The Signal, 1930-4-10, Page 2v $-JTIlureday, April Established 1848 (iODKKICH : CANADA rarer ef Canadian Weeidy News- papers Association Published every Thursday morning. gokaaviption price $2.00 per year strictly In advance. VISE SIGNAL PRINTLNG CO.. LTD. Telephone 35 : Goderieh, Ont. W. i1 Robertson, Editor and Manager Thursday. April 1E11, Nan EDITORIAL NOTES the communities In :he troehay circuit. who were quite satlattet with he 'service they were gerlug and are dwrtrltul If Iry'/lro will gtvc them equally considerate 'reatmeat. After all, there were good .nitartautial res• sous for the Bruce people to prefer do- ing b1111tueas with what Waal Irractleally o IrN•al concern thin 'AS be at the mercy ar a Turoutusontrolled organization. • • • A remark mode by the 1'r bur. M+o islet in the , onree of a •Ielwte lu ,:h•• ' of 1114,11,4.114,11,4. of I•otumunw on the gilt:1 uu ( uurngdo) anent has been seized Now by t)ploosition swat ler,. and writers ss u fine pile of ammunition. Urged to i 1 1. the c I, Ilea 1 1 t 1 Ile f Nll fa • , ax•', n1 ill Previte -Jai Government. to take ••s•e 'i ee•llwed Mr. 1► o n[ M 6 1 d. ttW , mien 4 s r 1 find to snake his refusal more etnitbatl.• to +'std that he would not give a It will sown ,lo• time to hark fur the first •r'raw hat. • • • Now hat thiwtr ore .proutiug, what ' NI rlcfiS • • for ll l I Trade of rd ora tallow shun • • • Jar. King say's he wouldn't give a cent to a Tory Government. Bu' doteei t he lay his gasoline tax? • • • The 1'rl►viutull l4•Kislertre has beets prorogued and polities! observers will owe 4e Moe to give their exclusive at- -ratios' to the Ottawa arena. • • • If the :own council intends to do aaythiug in the way of establishing parking rules. now Is the time :0 do it. not when the season 14 advanced and a' will be difficult to introduce sew regulation. • • • ywlttar Wallace. writer of lerpuler '•thrillene," 14 going int() pelt ice and will be a Liberal cxandida'e at the mast eladion In (Irelt Britain. it a1gh: be rather dlfftevlt for a writer d fiction 411 impress a p•llUcsl gath- ering in just 'he right way. THE SIGNAL, LIHE WEEK AT OTTAWA `Dy `fZ /. Deadunan it IYl"1.tWA. April 3. -Will it,, rc be an election': It NO, wbeu? 'L'his 1s dolly the big 'trilbies') at ut'uwa. Truth t,f tell, It occupies Inure sluice lu the umbo' of conversation thou any other single bride. What it the. an - ewer? Governments is go to the country fur twe resinous: 1. To get re-elected. '_. ily fotre of cuwpulslun. The lower may be dismissed. This 'Government or any oilier FederalrPesereople to fl1(havehlguu basouudknagetwn a lu d iene . ) nt.. Government is eutitled to the seas keno uuei even 'o l'aria and lacugoneut • • of South Awr rk•a for a l b • s the eu u r blobs if it N•amit-a :u stick it out that lac J 1 porpoise lure la a V GODERICH. ONT. tension, enlargement and improvement of our tree), with Australia! The Diverts 1811 To the Province of Uutarlo the liaise of Conuwna earnest the gentle suggew'letu tp a tote of 1W to 13T that the good old Provhtce ought to take care of the owu clivurtt�e and nut'hruxt them mem the Federal Parliament. There are a lot of clue. vlr'•uous (haps in the House ut Commune who believe that there should te uu such thing a.. divorce. There -men worry Owe the idea that given au otyar- tuuity Outerlu might go out on a di- vorce "drunk," Nu to *peak; :lust is, they might all want to get a divorce at once 11 the crsurts were there and they had au easy opportunity to se cure it. Still, after all, the courts arc nut .0 very far away. One uta crus. long. There is a just rereeuu tor doing the xaun where we might hurl allupfwrtuul'y si this time. t1'v have had two et__ to support home Industry, and prob- ablythe wind-upof the whole affair w a rent to ash' Tory Government: Mr. thins ehtek by howl, all to .peak. Why years - it's eu - brae iu 1 i to be on auuUarr t ) declared t rah Klu[ had already deo u "vicious principle" under which mutt. That w would d be a reaauu, y ralxel by one Government was Nu 1 Luwe fur la sure nutwrtnut ex•peuded by another, and in conform- lty with this declaration he bad re- fused to aseLrt the Provinces by way of grant for highway construction and for ttthukvl education. As for em- ployment, it that h a matter of Pro- vindal concerti 'he Provinces should attend to it. If. k is 11 wafer for 'he Tederal authority. the Federal Goverment should nut delegate its responsibilities to 'he Provinces by way of soaking money grants; it u11ouId dulls with the matter directly. fir. King's declaration in the House lam week may have had some owner - (Ion w'it the fart that the Liberal Governments of Quebec and Prince M;dafird Island have not been looking for aeeistanrY• hest appear :v be able to rope with any conditions of unem- ploymeret -tat may t•ilst In these Provinces. At any rate. the Prime Miel.ter is on solid ground in refuel- • • • tarmtrines are becoming popular In the Canadian West. Not combines In animist of rade. but the combiner that reap and thresh Joe grills'. It is reported that no fewer than 3500 of these machines were sold in rhe Prairie Provinces las' year. • • • The Burit'a Palle Arrow. publiehed Ib E. A. Warner, formerly on the stat( are Ink of employment the cities kook with the re4erh•nttions of their un- but there it In many of thew more of of The Signal. has discarded the to the Federal l;eovernlrten'. ,t . whose shaken ruucictk,a . Now they are a politic -al than an educational flavor. i "patent betide" and Is now all "home' "a-kuewUng Ilke the rete'-" 111 tax uW How charming, for instance. 1' weals tre+a+un, the G x1t.sen of the whole day. they acre adawxnt ekneslnst the he ter find out Ulat asoma laarieular ' sear, We enterprise a Brother rmin'n t -Abate, to relieve the An- ibal wile° of Prutctluu. 'Ute win"' of trleud of the o ernmeu'- haft Nuppllel t#arner on his enterprise and tonalthe furniture fora hotel. or that. aurae j uMion. discal tax{sayers would have prhitegr uud.'tltr rule of gt't'e1t• but of the hardware had toren purchased Wal the people of his community will gout res sou (u resent being Awned to the wllwt lwlrl gut 'I+Pttr alar; now give him medial 401)9oe'. In bis P[- they' 1110 as other wen. They east eyes In the r'ul'ed :elate). instead of it gt remedy erriertinn° hleh, they bad no at 'he hog trough of proter•Uom. With caned*. How rotr*tul we are in such OOLD&N WEDDING CELEBRATION AT BLYTH An !attending event was Celebrated at the borne of Mr. and Jere. Nathaniel Johnston, I5tyth, cru Monday, !arab 31st, when they obeervad their gold- en wedding. Tile unbrokeu fata- lly t4rcle, ate/melded by relatives and friends. numbered over Arty. (hierL.4 PVT*. present from :fault lite. Marie, '1\,noatu, t)uderich, wit. Cath- erine)), Wlugham, ItluevuIe. $t'eiforth and the surrounding Country. I ousted maw during tl`e day. TO ELIMINATE CURVE ON HIGHWAY TO LONDON The gait to "Mtotber" was aaattwtad by the eldest son, Conlon, of Not. t!atharines, and the toast to blather' was answered by the eldest daughter. Mrs. W. Armstrong, of lite "." 