The Signal, 1930-4-3, Page 1J, �
tip I - . . .. I
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! ` I
7 I
COLORKI). 28 x 42 in.
2sc each
I- .. 4pf"l t j 7
. . , " I A '', ..? r I ! I . . —, ,,,�, I
.1 IIt _ +('=Irt�i 1f. lei �•-'% \ `�
%•r ' .11-I 1
Look over your supply of Office
Stationery and let us fill your order for
Letterheads, Billheads, Envelopes or
other requirenn'nts. A gall job at a
rea�onahle prier
.. moi. . -- - - -- —
11,41(FHTY-friluur Iv.ut. x11 Il (;ODERICH, UNTA.-RIO,. THURSDAY, APRIL 3, 1930 Tl IV .IGNAI. PRINTING (v). LIMITFD. Pubfiehers.
c.arlet. Lola (alae Fire 'sat The News o f the Town i %of Ira 1, leh'g Inside ,it ►n ihr tan � ON HAMILTON STREET
fi( train %re-%. l Itail BEING DEMOLISHED
The f Lu 11ow. the w-ui. to use a
ttu) that will wean, The Signal i*
__ betel oil l.ut•kuuw'. was buns-!• to Uu• iuCurwwt, the lar. of six f&fwilie. to
V CsiYCII b AltliIIi (ilii!• mound oil i`riday atteru.x,u la.,t by I j
Engra Y I Offim of .tlioaaa Central Uoe PERSONAL MENTION hal F:mG►tr Trannartknu G,xlrri Is.. 17it. fw :a ,rrilo41, I The Site Is to Be Used for d
ix•Ilread ro have sturlarl front ntrut-r
son Depicts Coronation Thr Allumiu central Sieaw+hil. x11. A. lUcfie till- )"11'cicr,el tilt. Service Station b
p thu ex{Aexriou of an ail -burner loo 1Lr Line Inas annouile I the fullowfug of. rc.Wei a ,if Mr. W. It,. Gaud ,.0 "-It only iu lilt' Is '11, rtiu,t 41f w'iluw Y
of n Victoria ; bu,eutent of tilt- building. lir. Har - Carrie, of Exeter, Iv'a,, Vieturia str,rt. Mrs. Ito1x•, w")n,, 11`t"n ttielr .h,-ws„ hire, but to the Erie Gies. Co.
Q finrx for Ile %s•s.ed, ut Ulr fhnf s. o- ;
_ Keuteth Melhu-41. of Stratford, f a % A[ -,r I,, tt.wn' this w-tnk.. „"flip. to (;,xlerb•h fruw Iteignov, town, whieh earl ill urrorll to lose as
uud Jahn Ela w•urlh, the hulel eluting thio saaswl: Strawrr Fnwz -
A large anti bau.lo;onit-'t•rlgraring oft y hurter• l.'ulrluiu, .1 McIntyre, l'ullingw,nsl; Mr• A N': N'Ise, of 'l',on,utu, Eur, p11ryhamet 'lir ns,oidrnl-, "i' lir f,11nilie,, ' who,e hei 11n. elruiug! 1 building that haw fkvu a I"1141 -
st-ven•ly barrel, anti hclnh'.h IV
hi,[ englueer, A. .It. M al-hiai,, Gfxt- 'nude a brleto visit to tow,, till. w•evI;,, J:a'tkw 1'arfrldt,s•, 1'arh-xtn,•I 'fill-•,- glo-xl n1-mv). It is estimated that ilk-' mark at the earner of Hamilton's
the toruaatlun ut lJua,.,a Vif-torfa --the, war hurried to the Strut.fon! ho"{j- Manager Jul-.olo ,of till• tun1A) u:ui•a" lion• Ware ant- ttinntgh !.c 11 r. !• ,t. iu wn ^tw Ln'ulctvl i. aur kea 1'k ori . ad
erh•h. Staalm+r J. Prater Taylor - ) :111►,, a t.
loft- of Mr. Arthur Curzon of tbel tool, while liw)wuru, woo,. taken Yu ' Ib.ue, a'linlun, woo. in Join,, mi Mon- J. W. .unstrung, re f•Yl:ue dell-,. than 1:1:3.:43,, a your. Itplian)' ws•u arei K u tnN•Lr (or are- Aalt a tart
tbt• h,.. duU at w'hi h l'aln lint M. A. Loughvrl, Gun. !too) ;
Ilgtvin nwsti Gtxlerich tuwrwhlp, In 1 Raw. 'I'lle awbul• chief engineer, Thoim,r Bogle, M!d `I")' -- - - - - -.. - .. :illu')N gtxxl •eitlz. n>. anti the r•wuv:. I Utry is alx.ut to di•a)yagar, Mr. A. J.
asemor of his da I thrautough 4" u( �Irriieh iflit- formta•nnx osis flu igilleer,
hand. •mt-awrr Noone Smith-4':ipJaiu, Jt Eta., Gurdon Itutt •+hint 'ITiewln) -At Dreruwu'ri Bowling .Uleyl+ :11 of the,e familia.. will IK regretlarlPar lutving .old thu av,rnPr un
y ughtor, tbr talc lLlrar Cw,AJlallne Our•zom, who died to tile* holi-! Jsraydt .\rm1'rung. Vault ; cIsieC eta- d lwhu .airy In Strui:t oil 1111` AI Nrowr.ul', 1",wlhrg alley, ou Non :Ill., fruw the {ker. pal ,tangk,iul• w1Ucb hW gntii warehouse st'u'ds to
ttir w,y leu Ytratfurd. %%'illhuu '1'y'utwu,• a'..Ifingwo'.d. , iwv,s. day night a', I,tvs,f "wooi lx.wled, to de riu•auttig as it dI sfl ill malle \•dein the. the }:rte Ga, tau.. "f IApik,
Dltal In OMuher lamt-now •done+ th.• The, building, thnl-ktur' briek lir-: W. Ifillh,rd tun, dau:lder ...•trnll,••r ,.f long,etanding :aid iutiw• ler ►n L,
I The -„w•L, :are uoa ix•iig fitted nut. -vide the winner uta tilt- prize. a ,{ilii- I Shu ,
lain hall of Alexawha h■yoital. 77.elrinicturr, wA■ av,lunit .,ill %cnrktd,l-.-y--_- --- .I.f-. Ilil "f i, us, ler. o— ti,trfllg of ruldn•r.. awunlel by title wi11aag,,. isle ,urial rt•hati)'u- w"ith rha• I■e111C, I(y{7■se,t,o eras' flu till• site tis
presentation and gnvell]ltg ttx"k phu•e f anal rhe furniture Sud other s,oalwkt, i lrikb F:arrrtaL►nm•u►L lir II;IIhu'd'ai w1,U,.•r. ll r,. I1. It rlr went f"r the ole?1re,t ,cunt w 1!►1. Sig '!1' the tu-cu. #f nay nryntsewaUou, I tt{mGmd3tte '01AIre sJutinn. The pct.
weer A total llna'. loo -on• t-.1, too, made to the railway autlior. ct•-.
