HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1930-2-27, Page 41 • 4--'Ibureday, February 27, 1900. THE SIGNAL, GODERICH, ONT. IMPORTANT --- We want to get it across to everyone who wears Men's Clothing that we are offering a wonderful line of up-to-date Im- ported Worsted Suits tailored by F ashion Craft EVERY SUIT GUARANTEED $25.00 You owe it to,yourself to see these Suits W. C. PRIDHAM & SON "The Store a 1th the Stock Telephone 57 Men's and Boys' Wear. Goderich, Ontario. or satin finished -GET OUR PRICES - You are under no obligation R. STANDISH East Street Phone 369 Goderich ) i Notice to Water Takers The 11'ater and Light Com- mission iii pleased to announce a reduction of one dollar per annum on house water rates from January 1st. Owing to the large number of takers this eduction means con- siderable less revenue, and consumers are asked to co- operate in the economical operation of the plant by see- ing that the water is not wasted and that all leaky taps or services are fixed at once. L. L. Knox, W. T. Murney, Sec'y. Chairman, Brophey Bros. THE LEADEN° FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EMBALMERS Ambulance service at all hours, day or night. PHONES: Store 120 R. 21i GODERICH J. R. Wheeler Funeral [Wetter and Embalmer All calls promptly attended to day or might PHONES Store 335 Residence 353w Hamilton Street. Goderlch Cleaning and Pressing Expert service on ladies' and men's clothing. W. C. Snazel Haberdasher and Dry Cleaner WEST STREET Phone 33 BARGAINS IN GOLOSHES FOR MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN This is the time of year when we clear out the balance of our stock of Goloshes. The Makes we sell are the, very best in quality and construction. The materials used are et the highest grade and will keep their color. Our prices are away down and our stock is eomplete in sizes Come early while you are able to secure a elunice of styles. GEO. MacVICAR THE PRACTICAL SHOE MAN NORTH SIDE SQUARE GODERICH ST. AUGUSTINE ST. AI'OUSTINE, Feb. 23. -Mr. and Mrs. 11. Campbell. of Wertfleld, visited the latter's, parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Johnston, last Thursday. I Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson visit- ed at R. Rutlelge's this week. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Robinson visit- ed at Gordon Mtl'itnehsy'a, Auburn. I last week. Mrs. P. Walsh is on the sick dist at present., Buri un Sunday. February 111th. to .lr. and Mrs. A. Smith, a sou. Mrs. M. Armstrong visited at 1'. \Walsh'+ last Sunday. The snow is nearly all away now, Innd the autos arc out agpli.The roods , are very sloppy on hop yet. Mks. Josephine .M .Allister returned home on Monday of this week after it six weeks' visit with Toronto ;and Blues file friends. KINGSBRIDGE .KI:NGYItItIDGE. )'tar. 24. -Mr. and Mrs. F'ruik Griffin and their Utile daughter Rita. of Detroit, motored up tai Ashfield for the %eek -end. The Messina Earl Dreunan, Tom O'Neill and John S. Dalton attended the Md'orwl•k-lkeerhng demonstra- tion whirl' was held in Lucknow, February 19th. Mr. Dau. O'Callaghan Is visiting at the Inane of Mr. and Mrs. 1'. Sullivan. !low unusual are these bright sulk ny days for February. It seems as though Spring has broken the speed limit indeed, and has buret delight- RENNIEs TT SEEDS BEST GRW EVERYTHING FOR THE GARDEN AND EARN CATALOGUE TO INTENDING PURCHASERS Wt'.' RENNIE C9 mono TORONTO ALSO AT MONTRCAL VANCOUV(R For Forty Years PICTURE FRAMING firing in all your photos and pictures, and !kayo- them framed