HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1930-3-6, Page 8.9444.4
R-Tbur•day. 1L•Pes
WalltPapers now
showing, 22 and
30 inches wide -
-' Priced
5c per roll to ;1.50
Book Store
Town of Goderich
The Town Bylaws require
teat the owner or harborer of
any deg shall obtain a litxnse
and such dog shall wear 0
license tag.
1 have been in:•tructetfto en-
force this bylaw.
Got your Iicent4e at one.
and save prosecution.
Chief of Police.
It1e1EHt'RN, March 4. -Mise Clara
Fulford (pent the week -end lu Gad-
Mrs. Jaw Horton, of Plcton street,
Coderieh, celebrated her elghUeth
birthday ou Friday, February 28th.
Some of her relatives from here sprat
a few hours with her and many others
sent congratulations and good wlebes.
Mrs. Horton resided in our neighbor-
hood for many years and is kuown by
a hist of friends, who are glad to see
bete so cheery and active.
Rev. W. Mackintosh Called to Lan-
. -Thr Presbytery of Stratford has
reh•t-.d Itov. Wllllnul Mackintosh
from the charge of the Presbyterian
cougretattluu M Milverton. that he
may accept tee tall tendered to blas'
by the eongregatlon of Hamilton Road
Presbyterian church. ]onion. The In-
de;tion Into the new tlutrgt• will take
place MI Friday evening. March 14th.
Mr. M'uekinttarb, ..who Is a native of
Glasgow. Scotland. came to Canada to
engage.ht. ult&don work in the Prairie
1'ruviU,es. Ile then eutered McGill
University and later the' Montreal
Presbyterian College, acyl after gradu-
ation was called• 1n lklen. in rhe.
Presbytery of MDltla d, where he ra '
maiutrl for four ytrtrt. Fur eight years
be was at Napier, near atrathroy,
and for tlfe last four, years at Milver-
tou. Ills wife was toitherly Miss 1.11 -
Han Clark. a daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Peter Clark of St. Helms., Mr.
Mnekintosh is n member of the titer
eral As.emhly's hoard of missions and ,
of the Syuwl'.• committee 111 Sunda?
-oha,li and young people's nuclear..
Above is a drawing of the beautiful Gothic building which is to Ix' eret•ted by the United
New Jersey us • meinarlti1 to the airmen who have passed on. This "Cathedral of the Air"
"house of i,rl..r. for alt people" and will to cared for in perpetuity by the Government of our
the left is a l stare of Commander William W. Edel, who will be Its sky ^Hut.
1 were played mat during the evening newts added to the roll of member -
i Sir. and Mrs. Davidson were cellist ship, two deaths, three baptismsgera
1 forwar•I and made the recipients of wedding. The four cotumunkin se
! an addt•ess, it gold watch and ebnill had here well attended. Tbe report
land a silver sugar and cream set. Tile' of the Sunday school is ita folloirs:
whin -so wa, read 1.y Mr,. Geo. Me11-1 811,1011Ct• from hist year. $21.92; con-
, •A'rliIi. Whiik. M r,. It ictia rd Pa I diner , tributions, $52.93 ; missions, V.M.08 ;
Iand Mr. Richard. Porter niade the lialanee.ou hand. $34.20. The W. M. II.
t Presentations. Mr. Davidson replied iii I reported a good year, with 54 annual
, a few sell-ehosen words. Luneb ivas members, 7 life members, average at
I then served and n most enjoyable even- tendauce 25. Sixty letters were seat
1 ing was brought to a close by the out in titue of illness. misfortune and
"Pity you Westerpers who hare 10I
PARAMOUNT'', Shir.1I 4. -»lane
Joy and Audrey \fen $vrson, of i eack-
aoW spout the week -cud with their
friend. Mi.. l;ra5e *ehetar. -
Mfas Myrtle McQuitlln le visiting
with her ulster, Mrs.' AIM ()riffle.
during 1111. wtek.
