HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1930-3-6, Page 1', a
ie the life of business. If business is good,
advertjring will make it better. if it is
poor, advertising will stimulate it. Al -
'met invariably the merchant princes
have found their way to success through
F;1G11'1'Y-'1iiIRD YEAR. NI). 10
Renewal Time
Renewal subscriptions to The Signal
are coming in fast, and the 1930 calen-
dars are going out fast. As the supply
of calendars- is !ignited, we would ask
those who desire eine to send in their
renewal promptly.
"TC�.S CF rao:::1'• A
Arratntr firer Pbty'ers Delight Two
Iarw• Audiences
Tau I:u'gr autiiruern ,-„tuplrrely
alluitr the lecture norm of Knox
ee...d tee Artuur l;nrvie [sayers
oa Thursday anti Friday ulghts last
la the three -act comedy, "Titus of
Mousey." In some respects It was the
avert dniitluus effort yet made by the
Arthur Circle players!, but it was
carried through with the same cap-
ability that for years has character-
ised the perform+uurs of theke players,
and for nearly three hours the audi-
eare followed every word and every
move with unflagging interest.
The pity hinges on the efforts ot..a
young couple, to whoa a fortune was
lett conditionally, 10 make sure of It, The A. Y. P. A. of St. Gw+rgt s
church held a ien.•ake tea in the par-
ish hall on Tuesday of this. week, be-
teg Shrove Tuesday, whiit proved a
great sutre•s. Quite a number re-
uutuet for bridge afterwards.
The county old -age pensions board
The Menesetuug Comte Club will
hold an at-Ihpme on the night of tit.
I'utrick's Day, Monday', March 17th.
Prizes will be given for bast Irish
The Ladles' Aid of Knox church
will hold their annual high tea in
the lecture room on Thursday, ::arch
lath: Tva will be served from 5.311 to
• o'clock. Good program.
On page 5 of (his issue will be
found n halt -page advertisement an-
nouncing Steel's stock -reducing sale.
The sale is.uow on and many bargains
are I4'te1 In the advertisement.
Thr Ladies'. Aid of lite lrapttst
church 411 bold a concert in MacKay
Dail ion Tuesday night, March 1Sth.
crit• program ail( la• given by littlish
Gurdon. cartoonist and impersonator.
and the de'iuus way's which they pur-
sued in nose efforts iced from our
eoruplk,.tlou to auo1Iwr, until finally
there were three uu•u all claiming to
Ire the one who was to revive the
fortune. 'lite' situations that level•
oust, while awkward and near -tragic met this week anti (wsi4erel fifty -
to the cbaroete'rs of the piny, kept seven now. applications for pensions
the uudleut•e highly s muwd ; in fact,
which had aeumulated during the
the gale of laughter that started 1,1 last threw months. 'Thirty-three of
must with the tunimenermrnt of the
play contluued to the very end.
Mr. Frank IMrrow and Mrs. W. F.
Saunders tut the priuclittl roles of
Allington and tale wife, the fortune-
ortune North ?fusser W. M.S.
hunting couple. Mr. 'Fred Weir was TheNottregular Street
of the W.N.S.
James 17tmtemn•sn, the tHgniftel odic- t The
y North street United
hoe who was looking after the estate.
Mn. H. C. Dunlop was "-hunt lien," church era. held in the Sunday sehuol
mann 4u Sloada. afternoon The prow
these were passed Mid forwarded to
Torten.; the rewaluder are withheld
for additional Information. '
visiting the Allingtuus; Mr. James I.
Thoms4o wee the Allingeun huller,
Sprules ; Miss Gertrude Deist was
Simpson, a paariorumld, and Mr. An-
drew Porter wart Giles, the taconite street 1'nitel church for Good Friday Miss Delight giuteL was lit Brunt- prlrw•s will is- uw"anlwl to the «occas. from I*4'Iruit • ]Its. .lot. Ol.onuor,
gardener. Mita Margaret Wilson was evening. The other soloist. Mr. Wll- feel over Sunday sand wits the guest 1 tel Competitor. ,DI littruiites will heI fount . Toronto;1 Mr.Mn. James tl'Leary,
Jean F;ct•rani. who recognized in turn hank,, auto of St. Thomas, ►s the win-' N•ehouu•• 11114 a s rs•in1 htcit+stfou is from 1'urt lalwbtot; Mr. A. l►'Iw•ury
tit• thew• dlffernt el«Imauts t,( the taken by 13n. l'urnie. weber hal the vel• nor of the poll medal in the herltnne,lit lure. 3 o and 13Su ayeven rtt•udel to,all. 1 and her sun Andrew, from Seafuntls
fortune ave Henry Maitland., het lover, uo•ational ,Program and gave a syn- formerly of Golerl!h. On Sunday ecru 11 r. and Mr-. M. J. goutier, Mrs.
rlaxr, and 11* cantata will 134• Stain
who had disappeared some year cgs+la of a letter she had had Vee`.d secs "('ruclflxfon." I Iiig, lit ri!spodve to a -Tit-special recptesL L O. 13. A. Holt Euchre and Dame !Hussey and her daughter Mary. from
c vh usly. (till Ross was Henry Malt- on to ler from a missionary in Korea. slip gave an address, "The Adventure (herr -h
w,r lit Life." In First United church, of A very suewvssful event was the , s Miss Margaret Kelly, from
Public Helsel Board which Mn.Reyeraft is pastor. euchre and dance held in the Mason. Kennet Mr. and Mr. Gov Kluahan,
nod Mrs. Glrcln led In prayer. Mn,..
