The Signal, 1930-4-10, Page 44—Tburselay. April 10tb, 1901) .1 FASHION CRA FOR BETTER CLOTHES VALUE WH•) • THE EASTER PARADE: STARTS SHE'LL RE PROUD 1'Ol' Rot'tiHT YOI'R OLTF1T 11 ERE. When "Easter” Says Good Morning' will 1-(u: Have That -Wen l)re•s,ed" Feeling:' You will if Pridhanl'_ have done your outfitting from their splendid showing of all that is new in men's Clothing and Furnishings Suits at $20, $25 and up to $35 Single or double-breasted model. SPRING TOPCOATS Smart tweeds at $21.50, $24.50, $29.50 and up to $35.00. NEW HATS, NEW SHIRTS and NEW NECKWEAR W. C. PRIDHAM & SON 1I "The Store trait the Stork Men's and Boys' Wear. Goderich, Ontario. Telephone 57 THE SIt NAL, — GODERICH, ONT. GODERICH TOWNSHIP GODERICH TOWNSIUP, April 9.— On Friday evening, April 25, '.he play, '1)fary's Castle In the Air," is to be parented in Union ("hunt by ,the young s.t'o )1e of tibaron United church, under the auspice. of the Union Young Peoples Sta le's. Hydro is being installed along tb. -Irh coucesslon this week. CREWE e'dt111%1E, April t;. --Tile monthly W. )1. S. ulertlug was held at the loom of Mrs. J. Kitla'riek. the pres- ident taking charge. Mrs. thackletun read a Inter from tMrs. Walker In 1.111 MI, which was enjoyed. Mrs. Wa{'t and Nita. It. Finnigan rendered soi u.. Miss Alma Blake and Mrs. Drennan rendered a duet. Mrs. Keine. Mrs. 'ere - leaven and Miss Maili'•k gave readings. Mos Watt reread a ehapter in the study book. Delega'es were ole eteui to go to convention In ,eatorth. Mr. Koine par uonneetl the benediction, A dainty lunch was served and n social hour w:as spent. Mr. W. I►rennau had a splendid sale lore Tuesday. Everything offered ,old well. Mlsa .Riede Ktlpatriek spent a few shays visiting friends' in Duugitulloaa. Mrw. J. Hnikiett repent a few day visi:ing ber (laughter, Mrs. W. Dren- non. Mr. and Mrs. J. Swan and fatuity. spent Sunday at the former's hoax', Mr. Geo. Swan's, 1'?.th concession 8 DO YOU } SUFFER WITH HEADACHE? GODERICH INN GARAGE uFFICIAL SERVICE STATI(IN FUR Daunt, Hudson aged Esse:, Gemini Motors Automobiles and Trucks Expert on Electric Trouble We Specialise on Brake Service 1 "n can ml its Police Inspection when they are repaired by us Automobile Supply, Electrical Parts for All Makes of Autos in Stock f_5—Tu anyone who can bring a car we can't repair—$2,- HARRY BRADLEY HAMILTON ST PHONE 247 So easy to get quick relief and pre- vent an attack in the future. Avoid koromides and dope. They relieve quick- ly but affect the heart and are very dangerous. They arc depressing. and only give temporary relict, the cause of the headache stili remains within. The sane and harmless way. First --correct the cause, sweeten the sour and acid stomach. relieve the intes- tines of the decayed and poisonous food matter, gently stimulate the liver, start the bile flowing and the bowels pass off the waste matter which causes your headache. Try Carter's Little Liver Pills. Druggists 25c red pkgs. MOcxxcxcxxCcx°xxxcxxxxXcxxXx Have You Selected Your Easter Ensemble Yet ? Easter is Only 7 D aysAway. If Not, Now is the Time and This is the Place. Let Us Suggest: A Black Broadcloth Coat trimmed with galyak, mole or fox paw. A Navy Tricotine Coat with a smart collar of broadtail, squirrel or muskrat. A Smartly Tailored Coat of tweed with the high waistline and the narrow belt. And with your Coat a matching HAT of bankok or a fancy lace straw. A New Dress of the flattering length in a constrasting shade and you will