The Signal, 1930-4-3, Page 6�i1Nre. 111''.• wrv..46.1111-4/1• •W11.MIM414Itrraro- •
''I IVe ° ws7e -1!
1}'ra April 3. 1650'
Daughter Is
Stronger Now
"My daughter Catherine•is
fifteen years old. She was very
irregular, often sick- at her
stomach and had to stay in
bed two or three days at a
time. One of your booklets was
sent to us by mail so 1 got her
a bottle of Vegetable Com-
pound. Catherine has been
taking it regularly and she is
'gaining in weight and every
way. 1 told the neighbors and
four other girls are takingit
with good results." -Mrs. Cr-
ence enkinson, Box 14, • Thom
ioe, Ontario.
Lydia Et Pinkliam's
Vegetable Compound
,. , t 1.,.1 b.. 1..4 C. t,... Mo• u 1 t
1•1 C.1..,, 0.1..., t,,.1,
No expression of sentiment
more beautiful !
Beautiful Flower„ for every neva-
sion, in ehnicP variety. . Finest of,
Luce Street 1.b... 106 Coderick I
When you place your order with
us for supplies you can be assured
of receiving only the best that can
be procured in
A Trial I inter Will ('.ell wee Yon
Silterwood'S Ice Cream
for your protection
('nl1 'in and lone' arm( rrl
Where Cleaaliiess is Paramoult
Sparr's Grocery
"Thr more of 'atu.Is clow"
Hamilton Street
Goderich Phone 146
Sunday Afternoon
Ry IS.111F:1. 11.1MI LTI IN,
%Viten mothers of tsulem
Their children brought to Jesus.
The stern dlseiphes drove them back
And Nide there depart
But Je-us. rata, ahem ere they fleet.
.1611 -wordy ranks!. and kindly said.
Suffer II 111 children
1.0 cuaw• 111110 Ye.
__W. V. 'Iluteltiutl'*..
n,' -!i t. 4.o.1. echo 4114141 scud Thi•
Soil. sharp among own as one who
-,rteh he plenwil to rrveil. In u- tbnl
1111114 %11,11 was .111 Ilan. Teach u, 1 ,
reckon arc:lhle•+ by-erylee reudi•r•d
nether. Ilial by .ervIce received. Le!
111. uaule y4,• pray. Ameti.
s. I.EssIIN EMIR \1•It11, lath. 1430
IA.4411 Tapir•-•I'hc l had :1111 Ihr•
hn Ium.
I.e-.4111 1':IssisR.'- 11:11 I he.t 1 S I Ji
19:13.1:1. '
Golden Tex]-Maltlten 19: I1.
\I the •a are lila, .:411.4. Ihr e1. ..
pile• 1101.4 •.1 esti.. -.*Ing. N'ho 1.
¢note• iu tow Kiut;doni ..f Iea.e
'1'11,..• men were liar sten •k by
011 Odell of the idea
Iau;olotn•; Ike;' were eoneet'tted rather; their status wlthhl it.
I'hri-t wi. always :11:14 11,1
diet 11. 11'.e It a itiu_. -44 114w 11,• nil -wee.'
1114' .irle-rion %A 10) .u,•• lla.•,tu.4:,•.1!
reply • -And J, 'ell llel• it little.
.111111•mets tlitn. :Ilia .41 101111 In the'
Oddest of Them. and •n i1, Verily. 1 say
Unto you. except ye be c.1u4,•rtel nn,l
Is••ue• ;Is tittle children. y,• shall not
enter into the kiue.jotni of heaven
WhowaWer • therefore, shalt . humble
hiul•4elf as thh late .•hold. the same
I,. unil ,•. lir the klugderni of heaV-
• 11.''
It 01t. :a vent i4ty In Ihei Fle!'
when thu little, child stood. there
and all-unetn.elou•ly represented the,
kaigdeim of haven, lletrhlg it ,_forth
to all the age:. to come. •
Jeans t'hrlst In this dl -career, o•'
in every other. wit,. Illmw•If the ser-
mon. 11r. tulnllel Himself tied t.nrk
luso. IiIn1 the furan of to -errant : Ile!
wits 'rich, yet fur our sakes became
poor. -Learn .4 Me. nor 1 ant meek
and lowly .4 heart. and ye •h:rl1 find
rent unn, your souls."
