HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1930-2-27, Page 8$-Tbanday, 'February 27, 1030.
Wall Papers now
showing, 22 and
30 inches wide -
5c per roll to $1.5P
Book Store
Town of Goderich
The Town Bylaw° nquirc
That the Owner or harborer of
any dog sha11 obtain a license
and each dog shall w.•ar a
Beene* tag.
I have been inetrueted to en-
force this bylaw.
(;et your lice/tea at once
and save prosecution:
Chief of Police.
Special Values
All Winter Footwear
Men's, women's and
children's Goloshes.
Felt Boots.
Men's and boys' heavy
laced Rubbers.
All at clearing prices
W. Here's Shoe Store
Phone 43w
M4. L C. Chapman bar sold ids red
brick reafdenee on Wellington street
to Mr. Gonion Young. The P)Ills (,'reek
harm on the 4th coucees,lon of Goderich
towtwhip has beep pwurebared by Mr.
Richard furter. There real estate deals
were transacted by Mr. J. W. Arm-
strong, real (*tate agent.
Presentation to Bride -elect
on '1'ueada). (netting of last week
members of the L. 0. 7t, A. mot at
tie home of Mrs. A. 1'. Kattting for a
*axial evening. During the evening
ttie,ladlcv. presented one of their num.
her. Kis. Stomorello sprout, bride -elect
w•}tb- a beautiful fernery. Mrs. Kale
ting made the preeefWtloa and Mrs.
Pall,er read the addrdss.
The death qf Gerald Austin Harris,
Infant sou of Mr. and Mrs. Albert
Rama, of Goderich, °averred un Mon-
day, February 241b. The young lad
was aged tell months end 1w•enty-
four days and had been ill about ten
'daysBesides( the parents there are
two ther ehiktren, N'ilietm and Rue -
ort, who servhe. The }neral tart
• place from the family residence,
Klhgetou steel, on 1Vedncselay atter-
tteruatn 1,4 mainland eentetey. Rev.
Gurdon lana c..ndueted the set% ere.
i '1 ,
Spring is at hand !
1 1 4 1 1 -el 1 1 4 +++++++++++4
We can take care of any-
thing you require in new
or used Furniture.
See us first. We positive -
Iv save you money.
Furniture Exchange
-Omni 1i 4ut el Galena
Hamilton Street
Phone 146
We delivel in town
Carrrdleo is G. C. L list
I'rinct J. 1'. Hume informs The
ttignal ths3 an, error was trade In the
G. C. I. examination) 11Nts handed to
this offlce last week for ijubtkatlun.
Miss Sylvia 1(alkeW of form 111.14.
was erdete(1 with ae OMPLI- taaat hou-
ors aa* 74.3 per cent. Mlaa Salkeld's
correet atandhlg w•as fine -class hon-
ors( with 76.3 per .'•nt. She stood fourth
in her class.
Mt. George's Chur'eb Htgi, Teo
The high tea whet was held. In
the perish hall of 8t. George's church
last Thursday, under tate auspices of
the Church Wouteu'a Guild, proved a
great eueeess. The table( were very
prettily decorated in a odor scheme
of pule mauve and yellow, baskets of
freshly cut daffodils being the centre
decoration of the tables and giving
the hall a real touch of spring. The
eouvettors for the tea tables were
Mrs. D. Brown and Mrs, O. Sturdy'
for the fancywork tulle Mrs. Worll-
••sewlN•, Hrs. Murphy and Mrs. Evans;
for the candy, kers. H. Hunt and Mrs.
Gurl, Mrs. .1. Foster, as is her usual
custom. kiwlly donated time mats to
the Guild. Two of these were won by
Lucy Harrison and Norah Juck for
having obtained the highest ;randier (4f
voters • Leslie Riley and Stewart
tichot•nbals alsr c+urcassul far cotes
uud were rewarded with a tuir of
Attie' ,etKiln. The thiel mat was won
by lbw. W. Stalin+ for having gust e'ed
Nearest to the correct tat -tuber of beaus
b the jar. • Tice correct number was
411.10; • Mrs. Smith's guess was
444341. ,T1M Guild extend their thank.:
to all w44 helped *lake this ••tent
.n, h n suttee(-(.
lu the t o attic .
