HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1930-2-27, Page 1Advertising
is the life of businesd if bueineaa ie good,
advertising will waha it better. Jf it ie
poor, advertising will eitnlulate it. Al-
most invariably the merchant princes
have found their way to suceesa through
1 1(;te'l'l' 'i ii1111, \ F:.1R, N(1 9
Renewal Time
Renewal subat'riptiona to The Signal
are coaling in fast, and the 1930 calen-
dars are going out fast. AS the supply
of ealendara is limited, we would ask
hole' who desire one to send in their
e neural promptly.
Bkould Tru on Gasoline Pumps
Be Enforced or Abandoned
Is Queation
A matter of outstanding Importance
that was tentatively dbet•ussed by the
taw:i council, at its regular meeting
lot Friday night, was the proposed
re..rgenizatltul of the fire brigade. The
!,'atter ye to Is. further considered at
a■ early date, according to u motion
that was adopted tet the e•lose of the
% Itesuseluu.
All the member, of the (000(11 were
A statement from the town treas-
urer showing the amount required for
debenture payments of principal and
latereat for the year 19311 wu. sub -
witted and referred to the finance
committee. The total shown vyts
$20,(05.32, liclulling $400.x5 arrears
ter 11x21'. This Is exclusive of water
sad light. public school and ('o leglnte
151111U(l• debenture payments.
The auditors, IL -R: 1.uug and A. M.
Robertson, submitted their report for
tbe• year 112_9 and It was referred to
the finance committee and will be
pablbshed In the usual planner.
The auditors make• tie. following
raoo m menda t Ions :
"We again urge definite •tction re-
garding the arrears of tuxes, both
resident and lieu -resident; also the
early completion of the collectors roll,
so that tax nutle's may be sent one
1a gold time before the first lusts!•
sent becomes due.
• "The- elalms against the Kensing-
ton 'Furniture Co. and the Goh•rk'h
Itlaonfacturing Cu. sbe.uld be adjust-
ed and definitely settled; also Ibe
arrears of non-resident taxes. These
are all carried as assets but are of
very doubtful value."
A statement from the tax collector
giving details of all arrears of taxes,
was presented and was'referred to the
finance committee. A summary, of the
ntateuwi,l is ■e follows:
Tax Arrears
l921 taxes $ 343,2)
19.'l. texts 500.39
11126 taxes 1296.86
11127 taxes 2-109.67
)12x tate' 9818.31
1929 taxes 16084.55
----43&s0' 0.04
1925 road oil $ 75.87
1926 road oil 97.84
1127 road nil 204.12
1928 road oil 490.50
1929 road oil 885.58
--$ 175;15
• $32313.'
A request from the fire brigade fo
two pairs of rubber Tools and one
rebbeF hat was referral to the fire
e.mmlttte with power to act.din
Applications for bullg-permits, as
follows, were referred to the flr.
committee: Dr. Macklin, new porch
on dwelling, West street ; J. S. Bed-
ford, new roof on part of hotel, the
,Square; Mrs. Daniel., sire{ gara(lambda(lamba roar!.
An appeal from 11obt. S. Winter
against the 193(1 sewer tax on his
property on the Huron road wa• re-
ferred to the tour! of revision.
Applhatlons from George A. Green
and John F. Nne'gle for the position
of caretaker of parka for true comins
reason, were sent to the cemetery end
* perks committee.
Report of lelnenee Committee
The finance etamnittee reported the
following re•ommetelatIons : That no
n,tlon he taken on Solicitor D, E.
{enemas' euggestlun that the council
assist in defraying the costs of the
aetfou of E. 1:. Smith vs. Mackey itrend
Co. Ind.: that the council subscribe
for one er.py of Ileatms's 193n Ilunil-
hook of Canada at a prier of $3 ,ll:
that the letter front W. J. Meloy A Co.
. applying for the poeit(00 of town end -
liars be Hared on file; that a grant
of $25 be made to the Salvation ArArmyul
Women's Rescue nett Children's Hoe
at London: that the town Join the
(*sondemUnion of (*sondem Munieipnletles and
remit the membership fee Of $1(1; that
all committee and spending belle. be
notified to have requieltlons for fund.,
trent Into the council not later thnn
!larch 001. so that this committee
tarry linseed with striking the tax
rite for the year; that funds re cr
eelved by the olIettur on skating
rink taxer be nppdied on arrears.
Councillor Humber moved that thi.
retort 1e taken up elartse by (dense,
?ant reeelve I the support of Councillor
Moser only. and the report was
Thu clatter•-• to nhicit Conn/11144r
drew attention were those re-
lating to the otee of Smith vs. Mackey
/tread ('u. find the npplicutlon of Me -
Coy h 1'0. Ill contvu141 !hal Mr -
Smith was acting to the Interest of the
town In taking the action end that he
was entitled to htve a portion of the
;meta rclmburstrl to him. \\'Ith regardnse
to the mthcr de, his contention was
(bel the council«
should nrrtuhp the
cost of an it11• Mcibylb.
Other ('ommllher Reports
The publlc works committee submit-
ted the following: With referent* to
tit leitpt Af .iennnry 2Ard thorn I). F.
