward ()Lillis, had Nw4alued a fractured pelvis and
at 'he age of eighty-two Years.. other internal InJurlt+c and he will be
Iter husband died four years ago and laid up for some time.
survives Ls one sou, Edward. Thos.
)•tetensuu of Grey 'ownship 1e a 8E.4.1FORTH
George Petty. Who has been the Seafurlt'a lady lawn bowlers met
..•Naar member in the firm of Prrp last week and organizedfor the emu -
Wren, proluee dealer's at Ilea"' l, Ing eemion, wieh the following offker;:
hate sold his share 111 the busiueer to CWtakl, Mrr. G. Nell; vile -captain,
('e.•1I Mertes, who hats been in the cue Mrs. II. Stewart ; (secretary, Sirs. r.
1.10; of "ate firm for some time. The R Berrie; treasurer, Mrs. F. .1.
firm will now be known ae Wren & IAehely. -
Mares. Mr. l'etty will devote hinueelf The annual meeting of the Reatorth
to oilier inters/Os. Golf and Country t'lub wee held last
.0 Kitchener an April lit be wed- week and ;dune for ^he 1734) season
ding took place of Edna. daughter of were dbtu+s.l. The utftvert for this
Mr. and ,Era. .3 llebwartaen'.ruber. of; year are Proddeet, J. C. Greiff ; vim
May township, to Amur l;ingerich, eon' president. W. E. Southgate; ereretary,
0t Mr. and AMM. Sam Glslgerich. of J. G. Mullen; erasurer, R. M. Jones.
Stanley township. The eeremoiy wart The lady members of the Club also
performed by Rev. Mr. intestine. The hare (prganized. with Mrs. Oscar Neil
young couple will rcdde In y'.anley as prtwklent.
township. Sentorth's uew electric fire alarm
('ootract ler paving Let system has been complteet1. When an
The contract for the paving of 7.(S, alarm 1s sent in from any of the box -
miles of road, from Kkwen to Exeter, es on the ferret. :he' siren on the
ha. Mau awarded by 'be .1'maincial lower of the -own mall is *et going
Ifigbwaye Department to Rows &I and an instrument in the Lire hall in -
Brazier. I dimities the number of '►e box from
wbkli the call came. •
Kincardine's Chiesa Radgsr I ,
Civic attains at Kt°cardiue lisle,
EXETER ell then [ale
been In a et..tte of-urtaerll for 'tome!
Lucre over the queatio° of the W ilesul
Dir titter for Ins Job• A breech of the Canadian le•i. on
The Lading Ma's Store
Eoerything that's new
in Men's Wear
Hand Tailoring and
Special Order to Your
• • •
Chas. Black
Phone 219 Goderich
Hints on Gardening I
It frequently Kapp isie that inose
who are unactuano d tuth the huller
secured to a variety whishle self-
elingtng on rneb sidle -,Beton ivy,
or, In the more temperate climates of
laanadt, possibly English ivy. Theft,
course.of crrse. thereb the climbing axe.
(K'be hatter, the rambler 4s the most
generally w. s it grow, to a very
cunslderabie taught, twenty to thirty
of (lowers Dud whet wea:hur condi-
fent In ( urdlerru a Pllslettr, and 4t
mayle strewed to a variety of t•ulur..
dont they Me stand low either reeds 1t a larger alel ,hok•rr flower is ()et+lr-
or plant; h) .owing or setting tltpu. ed. Je veil-'Iimhirtg •l'nuP.e •x'art el, or
ou: at the wrung time. 'Che temptation autilxr soy ;s, way bem.trl. 'Pt►tM• rlPPrl
i 14, .+ow all flower emits outside aN °nQn' $ugryo'rl bap Ilio r nublen. 111441
w, 1 put grow- to tmrr,' 'luta lutif 41e'
stun as the .soil is dry enough In the height, bol tor) pct Iqi'- lurp,^e•r flaw•
*prise. net thinking of the Mid, frosty er. 4111,1 logger raew.. 1VINere that
weather which i, :0 talkie•. The n• cliwlers are. of the 11.' 44 im; t)lie
SUM that many sods rut in the
lrtrtk uhurly. It i+ will to support
ground without germinating, and o 4 them on trelllts work about a foot' ppe•rwlslwlu only to be killed by away arum tie well, r o that they a un
Cspniyed ca.ily, and alga ser alis'
the flowers will IRA 1e withered by
the reflected Twat faun the masonry.
