The Signal, 1930-3-6, Page 4`meg r `ter--' vete llMado+ tyre Clothing Featuring at. $29.50 NOT TOO LOW' 1:-,. NOT TOO HIGH. „ ;BUST HIMEDIUM a ��,9, Good imported cloths that look well and wear wsli, ii •a , • ty4, Fkiinti Tailoring" Guaranteed • �` ' a h wa i pay you to $a► tAdoi sollnples, w0.....4. THE SIGNAL, — GODERICH, ONT. CREWE Fashion Fancies CREWE, Feb. 26.---A social evening was held at the home of Mr. nfid Mr*. Dave YdWblapcy last Monday night. A good crowd enjoyed 'betnselvea( In Barnes, etc, wltb a abort program. Born --un Woodsy, February 17, to Mr. and Mrs, Jamey etherwuud, a daughter. )PORT. ALBERT A eami4J Freeing under the auspices of tee.ifi,,M. S. of the United) ()MuchtarlJl be lieltl in the (.bunch basement ou Fridey **ening, March 14th. Phe pro- gram grawill consist of a play entitled "Benda on a Strtpg," given by the your people of Bleku'a church. Lunch will be served. Come and have an en- joyable time, ea tbis play is very highly recommended, C• PRIDHAM & SON :e"Ths Sdire with the Stook". Telephone 57 and Boys' Wear. ' Goderich, Ontario. WESTFIELP w-P;STF`il7LD, Mirth 4 --Mr. and Mrs. Fratt4- Kershaw and family, of tiglerich, visited on Nauday with the lady's nester. Mrs. Ja•'k Cowan. Mrs. Wm. Crozier and sero Clifford. of Crewe, vinited oh Sunday at the homy of tbe former's patents, Mr. and Sent W. II. Campbell. COLBORNE TOWNSHIP (i()l.B()R\E TOWNSHIP, March 3. C I A L( inMea Mra deter,, Mrs. J Le o rue. fink ber daughter, Yrs. J. LRucyue. Miss Obristena Robertson, of the s. G. C. I., spent the went -cud with her aunt, Mrs. (Dr.) Weir, of Auburn. Mrs. Harold Arlin is quite sick with "flu." Mr. and Mxs. J. LaRooque enter- taiecd a few friends Monday evening. Mrs. ('Well Baxter has been teacb- Ing at No. S school the last two weeks, owing to the teacher's illness. Mew 1. Baxter is remelting at No. 3, tbe teacher there also being 111. We are sorry to chronicle the death of Mr. Wm. Lippett, whloh oc- curred 00 Tuesday morning. The de- ceased had lived In Colborne town- ship for quite a number of'years. Hee wife died two years ago and be reeves one daughter, Mrs. H. Edwards, FURNITURE DEALER and and four grandchildren. The deceased r . ee FUNERAL DIRECTOR was • section -man on the C. P. R. for ,��tpsa Pttonce. More 336, Rea. 355w a number of years. ' ;,,s,.:„.;‘.. ba!•Ittou Stueet Gdaick, oat., A little rlsltor canoe 1() tbe tome of Mr. and Mrs. Howard,Beer on Wednes- 4/1 morning and expects Newely. Con- i gratutations. 0 per cent. off all Lamp° ••��c�. sewn Shades 4 • at F. r y J. R. WHEELER a NeereeraesesieWieWeWeesesereseale Millinery Opening --ON Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, March loth, 11111 and 12th °° and following days. Showing the advance Spring mode and outstanding fashions of the season in the New STRAWS, FABRIC and HAIR HATS, in style, quality and finish. Children's Hats, New Scarfs and \ Costume Jewellery You we cordially invited to inspect our stock. Miss MacV ice r KINGSTON STREET rF 140 11"tiI'1411,1iTI PrUNIIIVII MITI!' 'n1'fel'9°tlT1r*1U°rl/,11,11 14 i Special Values i n Drapery Iti Chintz and Prints Mr. and Mrs. Win. McDowell spent a couple of days this week at the home of the latter's brother, Mr. Wesley Ib�ethtotese of Brueefield. 'Ill's Melvin Taylor spent a few trema last week with her mother, Mrs. 0. Smith of Brussels. Mr. R. Stonehouse and *au ik,nald, of Coderieh, eislted on Saturday with the former's parents. Mr. and ]yrs. J. I. Stonehouse. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Carter have dinned to the farm which Mr. Carter has re eutly punluncd from the executors of the Scott estate of Meerls. Mrs. Colin G. Campbell and son Billie are vielting in Toronto at pres- ent. The ('apelet (its a Smart Figure Thr sleeveless Jacket touaes Iota Its own with a flourish and cuts a sihart figure with a eapek t. But don't be de- ( -rivet!, the caprice does out ()entitle Its style gestures. to this type of cos- tume alone. Instead it has formed an affectionate attachment fur spring coats and fraeks as well as the more formal tailored suit. The ()eyelet has a manner of covering the upper arm when the alasetse (if sleeve}. so eine. presents a "too bare" aspect. This model sketched here bas Joined the mode's colon and is ready — — to swagger forth in navy blue woo, BENMILLER crepe. The waistline Ls defined by In- verted tu,klugs acss,rding to the hest serterlal judgment. as Is the gored haring its final innings, and is mak Ing n pretty fair showing. Apart from it few windy dame the temperature 1 fairly moderate. Beads are the hes lbey could be, Even in summer. The. tended to his daughter at home aid to hie grandchildren, who will miss: him very much. 1 The Itenmeller Egg Circle will meet '' in the Temperance Hall, lienmsller, on Thurwlay, March 13th, at st p.m. with his brother, Ed Walters, during!, ItFi.\,1r1LLF)It. March 5. --Winter 1 1 skirt. Men's shirting takes on a fens - 1 (nine hue In pink and fashions the s tailored blouse with double bows on t I sieves and at the neck. late February thaw followed by a good freeze-up has given the country as many and as fine -ice ponds as have beet' seen in many years. The young people are skating 'to their Marts content. Iestlie Walterts. who was staying the winter. has returnee to Detroit.BAYFIELD Meas /irrtruoi Gledhill bus secured a position as sdenegruptner with n fire insurance company in Toronto. There were seventy -flee apgdicatll,ns for the pnacltion. Miss Edna R4.111 111141 Miss Blanche ('anniighum, the teachers. spent the week -cud at their homes at Walton and Belgrare. James Jewell had the misfortune to Wive an inf.s•tion In his good eye and1 loss hewn taking treatment h( Goxder- ieh. Ile has returned to hls howl ■gain 11011 11 1s 10 lr holes! that no further complications w111 set in. The young people have decided to prepare a play, and have eb,men the comely -den me entitled "No Account David," by Lillian Mortimer, the same author as of their former play which was so successful. The Wmmeu'n Association are bring- ing the llollnestllle play, ••1'l1 Ex- plain Everything." 144 Benmlller for the) 11(11, of March. nlllnm Lovett passed away on 'Tuesday morning at halepast to. Hie had been in ill -health ever since his hast operation three years ago. Two weeks ago he took (4 c.mvuisioe and net,•r really was hinseelf again. 11.' was wllhtu a week of being wetenty years of :,g(• $iicrn• scrupatlny I- ex - I IIAVFIEI.1►. Mania 4.—Mr. Harry 1 Barker. of London, is holidaying at ' his home. Mr. William I'arker. who spent a few days in Sarula, returned home on Thursday last. Mr. and Mn.. key Smith and daugh- ter. Ella. of London, were guests of Mr and Mrs. ik,n Murray over the weekend. Sidney Castle, mismiger of'1the T. Eaton store at Niagara Falls, was home ever the week -end dr .woe his mother, who Is quite Ill.. Mbuses Lucy and Jean Woods -en- tertained those who took part in the play, '-Kidnapping Betty," on Tuesday evening. Thr purake len at Mrs. McKay -'s on Shrove Tuesday wee a +U(ser,s. The members of the Sudor Guild were kept limey serving pancakes and syrup. bls•ults aid honey. An Interesting Program.—The con- cert aid play grim, Monday earning under the auspices of the Junior Guild of Trinityhur•h was one of the iest entertainments helot in the hall for sothe flow. Plano duets were given by Jean /V,ssit and cloy Edwards and to Sirs. Paull and Floy Edwards.1 Eight girls in costume presented a pretty Indian .444(4•, these taking part being Thelma. Clara and Nora I'arker.1 .and Parker. .revue Dunn. Ionise Jte•I IA..sl. Doris Featherston and F:nime Suurg.sa,. They were seated ermine a camper.