The Signal, 1930-4-3, Page 3•
Save a Little Money
by taking advantage of the Signal's
clubbing offers. We can procure for
you almost any paper or magazine
published in the continent.
THE IdIGNAL l'ItISTIY4; W, LIYIT1.IJ, Publishers
Geo. Williams
Deafer lu
Ilei. Aeeidrnt, A1ljomoblle and
General Ineupfnee Agent
Office, next to liruk of ('.r"rnerve
Phone 53 e i,Klerich
The Armstrong Real Estate
and Insurance Agency
Hon.,* and Lots an Godench and Farm
for Sale
Large number listed to choose from.
Jost • few of the many listed.
Good 1 1-2 story Iona, hairdo,,.. t thxrrw
and interior- tinist1ing. toll nnKlent
e'pliplrel, arranged 1.,r suuu, heal-
ing. $
Two-story house. tine condition, genal
appearance. Lights, toilet,
>] (10
1 1-2 an,ry ven,.m .I a etlle4t- block have,
line condition c•✓rI I.eali..n 0.11 nialent
equipped, ewer terms for . payment.
Modern stun...bow, complete. 0.110.00.
Nuinber filer brick /aware, modern equip-
ped. Ask to err• tfwrn. - Prices from
12510. W to 545t0.e11.
Heated apartment to rent. •
nos 2.0r• .111:, red brick house, Modern
eglllpp , '! Iota. 52200. •
1 1.2 story blue, 1 lot, $32.5. A
top. ,
Fine cottage, tear Square, 2 iota, 11400.
modern equipped.
Panels -large number hated for sale.
Special -10U acres choice land, with' 40
acres valuable timber. Good buildings.
Chine to village of Varna, Iluron
County, 4 mamba R. It station, doer
to good markets. Price 14500.00, 11000'
V) servo clay Want soil, 70 .acres tim-
ber, 1-2 mile to shod, chole to hand •
village, 12 toile, to tioderich. Prete
1116000.00. Easy tense.. .
100 -acre farm, 5 1-2 mile, front Goderich,
goon btiklinge, will exchange for town
properly nr Nell, ra.y terms.- Price
See or write '
Real RAW
Rex 89
nus c, nap ' r. • may.
Thovuuds Write kidney and bladder
Ills, constipation. ind•1e.tion, fag, back-
ache end overnight with "Frust -a -errs".
Nerves quiet. Sound sleep st once. Gel
"Fruit a nvrs" from druggist today. _
' Insure Your Automobile with
Late Nowyr. r. I:.,yd &irk
P4 ONa 290
I A:, '. 11 n p i . • yre. I,.0 .ala .,, v.
41.4.1...d de AVOW, MC* .ermine Arr. (MA.
.'Jliai,... p'„µ rhe •1•,10.4/r nr✓: :whit,.
'obit fly
Office: Court House ware
Form, 16104,•,1 /ram Jh.. hurry.
Phones: Office 575. Residence 197
Automobile Insurance
See our rate/ before placing
your Automobile insurance.
Inure with Companies that
pay their losses.
J. W. Craigie
Real Estate and Insurance
W. J. Powell
Stocks, Bonds, Insurance
and Real Estate
Car, Life and Fire Insurance
Nelson Streit, (.od. rieh
Phone 292 1' (1 Box 43'i
Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada
1929 - Prosperous and Progressive - 1929
New A:wuranees paid for in 1929
Total Axsurances in force, Dec. 31,
.\wets at December 31st, 1929
A safe and profitable etimpany
Office 115
prridenee 5411
$ 654,451,000
1929 ... - 2, 401, 237,0110
itt which to insure. -
District Agent
80 Richmond St. West
IVN'ottie of Meeting of Holders of First Mort -
g. ge (Closed) Twenty -Year Sinking
Fund Bonds
Notice le hereby given that con-
struction operations having been
.aapegded on the office hullding
being erected on the properly of
.0 Ill,-hmond Street west. 1.Imited,
and cartoon mechanics liens hav-
ing hoer, flied against the said
property. .filled
Royal Trust - Com•
p•111 .. Trustee for (ti8'hnlders of
the Fleet Mortgage (closed:
Twenty Year Sinking Fund Honda
secured ay Charge ,upon the said
property bee .codifier: 00 Richmond
Street West Limited of its default
under its reverie/4 contained In
the Mortgage need of Trust dated.