• Molmes regarding 'pairing a portion of
the north end of Wellington street to
the . Goderich Elevator A Transit
(7empnny, we recommend that the
Solicitor he requested to outline details'
• of i*IWNJUre reg,tlril In connection
with the m%iter. R's. recmine'nd that
kbe street Inep t ter, It 1'. 1'osteleth-
Walle, he •appoIntnl weed Inspector,
and that the (int(intone,Iepartment orf
Agriculture he so nnttflM. We reemn-
mend that no aetlon be taken on Mrs. pe
Tremblay's offer to trdu'se old !mild -
kg at the fele commis.
The aprs•isl nrmr55(Iere r emmnlemdel
pat no action be taken nn the wirer -
proposition of the Eases Countmnt
Trophies Presented to Winners of
1929 Season
The annual dinner and dance of the
Muilland /Gulf Club wax held• at
Hotel Bedford ou Friday evening
last and was, as usual, a brilliant so-
cial oeeasiou. The pn*(deut, Mr.'Chaa.
C. Lee, presided at the dinner and at
the preeentatlou of the truphlea to
the wieners cif the season of 1929. Mr.
'L t. reviewed the operations of the
year, w•hmaga lch was one of the mosue-
tesaful Lt the history of the Club.
The winnere of the various tropn-
les were as follows: ''lime rate bowl.
1)r. Mary 1. Tom; the Lloyd cup, Mr.
K. F:. Naftel ; the Garrow app, Mr. W.
F. `Saunders; the Ellis cup, Rev. It. C.
Mc1.8'rmid. The prize cup if the
Perth. Huron and Bruce Gulf 'League
was presented to Mr. W. A. Coul-
thunt, ipptain of the Maitiaud Golf
('hub team thatween it. Messrs; Sweet-
ers, Mel/erod_ and Coulthurst made
fitting responses to the pr•4•utt(uux.
Dr. Toni uud Mr. Naftel were not
. Mr. George, Wilhelm; mails. u neat
speech la which he expressed the
pleasure of the Club in seeing the
psident. Mr. bee, again s! In gencon-
dition after his long Illuexs.
Community singing was lad by Mr.
!'has, K. Saunders, with Mr. G. b.
Davies at the piano. -
For the dancing which fuilowetl the
presentations music was furulshtl by
the Myth orchestra.
Ante flub; that the rhulrna(11 teal
clerk he empowered to have the polleepolleeclock repaired; that the letter from
the Retail Merchants' Asna•iatlo 0
Pamela lie un the table and that the
chairman notify the town solicitor
that the matter is being c*usidered by
the council; that the town take one
quarter page of advertising in the
o wtnrio Tutor league Road Book at
$2,i. The committee reported that Mr.
1►avlrs would be Interviewee) regard-
ing his services as band leader and
a report would be brought in at the
next meeting; and that arrafytt•menta
were being made to have A. !Begin -
son and D. Marwick make an invent-
ory of the contents of the Arterlft
The fire committee reported that n
building permit had been Issued to
the anisette,' Army for temporary re-
pair,' to the building on Waterloo
street, uud recommended Jointly with
the finanee committee that a bylaw be
prepared authorizing the issue of
13,000 debentures over a period of
five years at fete per cent. to provide
for the ',tuella,* of the new• ladder
1 Tse reports were all adopted.
Blue Water Highway Association
.11 The Mayor read a telegram re -
r! vetted from C. S. Wittelruw, president
of the Blue Water Highway Associa-
tion, announcing the annual meeting
of the Asso•Iation to be held at the
Royal York hotel, 2oronto, on Thurs-
day, February 27. A motion Was passed
that the council 1* represttltel at this
meeting. Jlaltrlott-McCres*h
.t letter from the town of Leeming- A happy event was the marriage,
ton snggestel that the (outwit Join in which took plan. on Wednesday. of
be e'
urging that legislation be em- Meta Marjorie, only daughter of Mrs.
towering towns to. regulate and control Mt'('reath and the late W. J. McCreath,
the location of Junk yank Hod prem- to Randall Amos. only sou of Mr. and
Ile sused for wret•king of automobiles. Mrs. John Marriott, ■Il of town. The
This was ref('rr4} to the special coon• ceremony was performed at 12 ocloek
mlttee. noon by Rev. It. C. Mclermed. at the
Conneillor McLean salt the Leena home of tee bride's mother, Park
Fere Engine Co. people had been up street. The bride Was given away by
that day looking over the ladder track ber uncle, Mr. Harry l[d'reath.-and
and askeI the It la, returnee to looked very pretty In her gown of
n f
The News of the Town
l'entral Home mal Sehool Club
The meeting of Central Home and
School Club was held on Tuesday af-
ternoon, the president, Mrs. G. L.
('arsons, In the chair. Iteports for the
past year frotu the different offk'ers
were read and ad.tpterl. The chair was
theft taken by. Mrs. Redditt while the
election of officers took plater , result
Ing as fellows: I're'..ident, . Mr. G. 1..
I I'ars,nus; vice-preskleuts, Mrs: 1). D.'
Grey, .31rs. J. T. Fell and Miss I. F
Sburulan; recording set•retuty, Miss
}:nlille 1tueha11uu; e'..rres{r.udhtg era-!
:Teary', Mrs. lttrklitt; treasurer, a11sx1
W. Rall; convenors of committee., I
oupNy, Mrs. llawthonle; child web,
fare, Mks M. Bailie; social. Mrs. W.!
G. Mat-Ewa11 ; membership, Mrs. A,'
t'otlorue; program, Mess M. G. Rob-
ertson; 9(88lst, Mrs. 11. E. Jeuuer.