41r Friday a(ternt■'u fn [le {-anent- \u lrisll rulrrtait)meur to btu held Ir•r►r'm ttkrk (tart null itlll J,dui.uw )' I '•f denwrlitlun 'If the brick w•are-
'1'ht• Iwo wru w'aN'e In tea• bnw•ueut' . lir. Arthur C. [`lurk. who n„•urs
1111 tilt- lv ture'ruuw uta Kit"x ution•h wap-ucef•..•!ful In l"'Wilag the exu•t, Lit, ILat might haat- the f,,rtru:aT(' I"'uw• was eutuweuee, "it 1Vehie,kla
of Sin awenllta ,d beixtvw and Cri,•ud- „f the hotel at Ela tfmi• -t the broke I)' novel to Gt"frrieh from t -' fir l,-%% I ' rnwuit of retain'ug tha•v ,:uwtio- y
ut 1lN• bf■tldlal, hidwliug a uuu►Ix•r .xt+, uttemptlnR 111 adja,t rhe ail - Ian F'ritiuy', .1{A'fl 11th, under ltir :uw hu, pareha,el -.F r,. Nuuxel'r' n•,i- ,tale. lnultier .,nu e111iuu 1• tin# 1 ' for Goderich, uw lima• shuu.,l h,• t,..; wuruiu • of t61x neat►. au,, oddly
fruw Uel tuw•wlhilk buraf•r. wbi•h hold i41t loosest w"ride:I I&A -A of the St. .Utdn•w''.. t'lub' I'tence ,oti Iirock .Irtr•t. • wac fur the 'nein•,! tally tit 149;. rill, n. the urn order flu the r.t.,tt,,, 1 eiunigh Illis w'a, the shirt)-4&nt ' - "
(saU,fucturlly. Imuadiulrty .after til•. Vn'wivn flu t-rrniug ut pica urr unit ills and -Mrs. Ed. a'airrelt-aaai.l-ads _•_uut,_t uL'I el.rr• ,oil .1pri1 ':,till :wnicer,nn, to n dry, of ll r. t'tn'1Pr'r
Yr. G. L. Parson■, pnr.idf•lit .+f UN•I.•i,lud.,n all dtur. loo iia• Ii*otol arn•Iprofft tu.tLuw• t%"hu utIN1u1. ltl-c. J"hu _ -- _-_ -- I:Ikilrg effw•I uhf- wlrol:. :1111%ill fu Gldericll --11111 _old. Ism.
Mani ut gfivrrnuralr( tlx tits -'pita 1. Ind ! t •old Mrs. IA,rne It..Iger. tth•ndeol _ 1
eiarge of the prosevelisig and .alhd 'blanau ora•,, and deur•. tdol.•k ,moi.,! ladt-r, u native uC lk��n.I, lrnluud' that funeral of the Into Mr,. Shlph•) Bridge Chill F'ornfod . .. the narehou,e %til, a•ry.•rarl h)' lir.
quivilly filled rile bsdhllng, wa►lrtg it � will give olu ilhntwlid 1441 tire iNr at Cuuton on Tluuesttny of lust nark -1 rr,ult of the rt, tent at ri41wpl( wt i I3RIEI' S t'o'gr•r'o urx•k•, Iloe lute Sawuel
upon It v. J. \, IL Milt,% wha- ary■rke life anti cu,tutDo fn the Eturruld 1.1,•. 11„tla•rirll bridge .hl)cr, if, till' tlnlr: Shxille, tilmut tail')' -tour )aero lien, -
fongiao ,fo tit save ►Ise .-Ill M.-Inal Ix: ill.: Mary Iteluioai;l. aures• amlr in 1 �i
fltUugl)' of Cloe dwrv,wl y'uwlg lady I'd`1x• xri 'at 'A'nal i, tGr'Ztllr►wtJo -- and woo, al nue time :a ver) boo,
IuflghtR• of the g1lrsls. H••th Meltituai sl ker haudttw ills wlbj.rt with ` seen'
f■ w•Ii*,w• mt•wory (te pn•w•nluUun w"n.l in, of r. dtaig111'• husp;Li:.:'L,ondou, , I the N:iltfurd Il•••pirnl .111?ilia r) trill" y
1►e►nr mad-. Ile slkrkt- of tilt- life lu1 and Itty'wunh made their way ant -I trut, Irirb humor and in un euterlufn' �;a•ut.,s Gt•ir ala+r ,•t lair Wet-' ti -it. fu tuwu of a brt:lge elub. tcitlt ufff-, NktiK'' ut the hostile star �liw Ja-,it• 1du.r•. sifter 11 r. Sbnurr'. d.,lth the
Idle of the tn1rnl,,R building with dif" itng ta,hfuu that has drlfglrted 111141-' ;, 'at the bow•• ..f h••r .um h \Ic ver, a, full.,w'+: Pre -Ideal. 1►r. .1. V. 1,Gre•a oil Tburstla). \pril IIMh. :,! i -n -flare war. (outinuel ,u.,,•.wt�fly by
her horse ural flit- tou11uunity, of her fMudt ktitrva loo 'lee large .nitre.. loo add!• fl�uter;,wr•rei ar) F:lmor (`, Ifanl,ow;, .,. . Mr. Co. x•r, tint with hhP china c,n tit r+rlf- va rifle•. and of tii*s trfmfon I y Elan 'till- will lora .r.. •r F'r.I:.1. L. Young, irf Loyal. _.,q► ilia. ! 1. •
wMch kite guve to her faUer through Il,anl work by Ili*- Lawkiiww Aire de- I w am of g'xml lir. &fall lin. G. M. WIIlhuu., o{'tntt.vun•r. 1. to. im,,trnnu. The heW•! 'he Wollma's Jnzillury arC �I late Year- loo t'anululriaud ulari,et1uR
assay- )*-arm. 'Itl,e engraving u, 4* un- partlnent, allied by Kliwardlne flre- I wusir. The adrui..iou charge Is 2,-K•. I)-fwruo,l "rganizarioi fnreut!- ..I■,"- wethufl' the
Indhuu►)■elf uud "ills ('llffunl V. Veoruv,K chun•h [till 110141 at sale 1,l Rnfiu 1p".in•., i+ not
--Weis a Vulture of '!sent Viso' men. preveulad Ihr plaza• spreading tool ----- 11'111]luus, of Iiia Jolt. oq■•nt rhe wink- ills: cln,b room. if ratilttblr Ida e'
li--memade.look-Ing,,o11 Saturday, Altri1 wlcrt it sell to tk•. aid the nese of u
":oil In•
who lived %%a•H roll dfwl well, wINild adJolnhlg trmild►t1R+•, thongL for n I lrtjwle'liow Granted in ,fIMoI (•are " cud of flit- huuh• of Mr. at41 Mr,. procured.11tMh. 1 gl•nfu-arehfiu•e hucl-'-Muiinishad .u,
Ilan• It 'An,, leaned thud Jho• Patin.. 7W10VTO, April 1. -Mr. Julius' Genre \I'tllfutn,. St`. Virie•nt ,Itlet - - ICew•nv Tlmrsola) 31ud Frid:yy. `•'rdfugly. •
(pall na•ws qu.r i n -el[+taerlflc4rlg Warinin l• S wIl
IHr Nlryt fy 41if weds[. irwii,aw hluk u11gh1, hall a per) to Wright loo ttwmrlxrs of llleg..xlr !lull lt,•c. V. F. aid Mr,. Clark- were r P 7 ) ; April 24 :tell[ for file id:fy' "'lase' Mr. '1'/wrtxrr n•Ialnv ilia rr,idetne
After a prayer offered by fir. MIII,, that flawsw. tush' ^n(uted nn htterlw injunction, l`il't offichal weather r,unla•rahua�; palls•-- adipo]lulu
f. 1 111 �l,runtu fu► it G•w da)'.. tilt. wtrk' St a, loo.” to Ix• Rlveu h) the \Vet ) R tin• wur,•hour,•
d' S 4 turd up their return were' ne•uru 11th- i° (;rd.•rlvh ItM Irl,' week neat-' x• 1 ruiu,l,t` t;ul't l a the le•ttlre -loam of tilt "I
Ihr eutruring Mal unveiled by lir. Tlet' (til,, Huuxt•, the uud huti4 In I t•tlt liar until Muudri', A "til 7,, loo w. t i 1 ono fur Ihr tartare are Import-
atilt Wt- donor• Mr. (:unon,l1'uPkrifrw•, 1% 4)%•'X%41 try Mr,. T. F'.- if. Misilleulu unit odder rate{aa)er, lad by Mi.:, Mary ll, -well, who had loll"telt. Ihr lint ,,.town irmliuliuR Knox cburelt• tai,,, 11111 ole hulk• Ihnt be and hitt
1lit- hight•,t U•unx•natun• rend hilt- "'lilulbl,• fawn) will cuutiuue to e
eats iMnxln.vd. Mr. Curz.m rq■eke of ('slik. at press'' Moving fu M41ntretal f1(' No. 10, luwushlp of tinder- Ix,•m lit the clt3j fur wrawt tfase at- 11'larn hol".0e sling ,ave sit' I I - j
(only two "morttdw Arlo the ixtlltit,-I Irti, r• 1rulubk the public wiliAll e•und eolunw the Ifiwewl : , r4erl'te11rr ,if Gtxk•rich.