Standing there with the .411141 In
Hlw arms We mer 11.1. only the hmm�n
eh1141 tont the divine child. and w'1. hear
Him -ay:--''And whose. shall re..•h'r
such little child 1.149' name tee
elceth Me."
And again Its a uys:-
"Ile that reeeiveth Me received' not
Me, Met Him that 1.4811 )Ir."
Jests. Christ will lad have. the
ehlhYs spirit slighted. Insulted or neg-
lected: " VIunso shall offend tone of
thrw• little eines tvhleh !relieve In Me.
it were better for him that it millstone
were Winfred about M. neck, and that
he was drowned in the depth of the
%•a," It VI110 the 1•11 14111 111 Syria and
In Greece to treat criminal. toe, sn
Ithat Je,mw Chrl-t was not Inveuin.t
a new Inetbol of peltItw111I11•nt : 114. wit*
Ir. f,a-rlra tel wh•,t w•:e- t4PII ,119.40 10
the pelade to w•h 11e was sleeking.
i T'he-e• ladle one'.. Ile -aid. ween• pre -
clone in the eyes of the Father: -
"Even we it 1s 1101 the will 4f you
Ft 1her • whleh 1s al heaven that - one
of thews little owls should perish."
Thi' 001d -hurt ...avow the world
from the thvltllnrs' of old age: men
of the child-htIrt • keep the world
In these versed l• depicted a very
How good are you at finding mistakes? The artist has Intentionally
made several obvious ones in drawing the above picture. Some of them
■re easily discovered, others may be hard. See how long It will take
YOU to find them
Solution to -What's Wrong and Where" in last week's Sienal.
1 Picture ,.n lamp Anode tu1)shk• 5- Two kin.M of fabri, in Blair.
down. •I s-.-I.etteer "n" hi word "Ttflrune"
-lata candlestick las un eatmlle. hackw•urd.
3--11a14. pile,' upside, down. T=•:ushoe..'s shoe. .hr not lila 14.11.
4- Teo. kinds of faric In ucul'a tee.; s- )lows right truu-e•r leg .411111- eulY.•
Of Interest to the Busy Farmer1
Furnished by the Ontario Department of Agriculture
Hays Clean Shad
The agricultural np,rraentative for
the eounty of Durham reports (hat
e.luslderable interest In cleaner seed
is lo evidence In his lucidity. As an
example he states that in rli weeks
over 311,1100 lbs. of clover seed and
1000 htu.hel'c .f grata have been clean-
ed by the tarn dranitu (dant at the
Ross' Training School, Ihrw•tuaucllk•.
Live Stork Winters Well
Rnsnt eounty farmers report that
stock hats wintered well and Is In
•fair condition. Generally speaking
1111.4 condition prevails throughout
the a etlre l•iovinee, with an excep-
tion here and there. In Carleton live
etoek .prk•et have been ex,•tptluually
goat. w'hlh• in Durluuu flower num-
bers hate been marketed than Is us-
ual for I 14. time ..f year. lilelndarry
live stoek Is in e•xtrlMut condition
anti llalllmwd reports tiken4se.
Breeding •I.n•k is bringing a good
;wire in Perth.
More Fertiliser ['sed •
It. iL Clewes.', atr1t4w11nnl rep•
re••efitative for tVe1liugtun eount3.
he the authority for ,ume Inter, -sting
iii 'rum tion regarding fertilizer •
('which ...ems to be quite typical of the
situation this year. In 1tr.5 hls.onn
ty Itueorlel lt:..urlunds, of eutnmer-
vial fertiliser Bud in Ileo/ this In-
ert -used lo. -"-' carniade- t)1le mixedmanic(; township. tioel4,. miles square.
imported, tri etrloads. .t suborns 1:11
lio•rra:r ower hist• year's figures ♦e
tondkel for this ,te•aw.n.
tender wrtie in wLieh J. •u• Christ 1.' e4.1 ihun•h on a hot .umnwr ti:1y.
the central figure. I Add Ow Vacation School". program of
Tla••e little children did not duos- If1Me stories. nnisie Iraal patriotic
tel rowed How of their own free will ezen'l-e•; sweeten ae.•unling to taste!
