The Signal, 1930-4-10, Page 66- -Thursday, .April IOth. lis0
Pict tire of
Health Now
"In May and June 1 was
badly rundown and had faint
spells until it was a drag to do
my work. In July and August 1
didn't seem to pick up so 1 de-
cided to try Lydia E. Pink -
ham's Vegetable Compoultd
because I saw it advertised. I
took two bottles and now 1 am
the picture of health. 1 feel
fine, do all my work and milk
two cows. If any woman
writes, 1 will certainly answer
her letter." -Mus. George R.
Gillespie, Punnichy, Saskatche-
u art.
Lydia E. Pinkham's
Veaetahle Compound
20 per cent.
off all
Phones: Store 335. Res. 355w
Hamilton Street Goderick, Ont.
Sunday Afternoon
(;oderich, Ont.
)tris: the Lord is risen today.
)tons of net and angel,. tray ;
Raise your 'Jaya and triumphs high,
Sing, ye heaven.; anti, earth, redly.
Lore's redeeming ing work is done,
I'otytht the fight, the Ia'tle wort;
Lu' our Ian's eclipse is o'er,
lab! Ile sets in blood no more.
-42. Wes!.•)
Early in the Morning, O laird, will
we dire' our prayer unto Thee. and
will hark up. Blessed art 'fico who
tildes create the heaveus and the
beatettly peters. We confess our
.Ins and :he sins ut our forefathers:
for we- have all !outgrew -14 and rte• I
gleeted. 'new. But ext not. O God, our I
misdeeds before us, 114)1 our pas: Ilfe
in the light of Thy totiutemance.
Truly our hope is it. Thee; In ')Lee•'
have we trusted). 10: us never be con- I
founded. We pray for the .whole race;
of muukind. for the supply of what is!
-wauiing men each; arab for sues -or
and tvmfor( unto a11. And. for -Thy
whole creation do we pray, through!
J,•sua Christ our Lord..tmeu.
--The British Weekly.
S. S. LESS4IN FOR .U'RlI. 20. 1930
ln•s.,on Topic -Easter',, .on.
L tors 1'.4..wge,--.Ielen 20:1.16.
Golden Teext-.Ma$hew 28:6.
In these verset•s ae halve an aoroute
of the revurrection by au eyewitness.
11 i. perhaps more an at -count of bow
he w•aa.c.n•riuct+l :but a reet.irrectlou
had actually taken piece;
When (Mary brought the startling
word that the tomb was empty Peter
and John instantly set off at lisp speed
fur the garden. The older man was
le[' behind by John --that other di*
vitae -but natural reserve kept ham
from entering the rocky chamber.
lie looked lit.- however, and to his sur-
prtse taw that the tomb was, as Mary
hail said, enmity. But he saw more
tlntu had caught her est•. She at
once concluded that some one hail re-
moved the tardy, pa,sedbly fur burial
elsewhere. John's eye saw that the
linen cloths in which Jesus' body bad
been wrapped had been removed and
let behind. Peter, coming up by this
time, went in and a further obeerva-
tkon . was wide which showed there
had berm tee hasty removing of be
le.e.. 'rhe grave clothes were 1n one
place and the "napkin that wile about
Ills head. u4)' lying with the linen
clothes, but wrapped together In a
{lack by' itself." John then followed
in and ids second aigle of the ons lr
Louth touvine.d him that Jesus had
Himself rlq•u and disencumbered
. Himself from these wrappinlpi and
depurterl•. 1t was enough for John :-
"Ile saw and believed." .Filled
astonishment awl with strange
thougbti chasing one anteher through
their minds. the dleclNea went away
emit] wife :heir own homes.
Maryexhausted with her rapid
Salada Orange Pekoe has
by far the finest flavour
/ I
'Fresh from the gardens'
/ - l
How good are you at finding mistakes? The artist has Intentionally
made 1 obvious ones in drawing the above picture. Some of them
are easily discovered, others may he hard. flee how long It will take
YOU to find them.
Of Interest to the Busy Farmer
Furnished by the Ontario Department of Agriculture
Norfolk Leads in Reforestation
Norfolk led the counties in rotor-
t•statlon In nap, when 617,000 tree*
were planted. The objective Of the
t.-un'y for 1930 is 1,1100,000 treat, to
be planted on uou-agricultural land
..r for windbreaks.