Mips Myrtle Webster. of Bete*.
apavtt the week -end with frigods 111
Ingersoll. .
Mr. trod Mr. Helene Rayner! spent
get everything done lu a Uh•tltge• 1'1 Sunday with Mr. and Mrs Walter
can Walt forty or 400 y.srs, Ya• .%lion. of 111th ei iieew+ilun, A.htlehl.
baton Gandhi. Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Irwin, of Ioch
- - - - •fish, visited with \Ir. and %irs. grant
M.Dlarmld recently.
\lrs, Jas. T. Webster and MISS 11z
Lie Reid were guests of Mrs. Jas.
Webster, of near Lucknow. re ently.
Miss Lucie Gibson i,t visiting with
ber annt. Mat. Jas. Miller, of Lueknow.
We are sorry to retort the sesrlomt
illness of Mrs. Jas. Itaird. who is in
her ninety' first yeas Her mtuny friends
hope for a recovery.
Int Monday evening last friends and
neighbors met at the home of Mrs.
Jas. Stanley, before her removal to
Wingham, fora social evening. Dur-
ing the evening Mrs. Stanley was
presented with an electric floor lamp,
Eldon with a camera, Burton with a
brush and comb set. Edith with a man-
icure set and Orvll with a fountain
pro. »iso Perna Hamilton read the
your next order for
Choice line of fresh
Groceries and Fruits
in season.
Geo. Price & Son
Telephone 248
Corner of Npiare -liar.and North'tr•t•t
Spring is at hand !
We can take care of any-
thing you require in new
or used Furniture.
See us first. We positive-
ly save you stoney..
Furniture Exchange
•0s the barely 11 I;saertd"
Auto Markers, Permit
Cards, Operator's and
Chauffeurs Renewals
J. W. MacVICAR -
At Ma•Vicar's Shoe Store
P. 0. ilex 414 , (ideriah
This carload Of horse will be at
4b. Ring Edward hotel stables on
Saturday, March 8 •
7 Fillies, liming 3 years old
3 Fillies, rising 2 years old
9 Mares and Geldings, 1300
to 1600 lbs.
Arrangements for Auction Sale wilt
be made later.
address and Mites Mary Cook made the
presentations. The remainder of the
evening was speut in denting and
games. All report a splendid time.
States Governteat at
will be a non-yectariaa
ttetghloriug nation. At
,,N, r
AN'1E13 -A 000tl
K NR�L: 03°141R1)
!1 m141111e-eded. No washing or ironing. 6 Mit as shares teeq
'Agy17 1141X 34, SIGNAL or 11:. , JOHN 4'AltR1flnw ,,
30141'cauld•--31200 TOR FIRST 1100 FOR BALE �_
-GAOL on • Owe propert7• ----""�
'- -_
WW pay 7 p1�[ � tertst. AdiressiI.v,K 4(,fi,;'-FAitM, 90$1$ tlR
BOX.,y64; (lo�lejr • 4 it I Heals reed three east W
, t;dd11•ten ; ford bans T0..y 30, r
teles pnWd-, .Monti* atilt, tu,t t
eh L ('bone
�'� , �
R. rAR1 ANr ylilt.Y a,., r ;} ,;R•
to 1JtaRk rheic lriilrq triaada
or the 4&ndaest anti .4.611.