Nn' The neither,. brought them. Why with-pnl.sicll handiw..rk, dramatis -I
did Hr IoVe 1,he• rhiklrvtm w., dearly? 41tl.n.. and other expme•ed0tl11 aetlyb'
1ft. ghees ilia reason. tt I't "For of ties. Stir Io. -owe Ovule.. whittle/
rnc11 Is the kingdom of pea t -en." sports. and o (carnal. print loll of
Whatever repreewetlted the kingdom of gest times. The results ore ¢uaran-
btst'eu was precious to Ilio. teal -to satMy any forward -1 -'kit.
WORLD MISSIONS The mewl period Is fiveweeks, if
t'hurrh Vacation Seheels the• day,.eu h. aith Tn.m two to,
Icy 1tey..1. C. It.Itr•rt.ol, 1).1u. three kala Park d y. In addition m,
i'hnn•h yat0I.m .r•hnd, hair alipde lime for manual work and
von.' iqe in re•eut years in re'poaa• play• ahis provides Montt the some•
to an effort to answer a .nM
mewhnt amount of time r religion. Inwtrta•-I
merlons question. namely, What Is the thin as Is provided by the Sunday I
best thing to do wlrh idle tory,. and ea• in a year. As o neer each
girls during the long summer yarn- Mire!' Vat -atter' School iw ,serried on
don?as n ...mmnnity enterprise. with all
The. answer given by the Chireh the churches In the community a►
Vacation Se•ho.I I. w. simple that one
wend,•r.4 why it had not leen uIIaeov-
end Tong 1101 and why It is not more
generally matted today.
The Chun+ during the summer
math, can very easily supply all the
14..omin.411tion :11141 ery1pno•nt that
May he required. The vacation It-
ll lease ,y•vermiln.mer o lhlring the 1"'•1 year. tontine .wp-
nperlting. but there 1.4 no relson why
any Oomph or Sunday sebowd tight
not ram 1111 a (Rmn•h Vacation
lifebloodlifebloodlus It., own mummer prijevet.
large ntrntlier of lanes awl girls whose }aorf of lite Ike11 Tel.pdnonr Cnmpruly'+
work and play 1 need to he carefully effort to Increase tow {aerewntaae mfl
supervised anti who wilt welcome any 114-11 (111s contpIt ed resulted. ■,.road- Fashion Fancies
for ulfitlfa and awtwt clover. )'run -
tenet• clover anal O&M' herr been
e.Je•t.d to late fromt.e whkia may re -
salt 111 mottle killing. 10 Huktimand tow
fall what situation la acute and
this report Is dgdlcated by Kent,
where it Is .11 id that ,*nue of the
acreage will hate to .be r•pltu11,41.
In F.lnuvrlu the hard fools at 111(111
hate [wen playing havoc w'it's this
(*nip. Mildlewex and Poteedwwuougli
kw have been tortluutte anti the
enp sem,. to he In falx ruudition.
The recent Boll of snow will 1111-
p ruse evuditioum appreciably.
Lime and Arldi•)
Stie.-P.s hl old?, gr.iwlntt 'and tale
dieting often 1110101•. u14,1)t the amount
of Ilene 111 the soli, it h,l, 14.46 t.. 1.