Eton where one is only reefing 'he
property, very effective screen, eau
In. developed In a few wire.% by sow -
trr.t. 11 is thea very desirable to have
*one idea of 'lie kind of seed which
wuy be 90411 very Carly. and of tbofr
plume whit•b will stand a little from.
.tu.oug the hardiest auuunal flowers
are sweet alyssum. (alotul{la or p•m lug warning glories, clluibhtg 1Vaetur-
marigold. eandytttft, troruflowere, nor -
seeds, lra.umam, treehseh.izia for Cal- limn., M.p». MCirlet runner Jenne, or
ifornla poppy 1, larkspur, terms, lin• the •hyariuth loan. The later grows
aria, Virginia stook, and the sweat Very rr4)4111)'. providing bodl, uttraetive
Iva. mew, may all ire .04'12 jttmt u. flower. and foliage,. Sweet pets can
:0011 as the MAI le dry enough. Among 1'4" l'e uveal Int. 14ke '.Ie mun4ng
'he more tender manuals, which should ilfuries ami nueturliuur, they eauqut
lint be .amain until the .aril warms u;m he dep ende41 upon to climb wuel) over
and :herr. is practically no danger of five feet The others w-111 cutte twen'y.
fruit. are tee narturttum, zinnia, ester. Where 4i4Y w'ant9 a standing 4.•reen
stoats, balsam and snapdragon. The a" a dlt•leton be4wer'n gasolene or ave
re'gttlar marigold. 4'ill at.•u .•yrme In 'Lunsrthing to Me pWe•Ati 111 front .. a
111114 e9uss. Gladlolu. may Ire ylrsl[r,1 }Poet or Mtildiryr. srry ePfla' he use•
fairly early, as they will not come lap 1 eau err made of sunflowers. common
until all .!anger of frost is over, but Aiken marigokle, four eieloes,
dahlia; and tummies aro more tender. 1 dah11a4, ladlytweiks• ca$tur "11 44ans.
Geraniuuw Anil 04 bole bedding platelet or nkseine. The -lar
ester -griming an-
petunias. .'tented nut Ire set out -1 nisi" rhe, matt' very goo l ,iulwtltutt'r
side until danger of *stet is over. for permanent shrubbery. To pee: best
In the vej 'bible linet the general resttkn In 'be latter taw, ane must
rule is lit stew first those of w'4ich give plenty of nem). plenty of fe•rtll-
the leaver are eaten. There include i,a'r,. end outktng u! the Indhidual
Irt'ute, crepe., spinach. cud mustard. Plants Ls rseetrtJrl.
There 1s little danger inti pleating them
WO "txna. a", moa of them will (Rand F'R{L4iH 'E411:TABLES FOR LITTLE 1
Thureday, April lOW, 19(1O -7
(,eta bottle, today, from
People who tkuuwno the churches
•ready ought to look Weide 'hem once
In a white. 4'lncinuati Tlmew-Star.
was in a badly rte -down eroid•t441411.
I became to weak and *,menu. the' 1
caned eaart'ely tto ulxrut, and doing
housework left me .vmpleudv
tined up. Everything .trwnud' to wore' the $utne .time as the leaf .(tire+. Tient well as lurulaiMulO Feral ewrpptis 0
me, and 1 was in a very discouraged : i, a mbeaka•n opinion abet peas, and fr+(h funis for your ooblr. Writs Wm
condition when 1 Megan taking D:.' generally ...peaking thole may he 1 14•uoir Co., Ltd., Turoiro. Canada. for
Williams l'iui I•Ill.c i /coon found I planted far earlier thou the average •epy of new catalogue.
the pt11s helping me, and continuing{ gardener believes. The tented and -*TART Yot:R GARDEN 4 SEEDS
r Ihw• I lull- regained my heolth.I heat entice Invariably are pr.duwedI E.tI 1.Y--- -
ia,e aye t.tke u few boar.) whevi the pari. are planted early, ata.
