The Signal, 1930-3-6, Page 3• Save a Little Money by taking advantage of the Signal's clubbing offers. We can procure for you almost any paper or magazine published in the continent. THE MIGNAL PRINTING 00., LIMITi+JD, Publlabtre. ,N?RV[: ALL' SNOT NOW _ rEEto a raettst,t. tr.a at ciaca. a..: nestlM'r l4Jtlmea trite me i_g_t___41c17—Joeld" Daffodils an T uli s P now appearing in abundance. This is a sure sign of Spring. Procure a few for the home or sick room. They will certain- ly drive away the thoughts of the severe winter just passing. GEO. STEWART FLORIST Brace Street Pho.e 103 Goderich The Armstrong Real Estate and Insurance Agency Hostess Ansi Lots in Goderich and Farms for Sale Loge weber listed to choose from. Just a few of the many listed. A good I 12 story hones.. lately re- modeled, $.00.00. Very resat cottage, tine a onditioa,l titer to Victoria school. Light&, toilet and garage. 41000.00. Good 1 1-2 glory honer, hardwood floors and interior finishing, full modem rn equipped, arranged for 'steam heat- ing, $1200.00. • Two -Bury house, tine condition, good •pppraranee. Lights, toilet, garage. 41800.00. 1 1-2 story veneered cement block Moose, fine condition trod location hill modern e taippc.l, easy terms for payment. Prior 12tU). Two -apartment 11.2 entry Mouse, modem e nipped, stood location, handy to Big Shill Price $1501, 1-3 cash. Modern stucco house, complete, $321%) 00. Number tine back tuatara, modern equip- ped uip- $Ask to see them. l'ricee frons 25(10. (1(1 to $4500.00. Heated apartment to rent. Farm&—large number tested for sale. Special -100 scree choice land, with 40 acres valuable timber. (;rod Mliklinge. (:Iasi • to village of Varna, Huron County, 4 holies to R. R. station, close So growl marketnt ('rice 145(x).00, 11000 ears. 200 acre* clay loans soil, 70 acres tim- ber, 1-2 mike to echoed, clomp to village, 12 mike to (ioderich. /01000.(1'. F.any terns. 100 -acre fano, S 1-2 railer from G,dericli, good buildings, will exchange for town prep•ny or well, easy ternms. I'rice I. See or write J. W. AR.MSTiRONG Real Estate Box 81 Gederldt MAPLE LEAF CHAPTER REPORTS YEAR'S WORK liandiome Ihinattuns Received from Miss Tralner and Mr. Itobt. MacKay At the animal meeting of the Maple Sweat chapter, I.O D.l:., the folluwlug report was prtaeutel by the &ecretury: Ten meetings of our Clutpter were held durlug Ute year 1929 with an average atteudaus•e of 10.5, our total wt•mlwrsldp being thirty. Two rummage suite were conducted. one In the apriug and one In the fail, and they were both very 4uu•ee.ful. "The. Country Fair," held In the l'avlllon In Jul). pros el to les eery papular, shown by the large attend - twee and the spleud-Id financial re- turns. The production of "Variety," duce entirely by local talent, was another feature of Mir year's activities. The Chapter Is endeavoring to raise nue thouraud dullard to euduw the Malde leaf ward lu Alexandra hos- pital, sex huudr(d dollars of which we already have voted for that purpose. The ^story hour" hi being conducted each Saturday under the auspices of the Maple Leaf Chapter, with the as - Spring is aIsost here and that means House Cleaning and Decorating Our new Wall Paper Books are in It nill pay you to are :seem iwfon• yon do your loe•"rtumg. T. H. CARRICK Phone 157 Victoria Street - Goderich Geo. Williams Dealer to DONL'1ON• PROVINCIAL MUNICIPAL ANI) CORPO- RATION BONDS Fire. Aeeldent. Automobile, and Oaaseal Insurance Agent 0See, next u. Itank of Crinnierce I'hone 53 liodencla W. J. Powell Stocks, Bonds, insurance and Real Estate Car, life and Fire Insurance Nelson Street, Goderich Pho.te 292 P. 0. Box 438 Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada 1929 - Prosperous and Progressive - 1929 New Assurances {olid for in 1929 - ....._...1 654,451,000 Total Assurances in force, Dee. 81, 1920— 2,401,237,000 Assets at December 31st, 19211 ..... 