till• tdrgrlw!• ..rrrow anti {rl.•a.ntrr K 1 reading the silt Sa4ukd.. Max.llhk.l .irtlrh� for the ,r{oriuyf nnuuwge ,n le
whip "h Ix felt loo rix ,xx'aMflwl. II wHn wit+ lea to (litirtiw 1ttt"itert. elf, 1ruslw+s fruw huildiug a new school. Mr,. lhadk•I fAalfinnr, l.i Gluy„wtrr , Ito be held b)' tint Maple Iwvaf (tl'aI-I loo the riav11dhne lfr. tL"ulk•r, an-
KlneanMne. and reventiu the to,%nA►i front is -.;,t.. Ton,w o• fnrwerly of Mitehell, air' Thur dal. llar•h 27.:... :911 :I, n two -e• for male that 4,rk-k and ,other.
g p t Friday. March 'Se........ 33 _,;: ter, 1.(tf►.E., on Friday anti Soparday,l
thirty ,if yenra logo, that day la. woo, Shortly after notoi the w-albo of the uili oda#w•uturra t,n'rrfug The sets' t rl,rua,•v the ••nraiOlrnN•lu of Jeer -idea _r,'�In)' Sud apd aril. wlUrrhU Pruni Ihr d,•uwli,hwt Indld-
a 7luddr stnnNvrre for him. n,
y 1►otel tell in. F9tIDen prevented till- lhr fluid ,a•hrul. loo hu ,n of his r Nat11rvhl), lfurch ►...... a o Ing. Whh•11 lnaa,l lilt loll vit•urtil off the
anrrrlwl In St. Ge-rCp's church and lryol P danKhter. llurir•1 Mluiisry. to. 11 r. Ilur• Sunday. Mun•h alA....... :if ltd Vlifatim spring live Pitut•k ,how w'I.
f►rty-six yeerw ago he fir»t landed In blase from crpwurning the Hollymarn pllcvttfon, fir. Middleton bald An affi-' old Keith Ito-. suit "f lir-. .1&fmfv+ ; held illi. aflerntxrli. There wa. g("xl Are by May rte.
till, colutr). It w -mo x very ,Mffercut llatarry, next too, the hotel. anti from davit ,plating that the -Ile ut tate par ,,R,►., nl Gaf1a•rirh. '191e nukrringe. -too llourla). 'M"n•Is I......., •1.1 Ufs
, . 'Iha.wlnc. .Vpril 1....:... eta :q1' wfwlher and a big eruwvl, lucludingl ..
r,-untry Ih•n from whxt it 1. -mow, *Irrencling is) filer near -by pn+wisr+- Ikoso,l• ,churl ens three musts distant llaiaer quietly at Toronto leu April. r--fi,ir'xxl unrl6er Crum G,klerich, it ail A 111/rting I- Wiug Ielel lit Mu. -
77x fart that misuse oil on flit in the from lits and oWtflr tonus anti there 11oshf.•day, April 2..
but ilereba)w tile P.N4o of tii.k.• day.• + (Yr. F. Y. fianonn. "f Ina"lou. ' • - • ,a _t CIre showing of hurwh. Itud wattle aux I Kay FIaR this 17-hnrwlny') petadn=
laudisment of the building threw off Sure Itinanarr■dble tt1 the Hiildreu In - ---'-- - !
new as writ off ttw,n n. they lore naw -Joe new dtarlet rut-]luwr ..f the Fel.' e�xrelhul to .on.klrr tilt- wtvskly huff-liulldxr
if there were fewer I.a"un�f llw4i ""It"y'•14111t� of stuoke made Ihr work that port Of tae seell.,u. lie allege,' anal Public Whookr: IN A1•Imeut, If('-; Golfers N'erd Nat Riw1m I •••i`le Itlook 1ViJi is, tt ■r -fat' fur the numb ifetion,
i• of t 8t d rt.ment difficult. that flit' tueeti whitti
.1 maceua•il i. un f"t'J to euharge � I
thrro�a aJao laws t'�inx•. fie had uw rag Iwswal u a„oryatntwl by }:nginar•rt' )lurtiu Sud'', the &fellftk. of the '.faithutd gulf' L:,kluetfou attar will Ile .how,, :af the ---- -- -
r�rtli ftir having come to t'ann+lx. A high wind added to the hamllaap rwoluliou for a new whtx,l wad ad-' I9nrwu: was ha towel Tuawdgy ,pt it v'il►I (�libb for the i,rtuing •ea•+m by fit.. M-odel Theatre flu"'Yanldoly and Tne -1 NaUer,-'ria. rP.,ide4ux for, Central
Hb wax retelvad with tarn arm.+ first iuider whi.•h ttx fireon f"uwht Roel verli,el too title to allow Islas and; it ,if In1ry»rtlo41 to rhe Iwrls,r. 'Plet-y I , day w•x1, with n matinev "n 'Itimw -4m"lel district are rwpievwa,i 111 nave
IIA• of the Itlue 11'xp•r, eoury ruder 1
rrieryatrw wqu t■lseei ttigly g.■lel fol blase. I uttie•r ruta+{luyf•rt d, Ike praattlnt. Hrj went through leo Klncnrvtiur fro I tea.'•. With till- irx•nria,irlg nundx•r-af' •lay afternoon. It I.b tale .1f lave anti )tupers :ulst uatguzhart, tied In tlmtnRcx
hfn3. There war a Isla.-xn here x, tot --- - -- � alms/ ,awtax that farmer.' afitt"r w•huhhere. iutrigae centring n4u1d a Illghlart(II fu ■•r, and iviC11dnr11 Ntyan►tely).
