The Signal, 1930-4-10, Page 1MAPS OF THE COUNTY OF HURON l'ULOILEU. 2$ x 42 in. 25c each The SIGNAL Zhr iouat PRINTING Look over your supply of Office Stationery and let us fill your order for Letterheads, 11111head., Envelopes or other requiremnent*. A goo, i, je)i) at a nue-triable price, - The SiGNAL EIGHTY-'I'It11t1) 1(EAR, Nt) 15 GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY. APRIL 10, 1930 TILE 511:X-11. 1'ItINTIN(: Cu, LIMITIC1), Publishers COUNCILLORS WANT i HUSBAND, BELIEVED SIDEWALK CASE DEAD IS QUITE mays PROCEEDED WITH; Who Was Ih• Mail Allo 11'at BYt1)ed at Milton? In February last Mr, Mary McM4I. - --- tau, who state early last simmer had lived here on Palmerston street, wet' Maitland Golf Club Asks that to Mitten, Out., and there identified elle Road to Grounds Be body of a mus who had been found P dead in a tarn us that of her llw4trnd, Improved I who for some time :had no; heeu liv- ing with her. The body was frozen and 'l'ie town tuuu.al 'mut o4, Friday sight for its regular meeting, with• two alsyIHt+r Ilene 'Turner being afflleteel wi'h mumps and Deputy Reeve Crui;;le being away from town. Magistrate Reid and 'Messrs. 1►. 1). himauv anti Itarold Williamet were present in stgrp,rt of a reveler. from the Maitland 4101f lite) for improve- s/hew of the road lauding down 'he rtlauk to the Vol flub grounds. AtI.fresslttg the euuuell, Magistrals Reid sold the roadway in its present eerditiou was dangerous sal ire teemed au act•Weut which 'Lad hap- peetrl last year. They would tike ro have the road repaired and posts with a cable put in :o make It safer. Ne pointed out aha' .there was a cou- a tderable traffic on the road and In putting 1; In proper Condition the •ouncU would b, helping to m.elttain trop of the town'e bar assets ass a auaomer resort. Mr. MMoouey lead the ('lub was ■ etePtlderable ^.arlumy'er and ale) sug- g.4* ed the liability of the town l4, ease eef accident on the road. The matter Was referred to 'he pub- lic work% committee. ' .')'br sexton of Maeland nd ceme.tery reported four Interments during the . tali of 'March. The tax collector reported $3.53 col- lected since last reporand $5,843 .ellecte} wince January 1st. A request from the Bell Telephone 4'a for iermiwion to plate two more toles on Kenya street was referred to the 'addle works .ommlttee. A petition ens ',resented for a gement sidewalk on 'be went sdde of Market stn -et and teas laid on the gable for consideration - The Miiyor wild .oma 48.11ey- would hare to be des tailed upon with r••pett to the eon- e true•tIon of sidewalk* this year. Atn.ti•mtlons for Wilding permits. 84 fellows. were referred to the fire rammitte• TIo.. Tuyl.r. verandah. aiitngling, etc., et dwelling. Keay., street ; T J Smith. toultr• healer, St. iDavid's street; 11.bt. Young. poultry besee. Elgin avenue; Mr. Whlttingtam, eemett folndatien ander dwelling. new verandah and garage. Waterloo street ; J. E. Hartwell. two new torches on iou(de house, St. George's l'remrent: lilr.. Mt A. .Ferguson, new foundation. rebuilding kllehw: nn.F other repair= a' dwelling. Keays street ; Roy 'Mna- •airyts, converting *table into garage and storehouse. ltaytlehl road: Rolland. reroofing .hcl, ('olbortle etre. .1 .1 Moser. garage. Hamilton stress An application from F. 11. Waal k 'ten and G. S. Litt for perm4aslon to tplaev nu •l,.init -Igo on the Ikrlford hetel was referred) ti• the public works commit ter. A. .1 cooper atq.lied for termi..io•1 In wreck his warehouse at .,the evorn•r •t llamllt to and Victoria str.