The Signal, 1930-4-3, Page 52 A w,. it lr. THE SIGNAL, — GODERICH, ONT. • 1 Springtime is Changeable Time ! Coughs and colds are previilent. Get Campbell's Cold and Grippe Capsules to break up the cold. Fortify the system with a tonic Wampole's Tasteless Cod Liver Oil Preparation or Penslar Tasteless Cod Liver Oil Preparation. GET IT AT • Campbell's Drug Store Phone 90 Goderich The Leading Men's Store Everything that's new in Men's Wear lig Hand Tailoring and Special Order to Your Measure r'•rt • • • Chas. Black Phone •21:1 1Od, 4144, r Wong's Cafe A Good Place to Eat 'Rest Service in Town TABLES FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN A la carie service at all hours Wong s Cafe Phone 253 Tie Square and Mootr eel Street Goderich Telephone tt.�z yqur next order for GROCERIES —to— PRICE'S GROCERY Choice line of fresh Groceries and Fruits in season N 1 I.1.:1,I\'I L— .3 Geo. Price & Son Telephone 248 Corner of !.quare and North Street PORT ALBERT time:Med for last week. l'( -411T A1.IIEWr. 'T[artilt Jas. ateKetnle. wjur had teen skdtlug Iver .Iwn•r, . Mrs. Schaeffer of Kitt— ima-m'. I,•tlruel ter her hoose o4. Tuekday 144g1r.- rhe W. .l. S. meeting warn held at 11* luau• of Nr.. Jas. Jahnotim lust 'rbur.Juy. on ar.r.unt of the condi- tion of the road., there was not a very large immolate*. Mr Jos:. MON•lllan, of Iletroit, I4 v1-Nhig friends In thio vicinity. Mr. Al'. 1Nekom entertained his friend, hast Wetneaday niolrt. A'amts- 11111 evening wan 'spent i4. danying.' Mrs. Nekton Graham reelvel word t,..11, Toromo that her Aster. Oen. smith. is 1.4 tie General h4•y,tal, alfferwg from au attain of pleum0u- �11, "Penman's" full•feehtueed .sarperk,r quality lisle halve, reinforced at 1.ointw of wear. New sowing Nhadea. oiZPs'K1,444 to 111 Price 4er pale, GOO. W. SI'l1AE• Characters in Canadian Fiction JUDITH C3ARE Fpm "Wild Geese.” by Martha Ostenao tt " (Written for The Signal by. M. Li. ILOBFJITN(JIN) i?` The ay, Aye! 3. 11130-5 bettore the man, tout after the fellow' seen, 'line. Thos. Dlssley Sod Mr. Al- • had ridden off he went in to Amelia. 'vitt Ooruellus, predetwaed them a To her angry anwzettwnt. Ate met hemI good many years ago. •'yr'• fearl•asly, and though 1w ul+rd hi,, Mr. Thos. I'Yt.ld sold 44411 fa'w o1 tvuklr thgoat and attacked her at last the 12th concession of Etlrl Wawa - with a heavy whip he emit!, 111.4 tenni., I..-4, to .lir 4t.•4N•rI eksat. nr. lila former 11.4Wer 4...9' tier. Imu111t¢ Iter. 111141 Mrs. Ja4. Stabile of .11..l - 'ter only half,•u1•''''ni. 4,11 4114 floor., .:11144. •111+44 Lit 111.• h..uie 4,1 )l r.' -x11.1 he tushed at last i .111 the house. .1 • KM aloe 11a0111 .al 14iulduy. 11+•1. Mr. sown of smoke struck lila- no,trU$ ytid ! %Vil►luwlu 4.l,.• .UU.4, there. he lo. :.41.*4'.1ut. to find 114141 a bust \lees .\.idh4 ;.1111 \1',l.r.lnI 110ss n•- .l myatalented erl to 'tang over the! not Glrget Judith alel N-h.a1 he n' telae ten. ajme,d4ng Pittard. lila plla.4• 1,11 ted to their work in: •Toronto o4. lun.ed to mood 4114(• w44•k4 wit11 hi. 711411 Ihn•u41llltut first 111, prtr1ou.' Moodily. •`+ hose a the Irene w ver the new 11oc 1 "uatl'.444.4. des.•1•r.__--34r. 4:ru.•st l .1,ll lu•u wotul'wt to, rultht'r'' hr net .lode ugalu $one he I.11.•1 !'• he .Illi i'S4 tsr. Lend 11 .t' . ,yes to Istard.. 4.4:ed 44. r to nt:t•ry filar. 'fiery .,hall 1'41'4.1 ti"ile' h' ..11141 1 111111 of to ,al‘', \lThlkerrou o4. Sat11r.1.i' 'last 4111, sh' tell it Ike ft1..t , oI4lly4 when few of,, ,.141111il14.4 to meet. for ('a1.4.a. it„' : 111 - w 4 r'n ♦•leythil•4 rhe.' 1114.1' b y4141. Li. f:n'4 . t. ler. Williuw 114.1.