as of Nae Flet, 452t. aernrina Lha
...aid Bons. that th property shall"
be kept free from dens ,
Notice 1s farther given Abet a
Meeting of the holder. of the said
bonds wiI144e held at the Of flee of
The 11,0 31 Tr,, -1 Comp.,n! 59
Vonne 15110.4, To(•nnto. on the !vitt
day al .April. Mo. at 1 ro o'clock
in the afternoon for the purpose of
rm,alrlerina. and if deemed Stihl*•
,ble passing an onliffry or er-
traordtnary resolution or re.ola•'
t:stns to confirm -an.' ratify •e -tons
thereon/nre taken by the •Trustee
tn. dor:nre the prh,rlpal and 'neer•
est of she ;,at Honda now ant•
standing to be Immediate,' One
and payable. to request that s 'd.•
•mand he made nn the ('nm444v V fnr
payment of set moneys owing in
aspect tit the said Ronda and that
nforeeding. ha Instilut,a to en•
form. the serially ,'onstilu�.1 by
the Mortgage need of Tnf.t meat,
toe ,(he sold Bonds. to make pre-
en/NM for the prober remuner•ttnn
and Indemnllic•tlen of the True-
teq to anthnrtse the Tauter. If so
advised .to apply to the Supreme
Court of Ontario for,an order ap-
pointing It as:Receiver of 1h^ pro-
perty of an Richmond Street West,
Limited, Sen.rally to Instruct the
Trustee With regard to its'fnrth.or
actions and to appoint a Commlt-
t!e of Bondholders with full power
and authority to advlsa and In-
atrnv the Trustee.
Ratite la further given that. pur-
suant to the powers ennt,lned le
the said need of Truitt. the founw-
lag revelations have her, made by
the Trustee for M. reurpnee of nn•
Wing tad fodder" of Re
Ronda to be purest and vote at
Ow, Meeting, wither: prodncrng
ismer hands aaA enabling them to
N pares: to vote by *rots:- -
A halter of hearer Ponds dew -
tag to be preeent and vote without
production of Ruch Ronde shall
fire: deposit such Honda with any
Trust Company or Chartered Rank
or 4Oepartment of n Provincial or
the Dominion government or any
Other dedositnry satisfactory- to
the Trustee, and a certificate 01
such depoplt, stem d by the Depos-
itory and stating the amOtert and
dintlhgulahinR numb -ire of the
Ronda and that tilt Ram. will re-
main so deposited until the final
adjournment of the said. meeting,
shall .he the meeting
by a holder of Hearer Hondo desir-
ing to vote In per,nn without pre-
durtln of'Oleh Rondo. at the meet•
Mr. or -he attached to nr prortnced
with any prosy ,•tee,,?e,l ht the
holder of Heater Ronde .Any such
certificate shall he satisfactory
evIdenec Int the purport. of action
by the Trustee on the faith there-
Itiktire I. furarrr given thet•the
Rall need of Trnet-`prnvMep In
4ubstanre a. follow•.--
' Tliat holder. of registered Ronde
may by Inetn,t:eni in writing un•
der their .hond,, and .t.11n4 the
nnmhere of the Rom!. regarding
whteh they s[e entnled to vote,
appoint any person as their panty
l0 'rote at the .,..' t5ng fnr them.
and that save Re eitoreeald- an& me
provided by the ib,,ve rerolaltnnh,
the' only ' person4 who shall he
reeoRnlrrd at th. meellno as 5r4e
holders of fiords or ne entitled to
"to of he present at the meeting
In reepeel thereof. shalt he the•
perenne who protium. tinreutItered
Pondit at the streeting and the. to •
'Rnnelholders • are requested n
maks every effort to attend the
meeting In per.nn or he prosy' ne
the que.tlnne to 'be ran -!.hoed -
(144,54 are M Moat Importance Cu
aIle Rondholdere and tt 41' neees•
gar (hat 4MhdR to etre tare velar
nn he repreeen$+d there-
at. In order to ennstitmte a 54.lnr11111
DATED at Toronto the 215(1. d.v
of Metreh, -ISRn
Trn•t,e for the ftnhdholdere.