in the spring 'ver lrµild sue• up for the the fir.' ut them at leas "(tumid go
but era:'her. and always 1 fled 'tlel in along will the '!cwt.. and carrots.
lest relatifs. L therefore cheerlhdly I t'etrkn pees will ...she'd a little host,
"I am enthusiastically for every
of Chief ('oslsta thing that lnceeasee knowledge." ROMP memlorn cut the council demand- ie been furmtel In Exeter. the 0tttan
log his redgnation, While others; hu'Iun amain_ Drl144 m
held W,dntro rtrr.mrerl thew' pills
as the beet of I and will have sl., dlffI so
l) in coming Michael Puy(n.
b f islet seinen member• 1 1[b builders." I thrrerRh n late ..nowhill Thdv sow
e iR
•lege stetter al n t o seek.rt
used his
champ) r•astgna I C 1 I oelt branch executive were C r u, Ret Lire pills from any , nuke their growth shift• the weather
Stalkwith salty membra. a tate s lox ,
Oledkius•_('u ItrIekv-ille, 4)414. pepper., eauliflowene, Wmatore. sad'
been ^lief err: ['resident, Dr. G. S. A'kinson: i cabbages. Except the inelone. cucum-
bers and squash. plants aro usually
00.4 %hie b have been .tatted in the
greenhouse.. The7• are vet out in ^hteir
permanent position utter 1(11 danger of
fm -t - :, ever, tied about this time or
a week ta'er Van be .own the melons
Lind other tender varieties of the
.quash family.
Fesliaie Sereenr
We may have to int up with bare
waFht, unet Rhtty lenses, and .lmitar
b.wI round• during the viewer tient,
but there is hbooltrtely no revue* fur
this sort of thing during the glorlons
hoe mew been eaitlel try the •j O the w, mn you z
Moe of the chief 1 pnsaru1 to mods!. Thi' brawl' stLirte medicine dealer, ur by nail at :rl 1e trot. letter sown vrg.Aa'bMs are
�, eKfiern elected trent Thr 1)r. 1Vflltnt,l" j melons+. cucumbers, ..rp.ra.h. qct pda,*'s.
ute"'_and Triaged,'
Don't forget that if
you require anything
ir�'New Furniture you
can secure it from us.
We positively save
)ons money.
Furniture Exchang
'islet balm el
We carry 1 good etock of
Electrical Appliances,
Fixtures, etc,
Electric Wiring of All Kinds
Fatimatea Riven on application
Frank McArthur
Wed Street Electrical Shop
Telephone 82 Goderich
Hunter,' eke-president.ter.l tlr+eke-president.R
dent. A. . llcKlnnnn
l'wbornr townshipb►p
Ion 0[ the family of farmerare A sift agoI iPer,nd vk'e•presldent, ,vied Gambrill: HOME GARDEN
. t
Sunday lir iFun'At'r atexJwr-la-law, l ytcrptarytrYamurer. M4YOn F'fe[f : ea- CONTESTS FOR 19$0
Mrs Joes•'ph )4askiee. wee found ectitIve. A. Katon. S. V. Cann.
dead to her home at Kxetee. A teal The death of 'Mies Miriam Perkin-, There
days biter IMr. Renter binsaelf sate roe Oteurred on Sunday a' for home e lni11li be 4.11 ehomthle. van
fend a stroke Two cbiidrea of Mr. and of Mrs. J. Mottle at the age of ninety _county
Mrsc. 1Fua'err died v juriestr'e received A' and lived for me time at Wlsed was born iu England
°below, five 12Fdtnet and be erre.( in lndtrtl
" tee remit of injuries Inst had been a resident of Exeter for are AR follows,:
(forty-fare years( .t, bei her, Matthew Contest No. 1. -4041.4 and Itelgr:n•r•
T ' ' Scheel 44 DAaIAd drool fair dirt kTr
.0 oat debate was Parkinson. of Toronto, L. the wade eye `s Ooslte.,t No. 2. --Blyth v lour 0f for tamllv.