• 51141 stung a lullaby. then. tchilr slno,lsering, the Indian ['Unmet; 1.[e. Ihmlll sang very sweetly "By the Nater. mf Minnetonka." anal "Ire 1• Drapery Chintz in new floral designs. Regular 28 cents and 30 cents per yard. Special this week at per yard Betty and Cottage Prints in beautiful colors and patterns. colors. Regular ,25 cents to 30 cents per yard. Special at 20 cents Guaranteed fast 20 cents NEW SPRING MILLI N,ER Y,, eissWeessesseeseeewew A new shipment of SPRING MILLINERY just received. Newest materials, shapes and colors. All Hats Specially Priced CLEARING PRICES ON COATS The balance of our stock of ladies' and men's winter Coats is offered at clearing prices in order to make room for new spring merchandise now arriving. is 'Ilan lawn, fellm weer by an I ndian 1 drill and powwow. Excellent readings: were glees 1.y Jean Wails, heatttl- 1 4 (uI solos by Lucy Wasla. and violin es . silos by Arthur ['eek. The French 4 Inlnuette seas r•ry pr$tIly daMsd by C'harls;r.and M11nd Parker. Them w•erei 41(11(1 s.rngs by Jpnu /Vases, "Tho Fs -I kin". and Esklmies," by Mrs. 1'aulij and Jean /Noels. The n(ss,mpatIlsts were Sirs. 1'81111 and Mess Flay Ed- ear(le. Iter. 11. 1-. Paull was chairman.' The play. "Kidnapping Betty." was most 'ionising. Thr evening was en. incised by all. 1 i 4 i A. CORNFIELD "Shop Where You Are Invited to Shop" West Side of Square tit 1,14.tolipPePhone 418 4 Itidltidl4111irtt r ! 4hedlbidlt li4114.*411 . 0.1 kw.. 1 Arn DUNGANNON. 1r1'XI;AN.NI►N, Mardi 3.—Mr. and Mr -s. Will Alton. of Rlpkey• vlstted at els• home of Sly. aid Mrs. 4 '11ns ..1to1 111,1 Satnrekey. Mss Margaret Ryan. of the Goslertch 1'olleglate lnetitnie, :spent the week- EMBARRASSING eek end at the home of her parents, Mr.� and Mire. J. J. Ryan. The regular monthly meeting of the Women's Institute was, held at the home of Mra, W. R. etothers last Thursday, with a fair aateudau.e. The roll call war answered by a favorite quutatlou or a piece of poetry. Inter- esting readtnga were given by Mrs. It. Davidson and Mrs. Fred Roes. Next meeting is to be at the home of lire. Percy Finegan. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Alton and family spent Sunday at the home of the former's parents, Mr. end Mrs. Jos. Alton, La•know. Miss Ikorothy Allen, of Goderich, 'pent the week -end with her friend, Miss Margaret Ryan. Mrse. Jean Williams, who spent the winter with friends at Canton, Ohl.). returutst home last Saturday. Mr. Frank :lavage, of the Goderich Collegiate Institute, spent the week- end with his parents, Mr. 'and Mrs. 1441111 Savage. At the regular monthly meeting of, the .%'est lea wanosh Fire Insurance ('u, held in the sceretary's office on Tuesday of this week, Donald McKoy. or Ripley. was appointed director to' f111 the vacancy eeused by the death ,f .flex. Nicholson. Many mimes were pr•'la'sed% but the chores fell upon Mr. McKay. The play entitled "The Village Lawyer.' pot on by the young penile of the United ehur,h hast Friday night in the perish hall, was • very sucseseful event. These' taking part did so very creditably. •The audfenc. was large. filling the hall to rapes ity. The door receipts was $75, which is allocates, -to ()hunch purposes. Mr. Jaa. Eulott Injured.