before the spring cleaning. Smith's Art and Gift Store The Henke ret Beautiful Pictures 1Telephone your next order for GROCERIES -to- PRICES GROCERY Choice line of fresh Groceries and Fruits in season. N F: leF:t.IVF:R- Geo. Price & Son Telephone 248 l'..r11, r ..f "tn;mv and N„rtil Meet f 0,4I''rlr Beavis wilt ttrrlrhl►trl1,1ITl►ill' 11F141,1110 'llPIPlr'rI#11Ir140il A New Shipment I, -OF- Ladies' Dresses I if just received in the newest E f styles and shades Specially purchased to sell at $9.95 The balance of our stock of ladies' and men's winter Overcoats offered at clearing prices in order to make room for new spring merchandise. A. CORNFIELD i 4 4 4 4 1 4 1 i. '41 "Shop Where You Are Invited to Shop" West Side of Square Phone 418 3 6,10 144t.,,44Vit it l401.41w��I I0_0bi1 int (.tN.u)a+'S MINT T WOMAN SENATOR Senator the Hou. Calritte McKay Wilson, wife of Norman Wilson of Ottawa. Senator Wilson le the smother of eight children and is the first woman Senator to be appointed In laluada or the British Empire. folly upon us. The creeks loud l.reoka have broken free from their icy bonds. and are (lowing and rippling merrily onward. a' if in deflower to Winter. who ("Nllt no Longer hold thous in tis Icy grip. The Itluewater highway also Is free from its snow and ice, and stands out tare and Inviting• to the motorists more. Whet the King of Winter thinks of this 1 i•t•rtainly cannot say, Rut he must rrtduult for a time at least To Lady Spring's' way. ASHFIELD pieta round of hie trip, aa the river Ir up over the road at Mr. Peter leaver's. Mr and lira. Roy McGee, o1 Wing - hum, visited with Mr. aid Mrs. Al- bert McQuillan on Sunday. Mies Lettte lux, who spent the whiter with her aunt In Reglua, Sault., 'phoned birthday congratulations to her mother, .Mrs. A. Fox, here 011 Sat- urday. Mrs. Fox heard her quite dis- tinctly. I-:Iw(od Webster, of WIngliaut, sot cared to his awe at Fordyce. 011 8etntdl1). Mr. Thom, of Ford•wtcb, Is visiting with Ills aunt, Mrs. John Craig. sr.. and attending the fuueral of airs. Punkin. Mr. John McRae, of Culross, passed, sway stn Sunday as the result of sever- al strokes etwtaintd recently. Much sympathy Is felt In fila com- munity for Mr. Percy ('uslkk of Cul - Foss, whose wife passed away 011 Sat - 'inlay after a hrlef illatvca. She was formerly Miss Violet Simmonds and jai mewleer of Chalmers church. Mrs. Robert Purdeo Dead. -There passed away ole Friday, February 21, at tlw lu,we of hear son-ln-law. lir. Thos. Henderson, of W hiteehurch, Mrs. Robert Purlun, at the use of seventy-nine years. Her husband pre- deceased her over twenty years. When a girl she .•awe from Lanai:. •. and sif- ter her marriage Used on the old. home u11 the 12th a West Ws- teanosh, until they moved to the v11- lage over twenty years ago. She was a Much respected person nod was much luted for her bright antihappy disposition. Almon ttt1 week': ago she .'uttered a strok . from which she never really rallied. although able to talk to her family. She leaves two daughters, +Sire. Heederseni and 3Irs. Will lhewsou. std four sense. Hobert Henry who value week ago from Wal- pole. Sask., Jame. l'., of St. Helens, William awl Alex. E.. of White-church.j also thirty-six grandchildren and i thirty-one great-graudohltdren. She was burled on Monday, the servicebeservicesIng emulated In Chalmers church and 11'loghani cemetery by ber pastor, Rev. J. Pollock. .*SHF'IEL1► TI►WNSHI1. Feb. 23.