)n• Into Infant's Ib4sth
to inquest into the death of an In-
t ht ,alerl."h tito(ship n few hours
1wastater its birth on January _11i as
held at the town hall 4111 31 hay uf-
terunm. Dr. A. 1', punter, coroner,'
I re,dded and the witnesses were
questioned by Comity- frown Atternt'y'
p1s. After the hearing of evidence,
which occupied the whole afteruwnl,
the Jury brought in a a-erdict to the
effect that the infant had died from
natural a nUses.
The newton( bele was 1111[11414
'•rt'tly on the furor of the pa114'nts of
the y g woman who had given it
birth. and it was this circuwstanc•
which aroused the suspicloi of the
authorities The yoltng woman's fath-1
er told Crow ,Attunley Holmes. In'
reply -14„sa quest bun, that he did lot -1
know be was doing anything wrong itt
burying the Infant M this m r.
Whitt notifying the physician or
anyone else.
Melling of Presbytery
The I'restot.'ry of Huron.Presby-
terian ('hureh in Canada, met in Cline
tun ore Tuesday. Rev. Merles E. Don•
gar was elected meleret,r. The Pres-
bytery' fittingly utlservte the death
of Rev. Dr. l'errie. moderator of the
General Assembly, !tee. It. C. Me-
lermld lending in 4(4.110/1 of prayer.
Rev. Mr. .Metk•rmid and Mr. le. G.elm
Weir were appointed a rvllttee to
draft a resolution of condolence. Theep
reports of committee . indicated sub-
AtantlAl progress•, Rev. James Mcll-
roy and Mr. Ilenry Strang were ap-
Iolntesl counnissiunrre to the next
General Assembly. which meets le
Knox a bun• t. Hamilton. In June, and
Dr. S. Banks Nelson, minister of the
Assembly church, was nowenateri nod-
erater of the Assembly. A conference
or church life and work, led by the
moderator, proved most helpful nal re-
sulted In a keen appreciation of the
spiritual needs of the Church.
Mitehell for the correcting of 4ome
trouble with the driveshaft. The plat-
ter was left In Councillor McLean's
1'ou1•lller Croft said that Inst fall
brown flat crepe and het of straw and
crepe. with a corsage bouquet of sweet
teas. After the wedding repast Ihp
happy couple left by the afternoon
('. N. 1t. train on a trip to Toronto,
tie. ho'ke'y 'lab had madmolest a plest Ningilre and Detroitand on their re
for a donation, but the council had turn they will Rinke their home on
preferred 0, lenge the matter to the ('nmbria road. The young couple have
close of the settee'. The club turd the 110011 wishes of n host of friends.
p the se'asou with n surplus .lmolig the gifts rt1•ivel by the bri.k'
to spend the money by presenting each J. 11. Mustard. for whom she
bookkeeper.mus I 1
of the players with a club -hag. The bookkeeper for five and a -half years.
presentation would bike place at n and a console set from the girls' Bible
dinner and the club Asked that the loon of Knox church, of which she
cnuro'll pay fur the play",' dinners, had Men
n'tetotnry and psldent.
about 515. ----- A notion Was passed mrnulnously
that the (nlmcil assist to the extent
A meeting will be held 1n the tow'u
!lull un Wednesday night. March 5th.
Mr. W. W. Barlow 'spent the week
end visiting friend,' in Toronto.
• Mrs. L. C. ('hate au has returnee
fruw a week's visit to ltuffalo, N.Y.
Diss Dorothea Felker, of Welker
villa, spent the week -eta! with friend
In town.
'Mrs. M. O'Reilly visited her sou
and daughter-111•law In Waterloo the
past week,
• Mr. Wui. Gouley visit4l friends .el
P01.1 .111ert. Crewe and Dungannon
the lest week.
Miss 1.11RIul I'attem.ms., of Brant -
hard. is visiting her parents, Mr. and
Sirs. C. Patterson.
Mrs, T. G. Column a11d MIs. Gene
have returnee from a vieit to friends
1(41rttit attd Galt.
Mia Jessie Me'1Maluld motorol to
Iwruden uu Uouday and 1s emending e
thew day's at Hetet,-Lt, Molt.
Mr. and Mrs. Jos. C. Kelly, of Bo,.
too, Mases.,. are vkeljiug the former's
leureuts. Mr. and Mrs. J. 11. Kelly.
Mr. John (_Yttts'rote of Ashfield, and
Mr. A. F. Irwin, of Bayfield. were at
the court house this week, auditing
the county heels. •
Mr. and Mr-. 1\'u. \%'alder. Myth,
a ltltolmee the t•ngageua•nt of their
daughter. Mabel Fwlyth, to Mr. Regin-
ald Jennings, of Windsor. Ont. The
marriage to take plant. early u• Marco.