WRIGLEYS 1 list t •et• f
Alertness none: everywhere.
Wrigley's creates pep and en-
ergy and keeps you alert.
A 5,' package may save you
from going to sleep at the wheel
of your car.
Auto Markers, Permit
Cards. Operator's and
Chauffeur's Renewals.-
At NiacVscar's Sitoe't..re
1'. 0, Box 414 1;'sk•nch
We expect to have here and sell
next week •
7 Fillies, rising 3 years old
3 Fillies, rising 2 years old
9 Mares and Geldings, 1300
to 1600 lbs.
We carry a good stock of
Electrical Appliances,
Fixtures, etc,
Electric Wiring of All Kinds
}'estimates given'.n application
Frank McArthur
West Street Electrical Shop
Telephone 82 Goderich
Free Slip Covers
with every
sold during the month of February
Phones: Store 335, Residence 355w.
Of Interest to the Busy Farmer
Furnished by the Ontario Department of Agriculture fe
Valuable Crops
Hay and pasture crops, including
graters, clover, aid other forage
planta., couatltute the moat valuable
group of planta grown on Ontario
forma Over seven million acres of
loud, which is about half of the total
area in cultivation, are used to pro-
duc•e'be hay and pasture crops of the
Province. Thea hay and clover crop le
valued' annually at lore than 930,-
000.000 for the past forty-five years,
and over $80,000.000 annanlly for tho
past five years, 1924-8.
Spray Early and Often
.tt the Expa'rlmental Farm, Ot-
tawa, 1t has been found that in some
seasons six or snore application.. of
*pray material are required to entire-
ly control the apple scab, but It is
well worth the extra labor and curet
when our obtains clean fruit. The
first :application weed be made very
•80(40 after t be 1 if nut when
g ns,
Lim tree Is still dor/neut. The best Farm Machinery
plan is to have the spray machinery It has been proved that the use of.
and ale date ready 244t the earliest modern machinery can reduce the
pN•a%ihle• date met prepare to begin In
seven years has risen from 2.51 pounds
to 314 Sha. per capita per year.
Canadian Baton Supreme
An interesting fact 1s the state-
ment recently Issued whleb ,bowed
the decrease in the bacon export trade
with Great Britain in the last eight
years or 'duce bog -grading was enter-
tained us a general practice. Eight
year•, ago Canada's export of bacon
amuuuted to more than 100,000,000
pound.. Jn 114:19 It had dwindled to
less than 38,000,000 pounds. The
reason given. Is that grading has in
reality improved the quality of Can-
adian bacon and that more and more of
it is consumed at home. The reputation
of Canadian; bacon stands supreme on
the American continent and 1s equal
to any lineal offered in Gnat Itritaln.'
The most pressing need at the present
time in relation to ibe Canadian ba-
con Industry is larger production and
(ontiuuoas supply.
Weekly ('tots Report
The weekly snip reps.rt of the On-
tario Department of .Agriculture in-
dicates that fanners throughout the
I'rovin(t' are experiencing a hard
whiter iu !earls prolcularly, due to
1 the tart that live stuck' went lute
w-tuter quarters in poor condition Al -
the -lhmeek I
Chapter. 1.0.D.E.. puliehtul last week
the name (if Yrs. Dudley Hashes. sr..
as-standard-tr.arer, was (netted.