be able to withstand the severest test of a style critic. -Accessories to add a final note -- SCARVES in smart designs, and the new Ascot Tie. HOSIERY that steps along smartly. GLOVES of French kid and silk. Men! Dress up for Easter .ASHFIELD ASIIFIFMJ), April S. --Sincere gym - pally Is extended' to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas (Arvey and family In the Beeth of their Sou and brother, Rev. Wilfred T. Garvey, ('.S.U., 11.A., Ph.D., of l tasIl'it Seholastleate, Torou'o. Dr. Harvey died at St. Mary's 'Mr. Jas. l'ornellua. htrgkal, 'itoe•hester, N.Y., on Satunlay, 1 Mr. George 'Met/taoid made a lard - April Mh, at the age of thirty -tae utrs trip to Ashfield uu Monday. yearn. The funeral •was held from,1$t.1 )Ir. Wince llreln hue purdwsetl Basil's chureli, '1lurontu, on Tues41I 'uew Pontiac car. morning. April Nth. 'l'he W. M. S. of the 1'ulttd church Mrs. 1f. J Blake, Mb,. AIWA and held mhahwary leas on Wednesday Harold Blake motored to Stra-ford last at the humew of IM's. A. rot( and un Sunday to visit Mr'. Blake's sister, Mrs. Victor Emensou. The W. M. $. is tllv'IteuI u a mee•tlug In Winghaiu United church on Wedueaday. April .111. and n good attend:uns. Is tt4111414.,'e.1. The Boy Slant's put on a splektl„1 eutertalnuteilt in the hall here mut week. Mr. Scot:, who was very low, W now much better, as also are Bir. Mae Room, Mrs. Juba Craig, ar., and MINN Sarah Garbutt. ,Mr. Amos Cornelius delivered his driver to Mr. Joe Md)flllau of Ltu•k- uuw 011 Monday. Mr. Thos. Irwin of Luekuow, was a vlsl'or on Friday with his uncle, To men and young men who appreciate the wear- ing of good clothes we offer a convincing selection of Suits and Topcoats. Suits of Scotch tweeds and worsteds and English Saxonies. Topcoats excellently tailored and of carefully selected fabrics. New Hat colors and shapes. New season's styles per- mit either hound or unbound edges. lasesssiseseX CORNFIELD A. "Shop Where You Are Invited to Shop" West Side of Square XXXXXXxxxst cXXXXXX XXX XXXXXXXXXx u a Mrs. S. Gummi. Mr. and Mrs, John A.041eliensie were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Sower - Ly, 44•derleh "uw•uship. oar Suutlay last. Mr. Will )levers. of Detroit, are rived home ear %luuduy lava to visitA reception is lowing held a' the his iaaaLs •u.Mr. and Mrs. John Meyers.I home of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Stein The worm on April ith wuu1d COW-, of Asltfleld oar April it for their sou pbtn• very wen with way storm we had Lloyd. olio Is lotting worried tills week on a -Juuu:lry silly, ill point of wind. to Miss Dorothy Wraith of Langside. frost. and the depth of .stow whl•li' eldest daughter of 'Mr. Wm Wraith loll. As It is now eigh'ee'n days Auer' and the lute Mrs. Wraith This i.ow- the calendar anuoun. d the begin.inanity extends best wishes to -he ting of ..pmol. we sl ewdd an Prefer hippy- couple. who will reside on the the brinti of spring weather euwpused grouw'- farm in Ashfield. of stutahinr std a lir ie rain. The itug- ge•rlug wiu'er. however, has 114 ad. BEN MILLER ' vantages,. It enables the Harmers to 0.11-.11ue the uw of their bobsleighs. and the rakers of maple .yrnp vti11 BESMII.Ii11U. April 9.—The' stork find a good run of sap. paid 11 welcutnt. v1.11 10 'bee home of Mrs. Devitt Anderson. while visit• Oar. and Ura. Bruce Greig nod let. a Mir last, week at tin. home of her 'fine. 14g. Iwruneing baby trey. dauugh•t•r. 'Mrs. S. J. Kilpatrick, ern. Iota Fl.lwr 1s bonne fro, Gewl•rkh .