Mr. and Mrs. A. 4'. Clark Irate
lnevwl to teen from Carlow uud• are
living for the p.re t Ott Trafalgar
atreet. -After eondhtc g the genera{
store' at Carlow filr oyer eighteen
years, Mr. Clark has di•gosd id the
business 10 Mr. Frank Mcllwalu. Ile.
has no definite pians for the future,
but he and Mrs. Clark will make their
Sowerby-iesttioa,-.t quiet mar -
.And Airs, ('arrle Thinks Half the! nage Was solemnized a1 81. George's
Tourists There :►re Canadians church, Golerlch, by Rev. J. N. IL
Mrs. E. W. (`,'rete writes from st.1 Mills, 41u 'Wwhl,weluy evening. Fel►ru-
I•etersburg F'1 i l F' b t• arJ 10th. at 7 dal« k, when Elsie
Cation. daughter of the late Matthew
and Mrs. elation of Brampton, be -
1 came the bride of John Sowerby, .9p,
of Goderk•h township. The bride
1 was ,'!!heal in a blue moire velvet
n and wore the groom's gift, a
arta, a ruary 18th:
We were over at Suritota last
week. This Is the winter home of the
Itinglittg Bros. circus -q nice {duce
our the pur{oyse of urganlzlug a Lara. and very lateresting. We were in
ball team alid making preparations for Ntlutul for a few day+, to --u very
1 the coming season. All person, later- gay platy and warmer than St. I'et-1 Row t
q tc41 to alltn(1 g toathing pearl ta'theals. The bridesmaid wax
e Miss Mary' Cation ofesiseith,1, and Mr
wslad are r nes
home in 'toir, for the present. {a
It is again necessary to tt.Iieh the
reminder that persons wending in items'
for publication should attach thriri
eelguature. Newspaper. caner In• ex.1
peeled to publish arieles which trpe!
peeledI to then) ealuymously'.
AA euchre nod dance under the aus-
pices of the L. 0.-B. A. will 1* held
In the Masonic Hall on Friday, Feb-
ruary 2wh. Music by (he Schram-
Farrlsh orchestra. Cards at 8.15 pin
Leitch. Admission 50 lets. -
Following Is a list of gifts {.r!•.eulcd
to Alexandra Hospital oa the 44,41sl,.,i
of the hospital's birthday- unilvenury.
February 15, 11)30:
Mrs..A. 1). McLean, 1 Jar fruit,
tarts for nurres; Hanford - Hospital
Auxiliary, 1 air cushion, 1 ice tag,, t
2(1 Jars fruit and pkkles, 9 packages
jelly powder, apples; Mrs. Ger..$(ew- t
art, 1 Jar fruit, plant and janHuiere; I
Mrs. Will McLean. 4 Jars piekks, cat- t
$lye and fruit; Sirs. J. M. Roberts, 3 1
Jars marmalade; Mr. Fred Sturdy. 1 1
can malted milk and %hAker; Mrs,
Chas. Iteid, 1 Jar fruit and ph•klew: t
Mrs, It. A. Briscoe, detuitlenrt.Wllkin. l
Nu ward, 2 spreads, 6 large shorts. U
6 small sheets. 6 Jath towels, 6 linen
towels, 6 pillowcases; Mrs. Wm. Felk-
er, Walkerville, 2 cups and saucers for i
nurses; Mrs. B. J. Saulls, 12 pillow a
slits,; Miss Etta Saudis, 1 sink strain- (:
er, 1 strainer and whisk; Mks Dark
$1.00; Mrs. lthynas. $1411); Mrs
Sturdy, sr., 2 jars fruit; Mrs. J. At
Johnston, 2 Jars fruit ; a -Frdeud, $2.00
Sauna L of ('halter, .2 doz. daffodils.
1liayal Searle! Chapter- -
The annual meeting of the Royal
Scarlet Chapter of the (ioderidr Ills-
tr('•t L.(►J.. was held In the lodge
room efr'LA 1.1.. \o. 1.2, (:alerich, on
Suu•hly, February lilt h. A number of
companions were present from 1..(l.L.
Nu. 145(ls
, leri,•h tt.wn1hil., lett no
retorted Prow Ik•ntuiller Lodge. No.
1,2 mus welt r•pre-44mq. \\'or.
J. 11'. lull, cnn•
lauiutder, eeuplerl 1
chair. After ruutiue .bossiness in 1.11u(11• 11 with the ['halter aus em
pietist, the electluu of offerers for
10311 took plate. as follows: W.
Comp. .lex.-M.Xet•fu, w.wwnude
\1'or. Comp. Devitt Sproul, depot) w.
Manlier: ('amp. F:mast itrer•kwtridg
Scribe; Cowµ Bell. 11. treat:urt•
1'entp: John W. Heil, ' 14.1ary' ; ('oto
1\'m. Mew, 1st la'turer; Comp. Elm
Ik•11, '2uef le.•t urer ; Comp. John Mille.lot conductor; IlIlIT W,od
2nd tondoetnr; ('amp. Jolty' E. Wet
ere, senthlt•I; ('null. Neil Mel/omit
herald. The newly elected officers_�e►at
duly installed by 1%'or. fast Ibmfilutu
er John 11'. Bell. The ('hiapter 11(411t4i, 10 meet every fortnight chtrh
the )ear us formerly-.
tes Kiri.. 1%'s. thought the
bench at the Lido in 1'eniee was th
most "IIIc11Me4trle" 111 t he world. I
has always been called that; but 1
think the beach at Miami Is even a
11111e more •'a11vancr}-•' However
('(00ine see•rnwl toe he having n goo,
time. There are a gnat many mo
rt 10,114' /here than in St. Peters
burg. that t think wee have mon
t Reginald M. Johnston of G«lerkb
suptort4! li
the groom. A reception s
about twenty-five gts, wow held at
the home of the groom and a wed-
ding dinner was served at $ o'clock'
1s., by Mrs. liob 8owerby, .len. 1•:el Sowe-bp
and Mr Hurry Weir of London.