—)u Wed -1 s. neoism a(lerrun of last week while Mr. Jas. Elliott was going down street he he unfortunately slipped on some Wei near lir. Vokes' offler andreelve.l severe injuries which, we regret to say. may confine the aged Rentleman I to the house for a long (line. Ile was! assisted to hie home by passersby nd is now under the care of Dr. Votes. tieing confined to bed. We hope speedy that a recovery will enable him to be out with hie friends again i snit'. Salads Orange Pekoe Blend gives greatest satisfaction Stat ,I ORANGE PEKOE ik BLEND 411 TLA 'Fresh front the gardens' greention agreed that this fund should' be paid• quarterly. The managers; were• instructed to (omelet.) the work of re(te(vrrating the interior of the, church: They were also Instructed net ' to procewt w•itli securing a now iauni' 1 Nate for the cbureh until after the next annual meeting. -George Stunt) t - was relected elder, to retire it, Meet1938. James Muh was re-elected t„ the l,(rarI of stewards, to retire it 1933. Amos Andrew was eleet,d to retire In 1933, Fred Plaetzer retiring. The following officers were reeks ted : Bert Marsh, treasurer; It. D. Munro,' _. etrurch treasurer; W. Stratighan, miwl stoney treasurer. The congregation ole domed the action of the quarterly I board In changing the amount if the minister's salary from $1t(tll► with $CUII� !bonus to a straight salary of $L'IMKR AUBURN • AI /LX. 11(srt•h 5.—Miss Anna 'reside, of Stratford Normal school, spent the weekend with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Dobie. Mir« ('hrlsteua Robertson, of Coder- Ich, visited ber 11ualn, Miss J. Weir, 1 over the week -end. We welcome Mr. Murray and son j Reg. to our community-. ]ire. Mur ray will errnte later from Galt. Mr. Frank Sturdy- and rum hilly, of Wlugham, visited with his uncle, Mr. 11. H. Sturdy, on Sunday last. Mrs. Jdsnuston. of Colborne, Is mai- Int{ an extended visit with her laugh -I ter. Mrs. Weir. The choir of Knox I'resbyterlan church are patting on an entertain-. met(t on tate evening of March 14tb. Next Ttwsslay evening the V. P. $. of Knox United church will have real treat troth for tltenw•Ives and for their dalton,. 'Ilse' pastor, Dr. ,Merti. nsore, wrap give a lecture on sr.me of hie work 111 /china, illustrates with lantern slides. Special needy and • half-hour s,s-laI time after flu• lecture. Voting People's Society Organized.— .t 'Venue People's Society has been organizes) In tbe t'niteo church. The officers are as follows: President, Harry Sturdy; let rte-pn•aldent, Bert Manch : 2md vice—preselect. litre, Seidl: 3rd %ice-pre,Ment, ()timer An dersoo: 4tIg rlce-presldegt, Amos An- drew. The Inauguration meeting was held on Tuesdley. February ':.ith, when the art•+Ident a1111 rice -presidents each outlined their programs for the eons Ing season. The '.he preslder(Is are ronvese rs resps•th•ely mf the four standing cs,mmIttees : Christian fel- .low-nhli. tulssiunary, Chrlstlan (•tto shlp, and literary x1141 net reatiouallse. On T r -day evening. Starch 4, the grow - lag luterest was wanifeet in the 'splen- did nttendante. After a fifteen min- utes(' sing-wmg, the meeting was taken charge of. by Bert Marsh. Mr. Wm. iltraughan gate an instructive and In- spiring admires, en "Fellowship" and Dorothy Craig rendered a beautiful tootl e.le.-time At the clove, the social perks/ follewsst. when Ansa. Aiskew directed several liter'sting and ex. eiting contests, Next Ttaeelay evening will he under the charge of 1'harl$e Scott. mieelouary 1.1m -president. A lantern leture on "Life In China" *111 be given by the pastor. Congregational Meeting.—The an- nual congregational meeting of Knox ['tilted church was held on Thursday afternis,n, Fehntary 211th. In the ease- ment of the church. Reports from the several deIartmpnrs ,,1w'ere received, These showed that the congregation is In a fine, healthy state. Nearly $1.101) was mild over to the several ntlssion• ary treesurcrs of the church. :he matter of raising the missionary funds cause in for some discussion. The treasurer Moulted nut that because the most of the money ('nine In at the end of the year. Instead of quarterly, the heed office had to pay Targe sums fur interest charges alone 7'he 811101101 1s almost ,spial to aril the mkedonary glc'logs of this Presbytery. The con- • I EMIBARRASSI G MOMENTS •aa. pry resew. .,.