- 4100r Cat. 4e4.t thrmr.--w iItIu6 44411'' •u.fllckws nisi., not lie antustd. ,$, fullw4 h,• rut -lessee. to the 11u1PW W,• 444•..44. huwe too.. the li,ossital there. 1444x1 the .loner hour (toil the f•411111y Met Judi. 444 14,1.1 ler anaher that Sy cu 01' 111141.41. won,• fr.ou habit 111411. 111• foot Is uhu.nl oc•I1. Sot 1.' will 11ort odes 'slalom -it t0 ter married utter from Huy use• it wuu1d ie. 81141- rata. to 144• hm�d44). keep oft It for tined Ilse, torpttn•tltll', dk! INTI Ik,rN to In II Ile t new oyer. line niKht A44101la narks the flat field. Forgetting, 4.r in: month, Ental sithou1 him. Aurelia Garr. -- y his rage .111r111g, ten• Inns -keg. he elan', 11r. Ker P'Itterwro 4.1 110141111g hie.' s reek' t8) her hitwlwlwl about It. "heli:" k' e'liit•hs wife, buxtlel alma, ln the he ash.}, wottly, "Wewldrl't It 1s••• letter acne.• it. $..,,ii tiN• 4;44111:• was brae).. wile of farm oto k ..0 Frld•ly. •4.44ril kitchen malting tale pr444•1111. that lel Walt 41141 filet out what elude ds g,!-' '1'11414 14. 1...11141 11 hard 4,8 a ft hi, . 4 ing to be t,efote you turn her over ter Ctr4t. Seise lees'd 1441,4:IK thoau frv.lu The 511, 41111 !tarot of ,the IlUerl' all on, tea yet ready, but Lind fell the lull 7..1.1.4 tt giuuiug t.o renlir.• hi ehnn4l wI11 we•t un Sauday, %poll that 14.uw1Llug w•as w'nmg. .\tl .4to ail Iwuc:t man?" da1,K'r, he taught fl'r.oly rend 4.r t;. sued tLe i4Kular 'mooing 4,f the W. rten. her otos'. -31uelia tarlu•ll o4. waited she. thought set Ile u4,uavm Pilot sihruly e,geib,a the Ain't' Ihut 11.5. will (e bold 4,n \Ye,l!potlay. I wltWl .atlswrrx ah' had received l4. ll wax anykillg hie :lowlv'-d.,wt. TI•.11 , April 9. .4, that flit. w'mlcrs 11111 at 11's ytwlr Illfby greed --and •the work the 144arlq• villa t , 4.114.14 ..he tial ••t't'r bud ••uou4;. of you. you ylrr ,,ry 0t' :1114:111..11 r71118 a.•n,.. 4144. 11144111, tea.I 1114 Welted tutvling to he 118Hd• In a.ke1 about)4the Gan4. She la,•:'hrl, '!. It Isn't Jue11• you're thiukiug of but no. one '1441141 truly two. the Awn; .,oruful grunt of the 4444414 -carrier who had striven her out, o11rn she questioned hit utmost the chief muster a*d Ills family; nod she sundered :1t* she hooked at the mother and the ehlldren what eon of eau thhi Caleb Gate could he. . •Mr*. Gore was a quiet anti digni- fied woman •how-lu11 stili striae of the grace cleat had 11141.1111.4.1 her youth. Ellen and 'Marten: twins, about toms- Anti lelnh to wive 11ark, party to Jordan sent lion Ju ten• ,•ity rhe .tuii 1111. Mill n/ l'uttenam, 4us+e1 to ty', were totally unlike. Ellen was to him: "1 Nenwler wart the mystery thin. lath, ller.ou., with reddened rod the Beene before Ilio children and w-ar u. ti- 1 t:ttn4s, tt .•trtw.l to esti-t the Gnat I*eyotkl very erddenly o0 the tr•aelter tgr+lair+ should hear: 1\'wloesllay, 11ar.11 311. Ik•r eon A1I.•rl rye, b•hkld sllwrr-rlrumtrl emotes that 171 4491%'xih•ut. Ilut Judith had with e',1kae" ' and she had gone in the coming t.' Murtha gas strong and lcetlent and !ward. Sb• you'd. not -under-tend. the the ku4.elu \\ ur•kam l-alutrf rhumb un \1'14111+• yoke eau get out of ler. If- you evetll lightly r.exllalI 401 tilt* soros*. of the .toy. April 14, told the Routh -I might -1 might rr- i muskeg, r•itllgel to tell the .4, 0', u: a 1448' John 1;Ilt1;1111'4/le 1. 4..4 11, well' apeet your loullyang, but this --thio., I. ills fate a, her many' friend= Wl.11l, like to w'(• won't. hear It, you --you sneak!' The autumn treadle. eery pear/411H hey, Then(' a, a1..h laughed under 441'. 