HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1930-2-27, Page 2. ivteM4 artgayslrati+.".. 2-Tbureday. February 27, HMO. THE SIGNAL, ebrteivi Fwtablishet 1848 GOUI{KI('H : CANADA Member of Canadian Weekly News- papers Association Published every 'Thursday morning. tiahscrwt u prise $2.00 per year strictly in advance. THE SIGNAL PRINTING CO.. LTD. Telephone 35 : Goterieh, Ont. W. H. Robertson. Editor and Manager Thuratlay. February 27. 11130. EDITORIAL NOTES That week of spring weather in February was a little bit of all right. • • • d Intario'.- drunk bill for Itr_sf was with reference to the date of an spec• tion was that the Government had not as yet considered the matter. • • • The Stratford Beacon-llerald is very much in error if 1t thank• that It. J. Ik•achtuau int "just u plain rub- ber *tamp" to hint appearances before the Federal Tnrlff Board. Mr. Detach - man has made a epeeist study of the tariff question mud persons asking for tariff favors have sometimes hemmed that he 6 able to dieeeet an applica- tion with disconcerting skill. Mr. .Deachman states frankly that he rep resents the consumer, and doubtless the Tariff Board welcomes lila pres- ence. Why should there bre any objec- tion to it except from someone who la trying 10 "put eumethlug over" on the people? • • • $:6.477,512 About $14..uM1,IMM) too Mr. Bennett's (lest speech of the mus+. session at Ottawa gives the impres- • • • Dodging automobile, the past week, pedestrian. realized that spring -time had come again. ' • • • If those Sew Zealand cows are such hard worker;, why out bring some t,f course, 6 not respsolr ibis for either them to rker.. ? couditiou, but the Opposition is pre - Cana• • • pared to garner cute, from distutitent- ed electors. -The Toronto tfaflegruw, ,lu nit the a It 1s to the prairies fact, sa ! 1 Opposition lucks for gains at the next electiuu. :They (the Opposition) cou- fhkatly predict that it the elections were to Colne 011 tomorrow the King G. te'rument would not carry twenty wets from Ow lake. to the ntouuteins." This is patently a case poi whistling to keep up their courage. A few weeks alun that he huptes to capitalize the dePeeeslou revoulting from the stock market crash and the low price of wheat to turn the title against the King Goventutent. The Government, of Advice from the Lake[ m thehead o f opening of uav tion is that an reel i t I r � is out expected. • • • The Milverton shin, considering everything, comas to the conclusion that. the only way to gt•t rich quickly Is slowly. • • • • Mr. Bennett sees- to rest hew case ago the Brandon seat was Cat•ant and against the Government 111 New 'Lca- laud iuttter and the prier of wheat. ,t bread-and-butter policy, as it were. • • • That {tad boy, Webby Bennett. Is trying to fix things ear that Willie King will slip on a bit ot New Zea- land butter and fall into the wheat pool. • • • Manitoba hopes to have an omen liner servk•e. via Hudson Bay, by I1Kt1. However. it will be some year.; yet .he - fore Ontario people will think of go - lug north, rather than cast. to take boat for a trip to Hurope. lib•. George S Henry. Minister ,of Highways, intimates that the Govern- ment has no intention of doing away there was au opportunity for the Op- position to show what it could do in a constituency that has always been good fighting ground. Ilut the Oppual- tion did Dot even put up a candidate, allowing Mr. Crerar to take the seat without a,eontest. With low pricers for their gralu, the prairie farmer, will be in Du mood to listen to 1 party whose ouly policy is 10 luerease their colts of living. if Mr. Bennett', party cannot find better ground thau the Western Provinces for titter hopes at The next election, their prospects are not Inviting. ('ollingwoed'a Experience (Collingwood 'Bulletin) The towu of Sr. Marys is to hay a one-year special audit of the mu - l with the