I.EF)Itl•RN. Feb. 26.- Mr. :old Niro
T. hunter entertained Ihelr uelghlory
ole tourist.
We went to sae cut hent the actor
Ile In Maciwile1A.t night. It nos a splen
u- d1,1 atldlenee, but there are splendid
tu- audiences. !•ver • •hetes--Il1,(Nkl Ierg44
at the bend converts every evening
and afternoon. The tenor soloist with
r' the hand. Rowan! ltusscll, draw's a
di.great crowd, and the air is so de-
lightful that every seat Is or•spled.
NL'. Ittlssell, by the way. is a ('ana&
r ' inn front Toronto. Ile sines R. us well.
art ha my opinion. as Fwtwanl'.l(11hn-tau.
r, 11'i' heard Opie Reid. the writer anti
entertainer. in the Coliseum here nue
s.I night. It WAS e'stlmat,rl dere were
o1.1 3,1MMI people there. and Mr. I(t'I,l Im-
re i elks quite a humorist, enquirel. "flew
1.1 many in this hill were torn and
raised 111 1111111141?" Tache hands
were rebid. Then, "Hmanyow uny live!
I" here all the year around?" Just twenty- '
Dell -Sproul
1 at a social evening 1u Tuesday even -
1 Ing, the Ixth Inst.
W. M. Fk Meeting. -The W. M. S
.4Il liary' lues at the bonne of Mr. and
Mrs. A. Clutton on Wednesetiay after-
noon of lust w4•k. 'There was a good
attendance ,old 11e vice-president.
Uls',Ii lee Shun:, presider!. Tho meeting opened with the .lugiog of the hymn.
• "Saviour, sprinkle many nations?'and prayer rend respoulvcly from
1 flip Messenger. Arrauru
geents were
nide to observe the hay of Prayer by
hooding a prayer meeting at the horn.
of Mr. and Mrs. .(hex. Horton on the
evening of March 7th. Mrs. Clutha,
revie•werl the fleet part of the find
chapter of the study ten.k, "From Jenuwnlem to Jerusalem." Meeting clotted
with hymn, •'J,•sus wr
shall reign. hee-
e'er the suit," and all repeating the
heel's Prayer. A dainty lunch was d-
terwurds server) by the holstein!. .
(`111.Ik)ItNE TOWNSHIP. 'Feb. 29.--
31r. IJoytl Walters, 4th erose isaua.
started tapping trees for sap 05
Monday of this week.
Mr. V. .t. Itolertson. 34.1'.I'.. war
bottle from Toronto for the week -end.
Some of the farmers were out plot -
big on Monday of this week.
Mrs. J. I.altoque spent a couple of
days with her number In Toronto la
Mrs. Harold Allen spent one day
hist wtr•k in Hamilton.
TMs. Dungannon bread truck it
again on the roads. The trip was made
all winter with sleighs.
Net. x .ebool le closed this week, the
teacher being lit -With stumps.
Mr. N. Menem shipper) a car of
hog. 1.11Welnealay.
-Mr. Arthur ('hark has sold bis store
at Carlow to Mr. Frank Mellwaln of
Nile. They an. busy stock -taking this
week. Mr. ('lark and wife expert b
mote 10 Galerlcb. They will he great-
ly missed loth in church and in ential
The Mane ..f Air. and
Mrs. David
the was thscene• of a happy ever
at high 110011 011 S/1111[ •ay. Febrnar
22nd, when th•Ir yolutgest daughte
Flu Nlarguerlte, errs united In ma
rimer to Mr. It. 11'. Bell, of Gotierkl
sou of, the Irate 11r. and Mrs. Davi
Bell. The re•remoty' was performed 1
Rev. It. 4'. McDe•ruled In the present
of relatives and at few' Intimate friends
791,• bride, who was given away b
her father, looked a-hartnitlg In
fro•k of brown crept• back sate
trimmed with low• and wearing a
Isobel fox fur with 101101 lint, glove
brown slippers and hose to match. SI
.-arrlerl a bouquet of roses mei fern
Nib's I41vluu Bina. who nttetekri tb
bride. looked lovely In her (reek e
w eld flat creleee, with hat and oth
a(rrwwories to match. Her bouquetw•a
four. S.. 'you can see that the tourists
1 !love the ydat'e prat•tk
wtitlly tit them-
Them is nue thing we netted par-
"1. tknlarly at the bund enleerts. When
rt the land • strikes up "The Star
1 I Spangled Manner" -the 1'. S. national
air -everyone rises and the wen re•nn'
1.1 ne their hats, lianudlnus 11114 all.
d Well, .we do That in Canada. too.
') I when they strike tip "(led Save the
*, Klug." But here no one moves. no
tele leaves, until the last strain hes
F', tile) IWa3. They are very patriotic.
n The rector of St. Peter's F:plscs.pal
11i church here. 1. was quite plesrel ht
hi note, prays ter the King of England
s • every Sunday. 1 think half the lour -
a+ ht•re are Cementing.