The monthly meeting of the publi • • • k iitt11 itla F'tiday night nosier the frow /1'asvanosh.-
claim the fortune, and the two brothsrhod hoard was hd•Id •ion -on arts hers o! the 1. O. h. A. The r A Social Evening.-T1.rt- was lute
Pn are urs nisi silks that no make- Ahtanbwn gave a reading 4n the night. A report on the toiler at 1'le•. Mr. G. W. Stliaefer was at Strat- winners at cards. %cert•: Ludy -'s first, itf run and whoops in the gord.ohl
tp wax required to ,ont�s• either progress of Christianity strew Petite -
bola school was received, and, while; ford on Ttrc•sday attending the fuser bas. Itorwl-r; lady'« ti n, Mrs Kbik brld�r all last Monday night.
IM• players nr top audlrnt'e us to their ver followed by a protest .wieeifon' It M In good eondltlon for the present.',rl of his aunt, Mrs. 11. veMw.hnti itt Jas. 1'hehau; gentleman's first, M. Cards were played from K to 10. The
rntltlwl "Ht s (counting ou T41L" The Iii •11'tshitwlny" he received word of prizes were distributed b Rea. Fruiter that all the uculhairlr susses war oc-
repairs will be made twat It during 11'el« r ; 'Kentlemrnn'« wmstda Coit. ! !
Each member of !le- t„ntpwny did topless from the Bine Book were taken the death ar his fruiter -In-law', Nr. tented. !Determined. to
Mrs. F:dwanls, who outlined the the enquiry
. Retake were received to, Joky Me('tol of Whigliam. Mrs, Whae. wtulleton. The nutsic for•danehtg won Ne•e'ardle, the prize-uiuut•re ieinR V go to church
his psart to ■ manner ts•yond rritieisw byan enquiry stent out to a number of ; furnlsheel by Inc S•hrnm-1'arrlsh or- Messrs. J. J. Dean and Tum Deward, sttmeN"herr, we wandered on to find
Nr. Irrrrow, who curried noel the work dune by elrrtoss and associate
towns as to their Poractic• is the mat -fpr lops been at her father'« home 'for t•It-'tra. Misses Lorisa Hogan and Gertrude other churches similarly harrk•a.kd.
heaviest ride, added to the reputation delvers. and by Mrs. Howard Rob- ler of non-resident feaso, and those tit past week. and Mr. Schaefer has __
tour to w'Ingiaw [lir the funeral, D'l'ounoe The consolation prizes were 11'r found a Universalist church w11ieh
he has earned as i p a t.. tona le -side hes- e referred to uta• school manage- Curers Are Active awarded to Mr. Jim t;:n•tiy and Bliss did not seem to be very popular, and
whom many of the 1st, (r•+lonal ThP+- k iter far emsideratlun The local curlers had a contest at Elaine O'Connor. Then there was no we heard a very good sermon 41 have
platin would were; and other members the West street rink on \loud:ny even -1010e iced 1111 the dancing was In fill never heard a led seruu,u yet, thuuga
•f the east were nut far trrhi,a. the nmttev rf a proposal clast for Tbls week 1ta1pL Henderson, stn of
ing. when Jos. Brophey rink defeat's process. The tnnsie. which was torn- 1 hate heard some very poor ones).
The stair pierces', with was 1 k 1 11 also as to fis t Mrs ed a rink skilled by 4 - 11. Humber 'shed by our local wusiciuu•, was ex- The First Methodist church here bas
painted haprc•lalwy far this play by g1 r. { aecoal piano examinatlon n o x by the score of".11-7. Weather permit, c•Ilent. Iles Titn_t:rIiti, makes n to have three servk•tas every day to
T. ed greatly
was. a work of ort xnd t K the tun s'chuoM in order to ting. several mere games wig be played first-class floorwnunger, anti be had accomtnolale Its adherents -ono at 9,
added greatly to the mex.- 11 t tin I months" In connection with the Toronto Friday this week '; and 311 two willing and capable helper.; in one at 11, and nue at 7.:10. It slaps
During the evening Conservatory of Nusb It will tN' n
The {� membered that last summer Ralp I glrwr. Ilea. Mated and Charlie Riven. will for thepeople.
tourists thatAllthey are a
The d+ttictug hated till the purls hours churchgoing pruplr.. All the larger
of the morning, and everybody omit churches lame a senting en parity of
bourse thorough -lye satisfied with the about 3,4510. They are built to ue•um-
ecening's eport. The K. P. II. Is .sigt•-' molate the tourists. it must be dif-
1 In; off for a white; but more Jolly 1 Mutt for the minister when the tour -
thaws are coming, when the Easter 1 rats are all gone to preach to 2414) people
bells will broadcast atwitter merry in such large churches. The churches
night, etre tnugulfitent ; the choirs of the very
Thr Late Jos. P. Ualton.-Although best ; all the public buildings are o0
the p•nple of Ashfield were eutircly a spitoot d scale.
acquainted with the fact of the citron- Wt• have Ito many eutertnluments
iv invalidism of Mr. Jostgth 1'. Dalton going on that we are at our wife end
for the hast ...cell years, the ue•4s of to know• which to goo to. The tourist
his sudden death np Wednesday morn- way bring a goal deal of money in,
ing. February 241st. was e •w'Jlat in lout he certainly will not carry tueb
the nature of a shuck. For the wast home with him.
seven years Mr. Dalton had been con- Fh-ery•one here Seems to be err well-
brcd. You nr.ver see ,anyone situ .