144 111,"e. t• tarM.314111 J,wre 1vel 100 theMr :I I %Fr. Chas \t'141111111uu. wire' .IIsom!sow 1444.11 :u', .1ndkh. :dud re-' Slay and Iran. lgeut Sunday weed breath, 84441 Mild:1mr! themser( bailie: Aflied.rs a•li,4 wen. fldaughter. MJa... Itr'ilow. of "Getting independent suddenly, are you? !lark Jordan Isn't so far away whom her 1:,•'I.. with tali' usual et•nai. Blyth. but what 1 ...mkt reach him to-nigbt ley, two homer hanss '.,1 111.1 8.,4.t S4.11.S4.11.44.1:MK. %immam Patteson head.- ,\ teh,n•'1 it*' t4 ." luvrl. 111441 us 1.111,1 Atelier awl 11444'. very et:m.10 a hula, In the person ..f were never intended for hoe eyes.; • alto/trendy somewhat of a dreamer. threat. but she kis4.w her father w•uul, Cturlle, the youngest, was only a lad, iort+vt•tit her marriage [odes: some inten-et14rf, out very (strong. and the lel., attr1M. Krt'aier 1 lis' 4,f the group. !tut 1t was Jwilth Now Caleb was alert to clrcamcent who caught the teacher'. interest. Judlt11.4 Man,. 114' .w•nn41 to pay no Sbe'w'as it beautiful girl of .1•tenteen umet1411 attention to her and ..o .hall 11111.,1 ler fears. One day' le barweited .la F'Elt. with "a great. ihttlaut body. wild -locoed 844. 1 a with tt o a horse and •Irate off In the direction '141,•. only way to Judge reformer, I've f , 1. i. by the, amount of,, work they're ready- to du atter they have addressee the meeting. F'nrlrrk•k I'oluw•r. Milhinery Pre -Easter Showing of Smart New Styles A Collection of Hats that are truly fascinating in the New Modish Brims and are fashioned from the New Straws and in the • Season's Latest Shades You are cordially in- vited to inspect our stock. Miss M. R. MacVlcar KINGSTON STREET 1'41* 11.11 hoc daughter. Mr. John 'Punier ,' ST• HELENS ' 14444) hid ,1141 .414 (1..W11 wa14a1 ab' .4,4 lals.td and fell over. The funeral war 1wi, from ler home 4811 4Llhn rday ST. II1•II.F:XS, •N''n•h :t1, --ler. Saw %Vitiatiam cemetery. She was n 11149111- 1)urnl4. 408' house fr.w 3111vertou over: lwr .•f t'hahuen church end Rev. .1. the aeek'•4.d. I Poll.k•k conducted the sorvkr at the Orr.. W. E. llel'I er.ou. 4,f Lucknow'• him so eau41 grave. Her hiesban l pea•- vlritet Nhh her duughtcr, Mr.. Willi Jeteased. ler a few years and ales - W. Hern's Shoe Store SEE OUR SNAPPY SPRING . FOOTWEAR \1't* have tl 'gontt variety in eolo►1 14111 tfrlcca for a v.'ry Member uf4the• fauljly. Let us supply }vturItia1 5. , • • • W. HER^I 1 HE ,QUAR}. Phone 43w 11L k Iluish f et tiirmlwu•r vwu• mlke4 nvcuv. Rutherford. 111.1 week. • 1 su'ka rt* wise j lentos her ughVT Tlv4.rr. and lustre. eyes, now a 1 1 1\'h,n 114 was out of sight Jude 'slipped aryl uarrlw•, atki Hit, rid, and dnwgoed at its •..rnrra.' Her „tow,- awry to nleet.lhrn. 11141 C41(44 had out of free., tied 1114• horse. and. -tole .oft• 41011 wax not so much uuhal.py top rt*- Kon' fir He '41 1,, rl 'behind a chump At Wkyilaw hospital. on S lay% three soon.. Albert and Janes,, at Nardi :11, a .4111 w4.. born to Mr, t hone. and Ar,blr of l.uel ucrw'• Tlw Mise. T. .1. Sc.1k'1,1. 4'4,ngrat111,44Ions- 1 st-mjrllhy of tis• ,'.mmutaty- g,s4. ort Nr. and lir.. Nell.- and luwlly 1111• 44, the ln•rencel seutful alk, ttiitelllonlr. II) n,wanls taw mwKing 1111114• o[ the lelchlg un 1'un„ly Ger their new. After a direr Judith naked the t 'no"' h, aw thew mere thea y• hon,rvit Grimao. Mr. Reale b4., {aro teacher, abl9apaly. An you h11nE4.y :, ealgng,'erl with Mr. .toy nt for til.. Leo , ", are ,a1' Surprised, 4.41141- answered, "A little." '41111) stole ,1Nny, - - ' .dud Judlttt. not 'welling iter warning' 'Sect day .1mdlth. was i4. taw' Mine four year., iwr .lest NL.4,.'