*Ting (hdilvatlag
1'ae taro when cultiva'Itgp In spring
not to spoil a good job of plowing. 1f
Sint use a toothed ltoplemeu: in work-
ing the soil you are alutust sure to
drag 'he stubble up and make more der this public service.
1 work for yourself in plcktug. The best --
Me•ebod usually 1s to roll the sell be- O. A. ('. lt5►teneleo Circulars
fore working it, 'hen use II diva•, aud,1 The I' tendon Department at the
If ueetw►ry, a packer to pulverize it, I Ontario Agrttultural College bas re -
then sow with a dime drill. cantly Issued a series of' extension
circulars which are attractive. 'brief
and well written. These should he very
useful to thew who wan" information
regarding the various subjects dealt
with. They ate:
Circular No. 1 -"Debates."
Circular No. 2.:-'SMulaple Horst'
Circular No. 3 --"Fertilizer plot,
Duns and Answers."
Circular Nu. 4 --"Farm Drainage."
Circular Nit 5 --"Tillage, organic ;
starer and ('rep Rotation." i
Circular Na. 6. --"!tell ltenelIon, Lime ,
and Manure"
'he county. This was au overage of
fifty-flve at each point. The Lincoln
county average was over oeventydbve.
In Welland :he average was over 100.
spas dal meetings of tbia kind are be-
arlug roudeetet) in about thirty coun-
ties. The dtmaud for minarets .s
so grew' that there has taken diffi-
culty- in supplying atitable speakers.
.t. Uveae non are praetlt•al ferment
and mos' of them runniest large farms,
IL has leen difficult to persuade them
to have their private affairs to ten -
Solution to "What's Wrong and Where" in last week's Signal.
1 -Merton and New York are not 5 --Bumper Ott auto not same design
990 miles apart. tirroughotr_
2-Headligkts on auto do not lute, . d --One vent missing on side of hood.
:i- Fenders on auto do not matt -b.
7-Hiugtw on dtatr Ulf ter on wrong
4 -Hood does not fF properly with side.
radiator. 8 -Handle on door on wrong( side.
carrying of the news to Peter and I
John. was not able 'u keep pace with!
them on the return trip, so that' when!
she arrived ^hey were gone. We see
her standing there desolate and pour-
ing out her distress in tears. The'
grave being empty, the whole earth
lir empty to her. Thinking she might
have been deceived in the dusk of the
early morn. she stooped demi and
hooked in again. So absorbed was
she in her grief that the vision eche
saw of angels did no astonish her
nor was alto startled when they said
to her, "Woman, why weepeet•t thou?"
She had but one consuming thought
nod she uttered It : "IBecause they
hate taken away my Lord, and 1
know not where they have laid Wm."
She didn't say who her Lard was.
What need to way who? Can anyone
1e thinking of any other true of. Him
who filled' all her thought?
As Mary answered the angels she
heard a step behind or saw 'he tomb
darkened by a shadow, and on turn-
ing discerned dimly, through her
tears, a figure which naturally enough
she wppotteel to he --le gardener,
being the Ilkelleet peen to be going
about the garden a' that early hour.
.is six turned, one word wiped the
'ears from her eyes and sent joy
coursing through ter heart. Once
before. that voice had hanidtddl from
her nature the foul spirits, tlet had
possessed her; and she had "awaked
from hell beneath the smile of
Christ," and now again the same
voice brtnptht her out of darknerw In-
to light. Frani being tate most
/otae)la'e, ,Mary became at a word
the happiest creature in the
Mary. with one quick exclawa'ion
of revaegnitlon and joy. sprung ve
wands Him. "Rahbxni," which it to
say "Mauer." But as Mary made as
though she would embrace the Lord.
she 1s met by these word..: "Totten
Farm Drainage
l'nderdralnage of much of t)ti arlo's
farm laud itt reaoguized as necessary
if profitable returns are to be secured.
l'uderdraiunge lowers the water level
of soils, removes surplus wa'.er,
lengthens the period for crop growing.
wakes cultivation easier and increaser
the efficleta•y of the will, Tile tFralu-
age increases yields In both wet and
dry seasouw. Well dratued tolls re-
sult in lower meats of praluc:iuu.