speed limit' for automobiles rlpal precbutis. l'ulllugw'asxl fell for thls1 Most people will agree with him that three thousand to le aro it s ct t of oyer' three thousanA dol bars that there wall motorists err driving quite fast enough no rottenness In Denmark. now. • Terrible ,stories come • of famine Irl China. Would lint the people of this country support the Gucernlncit in hitting a large quantity of 1'nnndlru wheat and shipping It to the hunger - stricken l'hioewe, with sultrhle pro- vision for Its distribution? While the Hou. Latrine Wilson was in the spotlight at Ottawa last week,' Miss Matq,hall, M 1'. was haring her tonsils removed and sit, unable In at- tend the chains of l'artin:new. beard luck -let. 1tte•h. when -hr 4 •t- to Ot- tawa ser 8111 have n rtnrptiott all her own. • • Tlfl:pubs r� hail an right-o,Iunln brattllug oto 'liu.uhay oyer what pur- portwl to Ire au lutttnattutt by the I'rins• Minister of a general elr•tloi in taw nein future; hitt on reeding M;r. Meow* Tax in Australia 1 Pembroke sttandarde em erver ) We howl abut taxes. hilt what would we say if we lived in Austral- ia:: In the new .\ net rt1lau 4'omiuon- wealth budget hoomes from 81,009 to 87,300 are to be taxed ten per mut.; inonws from <7.54tt to $15.1100. fifteen per tent.. and Ininme' ,dove $15.lW10 are N# taxwl twenty per n'ut. In ILnnila an untmtrried man nceivrrt an exemption of $1.400. and the wants of the tax then starts at _. per cent. Married men retrive tektite exemption. The difference. therefore. means that an Australian bnehelur resel%iug $2.1100 a year inetene would le taCPtl $1(o. plus the nntltare In-, mule hat, while the 4'11111l,llal1 bash• 1' Plot' with the same Income would Ix i taxed *10 by the Federal Goveru-, l nwnt. Eery Australian State itisu has ate Intone tax of il. own. eltrmns this 1, the ex„'ptloh end not the nth•' ht 4'nundn. all of welch gels to show, that there are worse pine,.. in the world to live In than faunal:•. ' article one fon lid that the most def - help few '01011 liplike; placed Ito the I ,oke bn♦ will helip key;, the fruit i tike statement ninth. by M I:Iti1 t;afr ttol.t. • . I THE FEDERAL HOUSE AGAIN IN SESSION ON PARLIAMENT HILL A Forecast of Some of the Questions That Will Be Up for Consideration Icy H. J. 1)eucuatan The Day of Days usually presages a storm. Not so this year. (In the opening day of Purllament, the ateru away of winder guve place to the gentler rule of spring. the sou shone, the snow's melted, the bills of the Gatineau whispered back to the city that some time spring was coming - some time, but not yet! The members assembled with all the frlekhwst of couviets out on reprieve. 'There will be an election -but when? Will this lw the last session before -before the day on Judgment? 'l'hat Is the great question -a burning question on the minds and hearts, of all M.1'.'s. Truth to tell, duty calls theta --but memory whim - pen. they way hot always answer 1n the rail of the opalug of Parliament. An election has its casualty list --the tocmle'rs live forever in the shadow of the end; The Opening The scene at the opening is tawn- ier. Everyone 7s a nxiuue to see It once. There !s a stately formality whole t re. It1, alMout the procedure. a D picture which lingers on the retina of the eye. Once sewti, you eau easily recall the course of events. An Itnptah devil bids me wonder how the scene would look if every- thing were reversed. Suppose w'e Morel iu a land when' the seeds ot the apple, grew on the outside, where the big end of the pear was at the stem, where grapes grew in the grieund and potatoes in the air, where base- balls were equate Instead of round, and everything conceivable was re- versed; then we might have an op- ening of Parliament with Mr. King leadlog the Progressives, Robert Gard- iner uud Agnes McPhail in charge of the "Tory" hosts. Richard Bennett a ewashbuekllug