.' g4. with• ' look 4,f rte nerthtir ,Imd u pmte•cting1tetthig ctdt•kru feel W1101 ler fatb.-r th`msto;?li ir.Utlwlrnlnt1,111. I• • .....1...1 • 1m. - a la.. word front Ellett, tua1�•hei h. 1114•, lagrrel. \l -lieu .he •wiw.th• I k u , 44,111 ry, re[w•ur'I with 11 'flute with a fa•r• .he kn••w at unci• he, 1.44 acral 11.-ati4K her .pighti.•th birth41ey t.d8y ' few .ikr+ of bread and 'hotter, Hud' her • lust Svet. As lie 'unntwI owl at the honk• ..f 1'wr '.al411111w•• Yr. 'giving it to rhe tt'a.'Iwt 'b- .est duet' 11,1•w4.141ed her Ake hup4edel•tes-sia1I4r-;t44tn-Mrtis'trl1d. Ik•r 44414.1 9...1. -Mr Io' -!dr her utww 4 kl: at Tiw•,fl...r :11nd•sa'w Iyli,g :t yard .13.1111 I4iruiu ..4 Morri..to44. and Mr.- "Yon might ,t* well knots that hr'441 irons i14'r fete,- N 94141a11 111. .\• !wt* and Mr.. J. 1My ell turd family 4.t try 444 Ilully you. Hr:s stariwl by k,r+p. futhor •t,9tik41 forwulr, to strike Iter. Nlwgluuu sire.here,fur Ike 1wra.iol,. ltlg 1.414444'4. you. ug. lie let!alwby d,'.,, •h' +'gtpkrl rniftly. •v11e)t 4.r. til•• 4.c ('uugr:ltnkatioe. :114 1.xtwidel tenor' Illy. sutur th11,; wtN•u a new ttu.•hrt•j and flung; 1t at his ht:4444. It wt••t'l, 1 1' owu::ulltr. om14444 ' - 11ut Snag ,4 k'k Iq, fur :4.141 combed lits. the wall, %%herr it .4111 N'0.ltwodity. Mon•h 1'214,. a Laby •, y4,urwelf. 331s'. Ar. -11..r, 14a't 1.-t Lew 1:441144. n nrMe wItlwsr 111 her 1.111'41 boy arrteel :1t tie- home .d Mr. 11 0,1. rage. 1l'Ith a roar r'nted.-pr:.ug tit Airs., Will I:u4ls•rioted. 4'ongrtu111444 t.ulh you." N'hean ('Ihd, Gorr at tan ap;rrlrwl' her. threw her to rho fl.s,r. Ionm4 hi•ri t atiss. 1114' trailer r•11rve•yo4 hitn enrkosly. iqq. Istel 111141 foot. diel her to the 1.11.4• W' regr,4 t.. ragwort 11ut1 Sir 4'titf.• noting 1114 .tallied di,•o11r11•4y t.rwar.l. •'l the n,amger. the.' :emit ort, 14144 11.44 Miiirrly_ hod the 1.14(10nnnl• t., 4.rrak - __ _ the d,s,r, - 4 Iwai• hl 114. rheg4.r, Thr .1'. for nt• " - hersrtr Wes wits -at1.11(1 141 'to nosier 144414 Mr vok•e wile eft allti porting,; 1'91eb nits In his ;/togs An attempt ttaNlt•t to it Hud lout the lintel l4. it :tlm.14* gentle. yet every word seemed, 110.1 414.11 11141,14' 114np hi. .a.•rel I1''. Milt t.. Lace an tliw•anny effect on 1'. ili' tnith'rt41 111. rtwt of taw 'family! Mr, Earl 4'run4t.a is working with i family. Judith (1luur daring to stoolsand r'kytel the ++tory., Then he.ent' II...C -Sia-lila 4'umlNluy jet \\'ins- I,er real feeling.. -setter one of b•r 4,114-' thew 1.. 1144. barn 1.) hook at Judith.; ham. / • hna,k4 of temiN•r her father said .e,ft• am* at 41s• ax in the lwru 404411. When )Iia. l:urb,u ` Me1'hers.al - Lae re• 4y. "Mother. Jude Jima 'ktter It*• look-', they rotvnw.t lie ,ilse•u.,trt the way,' turned' leteie after spending u re•w 1 11141 to her n/ar1nmt>." and 4.t a word' i4. %acts The eat.e 144'411 be tt1•at.•ui ; days with her 4Ntret1re. Mr. Ord all, • tr,iu the mother JI444P rt1Al•idell,1 Tle3 alight laud Judith over t.. tU4t NcIar141ur. Ilint-vale... though the. t,aeh-r'e4*►kl 434' that her; a,ltkoritkr 144 the 1114',4.r keep her .1 I .\t the beef ring trle•t.kng sty 31,01. - hands were ed/r1.91e1. , prl.on••r at 11.rme. ,r --and hr ghat i'.l' day night it wit. der•4.k'1 1., IIayP 11 1.at.•r thn1 night. 1,11at. 1ei,11118 with hie evil I.wok nt lila waft--lwr-j32'slnire this ye4.;, (.1.tnnle•ns•ilig TM..- from her Irtlrs.