F, neahle farm. of Prez) sad cera
aiPenl., of depnalt mar lie ohialnt•4
nt the "free of The Royal Troy,
,'•' at Tnrnnto. The Woe! Tram,
company ...Ranee hnderlake to act
as proxy and prat*. should nm.
therrfnr*- he eteeeted Ih Ito favor
Amusements of All Kinds Are
Available to Visitors
At St. Petersburg
Mr ....E. 11'. 'ramie write, from
1'ett:rsburg, I•Iori,he. %Ior1•h "ith:
The-te.5,4,• of r'r. 1'11-t, t-4,ul'g are
teary proud of Ihelr ulilliou leolla • pier
and their I;Iluily bridge. ' The pier it
over a utile long and ha, n Mdend{d
hall for All ..ort "f nmll:e melts at
the ,cud. Thr•r, 1,s a Lirge sw;iuunl,
Irad 4.10,441 111 :1 1141 •r.s$.,) ais,ul half -
11e l;:u,•I} fridge. 4- -.•n••
..r the fol, ,s -t if: the world -sir mile.
iu length- and I, cou,Idere1 to Iq•• :1
triumph o.f engine•rl,g '-kill. It i.
:milt Wei•..• uq aro: '.f 400 Itay ut
ut►Iau :uu1 ,onnl-t- S4. 4'.-:,•r,bnr4
,kith • Tuu11e1,-:n'{u, a .grmit maty
mikes of travel.
1'1.t•y kn l ra oriel/ration here •111 q:,
l':u.rick's Uar.
and judging from the
mender of po1'1'- ural• ug elunune•k,
r u, her,•-
t Ira,h. Bid 1
deire•aty 1t 1- the g,iu•ral desire to
phase '1511,1 .1,e agre•:11.1e that it na nl•
f. --tell 'here uu every hand that eau. -
1•d as g•.uI ninny to ^w,•ur the green."
19here arc wuttdt•rful golf link.
here. :uid'a "Italy'4 raahl.'; • in the
nit}• for laluple 'who do not like
11, walk far-1h,utitio ••^. .-'IIIIffI,•Iggl nl,
INrwlDtg. laatilig, swimming. motor-
tug- -in fait, everything for all
taster. Their are several yacht's lu
the harbor. ,.park and upon. belonging
to «Owe 0ten+ weti11hler tl-itor-.
ThereThereismf ' thou -angles of antis., from
the hitch -powered 1111Nstpdtie. with the
liveried chauffeur. to the trim little
Fond. and run generally Mid that the
.ua11,r the ,air the More people are in
It. 1 have not lscurd of is 4111.114. acre•
•I -i, ill the city: ret they hate plia-
eaanl.. Postel up all neer: •'5 11.1O a.r•4-
is. one Imr, many. Be ,Wreful.•,
1\'e had our fir -1 e-xi.•ri.•u,e 40 n
...whined water and Mr Mune the
Miter day. Everybody .i.etieed to he
going tip. .e. it Warty of finer deckled
to venture. We diming' in tend the
plane took off lend Into the water.
it shot across the 0.rIw,r with nhnu,t
luerellide velocity. then' dartel up.
1 Guo;:•_ it would he unn•li Idea -anter
If It did not g„ pee fait. W,• eir•lel
isnoitol over the city at it terrific
nue. The pilot called our attention
to the hemity of the view Ig9nw, Int
1 :am afraid we did nut admire It as
much a,. we ..honk) havevbone.-Ile was
greatly anuwrl. 1 fancy. W remind
the moueut when we ,nick the wa-
ter un the home .trieteis wa. the
wont. 1 ,link nue bias n• get uoru.-
tinned to flying before nerd, irl,'aglre
be deriver! from Lr. %V,' were all reel-
ing and brutldtaw when we landed,
hut there Wa- some ' eonwobitlon in
the fart that the nue w -ho, propo ed
the "expeslltlon•' felt wor-e than ata)•
of tie rest of us.
They have Yonne ioyely park.. here
alai the one Ite the centre of the clay
ha. as many phenols a. ►1t. )dark'-
:hilar in Venice. They have 4 'plel-
did hr.a.Iere-tag appanttlr. .U4tlou
-Why Stay I'p North' -"n -and'
tunny of the ,unserts. ala h,-srd !u''
New fork 111141 Toronto.