568,197,000 A safe and profitable company in which to insure. office 115 H. R. LONG, Rrriclence Ma PtIONES District Agent AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE AT LOW COST Protecting Your legal liability up to 510,000, regardless of number of persons injured, or whether damage is to persons or property. Protecting You Against damage to your car from either FIRE OR THEFT. Chevrolet Esir Pontiac Whippet Ford Erskine Durant 4 Dodge 4 Chrysler 4 lier!Nrded hs 51,0/0 Vis Private Passenger Cars $27 PER CAR (-An/listed up to yl run $30 PER CAR • (ear. not .' recline $1,500 $38 PER CAR Cin net ding ,1 . e 11 $43 PER CAR (ter, not errrrding $1. ern $57 PER CAR rift nor dine $4s00 $62 PER CAR fin net .,rerdlna $i. 500 $ 50,000 Special Inclusive Liabiliuy Limos $3.00 EXTRA THE PILOT Autonsobile• & .its Iden) 4n,uranrtr 4'0. Ltd. !fend 0j7i, r Waterloo Throw. (lire: 159 Ray St. A(,E:NT f J. W. Craigie Goderich - Ontario Sionalt GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MARCH 6, 1930 eistauce of our eatable Ilbrarisu, Miss Aitken. We feel that enough cannot be said Of the work miss Aitken is do- ing, and we take this means of bring- ing before the public our apprecia- tion of her valuable aaslstau, a In thea t•ouuet•tlun. 9'ho nwui1wr'tof the Chute ter attended the annual Christmas eutertalnwcut, arranged by the meme hersof the Story (lour under Miss Altkeu's supervision, and were very pdeasd with the targe attendance of children and the 'splendid i,rograw. The Chapter placed a wreath ou the soldiers' memorial on Armistit'e lety, and has uls, put flowers tht•r,• during the year. !'uta of phials were scut to the hos- pital wards for Christmas, and rugs, cushions and an electric plate were given at the hoepltal bilious party. A donation of fifty dollars wa. mad - toward* the frigidaire. A Christmas treat was given at the clllldreu's study hour entertainment. "My Magazine" was rebound for the children's room at the Library. The Chapter bought ruse presents, during the. year for nerdy ••hlldren. !'rine books were preelenteel by our Chapter for the Central, Victoria and separate scrawls. Suave of the outstanding donations that were made during the year are: Alexandra Htikp(tal Fiaduw•meut Pund, $300; Children's War Meblorial Home !dial, London, tint., $5: Puppy Lay Fume, 525; Welsh Miner's (teller Fund. 425. The financial statement for 1929. presented by the treasurerwar as follows: Treasurer's Statemeut 1929 It E ('ti 11'TS Jan. 31. 'Misty.* ou hand , , .8 421 05 Mar. 12, Donations received re Chapter party 5 75 Apr. 15. Interest on 43oo bond» 7 50 Apr. 27. Rummage mile receipts 110 00 Apr.307 Rank Interest 5 13 July 24, "Country Fair," net profits 236 21 (het. 15, Interest un 4300 bend7 50 (k 1.:00, Bank interest - 5 38 Nov. 1, Rummage sale receipts 112 88 Dee. 12. "Variety"—net profits 57 40 Chapter fees 15 00 )fro. Ilaya, donation goody sold ,,,2 00 41000,55 19'150 EXI'FINDITCRES Feb. 10, Expense of Chapter party $ 12 91 Feb. 20. 