*u wilyio . slim Garr bate dher' was •u...,44.4 troy .\11,.•11•. it:.y uwrniu_. ,14.rli 11444.. with a hult4rI walkiltl• 01441, n)ko,1 .11141 tell theta 101010 He 441)11141 knot.' ,, .. the tarot What be ,ron'a4 1t* .lulu¢ :r. It 1,. hl•r: le. ,:1111. .\nl'►la sail 1, til .f4. y ��'p l'i'E4;IIUlRCI1 rc GODERICH INN GARAGE e IF'FICiAI. SERVICE STATION FuR Durant, Hodson sad Essex, Geseral Motors Automobiles and Trucks Expert on Electric Trouble We Specialise on Brake Service Yon ran invite Police Inspection when they arc n 1444" I Ly us Automobile Supply, Electrical Parts for All Makes of Autos in Stock $2.1 - T'. a'y,'m• who can bring a car et• can't reps{r-t HARRY BRADLEY HAMILTON ST PHONE 247 iffsaliNgim • EVER SO ■ .1■■$$U 1 1 NEW -',.,•-... 1 ARE THE [1" 7, m. ■■■1■■■i( ■ ■ Spring Coats Following the new vogue cf the silhouette. : Capes, flares, new lengths, new cloths. • A SELECTION OF NEWER COLORS ■ a AN ASSORTED ARRAY OF FINEST CLOTHS ■ ■ i rr AND DETAILS.' �11,40e `Fe..41,1 lemma s ■ Coats for sport and dress occasions : ■ ■ that strike a note of formality in r their line and tailoring. R ■ Reasonably priced from $9.95 to $45.00 ▪ S;� GEO. W. SCHAEFER 4.r PHONE 56 INK USN •I Value 1 ■ ■ ■ 111••• ■ ■ ■ 3'f uron Cafe Special Business Men's Leach daily at 60 cents 41 la carte service at all hours - Hugh Wong British Exchange Bldg. -To•lephoue 11;2. otp I hat III• 111,01•"111 It Na/t11 ' 1t* 1/4•111.1' that 41444 ,doe ealhl Ur.t gee+. •e . .1/111 to find that he frequently went to keep .111414th at 1•oust.• to keep Mrrl 111 IT);i('111 10t'll. Mu u oat ,44, 14t night. Judolive 44111. Id fur a while until sl a qdown., orn. 1 nil • ::1,- lir .t'orurull.. rh,4 lie wax lks•.king 40 •••r• 111411 hulk to her, make. her me bet', 1181'-.111 Irvv14, w18- oill)lte4 ..n 11' 1111 thnt his larks was all there. in tru'11 nyieraik,•. 11184 vt'ord -'nmk,." ftatereIj!lil'1111,n1 t.lu1ral hospital on 'I'mw- hr wt*, ,iewing; 4'i. truts•riy au,' 1n'.• I':114.1,,- Ile ' r•.•.• aut104 y 'frost h4',' I1Iy Inst and I- Ze:ih,1 •,i•'14 n. well land 1441Jacelst to it, Plaiting in his, chair 71• 'though 41u•.dlv•1t.+iun hod : 1411 4' .•1.4114•ted. ' p4r.:e4s10114, 'dunning to add to thein, lien on n pdenotill subject' of gen.wnl1 - Sir. Georg.• llnftle and Mrs. Ed :wed larking with dk4lke and Mitred' ltrie'reet. "I think you're right Amelia.' Browning nod 1.11144,11, of Klucanlin", '111 a tmetkt•g. i.uth dangerous. and toe; Xow•. let's see *hoot the m1llin' awl -matt of few' slays 1*44 4.e rlA! Son: ft I'... Ih1t he wanted to yachting' for the 4elnlrntin'." a a .trip of timber nearby, owned by 411M' Judith •8(a• relerl-,•l from the hors ling. Mr-. Ile"N 1,114 and 141:144,1 1• of hi4 neighbors. ' but kept 111 the bowie. Taw at* wa- fumed on 'l'hnlwlny, lot Mr. ('.44' Neel nornlnc !And found that she 4.ft.• by ('nlet/'r order-, ober'. it Ire'] I. '.4113)1144 over the n114411ol. ns 8(,'11 u. tees family must rim- lung -tu1•t in the wall.. 11 w•onL1 be well T1,Ir ,,,1Mnuuity is sorry to 418114. 4,f 'elore dnylonak 1f she wanted any to have proof of the died. 1EIn'e-4".44e continued .'...don" l lnio.ly t elllM,r b eakfam. Iry e'nteli s order.. ale 111111% . I ,1 I • m Nwe) that ; liar leo.,. The I,. o4. S^4nrdar •lase :nal r. 14,ncn not t >w. were ti w youtg e 14'9.1', 1'140 saw. were 144.44 .owl 44 (. the n•Illdrlg for Caleb wn. dew/ miser- ClIt11 Parson: anA von rent 11144 h•.., yet tlw•y 4:11,'(1 a -hard .l.4y's tell. ly W hire help, 1101 4':11eb sent Ellen"' 11:1I ono. ,11l1" /11111 KitMo•n. ,f' ,1041141, lord. loped to rettlnl h. ,c1/ooY w'MI lu'r wret,•IIeI 4111)1 10 1111', T. ,1.0'o.. are 1.', 1 !,.,e . 