'fw• toast to "The lainti'ly" was re - attended to by J. S. Elliott, and he re- viewed the nose int.Llttate( rkl) Irbotory. W. Ferree. or awewerel the toast to "The 'Friends" 10 an able manner. A hendsulne pule• of gokl from the family and N` a11) other fine Many valuable gifts cenjra ulatory relearn, and mes4- .At the parsonage, ltelgrase, on Winch 31aet, t*t), Miss M.a*ry Elliott h't'IUIw the bride of Nathaniel John- ertuu, both of Met Wawauusll. the cements), bring performed by the late ltl•v. A. 1 . Edwards. Their attend- ants tt fid- 3,4Yll)IIN, April 7. -floe of the must ants were Mks ,Mar( Johnston. sitter I ilupottuut cwatru.'►utI.., job. tO.h of the Isrwul, nod John Maliutl. lm.Lh- uude•tto'a'l by the loyal branch of he •n t 'this t 141• n art ma- e• In t Ie n. J l•wl ° 1 r M •e l () 1 held i •3141 r tlr • 11 ) e f I llltarl r i. of Sterforth and Mr. alai 'MM- .!•Masi I year is the ely-ang ()f a straight JoWlstluu of lilyih were prea•ut at stretch ()f road through new laud just the urklnut cerewewy uud also teres- noel% e,f lauvn• In order to eliminate alt uu thin °Nv•asion. the large horrid 0 1haped curve Mr. and .fin. John+not remained 41111(31 exist; 00 highway' No. 4 at the N" direct route 1 s uu The c t 'h will lla r wa few Ilse 41 1 s N t t arlo In Mast a fit that lout their form s will b. w u p 1 a r and U :ta wa at learn, divorce rout ill cruylm I. ) 41 ) l ou e ry ago, when the • retired to wit ole u r with the tau ends .1 the far as dh•ureee are eeucerued, will' tale up moidr nor In Blyth. The horseshoe and will be :thou'. a quarter tp have au easier time. ' other members of their family' Ureic of a tulle in length. A large new bridge L'hls Gurrrunrut, like any uthrq will Qvestloos are: Mrs. W . Armstrong of (he will 4150 !x aoartnu•td over the go if the going "look. good" -other- One of the peculiarities of Hansard .,,r,N•," ,H,n.. •1. 4;a1,, lw of myth, Iyl,ht ]nicer at *his lwlut. wool on wine uta Some'hltlg would be gained and aumetitntts nue of 1 s must later- Gonion Johnston of `.k Catharines which was iuttlated last year, by gulag Verllasuenta tar removed eating points k the questions asked and Eldridge Juhnstan of Etlyth. There _ foam the people grow stale. a and answered are erten grandc I e r l • Ant res It Is au amazing r= 1 it t •n who were A judge says there is nutting like renewed his treugth from cunt&(' h1rl:Iou of the type of 111101. tibialsi (11 pra'eent. hand work. To a cer'ain extent this grew (Kale. Heck to Metber Earth- with the earth; Hercules overpowered members of parllameit scrmeUmet++ rplle, sluing-rM'W was attrwetl''Iy 11a tory cv,w[urUu[, but the grim het him by holding Itim lu the air. !'ars wast W know. I dpmrpted with wariX .kh.. .bile and remains that there IN hard work. -The liatwuwriana ''cru lung in the air may Fur inseam*, this question was asked yeller*. chrysanthemums and ruses• platow. r other day I et ()f sr•Id and ro.