\1's. had a great tto,10 here 0111.111• [etch!', birtlelny. Thi,y are wonderful
'( for anniversaries; 1 daresay that
eel because they are u c41mpetrativt•Iy
of swore 111.11', and ferns. The laid
groom was atteudel by Mr. Claren
1►unlop. Miss Rae .Andrew- played the
wedding music. The house was (faint
ilk do•:rated for the 1114n Ion in pink
white 111111 mauve. TheinlyrIngo cert. -
Melly teak place uno1.r a ieuutlfn
pink and White arch with fern (14411[71
thous. .After the eereuwey n dainty
in ref Itnhouu ant. served. Ihlrin
he dinner hour two toasts were pro
posed 143 r'
y Itt•. I{. ('. 5lclermld. The
mist to the bridle was responded to
Iy the gro.m. and thou to the Mother 93
he bride's father. Mr. and Jfrs. !lel
eft 1.y train In the afterupon on a
.y1110011 trip to Detroit, Walker
'Ille and other points. ale their re
urn they will peke up residence In
:olericlh. The bride received tunny
sef,l and beautiful gifts, and a num
Mer of telegrams of evugra111111Ions
erre received from friends at Toronto,
aadon and other point'. The bride
nil r.o ge, rho are well known ht
o,lerlch, have a large circle of friends,, who wish them many y(•nrs of happy
welded life.
• NILE. February ary 26. --Mr. Frank
Mcllwain hes purehaw•d the ('arlmr
i store from Mr. Arthur #dirk. Ills
- many friend. wish him every encase.
• 511x' .tmplea 3j'l1wnlr ellen! fir
g post week at the hone of her friend.
- NII., '4Vlnioie Marsh.
Miss Mary Bogie left Oil 9ie4111y
or Toronto. where she will spend
-event, wt•ks visiting relative, and BAYFIELD
I friends. -
Mr. met Mrs. Janes McIntyre vb.-
- 1141 at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
- Thos. Illcks1141. Jr., en Tutvelay.
'Bern-- In the Gce1e•rlch hospital on
31 lay. February 24th. to Mr. nen!
Sirslyse Mel'hw•, n daughter. Cone
Mfr. Donaldsuu. of Goderieh. has the
contract 111 potting new- 4%1'es/roughs
.n Mr. .1ngu, UeDlurml,1'' torn.
Mrs. Leve Nle,:netl.•n spear bust
,vtrk visiting al the home of her
brother. Mr. ,luck Ryan, of Duneatime).
Mr\ Henderson, of I,uekiow•, per-
ehaw'1 hon carload. of ()stile In jells
vicinity hast week.
Urs. Hies Glrviu %b.lted friends in
Gealerlch the 101s1 week.
Mr. R'ut. Ilawk'ine Is !kiting rein -
th•es In Termite this Werk.
I)1JNGANNON ail ,pent a few !moors in the pillage
lho telt forget the concert 11110 play
to ine given Ir the town hall under
the au.piees of the Junior Guild of
Trinity church. Monday. Mareh 3rd
There w•III be musical none ere, read
tags and the comely, "Kidnapping
Betty." The caste Is a• fullness. 11a•
FIeldHng, owner of Fielding farm --A
and 1 astymatic elo'trk' toaster;
MIs. Birdie ]keys, 2 Jars fruit and
$I.(p; Mn. thud e) Hu1ns', sr., a 1h eel s
fruit; Mr. and Mrs, 11. 11 Duulop,1
2 boxes 101101 seep; Mrs. 0. Holmesr., 2 jars jelly; Gh
tospltnl Auxiliary. 1 t6lrr,r for.bnth
:omit stud 1 large coffer!pe•rcolntor
Urs. W. L. Horton, $5.00;Mrs.1'. F'
'lapnuln. 6 Jars him; Urs. Green-
wood. i Jnr fruit and $1.10; Mr. and
Mrs. Geo. -Williams. 1 lox figs; Mrs.
11.1. 11'lllialus, $,i.(0: Niles MeNnllghs•
of 1erhepa 5200 81141 It was propo'1en W11.4 a cabinet of silverware from NI
Sargon for sale at ('amldell's Drug
Gaerlch Rebekah lodge, No, 89, will
.I hold a enr•hre and dance• In the (Mil -
1 follow,' II II on Itile etas lief rig.
- March 1011.
The members of L.O.L. Nn.' 042,.Gotl-
rich are holding it euchre and carpa•t-
ull party In tho•Ir beige rooms, North
reef, this .Thursday 1 111ghL
A 1444(1(1 ons es1ah11'11cI or Mote
sty. Fe'hru11ry 24(1. when Messrs.
eo. Jeuuer 111111. '13 [011,0 Walker
playa{ over the 5ealthtnd golf eonrse.
Remember the .Arthur Circle play.