*owlet 9. happened with an ac•eIdealt high teIlue.l with mumps. w'111eh required medical attention: As Mrs. Ray Moore entertained to uuw- uuted in 'lige columns n*eutic, Mrs. berr-of 'belittle folks to 11fteruaru tea A tIlk'rac.n o'lebrtrhal her niuetleth Last iMouday- on the uteasion of Gore birthday on March l ltit. We 'rust the uthv's .birthday. venerable lady w•111 be speedily 're- .dn. 1•:4Iwllr,I 1:,wu1 has solved hack stored to her trtttal strength and ext• h. her old lows oar the 1'11 couerssb•u Joy many more years of Iifi• and hap. fru, Gowlrrleh, whore ole ?pout the pinew. I hist year. IlartkJ Gotsl bus motecl un to (hr ' Me1.1ar'c- fifty acres un tht+-44i1 cntt; cesslon near the Division line., , Air. John ')h•latrty held alt ailintots I LOYAL P Miss Susan Peaks, 49, Edward St., Toronto, sats:- "in the Spring my arms and face broke out with eczema which was troublesome, painful and very un- sigl)IIy 1 used various kiwis of salvers and ointments but the itching M1e was never relieved until 1 got !am But "In a very short um* after commenc- ing omen,ng with Zam,buk the be toes to veld I steadily persevered ems and fat's through pl eB healed it made my skis were comp• ' woodet1u91 smooth and ciearrticularly Eruptions of the skin ate W prevalent at this time of the teat eon . surf and treat every tiny pimple. soreness. or aay break in the skin with e a1w* Buk004-*lways dependablemlot always { the Ain ud healing f.l)YAI.. April 9. --Th(• people gen- erally gut a surprise on Monday morn-. log veben a belated snowstorm blew down fnen Nor'hwest and held .sway fur two days. sending the frogs, who, were slanging lustily Sunday nwrning.I butt: :'o cover. However, from appear - mires of sky trod wind at the time of, writing they nay be out again to- morrow. Our sympathy goes out to ;be rela- tives gni friends of the late !Lev. j Father Garvey. who passed away in Rochester, N.Y., on Saturday late He was a young Ulan of w►deudid abliittes 1 which be consecrated 'u the service of his church. He was a nephew of Mrs. W. IF. Young. and cousin of Messrs. 'W.' L. and terunk Young and Mies Mary Young. - Mr. Frank Clark. of Godettch, .la .pending a few days with bis another. Mts. John Clark. :Mr. and )Ire. Victor Young, Mrs. Clark and Mr. Frank Clark were 8' Toronto on Saturday attending the wedding of Mise' Jean Young aid )lr. Tat' Clark.Ingot to tills A+ 1'arlbsmeut is prorogued fur Church9 vowg men for farm service. Heat Folks. sale of stuek laid implements last Fri -1 day. - 'Freed Mugford has moored to 'the Dimon road near Goderich. Garfield M,(Nlicllael bit moved nn to ^he ol4 Paul Maetlrl farm on the :hid,, t•ouet 6tou. • Dun "Swantx it mining buck to. his old 1101111 on the •Maitland. Ile has been making staple syrup. Carmen Feagat las moved _ from G,wlerlch rel John KenilgtuuPs, when• he has hired for :he year. Mr. Anderson. who has been living at Mclrtw and has leen looking after Will :Met 'lure.