soldier of fortune In fustian at the head of the Labor Party, Mr. Heaps as Prime Miolater, and Mr. Guthrie deputy leader of the Goventtnent. For Mr. Guthrie, the grey knight of Wellington. I have a profound admiration. I have beard hint make such excellent speeches on both %lde. of polities that 1 have a i feeling be could never le• wrong. Reek to Reality But thew thiug- never happen. Wel live in the Land of As -you -Ate and not: iu the Laud of Might-hurwBeeu. au' 1l1rliameut meet, to transact tntai- These. There is much to be dune. In a sena' we have reached the end of an' epoch? Hard times may not be at the hack deur and the wolf may lw i lung •1•lstatec away, but his howls eau! 1e faintly beard. even from Wall street. The I7nii,d States, our next -1 door neighbor, ht, felt the pinch of the change. We are begluntug to talk wtetaploywent. \'oto can bet your last cent that the sulJeet will le dismissed In the House. The ex-eoldlers want more pensions. i 1 hope they get them. The civil sero• 1 ants need more salaries. at least some of them do. Tlwre will be more die. cies, of the wos'ement of liquor to the States. William Irvine will tell: of the evils of partisan Goveniment and levo lw would cure it, and they Bon. 1'. 11. Cahau will give 1111 ura- fla n yin our natlotutl .status. the evils of pour adverse Wen of trade 11111' nit•hy offer thing.. and Miss )4.1'hall. true to 0 ecus• of lint'. w111 pretest � against tufo much money stent oto guns. bra-. hats. pirad.'-, uniforms., and loo. t +come. The Budget 1\'r way be certain of the alM,ce they are as ,tire a. March storm-. but the budget will be tis neap tidbit If. the .esstuii. The (enervative press lute writ- ten that budget a score of Hanes. There is. according to tdese• to he upearel tpuvement of the tar- iff. Mr. lemming i. to raise 111, tar iff aeahi-i the 1 sited State- ht•- GODERICH, ONT. cause we buy much there, and lower It agahoot Great 'Britain, because Great Britain sells us little. It, Is to be a happy change In which the protectionist pins much, the eon- outners are nut thought of, and to which the Conservative reply will be wild shouts of "I told you so," "They have accepted our policy," "It Is too bad they didn't do it eooner," and all the other literature of approbation ac- companied with genuine and sincere condemnation. There Is no doubt about the at- tentpt of the sirens to lure the new Minister of iFhtante upon the rocks. These sirens; aforesaid are not all in one particular party ; they never are when there 6 such a chance for a Bacchanalian feast. The new Minister of Finance 6 not likely to le lifted from his course by any eucn performance. 14 It not recalled of old that I'lyases filled the ears of bis ...nom with Will and lashed himself to the mast lest he should to diverted from his sous• by the wicked sirens? Perhaps Mr. Dunning has come such s•heme In t•ontemplation-may be have plenty of mux and greet stoutness of rope. Other Tasks There will be the financial state- ment of the year. It will be a good mw. Here and there will he mark, in it showing where the Canadian Nohow al hallways earnings have de'llued due to the holdup In the wheat crop. We shell also ser a dent ur two in- dicating a slight sloping off in trade, bringing with it reduced collections of taxes. These are the naw and downs t !