Tons a Money," Thursday- and ter!•
ay of this week. A hearty laugh Is
good tonic. Join the crowd• and en•
y the fun. -
Mr. 1,. .Fleck has Installed a new set
six-ton w•111es In .his cont yards at
e Putt end of the town. This will be
s'eutrn1euce net only In Al r. Fllek's
sal busitI•ss but for farmer and
The regular rlartillg of the Gorier
11 Women's I,stitite will be held In
nuKay dell on Thursday. March,
h. nt 3 p.m. This will he "talent
y" and ,, lurgt' attenders* of 1111.
nohow.. Is• reque.ted
S.•rckes n1 1 11 Ion 4111 41111[ 1 It.',t
hay 1111 I p vorldnetel by the 1411.4-:
,ti l -
Sermon subjects: 11 a.m. -The;
tiding Presence:" 7 p.m.. "The Im-1
rlshaTle Treasure." The Lord's Snp-,
✓ will be observed nt the chute of the
Irving sere**. Rib1e school et
On Shrove Tne'dpy, March 4th. the
Y. 1'. .5, of St. Georges efenn•h 1
11 serve o pancake tee at the iter-!
hall from 41 to 7.30 p.m, Acdmis-I
to 25 (+Ants. Bridge *111 b• pensee'
1m is to 14 p.m. for which nn ad -
tonal chergp of 25 eines well he
de. Everyone comp.
air•. Max Roffman GI 'Sir. Robb(
(:et. 8argonAt Campbell's Deng, Boilers are rlslll,g friends at lit..
ktorp. - Therms.
-- -- ----- ' Mr. Fort 1111114 Is ;011 1111141 lu the!
.1 e
on. $:..1141; Mrs. 11'. F. Naftel, 1 Jar( (1
marmalade for nurses, 1 lbt ten fur
oesp.Il,n1; Sirs. Hunfhh'y, 1 Jar fruit;
Ire. lt11uuister. 1 jar fruit; Mrs. M.
(ameba'. 1 pr. pillowcases; Myrtle
ud Mary Cantwell, 1 Jnr fruit, 1 jar
hili sauce: Mess Mary- Malkeld, 2 Jars
.ick les; Golo•ri(•hi Women's i T:Mule,
juts marmalade; Mrs. ('on Bisset, 1
ar pickles; Mrs. 1)r. ifnuter,2 bath
merle; tIrs. Jalues IhOM 41.4on, 1 Jar
reit, 1 Jur pickles; Mrs. J. Barton, 1
our fruit: Mile Minnie .1. Chandlers
dor.. oranges, :i grapefrolt for Iurse ;
ire. hobo. ,Pohnstun, 2 jar. fruit, 1
1r maple sugar; Mrs. A. 1.. Cole, I
lr fruit; Mrs. McNally, 1 Jur jelly;
Ire. Gen. Miller, 1 Jnr fete! ; ..Mrs.
2 Jars fruit. 1 Jar catsup: Mn.
F. H. 1'rier. 1 jet fruit: Catholic
1' nnpn's I eagute, sliver 'ream and
ugnr; Mrs. Thom11s'Gundry, $2.00;
Ir.. Gn(iu Green, 1 jar fruit ; Mrs, 1'.
Irvin. 1 Jar fruit; Mrs. (Gambles, $10;
rs. Edith Baker. $5110; Mn. A. Ii.
nylor, $2.90; Mrs. MileVie e. 2 jars
nit ; If lee ,\. Nlau'Donald, 2 rump and
Heel's; Mr. J. J. MtdEwen, 2 boxe.
lonlat•s for enrols; Mr. G. L.
it tins, $:,.4N); MI..s F,mildp-Ruehatinn,
Jar pickles; Niro. McKim, 1 jraJam.
jelly : 511s' R. I u e
lu t r, 1 jar
ckles; Miss ,lean Cowan, 1 hath tow-
: M1ss Myrtle •lmpwnn, 1 Olt IOW•
Mho' Doris Wo lleembe, 1 pall 1
Ailey; Mrs. Gordon loss,-(, Mrs. James
isset, 11 jars mfrmtlstie; Mr. Geo.
'Intents, $5.(11; Mfrs. Ctstlthnrst, 1
n plueappbly; N'r. J. S. flet!, 2.1111'.
ar; 1tR Whnteley, $1.00; Mrs. C
Proposal fey F$;ttlement of Suit A will -known reeldent of Goierleh,, A
The Mayor spoke of the WcIII ngtnn In the person of John A. Rolertsotl,, ,t
street sidewalk ease and stated flint Is,ssel eery on Sunday morning Me
Mr. Wigle had expressed a wish for '' 11
Rnlertw.n had been in poo health ,
n settlement. but ns yet no defluite for fi long pleriod, but hes Bunt Illus+ 1
offer of settlement, In writing. had wens et only n few days' duration. Het:,
leen made. The propeitlen made by was born In tlolerich ![lout- sixty- j
Mr. 113gIe's solicitor 1141!. !hilt bel eight spree nR , and end- always heel 1
would consent to a Judgment revers- his home here, and for many ;rents f
Ing Judge yawl.' decision. each party had been the proprietor of the Goner- j
In pay its own costs, end the council lei Marble Werke. Resides hes wife,'
to have power to place Iho• walk "ler hp I,,,r- tW1 mons. 11nry, of Strnt-
ever It alshe.. This propa.dtlon, hew•- A
ford, and Clarence, of !roan, nal two b
ever, -was not in writing. danghters, Greer. of town, 111,1 Olive. e
The Tax oft Gasoline ih1111pwi of Toronto. .t son. Fred, gave his life 3
Councillor Worsen callel attention! ray King and country' nt fins Ridge
to the situation with regard to the; In 1917. Two Irrntheh nn(1 11 sisteri p\
tax flit gasoline pitinim 11' nndprstonvl 18114 survive: William Robertson, of 11
that ani) two of the dealers had paldl Port El-giu.: .51fref of Rnperlor ('ty,1 sl
the tax. Either all should he cnllerl1 APIs.. and Mtn. Eliza Milts, of Exeter,: A
upon to pay or these (an should get Nlr. Ilttertsoo was n member of Norih i 1:
their money beet. street United (Mitch. and the tuner.' ,y
Connelllnr RAllie agrce,1 that If the al service on Tuesday afternoon weal •p
tax was not. to he collected from all c,iohtetel by hes pastor. iter, ('. F, j fr
the money paid should he refuelled. Clarke, and Rev. J. E. Ford. louring se
There ons some insole:don of the the service at the home a duet. "(int)( cl
legal esp(rt Of the matter, and the Night llere And Good Morning There,",
opinion was Adraneel• flint the cmnn- was .1111g by Mrs. Henderson and MM.' 1
ell could not legally allow the tenni. Rnrtonr. The interment ova. In Malf•I 1
011 the forme, or If they were allowed bind rr•metert', the paI'lenrprsotwine, pi
flu, town w0wld be liable in else of Meyers. Ttmttpet Jnhnsloti W, C. lied- el
accident. ham. Wm. l'ani;dell, W. T. Petiole.. pl
Connelllor Humber thought the 1. Westbrook nod J. ii. 'Rolertson. i h
present sitwatIon w•As "tanking n Joke Tho funeral rites of the Canadian 1t
tett the cunell." s Order of Foresters were oiwerr4l by 13
Counelllor Maser made A heated de- the members of (bort Grslerleh, aK
No. 32, At the grave fleshier: the tons Aug
1 1(-
1 Ni
I tit
1 or
Enol of the position of the deniers.