-- Tlte monthly toeeting of the 1".1'.W.O. was held at the mane of Mrs. 11. C. MacKenzie on •Fe4truary 1v, with a g(w.I utteudene-e of members and friends. Tlw president, Mrs. Nell J. f MacKenzie. was in the chair. The, roll call was answered by u recipe for' a hot supper dish. A very good pro- gram was given. Mrs. Nell G. Mac- Kenzie read an article from one of Mr. Morrison's re•t•ot speeches. Fol -1 lowing this. airs. Ihuican atacl eunnnl gave a reading from the bulletin. It tt•as decided to have an Irish cuueert on March 14 in leot•halsh hall. After, the .singing of the National Anton 1 refrershments .were served by the ladles and all enjoyed a short ss•►al time. The many friends of Mr. Alt.e•rt Beckett are pleased to see hem oUt and urenua1 again. although not yet (completely restored to his former strength. He has de a splendid re - rovers from the effPets of an aesid- eat which he sustained last fall. i The dance held In Klutall hall on Friday, February 21. was eery touch 1 enjoyed by all ,present. ' Mrs. Oaks. orf Goderich, Is rislting with Mrs. madmen of .►wherley. We ret to say that Mrs. Iteujumen'a I pv.health Is not Improving. ' Mr. Hugh Ferguson, of Laurier. Is etill on 1be sick I►st. but we liope (warn to see him around again. Mr. John Cameron made a trip to. Goderich today t e assist In the audlt-1 Ing of the esounty banks. (;lad to see the tars tripping apt and d.w•n the Blue water Highway. The services Ice Ashfield Presbyter -I Ian church on Sunday were eanducted by the minister a, usual owing to the fine day the shut -Ins were able to get out with their cars t• enjoy two fine sermon. ASHFIELD .tSil'1Ya.D. Feb. 2.i. -ale -.r.. Ilar- ol lad Cecil Bloke attended fire Scat' ley auction sale on the Kinloss boun- -dary on Tuesday last end purchased some stock. The uunual buslue+a meeting of the ' Ilgre•gatiou of Crewe United church was h-eld at the home of Mr. David MvWbinney on theevening of Mon day, the lith. with_ u ge•oel atte•ndaule. After the b loess was transacted a sodal hour was .Aleut In game•, and music and lunch was served. Mr. T. J. l.a11uan spent the week- end ht Goderieli, the sliest of hie par- rots. Mr. and Mn. William I.uman. Mr. Austin Quigley was a Guderlcb vl.ltor recently. We are sorry to report the illness of Mr. John Kflpettrick, ser. Mr. Kilpat- rick celebrate) his seventy-fifth birth- day on February 13th with his immed- iate family and a few intimate friends, A few days. later he suffered 11 !sera lytle stroke. We hope to bear of his nearly recovery. Mts. James. Cook, erute:slim 10, vlsltel In Toronto last week. the guest of her son, Mr.,Jack ('ook. aud her sister, Mrs. Topp. Prior to the departure of air. and Mrs. itobert McInnis and eblldreu to their new hones near Teeswater, their neighbors and friend, assembled at their honk. 011 eo11ees4Mit 10. Ashfield, to bid theme good-bye and presented Mr. and Mr.. Mclnuls with the gift of a puree. Miss Violet Ashton, of l'olorne. Is the guest of her grandmother, Mrs. Janne Stevensun. Tokens •f Spring. -The memory of the oldest resident is greatly taxa! to recall uue•h a perks] of suwuu•r-like weather In ,February as we have ex- perienced during the peat week. Thel wild geese are soaring hi the erews are cawing loudly; robins. are{ surging blithely; the highhuler is Mrs. Nell Minot humid. .ef Mitten. *gain cleeppdng wdssl. and neat' otlwrl event the weekend with her (laugh- birds and flies HMI crawling things ter. Mr-. Tom Bogie of Goel.•rich. are to be wen threw days. The gra,s is showing a new treat of green. !h.q.