We motored ort to i'asse-a•Gr1IIe
'.esterdar. This i- the rentable, 44 a'
1 Klwinlsh settlement. and the Irma..
are +iools,' in tylo•, se.In1'-. with flat
(.of+ „.'reel with reel tile.. •
This week Is Sit,•. E'e-11vu1 and
1110 Noce• will he 411 fete, 1'h.• dtr,ets
are wonelerfully decorated. There. will'
IK• trrllet,(104M er.w'lls lIr,,ifl .111 11151,
Stites noel Canada. $.ftcr that 1 fatl-y
evoryone 4 thought. "turn a g Is 1 n
Lame.- e•veryledy deligiterd with 111•-.
people. and the Annan•• The large
hotel. are M, after nest week
tend nhwl,..f the rt•-tainraul.. There'
are ;I gral many invallelr here and'
n ,mmolser of very old- 4grry5h•, gad it
is tic.•
ill,' they h}ave omit 11 plea-
ant Move tu.entta• to. •
"Takhig the e.nn•nit out%r om,' is a!
g•o•l thing. not 4*,If does IhnL -
John D. Rockefeller sr. j
Notes of a Nlww-ssful Social Evening
Lest Week
,. TI. )1te4STt1, Ma ref, :h1. --Tete euehn'
and bridge or the lfuruu 4I.I41 11,.y.'
.4:w.«itetiau at Hyri-lis !bill uu 'Churn -
day eveulug last was well attended
and was a ' Is, ee•5ry part,vblr.
Torula talel,rr were reptire.I for lie
eth•hp• players, while fifteen • nick
were ocertplel ifs. .bridge player•. '1'h.
Iniltear• of the ,'yeatug 44:1+ .e.•ald.-
Pkli d:ulcer, .del tithe and qew• elm,
O hite rho.,- Who 411111.11,1 Bauer• - ..•
copied the time wish •th,• rebating of
in the old drips of Iluron. 'I'h,•
preeeeetiugp elo.wt at 12 pin. after a
' very 1,k11Yei t e4euhsK'. e,jo}'weuL
l're•-ldeut '41•il.enl Wit- 1111:11 44411114)
ab•erol owing to rt ..•rots- fut.]. hot
Jlr-. 11'ilrene' took 111; „place awl •h,
filled 0 well. -�
\tr-, W. Duce, -11. f.irnerly of Seri
forth, w.ql the fleet Irriku ht ,-aa,-la•.
f..r the ladles, and John M,rnt carded
off the fir -t bunnr- Iu the Aril'. eke-,
Grace $t4rlitg vat- the prize-
whiter hi the •'-Iso" ileum--. •
Mr-, Jt. -.'ph Iteek gad ,Yfr.. 1.. S.
edit tyre of.:,,000-w•tttt power and ea'm,
of tie older ones elle of 51111 -watt.
star wet.. it pioneer
hl the flelil .15114 fur two years. Inti.:
11,4 phut+ her it nein• Irrwerhll
have berg held up by tea• G.verut,eur,
gonane a a4u4Atun of piddle oewneonleip
of radio. flu! the 5.451U -watt
01 4'141,5,1.4 1515• 1 411 Nu,nll nf(olr- u-
"'I'„1 with their Hc:, lr acne... Inti
,4•.rd,r which are of :05051 -welt power.
There tug p,w,•rfttl statim, re:tehiuc
far steers -s the 1niU.l Khat,., ('olid,,
and \It•%Ito and nut at all nnnou,.lou.
..f the range of their Infhuenr day
and It 11:114
1914 40114 ey hl Om United gentle.
I, towards :1 bilge IrrILale nw11''4 41
in radio, awl ev,'ttt: are on the uutr'h
1.. that end. - .1c a Irnverfnl privet.
n 415 New 1''rk. .M4''uh all
,ogee -(tion. ut1 the ,nao »•
stet hilt Ilia,
"Dere.' hi relt4tvI'. ,111:1 41 prit:1I4.1,
owul'I .1atlour hl 4`14 ui:ills the .10,Ilttt
40,' tuers;iu,!' and .r,n•4,lid:ebur+ 441141
reach :oasis's the. Linker. Ju -t p. 4.4 h:ar.