�• were PaeadraR - L "What firms or companies Isere' 1 s n totting for the b(auti[uNy u retool to the cuwritueueleu is of What WW Haws? The aituutiun _: the moment b in the e•wruce u[ L'xrliuwentrry salvativa tow, n nIMPLI y had furniture I honor. It After the sutntl p,MPLIE l.. r•a ••a road, enrpldled or are to supply furniture for eigmrintel• table with the storied be new l'atuaallau Natlunal hotel n I wedding cake holding the place ' of Halifax?" �� "is all ileenadr 11 urn r(u()ux repast. ,'v. ius'alhd or W he ltlxtulle n u . , o[ Blah, who acted ns rbc liar of the gulls. Looking at the 1 1 that r S..TYs.Va i aaou in its it !tett t app,'ru prselle 1104(.1? If.tt from what source of eine 1rnA•rwu. ) _ di proposed the teaNt to. �erS•d e••Itrer y, Mw.. • eta,gt baa" asses Ire etuoclarking. The Torii slare'belligerennt but PlywW that second hand furnthtrei CArrtt'ar° 1hr hridr anal grave no: aggreeslve. Manion may roar, lieu- Iwnett lune, $tevetrs growl; but chest! wo lou.. lector tau much the atwusphere of the utuvk'4o a lion --you get the impression that Ux recorder of the sound.. shivered us 11e (tanned 'beItux.machine. (*n the other hand, the Ltb- t'. ('recta wonted to`know the rrc- ftnls du nut Neem epuillug fur a enue derived by '.he Government 1n fight.. All this nilly" tr flee ominouscsh of the Last three years at [hr "tuick are ub:alnelT'Iare ttot'h art Irish descent .1. fir. ltia,t of Ilnlifai w'as the gentlevery humorous manor w1n asked tits question Ile also'• f Nt. (lttbalines. redo iu( el manotothisw•aut,d :o Imo. 1f any Ilan.ware had bon toight In the United Stet r for - the l'anadlan Nsi luual hotel at Hal - ha• M make gratsts 'u I'ruvin. ial tuu.lwgI.d piere11ng tinent,hollauff National !'ark from Gtr regleetra- 1, sal wife for a new hut• bent .•botion fats. tslm{rttlyf Let's• swimming from rn()1Ny raLsel for M'elrral par- kuuw,t--lt way 1mH.at( hr desire fat rl fees, bath hooses at Upp•r Hot pose.. It 1s from the cities the' the demand: fur relief tolme. In times of prosperity :Ise cities drain the nest of the country of labor, creating evn- ditlons under whh•h it L+ impossilde for 'be fasten+ to engage help. end when a slack perlrrd cotnew and men quiet. uudleturbed repose•.Sprlltgs and all other scoops. T • •tea" Mr. wthor' Inquire) how many But why leave"FloeCorner'nuthort.'s were awned by the Dominion of the virure? What of the U. F. A•. Government at the Sorrel shipyar s Agates Hcd•haIl, anal the others ut the in the calendar years 1ir26-27-3S-ZI. "group concept'" Thr)' this year. have Uf course• rhere are a great many t aukWyule.enl'ItmeIaePuavau-try *gi141ar1thearbbiantatmtrsyheveand very interesting answers given, 1 .ta Ti waawhet'[l 1 able (Positions aseked f1rthtolualn•TheArrowbiggerandIhauAIncoating-which,indeed,etrebutter to their eyes they reel for othor I cancel ;but a privately owned railway tiet�rr, fur damning tor• Avstrellau I operated for the better. ofthestock- ••• The editor of The Wasbltock :ten- ttnel-Aevlew when on a Toronto street eatr recently presented a bill for his fare. The conductor could not change K bat allowed the editor to proceed. wl' ▪ h the re:nett: "If your errn.aie•ne•troubl s you 'prat in two t1a'i 1a next time." The editor says. "We did " But Ware ought to be something more to ^.he story. Did .Bilty tell him he wax a aewopper man (stoat anytio ly will erupt). or tild he inform him that be was the son of George al. Elliott who .tad to live In G.N1Prk'h fan equally