111 -temper. or using uncivil lingua
}Well tinder the nost trying circum-
stances everyone forme to he polite.
As ()pie Reid renmrkel. "It's bad
mnnuers to show temper; bodies, it
ower karts you nuywhere.., •
The News of the Town
C• W. L. Euchre and Dante PERSONAL MENTION
The (catholic Women's League held
u sutcetsful rut re endtares u the, Miss Norma Snell, of Luudesboru,
Masegk (tall on Tuesday evening of i for Monday rest to meet the olylc
last week. There was a good crowed loos been visiting relatives lit Goderieh• deputation from Guderich to harbor
• aid a splendtd time was had by every-, • Mutter. lit the meantime, the rum ot
Goy -
our rn►..nt. The winters of the lady's' Miss Laura Johnston, of St. Augur- gltl+,+llat has been placed by the Guy -
1 flue, spent the week -end at her home eminent In the estltuate•s for work at
and gtntlemun's tint prizes werei here'
p 4:' Ierleh harbor.
Mise Murphy and Mr. E. 11'elsa. The; a '• • • _--
!)river orc►teslra furnished the must.' Miss Mur Farrow left fru Monday
for dancing.
! i l:• •alaeA•irar •la o uscsmr t:rrttd Ntew:u•d
- - for Toronto, where site 1• taking The annual ronaucutiuu of the (:rand
To !►deet Deputation on Monday
noon. J. C. Elliott, Minister of Ptah -
lie Works, has wade an appitltuettt
prsitiuu. 1 Chapter of Canada, Royal An•h Vu« -
Discharging Wheat (cargoes • • •
nu., was held /It Toronto .lust Werk.
'floe unloading of winter storage,Mrand Mrs. H. C. Dunlop k lir. Hugh 11111 { ("triton* + •1 i
ft o' 1ug t . o ',t .t roc . township,
cargos at the Goderich elevator i� Tuesday fns Sarx«ut:a, Florida. where distri. t deputy
Well under/way. The cargoes wlluade'l . Rrnnd master, was la
they"' will spend a menti; attendants.. Jt r. George glacl•ienr, "a
the past week were: Canudoe, 251006 • • • wewbe•r of I:tohricli l't,tpu•r, Nu. 0,1
bushels of wheat ; (Juelo•, '115°,(34341 2 Mr. William Weir, of Toronto, ' Is
bushels of oats; V ale:•riter, 1163,(340 w;n« rioted grabd steward far Ono.
how., in at the Lome of his Iwretih. __---_
bushels, of -barley, 2575 tons lit screen-, Mr. uud Mrs, Fred Weir.
Ings; ttenroy'le, 172,13410 bushels of', • • ►t 1lrmnan tt tt 'icing Aley's
wheat. Today (Thursday`) the cargo Mrs. Jack Stunt and giro. M. 11'elt•r \t lln•uu:w's Isiiillug alleys wnl
lit the Martian Is being unloaded. The;, spent the week -cud sa11it girt. weber., gfonday" night taster persons lo.wrdt
n r u ennPSC Aar Iw• nes nv[ Iatty to
recent bind weather caused the fee 114 sISU•r, Mrs. Ilerrington, lit (,to•Iph. 173. WIISIam Johnston won the prize.
the harbor to break up feet and the:
teats awn now be shifted about with- a telt, tallying the exact stone. Alt -1
miss Marjorie Hetherington left tot other petition is now under NAY
At the meeting of the Yuuug People's
Society of North street Unihxl chetah
next Monday evenitg Mw. Andrew
will- p18111, on "Finnish People lir Cad
oda." 'Pico school orubes n•a at ill pro-
tide music,
Servicer at the Baptist church next
•Sunday us usual at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m.
Sermon .ubjtrts: a4'riiug, "The lie-
urreytlon' to Life or Shame and Con-
tempt ;" evening, 'The True ideal of
Life," Mille PC11001 lit 10 a.m.
The *revives in Kttttx ehut••h nest
Santini will be ie charge of the lulu -
beer.. Subjects of sermon's: 11 a.m.,
"Phe 'franefurtuatem of .1.11 Things
7.10.m.. "Poing and •Knowitsg." Sib-
iwtk.w•htel and 141b0e classes itt
a o:•hMk.r
. Services -st North street United
church next Sunday as I'o11oN-: lit
.1.m., gtt«slon Band. Men's Club and
fetlock ship etas.. ".1+ :t tennis member
what is- my ditty to my eiturch and
the sttuuuwlii) "' H the told... 10 to
httrudut•wl lit the Men's chili by Mr.
'J. F:. llantwcll. Public worship at
11 p.m. and 7 pew. Sunday school at
:: pin.
out guy trouble. Monday for Toroutu, where she t•ute•s 4
for the twares't more to 13:1 The prize
Prominent e. ----,t 1 training. Stratford\:t rtes Is no more dc't ureas lie touts the
Music-lootere.of Golrrich will .+r • if any. skill take plums• Mardi 17th. listen Bossier. from the I 1 1
t as
Mrs. (carne 1''Gtds One Beggar, bus
iJ. is as Faeeptiea
Mrs. E. W. Carrie ernes from Si.