+.s l w" . s ro rt were 1 a of btr3ue.. If 1 K 3 definite 111(1 uniform. always 111 cue direction and on the saute '4 -ate. there %soul! lw no necessity 1. chart the course. We should simply start from .somewhere and go some other plate. The interesting thing In all this will be the eritt:isw. Parliament ale aye faces the bag. the eternal task of maks Ing 0ritidam real, of bringing facts to bear upnu iasnes. of Making the 4114. emotion% interesting. tm-tent-tire. worth' While and above all things true: for without truth to guide us to these natters we are a long way from home: [tile sea is stormy. the chart 1s gore. the rudder broken. and we but know the way to go home in the durk' Hydra Costs (('Lesley Enterpri'et Farmer, are not re.rp,uding a• n•ad- ily to the invitation of the hydro Commission to install electricity iu rural tenure and uutleuilding' ti. the .h poi M..w, exIw,'tett. avast is file wain reawen.' in the debate Inst week in the legislature Iiui. Marry Nixusp leader oft the little band of 't'rogresdves. showed that he paid $1417.10 for eltr•trival lights need power on his farm whereas If he lived iu the village of 5t. 'George. only one and a -half mile. away. the charge• would be only $50.77 for the sll me service.. .. W. O. MEDD FINDS FAULT WITH HYDRO POLICY Ilea Rate Advocated by *ember for South Huron Torouto, Feb. 18.-W. G. Medd, the i'rogreeaive member of the Ontario Legislature for South Huron, went atter the Government on the subject of equalization of hydro rates, when the debate on the address in ready to the speech from the Throne resumed this afternoon. The farm- ers, he said, have not had a fair deal In toutrest to the urban dwellers of Ontario. 111 some districts, power was much higher than la others. For instance, in the city of Owen Sound, lie eal& a charge of $17.70 a kilowatt hour was eltarged. One mile outside the corporation the charge was $49.1:0, and eight Miles outside the city the charge was $104. Mr. Medd advoeateed the changing over to a flat rate for the entire l'rov- ince•. This could he done gradually. l- bellevesl, and would not work a hard- ship on any one section or class. Changing over to the subject of the dairy ludustry td Canada, and Outing() particularly. the member for Sottth Hurou uttacktel the Australian treaty of the Federal Government. on the ground that It was working a hard- ship on dairy furwers. Canada's im- ports of butter in 11r� doubled (ht• figures for the preceding year. he Pia hued. and laid all the blew ou the fact that New Zealand butter to the extent of 4,(11)(/,(00 pounds had entered the cotintry. Ifs believed the beet way for tee dairymen of tlauada11/ newt the cuwin'titluu was aur thew to M- ersae.. the quality of ache hatter. dial to take steps to discourage the .ape of .woad grades. "Despite n dlfferentiatiam of three cents a pound het ween No. 1 and No. 2 grader:, tesla)'- Klee, 'are within one tent of ea,'h other.•' he sell. In anttpit- fying els argument that there should be a regulation Inereating the differ- . pure between the two spasms". The number for South Huron weld be was salad to know that the Govern- ment had tasted instructions that liquor permits were not to be sold to young men between the ages' of twenty- one and twenty-five without the con- sent of their parents. This revile - thin Ippoled only to (hose who lived at home. This. he said, was a move In the •right direction. but he believed the Government should not discriminate: "Auwuduu•nt+'to the liquor Act to enrh the ever-iw•re:.sluar nuwher of drunken drivers on the highways are needed. •end needed ladly," he Bald. He recommended to the• Government study of the hill introduced by Lord Russell In the Hkm-t• of i;,ris recently, under wblNi a drunken driver was liable to four month, in Jail and a fine of $250 opal conviction. Friends who were In his ear with Mm were treated a. acces- aeries, and were liable to Jell terms. Tenehing of temperance enol total ale stinenee should he made eompul,ory in public and high schools, and lw adne Gated that the Government spend "some of its liquor profits In an advertising .nwpaigtt to this of tect." In a brief referebee to some of the anomalies unearthed in a study of the comperalive statements of the /warty vote. at the two last Provincial per- tlus. %Ir. Medd said be believed romp - thing bad to be done to restore rep- resentation by population in t)ntarho. Ile suggested that the alternative Tote system In thnv-,ornered contests and the proportional representation vote system In large centres might aecom- pileh the desired resbits. As far as the five-year term for the 'Legislature was eoncerned, he favored it, he said. Has Wheat Peal Waited Too Long! tKitchener ltecord) Successive adverse developments In the wheat sitnalion. since the Western wheat pool failed in coning to terms with overseas buyers bust fall when the price hovered around $1.6.'