That Royal Trip
lu the past 'twee yearn 1407 young
men have participated itt the 'rip to
the Royal Whiter Fair /sponsored by
'he Outario i)e(atrtmeuf of Agricul-
ture. This trip is being held again this
year, during w'hleb time the guest.+
will have au opportunity to we for
'hemselv,a many phases of Ontario's
agricultural and ludustriel life.' The
contest is open to ell farmers and
farmers' stats and full Jelin,* can be who tins Insl1ee•tt'd the growing .-r.y,
obtains' from the local agrlt•uitural and also be tuterd after Purvis;
representative. Tills is Reveries! by regulations ad
the Destru•tive Insect and 1'ede Act.
amendment* to which became efts -tire',
«u Mast 12. 1930. - -
"Wsealed ul Varieties"
.%t this Ilene of year "lore *re
The term "seed" w)wn applied to,
p,tatoes must mens tstwe hiug in fu-
ture. It is illeghl to adverts.. or i t-'
fer for .ale potato... described as
seed" utilise _hey are vlgurests nn.l
free from merlon-, diw•u.." and h.'.
leer: .o certified by an •
the Fisk -rat Department of Agrleul-1n•
' The Weed Act
Owing to public demand plans are
under way for tl more patriot enforce-
ment of the Weed Acs this year.
Partners will be well advised to avoid
incohvenieut'e at or near barest 'Due
by planning now to control weeds.
Seeds should be carefully cleaned.
Weed:polluted fields should not be
seeded without proper prepare -Jou.
even if this requiree pate sowing of a
weds' crop. Weed Inspectors: have an
upportmity to do err meethelpful
and pleasant work between now and
planting time.' -
Multiple Hone 'Welles
More horses per team so that men
'usually 'emir agents offering new
varieties of grain and . h1r crime:
at fancy ;pride. Extravagant ,balms
are rade for thew- which are al-
leged -e offset the prier and leave
a very favorable 'winner. If farm - I
ers can )woe urs more suitable sorts
world. e1
b I b I{cul than they are now using they shealld
do .o, by all means. ter why net per-
mit the Government farms to deg the
exIwrimen'Ing? Trained experimenters
at thew .Ratlont aro teerint, hundreds
of varieties* every year ani no tarn -
can individually a.. ompli•h more er is ju.rtfied in layieg a high Klee
Me net; for I am not ye' addended to work is being generally recognized as for "something new" until be Iwrns
My Father." Mary sreeemed to bevel nue way of tuereaslcg farm effkiency how these kind" have produced in
thought that already the "little while" and reducing the car of production of I comlrrlson with others on Govern-
ot His absence wow .past, And that now I farm crime. The Ontario Agrieultural I men- farts`. •
Ile was to be always will them on College bas•tl a circular deal-lb-1
pug suitable hitches for four and five
earth, helping them In the same famil-
iar ways and training them by Ills
visible presence and epsoken won*.
IttY Ile showed her differently and
gave her work to do for Him in the
wonderful message Be sent to Ills di*
(tiles. "Go to My bntherw, and say
unto them. i ascend unto My Father
and your Father and to •My God and
your (pod." Thin Is the massage of
the risen Lord to men. He haw be-
rome the link between us and ■11 that
is highest and best -Condensed from
The Exposltot•w' Bible.
Easter kitty
'•1 was standing before the window
of an art snore where a picture of the
crucifixion of our 'Lord was on eshlbl-
Ion ; as I gazed i was consrIMm of the
approach of another. and turning he -
held n little lad gazing intently a' the
picture also. Noticing that this mite
of humanity was a wort of atteer Arah
1 thought 1 wonkb speak to hlm; set 1
tasked). daunting to the pieure: 'Tho
you know who It Is? 'Yes.' came the
,prick rrgsanse. 'that's our Saviour;
with a mingled look of pry and wur-
Complete with every
modern comfort
and convenience
TODAY. ")Body by Fisher" denote* the
I. world's standard of quality in auto-
mohile roacheraft. And among all cave in
the lowest price field . . Fisher Bodies are
estimate on the new Chevrolet Six.