4200 bond purchased 208 81 Mar. 12, Miner,, Relief Fund 25 (MI Apr. 10, War Memorial Fund 5 00 .tpr. 10, Itlrtbday gift, hospital 17 59 %pr.10. Stationery, euppltee, etc. 5 50 June 0, Sterilizers for gradu- ating ounte.t 11 07 iuneU, Donation to hospital for frlgklaire 511 041 4tet. 21. Boots for poor M 01 Oct. 30, Books for play 6 10 Nov. B, Donation Canadian • i.egion Nov.8, ('hHdren's War Mem- orial Ihoslultal, Lon- don Wreath for war mem- orlal Nov. 29, 43101 fond purchased Dec. 4, School prizes, (oke Dee 4. !'late gnaw, hospital ward Nov. 4t, 1000 Jan. s. Itefreehments, child- ren's petty at lib- ra ry ('hrMtmas gffte, sow- ers, etc. Advertbdng officers' fee. for 11129 Per capita fees National few to ('hap - ter Charge for safe keep- ing of bonds Italanee in tank , - - - 25 00 5 00 5 00 3(4 06 r 7:5 5 95 4 40 24 27 Characters in Canadian Fiction THE MAN WHO WOULD NOT CONFESS From 'The Bridge," by Marjorie Pickthall. Written for The Signal by M. ti. Rt)BE:kTsON s The new bridge had fallen. Fowl lives had been host, our of the victims a brother of the sohtractur, Alan Ma -i clear. People talked,- -said the .wu- tractors had "dodged tbt stleciflt'a-i tions." Papers ea1Lr1- for an luyulr).' Maclear worked laud for days, de- atruyiug e%ideue', hiding faits, telllrig halt -truths. He knew the ventral bor'i Ings should have been derelwr, but only 'two people even` suspected that,' and- they would not speak. II1s prelar-+ albite( cuwpletel, her nerves were at the breaking point and he craved sot.: Rude. Thu' nulwt• in his head wee for -1 melding him and 11P felt as though hep must *errant. 11e started for his of -1 fkr, where he uoukl 11P aleiue. Steel -i Mg himself to rlleiur. he PU'sd through the outer office, thankful' ffic that the clerks did not look up. Just on the threshold of the Inner room bt•` raw a single white violet, and knew that Moira, his brother's wife, 'wase these. (:ordo9 had had the flowers in a box in his pocket when he was killed. Now nuclear felt he must le- more eyeful than ever. Ile must not let his nerves (stray bine. Moira looked at him .Ileutly, piti- fully, and he knew that ail hoc pm - tense did not hide the truth from her. Vet when els solid, softly. "Poor Cain." be fell on the floor at her feet and cried "NIpira. I'd die to give hint (rack to you Moira, before God. 1 reckoned every tking( I left a wide margin 91 safety." "But the bridge fell." said Moira. After she had gone Maolear stayed there on the floor a lung time. %'hen, at last, he took hie hat and went Out the office was empty. 11e walked through the streets. In buildings that be passed he seemed to (Near voices of the peat. In that building he had had his first job—in this hes .(ether had diel—there Gordon haul had diphther- ia— here was Gordon's home. bb brother, dead through his fault. At last he wandered on to the docks, 1'erhaps he might find here the relief he sought. and be flung himself Into the water. A wall had followed hLu, thinking hem drunk. and Ix• ens res- cued. finding that. after all,. he was glad of life. Aceompaulel by his res- umer he walkers on dawn the docks( un- til he eawe a sign : "-Mncleur & Co." Nearby an old schooner SV/1S mored in care of a man he knew. Inquiring. be found there were bands enough on board to mall the reset. en, he gut them to sail with him away from the city. 4 (15 away from people. away from wonder- 8 00 bug eyes. After some quiet days of *ailing 15 00 they reae•hed an Island iu the great • lake. Here he lauded RIM the men car - 6, 'lel off for hint a small tent and semi. 2740 s4 • 31006.55 Officers for 1338 The officers elected for 19311 are: Regent. Mies Edith Wllllams; vice- regent. nim Jolla Lewis.: secretary. Mrs. F. C. Beacom; educational se•- retary. Miss I)orothy INckson: treas- urer, Mrs. I'hillp /'arty; standard bearer, Mr*. I. Eastman; come -Were, Mrs. Chapman, Mrs. Martin, Mrs. .1. Johnston, Mrs. hells, Mrs. Wlwteley. Mrs: Graham, Mies E. Tye. The most pleasant surprise the auppoles, then sallel away- and left him. Mai -leer, accrwetum,d to tamp life, mauageel well alone, glad of the gnls4, the rest, the opportunity to get hl* teer•er under control. Not wive did he permlf himself to fact