Ile w's�ofn whll-h nrw-cutrxr■ to ,xlr r are nut rataym)vrs were Allowed to Jia til to ,l, til w-Is,o tiepin• gulf- tI 1
I CHURCH NOTES fur; faelt,t y the Jxgadhr ' llaitlAu,l "bliss' of the hunouv It]la.•k 1Vnt, h. 1 for Ile annual aotlas tJep►, nf►lltn tut
, - land filamid he treated. Sumr•tIllw-' -� _ 'tile '!he un,tiuu to cuntluttr tt►e1n-: (irneral IManin Mill BoNinPlaa Ihrrr) staff. $ntu 1Vung. lot(*- of l..m which wilt tr iveu later by Velem)
I u►tctiuu_ until Ihr tNal'of fife attivu r ureal list year woo. nuai4e to it I K
thev were neglected, I,aaatur dhrpfrito,l. I ' I n Sit Jay warning In Victoria I f 'Mr. J. E. Iknel•hler, of the i;viler-- ,,,Ifwwxhlte till w'ho wl+het• to pia). 't1,tt, 11111. Intel"? ulk•Iling len raA• Ilotue and Whaxol 4;Inh: -
will be heard ,
a d next Monday. n
I,r ,i 1 •... i1 3 , h rig fu t) near fit-; _
1 Nr ( tale t-1their "t 1 IN • , f•- ) 1 1 I II 1
�an� n t I1 st 1 1 I .grpt•t Cnlfel cbnr•A1 the sacrament 1 kph yannM(llrr•ing CO.. enuoun,r-' :nal it i• h'gxrl to w"lae rhe prublelu 4 ----
t-ryiri�tbf..ountry of lex Iw)nl'" !+upper will top admin- Chat, they are a"'w carrying sA! a WPII-i f -,r the e,minR Itimater monlhn M' -fere. `o1wrLturu are now 9-n•y IDakiugi lir. r. or. 1►aau. 41f W1r11rrhav'en,
771- idctttre flu Use wall before him. Into tell. in the evening Iter. IL D. ''Wati from the Harbor ' era! Ilam'''' mill and (Phil titl,i11r: "ter Jlse cour-e on the !ta)- ill Mrafloss. jo a vaeuat •ton• 111 the j F9orl41lo, who i. he Gtodo-H h an a .
which war tg•fng pnerPntarl to the !Moyer, of Pre -tan, will oevuln the MAY list 41 lbe (lute r""w• meuti,utd business, with a cormf4ete star ` of field n,ad which has. not Ixr•ri 1111E"•1i ,\feLt-au bhek ,at lilt- 44104 ,ride 'If tori vlwlr to his sun, lir. E. L. [wall, tml
Stuart- Whleh is to toe fitltvl a t its u'
ha■.tdtal In rtxmn of his r)wr d&fuRt, pulpit. when uuvigatloiu will likely srya•u at � bufldiug mfiter4lls. The (bmfnny w'111 u,td Not. 111-t year for two. I >1 wllh nu ue•fflelu on Nouday after
ter• Wfiw Ia1P w Vh ha pHxel very they Ion. 'Lao dale the home t�mltn '';Ifs•• ti ,awe work (u a
T]lP )rn•tar, t1Pv. W. T. Itnut. will uL.0 faktall, for the xe•wmulfklatl"1, •----- -� - �_- -. Ile w -us dufu
*- IDu, h. FVfty ywrno arta,. when he was - &list Fr&ttz are the only %Isi!t os lir. cliarle. Menkin-, whoole oyer" ca.•aut Gore owned fly loin fill Kn,rL
on.hut Ile srrvb,s. at the Itaptlat ) of the farmer', nu u11 -n, -date chlofia•r M. C. Cawreron Iftize Awarded
• y.xang lad. hilt father waw general; ehuroh next Sunday. &-rinon -roll- w"boxy crews have arrived. Tltr Kilmer and wIll handle fort grain. The turn- The .(-unit- "til Que•u'x Ulih ti,40 +till- enga;d.•uleut., turtle' hew to 61clit i .trees when he `Till ofr a steldaddrr
In r,onunsormi u( the trxga. u Aib'r-1 v: Morning. "nip Heaven) Ilan• & Iturller, dredge and the tug Erl I Itriwhi t1"r one wiuier -ellen, re •
Jet 9 Italy. annuut"-went will Ike f-ald ha, th(s year awarded tilt• I;aefic�, ,and dinbx•ntel ori. ankle. Nr wast n•
- "'f+!a am? It Van Ma Llfooli'v dally' quest :” .•venhar. " I'tie Second 7i"n►p King are Ix•Ityr filled out laid are el', In flit- adverthing columns fhb, week. prize. given by the Int, iEon. M. C. tun"" to town title- wc,•k rad hie nwrvad to Alexandra hoijoilal for used
tvi &w)k after tlla srafety staff e,nvfnrt i tat Mn-tte Rin of PrvsAomf*1oq." At peeled to have here shortly. ---- - Cameron for Gotierieh, for Nhh•h for. "lost taken ,hath• of the min,! I-,-] 1,•111 at tfatt ion curd haw shote ixxa
d Farr xaJ.aty when mint tarn• /kown, l Splendid prugrtatee had been mads 6dudar Wadden on the Fiitnt ,ume )'rare there lead Ike n no ean41( I""I'"raaace to be Riven under 1hl- taken br the home ,of him intro. s
throw tlmtw a year. to review flit- ' Ihf• ehrsf• of the m"rel . service the on the toua'trucitiun of the new motor 111141'e" "f ills ,Arms ('lull in aid fit _ -
_ I i000nl'w giq,fl0r will 1,t- ohaervtrl. file Huron-hidd►r date: 1'11• prize of 11r. a eren to,
(1Le apeakerl frrnoeMJ waw anni NMI (�aln William Oliver, of Sault 1Ybrks.latuich f'rbror t� wrtmxlrt of 1'adrllc dui 1onD a' �tM twWrwhlp of tilt', Iti-n I:aelie w•hular, reader and, tit.,
thelwwnlhhvt ch rabl�'inr+,l tnse•llui r
frequently qt-. a1(rAa•. OnL, rnr»Inrttel the eve- ugtue is naw being in- �_ sfaaker. Tw., yonuR ladies. -from Max-(OLBORNE TOWNSHIP
Stephen. one, 16ot week went ,nil "f the 'Mellf-011119 1'31114x• 1'1t►fs, lon
Mie 1"root of aAhltlttg Her MwJawty. ninK oaet'a'ie for floe Salvation Army a� and the fluL,hfug Ivuchaxl to .Iroot wild 't'/!d fxllarl tw %ilia•, -rain. were „rail ! Mi,+
-Mr. ltitrlism conclude► try ),rrifentlng' "i Wu"lav Inert lend delivered n {■rw- nes.. It will be given a tore ,d Patin! F.dith Fo•ritaawru nus nWanfwl Ill,. Tanwday lit.,111, fi eanunitler• will aV F'ragan-NaMrie-A gtdet wPlkling
and varnisob, and will Ile read) to o" s of tifike, Kat in till' I lxriare, h) arrange for all Easter at- t%:is .■denulizpd)l Iter. R. It. (LtnrttinR
tea {4.t41rn In RrntitndP for what ihr noti(n that 1hP ,Mlddleaex Rrirnt• war•'
--till w•rmnn un the snarJfrl 'Y►nPj d n, i WWII d 1 here- :nld the prize. bat 1Hem: [tarn- )•
hfkr,dtal had Thom• far hi.. ,fanghtf r liranah ,>fnrrdy• l-riue hr•Lfrnl war wt- "., blot„••. 77n• ('lull I. nook]lIR an interest I ,.f Ik•umiller at nim ,on w'axWsawhay,
T1dnR 1 Know.” ('ntflxln Oliver "ixntl irnmmriiol(e v-Iritllty. Ra•tz did not Ret R 1 to „e"ud;
aryl w(UI the hots• that rite we.rk of st few -day" In town visiting twtorr Wheel the Federal Gficsvalu(rliI that Ihl- .aerate. In view ur"lle fart hl sofllktll far fill .,Imiuo true wand! April 2nd. when Jahn Ibn%nnl Fwig-
the ho,pital would ik• hl••v"wl ill the Beeks teudeni for dr in entracm'' an dti*-krr, lout IMeRary got him, lull will eirh•r orgallize :I kw Rue within apt wrtl r"f lir. anti llr,. Jnlul Faagau,
t1Nnre. I prvxrwlinR to hip new charRa• :tt ;Ii s:,xterkh tinrl/or tills vgiatr 'till-; land hini dx•fure MaKixtsate Reid that Ilk laize had flirt, lisp'- arnttrrlwl. It, acro unmdx•n+hip or tmd ole art-' is( 1'+.Ilk'ru+• tnavnahlp, woo. uullel in
b "ton. Ont. i�nmunteral year•, grrcP, her 'w w nal' t%%o t4.uu1• in a flown Ieagtoe. I uurrriage to Adelaide t;rf,w Morrim,'
MT. Parsfirw "n Ix•h"fT 1f rlkr Ix,:u4 htruld pica's of ormf■tJti(rn, as -a•st,0fl,y on two, eliam-r•a, (me rd at- 1
TIIP irrvieo, at Krnrx hlnln'h next '
of wnrfornorr, ttrauket Air Ouraon for; ,her"lay WI11 be ,"udnc•lel by the'ti`d op-at-ttie hartwr at the present tlemlrl"I to wills-' w'lld• dafit• iu 'h4. __- _ - cera! apylir&ftf"n. Jur ehr tri(' yduu�e�rr slaughter .d lir. and MM
the iewitlrtir aryl twlnabh• pls•turv. "1 minl(iter. Etre. R. 1'. Meioerml� ler I time are dreg;(•, dud eoplipo►ent tea- elortrl wnt+nn lorxl the ,Mill•- ..f batlr'R - I.a•dhvt.. wenn {klrlawI lit tie mtrsthtlt If -Alert Uurrl•. of c..IlxrrnP town-
' s q in ills wkwslfin wdtb"at a Pur'rhils" Grandfather's Faarm
ufryrrw4itp that, flow its 1 will be n rommnnlfiu servlet �.` 1 lomgit►l to meverxl t„mlklnies. Wm. gu Po Ur. 1'. L. 7' d the water nod Ift;lrt c„mmis.inn un, ship, at the tinny' of the Lrhlr'.v pat.