That is the reason for Chevrolet's ontatand-
ing beauty . . for the graceful fleetness
expressed in its long, low lines . . the
instant impression of luxury conveyed by
no other car near its price.
iin the appointment of Chevrolet's roomier
interiors, no refinement which could con-
ceivably add to beauty, comfort or con-
venience has been omitted. In the sedan,
for instanee, are found satin -covered martial
cords. arm resits, derorative door panels
and attractive smoking sets. Draft -proof
piping in all closed models seal, the meanie
where doors and body meet. 'teats are
wider and eleeplytnahionedl. with form-
fitting backs.
Chevrolet brings striking beauty . . and
more. 11 combines six -cylinder perfor-
manee . . the smooth, quiet power which
nothing Tess than a six can give . . with
low initial cost and exceptional economy.
With all its advanced features, that ensure
safety, handling lyse and riding comfort.
the Chevrolet Six is available at new
extremely low prices. More than mei-
merbeefore is its matchless dollar -for -dollar
value apparent. See the new Chevrolet
Kix today . : drive it yourself. And ask
about the attractive G.M.A.(:. Deferred
Petit—tient Plan.
-.. •.•i1
I T' S C A N A i) i%
Better Need In tk'imatd
bolo 'cam+. I The crop report fur the hirer tarn
1 of Manch comments on the inereasd
Spring Cupping . iteere••t whteh hav been tmnlfivtted
Clipping rhe horses it. tgtring L n in better -crit. Tile demand for reg -
practice claimed to be advantageous! isterwl grain and certified 1st-aterw
by many farmers. It is seated that , kern and supplies (if such meek
clipping eaves the animals much dip►' sr,• rapeey la•roming ik,verted. Al.
comfort, thereby enabling them 'o de -1 tt 1s tsar eels Set to make
velop k given atut.uot of Power 011 doflni(e statements chair the ..ash-
less feed. Thorough grooming during tion of. fall when' and clover, a great
the working season also increases the deal of anxiety- prevails throttghott
borse'e edfieitn•S• the wi'hern part of the Province.
Itenewed ittackw on the cern
Crop Meetings ts.rer are deat•rlted in the river.
Trutt farmers are anxiuttt 'o Im- from Fi«ex .+amts. Brand scow are
prove their .ttnlltlon Ls evldencdd Ivy hringlng as touch as SltS apiece al
the targe a'tendane at spadial crop ,tile„ in Lanark county. while In
are provided by -he
mtd•t itegtt this yen r. siped•lal xpeakent Leeds fawners here been disappointed
Ontario Depart- over "he Mopping of the sap flow.
went of Agriculture to communities re- in ,Muskoka and Parry *wind Iter
queuing their services. G. A. Mt -Cave. stook is tteerer than had been anti -
agricultural representative ice Huron. cipst d, with •eotldlttone ice general
reports an areadanc. of all at a ser- about normal. Norfolk will use abet*
les of fifteen meetings in all parts of
:1315 cars of fertiliser In Itf111.
prise that 1 (should not knrnc. With
nn evident de•+ir' :e enlighten me fur-
ther he eontlnued, after n Imsuse:
'There's Ude ,soldiers. the Remain sol-
diers.' and with it raven .uIgb :
'That woman crying there is His
mother.' lie wsltwL app erentdy for
me to ques-ion him further. thntst his
hands into his iss•ke".e, 111141. with a
reverent 11 nit Nntalnrt ve Ira'. elided:
'They ktlkd Trim. Mister 1'.'s. 'dr.
they killed Inns" 1 'mike' a' the 11t•
tie refitted, fellow, and asked: 'Where
did you learn this?' Ile replied. 'At
the .Mlrwlnrt Sundnv edema.' Full of
though- retro nl1ng the ienefits of
.Mission Sitn.hiy sterile, I tnrn•d
tawny nisi resumed my walk. heaving
the little Ind looking at the"n r.• I
'hall net walked a bles-a whet. I heard
fil., ehlldish treble calling 'Misner'
Say, Mister:' i 'nrnsl. He wa.
running toward me, tett pao-ed : then
ftp e'en" 1411,little hand. and with
'riunertrtnt ,round in his coke he salt) i
'( wanted to tell you Ire rtes• ngnin'
Yee.. 1\lister. -He new attain!' "
a'edl. t..