1 • 1.11 4''88' o. Mit knew letter Haile to voice til -4t 31"rth, to t1* field.. J+1,)1111 had loan ".W.' • helm• to hear 'whirr re4•',rls of Li- kn4e. 11er tether had ,!?deed it. how--' Ithl' to hold no (solution/en n/en with Nv'n ct,11c 1'',..S.st i- c'ry lour ,t 1ef•-cut at 'ver. and that 8(a+'4411+411 ('11,811¢11 for':''.'441 1.r1P! nIP•"rgP, thnnlgb 1.1i,,1 Idun 10 ',end lie•r to a partienbrly h:Int' .3oelier. to uwth)mdi11 ...aide, sfear the honi.'..r 111:114(... Ile pis al. Alfa and .4-1)011)' nn/le�,• 114')' job In n d'. 114, Harris t1 Pardon l n... pii t to ilk • taut field. 1,111.1 laked. Inter. Hint. h.lcihg Ives over. Caleb 'seemed Jo'1ak4 special twin. log Then. one tiny. 'Martin. 0,,riuging to work In l,+'rolt Iwo .44..4.'4. - lbw -art every ti'+tr' 4.r .1144111.11•., and. ,1444. Ellyn front filling off the stnek, 'Mr. ttoler4..,llt•ttry Punlo11 is vIslt- that only e,u+ble•rntlon for the mother 111ged null 4141m•nterl alis '.4.,,h'r. Ing sat 4k' I,.nw•s ,8r 1111 ueldwws. k8Ia .Jird''' 1111¢'t w•1111111 lwmmd', ' .111111. 4:md- M 144• r'k'Iset to take Me 31•,''+ ala. anti 1t'rbert Laidlaw•. 1014 h. Lind learned. In tine. that the1 Pine°. let 11'1 frn�lrnr11wnfiher trbAsl 11") In,it, tlotltir. and l!r..tdwn+•k er 'tir,lon. of pat nr111r411. 14111.'(1 1411t•Iho Gare 1111'1 Ker '.h.• would ber sent to the city. w•ith•b r4. Mr. and \Ir-..Ja I'unl.,a of M children. 111141 disliked. 'fon h.rtel. i 1 r n e n Jail for ler. So Iwarr .11141- lime,. . p.wWr to enc 111141 tel torment his welt • .loth planning eealw•- • •, Nentll, areMlitti ¢ :owl. throb,h her. to maim gloves of his' When the 'r.qr, weer' nearly till in,• tote 11a11 on Frl.my. Moil 4 '.\' children. word enures that n harvest .jiA,fl.r In -Yana!: .1ffaIr." • The tn►th wn• that In Twr yon441 the ferni ,A a 11111") nide w1• to le Nr. 111,1,'34 r.. bones. 4'orne•Ill1 ,rl Iw1,4 at 1.:tet'+ ','Moll.. 1The'y.nti¢ t:•lrr• '•4,4',, taw rift loth a l;nitv'1•4ary- or Anwlltl had love, ,un iktlh' a Sento:; I ••:1184 11o4hih4 '14x1111' it : they - 11344 no mon 11 1111 w9i�4 vPry•, unlike fine'. 111.1 I l' their w'ddint on 11„4441111. They ester•' he';s• that- ('114,11/ doirhi 1,•4 4:'4- go.' married 111 the 01.1 Mellustk't, ehtir:L hefore the day oy whl'h 11;'! 11 " f,1' 11'141 they knew;• ea0t• 1r Ow,. Pcpr..""1 to Ilanglumon 1.y Rev. Mr. Ihtr'c 0' to death 1 the hot. man a-ar towel. e. Ilnr. 11. ' 4. 1. 1, death by a bull., 4111.1 .\netl:a M•:is I the fnh,t'+f Ult'r t in it h' w.old � ,t,yl. N'e wl+h ter tltrm i'ft, ertisiteI newt brok'n, to .f.141. til' ,•rtnlnly keep them nt'houie. lint. 'many nw.n• year. of vveadwl harp, fy11)r.• noose. when her son Was loom f,Ind git'th•_prepared er•'tnnwt• for' taw.. Their Lrid-in11,1 and . grooms 1w w91• ,ml dear to her wilt 411', 41,'1'4- them nil. ail. told Sr'h Yo -le reoll __- tr a 1►nbe• she mitred h' ohould tower knots. the 'Ir• r'n•stotiew - trf hl4 birth. see she rive him into tip. 1114• of 44'P.minlnlllty of priests who ku'w- nothing of hPr. Oiled awn. Io lin.'rstuid tune the I1oy'4 parents. were ,earl. Then she worried 4'94'1, limn,. who held wa11te•1 Mer beton she heel given h,•r love to 117 r son's faller.• it w -a• the se -ret f the Ion's 'birth ,hot Esse ('al. 7, 1 t m •1ne on 4.u• "1 • P l 11 T1 "lie would 144 4.l last Creed 4...hctp ill I pintail 1 1'81'1.: 1141! no one, not ""11 hi. ,'l 11')- via 8)n, I 1 nen. nndelrstossl why or Mow he had' It,, 'phsl.led on. .h.helrs-..