The monthly meeting of the Sult-I
turd Hospital Auxiliary- will lee Ilel
at elle hour of Mrs. Edward M skelll
on Thursday. March 0th. at 2.30 p.m.;
F'. E. Hib1Nert's annual February,
elite ei11 commence tau Friday, Feline;
ary :'raft, and will continue until Sate
urdny. Mani' nth. A full-page, tad-
vertiseturtlt en page :. of this issue toe!
noun's, dlanY ,pedal barpahr,
guava 14 au exception, however, and
rough feel h; plentiful in that dis
trier. Ilay is being brought into Carle-
ton in large quantities and the pos-
sibility of a feed shortage is appar-
ent l0 Dufferlu. Gootl prices Were ob-
tained by Durham -farmers- for cattle
shipped, -While egg production there 1s
reported as !ming only fair. Lt Pron-
tensc• milk and cram Is plentiful.
llaldimaud• has had it great demand
for good wad grain, which indicates a
renewed interest in good seed. iluren
farmers ,are heviug a shortage of
root and silage [ends. Milk is far be -
i low the average in he•nuoz and Ad-
diugtou, while feel indicates a sur -
Mrs, 1. L. Knox has returned romp
as visit to frletide at Toryutu.
Mr. William Sharman, of Hawiltoo,1
14 spending a few days with relatives
In town. -.
Miss M. It. Mac%tcar has returned
from Toroutu, where she atteude.l the
Mprhlg mllljnery openings.
John Z'un'is, of Holyraol. the
well-known auctioneer, dire on Tnee-
day in his eleventh -ft year.
Mrs. Andrew Porter has returned
from ('leveland, where she vent seine
time with her daughter, Mrs. Paleit.
The Ontario Good Roads Asscx•le-
tion and the Blue Water Highway As-
sociation are holding their annual
meetings at Toronto this weak. A num-1
ber from here are in attendance at
one or the other, or bialy' including
Mr. Robt- Johnston. who le president
of the (:tem! Roads As-eociatlon, Mayor
Ma,'Ewan. Councillors Muter and Hum-
ber, Town ('perk Knox. Ex -Reeve
Hugh 11111 of Colborne and Conley I
Ens:ti ner I'atter,suti. Messrs. B. E.
Smith aril J. J. Hayes are rtpreeenting l
the 1aominl.n Road Machinery Co. ate
the goad roads eonveatlon,
77 I
"A Lad book 1s written primarily for ;
the reader and a good book primarily'.
for the author." -Sheila Kaye -Smith.
plus in the *uppdy. in iemb►nmklg
seed grain Is said to be muting slow-
ly with a light demand. Potatoes,
however, are good.
costs of production ou all crops. Ilow-
ever, the buying a
n e s
f machinery should
be done only after careful considera-
tion, and machinery will not turn a
ideficit Into a profit. lla-ehinery- w111
not take the place of good eetd and
good cultural practices nor w111 It
serve as a substltute for intelligent
management. in fact. the more machin-
ery there is on a farm. the greater
is the necessity for following the bed
farm prnetlees, beams.- investment
costs are higher. risks. are greater
and losses may be heavier.
Sow correet Seed
Farmers should remember the value
of sowing weed -free seeds and settle
of tester} varieties of grain. 11y t0
doing one way iia•rease the yield farm
alt per cent. to 41:3 per (opt. inoses the
lowest yielding varieties. In nntts It
bus tarn shown that large plump
'seed w•111 average 412 bushels to the
acre, while tie small seed yields only
1 46.ti bushels; In barley the ratio 1s
33.8 and 43.3 bushels. Farmers ere
*drilled to get a ropy of the aealyaia
f of the same before buying seed. Your
local agricultural office tori furniob
desired information on thls•suhjeet.
Apple Prises Poor
Apple Market in France The latest bulletin of tQe Ontario
A recent bulletin Petted by the Fault Growers' Association; based
Fruit Growers' Association of Ontario tlprn the seaports of the overseas rep
resentative. Indicates a tow price for
the last lot of Canadian apples re-
ceived at'I,iverpool, due to poor con-
dition. 1t is recommended that grow-
ers shipping overseas use shredded oil
jollier for packing, as a large part of
the hast shipment NOS ■ffects'd great:
ly by 'scald. South African plums,
peaches and pears are being offered in
large gaantlli.vs and are quite cheap,
affecting somewhat the sales of Can-
adian apple's. The fruit is of excel-
lent quality andwell packed and
commands a ready sale on the lirit-
Ish market.