,lou, hit, Motile:: tailor• 1011-1111---
'M' a hltblc a:Ipifalire-1 I.ri'a:,• midi„
un.uolreh 111 the 1l,ite. !Lillie+ IIt,
.'.allowing, oh an agreeable -1114 re Iol
1aer.- 141.44. 4.f t114' privately-
-uul"u- lu
Ottitada world• v16111 :,
I4)5 :nal Alit da}'w work.
The Signal Calendar?
(lire for each paid -in -advance subscri-
ber Renew your bubeeriptiou now and
wake sure of one of these beautiful Calcn- .
Talking Turkey
Irate Mas4ter ,10 mire!, %errant• )
"14.,'111'.-. J Ihuught 1 told you to lel
iltutioatie turkey."
Itaa14-- "1 d • ,gut u duwte�tic
turkey, sir,"
.Ylaster-''t1'elh haw did 40,' 'shot -
�ct In 11-/"
Ila»ta s .-.- J. ''i'- -k,' ►hey was mraul
me, wuh."-I1.11. Magazine.
•-Ilse owlu-d . a 44111-k111111n •rue.-
111,1-0, 11.5' which Ik,'y Offe,a-d 0141.
7L In,1NN1. _114.. /lei -0140d "tae after and
:1 0114-4114•. promising to mod the. Lorna
ue•xl day.
e icrnlil;h'. 11oweve•r_ Ile horse tiled
.the er,,,I not hear to 1..', hi.
bargoia, we he eaalevl the 41144111v
;Ilia tient the Lor>e ole,
lie h,'ar,l nothing further, 'and di.:
id, tart to :avid Ikey. Cufurtm,all•ly
111• tity'5:1111.' whit they net fair• to
lure. .11.0' took the bull hv.••ttte horn.
and :e -k, -I Ikey what had Leevnte ae
the burse.
":'ell." 1501 I1.11, "vete 1 found it
•.14 dead, setting that ,0,-rv41l14. 1.11ew-
4ot a cuuderrul it .rw• IF vox. 1 raffled
11 nod tw•ettty4ivO In'.ple leq:g151
ti.-ketor at $,"414). eaeh:"
tl f "
\ "e1
1 e01'ta •u
u 110
-Duly the lulu 'Na. you It." replied
4k. -y. ' w. 1 gays hitt •-lex n y
bark." -111-wer-, booboo
Se. tl two" of t4,' "I. e. e-
1 C he •4 m t e t 1 n r
•rirlt4 naheo,bl , I -
the•t- ,a'Iitiull. w. -n• early "It the jut,, -talld up til. Its Jab. "II ;':sled d,l'- he
and tayed to file fiftieth• laf. in the r:kilo fte1.1 I'nldle own. r
141 Latitia Knox. fl11mn•lal 'us •-' -hip ern do Is. .1ud• pnbli • „%114. dli4,
aelal,t. hemlls1 a good batman ..f «feel-. ,•rne lerceut sh. oar .1 s': ll Ire
from 40.' .Itl}th and Loudear,n.- d{-• Inti 0140 the ,nut••ol of a privalte• 1.
m,en.g 4I . With anld1.•1y-owntvl r,
r;,o. .1. Ne:plo ,. 1.''a.!e+ll,n, old flier*. 'will lie n.' -harts floor .•rete, no I
Ieiy, told 11 greet lump*. Gorr d_lrrl ti:.'.o iter -hip t,. ,I •0 "odds. no Ile're-
the evening. a:e•n•llry 4.4,'.4 w'l11, Ingo:. and we uaklnz, •.f 1':Iuadll ais ad:
eutle•Yli-h it. •urd it will appear iii "jim,•t .,t' the Ildt.•1 Slate. hr -.• va,+t-
thew• ..dtuiui- tater on. watch for it.. h Important rrtrnnt a matter as radio.
v The mein• won good. f..r the Ample 'I9h• proposal is that tinder 'midi.-
reason that alar good old• friend ,1. .1. „u-rw•r-11111 -111111 ••re.•t al 1•I1:r111
\Irl al Welt. ll.'te'riery pr,"Ident. elomllel rof :d)01111mlft .•tat len- a.•n.-- Camels.