. are becoming detrimental to the wheat pool mid the anmtry in general. If officials of the pool could have foreseen these events they would probably hare been lens ada- mant. Present wheat quotations are for from encouraging and with Rus- ela exportlnt wheat to Great Britain In large quantities. there appears little possibility of material improve- ment mprovement in the near future. l'ntll a large export movement is 'Sorted in Canada storage charge•% keep nn necumuleting and 'Menet on the 81 per busebel advanced to pool members 11. Initial payment will 11. a Considerable num. Witb tiwee •'hargs•- added to 11w prier a\allable last fall wheat will have to be eu141 well 111, tar price then olrtnheb1.' to "sgnure" lire pod with Its toemlwrs. It is to be holed the market will went experience a sharp upward " swing. \\'brit ugriculture is suffer- ing wt• :are all affected. A higher pre. . for wheat eonld lanteflt it lanae re rim, of the euwitry. haveou y heard it ? Q - j • 1 1 THE new cereal that speaks for itself -have you heard it tell the world how good each toasted bubble is? Pour milk or cream in a howl of golden Rice Krispies --then listen to it snap and crackle. Crisp. Delicious. Order a package from your grocer today. :-----asomm-,; Made by Kellogg in Lon- don, Ontario. RICE 1'TIMES 11!.L. THINKS AL ours MUST BE PRESIDENT Seuator Wheeler told a atory lu the course of a $euate debate of a yauug nun in Montana under examination for citizenship tilers, who anewereoi most of the questions oorrvctly until the Judge asked, "Who Is President of the United States?" "Al .Smith," was the prompt reply. "What wake, you think Mr. South i. President?" "Well," replied the applicant. "ma I know about it t that the Repullt- can orators told us that If Al Smlllt was elected we would hare a general pink In the country that prices in Wall sttvwt would drop, that 11101 would 1e out of employment, that the farmers would go broke and punks would tall. All of these things bait. hrppeuecl, so 1 think AI Smith must to President, of the (1dt•41 States." Leaks Like 1t d Mw ford Mlrrdr Alberta bus: taken the wild rose a+ its I'n.vtucial blew. .ludgine trent sans• of tour roadsides. 14111:1ri, lia• tithittol the wild carrot 7 DO YOU SUFFER FROM CONSTIPATION? Countless remedies are advertised for constipation. bfany relieve for ' the moment but they are habit form- ing and must be continued. Others contain calomel and dangerous min- eral drugs, which remain in the sys- tem, settle in the joints and cause aches and pains. Some are harsh purgatives which cramp and gripe and leave a depressed after effect Avoid lubricating oils which only grease the intestines and encourage natures machinery to become lazy. A purely vegetable - laxative such as Career's little Liver Pills, gently touches the liver, bile starts to flow. the bowels move gently the intestines are thoroughly cleansed and constipa- tion,p,isons pass away. The stomach, liver and bowels are now active and the ,y,tcnt enjoys a real tonic effect. ltl In,y e,st. 2k and 75c red pkgs. Salada quality is so fine premiums are unnecessary 'SALABA!' the 'willow' TEA The Advantage of "Purity" Since Purity is a strong, rich flout with great expanding qualities, use 1 tablespoon less per cup if your cake recipe at for ordinary pastry or soft wheat flout. If milk u called for, use hall Flout and your cakes will ‘‘)) milk and half water (lukewarm) when using Purity bay moist longer. Sand 3. for Furby FlairCaBosh e4 i best fO, 1 CS 11311143 t Plaits Pi 98 Lbs. PURrry FCOVR New Recipe For neo pie shells use 2 caps Parity Floor. 