• y't 4.o- Il t ferg,•t )h' yi.111 th.:e Hoe Itoy ,tl In the tn•►I- NEW FURNITURE Don't forget that if you require anything in New Furniture you can secure it from us. We positively save ou money. BLACKSTONE'S Furniture Exchang "0* elle lissom of Emma for .h,- t h '•c of '' MINISTER, R1JN DO m N ,h.af,t 1s• gw•t•nlitto,l to Mien,' eMlu� ,eery. IN iIF.ALTH, GAINS ,\Imnr't. nt taw Ina tumn'nfthl:1'114'•'' -' , it -ted Amelia 411.•,4 were til IP 11, 7 Bs.IN 3 WEEKS1 tntstel Aulello to err tknt .11441' •11'1 tint 110 hnythk.4 fo.,l1.1, 011 4111 111^lin 111 s. of the moe)pl'rnd' ('HI.!, went off to it'v 1\'. 1(. 'fayaer write•, look at I,1, ►w1,8ve) fins. the ;,rile of 7 av'e►w' n•tlmell , unfwllan 1 4va'''fie% +1r 4)4'. hPn4''.144.1"11-".r44''.144.1"11-". ,Pnr'mm' tinin=d ly ruown nn. 4040(4 flesh thisW ills mysterious power, -kepn t tows tee prier. 'of f.c w -n• tronrinl. Tlw I le. 1 .h,•Idwl to RNp Inmlzrd YPn?.t 'the logy. Iwrw 4T1'wn to 11snllollol, 4,811141 Ir )4110 An 4w'(1 Ind 44114 to the l :I :t N"k•' i*) !..\flet 2 8(,ek'. 1 fol,1ld and. 141411)' •alnluh. )lming for n few srMsd. Jath wt the 1:'t iingering•4''" my •ln•nttt ll. Aft" nm! i'I 4411.! 011 n form 1n that von •.r- ('env Erw.laryP to her moiler and offer' fe•)ina goo'- tient 4. :1 Ivo'(•6. 1 hal Rninel anttrerel I' " Mtetland he 4h,P..4.911P11 40 fore her twit determined to ''''' I 1mmalne just 3 ww•k. 10 rh:uig.' 11•011111. 11'111 of the P,rnllfry. 1f ever .\nNdhl. M' write. Amelia knew 4114,41- war )r•. 7 11 M. :11141 w'tl4 n1y11P1f aKnh1 digress' to Mark Jonlun the +tory of 438444/! anter• - 4 from a "sklrw tend p•r4.,n to u hi. birth. To *no. thio tom. ,I.4•11...! 4,, ,\4 the A•h''ol 1•:1! i1 a•t84 hn11,14 •n i -4 .' ell-fllle)'on1 u, m, or woman Mer that. may .K her 1dM•r ."•Ildr- . -•'rod a Irme MINE etre fot•ent 1111 alert* I • AN 118 ''.ws v:Ini•11 Igr'worr Ilr•k limbs .tee •w I• Ittndi11g Remelt tool 41'11441'. laihh. aryl *4 wn. llyatt1•h tsore•• :11411111sedele roltad seed .I*t4'y. Ind fM•I- chlldreo Ia h.-o'y and !titter lw,n,I'i "e• that she nt M• -t rpaelrnf yew lin' Ire o(i44(4)4 •I r•. lll'm14he1 +k�n 'Irllrs. line .d ,0414th'- douses, nitn.wt the two •PPI. her ,M1e'r for no hour. 1n (linty when \.'a+t t: In,n1m!I I. 1t • sole ;111' An' Pnlocel. win• to 1111M4 that hnnr .Tm!e and Sven brit "41'441.1' mer• eff'rth,. for Ir.', h1Pdet1 MI lit the .•nttk', • Siw r.'IP •!rdendl.11y ••wey- 4.+441 wort. now 4,43r4n:' til' rot 11.1111 -8)114'44;,• atelKht ' i'Idfug 14111) and 441th her Boit rooming 1re.1d4• her was •N'1,t tl w,n1d carry Ifo. -,n to til strengthening vnhw. or keel.,. I'less- i w,8nld race oft to ?14411 AMI h'1., tII" city when• the)- wenl.t d•' mnrrie,1 141 4 -o,' t:'•t)1g t. 111 '+, *41re for ,orrybody. 1 1 14114•• A,11111". Ni)4 1014 w: s tilt. riding 1 ,R•h44.ere pis w0,ik1 „atnr11 to his Md N.••••1 cows, go. ,8r 1,1.'•.tiur. no ha nn 11r1(anirn, lint It 'anlrlel- hist. hat. ton the ton,'sh.•y Wer' In." and fIll -.tat- tints..., to m.r•t n nei¢Irl'n• and w•, pn.•'wt by n nelghhorltrr. ?Retort oil,. G,, t,8 any 4r,: g'tist '"d:.y and qct a touch tees wyrld out '.'11• h'r own 11.,M4/.recognit.wl JIIAe, and wl40,1mhln.t rP i (11)1-•hte treatment of 4ronl,el Yea'',; W110 Ire till. way sew' 4444.1 544141 %1.4 4.4,4141E x • te' 1•y (',tet. l4: '•• 1.. 