Petersburg, Florida, February :14tb:
3Ve are finding the weather here
now eery' %%arm in, the withllr of the
due, but morning,/ anti e•veuin;,•r are
delightful. We were out for a sari oa
Bova Mega Buy and at tea at the Dun
Ce -Sur hotel last steel. You will notice
file Spanish uuurcs. There %vas a spas -
Isis settlement Here a few years age
which Is inmost cannel now, but the
sanies still remain. The t'aptaiu of the
lout (the Misr Florida! we Sailer 00,
Captaiu Caswell, is a grandson of a
former well -kiloton . Methodist Minis.
ler of the l:txlerlt•h ,Astrit•t. A;' great
litany of the older people will
member tile Iter. Mr. Caswell.
1t se•uts you cannot get away front
unfurl.) people. They even "go doers
10 the sea in snips" here. We •hear a
good deal of the "greatness" of Do: -
American nation, but t'uuud:t •is em-
1tibuting her share to its atne•ess,
Al" we came in to laud we were all
struck with the beauty Of the water-
front here, its wagulfits•ut hotels and
tine residences. -Its palm tries seem -
lug to grow• out of the otruu, and its
rwlcudld 'tartasr% People say, "See
Soloist Comiag the Sick l'hlldr•u's Hospital lir + still x• a dre,s-shtrt anti the play -oft. KIXI:SIiRl Heil.- t March 4. -Mrs+ Naph•s and die;" but the Bay ot.
unrse u
pleased W know that Mr. James Med-
lyn, the winner of the ro.e'lowi for
L t artistic Local performance"
Normal AcMoj, spent the week -surd {lay of lumpur. •\lid [torr are
Dr. W. F. Clam and his n ii-Itip,thew• Iluron Did ltoyli Asaoriatiert of Tar • with her Parente, Mr. RIM Sirs. James slums here, and no pitiful beggars. We
ret Will ('lark of Colborne lomonti'e howler. have had only one person soliciting
the "most ar s c rl'turnrd yesterday from a utonth'r 1111 tumour euchre and bridge Sf tit•I Itis here afro wIi come -an oN
at tit• here Stratford
n early da ]9s't), )s' Irlp by muter throw*h the Southern Iiuro11 Old 11oy• .1sis,datiuu lit '1'o Mr. Dellis Daltoi has retarded home•
i 1 t early date Mr runts will la• held ht tlsReia llall I 'after u trait w 1)r[rolt. !
talent Mrupid the elate and douductdtl to sing tete a an e+ Stases. They trat•llel nearly
5,4 t dark • who told us he -had a wife
Medlin; of St. Thomas, has just been ralkw and had it must Inure<tluc F:Inu street, on Thursday evening,' Those who conte from n dlitaucr lit and eight ehilluus who loud had notb
the opening exen•isr.. and the bulb engaged as tt•nor suolul«t for Iht can- lime, - March • 7ib,'tu is u'-11,•ti. .1 got( pro. attend the funeral of the -lute glr. Joe. "lug to eat for a week." 1'(sibus of
newerfo•wtdon, during which the falx tonee'rl by the chub of North • • • • ;roto Ill he arranged Hurt valuable i'Ide Dalton were \Its. Joe. SI/ringer, eight "chliluta+ watt t anything Co
N I idt for u wet•k pruclue d already re-
spwise to his appeal. Afterwards we
heard that he had neither wife nor
child. tall Lout ver should have hand-
ed hint over to the uutlsurilies; but be •
was so clever, nod se were so re-
lieved to hear that he had not eight
hungry "ehilhms," that we forges
We wcut to St. d'eter's Episcopal
church yesterday (sooty minutes be-
fore the time u( service, and found a
rope tied ncrost+ the dcior, signifying
uncial secretary, Iles. 4 . F. (larks,
read an article on systematic giving
by envelope. The chair was then
land Nod his twin brother, Ebb, pre-
ten.hel to toe Henry. returned home to
After I tr singing of a hymn, Mrs.
iluchanan read ttw it.•ripture kssen
rtson, who read a prepuce on .ttrio-l.
A11 of these were most interesting
and widened the vision of the work
bring done by the Society.
werewhicb takes place int Friday..
Mentcomm • • •
Tie Sallie eotumittee is in reisort 011
R. Henderson: East street. age ward pupils, endcelved word of his success in hie
distribution of the papula of the town 1 1
death ofAlbert William Weot-
ton, formerly of Gode•rich. et curet
rellvsr ucerc•rowa nR n on ay ofs d 7..