fall t"Pletlam d !die aonou" ,m. alai to tittle evening at 7 1 I
Furrest's eyadpui•ut in winter (liatr-i i4w001*- A fine of k., tnnd t,'.t, V% 110 17. -a, -r• farm tut 1V 311atutr kn�rwa til`, Thur,131) List, lrn•I41dInR alg4i"atloitif Leutr. in flit- {rrewenee of their ,mmltd•
Her M11Jewfy (Olen ViPfnrin. aw J trrN herr n ern+tits of Ile I I1 inrfawrt In each Of tilt two I :ft- s rile 11111ker tare at Iluy..rllle on t11P1 for ele•tri,• rlrnge --•mita for . the, laic• relatives. The brill• w:w be.on►•
wrnton "141- at wi4 fie "1Pot1laty
u Ft. artistic colla,, we are f (h11rmou't. 1 g w'. L. Foinust, drill. ---'-- -- d%%rlNuRe. ,or GPr1, al:1f 1 ic:ar, I,iRbr hIRI) dres'At hi oo Iseautifill blue
R f Rihw.' Scitt.atb %efxi*rl and 11oet Vu. 2, tierrlrk .(r,n Ihnke" aril Iluro11 r"ad. siluateil about two and' 11"41,4. .tnrd. and I. f'.• CIFfpuul,• ,.re)■•'41r• t-hln.•, toad ,vrrlwl :n large
to rtnnare In lkr,pniiithe r'rrrws, tble clarNPa at a welock. At flit• ('aluMlfana >A iii Pe/etxburR mw half miler faun Vet\• If,nahni l nnbrfa road. The duatt.•r fi( Irliniing houquet.of a,n-•ricrrn I:e:au)' range
n rare PnirrNcinR," Nil*. I'arscMr• .rnk8 an F'rlda Pee I a uutnR,t•r u( scows, 'Mr. Furn'+t f. St. 1'ph•r#onrR. Florida. has a lana 1en it are
trail. "11 sbxll w•nr at- a Rnto4nl nn. 1►trllarwll►ry y npleudid baildim ,. e..l ill
eourm4. lure, other riluufilt- dnrlRiirR n.lian 'ib»rfw �- 'let). turd n n.vn1' the ex9••riur of tilt' I,%%-"' 'Lel"1,11 The wt•dding ,breakfa,t w'a. „,ritd
Irwtln¢ m-nm-niforami fl[ %flat dnutthtrr:ring of 'tile work the stlpaker will be sPPq qu:11t,r, i. ifo 1,f The St. 1'.•terstori Jlie, re., brick hutyw, Ilorg4. lank barn anal Na. tiUd loc••r anlil till- 11,•vr n"rling
runt whieh Lr loo whiter ro flkunedl"Hely nfrprunkrk. '1'f"• ha ray
( I Ran. W. T. Rant, rrantnr of the Iiglr straits, -hell drfvhlR slrerl nu"F teller i1.
M1r1inP, wl3u w-ar mfuf.flervrl tfi iu Itaa•I ttsf ehurch. eliteahur,. '1'hv Kilner o4'•IhaMx•r spar )■Irtr n n",•tln•• .d teas-Wke;etlxat rol 1"11fId1nR+. N,utimpni a• well a, - I,,,,* . _--- -- _ c"uplh Ilo!'t ori n motor wef.liut: tri; -
newt hour. of her young I►fe within The 1x[1141 of North stroot. I"cern has a dr,tdge here. " oruig1,•, %%hich plat), were mol Ir' f r 11 utr, hn1l-l•frl faro tin, pin 91x.,. III.. . U:irfre (';till Iklinrr I" ]ia_n,"a V:111, :nol iofnh ea -t. Ttic .- .
thrsP wsll,. it will droll"Ply rfvloll illi Hong,," the fang •'Erl King," and trip to Itra,Mnton in"•ntt"nfrl h) ,.,a".- "ll- Isef•11-iIViw•.1 ht Th.. Marine espial 1 11►h hold then' 11,141'•', i".iuRawn� '•tt,lnwe eras :i
IDmaorn Iver• smother, Ohwrlotte ltad-' s•tlttrcb a ill Its- akvarplal nPrt '!fit >' cleone. The Mil Lreclgiult'.Coiallut), firs. a'arrfr oil file -.f her letter') nnd: K1.1taUfuther. ill.. hur Ileur••" hi '
n",n4rtg by Rea'. 11. U. Yoylt. of t ,1., til`1h "k fool "f -hl- w,l-on 1'1I -In)" et-•• Enna, prion•„ en•haer+• with cent 3uH1
ctiffe, a eery urlt-utecl rind Rrar4onif Preston. a former which hold n large contract here hi,i :1 nuJ.-al and llferar) pr"Rr,afn woo+ ,,flak, llnrl-h J�tM, aJ heir -Doan. "u hat to ranch On return hey will Pastor, whio will I a1x1u1 ,eceuty-fife )fors aR•'. nod ha-
wtlmxn, felovarl by all wilt knew her.' prvwl-nt fh4. t-ladntrr rd Feretwun"•1 y,•ar, has two dndlte., •'Fwrlel" ilial giveii. Mir. t%ennetly of (Maws wen' r4.uwbti,l in the.'•-'•N'•,i'nl of x"1 (I, ,I 1-o. 1; a'a- pn►•laluie.i dry all wake Jbeir"honor .-n ihl- Gtl, ."matt
0wialolllnr itnilh•, in rhP n9xfermr• Of "General 'Mead." ,tn10 Hig,', til, "1'hfl•I the priaellaU kfxmk,ron tilt• e%ening'” unau
l'wlkte. r, no fi. At Ihr evening ser- fx•rn orf she fainil to h, ;hl- tory ler! n1 oho w•1i,•nr. .iuu "( Cutbwnu , oa tlfll. re,; 1'arul
til• Mayor. wis4op on lehtf orf the IIIIS" "old "IAt(•In," a drill and s pnlgram. talking of V -11111 -lin" women: eel J' Idrnf•. I►r. f)e loo„ nl.1 ren• 1.1,•-•1.14.111, Mr, It'll Camp - -'.-*
r """ the )nylon: !tea. '" "', 1'1nrkP' otan'efal w,owae, t►reFRr ]tri, whi,h wn+ In 4ihllc Idle. 'lir•.• tnrrle, of G.■14.x- Raged 11 r. .1udn•vr 1'I,mInR. Term ;a
ttrwtn (v"u)cil, Pxlorlw+luR a•{r{ nrfallon will prPadi, hlv subJe•t tk•Inr. "The K - .'ii BUR,11
ort Mr. (itTZ.niv ift. Awa fati"sr, hP lO'ld ]list full 1q- the lit+xrritneut oft (•h� Rare rendhar-.. null there werf,, -i' -or I'-xdo•. n. )Jr.r.rna•rint fortl..'..%ev i -,•aria n tw'irr Etna• 910,i• •
r MfprrnR, of the Vrgrf} SIIrIhutl..•• In I I-IlEilve•tfin San. ! .'1`y4. is a fora ,•tl-r pimp flu u.,onul lot- aiP Ra4.:1.