my allows tM•m .ln thalr sr.wul M�
b}tirt n wife Nrl
herewvoweat of a lot`!t g
*N,they ; agto .for tit' .tje*tttllul floret
tributes, arts ti �ose w'ho' <a„ik.trtdly ��� '
loaned tars. , �ln_p�.4n extr
IXPT ' Suet „ealtarefr'
" �wc y, 4,y Tttl+llita tit
-w ogle( •. Ijte, a IJut .'a-ytiadaty, rho
ae grt�OM) lrrtti IAM► nt Ow' h
a!•alsu. elves. Apply to ORAS. c t„'1 -the a[jerfoae ;
tl�►vlvDrna, 13«><•t�1.1��,,�1?d'�
1[I Qin Te. RE \'1'.-t) % I 11:3* J. NY raisin* ` •
street, nyeuten NVrth sad. t, f• , w almost* to
Madsen sunJeulrut Y y fin inivlg git0 ' la
UOsWELI. 'phone, s
1tDhR.-Sil�• A •t east 34#'2. at the
■ n it btu ,t t t 1t tai Lbw' Nazis er talslw4 r
a V _, the P ,t 41ua t.t M.�s IIgI
"O 14 ph.e hath, cella t, « lai�
b ddwttdid $Ito two rnU1) Jyattknaetltl: lYs*t awauosh in the r
X. w.'Ht0WaLtm TelepOee 1t* } rummy ,,omtaht,ng 50 avrtes mere R
t to'"o'
PAIT Ml, I.tIe1 1 1 err are sad w M
� t gamut. J' oa nosy hu had •-rtrtM-aa ,vtnhs ail frame dwslUt4,-
11ar P Inge tram.' limre with atone ataWil L
Immyit)tely. Ivor further ',animaters and olbPr ut.pimary tnolxdldlugs; as
apply U,. HAYS t HAYS. Gutleridt e%,,-lkut or, hard gnat aping creat
. '. and good NYIIM, Ie1L'Yy In falx condi
singing of "Fur They Are Jolly Good death. A bale of guilts rained at $10
he nets - The Society 4UCTiON SALE$
\old Ione Srne. was sent to t S
ratted *20(1.117 1'1515113 being sent to -
the Presbyterial treasurer, this being
tt27 over the allocation. The Ladies'
.Ud retort $117.51 tabled by social
lug+, chicken supper. play and
Intended for last week( eves
tions. Part o! this a
W. l'awtthell and family ,pent WisI' meed In redecorating the hutment tit of
ues(tay at the home of the fornter•t the church. The Dramatic Club raised
-sister, Mrs. Wm. t'rozlertof Crewe. $304.4 from their pray-. out of which
Mr. G. It. Vincent tut, ppureha,wvl
rnthey gave $50 to missions, $10 to Em -
the 100 -acre farm of Mr. Russel Carter, unurl l'ollege. and 'after their other
of the :4th c, iie.s.fon of East Wawa- expenses have been met they hare a
balance of 30(.67. The stewards' re -
leash. port showed 31017.07 had igen raised,
Mr. Harry Cook went to Toronto on 3179.00 being 111e anniversary uqtter-
; Friday fast and was aeeuutpanied by 1•g and $110.87 as a balance. $tfiI.2�4
his little daughter, Irma. Who returned wlnslonery money was sent to Toron-
to the Sick Children's Iluspltal, where
she will undergo further treatt�ent.
There Was no service In the West-
field United church on Sunday, owing.
. to the had tontlition of the Wads,
' which have broken up earlier this
year than has been known for stone t
o l a few
WESTF'IF.Idt. Fel,. 27. -Mr. and moa, •011e.' mount was
year.. \ve Jiave been luj y ng
10. This Includes $2S.0t+ from the Sun-
day school and 3.10 from the Dpmatic
Club. Mr. W. F. Campbell wast re-
elected member of session tree • five-
iveyear term. Mr. Albert Walsh and Mr.
Leonard Cook were elected to the
board of steward( for a ter* of
three years. Mr. Rohl. Buchanan was
' days o" balmy spring weather, twit at elected treasurer of the
time of writing our spring days seem stewards, and utter ofHeaala aD fol
' to have caught a cold. lows: Missionary treasurer. Mr. Wil
I 11 t t MeaYrt F. 1.
f L visiting hhr brother. Mr. Jack ('.tarp. Cork, J. Vincent, A. 1dd11uwefl, J. -L
monthly meeting on Friday with a Mls. Minnie Snell. •
Gt rwitICII TOWNSHIP, March 4 I grsxl number in attendance. Mrs.