An Inteee•agtvtga nwrDjt`K• and Colborne
held at Crediton qo ib• 13Award rimall Akd on Saturday a'. township seiwol fair dfwtrlctw.
fol od that 'ht proposed townihtpl the Morro of 171om41.. Houlden, in Ole ('ontrlt Nu. 3. ['llntou rural and
,OAuol board washy be prefrr'°tde tut eightieth year Decrea.Nd .pent all his (:udet•ilt toe-taitip school lair die- monthe of elmti1Pr and full. In fat -
at• -
hP yrv+ent eystrm of a (roan) tor' life in !Osborne tow•neulp, un'il bis re- trivet. 1 where oar 10411. tate plies.. permanent
each ee ti.m RPIMesPUl441i ••- of the amoral to Exeter tau )-.urs ROI. He was Ik•ys and girl., het.w.,'ti lir a_e" )eater„nod .'r..•aa cyan be puesrlVL.1 e
United church upheld ;lie a[(lFWft unrrarrbvl. of fourteen auld eighteen who are Pontine erergr.'4 4 lvben• this w+ r
nHce ens pr,v,cn4• 1Vtsch. Hart+r II!arve), a former living on the farm :old who have• nut •esible•, permanent eUasle•r, vu•h
the. w lu.� ... ••
at by. reprr,.aeu0ttiv(. 0f the Wanted-,
v•II Exeter buy, but. twee mined chairesan lawn whiners In yrevl0u. V.•ntents err iehttV linea .: pipe. Vitglnbt ct,rge•r
ku► rhucch. TiaP negative side �^'° of dip iN•wly-or:eruct Farmeri Poli'- I•:trr)one why make. entry chi. rapM1dRrowlnt ulna: "H" 04'w
now 1r•;
The Judges were i4ev. W. M 2tiplmemil "1ro.t.... ..r a.. •I...,.. .,.,', d Should be 114 na•1-
w.thr of laxetrr. (
cut ....,n......,,
K. ICIYrer 0f ('rwlltuu • ,laekatewnn. Ht+ wife w -a. Mies Ellen thin to do rt...• major ptortion of the
Principal y lilmnre .d )ae-u•r. For vverrl year, work confer•:,d with such a - garden.
{louts blurred at Itruseets
Mr. Harvey was inember of the :43,• The first •,t.•ntv•ftve aireh•nt.I(.n-
The MTV two-story frigate Ioai.e on katchewita Legieleture for We Meder.•-I from the district will be thew accept-
0u'wkirtx 0f Ilrultsels known a, Imp con,tituenep. ed. The• seed .Aggolted .for planting
rt was Complete!)- Latimer Grieve. wbo for a number I (eighteen varieties( with lnstrue••
thedes Ityed b• {f((ree y Monday aught.ulnas b will be *1)ppnied at A total
destroyed tel fire on of tiro conducted at drug .core et
C. had been °erupted by Norman and 4Yrothror, has dlwpsoseeh of hi. buss- meg of fifty cent' to emit aroteestgnt.
Leurard Parrish. who sines tate death mww, and moved file family to Exeter I This entry- tee moot aerwpany each
of their soother a year ago lad been entry.
"bitching." After sapper on Monday CLINTON These varieties consist of tomatoes.
Phe countm7,
tweet corn, eableige. (wear. beans. rued I
44.4) the house war ablaze and in • lad in Clinton and arreWpeauenta npineele' ,ntslrsl-)
vhort -.taw wok' a pile 0f ashes. Noah- have betel wade to play in the parish , beet.;. ,scuts. Nw4es ,4utr1.
fog was saved. The loss M plated at. hall of tit. Paul's church. Offken; err: M►s• remelt and citron. 1'an ex -I
It2./100. 0r. which Niece 44 a stmt1l Ir, Prewl'Mn'. I'. A. Wiggins; vtce-pret•i- perleu(e lin. shown that from quote
•banner. i dent, Mn`. (iurdou tlunlogttame•: t V • Ity n114 >avd Shinnied mire then sof-
D.sth of Mire. Henry McClinehey I re-ary. Mrs. �. Seeley ; treasurer, Mee 8t'ie•nt vegetables .'nn be g?14w-n her'
The Beeth of en . e, St aey. oc• I Gwep Holmes.