5.4 (eaapoon salt. )i cap &hortaass. 14 cup cold water. Met Soar and salt• canto .a dr shortening until the mature is late Gee scent Mit tboroagtly with the water. Rea out thin. harpies it thoroughly dry. For antra rich pastry use kali butter sad hal tart Waters Guda roar 11S4 G, Limited Tomato. Oat. ova GODERICH INN GARAGE 4IFFICIAI.,FtV1CF: sTATI(0N F(iR Daraat, Hoene sad Essex, General Motors Aetomobjes and Trucks Expert on Electric Troublr W Specialise we Brake Service l •01 ran incite Polim inspection when they are repaired by um Automobile Supply, Electrical Parts for All Makes of Autos is Stock te!, T.. any•,ne eh•, can bring a rat w,• can't repair -$2t HARRY BRADLEY HAMILTON ST PHONE 247 RICE KUISrIES PE spo R��R WHAT SUPERIOR CHAIN STORES MEAN TO YOUR LOCALITY 11'hen•cer you sec• }ht• name, "el'PERIIIR CIIAIN STORFft," you can be •ant• that youi (till find there policyn of ^t,ptality, Service end Fair i'rices. •' There are now n.•er six undred eutwrinr (Thain Stores, all nperetiii on this odic;. 1'nu can tell them by their inviting Orange anti Black fronts. Wherever you mor the Orange and Black iron!-felt know it to he's sure owned and operated by the man behind the cnnntef -your neighbor - who la ever anxious to be dwrrving of your continued patronage. Money agent with him brings woxi value in return -and he - 'idea, it nays at home to prosper and develop your community. look far tl,. (learnt nn.l Black Front store in your neighborhood. WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS Old Dutch CLEANSER 2 for Wag•taffe'a Marmalade, 40 oz. 19c jar •• • 31c "Chases Dirt" Canadian Whit* Beans, 3 lbs 25e Pumpkin -2's, per tin 1 lc Oxo Cubes, mall, 1 2c; large 25c Derby Loaf Cheese, per Ib 34c Marshmallow Maria Cakes, per Ib. lee, 2 lbs. 35c Aunt Jemima Pancake Flour and Beehive Syrup -2's. both for 33e Red Pitted Cherries, 2's, heavy 2 Tins Srrup, Per tin...- 24e 25c Snappy Snack Cheese, 2parge. 15c Betty's Pure Jam, 12 a.. jar.. Raspberry\ Strawberrg Black Currant, Bramble, each 23c Minute Tapioca, 2 pikes, ..... 2Se Tho npson's loose Solt/sq Raisins 2 lbs. ll 25c 2 lbs Al Soap Chips, IMga /`f:.. 20c 23c Gillett'• Lye "IWO DM," per tin 15c Reekitt's Bag Blue, 3 ss. cake. 3 for 19c Keen's Oxford Blue, 3 es cake, 3 for Palmolive Soap. 6 cakes Rinse, small, 3 pkgs. Britle. small, 2 pkgs Silva or Braise, small lams Clark's Pork and Beans Medium Size r Fresh Bread Baked Daily That's what you get when ordering your Bread from Cleveland's. It contains the purest ingredients known to bakers. Buy a loaf today and taste the difference. We specialize in Cream Goods of all kinds 2 for 21c Per pkg Grape Nuts 15c 'Thr Balanced Breakfast Food" z xi THE YI'SMION OPENY AT OTTAWA IDnrllnnent ;.s-emMw1 at elates'• on Thnr- l i Iowa t..e %•hat mm. lie the filial +r+sloe before n general etc. thou lees I- an nnnsnai ,lees ,of 411e •tatrlyi Hairy. id i'artiamenl on Parliament 11111, liftman. while Inset nr• \'I -,,•nn• Hued., :ere Ileiernor-general of Canada ; Rt. Han W I. Ma,•kelzle hint. Prime Mini -ter e: t eu,n,Ld Msec). and Hon. R. B. Bennett, leader of the (Tin+loot, (bottom, right) E. U. CLEVELAND Phos 114 West Street Sliced Pineapple 2's. Squat per Ib. Premium Tea 69c With Cup and Saucer FREE Ready Cut Macaroni psoas.. Best Quality Purity Q, irk Oats. with China. per pkg 37c I.ealend Sweet Mixed Pickle. 12 01. per bottle 25e Shirrif('• Pure Entrees, Vanilla and 1-amnn, per bottle 23c Kara toffee, "The Secret Blend," '4's 33e: 1's 63c 19c 47e 25c 25e 14c, 23e \V F.'. It1':i.I VER FRE• Phone your order to J. J. McEWEN, Gederick. CHAS. AI.TON, Dungannon. J. CALVIN CUTT, Gederich. ROBT. PHILLIPS, Animus. i 3 •• -,ems..