- coal hieInes•. ha - moved to 8t. Helens. where• tel' will be working for Joseph Joynt. William Westlake. who hos leen, working for Will Long fur tau years., p,s inot Ing :o Saltford, where he. Till be working fur Mr. Mc'(:ill. David I'itirhtd.' has received a young Scotch lad. Benjamin Young from Paisley. Ser.:land. tit:mien the 1'nl'er1 Church immigration .ttpau-t' Flowers grow well ill the balmy maws:. During the last tour yeah the; air of a house heated .by the ts. seal rms.. ua stl meati ger ala cue iys ° AIM Soar b %Koas n is burns. sat*r„a .ass Herr hors iiiii.d. Ism bus THEA GODERICH NFAC RblltS THE COCKSHUTF IMPLEMENT SHOP has removed to new quarters on Kingston street. Implements and Repairs General Expert Service on all Cockshutt Machinery. AIIis•Chalmer1 and United Trait tors. Baer & Stranghan TELEPHONE 598 Wong's Cafe g A Good Place to Eat `Best Service in Town TABLES FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN A la carte service al all hours Wong's Cafe Phone 253 The Square and Montreal Strew* Goderich HOW DOES YOU : INDOOR. GA2-rn QUITE WELL, THANK f YOU. THE HEAT 'O'J(S- HELP ME WITH IT- J Ui:11e, our member. Alt. C. A. Robertson. 1 ' jo do children. has returned home and will nAnti year n lrwlll bring ere enlarging ut filllnK,wL Rrmrn tram d0 grown people. able to aXeud to his farm This was one of the shortest sessions fnftreto10 Iw•rutineion ee ithelrs'41.old ' iud actl alt's a good climate to cultivate on mord. the Goverment Any farmer deslrtnicI health, happiness and sunny The sacrament of tthe IAmfth's inner ail' are observed 11411 church on Sunday, April 13th, and the ordination of new elders will ^eke Mate also, a' the usual service. p.m. ['reparatory service will he held on 'Thursday evening. Mr. and 'I)f Wilfred Toronto on Tues- 1111)113011(1 and Shirley 'rues - rind will remain for n day. )Ire. ivnt. W few days visiting her matter and ..titer relatives. 'The pleased toakilos. she tr able to bebe ut be about the house again aCer a lung mad serious lunge. help by the year eau make a1414'a•`: dispositions. ttun rnunary gh 1'nited 1'hureh min Try 1 load of inn.I ). I.. 5t V. islet'ht need Mr•. Thos. t)lacl het'. who has been «uttering with 'rheumatism fur some . aline, has leen removed .o tiw.Gowlerlch hospital for »peetai treaUnient and we hope for much 1IProtetuen'. before, lung. W1111L'I'EC111[URt.' The %t'umou'r .%s•,n•irkti.ul not *he h • of the president; Mrs. WI11 Long. on WisInesd`iy nfternoeit. Mr- \N"HITk`('HI'Rt'H. April S. It Gardner hail clnare.' of nut rctnrne,p from N1'inghaui Ito --meeting Nlrs. A. NI. Straughan 1. - I; l,l :0 last Wednesday. Mr. Jimmie Deacon, of East wawa - h, hail the misfortune e prim; i"gia over hie' uu go Off as he wits g fent' and had to have o ,.tow• returned plu AVinghaol •hospital and is - 1t:. WIPP El tittle with lticxwl• p 1 'the Messrs. Dennis. from 'LoX11 we '.Vlugluaw. are trapping iuu am- ees•sinn of East Woo mash n'- the 1 river. - Mr. Robert Henry Portion. who loss 110'451 with relativi•s In this distrlet iher the mist 1-WOuwt-h-. len% 1.. on Tuesday fur his insure at Walpole, iSask.' He will he are •otnlmuitst 1.3 his ;lou "nephew-,, Ifugh 1►avid and Continued stormy weather Is keep- ing eep Ing :he fish from running in the''- river..t, few sweeten' have' bier speared. hut the waiter is very cold yet. 1t won" he tong now till e'^twhile fish Prover' will have sport to their heart's. Conten 'The Italian Immigrants in Canada" wa. the 1•tiljeet of -he Y••nng People'„ COAL . B. MUSTARD Club missionary program Inst Sun- COMPANY .lay evening. Miss Evelyn Long- had shame of themeeting. Miss i1'r'i by float 4• — Godericb brand, when v'ou nex ('ALL THE Coal. Waher• veils at rhe piano. anis Frani, _ Walter: read 'he Scripture Bowes. The young people a have leen prepar- inga play entitled "No Aecomtt i81)111 and will give the firs. he•rforwati a iu Iteumiller churl h .n, Thursday. April x x Phone 418 ort 'Itendersml. lhir slek folks hate dhowu consid- erable improvement during the past /tl cited n' missionary program on • book. '-Froth Jerusalem to ,lern- Wenu.