Aifalfa, 11uwev,tr, .11011 flower sta.!
beets. to mention 11 few of the crop.,
require entomb lime to reline the arid-
i1•v. It Is it nutter for 113• l•ht.utl.:
lull the experimental farms -to defer
mine where Ilene Is hocking; and w plat
quantity- is !teeth's) to 1e appdiel. It
Is well known, huw.•t,'r, that there
is a relation -hip between potato. .a•tth
and 11me. This ►s explalurd ioy say
Inc that while an acid soil eliminates
r.•a1. Ir relay, If too ueid. Writ! r tit.•
yield F:vi4riments have •huwn Ih,r
rI14. (•lulu+. of aridity pluck will pre-
l•eut scab and yet not , mallow 1114'
j yirtet I. Very short ; w, 1ISO 1 1.14111/1 11‘
i the fiirue•r nevi• very ...ireful lino
.rrvi..• ton d,Nertain.' his ex:let n•w•
of little. Moot vegetable er...e, as 1
natter of fart. 4111 better wider dlgh'
if aril conditions.
Poultry Indtatry• Item*
wp.uking at :1n at ri•nth11rnl o•allfei
ewe an London recently. W. It
Jeri.' declared that a few year* a41 •
the Ontario IaaIltry Industry was 1•
111x. dohtrums. lout that tieslay Cao
tidier's •vnwtlme dare 4 -RR. Per 4141)11
than any other nation .in this world
-thy. Mew/ rew It of the 1m1R1na.-
Ce;tlnc a guarantee with every pear
chase. In fhe way of having the sat
tsfw•tiuu that the egrts bought
nnelPrpotw a '*64441 In"j hfor.•
'Auk 1ila,Wl on the public maria:
If rhe were developed along other
:gthultural lines fhe industry would
he 111a.w1 oil a w Fere presper.4w tee-
I. than ever before.
Marr N.. 1 Apples
1Sra+toe eha114M.4 are possible -In the
Fruit Art at tin early date. Iltler
the new itmeudmrut+ to the met, the
No. 2 aael 3 upl4es wo1.l M• eliminat-
ed and all at.pkn of giant. .'Icor and
No. 1 quality with a minimum •Iia•
meter of 011e heat seven -eighths lura
es lei the ,caw of the small type and
tine luelws in 11w larger type will 1.e
,mtd.d No. 1. while i..wer•.•dnrwt
fruit or gloat with little -.•nit. will
he clnssel domesth'. TLerr will only'
le two Irrndee- In pL•o.• .4, the four
now existent. Thus, to a result .1 the
preJtolice often rspre.ww.!• b1. "..n•
*timers against anything ttarkel No:
2 or ;i. 'IRI, new In4c would a1•u
that the small No. 1'• he pat la one
package and the larger one, in an•
Egg Market Settles D.w1%
ITe itupsrrts .4 egg. from the ('n-
11+81 States have now praeticaliy
lensed for the current rem -on. A few
carloads are reported to have Lara
In revelntly, tett th,w•ee had been.9(1r-
.-hased en a previous order. The eg:
market has +tettlel 11(1111. quite unrty
this year to a spring .storing bask
and privet at a majority .4 ',ror.••
Ing points are consider -011y lower
than n year ago. With mild weather
pre•n'alling In most prohwing dis-
trietw It 1-. mot Imtsrwlblr that the
movement into sAor4Re will get under
way in earnest within the nest week
Or e0.
Fall ,R91eat Unpromising
The fall wheat .1t.natl.o, 'teems to
to nuythlni; Mit promising this year.
Judging( from reports of agricultural
representatives .4 the various coun-
ties in the l'ravlww. Brae county
reports fall wheat to ie In a fair
e,nditlol, with the acme to be said
- attnu'td*e program of worth -while tie. Ing to the company's annual statement
twines.. The w•hmde. intim public In over )O,,ltns more exitance enlist
M rag 'Mester
reads. )toll.,•( Wood. Taos
�s.1r.' es4.d itch) pato r 1
saute, P11ea as.. gww a. C. aro lahes
re Wt. P0...rink, avert. haw. An cws
miles of
in this rugged
deep cut tread
)1•114.,1.4 uud timidity wisooh, can pro- }wing er,n9defed 'belly then In lie., I•
4.141,• a very effh-rn1 staff of Ie.lder-' and this dt•ydr
te a greater Ilse of 411e
with ,p4I•lal a uwllfk•Iliion4 to 1nwtt tt.o:phone. In hong .Noone ea lis e..m-
ihi- need. Thls solution of the prole pletel the 1929 hMn•ase was it peer;
lent as pr.niolel by 1114- Church Fast.• 44nt 11lgierr than for the pro.vionio
w-hsd has hewn 1.1i•tnresgwCly< de- year.