901114s out the possibility of France
being developed Into an attractive
market for goal quality Ontario red
apples. 8atitfactnry prices can be se-
cured for fruit that meets the deanaud
of the better' class trade, as the gen-
erateruu of-'ret+h apples is interior
in quality, although a large quantity
of apples is produced annually in
the country. It is predicted that iu the
next fifteen years gaol quality apples
will have to be imported in increas-
Ing quantities owing to the depretia-
tion of the orchards.
JEWELL-in loving memory of our
loving husband and fnti+Pr, Richard
Jewell, who dial six years ago,
March 1st, 1924.
The rolling stream of life g.e. nh,
And still the eacart chair
Recalls the love, the viler, the snipe.
Of one who mese sat there.
We cannot, Lord, Thy purpose we,
Rut all Is well that s done icy Thee.
-Ever remembered by WIFE ANI)
Wednesday. March 12th.-Auetlnu
' °:ale of term st.N•k and lmplementa,
i property of tier,. Youngltlutt, one Mlle
east of Auburn. T. Gundry & Son,
.11111'RN. Feb., 27. --Owing to the
high water of the Maitland River. Mr.
Bogie's' chopping mill Is closer( clown
for n few days.
Much sympathy is extended to Dr
C. A. Howson. who has received the
sail new-* of the death of his brother,
Mr. Leonard iiowerm. of Rndyard,
Mich. i/s-r'i .rl was well known by
many In thlk community and the news
of its death w111 be heard with SUCH/PM,.
Rev. Mr. Goodwill has received the
sad news of the death of his mother
in Prim... E4Ivoir,1 Island. as the re-
-1111 of all n+•ell(tlt. The eyngatthy of
I is many friends is Pxt.'n led to IIm
in his bereavement.
In Knox Presbyterian rhnrch Inst
81104144y the three newly Plcr•1e.1 mem•
hers of the session were inducted.
namely. Mr. W. T. Riddell, Mr.. J. C.
Stoltz and Mr. Wm. Thom. -
Four young boys of Blyth paid An.
burn a visit on Mobility. May they not
conte hurl for n while, is the wish of
smite In Auburn. --
Interesting Figures
Interesting statistics issued at Ot-
tawa recently show that Canadians
drink a pint of milk u day on an av-
erage. making an Increase of approi-
Imately one hundred per cent.' since
1921. Canadians are also said to eat
more butter per capifh than any other
people in the world as Indicated by a
figure of 29.31 pounds per man, woman
and child annually. The per capita
consumption of milk is 470.8 pounds
a year, which is, compared with
458 pounds per capita for the United
States. Ice cream, likewise, has
shown an increase, the 1W.ei figure
being 7.114 pints per capita as Coen -
fared• with 520 pint. for 11121. The
consumption of cheese in the past
Quality of Cheese Improves
There hal been a steady improve-
ment of the quality of cheese year by
year (tree the grading we. undertake
en by the Government some seven
years age. It wait reeently author(
tattvely stated that a new mark was
attained In the pest year, when 83.1
per cent. graded was found to be of
the first grade. This eras an Inerease
of 15.1 tier rent. over 1921, when
grading began. Ali Provinces showed
a marked improvement. but Ontario
particularly made an natoniahing
record with 96.7 per cent. of the
highest grade. in the Province there
were approximately 730 factories in
operation, receiving milk from thous-
ands of farms.
ger Within Our Gates,," in charge of
Mrs. Gm. Webb. Hostesses, Mesa Lila
Humphrey and Mess 11. C. Rutherford.
Mr. John Webb, who spent the
winter with his brother, Mr. McKem
zee Webb. has left for his home nt
Arnrww.o d, Alberta.
. Mr. J*e. Miller. of Butte Centre,
Alberni. 124 a visitor with hls cousin,
)Ir. John Miller, and other friends.
On February 14th (Mrs. Hugh Ruth -
erten] celebrated her eightieth birth-
day at the Loma of her su, lir. W.