ark,, he reaflznll what the a•el.foa! harmony vvklr+the !rtllre•1, Mr. F1. Ptitrtfc Workw,,*No Is tial ill) here. I w'veral mol+hal nan4er
rwl•nlrr to the slYrnrr. Mr. ItnIIIP harp J -- --._.. _.._..__ _ I ere G)A►(•rl,h filly, x son ,if lir.." W. ,w„^, nt the ercnt. t'.Inl» nem lilt' 1111wrated 04""'o”
11'/kkllicv k, colunrl Mrltone. •%ill nen The-hipueents i 1' grain fr-o n I lis• :I D. alas- of this nl til.. rr.-9trani anti afusr rte 1,611 to r rhe
wnnlis art ,-melee for 11w It -w tal nlwl R lawn. i ,,n,u.t•. fi( J., ler( hr i1, chi, rite
I M ;Petal Awany to dsv"is," anti AnNrot Gtklprk,h a•k•v;torr over Ikeh tall -I '1'r11ek iMven Warned 'sere dirtribrned luueb av:rr erc.d.
fm ah,w irrvrtnaaNntal In havinR 1(l I 1 1'114. t►nfxrtd, ik 11lrtnm•nt --f IlitArl -' oil' rhe naniio 1 No. .., Ilull-•G.
�t/l,ro n•iatP .rlet;ions w-111 }x. w-nc. 1fir tintuP-tic wtr aces are re .. I;t•utlf•ua•u', tl r•,I- prize wean l.. lin% a
uli»•r a M a I \Fetor~-•1•'aY•Ip Fritrlev ain't tilt- o•nilw.hlrlsni Io list n Il-etnr, tt,ll t'•' ` Icy 111IJt. Rev.
pla(,cl where It iw. wayinir that aw hel the ii*Rrn snug. "Vet■■ly Kufiw', til,,, /".riel to le fairly brie+Ia. A;0- has f•nnivl a warning to all, '-h4. welding w,w rolealti19hv1 wo'll N F'h1Rln,d. :<Ifnk•,-. licit,
tr"velk•d abfnrt 11►P Provinlw nnwi)ere I'r"nhle 1 r,n(trn"1 n. an "-gun I track drtvc•n anrt "wnet- that 11111"11111:
a1M1 h• .re A finer mite for nn Intiffiu I . Central Ilolrre &rM) 5khool (9ub nastily. aLn'eh 111th. hl Nt. Jfihu , Chrirul"ir. '1'111• ludf., first prize tarn+ in flit- Fur•wlek k, . .400otirn, lou
In \li`N \lilfd)' and the 1'nn•wlatl"', loll' t•t,'llhle "
Lwain At 10 a.m. the Men's Sundny; ill, nmmrl:r of M"nth n.d April all! AuRli•:rn church. 1H•antf.)nl. of A1fee t f 1,.',In'rfllu). A)iril 901.
Won of thi" kind.
He 4.ontratulA(al I I l(Nr, tilt• lMl.•rlo11 iNnnl nail the chili 171P Hume and S,•huul ('lair "t :"lid -tire tn"•kr musot not tirtce /len
Fea), younger danRiu4.1' fit lir. tun! i" 11 1':Itterw,u. Ih11p','IQ b,;ron "' ,.,,Iutrr,nrhtw at ll „'.II>t•k: tali /t Finir
11 p.m. anti „futhlu4.d nr,1N :I 1.
loot bon I and the alts t of the Imip- I'entrul wfiolol held it.+ neRtnlar nkl-r'" 1.„ode, "nt,lde ettirs or tuw•rlm (-Erre- 11 r,. Itieh.a'd Fe4.1). Iwai' 1•I4.11,rtrn 1 land. w'h,o .lata► tine• year, at the
far ChrlstlAn frllnwnhll will -rase''. , I • •
idtal on '.toe Rrxkl work 'does were ri+r i Ibpir lit file Jaen'- msnting. "I1'n).! hrR ou Tiawhry eccniug. Apr11 1.1. liar neer Imbf their nntin•iry eatw,4ty, .
1 art's I:raulf..r, . a.m. tlo una•i,--ta•gi,hel by 1'. F:IIi",r
" Mr. l:er:nhl Mot dural, I Ill • -aur. I I•; s..fl,t t•
and aovunrkthem of the eynnaithy ,If Studying the 1tible.” by Iter. ,f, !the rrv+Idru1, hr., 1'xr,ons. In Ihl- r I' furull-rM nC flood rind 111x. 11. ll.if,., nt. 1,ll �h, mndt- n trij, rw F:nr'gk• :anti "Irrd�tiir
Ing 1 \11 pne11uwtlr-tin,! tnu•kr nasi h•nil- el -r. h. '1 le 4'wn -
\Ina h,h, I,ntldtrll.