-,•rilxsl in the f1.Rmwllg reipe:
Ink#' ogle hundred uncal • (lfty child;
ryes., inner or less. mix well in wime
Did You Ever Stop to TSI?
'i'he tire of today for the car of today
has extra strength where strength is
needed; design refinements to meet
every crisis.
A sensation from their start in the summer
of 1We, the Dominion Royals are now
standard equipment on many of Canada's
finest cars.
i'ut Dominion Royals on your car for safe
and trouble-free driving this year . . . and
Dominion Royals are sold and serviced by
Canada's greatest tire organization- the
Dominion Tire Depot System -each inde-
pendent unit distinguished by its blue and
orange color scheme,
- Itt
Slm wner. 4 skla.
iL I(I1I-; F.Li.W1'OttTH. E11I'p(tlt
toy T11F) itt)Si;III R(: IOREC,OX,
N F\\'-M-ItEV I}?\%'. NA VS
"When i moved front tl city 4r
font 1 Ired thotstinli anile to rho
.city, which hnc n pp/illation of .44411111'
-.even thousand, my frle•nibi nil asked_
Me. when 1 told them good-bye. •7Vlint
on etirrh will you d.. with your rimy..
titne In a spill inane like that'''
"i wonder: row only time In nay
life that 1 have reser had any spare
time w',- when 1 Ilvni ince illy.Then•
1+ let tines a.4 mach ti.dug In chi-
town. w1 fair ns 1 ten concerned,
there wag in time city from which 1
mooed. 1Vhy? ik',tlnse there are few-
er le,^9.11• to an the-,s•Inl and hu.1-
III.•.• honors, attend limehe:nl .tubo
(Me Like !Am ('.nary. the average •
-MIJJj_('jty' lord H•-- man' lois to • ie.
. r''veral different person..
"Take this week for Instance. .1
hove been totwo tningik•I., rine enrol
party. one .Sinner p.Irly• aftetnh•d
one htne• elnb messing. one Omni -
,ser ,ef eotnmenr dinner. prnetlsed
jj4i111 tile Aneerlon!' iaealot glee OM..
Attended a high w•h.r.l Ir.,'o-t1,11
rattle :nal played golf • ffleT11e4111
And I, ttbwrhtel- HAD to Bo nil of
i thrift* thins'/ nr 1444)1,14- would ask
why not and rritielte• severely. small
eitlee- are like that. 41et 11.111 to
it )1wit lei}, though, and i inn -4c
truthfully', having finished ins f1r.I
year In this smnll city .'nee 1114- end
of the- week, that 1 w'.mld tort crude
ton. k. 1 womb! not willingly go Mack
o a illy to live. •
-Why, 11109113' 1.4.111 11.4. Ton can
lily 4 n• nnm.lel Ilfe in a smaller
14411. III a '.011111 town 31)11 11/1 re n
fIJng st everything. We leech et helm-
tlfnl prly'n1.'-•omltry t•lnh In which
are prorthallr all of the • M,slne•ss
an! }utgdrs-lnnal p'pdf of [h4- town.