--The W. M. S. of Union United church I Mortimore gave a very interesting
will meet on Friday afternoon of thlsl address. launch was served at the
week at the home 'of Mrs. Ernest, .'lust• of the meeting.
Johnston. • Mrs. J. L Molkiwell is spending a
The young people hate commenced few days with her cousins, Mr. Ind
practleing for their play. "The Win Mas. Rd. Irwin, and other friends of
Mr. George Cowan. of 1\'ingham, s Ilam Mt ktw-e ; nus ees,
The W. M. S. held their regular )5•Dowell and Run. Sidi; organist,
Ding of Joy." . Goderlch.
The Young People's Society of Un-) Congratulations are extended to Mr.
In chnrch will meet on Friday even-Robt. McDowell. of ads community, ou
hog In the church. The meeting,wlll be' his attaining his eighty-fifth birth -
In charge of Arnold Porter and Mar- (ley on Thursday of this week. Mr.
ion Colwell. McDowell is still hale and hearty and
MIs`, Helen Bell, of Windsor, visited left on Wednesday for Goderlch ou a
at the borne of her father, Mr. J. W. visit to his `laughter, Mr. Frank
Bell, last week. Kershaw.
Mr. Robt. Davhbton has sold bis Mr. D. C. Rodger, of Woodstock,
farm to Mr. Austin Fuller. spent last week with his mother, Mrs.
Preeentatiork-A - pleasant social, Wm. Rodger.
evening was spent at the home of Mr. Congregational Meeting. -The an -
and Mrs. Robt. Davidson last Friday nnal meeting of the congregation of
evening. when the etingrt•gation of Westfield United Church was held on
inion church, numbering about Rev- Friday afternoon with a good attend-
enty, gathered at their home to show i ance. Rev. W. J. Mortimore presided
In a slight way their appreciation of otter the meeting. Mr. Marvin McDow-
the valued services that Mr. and Mrs. ell, secretary of the official board,
1Mvlthson have rendered In the church was appointed secretary 0f the meet -
and t•ttmmunit). t;amen and contest. Ing. The secretary reported three
offers "Body by
Fisher" in the
Lowest Price
Fiel �1
I T ' S
BEAUTY that matches any ear
on the road is evident in every
line of the new Chevrolet Six. For
Chevrolet , , alone among all tars
in the lowest price field - . boasts
the supreme style and roomy com-
fort of bodies by Fisher. And
Chevrolet offers. moreover, the
eompleteneet of detail, finish and
equipment hitherto associated with
the finest cars.
The interiors of all Chevrolet closed
models are upholstered in rich
plush. Wide, tlerp seat euehions
and form -fitting haekm provide a
luxurious degree of restful com-
fort. Arm rests are furnished for
the convenience of rear seat
All the smooth, quiet power which
nothing Iron than a six can.give is
yours in the new Chevrolet Six .
with ample reserve to melt your
every demand for flashing *reeler-
, atlon and sustained high speeds.
Most important of all. from the
standpoint of investment. is the
extremely low price r::nge al which
this new Chevro et Six is offered . .
and the manner in which it com-
bines the superior performance of
the six with exceptional economy.
A ride in the new Chevrolet tells a
wonderful story , • of perfor-
mance , , comfort . . economy.'
Drive the ear 'ourself. Judge it hv'
all your standards of what a good
car should he. Anil remember, the
new Chevrolet Six may be pur-
chased on the G.M.A.(;. Deferrer(
Payment Plan. c•..o.
for Economical Transsporlalion
A piece of orange rind kept In the
mai4er gives a delicious flavor to
"It le in many ways tar more
to speak ceruse the caster's. than
from one generation to another." -
Stanley Baldwin.
Tuesday, March 11. -Auction sale sr
farm stock, implements, grain and
bay, property of Fred Yngford, bet f,'
con•esalnn 2, F D. Colborne. one aye
half mlbs east of Beomllier.
