The Signal, 1930-4-3, Page 82
c Thur'r ala r...w.,s •1 S. pilin
New 1930
All the Goderich
Decorators have our
1930 line. A tele-
phone to any of
them will put a
book in your home,
or call 91
Book Store
OBITUARYI lie. Joseph Dignan, John N.
I Domae. Vin. Hubbard. Roy i'attiaf
land Bruce Phillips.
MISS ,NL,RY ANN tel"i.I+1:N
The death o'currsl In l:,ak•rirh un, MI41.'i 'LARY O'ILIUGHGIN. -
w • ter of
'l`uaaalay• Aittll let, tat Mi. .1 1 llikai Mary O'Loughlin, dam/liter
Bullet'. daughter of the late 'Mr. and 1 for late Mr. end Mrs. 'Bryan O'Lougb-
lLw. Robert ltullen. iu her .e•vt•ute:li Ian. tummy rw•ay at the Lome of her
weir. Ixs-easei was lion' iu .1.+hfleld niece, Yrs. M. T. O'tteiHp. Napier
......lip end rrsidel then, up to rtpr•t 4:uderitil, un Thurrday ern
ifourteen years WN. when shenwd w
moved Ding. March 270th. I/eeas In
to t%ssltrieh to lice with her rtistYlt,.lier eighty-tburth year. She woo bora
Hr. . 1). N. McKruxk•, Cunneen.. ,ane{. Dour 'Toronto and in early life moved
We have seihj.ets 19 soil all .
callow and tastes..
Brighten up your living -root..
with a Igpsxl Landscape,
Merino, try ropy of one
of the old \tasters.
Smith's Art and Gift Store
Pictures and Picture Framing our
called la. but when they arrived the
fire was under control. wereTb ned. building APARTMENT TO RENT. -APPLY
and 1111 Inas contents hunted.
'The funeral o1 the late Mrs. Keuuett, to YRS. HERBERT McLEA-Tl,
Cuuterou was_ held at the home of Kingston street.
her son; H. J. lYttneron, ou Tinsley
afteruooa, interment being flu South
Klnklaa cemetery.
Witt Kempton, of lacknow•, has pur-
chased the farm of Juni: Henderson
mad Mr. Henderson has bought the
farm belonging to Mrs. Jim Stanley.
street, between North and Victoria.
Modern conveniences, garden M. W.
HOWELL. 'phone 213.
The young 144144ls t meeting rt the TO It
at Corner of Elgin avenue
'hew Tate Miss Milieu had, been an hi-' 10 Tho 1uwusltlp of %%e•t Nuw•anu,b .Caked olrur•h took the form of a Dud Waterloo street. Apply to MRS. M.
,•Iutilo • I++clue, dining -C(041, ►Nrlruum God -
valid for the past two or tier ,tars. with her {oucut.. For the past tweets mock trial, the tense bring a breach of TyKDA'1.1., It. R. 5, G i1trirh. Tele -I uu.l kitchen [uruituru t)trlx•ts• cur-�'trrvnr to give sat Infection. Phswe
She f, sun tie' by nue •titer, ltn•. years she hod ixr•n a resident of God- promise. Mrs. \V. L. MacKenzie at4el {phone 1.-i:2;!, t`+trlow• loins, d ••hors glassware,. Cutlery, Bar Carlow' 1314. or addressFt. H. 4. Ge,4►
a', N. 'di I ti fir .of Gaskerirll Dud tote tri h. Ilei toreros and out .4 -ter anti
the {ort of the lady and lit. .UIrel -- -� deo foal. and glassw reuls other artirhr erieb.
eel Buswell that of the own.
Attier, Mr. Hobert John 'tilde e'- three 1. took prdeieas her. The
PUBLIC NO -TIC; n bs.1tY; lido
t.+hflrlel hacusb►p, In trllg'luu tax• eke funeral . [sok platy ou Saturday Th lgx•kr-hunt implement bushier.
ING& •
THOMAS (1 IN'DRY, 001)lt1UCU.
Telephone No. 1111.
W ruywbere and every
r factJoa-
urt made to give Mtlr
rovers' rale notes discounted.
We are Ittstructid by the executors, ire+
off the estate of the late James Long I eft
to .ell by public auction al the prem' Fa
Beumiller, on f W
pirl''R•Fi1)AY, IAprll 10th
commenddug at LSO t+'eIoek sharp: '
All tale .rwteuta or the infuse, In- I w
ler attended
fr:SI.EY W. risii R,
Anti tourer.
ill ,r,nduct Dales anywhere. My
curs ere reasonable attd 1 will ea -
Thune T0, I.ucktww
AUCTION SALE l►F 110ItSE5, .Sale. vomits -lel vanywhereWide ea-
ry hest rKrte pet
\fllit`I1 ltl)11T(t OXFV►R1/ F:WF:$• forth u each Dud every cele.
I t\Ilt'. POII:PRY, etc.