Rutherford. (ler daughters, Mrs. John
Bennett of i'ort Albert and Mrs, Ol-
iver Anderson of itelgrave, were pres-
ent for' the occasion. During the day
lire. Rutherford receive' congrntuls-
thtus • from n host of friends.'-- The
evert was announced over the radio
from Wingham.
A Social BvenIng.-A very pleaa:mt
time was spent on Friday evening.
when the Women's IneIltuto held their
:at-h.ule. Although the road« were 11.
Mel ( ention, n goodly winter Retie
'sere'. The chair was taken by ,ter. T. C.
%Yllkinson (hiring the program, wiled'
Melted with the singing of "The Maple
Laf." MIs. Gladys Iloigins gave nn
instrumental. anti Miss Greta _Webb a
solo, '•Tiek Tick Tock." A duet ens
player) by 14rs. D. 1'hi1111* mid Isobel
'Miller, after which 'ommnnity sing-
ing rad games were enjoyed. Mrs. 1).
Phillips W1184 pianist, for the evening.
Lunch ens served. •Mr, Ramage
Ilia eked the miles for the enjoy-slde
evening and spoke a' few words in
commendation of Women's lteditutes.
ST. HELENS. I'Ph. 25. -Mr. Darold
Hyde. who repent a Maple of weeks
visiting his brothers at Kincardine.
refereed now on Monday.
Mies Ethel itobeertson is In Goderich
today attending the funeral of her
110410. lair. J. A. Robertson.
itev. T. C. Wilkinson made n visit
with hie parents at Ripley last week.
The St. Helen's' Women's idelIUrte'
will meet on Thur...Lit, March 0th. at I
the home of Mise Greta Weld. I44rll1
call- Irish jokes. Subject -"The Ntrnn-
7: E'1•BUK
CV'rs The Stip a 01
*thnnkhlc the pieople of Carlow and
district for the generous patronage
they hove given ale during the past
yenta's, and 1 bespeak for my successor,
lir. Frnnk Mcllwnh,. the same enrdloi
treatment. Wishing all my old friends
the 111110.1 measure of prosperity for
the future, Yours truly,
('AItLOW. Feb. 26. -Mr. Elmer Rote
(whiten has tapped hid trees. it 1S- en-
amel to here sap running In Febru-
ary. but 1t 1s espreted a reser(' mettle
syrup tensor will be the remit.
Mr. and Mrs, Server have taken up
their resl.Mnee In the ease -end nutlet
of the township hall.
Mn.. Jean Walter, of Toronto. spent
the week -end with. her parents. Mr.
and Mrs. R. M. Yonne. for Mr. Mellwaln and his mother, Mee.
Mltsee (134-8 and Ev lyn Culbert, of 1 R. Meilwaln,
(Ooatinued from page 1)
side, on his own property, but he con•
testate* Oast LL was less dangerous( to
have the pumps on tbo street than to
have cars passing over the walks to
get to the mops.
Councillor 'Bailie moved a reference
of the matter to the special commit-
tee, but this did not aatdafy Council-
lor Moser, who pointed out that the
matter had to do with the street* and
should go to the public works rom-
mitter Councillor Bailie observed that
Mr. ]loser was an interested peaty,
but the latter said be would not vote
ou the question. Councillor Mover's
-taint was conceded and the matter was
referre.t• to his (p ut lic works, com-
Reorganization of Fire Brigade
Councillor Woracll precipitated an-
other diseuawion by expressing the
opinion that, now that the town bar
Its fire equipment motorised, with an
ilw-estweut of $14,000 or $15.1100, there
should be a steady mau to look *0
ter the equipment.
The Mayor -Should he 1s' cider?
Councillor Worrell-- Not necessarily ;
but he should at any rate 1N• al.le to
drive a truck. •
Cuttuc•IIIor [lumber said he under-
stood there was to lo• a aowplet.- re-
organization of the brigade.
t'oUucillur Mel.rau, who Is ,•hair
Wall of the fir' tomalltne, said if any
member ofh
t e council had uuylNNly in
view better adapted for the job thee
the present men,1iers of the fire .ow -
pinny he should brine, pie• name for-
middle-aged. No washing or ironing.