gosh port. or did the conductor ed gabutt tbei proton iso "hat cteat•rin wa- itr rmltted to do Idbe ice1rrPLareln4rnwn,rmemsworn-toownfit-ocampaign.losehew.kLanetlikelytuen. so perisheth a gr.xat Ideal'; bum n IublleowMd ntlway mu,.t herr make any trouble for Mr. King &along t'oespbywrrtt'hose from wbnm he derive° his Par Mr. Heals eautd the House to Ilamentary support find some .,olelou of tyre vuempkoy- - [Hent que:etion. Now' Oder desire pre- althoughbeI'rll4Mlnlaeter'sremark-n•aty.Afolduottu•mcue•1holdenwoImay f1R g y 1 II .tier own rtward; now' ala+. they are de -I precisely whi It likes- It would do 1,'chow+ of being ar c the I what 1 judgme 1d 1t to do I Aveld U. 13. CsodiUalu dtdtated a very lengthy dentate. Rel - ea'. Marys Jourual-Argue1 nrnr•d apeec•ha'e Quite a tea- of '.bem- Miss •McPhail, il.1'., say. she doesn't lleaps himself. Adebe*d, Garland. see ally the ler tI,.ttment of a divorce Heenan -a very fiery one lull of f Manion -baa• hamperin3 reetralnts thrown about IL Well. when will the next election he? A group of menr`N rP a•, r,• rl;scnssing 1'the other night and the conclusion of the whole mater was that it waa a fifty-fifty tw't. even chancee( tha'- It would Tee thio year and even chances -hat it would be' eaeta year. If any- eructsdouwcauur,moredivorce+.MatueandcastiAatinntotethl happens :o change the betting Nei'hcr do we. But the fact acetas sari mixed .it*rehels [rum other*. tagto toe that divorces are moat numer-', What should be done about it'' 1'n-1 rratio 1 will bre glad to let you know. sus where the olrpor.unity to obtain elupb h!dem is the greatest. We wan. to , :a mei1t1• . : avuid r'. 'S. divorce eooditloas in 'his 1it it a rod, ,vend r*tion; ase 11 relnedtscountry if we can rerdbly du to.tab- lust 'a4te a t•hanee on has tars•? 1Ve, bit's fart. Then• Nn• .+aid .ole- -ev- ontt the thing ourself uer'l KeephK Ilse Butteroaketr Busy I e•nte•n m1111on niPteployed in the lmne (Qundon Adv't•rttaer) I world and six million of ascii• in 'he 'ImP wr are in 'Paaromto I _('nondians cv.nsume nlwt '"1 ylntlelNl !'skid (talose. No nor INC+ t.nlud the •••I of Matter per .v1•Ila. the highest .Pon -I remedy : if anyone hal hl• or she k,0t*AmtralrA after the war wet in I allmptl()11 In the world and 10 poune1a, discreetiy' Aleut. ' for hlg6 gondmtlo°• with JN• result I hiRhrr thea that •d Lha Cnitori ytata.s.Ooad�)P to All Thatthat lonell'iona 1n that trmntry have This inereaeall entawmption ha sIThe Ani .1 th butter talk. ()r in worm and wcrrw•. And ''ntawrlx deepInerflprrrU+ and enIn• �,other words Ute P*alus of the . ustral- been getting crea*eofIort.:,MICwae{44,11-fan treaty• sats n rnthr strant(e cresol 4kr IbP man who had caught R treat tlytana la.k only at lir• reeultm, not 1 Mr Bober' Gardiner Inoveal that 1n yTneutSnruran(e?forLrtataNow toHide aLive Town •t s a treatment of sy-mptgttts and rolldn't let 11 . Australia finds itself in a i, osition from whkla it kto retrace 11* steps. So 1t (reel! on raising its customs tariff the (8180. and profess to see a declinef11' ,ry,inluu of this H..use CIM prtvePnt of the dolry intlueetry.. i nary• lrr.due- Allatrnlh/ll treaty shoukl la• Rhroeatel. tion in (d,echl lute gone ahead y'tar q.e ^hereforehadthe-po4ilonofa by year•a1N1theItohi+try14in11Preen•°ive nimble for the abroga- thunng171y soml evlkiou.tlun of a treaty w•hirll esteNItipooestto