renin ex. -Aleut music school. On ll'eluewlny a committee of I y e- p.ua. Maudny night's line-up era+ as
was prueitkd by 13r.. rep's need tea. d the board met with the Went o ora. s:
Tire tae f+ to be rrtsrarcluawl at at bis home at uwen health to meter on health matters, obtained the biglm'st marks in the tier. Andreas• Gen. Mclwsrd
V on 71t•sclay county. Congratnlntien« are due hien
later dates In sortie of the nal iter and particularly to take mexpisures in end bit teacher. Mr. Douglas ('nmp Ge,. Ayurews• 1;eo. eli LeO d«
Sound, 'after an Illness o! 'nevem'
ing town,, aid should draw large
months. Deceased waw forty-two versos prevent the closed of mune among bell. N0lcolm McKay John Hunter
houses wherever a clever weer are metr es orf age ant was the only sun of Mrs. the children. • • • I. kooutEastman ll'm. flan r
enal an en -ening of mirth metre- . Elizabeth Wtetitin and the late Thom- -Mr. Richard .T. Phelan rwrlae! n Jus, Ita- W t, IV uwtN•r
elated. us Wootton of this town. He was. The New Winter Vehicle week (ski r) --I1, Iskl liber
Iran in Guelph. spent his youth in Mr. C. W. Feick, of Kitchener, n 1 mexwge daring the
ve astof his of it 1 - --_-- ^_p
THE RADIO I31i1. v former resident of Goderich, was in g To Present Harkey Players
GMr eighteen
and went to Owen 1 law, Mr. John A. Brennan, which M
over elgbte•n years ego. In 1914 he town last work aorontenyh,K 13r. F.! culTerl In Mercy HtNspAtnl, Gary, In- The Golerlch Mona will_ entertain
To the he of The Signal. married Miss Nellie Harney, who J. Sterner, who Is the inreetur and liana, and left on Ia , y Inst- the The
hockey club at Utero reg -
Allen The a broadcasting
proposal to with three children, Dorothy. Muriel Patentee of a motor sleigh which toulna dinner at Hotel Bedford nu Fob
1Mh private Government
n t control In survives. Also surviving being manufactured at Kitchener by', the tnnernl ,taking tame fru Friday day e es -ening of this week, rd ou 7th,
aro p and Lloyd, Horning- Much sympathy Is felt for
of radio Govr.rnment control is um his mother and four slaters: Mrs. the Dominion Motor Sleigh Company, at (t. 1:. o'clock. The hMkry ext•c•utive
Fri -
providing a rnentionno which 4l en- W. le II. Price and Mrs. George 1311- Limited. Mr. Steffler was formerly a Mrs. Brennan and her family. Mr. will take this . The hoe of exec Live
gaging the attention of tughout of ler, of GMI.•rich ; Mee. Frank Gardiner, blacksmith at Tee.water, and having Phelan will n•mnhn with ids dangle a will
t to each , of the 'players.
mutes throughout the of Stretford, and Mrit. George Kenny, after several years,' work brought ort
ter and her t•hlilrpu for scone time. Members of the town commit will be
Dominion. Pruttwts In abundance are of Kulirya•tlle. Mr. and Mrs. Price a hractiost vehicle for winter travel he Councillor S. D. ('ruff has been
flowing into the several .gosof a was persuaded to move to Kitchener
headquarters and are indicativet-tiof a are h Owen Soundo.'etfor the funeral, p• lrrenved by the 4.11414 of his uother,
svhletr takt s pines feeds~. and �Utbnch a factory there for the airs. J. B. (croft or Ro•kwuMh Out.,
proposed nsulk discontent with the proutctlon of his motor sleigh. In
n set mrasuR. NRA. A. T. rind o of
who Passel away on Sunday in her
Dv 1m After a long period of Ill•twalth general type the which. a simore to eighty-third year. The funeral, which
Montt t'rnnt tan of hron.h•asrtng by the snowmobiles which are more or
the Government would remove the took place at Rockwood on Tuewlay,
was Attended by Mr. and Mrs. 1'roft
/resent benefits fits of tomptilticr im-eat Flnmr.rac u. p+ and uloo by Rev.. IL C. Mello -mid
id programs nod a i be la. t. I>edr and Messrs. (:. 1.. 1. C.
s. J. W.
nav(to the
coes listeners wnnld U.S. r . 1' t 1 T.C
driven s. the dlaerNsemrnt of AI lived for t r►Illnrehain Which do's not wetir
programs, Many -private stations hare
developed a state of perfes•tion on a
par with the big stations across the
border. This development has htken
years of assiduous effort and expanse. Fletcher and Mrs. Black. of Toronto.
s0 that the Idea of Government Inter- tM said to use the float In (carotin to The regular me•tlu� of the W.('.T.1'.
}comes seems somewhat Ait ate. Nr. Esstreet United church, member
al- tnnke motor sleighs in a commercial will be islet in etat•K:c Heil . gime coeval• the girls' genie and Mr. D. 1.
aryl unral he a to Canadian taste. North wets. Already it large market has erne, of a girlie ftm in charge 1.ti1.
opened out, and by 'summer time it ''My. Nuri 10th, at :1 riclo•k' 1 boys' contest.
ilndrepp' the new measure aa senate
though otWa quiet, Milne eetn l-
1lnverninent atatlnn would ler estaD tion Shr was hold In high estcerm by IN expected that a considerable tttbn- The members. of the girls' tents
F i and. the pm- those who knew her. Iter of the ♦ehtcle. will M Wady for, etre es follgsw.
Mary Adelaiie Coe, *De of Dr. A.
t sese away on nn
nisi lied been a rtsuk'nt of
GMlerich for twenty -tour years. She
spent her early yrarry at Peterborough,
mud after her marring!.
some years nt Claude. In Peel county,
whore lir. Emmet -so -1i praetitel before
camhg to. GMlerlrb. bit•.ides her hns-
hluul, stir fences two sisters, Mrs.