We aro it -.-..• ed 1 T IIRI'1:LESS PRACTITIONER
has m,vt'ett to the building resentl, Auct Auctioneer
1 ler•rhui Thr fuuer. h Atht•r + ..•.. ie• cundueterl
,a •.r N:h it t•- mon+ t{, •
,1 t000k,.plate from the residence of by ltec. L. 1'. Lowry at, Flt. feeler'e vacated by "the Market.'"
%Ir•+. 1). N. McKenzie. t'umerou ,+tr.'et, cluirth the remutus were taken to SCHOOL REPORTS
HA. 1'111111-MI1 - afternoon to Green-' ltlit1.f,rtdee
for interment in the
bill ••t•ttetery. l.lx•kuuw. Nev. It. 4'• et0u$ery there. The services al
Melefmid egtahx•twl the weeder• at K1, ..iiridge church and :u lite grave- e ..,,,,.,.-.•
110•4• •land lire, 1. M. "1"11""1" .idle were ht el:mrge of Her. F. A.
floe' .a•rci.w at the grave-itk•. Tlie• pall-, liss'arvlls•. Th.• iwltitrarers to 64,(1..r.
bearers were iMtn. Row. Nell Me t'u- heti wrrr M. IUow-Ier. Joe. 411111, J. C.
The following la the resort for the
nnlop school for the mum h of
,[sectio The pupil. timer beton tester)
die Charles lt441eh Dud Menl.s•h Math haltou and atom.
and at 1►t art, gengraphy.' rettdh,g, writing.
-.Am. all of A-1:flekl. Kingsbridge Ed. Foie,. 'Jamar 4:ur- __wiling and arithmetic:
Duncan ')l:lntyre.. T. .1. Len- Jr I\'.. -4'ratic•is Lhtkleter
mull. Tho,.. 1►rentuut and 1: u'f.iugh- pot,. Horton s41, 1.unix Fulford 711
JAMr.S J. hl"OKE: lino ► $r. 111. Verne Jew'elI x7"e. Fred-
The following 1 trout 'file Fore -1 die .lewell s4. Ittllie Furrish x4.
NA. Press of hist week: '1111s4 1tN'1111t11ri, M.NY1t • Jr 1II-Bobble Farrish
James J. !sortie, a well -'mown re--
• %'ruty , u he late - .IC+I thlwht 4'hivlwltn
\u ill ami 1lighly P-n•tnxrl red•,- Walter 4'hhtholm 70, Margtlret _Ledity i
brut of Fore. -t, died u' hiss h her,.
ele.nt u( Gtxleltch, In Thr Ienaxa uf- 4 ', 111rrt 4'bi.holm 45.
('u Mt iui it• morulug, lit his lLtr tan t Smith. w ads w f t Jr. 11
,arvud year. atter 11 lung 'line -i fuel Archibald McNeil.. passel neva% at 1Jf• lea cid Farrbth 70.
bre inR a stroke titre year. i4R•'•a home of her daughter. Mr-. 1►. 1.. .Pr. Harold- Jewel' (e'twlle•nt
lhlrin: hie, active Yen r'''' he wall en'Jou... North street. on Moushty .Deco- ihme.1s Bode (good).
gagedItt the lousiness wills the in:. ,m31.4.1131st. 1hrra1•t'l woe. in her Number nn Hill• 14: average. tad.
14ateel,ler (intr. formerly of 4'utula.hie. ttliiety'-third year, She bad been well
AKNF; llxr•Itr)N.A1.1), Teacher
none i11 G,wl44rlch. In early' 11 ti 110 and as•ticr ftp to hen 14sr•urtw•r, whoa,
married 4:Ilznls•Ih lloi_rt', who our Jot took 111. Sir:- was born at p , S. S. N4). 1, (Y►LBORN1r
1ltt' hiui. w;rh three ••I' i''4t'Is.,Mf.erkhanm, 41nt.. anti when quite, Following b, the?evert for March 04 tit K.\LF:.-C...111, OF l'Ii01'. TWO
111 l:11udnt, lileh.: J:1111es, in Detroit.' cywtg mnei•d to A•re•mnre and t;tjer' of 1'. 14. P.. i. 3. 4'ulborne: ■ 1'I(1141cs win+l1. 'mt.-third efts, '1111
Dud John. at home; and tau dao;:, to A - iitl, where Kitere-idol for n , t;_I(nthkett N''illlt,ms 70 ire waif. loading at 4'. N. R. citation. W. 1'
tors., Mrs. Ward Mnuriug. In l'All• great many. years. For a littlesicer. car. yr_Keith aFh Fentrnn 72 tier tent.., mi -Y.
Jug. :int Mrs. Livingston Scott. in four years site •Mut end. Ler hum. Wilmer Rut ledge (1t. .I i!cett r 1''alptp
a bylaw was Iwrlwd by the Muuk4.1
pul C'otnwil of the Town of Goderteh
00 the seventh day of March. 1130.'
providing for the twee of debentures'
to the tmttunt of 1$3000.W) three
txousaud dollars, for the purpose of
'Hardin -int; x fire department laskler
I MR. It J Ir'rY
tooter 1 ruck. mounted uu and Inelu.Mng f
r ('t,'vre•let uta -11111f -tau visit -t,
sls; and haat stx•h byelaw was regio 1
tert'tt in the iter,-istry ()Klee of the.