- end windows stand open. We don't know whether it h eopriig or trot.! However. spring is not so eery furl -or 1 the. (corner. iksth of Perry O'Reilly. -Thr people NO MEDICINE UKE BABY'S OWN TABLETS For Either the Newborn Babe or!of Kingsbridge and olistrl t were) I greatly saddened. when word was re- e•1rMl by Mrs. Gilbert erayne of the• the GrowingiChild There Is no other tselicine• to equal' death of her brother, Mr. Percy! Baby's Own Tablets for little onPS- 4viteilb of Sheldeu. 1t.C., which oe•.I whether it he for the newborn baloei (•urred 1111 February 1lth. Percy O'Itell-1 or nue growing child the Tablets alwaysly was the second eldest son of Sira.I du point. They are absolutely tree fruw 1 Mary Ii'Ite•Illy of Detroit and the (Oat,: or other harnifnl drugs 111011ate CorIelhls (eneilly, and ens Iornl tlw mother inn 1uw11ys feel safe in! at Kineebridge twenty-nine years ager. nsiag them. There tie grew to manhood and oboist! t'oBew cling the Tablets. Mrs.. John' eight years ages went to British Cool -1 Armour, R.R. 1. S.euth ylouugltnn.. Molds. %herr be wa.s Pnguged in the Ont., say.: ---"We Imre three fine, trade -o1 painting and decorating. 1 healthy children. to whom. wlwn a; E,urlr (n this year he went into te! medicine i''''iwe'desl, ser' have given hnnlw•rw,srd•s to work awl on February only Baby's 4beii Tablets. The TNN.. 11th be met fIltIlllt death from a lets are the Joest medicine yo11 e•an 'Winslow log. The remains were' keep in any hon,' %here there arebrought to 1s•trok, ,the funeral tak-I young children." i'Ing pias, from the home of Icat broth-, ltahy's Own Tablets sr*' a mild i pr. Mr. Joseph O'Reilly. on Veer:einy! bra through Iaxntire whish regulate mondng. Fehrimry 2Mhh, M lit.! the .1 ins -1 . cull M,%,.l'. banish con- ('.4. 1ha'- har lf. when• solemn high; salvation and• Indlgeelfou; ' break up toads sea. stud. Rev. Father Mauric'el colds and simple fever not Make Sullivan, of Clinton, Ont.. attended! teething easy. They are sold by tae- rind awelstel in the sole•nm service., dieine dealers of direct -by mall at The Interment was insole fit -Wily 2.1 rents a -'ox from The 1)r. ell-, Sepulr•hrr ce'lnc'fery. air. N'slter IMII td - limns' Medicine Co., 'Br.keiile. Out. i on, neortkian, n ,«•holmate an f !friend•. ►md (harRe of sloe fnnerwl nr- WIII7` PCIIIURCR krangements. The pallbearers were Ed -1 ward Mangold. Cecil O'Itellly, Thomas 1t'IIITF)('lt1`Rt'H, Feh. 24.• l.ast4 Finn. Jack Mellow. 1Willie Flue and ..,.„,44.„, mild weather Raid shining .sun I George Drennan. The de•ease.l. whet r•eA M1vl nw'll\' our snowT.amks nodi was very highly esteemed by all who not.,[ traffic les again on the awing. knew lila, elicited with fr1eN ds In Asb• Swine (if the hills hail to he dug'Held n1N1 ih•trolt Ice i1r_.I and rill!, through And that mss attended to on! newel' mans of Ila• friendships of htfsj Seunrdny. The fupe•rnt (if Nee. I'anlvt� early youth. Serrhing ere his moth -I Is to he a Inctor one. I ter• Mc, (I. IYReilly. Detroit; two broth-! Mrs. Nathaniel la •nIt, Harrh. RHEUMATISM? spwt n few dors last week k •wllh Ilei IAehter. Sire. John Pardon. • :Mies Lizzie Conifer. of Morris, 1. visiting with her do les, the ('o lt-r T-R-C'sgive safe, speedy relief brothers and their f,tnllle,e. from Pain and Stiffness Mian Florence limier.- H.X . of To. tempi. 'gent the week -Pad here with I Listen to Mr. 11. f . Benedict, Thedford, her f,.Ireuts. mt. and Mrs. A. p: ihir- (hit "In the mnrninglwouldnot beable don. e•mhig here to attend the fnne•r tomoveonearmnnlsssliifteditwiththe al of Iwo grnndws.thrr, other it would feel AA though it were )Ire. hprson Irwin not Mies Gwen. Vogtohreak. 