Apply Box 34, SIGNAL OFr10'a.
11 out on shares for terse Aft* to
JOHN P'ARRISH, R. R- 7, Lockoow.
Provincial highway on Friday
night, February 14th. Tinder kindly
notify BENSON SOWEI(JIY, R- R. Ne.
.2, Goderich. Telephone 2 on 404.
is grocery or office. Immediate posy
session then. Apply to (MIA8. K.
SAUNDDERS. Galerlch.
ranee between North and Victoria.
Modern conveniences', garden. M. W.
1It)W1LL. 'phone 213.
put ItP:NT.--Y)MPACT 11011111111
I Jlalrtnll•i*L Posevssioa may be bed
immediately. For further particulars
apply to ilAYS & HAYS,G 1
oder M,
made; there sld The Reeve believed. thet chaugtu pH S.‘1.1; - IBEANS13U1'fAltl,/.
ab..uld lie Ahmed be
body to keep the elplil ear in ',tope,* for c.o.king or for sped. Apply W
condition- JUI1:V rAItitISll, i1. R, :go :1 Goder
Omani -Maar (Yoft said the general icb. •••••1•41 • Carlow 1440.
opinion (dented to he that some chtiliges I
were netessnry. He suggested n !Beet-, �i alt SALE. --VERY ItRIIJIP ARTIII-
ing of tie• w•laole Milken to go clam-
f 11' tisane. l'h.rrfttl ..urruuadlnp.
fully into the matter. heated. Two lots of pries
Finally a motion was passed that well trod. ut reasonably.
the matter of 4 reorganization of the Teems U drsWilllrwl.Ire Aptlytaat once to
brigade le. referrer( to cammitte.• „1, IKIX 801, (ioderlch, Ont.
the whole eouncel.
This concluded the business of the• FOR. BALE, -FARM, 80 AC111118 ON
BORf4 cold; three-piece bathroom. O. E.
8MYTN--On Sunday-, February IOth, GROVES,. Goderich H.R. 1. Plane 3tt
to ,Mr. and. Mrs. Ale Smyth, West on 601,
Wawanosh, a -son. -
OKE. --To Mr. and Mrs, 140 W. Oke' AU(TJOYF.ERING
- on February 23rd, at 20024 Outer
Drive, Detroit, a son (Allen Elwyn',
ANDRFIWS---(In February 7th, at 8� i L1111 id'O(K ANI) GENERA!
Michael's Hospital. Toronto, to Mr. ♦UCTIONE6R
tad Mrs. Nto. Andrews (nee I,Illlau
R'hltesddN. a sun, Duna1+1 George., Telephone No. 119.
Melee attended to anywhere and et
DIEDeffort- made to give entlefa
Rl►BERTf1ON.-In Godericti, on Sun-
Farmers' sale notes dlacouattud
tiny, February 23rd. John A. Robert-
I)-ALTON.-At KingsbrWtte. on We!:
neaday, February Dtgh. Joseph P. will conduct antes anywhere 11y
term% ■re reasonable and 1 will e!-
I*Iton' deavor to give satisfaction, Phases
FAIL A\T.-Io Gcolerleh, en Tuea- Carlow 1314, or ■ddresw H. R 4. Gob
day, February ZSth, MIrfam Irene erich.
W hwunz, beloved wife of Mr. Harry)
F'arradt, In her 31st year.
Huron road three miles east of
"Golericb ; goal barn 70 x 50, red
brick house, running water. bot and
ILtI(RIS.-In Goderich. on Monday, DRl'GIJF,SN PIRACTiTIONRR
February 2443, Gerald Austin, Infant
ern of Mr. ,and Mrs. Albert Harris, r1IIROPRA('Tolt A- D DRUGLESS
ager! 10 mouths and 24 days. THERAI'I5T
EMMERSON.-In Goderich. on Thurs.