('omit, of Huron on 11144 first day uti
April, 114110. .Any mot' to slash or ret II
to reit hr public auction at ij►rila:au rillK4)l'UAl'Tttlt A. L DRUGLESS
aside the sante or any tart thrnrof
moot les mad..w'It.liin taro• mouth- of-'
ter the first IHtblicntlen',d this Inaba.
41111 ,Dannon he wade thereafter.
Coated at Gcslerirh this 21141 ,hay ed
\prtl. 11410.
1.. 1. KNOX.
Clerk, Town Of Nealetich.
' rors••st : ills(' one brother. .lui 1 Mk'
1'amly. Burke. in Suffnl". The finer', twenty years. in her oarly girlhood she ,•4.110.. lenwm FelRaul 4111.
!n 1:•slerlel with her d:n,ghter. Mrs. t'.',.
SATI'1tfAY. .tI'itIL ah • Goolerkb, Phone 341
eolimitawing at 1 34 ..',.1.0.1. sit:'rp: Equipped with electro magnetic
Seven tremors! purl..-.. Looe.e-, fntm tootle. F.I.•trnnic ele.tric treatments
1 to 10 ctrtn old. Thos' hor•.+ have and chiropractic. Chronic organic
worked all w inter 4411 1.• 1'
1rnty' - Dermas .or
eras dierrs. Lady In at ten
brt•nd nntt•.s anty_are In good si+ars''rtfli»it hours 2 to 5, and 7 to 9 1,.m..
to go right hot.. lard work out. oil! rt.e:.ting Ninday and Thureds, and
brei.Ayrshire• crew. 4 year. old. dueby . npiwtintmrnt•
to freshen eel of April; 1 1htrh.ttu A• N
cow. doe to fr.shru hi June: ::1I. wrtl.. - itesldru.♦ and office -Corner of
bred Oxford ewes. ht
1.11111 at file : 4:3 At.•.Alpiine white le•g-
iinnl ie'ns; ••21I young 'tarred R.r•I.
F:cerythityt fidve'rti-ed 'Mist tat. 411 -
posed of
TERMS: Alf .Arms of flu :Intl rtlidt•I
,lith : ever amount eight month-'
credit will Ise elbowed oft Mndshint:
n{+.,curet joint notes. • A • discount of
inti `oath street and Britannia road.
)R ffiALI:-HALL RCTI.Eit:F: KS4 per Bent, straight alluwwl .fur ea -I4
, on credit' anxrunte. -
TATE. n Toler o, 1hiu, and s ter• ' I jonett. Ilt•r husband pr•des'tased her Sr. 111. Ke11neth William. 74 ►ser' 1 1orterty un l'ultnt•rwun
+tree,. Apply to HAYs.f !LAYS. liar., T. 431'NDII( A ItfN.
lwoe held 1 Iter't•I1w.HN1 C,•mwo•n b Dux a uw..i--- of the meih,sll-t • Antotinntrr-
Jr 111 iMnn111 Rllllants 77 Per r4rterN Hamilton street, I:aslNNch.
yesterday I Wednesday , in it ruin R. 4eatn•11 mud .+111• wu4 nlwx}'s a 'taun'h 1 cent. Gordon Williams 412. Winnifrt•1
Itigit arias was suns in int. Christ•; supporter nt the .Methetlist 11.410111111,1- W11twm til Iteus.n Kerr :4. r01t IALE--FARM. 9 A
0 ACRES ON 11•CTto\ tA1.F or.G.l11AAF: 10411'-
,•pM'r's Ivy. church at 9.:G► nom,,. by i tion. She win. held in high ,rst.em try lC
Sr. Il. -Kenneth Kerr 51 per cent.. Huron road three miles east of 1:11TY.
Rev. Dr. J. 11. . }`Houk&', lartsh ,lit who ',now her. Surviving to mourn Phyllis Kerr 45 (missed an examt.'rk'-t: 'god barn 70 z 50. •red --
a•I'IP;I. 'Phe paiI1H91 r1.1`' were ,_her hasty are tntt daughters, ileo. If. L.> .Tr. Ii-r45rris 11'1111Ams 'Jf1 Per „uf.. brick blouse. running water. hot and 1'MIPr and dry flet ll. of Ih.• t•ew'ers
I W' 1•, 4 (• E I certain mortgage
No premiums With SaIada
but finest quality instead
11 from the gardens'
Town of Goderich
Ashes and cinders may be dumped
at the town gravel pit on Maitland
Road, opposite the Salt Works, and
where directed.
By Order of Public Works Com.
L. L. KNOX, Town Clerk.
Jones: of (;oderirh. and Mrs. .t \rnol.l 4, R,'it. F.IwIn ityAu . e,W: three-piece bathroom. .. .I contained n
Beattie. of Hamilton, and two stoats. f \\'ilsatu 7s. GRo \Viiilams 70. Mar4tret . t'It(NFJ Galtrleh 11 .11. L Phone ;S which will be pnstn.rrt at the tins.:
on 001, a
Wm. Mt\nh, of Toronto: and Nei) Ai. -Knight (wt
McNnb of Aeon. A, Nervine (r)n. IMmer- (.naw : J 1
L`1LANK P. 1:11111S• CI IAIt'1' M. i!t
'1 Accountant. 1.12 5luta rio d seep.