1 am glad to recommend T R -C's". Equally goes' for Sciatica, Toilet Articles The best and newest of the popular Toilet Requisites, at Campbell's Drug Store Phone 90 Goderich erx and two sisters: Jo..e•ph and M -- 1iladys 1)'Rollly, of !letrol1. Mrs. (Unset 1 F`rnynt, of Ashfield, and Victor O'• ! Reilly, of London, Ont. • l)eeth's Sow haths nee. Sorrows wurilee no more. ' Earth's struggle. case When Jess loved ef calls Ills loved \ To heaven's perfect peace P111 PAIN Ends in 1 Minute s "Boded burn, tri and yeas 01 plea .51 minute r nth •Soothe-Salve',"Walls L. T. Sears. "nleed•t'{ stopped. Pass soot' •sashed. Molded operate'• " 0.t .t'staat results today. Aa druet,su. TIP TOP TAILORS' SAMPLES AREHERE Just received, a beautiful range of fabrics and pat- terns for Spring and Sum- mer. Over two hundred dif- ferent materials offer you the very widest range to select your new Suit or Topcoat at E24.00 made to your measure. OUR MIDWINTER SALE CONTINUES ALL THIS WEEK M. ROBINS PHONE 384 dollop spent the week end In Toronto Nettritia, Neuralgia, Lumbago No her slster. Iter mother, Mtn. Ilam (til j* roand1l .it yn,rIcakr'it. ias Tliomp.on, who hits not INcn very well Imply. 14 returning with her. liar tenial mailman, Mr. George Tenitt. Is not abfe to make the es - T -R -C's vii` 3{uron Taft Special Business Men's Laub daily at 60 cents , at all ienir- Hugh Wong British Exchange Bldg I',•lelihotie• le;2. Astonishing Value! Lat. st and most up-to-date I• sago ice a Strainer Pail No lip to break oti or clog with dirt. Very easily kept clean Holds loins Imperial quarts. Very Special 89c Oar *Werth die Money'. Sale .oda Saterday, March 1st Alf. Tebbutt & Son WEST STREET 1%e !Whirr Phone 4114 THE GODERICH HFAYRtutS IF IT BLOWS - IF IT SNOWS LET THE HEAT FOLKS WARM YOUR TOES When you come home at night so cold that your fingers ache. and your feet feel like blocks of ice. That's the time you need the Heat Folks to warm you. For the remaining cold nights of wie- ter, and the raw, wet evening% .f essay sprint. Make sure of having your home com- fortable by ordering from u■ a load of D L & W coal -the most coat - fort per dollar of any coati you can buy. CALL THE recut etlet J. B. MUSTARD C PANY Phone 91 - Goderich ■ 111■ ■ A tit ■tatltNN11ti ■ •■ N11tlt 111$Ce•t111 • ▪ MODE LTHEATRE ; ■ WEEK OF MARCH 3 TO 8 ■ II • MONDAY AND TUESDAY II LEATRICE JOY and BETTY BRONSON II head • great cast in • powerful murder trial picture. One of the most ii a absorbing court room stories ever picturized ■ • "THE BELLAMY TRIAL" IR a Universal Western' -THE IRON CODE" "FOX NEWS" Il • WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY 111 "SUBMARINE" • II The Mighty Drama of the Sea Featuring I# • JACK( HOLT ■ 1 1 and based on • recent great sub -sea disaster. See the deep -water divers at work in the amazing underwater scenes. A different type of action drama which will thrill the most jaded pict.re-g.er. Breezy Comedy PLEASANT" II III• C ed LOOK 1 ■ Matinee Thursday of 4.15 p. m. a 1 Admission: Evenings, adults 35c; children 25c • Matinee admission: Adults 25c, children lSc. 1 • FRIDAY ANL) SATURDAY 1 WILLIAM BOYD and MARIE PRE VOST • in another thrilling sky romance filmed above the clouds. blustering 1 Tom O'Brien is in the cast and contributes • good share toward an 1 ■ entertaining attraction. "THE FLYING FOOLII" • Episode number four of the popular serial "A Final Reckowing" If Cartoon Comedy -"POOR PAPA"111 ■ Matinees Thursday at 4 1S Saturday at 3 p m $ ■ ■ ■••7•■ ■ Iowan •\r■ ■1■ 1■■11•A■