nigher and higher, until duties are - gl4e• 11, au exteueion 1,f freer trade pie many emcee prohibitory anld the I RECALLS INCIDENT OF hely en 'wo members of the ilrtttth - f living has been e'odart- LONG AGO IN GODERICHI Commonwealth of Nations. Strange ar'fie dandyo e that.gersxl. w'ldle prodvetl•m has fntlen uff'I ,,Mr, ,yterea. mored ah' the cpeTa••and elle Gn ds met seeks dPslleretely I Thr pit rorlal aod aage ofpletin TheaTorontoI bone of tahe 044411ng Australian u matte ends meet. The wi tom ut pele ram recently carried a phctun (10*7 Indlare that ttae fullest devel- °kowtng 11 'M. Guldmrat ('her.nb In atmeent of traale heween Canada ane)nsonifeet 111181 the ►r,"" 's'111'7 w after Hushand s Death mselfrat wM•rn the rorNtlthrn4 In •his Gafcrlch harbor. The 1rl(nlr• ryas Auwtralla haw not tMPn aehle•yerl hyl fdight. ore er.mpertd with Att+Lralin'x tnrki' eh17A.TIP, tiP. nd recallsM. Iliac. t chlor a fn.he of ou1.1 endeav orr country alatt xo n a* isthe tihle 111 to •M91rP a rrvlskrn of the treaty to ( Ariaerkmn Bankers' Magazine) Nu t'ustnees man lu any placshold allow n newspaper published In hla town to go without 311'. name and huslae se being mentioned some - w -here. Thl- -applies to all llnds of business and profeasloual MM. It dos not mean that you should have a whole. half ,r• even a quarter -page ad. In Poch 1s.eue. but your name should la• mentioned, if you do roce.not A ase mere than a tw•o-11nee .qeKnlRimer pkating up a newspaper should be able to tell what business• 1s rtgml.•uUrl Io the tarsen try l.ark- 111g et a paper. This IN the freest pos- sible town adtertha•r. The mac who au1 justi et'•tnw hnimetelfts and does thau, Inju.The Itfe 1•f N platy Ats{oertds upon ala• !Ise, wl•k•-awake noel lawral ndvertielue man,. Could not Eat or Sleep crises, Ru exciIng Piaui o Il s. Jen - tion utas dlrrte to fie p 'o crena'• 1 oearante awl on And explelned that that year t e m .w'AS 7 •.•'re near Goekerieh, Inge where he (cull ori mall. While l (atom( rio a oln t o the ttlPttltrpry nwets not t et rias •san sailor+ end the flue heel nn qu e• . d not have the custom• caner refl•rtlnn of the *moist;tolttkei • al. 4In r a mne a totheend palmy was taken Ala w P •o r Aly as of eonvletion. Mnd Otte1141F1rs eLid no seti story. i th'4p ml" rl r.• R omen o it a.• th the !Kris • ,1 P a.nw• s ola.v ta•hP'he•r fw`!IAseong1r s aMl had a ra 1 la• were oda • rifleelerldt( 11n• An that Peter 1 egK w' . \!'loll(' ein1ah In the •pa•n. T' c p 11 110hpt). IhP milarir ()f thew• learned wntnrl.him t1he* he NN+ Rn nne'rneet- to 'he town •rt (Henn Malls.for tlN )oungII'Ilow ilde '•rndemm�'Ino of the Au+trcl .'-- •fid •+ether exl,Qnrice RetrtleNnlen wools ii• , guest on Che ar•aelon. it Purely there he hnhtlevel in the r•es ow. - end the meentor,' of It Is gnlfe a• treaty: but Cleenn Falk+ isoIstsA.11tike to ►nI•w' just whAt iM 14.IiInd 43114 assts n grew' day.wtrnonllnary namlAsm h t My a• It Peha(k In te+tt7.1111,. "hy Ininfaetnre finis. ice marten to trlrie•1>, tM• nrw7(pr �t't+vty AueetrnllaendP Official nottflcAtlot, is glutei of Ile fi ibuglPrandIt 1t Pnede•r to +ell1 Igbt.etaF.nterl••• Her husband's efoxth IPR lore very nmIleINsyhrdsoil flhnkh�lnett thN,mwl Lhe tst ngef thnRtatNaute~his,down in health.unaIJe to rat or sleep Judges of rhe ; upreme t'ourt of meech. �Iow sheu brighterinspiritsar d in a lively- row' rnmml els 11 \le 11 d 1 tda•rthatIs that the friends of Mr. ?ravens ,ala and sireh .rill. What case 1 rheOntario arc indolgtrgt _etarot•hate la en colldrmning the Austral- wlok-h ke rather shacking ,lo a Public lctrl!