Stratf�rd. Plume 1:.x(i. Ito 1MOJ.
of vole, there will ie nftelvrl for sole
a'rPnee tiros Ic anti on. nn
br Rer. 14. ('. McI)ermisl war held 111 Harvey Feagen, Roby Wll.uu, F`huer I1I.1R.00I,hE.GIATF.-:1!C 45-It1x►M• AATI'It IDAt, _4l'ItIh 13th. 11110
-the hnnx' sd Mr". Jones nn 'pltevllac \'.-\('hinny. Helen, Free. n
tax tlrl i i t W1111 b Hya 1
E:110 cement irltw'k tore. Irritating .t the hour of 10 a buck (he morn,
evening. (no Weolnooday the remains' A ('la•s--iwls Monro.
Derr taken' to .loon m the �lotme of 4:ItAOF: !HAKE. Teacher. g,r, and the untinarp furniture; Inw'n. l; slPrk•6 In the (ywnty of liwmtl, ler
Mr. NPU' McNab. and the funeral took - -----__---- garden, fruit tows, tw-n garages. "N,'w,
phis* to Fairview cemetery .that aher•• Truly living pe4Itie ant•,niw•oys Ini Thelma, Gundry, Afeti.meea, the fret
w,me+. way
beautiful.en' coach. i'r1,mar at f:i0(a4 fur liming poo.,,,c. Hammy : Part of Lot
moon. iter. ilio. I'awrle, et .\.tori 1'tlttrl' SrSrlr•1. ! quiet tale. IM)X 322. Telephone 19.3, Nn. igen In Ow• Town o! t;,sk•rhkt. ITN\'•
httrvL had charge of the services_ -- / sxlerlrh a frontage .of 7.-, fest more or le..
Ie of henrer4 were John Mil- There are stilt a 1M of peoot, who, __
nit r• J. R. FORSTER.
'.ate (louse Surgeon New York Ogb-
tbalmlc• inti Aural Ho*pital, sorlslatat
at' Idior.flrld Eye Ilotepital sod Golan
Square Throat Heeg1!tel. LoUAsn. tai
:it Waterloo 8t. S..•Stratfotd. THE
rphulle 267. •
Al Hotel Belford. Uotlertcb. on aha
et ening of third Monday of cad
at 1 pm.
plane. radio, telephone, loatterp-char-. int. at the ptrtnba+s in the 'Town of ,
taf1,l1N1 Brick, '2'111 •loin. 'lxIO"x14', 'tutiditig: 1'' She•iing,
- Flooring. Poste awl •quare Timber
E1ev;ttor Equipollent. Pulleys. Shafting, Bolting and Burkett.
:i' tw def Seale.. 1 good :1-horep ower (:tl:enline Engin , 2 hag
Truckw. 1 fireproof :"tate, 25 Windows anti l ramt'w, a number
of Moors, 500 (rain Imps, 1 ('center and `;tures E4luipmtnt.
a•lot of tin Sheeting, Ofliet' Equipment,' stock of ('lover and
(irawc treed., Royal Purple for stock and poultry.
Everything must be sold, as the building is to
be entirely removed by May Ist.
Goods maybe seen at the premises. Will sell cheap.
Ix Ittwa, of iSraptfnnF: Ktnheth Beat- w111 take (-heeler from pNrgok• they t o 1014 SALE.-FAItlf OF 115 ACRES,
ale. ..f 11ilndlt'ti 4loliu lac\apo Anl too know and then yell for Thr'sollr,, 4 set Lj a depth of e,dpr'timx t1t 1 IrLEY F:. err sIY1.". •
lot No. 311, G.xterkh township. two: 4 and r1 wi11rF1 there iv rand Barrister, Ete.
John Smith, of Acton; William An- miles north of Bayf}ed on Blue Water odivkb.
-dreg; of G.wlerleh. anti Wand Attdten-- GCNDRSYi STALE REGISTER to be ,dhuaN•1 n br{.k Ransst• Mdld time Hamilton start. G
Highway: good white brick tine Ing with stock -room.
month till the following day
Barrliter and Solicitor
San Life Building. Adelaide inn
Victoria streets. Toronto 2.
Telephone Elgin :ri01.
an) tl 1 1 l- ton taw• Wien -Me of St
to p
bonne ma• hire -bop and Thine 21.
ley. of Toronto. 'Many bertutful flor with telephone: hien. and nrte.elan ..,,,,rage space.