less familiar, wUd two sets of wheels
at the rear and a pair of rnnneni in
.front; but it has several (Ustinctl%e
features. sit h as a op eclnlly designed }rawer, Andrew Porter and cn e n Courson. Last wank glrs. Sh•warL nn nt Seaforeh on -.Monday night 4f last home -scud •,,t•,,,d 1y lis father to -
out the tures, an adjustment by which %%irk IN•twtrn the girls' and boys' 1.41, where he lived throughout all t'.Ut1ANY, March :,,-The young
a front Set of wheels may Ile pfit In aunt lit 'Nr*'. l'rofL dlarl at uscen letims of the Safurth and GMtorte'. the yo rs of lits life. Fur a number of people of Binith's Hill community have
Sound, and• the funeral on Saturday
list• Instead of the runners, on -bare was attended by Mr-. Croft and her Collegiate Iititlnttr.s. Che Goderlch scarµ IM ens n meutlt•r of the .lsh been practising fur some- time the
rands, and other more or less tumor- notice, glrs. Campbell. teams woos loot h Karnes by wide mar- tle•ld tunnicipul council, sr'r%hig as play. by Clara Rothwell Andersen, en-
tant features. The Kitchener company
flied the girls' by 411-1:, and the !soy.' by cruor. deputy reeve and reeve. Ile titled. "Marrying Aunt," and,willpee-
•-' :t5-1:1. Miss Hellyer. of Scaforth, ref- entered the tont.ty ..,uuiln In 1915 and sent 1t In the church on Friday even
retired from the duties of public of- mug, M iio it 14. 'There will be :iso • •
lice hi Itrrn. Sixts•t•Ii years ago Ice, spurt program of songs by loci talk
Wits Milted lit marriage to Miss .11lee ent. All who wish to See a rent play
° leery', of Scoot Itimbton, Ile ern+ ti should reserve the 1411. Anti come to
stautleh IAbernl ,anti n member of tit.
present and the Ikons ('hub extend an final to his lupine. owing to n Strange
Incitation to the citizens of town 'form of paraly-s14 which stubbornly
w"ho wish to attend and show- their rtsi.t.•d all the rttwllenl tare tint
appreciation of the Sucrates rendered could hr brought to IN•nr upon It.
iy the hots. dnriug the 'lost sea«m. PrevioueIy he had enjoy's' robust
Tickets may to had at (`wuntr'll's health and had a tnngnlfieent ploys -
Drug Store tor hotel Iisiforil. 19nc. lie ices the third son of the
hate 13anri-e Dalton and his wife.
Basketball Notes Margaret Kine Dalton, and was born
Tsai basketball games were played nearly seventy, • years ago oh (tic'
A prlvntP fun- - WALL PAPER I'arlow•.
in each Province !
ams would be broadcast when, and b lie C F delivery. Meyers. Iteffler and Feick (4udmrleh-F.%elyn .))tars, glndelfnr Joseph's' church, Kingshrldge. 1'p ht girt. A. Jolmmlour Is visiting her
had one of the motor sleighs • with We have just revived our now' Acheson, ,lassie MooKay, ('lets Walston, the time of his illness he was an 011- sieter. glr..'A. Y. Henderson', of Loyal.
beer, the Government whited. j.oIefglteal Ircrmt, y p it I Margnre•t Groves, Dorothy AIi�J)or• ne•tatly siacalMaful fernier, Heid by held Mrs. A. T. lte•ud-neti had the mla
reasoning will show how distasteful than, and it was an objet of ouch stock of HMO arse sew?.. We are stir
such an arrangement could he. Core interest while In town. agents for i3tnunton't Semi-Trimmt Ittihy Mooney. Ntnrgnret Aandrron. the a-te•rm of ninny ndmir:tet :uud fortune to fall on the hr past outside
1 tit rM r ttRl . 1 the burial tookWall Paper. Saves time. GEO. W. Seaforth-Jean Erten. Norma Bolton. steadfast friends. Th.. funeral task the bock deer of her home and injured
elder the possibilities of advet'RP pot, 1 Little Lake
`-�----Y--- '
(tical propagan(M. for polities would p 1 t I'ri Mangey -Mania 'Praetor i e non+trader, SCHAEF'ER. her Irfl shoulder iu,d ares. No bones
dominate such pr,gvaitis even as poi. tPmeters. T lir hnMrrot txkmn b% wilt oust. rt k. gl. hhK. I I I t1 I It St were broken, but she is badly bruised
Mks dominate nearly everything els, I We hope for a speedy recovery.
Increaser' taxation le anther angle Tl I gibes il:tzcl louug \sus s situ._ het
rge.glltA •ii. S. F.1RItA'N'r 1(S 1 I h I tr rxg perm h R V 1 1' F'lli tt 1 •inter, Nrs._Frnnk Wilson.- Nile., the
whet Would affect the .public at was Ing t t
wth4her or not • receiving sect was �\ 1313 ens n•slslel by Its•%. 3' heti, 01 Dor+• first lir the wtrk.