the- truth. not onee did he acknowledge 1.. himself that be was -guilty. instead be set,hisu- aelf 'to forget. Usually he slept well after hIs ,lays In the open, but one night he was rest- less, and when he awoke after a few Chaster has ever receives1 was the gen- hour* of uneasy 'lumber he knew he proem gift of two cheques of $1(01 each. had been ,dreaming. "Though he •coulel from Mies Louise Trainer, !'hazy. N.Y.. and Mr_ Rtsbt. MacKay, GuslerIoh. Thecae are te gu to the perpetual euro of 1 h Maple Lp411 weed In Alexandre lsoepltal. MIs. Trainer ate' y1r..NIne- Kay are loth greatly Interested In the hospItnl, and their help In Weiner the endowment farad hoe given the Chapter great encouragement to complete 11 ate *mon A* Iw,s'IWV. Thew.. c•he ue% WPI. n.elvel shire the 11n11tta1 meeting of the Chapter. ipter. and le will go on the harks for tRio .ondng year. • a DO YOU SUFFER WITH • HEADACHE? So easy to get quick relief and pre- vent an attack in the future. Avoid bromides and dope. They relieve quick- ly Mat affect the heart and are very dangerous They are depressing and only give temporary relief, the cause of the headache still remains within. The sane and harmless way. Firs) correct the cause, sweeten tete sgW1 and acid stomach,• relieve the intes- tines of the decayed and poisonous fool matter, gently stimulate the liver, *art the pile flowing and the bowels pas* off the waste matter which causes your headache. Try Carter's Little Liver Pills. Druggists 3& red pkgs. not recall the dream it lu•ft birnl ragitely •nsy. :.inter. lit the morn- ing. wondering along the beetelu. 9.' N'M• startled to wee on the sand n towble Hue of his own footprints, go - Ing mid mint -nine. though 11e oomla not 'renwndwr that he had ititlkctl there reeentIs• 11ut•h alio imbued. he Moved uu; then, In n 'eur'e mf detest rubbish.' he saw sousething 4hnt .toppsl hint. There. drewn enrefflty•te.rate, Vias a plan of the bridge. l'ntthlg Isle hood Into his packet he devils- out a car- penter's Santee he had with biim. Ye..1 It 'Mas gritted w-119 'sand. 111s dream had ltd to action. Was he to 10' hennt•l eel even "in its 'Imp? S'rtclle•illy bel wondered um, forgetting tromp, tueal•,I time. direction. everything eeeept 1he' thing he etrnggleet to forget. A violent wind storm aria drifting the tend like 'now. All day he wnnderiel he. for, it. and of erening' ethun-ted and nnnerel. tonna himself ort another teach. Ile end a•nikecl uerose1 the'. Lind And there he found Suml'rn. • floftlura had had n .fringe Id -shill. Ake Bel with her trot lu•r Salt alar itwl an old blind 'ou.t n, lu n great rI10 u-kle building 11 ens tumbling to piece.. isin'h.w: were hoarded mens veramlalwt were broken. ju•t n few '!Moes th efilch they lived siert. kelt HAVE YOU SEEN The Signal Calendar? One for each paid -in -advance subrcri- ber. Renew your subscription now and make sure of one of these beautiful ('aleit- dar -Ituough to watch over her andto be I of seeder if sate needed hew. For a time all went well, but Sombre lu . wuwe way found that Meritor was near, lied again she fled on a told wtutry night, when to he long wltic- out shelter merint danger and per- k/11o: dents ))'Its Sel's help Maiden'. found her again. pled with her not to turn from 111 nu nhen h&' so needed her but .he reiterated: "1 ain't fit for you. We wudn't fit fur you before, what are we item', I'm the sister of one that killed an old watt. and broke my heart 'lulu' It. Ile didn't need to do It. Stilling hill' blind and evil ruse up in his herrn ailed he struck." ' Then across the gulf that separated them Msuieser seemed to ter a bridge a single Arund by, which he "night nat•h her., and he seemed to run to- wards and clalni. Instead of denying. the self-kuuwielge that for months he bud refuses! to face. And he said to her: •"Se,tubre. If there's any stain uu poor Sal, (xe know' it's on ale 10'. and heavily. heavily !..What long brooding on old terrors and tlaig dLv. drove him to du at Inst. I did through the wish to suave money. "Ile :truck in a flush. 