1t vrnn't help the vtorhl's m,rtaley
s:atkstlos rmu'h to es'rap battleships
ars) mtrke automobiles out el them.
Brunswick i'llot. —
Watch the Health of Your Little
Ones at All Times
No neither can etpe•t (lint her
ehild will weal' all the 111. .,
N111(•1. bniry-htsal nae!' childless' are
tmhja'•t. 1,11? eelw egos d., trmoh r
leerier the severity ttf 'have trenhMs.
The mother should. he tons'antey Inn
her pmnnl to prevent 1'111idhtssl nil•
ments, or If they (-lime on suddenly
no they twlu.11y- do, to have the menus
at hand .n relleye thea. Thousand*
of mothers hate found Itaby's Own
Tablets the Ideal remedly for little
ones--ehousnisls of mothers. always
keep the 'Tablet,. In the linns• as a
saf.Qnnnl ngninst the snchk•n Illnswt.
of their little onset.
Itai.y's ()wit Tablet s rev it mild
Mit thorinigh laxa'ive. They regu•
late the d,.wels; sww•k'n the muta-
nt'', std tihus •Istnish ents,tlpn'lon
and indigestion:' !weak ap eoltt'.
nMl .Inrple ?ever and maple the cut-
ting of teeth easy. The Tablets
fire nlvetlntety IMilranteeed free prom
Injnrlotis drive, and may M• given to
the peewest child wi'h {aerieet safety
They are spilt ht^nadieine &tie s or
by nail at '2..c a Iota 'from Phe lir.
Killlanet Medicine ' e'.,. itrie-10111ee,
A math has list all interest In lite
when he no 'own' atop, to watch a
dog-tigttt. Sault, hilae star. -.
1 la•liete that as a rule we detei-
wane oar own fate by knowing wfien
ur.eizc rhe, iw,eeiaiL •-hanee."--Myren
T" Iterrie'k �"[,•
IT's so crisp it pops and
crackles when you pour on
milk or cream. And what a
flavor! Crunchy rice trains
---toasted golden brown.
Rice Kriapioa are pate for
any meal. Give 'them to the
children for supper. Easy
to digest. Order a red -and -
green package from your
grocer. Try the recipes for
macaroons, etc. Made by
Kellogg in London, Ontario.
010 • ;f RICE
KR1 P E5
Brophey Bros.
Aesbalaace service at all
(hours, day or eight.
I'IIONF$ More 1311 11... ?I,
J. R. Wheeler
Mineral Director and
All calls promptly attended to
dsy or sight
More 336 Resldettea 366w
Hamlltoa street. Gederich
Coal and Wood
Genuine Hard Ston Coal
Chestnut Coal
Pea Coal
Coke •
Pocahontas (2 by 4 egg)
I can supply your wants in
any of the above fuel Prsmpt
service and reasonable prices
Telephone 1 7 Itj (;oderich
Plan to enjoy the
pleasures and conven
iencea of an escorted
'tour this summer. Visit
Jattiper National Park.
See the great Canadian
Rockies... the Pacific
Coast ...or Alaska. Or
go east --the Maritimes
and Old Quebec.
Choice of dates and
itineraries available.
Full information,
descriptive booklets
and reservations from
any agent of Canadian
National Railways.
Fresh Bread
Baked Daily
That's what you get when
ordering your Bread from
Cleveland's. It contains
the purest ingredients
known to bekert•. Buy a
loaf today and taste the
We specialize in
Cream Goods
of all kinds
Phone 114 West Street
When you place your order with
us for supplies you can he assured
of receiving* only the bed that can
be procured in
A Trssl (Inlet Will C.,nvint'. Yell '
SlIreruod's Ice Cream
(or your protection
GaU in and look around
When Cleasflttss is hn■att
e:vtetvgioov WWLCoala
Spare's Grocery
"The 'Attire ..1 Satisfaction"
Hamilton Street
Goderich Phone 146