' 'C.11., d•Wr1et offfe•er commanding mil - It. Ittrr,rw, A. Colborne, K. Itnnter. den. ns deaeon, and Rev. T. Hussey, Nt+s Stirling repent the week •tod •t
.nary district No. 1, and Mrs. Arae S•nf ,oily-Gillempir, ifltgan. Trott. .cf Klnkora, a+ anIMIVxt•un. Hrt. F. A.I her honer in liayflel.b
strong, Ihr Senfort1. branch of the 1 Hoff. gtci.eol. 1 111kiry, Johnston. Mitxrdle, (Astor of itt..1 09.44'-, noted 1 crit;• first lambs of the season 'lave
Canadian legion of the British Empire park., as punster of cert•noilt's. The ,tpual.- appeared at Mr. Jelin i'ntton's and
Service League' will give a• iu1wplcr" League Standing of the mass wes benitt1fetlly n•uderid'
adv hell in ('.trdno's Hell. S•x{oit1., ItOY;t Ivy the choir of the ehnrch, nu
the evening of St. Patrick's 151y. • Won inert • Ray !tuition sang the Ate Mn
Marsh ,17th. 11(34). Col. Hemet'. ef- tmttderie•i 0 the offertory with much feeliti
ricer commanding tire Waren Reid- Clinton
menta Col. 4'ombe, preodent of tit♦ ,131ti•ht,e
Clinton legion; •Major 1'Ftenil, presl- Nnnforth
dent of Galerieh Legion: and 1'41:
}lays. 1leaforth, will be the t osinme
The lAoit Tnme•rs Orchestra featur-
ing William C. Fisher, ,violinist and
Schwan, of Toronto; Samir of Roan power farming. pointing out the ceps lewder, Is being brought from imndon. Aeafnrth
'v11he, $ets'b.; Will, ot (yigary, and in tractor development up to the Pres- ('oentme primes will he as ((Ohms; The Goderkh tome will play nt
Daniel, of (1111(00. and one sister, ant. Mr. 11. Gowers, n mechanic from Lady's character gentleman's char- Clinton on Monday, starch 10th. Theme
Lydia, of Otetlltoa. The tnnerxl sora the gtnasey-iinrrie factory at Racine. Neter; lady's comic; gentleman's comic: will be the flat contests to the the A.Mlrld municipal cmm,elt, lived
tees, on Friday. were mnAttettrt at Wis., where the Rallis trnr•tor Is man- Net "hard tines" coslnme, lady or league and will no doubt prove fast to the advnn.wl age of eighty six years.' to be out again after Yie•i,g a,ufi0/d
the family residence by Raw. G. Hatt nficttirel, wave an interesting talk on gentleman. and .telling. Mr. J"eepdi Dalton wag pi'1'.le'ratwl to the house tor Name time.
end Rev. J. N. Ii. Mills. Mews Geri- the mechanical eonstruetlnn and print- (hit -of -town requests for tickets ae- On Tnesdty evening or this week then urea three sisters, Mrs. Patrick 'login, Mr. anti Mrs. A. W. Young. of Nile,
nide Italie. n niece of the de•easwh I entertained a number of their friends
sweetly sang "The City Foursquare." m G nut I last Friday night to x progreesiK
The Interment was' in Maitland sem- 4 tete-table euchre party. All enjoyed •
piety. the pelfleuirrrs hying Rows Her-
rbton, William Snyder, Stanley Snyd-
er and i egret tr Snyder. Those pores
end setwiee was condtWttrk, at (be
North street, 7.
Clarke, on Friday afternorb. and the
hbdy wife then taken by C. 'P. R. to
'• • . o 1 where
Place en Settirday n e
The fntxera service a --- --- e n NI. \lel rlhnu M. l'ud-
rrbnrun¢w, was couleletal by Rea. Das.-1farmers In power farming ens in rc- SF.AI'ORTH 'MASQUERADE
Id Wren. idcuee hy" the large gathering, number -
toys tennis:
between 175 and '1(10, at the Massey- Under the e t ngtt . e patronage t e (,M e• --- . cw,om N'. u
much respected resident of this Harris traitor demonstration held on of Brig. -General -\rmstrutg. ('• ,\, ',minutia. J. Kniewhmc, F' .savage,
Tuesday, February 25th, by the hien)
Mneyey-linrris exerts, (:Ibeon tiros. in -
spite of the condition of the roads at
this season, there were present farmers
from the Wingham. Clinton. A.nf.rrth,
Mitchell. Exeter and Zurich dietrlets,.
and the gathering included also five
visiting Maseey-Hnrtis local agents.
Mr. A. E. Robinson, of .Mitchell. em-
eriti agent in Ole district, directed
and Carolina Sc•hwan's. Moth of w o n the mewing ns chairman. Mn. E. P.
passed on moot two years meo. 1,"' Etherton. Inspector of 'Ontario mewl
E. Dolph. Norma linbktrk. 11. I'nt• place en Friday morning. elicit ,t large
nnmher ettl•td ei the ser% .•r 1 .
Joseph'. u-hur•it. Itev. 11. Sullivan of
Clinton, nephew of the darn• sang
the selenul high tins 4f ns mein. tine
mw.. Owners of ouch sets w•ottld conimnnity fe'r'al away at .plc tten Mn
have to pay an increatted yearly hripitnl on Tuesday, February 25111,
license foe of fifes, four or tier wife of !gtr. aoti lHarryMiriam
1Fntrant,Se of *the
The radio public on the whole .,ts Mill rood, Gderk•h township. De-
' finite satisfied with the present broads crhscd tontructel septic peritonitis.
carding, by private Interests. so why which quickly hronglrt to a close an
Should radio conscription •tor forced active and useful young life. Dctea41'ti.
nprn them, as it will he It eonee'rtel who was only in her thirty-first sero.
*Pen/Mien does not gain strength? was a daughter of the late Michael
Rta(lon ()JGC at London. Onterlo,
*eking for letters of protest. Thou-
sandos have been retched but titoesnnds
more are needed; whether you ere a
radio fan or not your own intereotS
demand that yon mall your protest
An nneonsetot,s blending of Ironic.
hug a aro Yankee mowas Chicagon follow
tag m program
ing the Acott -Sharkey flown last
week. The annnnneer was the raum/ts
-Think Jaw" of R'4vlIM hroadeawHni
from a well-known eaffelne dtw,
,ensary in the Mosey city. Elated
ver Sharkey's frinmph, the "Inrota-
ptrrehle master of c'remcrnlea" thanked
the lett~ for Amrriie's snpremeey In
everything materiel and cowl/tided by
hefting the world that kitbag() was
broadeasting. JOR(:F;N.