111. Dud mlpahing from,•n .. h' , ,le t,_. lull their awl: ogrsl„t any•.
aloe". 841154• thing 4,, tee wurkl. Jsi4 :1- good ..m-
Thompson had ,•I:arge of ,.•rt boor, as - ar.1 le'r,-r. lould
the n•fr.,htuwnts.- ren.:, ueeller. to le' put 011, 15 4•%,•r .15 veyhe that
wF. /•cerllrgly esj,•ywl 1Iu-:u. 'I'hereli. 4votikd .rn.•r 10.-'-IM,mllll•d1. Ittt mlrn-e
a _medal ,ruling 111 Mr,. '19 Won: all 4'01a.11- will L:••.tire-erring htv
from the Moron 4)1,1 14'.y-. • ' 0lrtlrriiht.
-11 a r4ent • unfereuee :it London
• . ur•-rlc,n of1,• f the Toru 4r,n•r h,-'.'.- 'r. laid the . rrwn,'nhil. ,r. 4t was -tale)
of tall.' iu Canada 4. Hanel 411.01..,41 um, uuli Irrork„ifitnul.
ny farnh•r- were n u d• A r
rin�-r .iir •% gnat 114411 of up'neritisru the hnpr•rKIon !III 1. 10E411 11114P the I,or-
I114 ' ha, 44e'v4•In4•N-1. 1.111 ' ,'1 lad 644-11 r. -Immo.! in mer -t of , :hi•
"1: nue side• w.• n'Iorint the lilluwblc' 1''11145.1 •t w•rion- lj*ua..•. stud 4h4ndnre
114 4 t I I t 1 tM I I ,'ufurlid
4„ .44„,,.fLut tee argnla•4K Is not :111 rountl•r teak.. 111e• Act. it was no
from The 'r„rant:. Stars editorial
co h tarn,. :
' The alr ..f North .tuh•rie0 1. nide
,.Iran and h1 -r. Gtr is, radio 1- .'ml-
f.,'rnel (here i ills I her} slWeeu.
• 4'auada and the United- State.: " It 1,
as tory. Ly the Minting of 0 button,
to fl.u,i nue s home with a program
from Xew ,York, 4'bie sgo or I'{tt-4,nra
a- with a progrm' from Toronto. e n
lawn or Montreal.
The null.. is to le a tremas duo.
factor ht the Idle uf_nNi nkind. No
other invention --out the alam 0ngh,c,
1115• penning preens. the n,ote.r car,
11e wing, the ta/viu4 Orton -
compare. with It in siynIfieame.
it effaces dl -taste, and is unaware of
all (rowler..f,'n,r•s. trntl','ntl''nx. Thr
n,:In W1141 lalkr. su'. iii tnl)h nct Bally
te11• the world.
Thu.,' who , impatiently d,'faned;heir
ex hth,g fra11chi•a-. l" op•nl4,- pril--•nel none, -teitlon-. 0t Canada
and why -.e impatiently d,' ionti a the
prult.w41 pn1,10- ownership of tlri4 4150.1
ilrryr•rttunt hunt -1 clifi.mut "f all nngl-
oledh•+ ;ere• cckhvtth dl•t1•rlte!a'I 'tn
„»1.11411 fr81'114'1':14 4.11114{1' slat•
true untnn• of the I..1w,• a- it cxi•tt
The .i-, o' i- a .4414 44.4.4 011.• anti 4t
,'llt11lat n:a '..ti le :411tr0ut.,l. 1'l,•.•
Gnat 1. I,hnt the Iter ..f 1':11:a.ha edit
he .b.tnhnte-I for rail!" nor
Wee* by and groin the United Stale.,
5!lttls. eff.tly,' Iuensore. tire 414.,:::.
'and taken 1pll'kly, 40 Ld•e'Mat 'it. •
.1Ireatto ✓:•t,,ii,-1.411.1 weir • Irnitlh-
11:r1•c hewn appr.q'r•i led ince.... th.•
hunter :Int) hist -1x nn• nr tee di. -
pistil of •fnfiult+ In 4':nu„la. .11r,•a,l,
t4y,i of ter-,' helve ler'11-itu,'d 0(51.
tor th,' I, --t Mono, of :he radio di, , 1
4...IInk-mgt'• with United Stat, : broad-
Some ea( to• IH•w•, r el II 1/11. 111. 1
w'"el , un N• . 1' v
hi• tear. If 1111--tattma•Ilt was c0r-
1,. r It i- in,f.rtnteate and very mese,
.lettelin4. •
.10 stated 1,y. -1'r,rfe-«,r L. 4 'nester.
l'r,svineiawl .• the barer 1-
.Ina as 111111g,'rg1, 4111 lwe•t !Imlay as
1t ever was r1nd all It ru•eli' to enable
It tie play havoc with our ev.rIs l,. 10
:he given a 1•lnnte such as it W0111i1
lhlt•• k the 4'ortt Borer Act were not
edonrrl. 4'oru-growt'r'. iu Ontario
I will have to Ieanu• a.ensti,mel to the
f:a.t that cleaning Op morn remnants
thoroughly eneh +1,1')114 Will hence.