Mune eew•. These gatnlens replaee al
r11Pp. 0f ^h•' Goshen line, Stanley. ce- For some time Clinton atas had a farm garden and the crrlPtivt: seMct-L
cnrrcd ,.udde•nly on March '271b. She Women'e Coneerva'1ve Association, and Pd are particularly well *dater for
1 organize(' home sow• *dater
had been aiwerrntly In her uteual
health and was attending ^o the
dutice of her 'home when .he I,nel-
p eerelly seamen'. She was thirty-
two years of age and lead town roer-
ried about twelve years. Her huehaml
eurvivee, with a family of four young
dauereers. Before her marriage de-
l waw Mi*< Mellwaln of Gader-
Ieh township, and she ix survived by traw-
hither. three' beet/here, George. (secretary, Mem. O. L. 1'atsley
Rt/beet aid Samuel Illrllrrafn, and urer, Mrs. G. W. Ccork; preset wecre-
one sheer, 'Mrs. T. Bettlew• M('Klllop -cry, Mrs. W. J. Plumsteel ; pianist,
township. The funeral took plate to Mrs. R. J. t:ibbinge; ward prestderee-
Reefleld cemetery.
fur ('limon, Mrs. A. F. Ctelmore, Miss
('. McLaren, Mrs. F. Axon. lire. J. C.
Gendler ; for Mullett. Mies Ilrighs m :
for Guderkb township, Mrs. F:. Yeo;
for Ytnnley, Mrs. Ll. Alkenhead : for
Thckerend`h, Mrs. A. ltruadfoet: con-
ve finance committee, Misr F:. Ste-
te" aurtmrnt tai ARrlelsltun•. Hilton.
Kenzlr; social committee. .Mrs. H. 1 ------
they wen: 041 • trip W
having * fire in the store. About ,Y R4dhllUto11 Cluh has hcPu "man. i (*1404)44, onion sets, gdil11ug ouiu41r,
radish, lettuce.
Inst week the Liberal wont•n
a club for the town and Metric'. Dr. The ppnrlOme( will be judge.) fu mid -
:thaw prestdal during the election of N•rmrner by A representative from the
0f19(eI, whloh re,nl'ed as follows: Itepertment of Agriculture ami the
Honorary presidents, lit. Hou. W. L. prizes in emit contest are as inose:
Mackenzie King and W. E. N. Sin- let, $4: 'l{nl. $3: 3rd. *:. 4th. 01.
Liter, M.L'.I'. ; honorary vice-presidents. it 1. not ne cess cry- that the ,t,•hool
77rowa•s Ma(Mt11an, M.1'., and Dr. J. W. rection In which the .'ontteitant re -
Shaw ;
e -
Shaw: president, Mrs. Wal'er Man- _vides is tanking part In school fairs
ping; vice-president, Mrs. F. Axon: and t4 the cone...tents are within the
este limit they may or nine not to at-
tel)4ieg s.•hord. This( Ire an exes•Itene
oppertimity width should .be of In-
terest to all ley.: and girl. living In
rural (sin twin It kes. Sine There RTP
(MIT 0wenty4114P entries, allowed in
loth ,rrnte••t it is. rec•twtsary that ate
plkatios4 be .eat In 1(t an early
,lggrliwMlon? .1 Id be mallet) to
the ARrieulturnl Repn.wMathv. 1M
Mrs. Arthur Barr liar received word
of 'he drank of her (Dela, Weenie 1)un-
lotr. Ft EMn Creek. Manitoba. Mr,
Be Proud of
Your Stove's
Good Looks!
. enjoy the satisfaction
of having a stove that
looks as well as it cooks!
ZEBRA will keep it new
and glossy through
years of use.
iwcxrrT'S (Oversee) LIMITED
as a nliAt• T'ORONT'O rerealtfra t ss
F`tesimoor', lire. A. J. Itolloway.