+!llvaIalawe1MIIan treaty an along. shit 'hey now'AiRermee T 1 et her answer in her...wn which haw been nevoseernes to'believe h IIIt1a w1't tomo.• forwa=tending at111ofavor of a fine, li wo think Knamrhm tiwlts are w splendid Wet nothIn( lout nrtanMY Rn,1 4Ugut- whl(Ithis laths r ns o IRUrl ur new tr.0 is scop[• wider. re"f'nt 1*0 Omit,. After snivhe husband's death in the osis- was cn •oma she i ecember last I ieeame very nen down flirt ,cruces( ialrActertyArl ngarl mon• ptalUet4' with Auxlra dore in ta Anus h1Aws'ett • ler tier of the tx•nefi.An 1Nulnrnt /`hief Jusr'hv +tate, that inrumpthtsw•Idkr+t1*l'lxn1frnTbe c•rt.sl Rot411.41 Itutht in•I4cxtess131*1 the' sin and was rdu,allrltoftratrrfl.I• Plmuch. 1 41x. :dui. tnolldel moth uA r of a ser- tui• Tarrfrr LandnMitushfm ,eh. 1 m. 1 de14 ni lake wits fate err amore 1 life j K ^ vcautherd1111Ilonseof1ommlrrl1r n )chen m:Jts ams have now •rt t i the fillsturn di• a y "ia-v ., :t emet a han's daily soar for , nearly two fiend,.. urn h n y• tr"- a s'ptemcnt ChM is *ry ,* s3ut 11Ihl'repthe1aryof fleet lot4ltrel prinehrl agtPrrlring which tune myy h(alth has 4ian I 4141 tow ser N. tlP s tltW+wd.iring iwhich ti Th ryPa eats hasending, ins by auothr jltst .. morn- wryulgxttalgwer to rP117Qt theedRe'Ratgreatlytim ve Th. , 1 am'1• Mndlnt. Ins.svrate'trflet uMna•. `uw ererandforhat1Retbrighter m spirits and both eat andih.4rand,t A .o In talTt It b soldaha.finngMIMnnett°.I•,.lowell.chat the dna ate sworn eeItrl the tint n,n1I11tM• tell thrnn)th itrftk#a('Ifidswhen When ell twKins t( "get you.aM,wn:' d 4 to tIP fio,^d than It f'(IIt1nUI>ae a e'ravfttte,1t 1carts hr ons t411kInK fitPTPry1when you hegin to feel the results of tushtrl trP 'u esAnA •aka1A1 II1• grantormall,nNodem xrtilicial mnditi,ns crmr. odirt, worn•, overwork. hack of eNenmrr - then y'at should tum to Knl'.hon !Walt.. Tee♦ posses+ a wn,Nterful poower of giving new life an,t vitality to tb• tontines millions of cell. of which the.human ,tired( is mmposed The wet to keep smiling is to take heisehrn Salm every morning -just a pinch in your Brat morning cup of coffee ar tea. fns '* • ttc loins th .dreAwiwn m n,o•so white liar. he Jamul Miresnael, Itthtsae delving1100ja.IrIrAsuethaMlrevlitlnlc not fie lwas .arket ApheAoftrtMdtoftInn ' nR � d fk,`� pwn•hase by the Provincial llydree- B er•trtt Power Commietsl.nu • of !ate rewl•ay power inter.^et• in lienee eoonty 11re 1'srmmltsion i_o pay 0.0001 for tow properties inroleed. apelndln3* the geaera'in3 L*111IN at Walkerton. itarlrthln8Ptln and on :he (tpnhle River and the dl•t'rltnitina sye- amr, at Walkerton, a 3ott'.h.ampton. P eet !Elgin. 1'Argil,. 'Klldmay and Wlar'on• together w•hh extensions tato the rural dietrictw lite trireae'..yen la satisfactory to all pertlea. prohohly. evergit fie• people of mime of onthecrnw'n-ofsh•emeranimwv01ftheilnrnnPo40nonoinstitute a year fir «o ago by efill . eaecnre employment In the Pnthidhtto,aR.Andthe!.PTP al- the history of ehlggdhg on tM' a,. when. no e n• bear hrnn*tlt '0 light many lnteresst- *moon o1 Mr. 14htp,Ing lo(•ld'ntw. A record arf ychieh 'temnlrl nit tn'llreoldnnit aiwn41'l he Mluetwlae'toltibt have lawn bassi xrIM1l .oth' ty of �'nn(on ter ort nnterl+/ •t lamed Ih a rol• of 1(11, •Airnfl every pethard under the rrtime"- - Bngr iterton. -_- of "Lf ctritkeem 1e nnfnnnlld'l It failsIt_PIL and if well fbttal'd 1t ra.nllt• to mntnal edrintacr•"-'nlnlln (Inttl- /'assts..