• forth tie 15 regular µ1l1 '.f. farm over.
at:lsI.. T1er1• is MI other known way
of combating; the Ironer. Ere,. In Enr-
ole thle le. the only our of prerenl•
111g'le•try I0•x11.4,
Thr 4'orn 'hirer Art will be en-
' f"r,rel till. y,atr as iu former years.
Every man nil{ ie remake.' to clean
try. the .or, remnant-. oil 111. pnKa'rly
. either hr gathering ger burning teem
lir by plongb,4i, them under and not
dragging rh,'nt np I151.'r. The e•nrn
1e wet in-le,•t.•r for Iluron enmity', Mr.
.4,!.. II•nt the sliest -up 415
Ole pn-1 L.'. ly',•n-atl'fi, i.,rr, the
:1mc prof..-Inre tuu.1 le• fnllunM
Olio }ear :,5544' -h1 fume, years. No11-
enh0r.,•uten, of the .\1t Witold I. the
lntduiu_ ,r( :1l1 uc.n,rydish,el a far Ito
tate control ..f thi. Iw'.t enol would
n• -til; In the ruin of Ih,. hope
of 141 t0 w tom ,rare, 1s -le "trdnahlr
-"4 11" Hof Ir•li0t,' hl ;1111 ward Phu •
It is the r1'fnr1. ..r ,.ter} .4•It', ,r,i,••N-
fallmn•." .tted••rw t4allar.
...1Kt•+ 1441.' ..,tm,lsslt Nail n- thiel
.'ttnlh is-lr111«ee Ibnu fi 111»1.' bt
w,- went right i11nu¢ r'ndhsK flcrkru.
ant • 1 lesion I1 rl•teu
11(1.( tl\\"yt 1111 1NI/ OF w141t:T l"1 I.TI KF:
.\hair• arc 154, Ino•, jn-t r.,lt,-1 in I4,4 eotn,;e'y arhi -h .'iow II r• 4,: tnl to 1' ,nittSnnl-!fl In '.I.v.,•aw n! Ih,' 1111aw•1r
fines .%I rile extrtni, left i- 4'h•tur.41 the •' *4,04115.14 l: 4411 Ny 111111.' .5. grnil/trq,r, one'of the tri„'1 hl -tori
111 1115• -in Too Ight t• a pi. -iter,' of iii' -atm' ole! edifier after 0 had tires de•tmdl'ho'1 4,y ei'unrl r4,'h•:-
In their rule' tonsr,1 tethet-al , '.' lower picture -Maws-ohIler' of the "lied .\1111y" n•inoving •-54'1111 ItI011Ulgs from ;
Tlwy Were Satisfied
l.uaret .'L'HIRIi YEAH. NO. 14
Best Treated
THAT'S why modern moth-
ers prefer Vicks -it cannot
upset delicate stomachs -
Rubbed on throat and chest,
it acts two ways at once:
(1) Its healing vapors,
released by the body heat,
are inhaled direct to the
air passages;
(2) It "draws out" the
soreness like an old-fash-
ioned poultice.
eta ways
O at once
A BOOKLET embodying the DIRECTORS'
BY THE COMPANY, is now available and
may be had on application to
Room 409, Head Office
The test wilt to "be
prepared" is to have
a reserve fund of
(stoney in the1hank.
BANK Account of his own!
What a source of . pride, an
encouragement to thrift, and a lesson
in business!
Boys and girls may open and operate .
accounts of their own in the Bank of
Montreal. We are glad to welcome
them at any time. One dollar' is
enough to start an account on which _-
we pay interest.
• Established 1817
Tafel Assets in eat caa of a`aetl.o00,000
GOl)ERll 11 11R 1N( It
hilt %TFT.4a. 5t 4\.111ER
I ,