1111 tr*n$t'► te.stifteci to the feoffee in, Frkygy. April 4..Auction ,vile of well: 10 acn!t of gond timber. hem-
i M Implements. rW This we will be n,h}e t rn a n• �' It. 110.\[tltOW, 14Afil11tlt1'ER, BT'
-- tp of Jon c4 y. e+u a
i whlrfi the deceased one held. form stock earl m rtiis'i ts. pft'In ' j kx'k, beech and maple. Apply to 1s' one ills tn.r•,seor J L. KI�loran
'John H I rt 4 half
o[ IM (V1OK. It. ii..'. Goderich. Phone 8t1'rl is. TERMS • Ten per t•' -,1t of the tour pt,,,,.. p7
4 iLARLF.9 F. MrINT4►SII It, emetvaeima 4. F. D. Colborne town- chase money to be bald 1144R -T1 at the ttiti,: - -The Moulin. t:oderta r
diel at tt%hell i It t iii- daughter.
afitp.PALE.---GOVERNMENTo21 TEST- time of nide, anal the hishoe to 1s
A ]sang life wa• ended ton $ittunln3..
liarclt cYtluttY►y, April :.-AnMlon s)e of o. 21 barley: tabor.
paid in 30 days. -
bnn+evt, cows, (Izf„nl ewe,. Lmbn, y oats anal (►. A. 1'. -
o For further particulan, DIN! ...lid.
. This grain being dohs nt.wte amity to
I trawnshll'. at the a If• of nae hundred
Dungannon. n moil ID fere from F: R. i)ARROW.
year.. three months nod eighteen
Monday, April 7. -Auction sae of '"'"•imus "Neil nd is exarptlanillk �er, ele., (ktderl.•h. lint R.G.14
Ell O. A. C. N
1.1 ,,4. C. No. 3 earl
Nu. 21 Meer mise
,'WYNNi r'rl(, 011 vita
� 4 a
flays. Ike lt1i • haw great nate. r•' household furniture,
Nape &Rau.
R+serosas, lion. - t
AYs-•kC.HAirlt ia..B.A
amiiWn F4.. Ilodericu
Mr John Athan than. •r.. , iu Hallett ''p otltry, etc prof erty f H.J F•edy.
property u[. Mrs.- gasxl 'paltry. 'For parti.tttara apply 4iMr for etre NortR ee H
I Mch, enjoyed n•ttwt health al -Jame_ itond, Hinoktt a reet. Ootierk'h. - I;LOTD WALTERS. (:alerleh R.K. 4. hated et (leslerlt4i the 26th lac 'f',
to ost III the fast awl Wise able to Ru Weeln4'wlay. April J.--('eartng nac-, i'Ixme hunmltssm 6n11. Hnrch, 19tH►..
ttbunt tit within n week of tits dentd.1 tion .tile of hot**
hnrnlRling., prn{t'
Mr. Melntoish wit. Isar.. in Atw•rtleeti- .rt,' of Jams- I'nrtrldgP, Park .efrert.' CDR RAi F THF PROPERTY AT At.411'ION NM.F. OF litrl'SF: F1'ItN LNSI'RANCE. LOANS. ETC.
I 1 lnwtmisE 4th. l-. ( leri h C t
SURANCE' ('O -Farm and Lao-
lotted town property isoured.
l c t . otbeerrlas. Connolly. Pres. God-
- house in Rtwrd tate t f r iMr r t44 sell (v I
erlch 1'. 0.: Jas. � Gross. Vice-i'rea.,
Beechwood P. O.: D. F. McGregor.
deco. -Treat.. Seaforth P. O.
hirectotf-A, . Broedtoot. R. • R.
No. •3. ieatorth: Jobe 0. Grieve. :eta,
4: Walton ; WIlilam Rlas, law 1L .
hageu : Geo. McCartney, R. R. No. f.
Seaforth; Robert Ferris. Herleek:
'Murray (Nhamn. Rroeebeld; Jamas
(Ivens, Beechwood: James •Connopy.
i Godefich.
IAgent* --J. W. Teo. Gax1OYIAt:
'tA1e1., T.elfeh. R. R. No. 1. CRONE -
John Murray, egatorth :. It HlnebIty.
Seafbrth. Policy -holders can make all
payments and get their ards recede►
ed at R. J. Morriah's Clothing Store.
Clinton; Colvin entre Grx'ery, Riot
anon street. ( or .4 H. 14eid'..
General Store, Hayfield. .
+attic, Wvf urn R'!1 :aw t ltrundlh•r lrinngfng to the estate ISH'\t'i8.
I and clime to /+Duals 'with his pnN Thursday, April 10. -Auction •ak•I of the laic .lanes lemtt. This er,nsi4lw -.---
sots lit on early aft of hnnw•Mlld furniture :Dad futnl+b- of three acres of land. more qr lees, on We are instruetvd by
hop•, lanterns of the estate of Thr which ich I. -stunted a seven -roomed frame MR. JAMES 'PARTRIia:F:
late .'Dual/ Long. at the pn•m +e.. s , e 1 and also ', n1141e ani-ilnn at his M.tne.
Iteumilh•r• n good frame barn. suitable for a Park Amer. lloderloh, on
Saturday. Apra 12. -Auction gulf, tald'e and• garage. On the property la WEDNl'lsRAY, April Ittt
of gauge• property In the town of s fl 1.:14► o'cltw•k sharp. all' the (Imt4aH-
►Ph y a a never -falling spring of excellent wat-
Gtxlerlch. See advertiveit; elw .1 tor. This property 14 in no Ideal irxw- of the house. including:
wlx•rr soot Thi- page. F. R. barrow.. plod and within three minutes' wnik Thrnc-pleee mehegany parlor •nit.•.