Dr. J. R. Whitely ham lettered his
guie"Matnosa Grattan," for the
stake of the Kalattaton. Mich,
1) S Mat.
was married in 19144 to air. +'arrant,
who survives, with three young daugh-
ters, Ads, Gladys, and Pearl. There
are four sturvivlrtg brothel*: John
ligencies. tont recently trnnsferrtl
from Western Canada, where he had.
been for twenty-five years, gave an
Interesting and instructive talk on
will be ready for the early tourist
d lar. ,trade.
Marla nt We regret to hoar of the death of .
g. The Mr.' 11"illlam Lipit•tt. t%ht• h ttcurted
't 1 pnIIM•n rcrs were six neighbors
of the sm Tue utas. lie had been 111 for mnlae
i _ 4 I decenwsi : %h'«srs. Clifton Austin, time and the cud was not unexpected.
14 5 'Phomas Drennan. NI. .1. 4'('onnor, 3. By the passing of Mr. Upp'lt, another
.1. 1tea n,. (`yrtl .lusth nw1 Lott• pini resident of Colborne t1twnshit' has
Won lest Dalton. The prayers at the grave were passel away.
4 n 1 elenris and feelingly rtcittd by Rev. Mr. Thos. Wilson. buyer for tire• Co-
( • 1
2 4
0 5
4'111 ten
Father Sullivan. The drowse/41 stet
survived by his widow• and oto• broth-
er. Mr. Moreau -Dalton of .l.thfield.
ills father, the late Maurice Dalton,
who officiated at the Inception of
operative Co., shtppd n chines( of
hog% Oil Monday Mist. Mr. Nelms
Pearson shipped n omitted of hogs o•
We are glad to sur Unit Mr 'fit ••-�.
Jewell, of the Sth stn ljM_. M-7bie `�-
ed nut Pinme of the exclusive feateres tompnnlel try remlttenee may Ile
of the Wallis certified tractor. Mr. malted `jo Keating's Drugstore. Sea -
Cowers also hod charge of the moving forth. And will he honored in the or -
picture. h well modern power der easiest To prevent mon raw y- who died In In nnc% Fie tco's a a R ploei.ant e%ening.
1 t 1 operation on ew,me Inca definite limit hart been pieced (perclrtML Rebekah 7tNIRq \n SO, will number t arm Mem, to the removal to Goderieb
local boys' team Inlayed an exhibition MM. Christopher U mbertu. and 51ra,
motel' at Mitchel the score bel 24- John Sullivan, (ry it brother. Mr..Mnut-
20 In favor of Mitchell. Ice IMltnn, and by tw'o-r'jher bfethei+
pleturr.s which
('hr stlan Habit, of Crollton ; Mrs.,,J.
Schwann, of Toronto: Mr duke
, 01 London • Mr. rind MM. J.
11. Farrant, of A1rat.forl: Nr. 1).
fe twangs rnt Clinton; .141r. and Mrs.
Henrynry Piffle, of Hensel, and Mrsso,
}tarry Baof ZAMeh.
s o mora d' ------.- f I' -:i r e
machines n sola ow t ce on o chess Ord, n ser, in -
of the moot famous terms in ('anadi%.. the number of debris Aoki. Dnnblr hold a Pgeher. and drools 10 the Old- eluding Rev. Father likelivtin of line; of Nr. A Clark, eh., waw attwlatant
At the plow of the leetn.rs''gtrltob tleke't 4115'; shsgle ticket• ladies fellows' f?ttl• on Tuesday rvtntne. ton and his two srv. the Sisters) sup•rintendent in the 'nnday wheel,
51134►, *eatlemeu $1.S,. An extra charge March 11th. "t I bM
St. Basil amt St. MO, ire, Of St. JON- Miss Helen Clark teas appointed for
Spd's cnmtnnnity, to *Nom Ur. Dettnullll the remainder of the y.'ar•1i20.
As' Friday, Morph 7th, Is the world-
wideday of prayer In tits W. M. Btt-
eiety, a puhlk't prayer service will W
held at bmlthca an at TIM p.m...to
width all are lowliest
tont from a distance were Mr. end Mrs:
Inson introduced the visiting agents,
who responded with brief but nptt-
miette speeehem.
Mr. Ernie Jaeli�ggoon ort Wingham,
mammas 'for,.liiaiey-fiarrif, anctoted
In making this a most enerm.1ul
of twenty five eents will be made at
the door to PNeh ticket -holder not 1h
oo+hime. NO tk'kcts' will be sold at
the door.
44. Ws ARCM-BAi)D, Dr. J A. MI'NN.
President. 3ec•retary•
.,5. :•. r
While eoming ewes from it neigh-
ltr's house on Tuesday, Mrs. C. ltir-
vtu fell and injured iter shoulder
severely, end ns it result will he laid
itp for some time
bad' taken the Omit ..t to parent for
several years, M..Iar Maureen, of the
Metered ilenrt easWiii, louden, and
Slitter Alhertine, of Ts r'ettn Abbey.
J'1 �..rveelill)".