At St. John'r church, tat. 'Phoniest, on
Murch 22nd, Irene, eldest daugh'er of
1 'Mrs. R. E. Ilulmer of that
' to Julm
cit)•, Will unt'ed in marriage
F'. Mr... eon of i.. W. leek and the llint witI, in n`v releineiving Int[olunin onmTb.v
late Mrs Levis of Clinton. y
Rev. Kennreh J. Beaton, n Clinton rleev you elicit. to buy the best for
old 'hap, has been appointed associate-
secretary of the hoard of home mise
.done of the United Churc•4 of Canada.
lir. Re•a'on event fifteen as a
We -do :try in ('hhu, returnistg to ('an•
a.1.1 tato peer.
•IMany telsegukted persons thlefe the
trite lest of friendship ie whether the
friend will lend mon(.)-." -Joint 1t
Bokefeller. jr.
Did You Ever Stop to Think?
tf it were not for 11e advertise-
anent•. people well(' knew nothing
about bargains. The Fele Inform pespde
what is for 'role and scheme, eo tlwt
rain -lake advantage of The homilies
that IewlnM• 4.(iI,(-,'rria hese 40 offer.
There 1, m. use In taking (honer.,
as to Mee quality of the g 'Ld• pen, hay.
You even test oft all p ,cubic (•hanrns
by bey lig item home merchants wit"'
saved Ise.
ENIPIA1'P 8'r'oCKIIOi.UBRS In Fdtl•Irhrn t.. the quality and +Pr
4 tier ,It get ctom yn111' 11.011• neer
I 14e11 'Tieloph n IVhant. poor
Ontarin end Qtlwlrea• ere `Lues nunp have little to sprten('. Irl t ht
',Ascribing on tate Instal- blade slily- In th.• None howl. mel
hops( keep for Int- i 14'.e ..f ,;il h on
(own Moving.
Your :own 11.41. y lit 4 h 4 .0T
shrferr', tee of the I w
Mane' 31144 ns yon twv.t pill? 444 (I
chew plan se an investment rne('dum I bon cru be lipatl in y.t11",4f en4)
for their ouving's l •down In the Com 1 when pan an• loyal to your town.
patty's 'utensil repo.M, whkei seater
Home nN•n•hnuep• are . nrehtl wire;
•ha• of U'4,479 wor::Pr. eligible to tette thinT4,,t , ,...not tlw grainy
� they.
'.,'rthe 12.fIJ are now enbaerilnR411,277 Aorta. her' before offering It hr their tfnoR
through local pop•rw.
n P even n.wke, your dolor.
Employ -Pee 0f the h
('nmgwnp In
At. Psnares
meat pin for more then Millet .
of Bell *book. 'Tibet these 'elephone 4'm-
piloye.w have continued to mate con-
" *.."4' Inv'
Notice ,to Water
The Water and Light Com-
t[li„i011 is pleased to announce
a reduction of one dollar per
annum on house wlttrr rales
from January fat. Owing to
the large number of 'takers
thin reduction mean* con-
siderable lean revenue, and
consumer, are asked to co-
operate in the economical
operation of the plant by see-
ing that the water ie not
wasted and that all leaky tap,
or services are fixtd at once.
L. L. Knox, W. T. Murnny,
Sec'y. Chairman,
Lilies. the Easter Flower, in profusion. Also
Roses, Carnations, Sweet Peas, Daffodils, Tulips.
Potted Daffodils, Hyacinths and other Plants.
We can serve you well, both locally and in other
countries, through our Florists Telegraph Delivery.
Bruce Street Phone 105 Goderich
T. designer, of the new Durant 6-14 built beauty into its loos
just as they built comfort into its riding qualities and performance
Into Int motor.
The low -set body, long, flowing lines and wade sweeping ferekre
together will the spear -point decorative motif carried throughout,
account for the attractive appearJ., r of this new Durant product.
You will beat appreciate the Appearance, Performance, Comfort
and Value of this new, medium -price. six -cylinder Durant, by
accepting your dealer's invitation to drive It.
Tie Chiron, Fowr rational a ow important wed
arrows Dada' prodwas
vetoer) (LT •4104) CANADA
PETER GRAF, Goderich