Wednesday, March 12t11. -•wile of farm stock cod iii
property of (leo. Tonngblett, ase mile
east of Anbara. T. dnndry A Son.
Cadet and by vtrtut. of the woven of
nae contatpgeil in a tertaln registered
*ortgago,made to the vcbdoni, there!
w1U h5 offered for saki by public su '
tion. at the Reitlsk £xc•hange Hotel,
(odeyleb, Ontario, on
SATURDAY. MARbfl 'chat. 1180
at the boom of two o'clock in the after-
noon. the freehold yrotterty known a•:
Portions of twits 4 mod 5. In'thc lot
ennt•eaataa of the towns jp of Goderich,
In the 'musty of flumintomore pe rties. ;
Lrly deerrtlled da i i rtgate 102111
regletered on Ire 25tb fay of February,
1928. for the tmrnnhip arj l:oderieb.
Tbhv (add let subdPasitil into lots.
well timbered and 1Arve5 ed. Includes
water, etc. There are le...I roads from
liodeelch, wbkh a dant abulrt tact'(-
quarters of r e.. +
tenth of tis 1 ptoney 10 tor' F.81.6Y W. 116111111.paid in ea* or by mated cheque at.W
the dws of e.lg and the balance to'be will conduct sties anywhere. My
paid within tbitrty,days th;teafter; or terms are rrasoaahl• sap 1 will
on such other tram as may mail
'F'urther particularsnky be hada 1a11,r ° address R R 4 God
tion. The Lind in good farm sad per
lure land luelnkng a 1' e'
renof fair bush. part of w'hlch te
first ccedar; balance of land hal
Iw•en under dilatation but POOP of It
bus fere used for pestore for several
len Parcel 2 there are said. to br
erected a well-built fraframedveillaa
mud a d
frame barn. There ler goo
'soil and fences are in fair dwc1ilk•s,
'rbe land hi geed and taciudee alpoat
(1 acres of bush, ltardwoud anti cedar
For terms and e,ndltlsat apply M
SoIkltor fur the Vendor
i -
ig 14Y1 WPOI1111) OESIERA1 A
Telephone 14o. 119.
tales attended to anywhere and=
effort made to give s•Wbel7ae
Farmers' male aotea dlurosaksd.
factory to the venders. .1•avor to give oatbrfactloe. Phase
application to; , eel*. "
T. GINDRT *Elfin. HAYS 4 HAYS,! 'is'••'tm
Auctioned Solicitors for the( . p4Ri)::LEBEI PRAC77T eNg
Goderieb. (1ttt. .Vendor. Goderich, Ont. , , -
- - .I'H1EOPRACTOR A. D D1901 4111111
CATTIcIb ANPI t ib. G•derieb. Phase 341
rseolppe4 with-electro-mageed$
At lot 114,' Gedee'Ich tnwnahlp, 2e+a baths Electronic ateetrlc billtmemell
wiles most Of Hotme.rllle. nn testae,. asci chlropractle. Ckvoak
YR. D. A. WITJLLt 4O access dlsea�la IAds la
has Instructed tbe uodeftneil IN0 to .eU OfILv hours 2 ro 5. toad 7" ti
by chalk auction at bis farm o• excepting Moeday aad,Tlarsday au
MONDAY, ILARGH lOtb • . by appolntm•at 4
of 1 o'cioetk trlmrp' A. N. AT1Citi IO
Heeley Matched fes of Beshtenes •ad o ,
Percieroeia. 5 years oto; fair of grey South street abs Brftaasls te:i
fillies, :) years old ; pair of Clyde - - o4
mares, 6 and 4 years nM: grnenl par- ('lIAR'IEkI� A000(jN7AN!
pose mase, 7 yeah' old; general gar
lose gelding. 7 years old; brown geld- Nit P. G i 13118 , C
Auctioneers. ing. 4 yen old ;\)sown tape. T year* Aecountaa$. WC Onlattfit =1,
ole)j • driving mare. 12 ;:::"old. ; brown Stratford. Phone 1680. baa 1'
Ontario -
gelding. 7 years old: bay mare, )4
yeast oil. These horses are all Ontario-
bred and In good esvdltion.