•... _ Ghat a,w.t. rye ,serosa HEN )00 TAKX YOUR UNMULZLCD Fr -ROC -100S BLOOD -HOUND FOR A STROLL AND YOU RUN ACROSS 11'4E LAW - • rte logo ►etas /nr• •••• I.. 41.0.1 Wow. .wet TIP TOP TAILORS' SAMPLES ARE HERE Just received, a beautiful range of fabrics and pat- terns for Spring and Sum- mer. Over two hundred dif- ferent materials offer you the very widest range to select your new Suit or Topcoat at $24.00 made to your measure. M. ROBINS PHONE 384 ENGLISH ETCHINGS FRENCH ETCHINGS t'(tlF:IN ANDNEE TIIEM Picture Framing oar Specialty Smith's Art and Gift Store II • 1 ., 11,1,:1 1'tr1un•., THE 041M 4 1 V -4 March IS here. Strong, blustery winds Gusts of rain Mud piddles ! A little later we will want to get oat - of door.. But during Marcia it is much pleasanter to stay in a warts house. The Heat Folks can bring sunny stem. mer into your house. 1 Call them—at 98, for a k,ad of D L & W Coal, which is the best sub- stitute for summer on the market. LET THE HEAT F-oLt'S CHANGE YOUR CALENDAR.. FROM MARC TO MA'( (-ALI. THE Sei1,f,4'-"? J. Be MUSTARD CCOAL OMPANY Phone 98 — Goderieb • sTOREs. We Feature Well-known, High Quality Products There is only one reaeen for substituting private, unknown brandied goods tor nationally -advertised lines and that is to make more money. Superior Chain Stone stick to nationally uhertised lino the n *kers of which have htiilt ap a reputation for their goods on quality and are satisfied with a fair profit and a Iargw turnover, WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS Brunswick 4 Tins PURE 40 oz. Jar SARDINES 21c Raspberry Jam 33c Interlake Toilet Paper, 3 for 25c Borden's Chocolate Malted Milk with Shaker "Serve hot or cold" 59c Kraft Cheese, 1.2's 21c Babbitt's Cleanser, 2tins 17e Toddy, 8 oz tin 33cp 18 oz tin 53c Old English Wax, 1 Ib tin 690 Lily Brand each CHICKEN HADDIE 19c Soap Special 7 Cakes P A G Soap and 2 Cakes Cala), Toilet Soap 49c Snowflake Ammonia, 2 pkgs 15c Crown Brand Corn Syrup, 2's 17e, 5's ' 35c 2 -in -1 Shoe Polish, per tin 1 2c ,Special Black Tea, per Ib 49c Larsson Butter, 40 oz. 'Best Spread for Bread," per jar 49c Package Figs, 8 oz , 2 pkgs. 15c Dried Peas, Carling Brand. 3 pkgs. 25c Raspb•rrieti !'e, Bleep syrup. each 33c Strawberries, 26, wows each ........... .sria ... Asparagus Cuttings, 2'a .. 2Ee Soap Chips, Bulk, 2 lbs. .. 25e Diced Beets, 2's, 2 for 29e Diced Carrots, 2's. 2 fee.... 29. Premium Brand No. 1 size tin Sockeye Salmon 39c Swansdown Flour, per pkg. 39c Acadia Codfish, 1 Ib. carton Zoe Macaroni, 16 es. pkg- 15c Licorice Allsorts, 1 2 Ib 17c Derby Loaf Cheese, per Ib 33c Black Currant Jam, 40 oz jar 39c Royal York Tea, 1.2 1b. pkg. 35c Pure pard, per Ib. 20c Maple Leaf 2 foe 2 bores PEAS 25c SHAKER SALT 17c No. 4;sieve, Size No. 2 Plain or Iodized HAWES' WEEK Polish with "Hawes and make your home the admiration of your f eiewd. ORDER AT THESE SAVING PRICES". Was 'Pastel, 1.2 Ib tins ,,.t, Hawes' Was IPastet, 1 Ib fin• . •.. 23e Hawed Was (, . ......,.,..«..., � poli ), pint beetle .... Hawes' Lemon Ail. 41°22 as bottle �".....--;.7...............s.i� 14 w.5' reason Oil. • •••.••.•... .Ida 12 oz boetl• ...•. •'. Kiwi's' Vase Nanored Cleawer ""•'.••'"""""'" ••. : . iia (F« P•laiw awd AI tmawulaao) " " • a -',,S. —\1'ft: 1)111 IVFR FRRIC-.... �+ , lift l ill - -Phone your order to— !. J. MeEWEN, Goderick. J. CALVIN COTT, Work*, f