1 measured and cheeks! and u;*Iuuhtted. And four litres told for what 1 did. And one of those awn 111101—by nue dist 'sty tommbu as the dirt It M, and surely as If I'd bluw•u Lia brains tmt with a gun — was Gordon, my brother." in the old office In the city Itayn- ham was reading a letter from Maolear. 11P Laid it detwn and gazed round to see that all wets In readiness for the tow twee return. Hes fate wit. tender. Ile thlught to himself : "1t will be good to have hem back. He'll have hard things to fight, hard thinly' to ' fade all the while. But there'll be use. Aud there'll be his wife. Ile sllall mein Out in the end." He went out and. shut the -door. "Home Is the only place where there is any liberty. and IntHvlduality, any create::• power. any lowlbllltice of human p reouallt les uou1tiug es dirt." I --(;. K. Che"tterton. hublIsIle. 1u the days when the 11011 ue:Irby wens thriving, tine building had Sara 11 summer hotel. the Mori lug Ileum.. Malt Itat.ume. rue 1.11tu1 then, had uwnel Ilip Intel, and hes oanslu. Murtha, helped Illus run It. fine ni^ht a vessel was wnr•kel In a storm on the Take nud-hltt one p•rsou was savi.I. They took him to Morn - log House uud mlN.eE Ezra. He wee sick a lung tines and Coll ldn't over► much: but how Ire could *big! lie ma- rled Murtha ` and level for at few happy 'menthe after the usnrrhtge. deo" diel. '('he twins, Membra and Sahator, were. Isere' -after their father's death, II 114 .0011 111' mother fo11uw4d her hus- band. Leaving the twine to the 'acre of Malt Itnu',rue. Malt was gaol to theta, though be hated them, emus (laity the 10'9 who reminded hitt of tea• (:Meer- the singer who had sou the prize of Mania's lure the prize Malt had craved for himself. As Matt grew oil and blind he level more and more 1u the "twit. and u,i nights of great storm like that on which the big were k had occurred he lined overagain the events of that night. At such t4nses he seemed to think Sal was tete man who bad leen saved frym the 'wrest and who had robbed sera of.Martha. Then, lu anger. Ile would seize Mal and Thrust him out luto the storm. At oilier timers he was quiet enough, and buslep himself. 1n eplte of his, hlludnee'. In tarvhlg toy Impute which Sal scold for him on else mainland. i Sombre was very beautiful end had a strength and serenity that Merkur town! very soothing. He stayed one Wit II thew at Morning House. holding veryl lithe communication with his frleud.•I In the city, towing to depend more and wore on Seombre's strength, and de•I. ly in love with her beauty. .11 length Matelear spoke to Sowbrn of bis unnerved condition uu tise night he had found her on the beach. Ile told her he Iwo} had a great trouble. that he had done nothlug bad, uutle lug with evil Intent, that he had yuan to the isItutd 10 try to forget. But, he said: "I realise now that I'II never for- get It. never get over it, that way• 1 Such a trouble. such it memory tenet have full power over a heart and u mind empty. But If that hetrt, that life, were so full eif tetter things that there was no rtom'fnr the trouble mutt, the memory..... Ile broke off there; after a tun, silc•wr he tasked Somluro whether,, knowing all, she would link her Ilfc with his. and the girl, loving hint and, lunging to comfort him, orunsented.iil,on they were married. -t few days after that. Moira came to