{V1. 14814' evil -Refit talking pdetttre
thost ttett and have an l,ra*lemnl
event of ia, *,rtan.w. 1 eau
et. ngttl •et4n1 trona M•hing u•c
-drl.Ing for twenty mh,nles frilm my
04,4•. 1 can .Iti ler as 4-ttrd17,
\NII 1 CAN 11.0 \i I nF 9'IIF:
TIIIN4:a IN (INE 11.11.I\1i 1i.1VR
l'4NED '1\► 1•Is\N FOhI Wi11JK$ .\Nit
TAKE OrrleRA1. DAYS 'Tt) iw)
A 1111sty Colored Reed to Fashion
The mad 111 fashion Ihi- seam,rn
b o-.doreil to 'Iipsty lai4act." 'Mere
ore the "dn'ly nines," the • ihedy
idnl.-," and w. (on dowil the plwe'l
chart. 66th we nrrlve at the .,al-
! elusion that it's a and, 1k•llent,
tooth thief elrrh•.4 its through the
Hanle. Curiously mooch thew•-h4•!e•
are the spae1•ln1 favorites. of the nli1.wt
sports frocks and a1)j.wr In I.dll
WWI wodlen fnhries. (hwannwt
nal only .for •fr.•tad.MM are icing
errutol In the aln1nay hi1P., lint those
fur netive fi.Anhntnnls ns well. In other
wont., ar•nt tho►,.tho. fltm-
huo7nnt .811., . of Itisa season have
done quiet 1100 onL"
Thi• s1Pwce10s4.4 sports rest nme
sh.wt, above tan miry 1lht1frate• the
vogue's regard for presto! friar Jersey 1
herr the jntntel Interest .4 fngottfne
toward button trimming. Itttftnnt nal
offltIng n decorative touch to many
ewtlnfr.l noel eemlxnllensl fn4•ks.l
{fere the Accu.-mmttnd neeklIrw and
jadntel color (outlined 117 fngMting h•
tooted as n tate oketnil of the Ia41P.
The deep) V gullet ,4 tit• skirt Is nlwo'
sot In ley tntrettlne. while a new
of Idno tortoise button+ Ilnh•t1,' front
and finish the narrow belt placed at
the wormed w'llwllne .\ /wn$gan Jori.
et of the' some falerl, smartly erne•
ponies the fnitdt. •
l'akse .f C.-Operattve
At a rk\nt meeting of tin. \'ep.•
table• 4:mw•rrs A*wtelation, the eee-
ores!dent. Joseph f'yr, painted out an
Interesting ,:..le where an Amerlean I
buyer was In 4Lnada hooking for 1
several hundred tons of garden
beet.. 'ler canning in .K•w4d form. The
unler,,-..uld not be fillet. In Ontario,
as• there was no 11r,nlz.tion here
through w•hkil the -beets would he se-
enn'I at such short moire ThP Feel
erutel r..4lperatire of Quebec. to
whleh he was n4erred. through R-
kw,,I organisations. ererlenissi 11111.'
difth'ttlty In finding ars' grading suf.
f o.letet beets for 1'11, order 'The in-
(+tene • p4lnt.. Int plainly the value
of , ,.opo•IaHy4- mnrk,Htnq. ,
.tpple Market in Wtul
T11t• m.1141 is expree.-e1 i,y w'. It.
$.mwwr•s•t, former oyerwms rI•preeent-
athe of the Ontarin Fruit (:rowers.
that tete fruit gnowerw of this P'or-
Inr.• hove an extensive and profltan1h-
market awaiting them in the ('an-
adlan West H they X111 only Ree after
it. There Is very 1it11..l(rrt a om(e•t-
IMon h•tweew-Ontario and Rrkl•h
l oluldrla in the prairie market ex-
cept In tomatoes. 1ne1'anse In apples
the Itrlti.h Columbia crosier 4'01
f(new himself very largely 10 fewer
Isose.4, preeMminantle .4 early varie-
ties. \\'llh a *owl 144i4, orf later sorb•
In Iwhshcl hamp.'n. Sir Neinier-r•t wee.
no reason why the otitnrle grower
could not 'all a great dent Of fruit
Feed 'far Breed Sows
Alfalfa or fdln•er hay . (Pel from
rack- forms an Pxf-Pllent roughage
for I.nmsl .era's. !toots err 111.0 (rest
but nroy net ;damps Ir• nvntlnl.le
Tlw m.,r,l ration may vary e•nerider
111.17 but whoosh; nog Te toe, strong
Jtrnn. •hart-, gr4lnd not. nn! 4110,1?•'
fairies In r'epull l.erhe. if 04441 Jgoll-
at from two to six pounds
daily. depending on the size and e•o11-
41Iti4.11 .of the ionw-Wa well as the pi•r-
hsi of pre•) nnnt'y. has been found to
gime 11•.41 focal rv•sulls. Mineral feed -
are tnauull entlnl and may t1.•
sopplied either by -.ahs or a suited&
m'ncrel mlxtnro .elntnlhtng ehan.enl,
ashes, home meal!. Pte 1
V1 enksation
of i he Blood
Pallor ui the lips, gums and
eyelids is proof that tM blood b
thin and watery Ana.mia is the
name 41.45010 this condition.