4 ah't til' •, 1,1•-,'1' 'r' •4 y , i ;hin.ilr'. Ht• had )ern aie•Mlt feIr ao111 tel) him the lomat met ''1•P lila rate, - I lot delighted. your nun, y back it. time working 111 the city. hag he emld (AaM. Reye not ago .1f 4Prtarhettini,lst*ohIy from lienwfnllurer. Use Lowe Brothers' MELLOTONE Flat Paint for interior decoration Permanent. washable. pract cal, beautiful Monotone is equally good for walla, woodwork, hot water radia- tors, plaster apd burlap Covers 500 to 800 square feet per gallon, one coal. Alf. Tebbutt & Son WEST STREET We Deliver Phone 486 a'w 1 Our Service To You! Our senior W you w111 he strece8Wfl1) in the Illeaxllr'taaR MP art. . alk. In serve you in veal Near and comfort in the Footwear w'1'' an' offering. •' We hate aoui,•tbIng for 11e wI,.defamily. _ For the. farther 3441 .'working• man Fine and working simete that will give real comfort and away. For .1.14. liotwewifi' our reekc- tiottn have been for good looks and nal font ram. In selecting our lineo for young IatIiP., 41 4willg ¢iris, kat- , 11011, boys, youths anti little gents, durability and real cordon for the growing hoot, -t.og,tlk•r with go.utd kook'', have Irani• lined. tiurclaire is that, comparing quality, our pries are lower than bated in any mail order catal,8gne. and it is worth something to the whew Ryer to be able to try them .111 and get 141/14441 tit. let tea scree you this coming +•a.,,n w4th some of your tsrde in F' .,,(wear tar loony handy and con - .ince Ton fist wo cpm sate' you money. Our line of $,4411, er Sport and Ilnnning Shoe. Ler 11w Young f"Ike an. wearing _ to I compared a ith cheaper makes. let ns hnv' 4"yr n'poirx and - WP Mill gi0e you a reliable. anti twat job at•n•nwonable e'.st AT YOUR SERv10E The East Street Footwear and Repair Shop e)'PUal , •. 44,,4)'. 4.4. ',t, 11 WM. AHL GODERICH, ONT a: 411111 • esewer. solwee omme a poesy e - w'iY.H,t . pERIi . STORIS 1 STEADILY -FORGING AHEAD ! 4)ver sit hundred In'k•1!end.•nt Ner,hatts belying n. one, 4wlvertisin't 4.,gether, offering you the highest gtln114y at real motley .-,ming prices and an unexr'lled d'Iiv,•s; 1'rvie•—•these things AM nrp•me{bl.• for the gnat ,,,s•i.'w 114 the Superior Chain Store.. Farb stere is .wnwl and operated by nes PxprrilM'(rl grocer who w•rvp1 the y.rnwllnlity in which he lives -your n'igIih,r. Ih•AI with him 1111'1 benefit 'yourself arae Jon? 41 int net. • WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS Swift's Jewel Shortening 1's 17r 2-1n-1 Polish All colon 124 2 for 234 Crosse & Blackwell'■ Branston Pickles per bottle 23. Babbitt's Cleanser 2 for 17, Toddy 8 o: 33c 16 oz 49c Kara Coffee "The Secret Blend" y's 33c I's 634 Gold Dust Washing Powder large pkg, 3,1c Jif Soap Flakes 'targe pkg 21c Crown Brand (nrn Syrup 2's 17c -Crown Brand Corn Syrup S's 33e QM English Was 1 Ib. tin 69e /' caths Codfish 1 Ib. bricks 19. Golden Bantam Corn 2's 2 tins 35, Aylmer T;d 8't pineapple, 2'' Squats per tin 27, Kellogg's Rice Krrspies, or Pep 2 pkgs.25, Millionaire Sardines 2 tin. 33, Pure Raspberry or Strawb-rev Jam 16 oz 23, Large Sweet Prunes per Ib 19. Brillo Targe 23c small. 2 for 2S, Pearhell..bred nr halves, 2's per lin 25. Shaker Salt, plain or iodised 2 pkg.. 17, Aylmer or Clark'. Soups, assorted except rh.rken 3 tins 294 Re.i Cohn. Salmon '4 1b. tin• l9c 1 lb tyls 35. 1 -awry Rio. Rose Rice 2 lbs. 19e Eagle Brand MILK 9t Clark's Pork & Beans No. 2 Squat Choice Quality Tomatoes Large 2 ' • size per tin f 1 19c 2 tins 21c t_ 2. for 29c'. Pure 40 oz. Jar • Pineapple Marmalade 39c 2 for PUMPKIN 25c Large 2' size Sunlight 10 Bars SOAP 59c ----WE DELIVER FREE --Phone your onto? to J. J. McEWEN, CWdtxie&, - J. CALVIN CUTT, Gaderich. 1.4.*•10 .4 ....4,..... 8. Y• r 1 yl .. GI ....4.,..11.. f it i 1