xnd o"t{gson of the town etaineil. chair. ,Mirk it. 1. -lltkert nf•the folio cr. wirla' t-1 carrying onlat(ity -x. •�,l 1 4.nhIR ,"ue "f lilt- maria• Inlw•-
INT. 1'arennn t,kok tov,•nrbn at this P. F'onl. Ri h n mum►x•r of ,f be
IIc Illwary read u very, dell gist 'aid in, 'tire• -fins daring list' two` l erlir-•riat .staff or 7'11^ 1.1,udo•o Fits ill. ('.1111, 1.1
ill r1'ly'(f IRfhI fr''Itml ler 7twr' 11 ' I„• rill m
.+o Mip Rratkndp of the! _-_.____ R.It I.,git6t-r ,n'1 d.• 1l-,! :'
of to Psalms Itwortrthe ai ker ran "Reading f"r )
Holt” Furni"hin I f Ian• -t not .-illy ,over their ordinary, I lanes-, Ife%. F. 1. Il:ud w,nrl-I .n
b rfl fo the women of ill(, town and R"-'(iokl S+al rlon-I ,ai•a•lt). Tie tr-iffic t,ffiverr fn the! y Ued til' I'll[ on an 1d "rr'It let. fill•' t-lerks In '..I Ill Air I.J. ilwill ni-
Children.- ibadluR is :, habit' itis( a, rtfnl knot. '1`11, bred,, who art '•1'"'ll[ Ink.- 16l- nnrd Int no rill• liar
dliarfet and to all other o malzall"ttwl iprinw anti not; all itzt n(Rs. Vpw M
�' s rrin Nlttt-rns; all slixw. .1 ,ran" dpt4. most le etl't1c111e1 fn-•hlldh,■xl, she ,li•trl-•t have Ikru w•aruei 9n• the 11c•- Rpt ,oral 11 u,) ..I thew• s.r•nr, will 1n• _
1 R 1 1 ten in rtf:ari'hlKr h)• her fnlh,1-, tt;, '•►,'h4. old hI'lleti.0 4i's,uR::'_ '•- the �,h'tau 1n :fl- - rrrn ,!w.; "It 'ha dile
for their spitat'tnrn In the malntentnlce off erste 4toryi'ildrrn "loci• stories: and' rack (nt-tot kvast. n cl(re e'a'ch fur Iu,r1J iu il i'on's. e,. , mretiirc` Hol. c„il-,1 t,, ;nr,• ,1dmi•-i„n :.,;.a; ,, .hlld•rn, -
ri(mlrrnRclothnly flit- 'nn1 Rr,1,'nn:1 ntnl tntfil dricct. vhdatinsc till• title. Th,) "lled 1l Icory len tn• _
of til' hospital. w Ienit-r ,-furylnud fhnnlRh fell} txlws,� romaine fnsl't"ncrl wllb ;j flnet••Ixnt Ilw•nl Int- 'I'ue-•dly rc,uirtF; .'r I:n: i
anti Mx alenker re,rnruendsd e•Im•11 will lie Iwi.agl,t I” cinrrt and if (.on- t.r :11141 till I'IarHi Marl-.. Chat, .... and a -tile• !, r) Jlrx. Ifrhn Iktrir-Tile
• 1, •act-
' 1 e tf•r nil ah
Rev. It
.t. .1I r I. k
I w wide. liF 7F' :L C. skin+
:U BL:IlaE } t
JC R . a' , 1►iva r r
•x id It wav n , I . - - W mut h t) t f
et- AirlatnR Addhe•ro, l I ffixtttsal«'1fPvi- t«irk. rte 7. 11.'ifrtirMs, -Iv teT'Ri-f•It lel fi1fil fir Im)rrls"rrmrno Ii,u ,.re•ix• ,lilgx r She won• n .sans-- `t' nr -Into :"luunilttr of 'lost ,til r" 41,.-11 ,m 1'nm.-Lr) L"t ,.I NI- .Intl”
�rY/)1rh1tP Mutt there should he rv•lrn•
----. �"I'""" 1'�an." +nm, "Adcentnre"'of "s" or�l'•,th. ThI• rneawm i, taken t, s11" I.,•ll-lo :nld ,,rang,• bi,r+.:u,d e♦fe•t-,I -Ml- . �Ifowt•n, ,•hairtniow 11.m•rr new„a."1 ,.n,• •i... Carl)
1N1'RI►Dl'(`i�;(i 171E T.f,LKIF.FI ihx'little.- M1 th, strut legend. Rice! Irntlr•t the hitilwnys and ,•enntry l ..f ,esti 11.1 AIT, 1,11:1 !Urs Ih,nnfd. „f IA•rn-il• ,,-1,Ierr of this ,,:•r:na:,at: Mn+
aentarl fu til, hall of the hospital x ."nip :rad c:n•ri-,I " rsafhi Illlw rural
nre sap dlitingtthetiel As thAt of delight anti Ftirble .nrrie.r cain"r he w,„ !
ftR 771p Itlnewarer TheaMp. "Khmtnt I rends ihtrluR'ihr spring mnntiM. Flt \ae•Ibeart noes. 11'x• -poet• IHd "'cleilry. I'hc m,r•IinR Ill, it fhx•rr -1 away at fln•-h„rhe
Queen VlOorle. Her Plevitfnn to the art '",sed fn eharm "nil laierf••rt. 1101.-11'ika.aivtll.•, mal trey ,westlt 11,11, lie bn•inoi'e� J.Acy' hail in 11111'1• I,.•,. iu--taw. 'Mr•.' J.e•x•-It Wilt•1�.
throne rfitrN At fhP Ia!RlnnlnR of the"line, will opin oft Afx41 4th with theiytsrilriw fit«hfldn•n of nth,- lawl,,':•r"1%v• wPfaeht. ftfi n'lrrfent den; ..f lig"''
R• nrn41ift,+•, wept filar d and it wall, I 1
111-t:llkhlR n"pvinR {dt-ulr,.. Tilly i+ dnnmgr M the nkats whcsn derv• i.':,i ntil." Mr. Thunalr lbaVl,1,r1 pn• IIuII••1t iwanshi r, when 1,.• had
proal modern period of hlatory, when I bronsten the vhfld's kn"wiecige "I' that n.nlstntrs nsid" them. ace,rdlnR to -,"11 11 n1 1,tip' organ. The n,1wr•r were dei•idfrl leo •Rhvt if egehn• :1„I .11111"'', Ihi•1 the tills' C,•w )parr H••r hu,
wrier a time of war And "trc•sm the the f1 tilt-
f/'wen In }trial -aunty e 1 11
Rice the t(a►�; (nllrisw. The Ilhw- ttorb! .Ind Iva,, t" n letter nndl-r,tn441 lho• warnitrr• 11 r. I:•wf. F'trsl anti ll r. N'fllbu❑ "t •\Vrfl .•t h. Tfi• ladite• rroml •. it ffn4.'
tas►tler country rntenvl n{xm a lrrh%l I Inst of it. ''"tar•. Enrr/nr.Rem,nt "f _ -- ) I bond pre•h•,:n•,rl her niiieteer. )woo•,
tcnH•r N n floe thtillm anti will Nfi 1 l i ve•ly. aril, girl ,of U)!' Kr,"ti to ll r,. pr"Rnrra i.tnl fire ti, t will "nJslrll,. (i% arias unit• ion- -hlughn•iv mitt--
• or advaieentenf In invention• Indsawry .lonht arrive .I i%wud++rfal lnitrnnAge. , the nnidhigr ort- (■"oke by Conadhlll Fridn). April 11th. 1% the -late' Itiddel wAs of la11"1,"n"• am•sh Isom.-Il'yJhhig 111411 file nmrine n"•n haste, the Ln, "f a kind n -In "r Tl,y war
aril pon►aRN•p ari*F of 11»• building tip lir. Witliatn !linter is I" Ike coin-.' author• nus emrp-mild. likes, sire one) flyel. for nn irtsh entprlAlnment to! Fyllon ing the -4•rem-ern' a rwr Nh,ii ''t''r at-tenrteer I" fen 1,u. Tit.. Intita- ll r. lanif if t ,l nto rine „ f Tao,
d tbo M'Mdtq,;of the llrittstt Ftnitire. Ia few 1,f 9111, n►su% hhtis Riven b) 1 ti"ns nn• t+t ut ontt 111"1 thaw whfi,
Op 'o town fine personal . nlendel 16rr R1ving the publf(- I f „ I,t„ck': lfi ;r), Samu,i .nod tlerma"
.ueh, Ix• not on nndPt file alt rna of t wn. hl -h at the h,�nu• C Jho bride','
taw vM1n 1 Mt"..11fkrn. Nt, Alldrew', ('lab of Knnv rhnreh, -mall. and t-ka.1,• w,•rt• no ■ wd to' ;" twl r.•a,•Ive nre, ,well: iC, t,",, of ,,,,then Ger.