We wish to announce to the people of Goderich
and district that we are now carrying on a
General Planing Mill and Retail Business
A complete stock of Building Material such as
Cement, Lime. Gyproc, Wood and Patent
Shingles carried in stock.
Rough and Dressed Lumber, Flooring and a full
line of Builders' Supplies.
Lowest prices in Ontario. Consult us before
you buy.
The Goderich Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
(J. F. rl3aeelder, 'President)
Fest of Angksea Street . Goderich . TskrltluS 11
•a • The family'
settled thou 1144er 1.uchine. 4,IutISei,
eolhttnr fur the mc►t'QSst4e• of cro ds...tool and store. For Mah-
er lartieularts apply tqt H. R. LONG.
DIED Cwnlcrieh. or JOHN R. 'LONG. R.R. 4.
I'ALMEIt.--1,t Gswi..ridh, on Tue,alny. Goderich, t)nt
April 1st. Thomas Wm. Palmer, In!
his with year. tI'('F1O' SALES.
McNA13,-In Goclerirh. on 240114111V240114111V 1-
Doom p,IctUrtax; dining tale. ett41•
March 3Ist. MarglOet Smith. widow 1 I(rrio'0)F' IEOF4(1M10LD sea leaves; 0 oak dining chain,. Incite
of ihi late Archibald McNali, in iwr 1 A era{ akleieosrl• sklo tables. Artier.
prrttitt•r vacuum cleaner, tow oaklard yrilr. -----
111'1.t.EN.-in Gawlerk9i, oil 'Cue++riny. I • We nrP instntctcr} 45 hall resit. 3 bedroom drisee t. 3 wash
Alai! 1st, Slis.. Mary :Ann Itallett..ndi r, 2 emelweps.
daught.'• of the late Robert iinilen. M1tS• JAMES IIONh anissparings 3 pirt+mtdl� edIWert.' metr.Ilnole..oreatp;
in her 70th year. t....11 by public artallon nt her hoes•. 2 Angie beds. utattr,-'-e- noel
O'IAoia:II I\ tn. G,wlerich ran' llineiw street. Goilerich. on topiifl t; 13 kitchen etiplsw•rI. :.
1'hui7+,koy'. an .e 1. if 1' hl
Wong lolln, denghtererf rhe Int' lir., at .i .1sN•1.Moue o, all the content. tot 1 "wit .Imthlrr... Rnnk•u Men•, garden
rn wt -
Mk and walnut tablets, fernery. couch.
rattan tdtairs, 4 ieetrtwood chairs,
Edison %ligroin ADO records. 1 new,
Quebec hooter unit lripet+. 2 large wall!
mirrors. 4 naps. 9 x 12: 3 carpets and i
ntnteent, parlor, dining -room And Ms'.
e _ h 271 Miss Atnrr''
MONDAY. April 71114 ,. w,wvl ({illi elle, Is, 1 wnstu,t mai in,::
t B 2 I lot.. s, china. veer ke rye glassware. r
:dud Mrs. iirynn 4.4.144' kiln• in Mer I the inner. Iuellnikl[:
'41h year. - 4'ungrele smite of porter furniture, ler). and uumerons other artielte..
' 1 d,1t4w.Arf. 1 round dining tall.. 4:; This be a splendid lot of ftoruiturr
IN MEMORIAM • dining ('hair,, 1 rxten:don tnhlc, lin• in the very bent eoiwultion and must
zfr l KFR -)u loving n,entor) of otrlt.tlm Iwdsteao}ss min d•.•. and spring.,,,; go w4Nisnut any reserve. a. the propser
tarts«•r., ons an . cors o
passel away three your. n-`'"W11'ny• I New I'ettlr-ttou Mal oil etrcP, wheel TERMS (;osis
(leer 'tither. Robert. Stalker, who ! tan Ms 1 t f &fine•r* t% Iv fi'id.
.Anil 3, 1927. T. O('?tDHY &
1'IIF. I AIT I'll \R1.i:S Alt-INTO/ill. 1 I harrow, kitchen ett(lanird, .dM,hets, Auctioneers
Tis lonely icer. withiamt coif, dud, I e4 44i
•And sad the •
weary way yrrmn7 Leghorn hon;. and pullets, 2 sera
tilt d eros kers. • awwares c. t
but Iw•o yi+Ir4 later come to Ilttron For life 10 tes la not the moth' ;t,rrbr,rl Leghorn rst-tor4. also Domer
moll ld took up land on the nth Sinte you were,•allrsl away. roil+ other nrtirlere
rnces4inu of (:111 •r 1 township, p, x
Everything must he sold, as Mrs.,
tin 1. now ;ilted Pollee's 11111. in 1It .,code Kingdom tap above:• florid it halving G.xlerkit. I SALE BY TEN'DFR.