Goderich, I'hnne 341
day, February 27th, Mary Adelaide am
with electro-msgnetle
Coe, beloved wife of A. T. Emmet-- baths• Electronic electric treatments
s.m, M.D. oral chlropraetic. Chanute organic and
from the rsedelNr, North nerraIS (lineages. Lady In attendaaea
street, on Friday, February 28th, to Ot11ep hours 2 to 5, and 7 to 9 peal,
the C. P. It. station en route to Pet-
excepting Monday and Thursday led
erborough for interment. Private fan- by appo'Intment.
oral. Kindly omit flowers- A. N. ATK1N80N
Resldenea and office --Corner id
South street and Britannia read.
take Gila means of extending their
sincere thanks to friends and neigh;ANS P. 0113118, OIIARTERDD
hors for ktndnesees extend.' to them Accountant, 1lr_ Ontario reran,
during the Illness of their infant son, Stratford. Phone 1580. Rea 1330)
Gerald Austln,i and at the time of
iiercavement. - MFDICAI.
the G.C.L. spent the weekend with •AUCTION SALES
their uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mrs.
Melvin Tyndall.1AUCTios SALE.
Mr. W. L. and Mrs. Young and Mr.
Alex. young visited at Mr. Georg( There will ire offered for sale by
Bean's. Auburn, on Monday. auction at .11. Knitting's tarn, Vopth
Some of the farmers have started, street. Goderkh, on
plowing. Tlds is the enurlkwt by n SATURDAY, MARCH lat. AT 3 P.M.,
month for many seatnns, one bay horse, 8 years old; one geld-
rhe.uew assentor, Mr. Wm. Sal- lug snit, about 9 months old.
Terms -Cash. • -
Auctioneer. Bailiff.
lows. Is on his rounds, and is slaking
good progress this fine weather.
Wild grew. have been seen going
north. 4.11,1 many blaeklrlrds'are around.
Mr. Harvey Errington has secured
a lo,sltIon on a ls.nt and experts to
leave for Port Colborne In a couple
of weeks.
The many friends of Miss Annie
Wolter were sorry to bear of her J14`1'.
ion. inners' and removal to the hospit-
al'. Latest report. 1310 That she is Im-
M:'etins of C. G. 1. T. -The C.O.1.T.
groups met In the hall on SntunMy af- eonSlsting of sows and store hogs; 20
!Prime's, with' an attendance of seven, bend of cattle, 4onslsting of cows and
the president. loss Ooze' Ynung, pr' ynnpg cattle.
siding. Thp meet11 g oIN•ueel w11h Fuller particulars next week,
tinghlg nn,1 pnnyer. AS this" ens 1111::
1* Usual terms.
Proprietor. Anetloneer.
CATTI-F: ANI$ 11009.
wI11-sell by public auction at has farm,
lot 00, on Highway, 21,e miles west of
Hnlmeavttle, en Monday, March ,10th,
at 1.30 sharp:
10 good farm horses (three well -
matched teams In this lot) ; 23 hogs,
first sleeting of ch. year, a program
for the next six months was drafted.
A name also wens chosen for the group. I
„Foursquare" being agreed upon, as
embra(ing the fourfold Iden of young
IS'ople'a orgnilzalin0.4 191e first clime-
1 ter of the new slimly Mak. "From Tarter and by virtue of the powers of
3ernsalkm to Jerusnlepn," was reviewe4T.i gale enntailnp.l In a certain registered
1t was agreed 10 ,lsslst at the social mortgage made to the vendors, there
pi'ening to he held by flip W. M. So- will ire ufferlsl for sale by public ant-
i elety about the 2104 of Mnreh. The tion, at the iBritish Exchange lintel.