R s'-iNxrn-•
gnnittlaw aided in firinRlri¢ In tLp new hi�h.Fn,w pnertnlnmsaat. UMv Itnln". In an hitpns•thlK a•! _______ I l I 1 lixd, 'Emla,-• niS 1 hni', r.. wry: 1►n.• ..Y �•'
_ _--__-- _ the vu(mR .,rutrl, hf Rt -c. F. 1:. ; 1.,wn:hl o; -14,4e•rf and Nutiam. „f
afNtmlvm. the ctP-v h")r, that wrl� f►idoHcl owned, ttti'rn wntthl ler• tine wn "114 dolor'-- iMmto.,•h tha•.IndlP, of Ile mm►ItrPa', It alma1 1
VI'IS('1.►1. OpTN'A1, NOTICE Iha'lly "till to file pride Joy the grnutn. , "' I I ' G.xhwivh :. Mrs. hiller. of IfuIMII .
-APP )krrillr. Her Inng n'Fen will, r -I erre y I ('oar„ of ylndc .lignv,• Arlon,' f n,- ..
Inner lir. aril firs, \savior jeri "n n, )ogtgt thing. ha.i ufferell to denuve 1f"• ll r. Tilh.lndarin. .d 11'insth:uu. and
hap- the m/i*tt distlnmdxhet strafing an PFement Mf•itinww P tlPlle'ed that i IrnHvl 'Icy rletru]lt n ,rolls. rhloa•,l hwne•)nlrxm trio to pw 1'fit) xhcl :11• i►II"r's h-.rnli)x•, ni,d 1'olin Nana) lit IAell»NI, of G -if rb h Ts. I pis"
Ma"P of Itrithh moli*nrril.. ,�iP took tine IrrirlHNlon d irP sMflrtNlrsrM Iu11"nv -"urfmw r)fIP+ fit 'matte will •uR Ilnrt• )earl ,yr. Ifkrke(1 aftr+f by oat, I:uufe 1-N)'. Ill• inhlae trncrllin hl "I hi• cirhm'e;'atd n, -ian-:• tl•P {IIRb the tsar■ul+> fit the t„nlroardty 1• .
personal frill* -+r !n her roll-jectoo.l %can* degree aY st nlxm Ir"Mt'fdllat cfwt to the.•lukl mind 11114"em of lift', welt-kt"m-n and pnlam+faklnR sfkx•h0-' rreln n • R lan,l filrig in c"•Iame ln.,we school -I
from ills- tff4. till slt„rs ore On
pm . prN1r1. The' ,Ind. n,hion: Tt •,rn+ decide,' to rnr- R • n I Nil with n eN•AI flat
l f an- I cre7s, (fret. 1111,1 nmtebinR hart, Sh„'
Chrivtlnn a m y and sit 1 tit, Mr. llutrl►wm, f•.rtn 1n.
I Ml•
1•%tcnded. Mr,. Ill -err %vnw In harr
1, . intf-I, in¢ rami. r, leo don't fill- ,,,aa,nra ninth y4mr. This, fn, pial toosk
, ..
tk throne had Icnrnel the speret
L"n1 .14• c,, Chrf-n -rent nlkprf 11"ins: (•1131.4'• rills ret of nr,ordv iwvl Ly n#,
pert for Kent-. 1lrrnnto. nn/l Henry l w',rn•. the Ill of 1114.
R Rrtlnm. 11 fit,
Ret 'h-• right wily, .\trrfl +ith. Sat"In)' The 111•t
twlnti"nsc which vhlonld •14,wlvt tt(rr
pod, hrnlin anti h.•1tInR the +Ick ndI
>r R g
Mo nn k f'•.. Mont n•tl. Thtriy ypnis
itahll•s: n.f+' tilt soup of'11N• KInA' R surf. On thrdr Marn tloey will jai,..
r , 1rin,n of. frftern.alh,
1,10;-K }Ilat.R vice, whhtt wars .e"idncrr•I by lTFv.
III MmnN And fxrgAP.
MIP rnlffl-r{nR. m"I ('hrlstlstnlly' r""k
■,• h ►villa 1►c rx•nt•f Mfr xnv'3i1 evlavlenv, 'erre' Ir I"I
I slf ,. y yei!roc o,rglln• lilt re••filen,c- In Lnadon. Aro"nR Ihc•
- -" - ' T. l\'. Gtxxlwild, of Amain) Presby-
• • .
He tltl(is nlwmyA fh,molit, anl.l
Itr wi)"Ie nttFtndP Man Iftr life. Unrll
(lmfo•ri-vive In London. f;,klerich Yom tin- a,smrxl of flip INsxr "nFnf-towel Rae+t+ i%rrP• 'MI,. iA•"Il:r
Nlrwlhr 1.1m IhrwT I terinn rhon•h, narrt-0leF tits Ret It 1.
et►Prmld, rh,t rte gnallry "f ti:+• r-
tllrirt ,nmol there were no -nail
Hearty vofen of thanks wpr. tend „lolicnl w,-rk In le nhtolnad mid atI Ilern And Urs. ,1dn Walrt•r, (limier
M,I•v itAln-
'11,"n•'e a I'M -tin% fusion ho :,'. t4- ,:r,,,... �• Itih41rn tin gift rhnr•b
in,% b �w thh- wtr Id
things ns and th"w• wit"
erect Mk% :llhktai sat , Very monlerate viwt. We furnish n11ji--h; Mr*IleM»•rt ;►Awwm and Ut,+
nor IN it,R "rljjoytiwf lots feast afN• n1 tlfei wRs IArRrly "•Mmiivl Ery 114"'j• 11r"i
of do
y 'TM(TM'
dPrrtr Ile ,nal•-
I Rare their e1A in the hnrq#tstl were
In Cbr•tatlnn
7Rtp f�orretn ry 4rns Ii►stnNted tfiI the IAte sty1P of m"41ntiniw, the Iw•vt ivy :\wt►tk,n. Tonarto, aiod Ter. It. t,
to Nr.
•rhes Yale." �' •"••-
, +yo•
In an rmina,alf
o4f the hup►ftwl depended npnn,
IAborers (:he great ,-na ,
of minfvtry to the Ark and the nrv,ly.
wrke ttrifPrw leaf nppre•intfon make "f the he"f naikerr, find aur I F'ielphpr and Mrs F'letolfer. 1.-rndne.'
Nn�wpll and Mr. Jenner for their) ire frame $1.110 tip. Tharsolay.I,Mat:
"1ve Al'"04 IML Maine lit'" ax. w- ' •11"1 lir.. lipfn4a, h And 1ilrlr '
, l
and fntest+erat
7Tr himtght the
prieve Rift•, w•rre ea),nel"$ ►ley the!
r•rly. In ChbalRo 1 'oil ik "t 4.',- n 1'1, l -,.he tt -in.l r 'itntMoM, &t•
. tI t,
irywtpa liaaonal
0 nlly. if flip fxxvl►Ihl
hPtiovltRMn pnrrml-
IflfldtlMi sill wrvirn" stn dRnpt+mwly I FrhMy. :1irt11 1Q 11, IiMITH's ART, 1,1-1410 and Rraonl, li,4imllnt vpterwI
i 1441 nsa" a ma,iNne Ram.`' • lenna I tpr"kd the fnnPtwl of -their annt,
to A vin.p.
I siren at the rp.rnt "fafiner. I SI'1►ItF.. Goolf•rieh. I ,nlwrat►IIRI ,e'bestges,
vlife . Qaariet-Joarsel. Mrs. 1►oMr, nn Aalnlay Insist.
, .
of ,
of %
' -1.
' • • 11
-• %'
-, - - - . . I. ;-Am trr< ,_ - - - . (�kr.
4'. I .
, I
, , �l *: .
�/ ` .,. 11
t-.+-1, 7A .: ells 1.k". M � loo ".