' J
Oattlel-Black co*, 4 years sM. dnc l „
time se aa1e- .r 7rshJ a enw, cin lking, DR. T. J. R. TORBTialt.
attptroaed to till h calf; roan caw, sae JCT.
P14 . N08*. THROAT.
to freshen in April; 1h,lotetn mw, due Late House Marceau New York OO -
to freshen In Man. Lyearohl heifer,thalmle and Aural HognItal, aaldstaist
dile to freshers in April; 1 helferi. t at Moorefield Eye Hos it sed Oddsa
✓ ias 2 years old; 2 steers. rising 1 Square Throat H London.
yeargnM; l/) iatifl Aitch. t - Ill Waterlo• St , litretford. r
P1p.--4 'unw$. • dos tQ falui0W is
(phone 267.
✓ April; t2 store hop, Ikhout i*o�lb.. At Hotel ford, Gods/rich, ...sr
eachh.,r, - . s evening of third Monday of
1f -WO. ring cnkivator. month till Ilya tollgplag day, Twaaik7. -
Torino t 18eatttp' credit win' et 1 p.m, re
be given fro f Urntsbipj ♦pproved • jnlnt
bankable paper. of a t*.oient of 4 We
"Pt- atrellibt.will kr Ito** for.cteb.
D. A, STEKLiNG. Otto. 11. *LLI 'Pf,
Proprietetr. Auctioneer.
McPlithE.- •At .Alexandra hoapitalt
Godcrich, on tFebrnary 24th, fro Mr.
and ,Mrs. Ross McPhee, of 4.'ile, a
l.ii'l'ITT.--In Colborne townSttlp.
Tuesday. March 4th. William LI
in his 70th year.
MAY. -In loving memory of our
mother, Jane lily. who peal
ten years ago, March 5th„;'1020.
Loans and kind in all her ways,
Upright and just to the end of ber
:Sincere and true in heart and mind-
A beautiful meaory left behind.
-Remembered by her SOY A"(11
GOOD. -in loving memory of Edward
H. Good, who palmed away one year
aro, March 8th, 1920.
tie bade no one lila lest farewell.
He waved his hand tar none; ,
Ills spirit fled before we knewr
That he from res had gone.
A hu*beind kind, a Father dear;
A faithful friend when he
-TA)VTNG Wilde AND nA('tS.
ALi.I:''.--in loving memory of our
brother and eon. Walter AHtn, .who
died three years aro.. Marcia 7ttb,
1927. ,1,
Death's shadows flee. '" •
Sorrows purge no more,
121 rt h'm et rues** cease -
Wiser1 JPFIIo (•mild His loved ones
To Heaven's perfect peace.
- .F;v'er remembered by MOTHER AND
JFIWELL. -In losirtf Memory' it our
loving husband a* father, Richard
Jewell. who died six veers ago,
March let, 1924.
The rolling tIreens of life 6nU1111t,
And still the vacant chair
Recalls the love, the voice. the sad*.
IN one woo 01)45 eat there.
We cannot, Torii TA, porrp(0e ate,
'Rut all M well that'. done krt Thee.
For remembered by Witte AID
F.AMI1.Y. . t_
RYAN --in Mehl, 4Y/mory ci1
'lather. Williai Ryan of
at. who thawed est two yea
.»sten hltb, 1925.