meeting ('lased with the singing 01 Iimlerkh. 1Ontario, on
God save the King." SATi'RDAI-, MARCH 22nd, 114(10
Chnngl. at (banner Sins. -lir. A. C. at the honr of two o'clock In the after -
1 lurk, whet has been the storekeeper noon, the freehold property known as:
at Carlow for over eighteen,xrnra,
) hats sold out and intend. leaving our
d1*trh't. The annonneu mens Is re -
celled with much regret by the teener
of the district, no Mr. Clark has beim
a genhl salesmen, a faithful servant
of the Natalie. and a good citIxon, Inter-
ested in everything that tends for the well timbered and surreyed, Includes
goo., of the eommenity. We wish him water, ere. There are geed roads from
and Mrs. (lark a prom -intone and happy (:oslerk•h, whh-h it distant nh(ntt three -
home wherever they may deride to gnnrtera of a mile.
li(T(:.1011; VALE OF LAKE: RANK
Portions of Lot,, 4 anti 5, 1n the let
eooneeaslon of the township orf Goderich,
in the (-minty of ilurnte, more partien-
'arly desertlNd in mortgage 10201
registered nn the 25th day of February,
1928. fur h.• township of Goderich.
Thls kind Is snleilveh41 Into lots, Is
'mate for the future. IIIc sneerssor,
Mr. Frnnk Mrllwnln of Nile, 19 not
a stranger to tie. and comes with some
expeelence- In fact, It might be 591(1
hP wens horn Into the business, his
father. the late Robert Mellwnln,
Wring kept the genernl arse nt Nile
for many yoar*. We M'Mtw•nk n hearty
w0l(s.m.' and a fair shah of business
from the people of Cnrinw end 4Nstriet
Late horse Burgeon New York ORi-
thalmic and Aural Hospital, assistant
at Moorefield Eye Hospital and Goble,
Square Throat Hospital. London, Eqg.
53 Waterloo St. S, Strafford. Tel -
t ephone 2137.
i At Hotel Mefferd. Goderich, on the
evening of third Monday of saes
month 1111 the following day. Tuesday,
at 1 pm.
tenth of the pmrihnso money to he
peed In cosh or by marked Ammo at
the time of sale and Ole hahlmw to be
pow within thirty' days th.•reafte.r. or
on 5th h other terms ns (0.1y be '911..
factory to the vendor.,
,Further pnrtIvlars may to had on
eppdleallon to:
T (111NDRY & q(1tN, HAI'S & IIAYS.I
Auctioneers'. Si.iklters for the
(lntlorkh, I►o . Vendor. (i ,lerl(h. (int.
Barrister and Solicitor
Sue life Building. Adelaide and
Vleforia streets, Toronto 2.
TelephoneElgin 5301.
Barrister, Etc.
Om. -Hamilton Street, Goderieb
Phone 27-
bua'eaeor to J. L. Kittgpras,
Phone 97.
OR1ee-Thp Bonfire. Goderich.
Maps & Nape
HAMMER', }}n.
R.C.+lAYle-R.C.HAYS ra . It.A
Hamilton St., l4odericr,
SURANCE 00. -.Perm and 1!o
laced town property insured.
officers -Jas. Connolly, Preen (1od-
cNch P. 0.; Jas. Phan', Vice -Pres.,
Beechwood P. 0.; D. F. McGregor,
Ser. -Tres s., Sea forth 9. 0,
Director' --A. ltmedfont. R. it
No, 3, Seafnrth; John 0. Grieve, ?4e.
4, Walton; William Rlnn, R. R. Ms -
2. Seaforth ; John - 13ennewie,, Rrod-
hngen; Gear McCartney, R. R. No. g,
Sea forth : Robert Ferret. iTarlack;
Murray Olhenn, Brumfield; James
Ronne, nee(•hward : Janne Connolly,
Agents -J. W. Yen, (:nderteit;
Alegi. Leitch. it. It. No. 1. (lin aa;
John Mnrray, Scaforth; E. innrli
Senfnrth i'olley hopers ('1144 make Q
pnymente and get their earda remis-
ed at it- J. Morrlth'9 Cinthine Stare,
Clinton; Galvin era's Oroeery, EIffr�
Ston street, Goderleh, nr J 11. Roles
(;enerel Store, Rayfield.