+' . and to toile material from rhe bneldittt on 'he 1'ict..rbt -t net boulevard until the • ew building Is en. ed—all to ire cleaned up tool Inti In glad) emoliti.)n by July 1st ThL. was referred to 'he pnabllc works comndtte' for a report. An :imitation from Harry Wong for permisdon to remnre a alit from t.h, restinrant Jot the Corner of Fleet wrest and the Square nett attach it le the front of his prembiee on the %enure was seat to the same ertmmittee. The natter of repairing the drive- way along the conurs•rcht trek and of twining tiff ural repairing 'he driveway between Harbor Park and the 111g MIll was n•fern.l to the pub- lic works committee. A dhflntatlnn on twhnlf of the Gael- erival fall fair hewing waited neon Ike council at 'he committee meeting •n Tlwtrudey night. Councillor Bailie moved that the mater he referred to Ike finnan committee to nuke a grant of $1(10, Committee Reports The finance cotntnl'te• t'e'ommeended that the rtsluuwt of the separate school board for the tttne tax rate as lad year be grnntel; also that the *L000 M five ler cent. Mottle to be 'netted ender 4q 111w No.• 9 of 111)9, to pro- vld,1 for the iwtytn•nt of the Klee of the new Indde•r 1r1(k, and olio the 111.noxi .,f flee per tent. 1811,410 fn to Is,no.l ander bylaw N 39 of 1929. t0 «' provide funds for tt4r• hydro -electric Aefwrttnent, he offered to 11.111 ode ecriiery at par, and that the matter at Iseeting and selling •4*'e betels he loft with ills committer. The 1eHdl, works enntnit'eee ngw,rt M, will reference to 4he ;otter from Mr. 1,. N. Dewey on 1we1M f of Wm. 3etndley, complaining nlonnt the ren- dition of Rick street rondwny, that the committee wolrld ehortly make ,a • tont at ale town and weal) lade over fill meed. Recommendation* of the ewmmittee were: Thot arrsngetlwent0 M' �» • made '.o plate an order for one ear of rotor "It" and one ear of tarvla "B" through the enmity. • to 1e delivered when required: that the cunei! vielt ether towns where rood tar Is Letts appllei by the Muni; i4Jnl Rnn.l S!otay- ink k (tiling 4'o., 1,ttl.,,to look over equipment, method nal cost of Apply- ing material; that the chairman of ills committee have ile mtmell look •ver the Douglas gravel pit l.rnfrr•rty before deriding 8s to the dl,vtee•itbm of the dwelling houw on the property; that it Lewis be teed At the nate of &.rly 'et' s per hour while Molting nr Opening oat sewers and of the rate of thief -fire tante per Aon• while Mt other pnhlk worts. The epeeist r•(rmtnitte repeftA4 the. (Condntleed on p fe 111 had evidently been where k was found tar a conakleruble time. The (3uth•rihh woman alas bad her ''w4, brother, come from Toroutu tit Mil- ton to sada.; l4, the itetttlfh4itlou, 'Odell ens supposed to lie proved by eerttln marks on the bend, -'he fatty rod the beck. 'The leafy sass burled mei Mrs. Ile Milian returned home. On Saturday evening las', shout dusk. while .Mrs. McMillan w'a. going about her work 8t the home., the was otar'lel, not to say frightened, by seeing her husbettl walk In. Mr. *Milian haw evidently come to stay rel the couple have moved a . filtx ew:1y. to Itinks Wrest, aWl nu dun4t spend pert of their time wendering who 1t was that was fonud 11044' bur- led sk weeks ago at Milton. • SCHOOL ATTENDANCE AFFECTED BY ILLNESS Epidemic of Mumps 11111 1'ktorla School Especially Thr monthly