* (iron l.Pnma• less'findh•tPoftar n. fore dwnnnt th'I'0sly tnl me h M•fore 1and iNAltkwlc r1c•w'( most.. to orAet! w-hnt'' The nest sr1N•n1r^s1 (k+* 1Palle ,nt (hot •h1e of INdotttrt Me 'Mr Stevens• who dam neves In the {totes• s rewol dlon for "tui• e•x• FREE TRIAL OFFER ya1 lays m • er truce kmart*, tar a IOW ▪ eat sipen0. we acv d_tn4ated • mid E asy •pedal '.111 A aT me IMP' .hint make a wy far 704 to perm ••r rain br yourself_ 14411 aywwo draraiet t r tar N. ' (IANT ' 7ta,aT •a •owns rt •ar maaw 7x. tattle stbrtawny a rpaeste tela( btU• euI1 l Mr .Ler sae 4114. 0p11. th• era MAAS. brut, pal n te aha tea , sad tangy Y ad echo( ..,.,,,4,1_11 J M [rblMs der ....WA ,..e Mala 11 M do et a t�plar tura_ r stat e• peed r saw. Taw a MILC AndIMoI le 014 i M laaseb I w 1tM 1iWawaet+►ew hew ea abr'�-be ragwr• liastfaassndfykpa, los . ga h•^ kon Stamm 1144. N•w la bower !•mesa morass. Whim you need new enemy. when you are hot and mouth is dry -pep up with Wrlgley'a- t moisten mouth and throat. The increased Bow of saliva feeds new strength to the blood, you can do more -you. fed better. Y- S AT, N,N. Iti-G11Rs T LYF1t I, �UW,M� ...III11111. Keep awake ,wide Wrigley's • PC t1 Art ttik Cleaning and Pressing Expert service on ladies' and men's clothing. W. C. Snazel Haberdasher and Dry Cleaner WEST STREET Mese 339 ominion of Canada Income Tax Returns DUE APRIL 3Oth ACT PROMPTLY - Accept the help offered by Income Tax Inspectors and Avoid Penalties Where Income Tax Inspectors are Located (TIT AWA, ONT. Daly Building BELLEViLLF, ONT. 27-29 Campbell Street KINC:3rON, ONT. Customs Building TORONTO, ONT. 21 Lombard St. HAMILTON, ONT. Lennox Building LONDON, ONT. Carling Block FORT WiLLiAM. ONT. Customs Building Every person who during the year 1929 had an income, from any source, of as much as $1,500, if single, or $3,000 if married or supporting a family, is required to make an income tax return. If you are situated as above described, failure to make this return by midnight, April 30th, to- gether with cheque of cash for at least 25'';, of amount of tax, will render you liable to a penalty equal to 5% of the total tax payable. (Limit of penalty $500.) 1 To ovoid incurring this penalty, obtain NOW, from your postmaster, or from the Inspector of Income Tax in your district, the necessary forms and make yon returns at once. These forms are as follows: Form T1 For Individuals other than Farmers and Ranchers. Form T1A For Farmers and Ranchers only. Form T2 For Corporations and Joint Stock Companies. Each form contains in itself instructions for filling out. By making your return by April 30th you gain in two ways: First, you avoid penalties for delay. Second, you qualify yourself for the privilege of paying in instalments. INCOME TAX INSPECTOR WILL HELP YOU MAKE OUT YOUR RETURNS If there is anything in the income tax return which you do not understand, any inc lite Tax Inspector will be glad to explain what is required. The Department of National Revenue Income Tax Division OTTAWA HON. W. D. F.ULFR. Waimea. of Natinewl Release C. s, WALTERB, C*wladaalwtrr of Income Taa S -O