,r k k•1 ! i t Deur Lord. will ton take n tne•'agt'
• Ilnbhy- : "Deaf. rano'!) {.are to give
it, that Idea of a new -prime roil
this month. 'Maines At the tarok la
awfully low."
N.wlysonl ' 1 know 3.. t are it
gn.rl bn•iness man, hano-ylnm'•h--bol
if 1 were yon. I'd ronin!, put oar
stet not Ito It lank that had plenty of
w t
the• - ytrtr 1's57 lir. :Melt sfi' Ti•11 him that we nobs. him always TF:1tms: cash.
married •4'atharhti' Raley AME DitIntt And -end hhn all our love -
! 9ON.•
Ibis time he meted to the urwutshlp of N,ully misted by SONS .\NIT, AucNnl4Pers.
Ilnilrtt, %there he I1cw1 Dearly' nii tie DAUGHTERS.�
r trlIII',4 life. twenty-five `Iryevarm 1,alp,.
epi„ i MkNyF1t. - In 'mod lout loving Inemory AncirioN MALE: (►F 114►CSF 11(11,''
surviving 911, five daughter. and tine,, 'd .1. Mat11C•e•r,'Ow pissed awes I-1'11NiT1'RF
.ons. ia.t fo1.. 11, Mrs. J. 4h•waeun
'one yetr agtt, ,(tri1 3111. hr21t.
iutd• lir.. 1'. 1tnlah;v, of milieu: °1'h.• nnl11ul{itu Ann. nor Klenminq • MR. W. 11. P.\RRe►lV
Mr. 'liar:;!rtl 'talo r, ..'Inw
Toronto,. tot.a • lane and •ilettt grave: will sell try piddle auctionat his rtes-'
OAR-. 1:11,•.1 \I-I11t,. 1a. of MMotrtreul: Beneath Ilex- one we trulyluredItlenee, ninon nand (roomer 4'anrbrinl,
des. lines Aleltno+h iit11 John Mein sin one we could 11,.1 •gtse• Geterl• II, ern
tn.h. of 4'Ihitnn;' Willinut Melnttrsh,' ire ndss 1114 kine) and loving hand. y,ATi'ItD.1Y. Ai'I(li. 12th.
.f K.wlrt Ich, and .Io+t'plt McIntosh. of 1114 fulnl Duni •tomer cvrP, .� at.1.:N) ti chw•It p.m.
4itsitnloi,i-c% Taw dc• •Iowa hod We misr hien every day anti Moor, (ane INrlrrwrm mitt', v11rInR• and
iwieu i member tot the Huts Name 5,.! We mho him everywhere.
nlattre-«: buffet end Ain't /vAtlritul
lets fur eighty -Onto retire. The tuner-' 111- mulling Nee oral plrawtit sins" 1 e•x t -i,: 1t table,- 1 new leather
al look pet .to In lluudr), March 94th.; Are pleasant to recall. •,oust, 2 new ;rather reekers. 1 tap-
repllem mA+` 'Ilnt +raid in St. .17...! Ile
\nlldk Illolmexl pfalLcaeh ,..try covered couch, 1 tapolry s'ocer-
i•pd1`+ church. 4 i,.' )• by Rev. AA'hen oil i- still and s3letet, ed choir. :t smell reeking (halt.. 3
Sitlltcnte, 1450 the inn, T nq►t helm( small tabes. 1 kitchen enbtnet, 2,
nage in the Catholic rr•tah'tery In \n,l .'cogs forAdktea sole eyes. 4434611. water barrels 1 earthing
Mullet. The ptIl!n9trera were J. .1. our th•n*11t,. 11rlf/ ha'•kyt' tt alenit 45-. grate nip bin( and wringer, r. 1 cnsklnnlP
S.. Smyth. 1'. J. Reynolds
, J. , 1.4•It. Where our •hear tin-4'and 111111 father ioam'. 1 rope portiere. 1 large hong-
S. Smyth. Reynolds nt11 A. Flynn.'Filea. i Ing limp. 1 table Ixmp, rtnnl wick:
• Among lhos(• attending the fuwrnl,' -.WIFE: .tNl' 11%1.111TER..' 1 ,oral nal heater. 2 iron tools. m4it-
trrs.e.t null sprint's; '1 foot warmer.
2 All cans, x and 10 gni.; 1 emote
line rtgt. 9'-, x 10m : kte•""9 lin-
oleum. 11 c 11: tep4wtrJ rut. 9 x 10;
i. 'Awl, mower, 75 fndt jam gyadloltte
Melba, 1.14 dlntx'r dlrhea, 1 warvh tnh,
1 rote, 1 +loo•. ltarrrl Reek millet.,
w'Prr Mrs, \t,rgnrs't Limner atnF Mr
Earl lteker. Tottnlu: -Mr.. and Mrr.
Wm. Mrinti..h- tint Uu' Wort -Mary •WANTED
and 1111171 belle Boyle, ';rth'ricit, au,l-
%1r James 1'11.hedm, (O,liw,rn• town-- ealeNTnit.- Room AN» wire K-
MISS i MI% 194 Moor 111. West.