meeting of the public 8(•teed beard was Held on Monday night, With Trustee l'arsens In the (hair atal Trustees Wallace, MIUer, Carrie, Naflel and Thunk,',, also pyes- en^. • The report of P. S. luspctyr Rea - cum, dated April 7th, pas presented. Mr. itegeom said: "My recent lnspec'lon of the God erkb publk schools has redeuled 'a very satisfactory condkion of affairs. .Practically all the 'either: are do- ing quit* , excellent wbrk, and the pupils "mere their direction are mak-' Ing prugr a. la keeping with their respective Malities. "1 would like tq take this opportun- ity to pay tribute to the manner in which the principals of the e•hools discharge • their duties. Both display a devotion to duty that Is refle•tel in the general effleieney of the w -loins under their direction. "The erpendt:ure made during the Imo two years in the provision of supplementary reading books ter the various grades, 1 feel. has heti more Uwe jurifled by the llcrea,wd delight taken by the pupils in literature and general reading. .\ similar expw•ntH- tare from year to year would result In libraries being built up i4, the /wheel, in keeping with the import- anor o4 114.. phase of eluatlou." Inspector Beacom also tailed atten- tion to a new system of cundnetLog the l'tenny 'tank In. connection with the schools and reommendel that it be lnetallel herr. The new 'y,tem. It. k4 said, results h1 a .-ou•Werahle ser• Ing of the teachers' time and a de• creaw In number of clerical errors made. In adopting the report, the board re- ferred to the school management com- mittee the mater of the new fenny (tank system, and to ^he property (om- mittee the mailer of .being cinders or gravel on l.,w pla,-e. in [h4' school grounds and of treating'. -he play- ground. to keep down tits dust The principal of 1'b -toric school re - pored for Mani]; Numlwr no roll,, 346; average attendance, :?19, or 7'l Leer cent. Penny Bank dere erlts, $91.34. For Central school the principal r4' pored: Nutnlier o4, roil, 207: average atitendunee. 1St. or 406.44 per rent. I'euuy Bunk deposits, $:w;.23. The principal of 1'ketenllr scilicet re- ported 'stat there were at present thirty 'wells out of s.hool with minium and there were four families will ringworm rase, in each. A motion wax ptosed that the secretary- advise• the tiw•elicul 'elver it( benith of 1Itese cases of ringworm aumt repo,..' the M.(LH.' to have stele 'nke'n to clean ni, tld* 444sonee•. The oe•retary wear instructed to in- vi'f represwltatives of the Chihtren'a ,\lel Satiety to meet a committee of 'h• heard to ,-..titer am to provielnns for the education of suinortml children In the 1'hildren'8 Shelter. The young people 0f the Baptist elmrcn attended a farewell latrty at 31p Ilurkholders ee'ndlo, In boffin' 01 her nephew. Mr. Hoilaiid 'Martindale. who halt lett to take •a position with the herr'. Mait'oir'peeph• at Toronto. Thew present report to very enjoy- able time' ,MR. 