cel' him. She had gvo vn to pity situ -u greatly that Ate wastfeady to (owlet.. Butt he protested that there; sus nothing to forgive, crying::'1Aiu'1 forgive me 1'0 nuu•il. Malin- rein,: forgive rte for what, after all, didn't do." Ills, friend, Itaynlww, same. 1Iu'— s one of tliowr icho knew the truth, (le' cuiae hipping that Machrir would by that lime Iw strong entomlu, to fitee1 the toots. Ile had prutt'Ral"his name) unit saved him frau *samisen., but h•' %anted the luau to regain hi- own 1 self.r•sps-t, inset to get the peace he sought. eel by forgetting lent by run- fe..lon. When he found Machete still! eyeing. "1)'s dna• ('very day. after! all." In• :truce away .eek at heart, Tel MA,•lenr's, "You've Ms..' a weal trifle; to me. Jerk." Itny ethane murmured Ins! nls.ve Id. breath, "1 wtunier ifs i sari." 61lnbrn hail nems. felt herself tel fife rause of Ma. tear in .11.19 1 or In etiffecth.4. end before bileg,-•,,ns'I ,Ing hnl.prs.l.Jo Intedslfy that feting. 14 ass on a Ness, of henry eter'n .t, vee - v4 no, drives' ,igromu'1 in .hallow ant- er. 01.1 Malt, Sic Lug over agaln 1e events '.f leaf'ugu, swam out to the weeeke 'Hs-oe lured. Sal slimily there. and, ,eifing him, tried to throw hem Into the water. sal struck nt hint., and. Niels fell mato the,Is1.. 19• did nut re - op pear send Ail dived to find hlRI. tee dive) again and again, Inn could not find the old than. The body ere re- aovereI later,' Imfe !tat could mol hs comforted. 11e felt himself n murderer, for UP kta'w• that in the semi darkne" he could have evaded the old man's grasp. Ile neap not 11 SNP shuck seem. Bonaire felt that she meet leave Ma- chete. She nitwit not link him with a murderer, and she tried to stip away nett elf hie life. Marlenr des overeat where *he had 'nue and followed, 'opening vat of her sight, lint near Special this Week! Two -coat, pearl grey Potato Pots Every woman owning an s M.I'. Potato Pot cannot praise it enough. Without danger of scalding the hands you eat' drain off the last drop of wati'r.- only 98c Alf. Tebbutt & Son WEST STREET V,c Deliser !'hone 484 EIGHTY '1'iij1l► YEAR. Net 10 Insure Your Automobile with F. WOOLLCOMBE Lab .Ma.,w,r, 101110 must OFFICE: HAMILTON STREET ►seas awe H. CLEMENTS Painter and Decorator 1'.•tlii .,l,'' f„r panning. wall -paper - Ina, etc , cheerfully 0v4•11 on re - y nest. Residence. No. 4. Bayfield Road Telephone 259.1 O. F. CAREY f& SON Li Jilted INVESTMENTS AND INSURANCE Telephone 230 Masonic Temple Building -,GODERICH -- ONTARIO Automobile Insurance See our rates h. -fore placing your Automobile Insurance. Insure with Companies that • pay their losses. J. W. Craigie Real Estate and Insurance Fresh' Bread Baked Daily That's what you get when ordering your Bread from Cleveland's. It contains the purest ingredients known to bakers. Buy a loaf today and taste the difference. We specialize in Cream Goods of all kinds E. U. CLEVELAND Roue 114 West Street ivory a.0 Telephone is o Long Dietanes Station Sell this new way byCode Numbers Many progressive firms today are using long distance telephone service to get sales at lower costs. They divide their territories into "Key Towns" from which dif- ferent groups of customers can be called conveniently and econ- omically. We assist in this by compiling Sequence Lists of calls and giv- ing each call a Code Number. The salesman then just tells the Long Distance operator: "I want numbers 2, 6 and 9 on my Se- quencc List". The increased facilities for long distance service make Key -town Selling by Code Numbers more efficient than ever. We shall be glad to explain the details and help you organize your lists. ii -AteseeeeemenmsAWaLsOnnat014..liOndeogeee9IAMeakeaan&easek- if •