-. and d was Assisted by Mrs. Jo1114 Long. Mrs. i:ardner..11r... 1'.s•il ita%tcr. Nth.. Itay'`loor,t :)Thos Annie Itae• t Amt Mlss Itt'nlih Long. 1".irler 1e. orations were m -ids fur the idg inew'tt11g to he held nn 'he :1' of May. A good program hn• been •w• const hl :he 4:141'.Ac 4jnnrt..rt.. from wtralford . I The young un•u'' cilia, of li.•nnllll'r . lay 5,411,1 titer 01 Tue«Inv 1111210 souk••• tis.' TOWS 61,11110 1.1 Wtll Snyder. 'o reorganize the Flags. Ito-. 4'Islrel: 11,1. 0,1.441 pr•.irlent. 1'onrtl:und Kerr iice-pr.shleh'. I'amelt St. -vett- .,r retarr, reasnr'r. Social And literary committees were also chosen. A social 1 hour WAS +I$`tlt 111 gameer AIAI AngiAK Terrified Marl: "Oh, Mr. Methertnn, there's A man at the door who say. he'll either commit nniekle or mnnler if he doesn't get • money ." Mt•PlserMm "Ask him which he means to do, At' 0 he *aye 1101111.1 gi'e hien tine ahillnn'. —The 11u.nori.R Our Service To You! n r ewes a*• to you 11,11 taw Xtice ell 111 the Ineeellre aur we are able to sent+ yo a r. w, and fort 111 11 • 1••001 • - •er w Are offering. We hair something fur the whole Wilily. . For the fanner and working -- man: Fine and working s tc•e•a that will give real Comfort and irear. Fur tlw hotrewife our eller- - to.na have. been for good looks and real foot Paw. • In selecting our linen for young ladle*, growing girls, . diete, boys, youths and little gents, durability and real comfort for the growing foot, together with good looks, have been combined. 1 hlr claitl, is that, comparing duality, our priers are lower than listed in any mail outer catalogue. and it w worth something to the aloe buyer to be able to try'• them on and get a /nod fit. let to rove you this coming season with wenn of y,wlr nerdi in Footwear for your family and con- vince you that we tan MIA 'vow money. Our Ittw of r,emmet $pwort and Running Shoes for the young Mika are wearing 2 to 1 compared with cheaper maker. let um have your repairs and we will give you a reliable and urns lob at reasnnable cost. AT YOUR SERVICE The East Street Footwear and Repair Skop OPPOSITC t/a141,11 C1SUeaCH WM. AHL GODERICH, ONT FOOTWEAR FASHIONS 4'- 1930 - Men who wear fine Shoes are demanding cor- rect style and fine appearance in their Oxfords. There are many outstanding features in the coming seasons sit"le situation. These features are to be found in the new models for spring. All the leading manufacturers' lines are to be found hereat most reasonable prices. GEO. MacVICAR THE PRACTICAL SHOE MAN NORTH SIDE SQUARE GODERICH 1 xxxxxxxx=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx°x x the. North Street United Church Choir oils x PRESENT A Concert and Sacred Cantata, "THE CRUCIFIXION" ('T:\ I N I:I; , ON Good Friday Evening, April 18 \--i-14:1) 1t1 ,:OLOiSTS. Mr. William E. Williams, of St. Thomas, Rnritrene(:,11(1 Medallt-t Strat ford Musical Festival, 1929. Mr. James Medlyn, of iSt. Thomas, Tenor (iold M.-04.11ist Stratfntd Musical Festival, 1929; also winnt•r of the Rost. Howl for,,4I,. tno.t artistic vocal per- (ortnanr•e of the entire Frntiv:14 Cantata preceded by short program of vocal solos, duets, organ and violin solos. Mr. H. A. Clark, of Stratford, n„i,ting violinist Mrs. H. A. Clark, of Stratford, (',snlraltu Soloist. Douglas Campbell, Organist and Director. Admission 50c Students 25c xxx x xx xxx xxxx xxx xxx xxX xxx