F.% ST fur the ewnlni4•r telt (be.
i.UCKNQW - Toronto.
1 dor. Barred Reekhem. one year:
a gnnntIty of 1nn64'? a ltin11111c of
'other lot/ -
Every -thing mart he ...dd. ns Mr. looted A; Sarnia this '34th tiny o.( Marsh, A.1,. 11. tIr1IA1�ha,
Farrow I. en vluI•4:cr111i•11'h.
11111N1S ()itSII Authorized Truster. i tt ini11hln. iteltnn Lutnlw•r Co. 144.. Sarnia. flit.
T. O11NDRY A PON. I711hLF:Y E. 11‘11A1)18,
Aasik•netf.. I G.werti'h. 41ot . w•Mtitor to Trot."
1,1 4 KNtiw', Moll I. The roin ill11•soKF•F•1M:R .WANITEI4 ,rAftM- ,,,,tlllinc, asst nnmamns
ii, ,,,• aell kn'tttl 11 1111{) t f hes
.t ,..wept by fire net Fridnr la -t. tI,t' boobkeeper. G,nsl' honer. for we'man
rt --nit n! an etplarion lei the boo... sent *'tier tan mnnngr ohiMrlf.'0. I. WISE
Thi' ft'e ltrhttpe nrritt•I .twin Aft? R. R. No, a. Cllntnn (anotoAAl�
If e et'l.,•Aorl 111111 Thr men worked
('Itch awtttrOoglerirb *ip. 'Pikes . '
!mid KI11a:,) i,' fire mmi;"ny st.
IN TIFF, M•.\T°Ii'ER OF THE (t.►1►FR1(511 1'f..\NI\G 11111,'. I,T1o. 1tANK
RI'iT -
SF.AI.F71) TENDERS will he rect•Ivo1 iby1t.Ix•'uteler,itinel t 1. :t p m. ,m
Sntimlay. the tr2t,jt tiny of April. .1.' h. 1141i4, ter NIP intn4aee 4.11 line of the.
buslntrs. of the above-named tit" Nor as hereinafter 'Mpet4fled •
NI 'itII Tilt ONE. tstoe'k i11 trades, nt -March 22. 1'rto, Inventory
value at that date Ming ap;trnthr►ately .7,001. •
P.tlt4'E:I. Ni'MItER TWO Consisting ed:
tri'{ .tlirrnshmutely 1:K feet on t-nntbrla Rtad by approtimat•Iy 331' foes
am oleo* Ares, 44t this•4er+l+rety iw attati 4-a N►,eer•wt.ery t•rh'k {':mine marl
of the ajgerothnnle'sync of :dl x SS flet.
(h) .A tone -stray Frame Lime Howie, 141 fie t 26 foot
fel (her Frame Lumber Shed nt4irntimntely :Si feet by 1,1 feet s,
(41c• i)ne'Fratne Lundrr Sited a nor•ttrnotcly 1v feet by 1,11 fret
�o(el flee Steel-Cleel•Frarrte Shncittg Sha•!• atpproximntetr 24 f'r•t by 3 0 tea
40 one Iwo -story Flame OffIP nlgttsetximately 2-t feet by 32 Met.
(gi (bx• Frnme I4ttrtder Shed ;filmdom to .dfi,. ailgnoxlmntely 1'r flew
by 4.) feet.
he (nue Tool noire approximately t feet by 10 feet
A (opy of the Inv'e'ntory and n rough 11nt%trig of Ow prop..41) ens
1t! wvtrrd on wpliiratinn to the 11lwl.rsh.tesl. arid an iratlwietion of the
property may tN' arrnngyd neon apglleation 111 the wni.iinrn4 41 charge• 1114'
AL.l. TFJNI)F:14S moot be nrrrtmlarniel he r market!. •hoop, pwiyatlM• Iw
11.. IL Itkltanlw, Tntwtee. for 10 per rr'nt. of the am'snx tendered, whinge wits
he returned If the fever 14 twit ateetHer1. Ion ii -I11 les• fn "Putti eo and few
liquidated damages if the 4enth•r fes aeet•pi rl. hot tM' sale not .ntnl.k•ttd i►y
the pnrehaser. The hielost or any tender not nere--ratril, n.• ' et1.s
TT•11lMS f11' S.t7.F'' 'Pett 41413,44t pre tent ..f taw pter.•hese. m.••'4'p�tj' -lf� •(
id dtewtsti witdt Che h'ryer nr a)s,ve•: 11 farther fifteen 117.';,0 {••r fent no v,
rrrepranav' of tender; t nlnnee at three. Rin rand nine months ses limit to tin
.atir'fnt•thr11 of the Tr11•+te• and inspector. vIth Internet at 7'% per annum
Further ptrlie'trinr+ as to Ihe ,1Mw•rilditt' of tax• Irtxt and 1)uildlntt•.
niu•hlro.ry, etinllwnrut, etc. mor is- tohtnims1 111 nl'1.Iicn t:•m h, 'hr, floss
, atom,. •
nrkn,.vr hnlel. E:it with t,hnr a 141 wants