tt 'ts good, He t tr, net mtrengtlr
}Mi,tarn hear on? heavy cross;
is tate only One ivho 4010
now hitter M nor loin,
We rotes at every tan
LA', weary way,
Iy �344�vT'8.BLAIN AND HAT:
MR. int 6 IRTOV0RD
eiiI s'lI by pablkf *ethos et tot x,
concession llf n. Stalborne, ltifr wales
edwt 0f Renmiller, en
• T1 7 iDAY, )IA11011 11
rnmment•tag et 1 o'clott :
Warier Atork. -1 hrewn horse. aged; 1
general purpose hots('. 12 years: 1
IL,•Istein tow, 6 years. (Fop In April;
C Ihrrham eow. 6 years, fresh: 1 Dur-
ham cow, 4 years, fresh : 1 Durham
heifer, tidos 8 yearn, trope; 2, steers,
rising 2 years; 3 heifers, riming 2
yews; 2 steers, rising t year; .l Polled
Angst. bull. d Months; 1 Hnlatetf
heifer, riming 1 year; 2 Hereford loit-
er calves, 1 months; 2 'Polled Anita
mese* 1 months; 1 Polled Aetna calf,
4 week(; •2 brood sovwl .12 rattle •pits,
Just ermined; `l tatters. 1 gobbler, 1
Keene. I gander, 100 Rosh hens, 13
Rlaot Minobnat hens A Roek rowwketll,
1 young Genie dog,
�.• Waft
F>cNE4IT M. Iota.
Barrister ud Solicitor ` •
Sap Life Bedding, sAd•L1des ele‘ir
Victoria streets(, Toronto 11
Telephone Elgin 030L
Dviltar IL "MUM,
Barrister, ate
OAdlo:411111t1INoo street, Oaderich.
binder. 1 17bwtt► ¢Sv'tlpekshntt
rake, 1 aped -trill, 1 Tier, 1`4,14Ing
plow. 1 n, 21 Flenry plow. 1 bo y,
*arm, 4lti)yator. set iron harrows.
.entfler, hae'rae4. set *ales, 2000 lh '
wheelbarrow, twin neityoke, met team
hornets, quantity of hay and grain.
Ant rel*leigb.. kitchen r•irQ good ss
new; fares, shovel, bosh, Mins. soul
ether entries ton nhlmsrrlon to mention.
"•Tent*: AD sans of OM sad nudes,
ebb ; over that atimtat,. A months'
�I1 wU1 be given nes fwealshing tip.
ad - eta *Moo. A tilessaat of 4
pall (sec estratitht allowed tot easel on
l'rndtt iinwmflti.
Nothing moor/red; proprietor to
Messiest the farm.
1lMt>rf) Y1;/3foRD
la I fir
WUl never. be the aatef lt. R 4, lind.Nch
yes were oaUtd sway. • , T. O41v1)RY & ISON,
---TMA FAMILY. • 0' Aa54Ioaeeri.
Ilwiw.- r t '1r .aaatraa` .(aa. y
Sadepmaor to J. 1. Raisin, •
Phone 97.
OGIee gybes • *5.r' • Oollesidha
Have it Nape
BAaaiwi'ag9 Iger. '
Hamilton St., Aodevics
Yc1:7I.iAP Ii1,11:14L FRE I]i-
MiIRA'NCE 00. --arm and tee
1411t41 town ropeny femorad.
as. Connally. Pres.. God
(rich P. 0. ; Jtia DrJne. Vier
Beeehwood P. 0.; 1 r. lye0t
Ree .-Tr1a,, 8astortb P 0.
lllreeteea.-A. Armen foot, 1R iL
nets 3. Hestnrtb; Joan O. v(q
4. Walton; WH1la* Minn. 11. R. �1
iL Mealnrtb; Jell Hann. BrrA
began ; Oso. Mi iartnq, R.No. A.
Neafort.h ; Robert U'IvHa, 1
storm amosn, nrorves10 IaaMm
Wadi R erhtrgod ; Iowa
Aw+ts---J. W. Is•.
14tt L•iteh; . $. Jitw
fobs Mbrrey, ilea fdrtia�
t %a
Ssaforth. Pettey-botdera ea} mats a1
Omani* and gat, their reN. recp$174.
•d at R. 1. IioprrIah'a Clothing Howe,
Wletaai Q61rM Ca• Opm sj
*ton air it p•prifj,2. R. Re4.V4
amoral Stare. ilea