'ti. A. ('l,.tRK. 1 telesis'. Stro'fnrd, who will aevi4 In the Good ' called on lending member. of both Friday concert at Northeetnr' I'n.ithl J emerregatlons 'p disown" the erituntlnn (•hu r,h. will adyor'isere kindly laud 111 their'. copy Cur ehaugt•s of ad. as early In the;; T. 1'ri'ehard was1, Loudon for week se possible and will currespend-1 li few days This week. ruts please send ill their bNJgets le', Mr. Date 1'bompou, of Toronto, is goal time? ' l4, town 4111 a brief visit. The News of the Town MERCHANTS PROPOSE NAVIGATION OPENS TO FORM ASSOCIATION AT GODERICH HARBOR FOR SEASON OF 1939 11ee,atly half-l.,liday to (ammeter, 011 Allay 1st There ells ,. g.'') elu•oda0•a of • the ulerebau . ,•t the tu`t'u 81.4* Meet - Mitt! ('oust Next We'elt i bug held l4, MucK ay Hall last'Phups+lay, Please, I ER,SONA� MENTIONBoats Being Fitted Out and a -view of the hediday Wert week. Von -Jury a.,ir.,«o will lw• evening held i4,l eing for the purpose of "satsidtr-s Tire Week's Temperature. The temperatures hl 1 .n!eriel, for 'he past week were as f,.Il,.ws •- 4sus. 31 in. Thursday, April 3 .. ......4:i 29 Friday, April 4 401 'L6 ' tetntslny, \hril 5 ' 54, 35 Sunday, April 0., 413 42 Mentlty. April 7 • 47 'Tuesday, April x .. :SS W'elm•slay, April t► • • {S SI 11'ettnevi s Institute .Affairs \t 'lee regalis meeting of 41»': ,st- encIl W'oolen's Institute held lel Mac- Kay !bill Jest Thursday afterllta4I • Mr'. Bober Davidson.of lining ]Ir. Donald 31eKetlzie•, of Loretta, Olde. 1s visltiug at lL, h..we here. Mr. 11. F:tarl t;Ilitttt, ..t I'ptarr Canada College. Tomato, is ht town for tic Eas'4•r tavyr1011. - Mr. W. 1". Sauutder+ and Mr, 4'. K. Saunders are .)tending a few days at New York this weak. Urs. Waite. l 11..1. Fox. of Montreal, is v-lsitlug at the home 4,t her retrents; 11r. and Sin. Talo., Griffin. ' Mr. E. M. Yarwa.d, barrister, of Vancouver, spent the week-.',,,• nt,:he hems. -of Mr. au.l We-. lien. %1'Iltiams. Mr. and Mrs. 11. F. Viotti) have re- ttlruwl from Sarasota. Florida. where Jhe•y mien'. a pleasant mouth\ vay.a- rill• 44 -til• wid • ••- ' tion. ('res. ,reulleg with ltritita'e work. ,\ Nils, ('lair.' ItryuoWs. who la- lfaeu ondlu t feature of the coveting was an apron j e I 6 parade and tin• honors. for halving os. spa motile.the whiter mmotile.hat Lon - l:oderiela item week before Mr. Justly'.laltfie, the court opening on Tuesday.' ! There are fuer eases 4114 the -list : Mc- ; ('ell V. ShUlllogin*s'. .4.rnure tng v. Ui•h'nz1t. The Klug v. Ametu. and Jeffery v. Swallow, - ('once Again, Date! In a lw.pularity contest anent(' 'he Signal offlee Mr. Havel! M,.\Ilis'er, of St. .\ugiFthtr, would Iw• 1411 easy firs'. Ur. McAlllaer a)td his sister e,llled 4,t the office yt•st,•rday and • Davedl•tl'lMlttd unmet: all hand. lake- er dill fen+ maple sugar. Inc spent several day. and nights its maple (cess i,m in his maple teeth last Werk. alar run of sap wooing 441 teretigl3 that h• emelt! tout 1(1450 er4'1) fu get deep, but tedug .tf goal sluff he 4•••••1the long vigil without eves losing his Smile; and the tnnatiilm4n. verdict of the Signal stiff I+ tint the Mc,\Ilister brand of uuel.h sugar Iv .\ No. 1 lest. butt th, usual half -holiday for the vowing *casou and eller taunters. Mr. J14m,•. l'. ('aerie was in the chair and Ur. E. J. I'rldhout acttrl as sevretaty.' It Wa. ilecidisl t.• fora at reail mer-' .petits' as., i111i4,11 :old It 04,wiltatlllg ctiutui'hr ruwp1 ..'t ' of W. 4'. l'rid•J huts, Gto. Sohitefer :aid W. G("ego, lhie 1. 44a. 11141114.4 t4, brag in a rth..rrj at Ihr 41luta- Ling. 'ming. .\ w..11..» it, lilt. - ,'fit•.•: that •lit• I -aftern...et of .'.veli \t'trluesslny' frau', M.Iy 1st i4, ,>;ty,epulwr :kWh be ole, , ..•rvcl us a lialf-holiday .wa, )r..vrl. i 'flae e• settees be to• uta.• obj.r4l,'u ti' Ile closing el 'les1'44 Wleks•-.1143 aftert,o .as. nuwug. Ilse areeefy eu.•u nod „ (..Mill tee (11111)5,.+ o s1'f 4'. �11. (tote J..1. McI:w.•u 111111 .1. F. Uri))� :