Anemia is most prevalent among
girls and young wotnen. The school
girl often suffers as the re*sult'of an
anuemie condition of the blood and
the consequent upsetting of the
nervous system.
'rhe remarkable success of Lr.
rliase's Nerve Food in cases of this
♦aind is perhaps the beat proof that
• :t toe. directly to the formation of
pure rich blood. And pure, rich
• blood is the• foundation of the health
and strength of the whole human
F'or the small h ni'.• datae or tit•
i•hlldret'4 party a Relit peewit 14 al
,meet a Iiteleanity ;nod it cion 1re and.'
gni• 1.4 the pleasant after-Ihotl¢ht• of
tile leafy. St•rve In hoot. towel or
Oro -tiers 11,141 mw• this recipe.
F•Itt'IT I'CN('H
.\1141 to ono tinotorl of -wanr syrup.
one lint*' ,•upfnl ,pf rnq.herrm -y rap.
then joie. 11r one orahge. 1w11' tahle-
'ip^•nfwl. of li.ttain One fourth
ern of grated pin+ ;Wprle•. ,ern• fottr)h
(arpfurl of 1lalrn•ehhm ch.•rrkeo, one
1.411*' enpfnl o4 sone Prange 1'ekne tea,.
Lot sl1n1,1 au 'emir. Strain tint' sold
one ,•np,hll of elumrgel gutter. '1,111.
.h114/1 14P .4 dry glittrernM and i'rlrk,•iI
ke or let. cr14w. 1:Amish with thin
allies of orange. 'Pitts r. --Ip• make.
111m11 ane eml .rale -ball quarts,
• light Appellte
\Vlh• •''1 am R1.hlg 10 givi•, yeti a
'less. (of 1199 mind."
ilnithy s "Jost toe- .rmIII Iw•Iphlg.
Id.w.P. 'Missouri (Inflow,
Templeton'i RAZ -MAH gives the
moat wonderful relief.
After 30 years' ('hronie. Rmnchitio,
John Halm, Port Bolster, Ont., got
relief. Mr. littler, heard of RA7.MAIf
thorngqh a friend. The (,lend knew
RAZ, -MAI( Meaner it had mlicved hie
father's Asthma. Mr. /lake save:
"I recommend RAZ -MAH to anyone
tiff+'nnt fmm ('hmnie Rmnehitia or
from Asthma " (iasaranted relief
from a fI Ial 1oox or I,nwy hark. At
genu drntai*t'e. 194
Dr. 1'Iiuse R
4'rs'e Food
The greatest of restoratives for the
blood and nerves.
Brophey Bros.
Ambulance service at all
been, day oe eight.
PHONICS. Store 100' Ras. 211
J. R. Wheeler
Funeral Director and
All calls promptly attended to
day or night
Blore 335 Residence 355*
ilamil:ou street, Goderieb
Coal and Wood
Genuine Hard Stove Coal
Chestnut Coal
Pea Coal
Pocohontas (2 by 4 egg)
i can snpply your wants in
any of the above fuel Prompt
-ervice• and reasonable prices.
Telephone 17$j Goderich
Notice to Water
The Nater and Light Com-
mission is pleased to announce
a reduction of one dollar per
annum nn house• water rates
from January 1st. Owing to
the large number of takers
this reduction meant r'on-
siderable less revenue. and,
consumers are asked to (t/ -
operate in the economical
operation of the the.
by' *r-
ing that the water is not
wasted and that all leaky taps
r)raolacrs are 6xrd at once.
L. L. Knox, W. T. Mnrnt;y,
Sheet Metal Work
General Repairs
John Pinder
Office and Residence, St.
Davids Street
Telephone 127