Each lot them hail signed n bond nit
Naming liability and they were try-
Ing to serve the people. The competi-
tion was keen and there Was ►/n non -
0y in styling gasoline. Rather that:
IHA]YFIF:LI). Feb. 25, -Mr. and Mrs.
T. Mallett, of London, spent the week-
end with the latter'« mother, Mrs. J.
J. 0. Goldthorpe opened bis garage
int Tuesday and plans operating a re-
freshment boleti and lunch room
Iatpr. In the building erected last
on Shrove Tuesday. March 4th,
there will he n tea at the lover of
Mr.. 11. 11. McKay'. from 5 to 7. meter
the a7agder•s o1 the :h•nlor 611114 of
Trinity church. l'zulcnk(a 1(11,1 maple
syrup, hot biscuits anti hooey'. tea
a111 4NIffee will b' %vests!.
.1. E. Erwin Is nt Gotlerio. • this
week auditing Ire county hok-
31r. and Mrs. '1'. Will, Bob and Ag
nes motored from Luudtin 41n Snaday
Irl'N(L1NNI►N. Feb.' 211.--5lI,s F: y,,
Gnrdlner, of A.htleld. is visitlug
friends here. .
Mrs, Heber Etly 111111 sal loos. are
visiting friends , til Strout ford and
Urs. It. .1. Mc5e,zle Inas relurled
hope from 11'fnghau1. where she Iul(l
ben 11011 111e her sister, Mrs. .1, l'af-'
teem. and other frit -rifle s
Nlr. sol Al re. 4'111 In McIntyre are
visiting friends tit London this' week.
The Women's A:mid/,flon of the
1'nitirl"church hell'Ir 'u.-In1 eteuing'
nn 3'1ne,day 11t 1110 hum.• of Air. nod'
NI rs. A. 1'. 1'Ish,'r.
The young per.ple of the 1'uit41
I hnrrh u.r,+ pitting •.1 th01r Ida), '7110
1'lllage Ise j •r." in the parish hall one'
Friday el.nhlg. Fel.rnnry :Nth. This,.
1- 11 tole act wlwely'; Itr.reetts for
church purposes.
Miss Alargnret loom. of 1hp G.1h1..
spelt the w•irkend at the home of
her puree's. %lr. and Nlr. .1. .1 Ityan.1,
Airs. 1Viti. M.('lure 9.0 host Sitter ,
yin for SI. 'Phomas, where she .114111
15sit her daughter. Whittle, vice Is In
training In the hospttnl therr.
31yss I:run Ronch, tows, in training' i
in 1110 hospolnl at Golertch. spent the'
%te'k-end at the home of M•r 'parent. ent. I
Al r. and Mrs. Marton Roach.
Jnr. Lorne N1eKehrie Is vislliitg 11s!
sister, Mrs. .las. NcleeNetll. at Lett -1
dolt title week.
Messrs. 'lk'nsun and .Man Pentland,
of t t
inxe tf. .t.; spent the Werk-ewd at
the home of their parents. Mr. ands
Mr.. 3. It. PentInnd.
Peck: Nat Meadows. 19.11,'s peppery
farther- Leslie I:Illott : Ito! Slnrpanty
lively youngster stunting for 11aa-
1ti1T Parker; Betty Meadow's, the new
ee•houl (archer ---Annie McLeod: Molly
Flailing. Den's emit- -elvish. Westlake,
Joanna Fielding. Dan's snappy little
th+ter--F:Ila McKay: Sally Perklne.
11agh11nn'hun.l gn..lp --Lucy Weeds
A Farmer Iteshknt ('asses. -Tow
11.'11,11 ef, Mrs N1nrg,lr,t 1;rceit, whs
wits well kimwut here and oleo was s
r.,ldai1 of Bay -field for Many steam
Lok pine* on F'redny' last. 'February
21-1. at the home of 11.r •Ineghter.
Mrs. Albert ('arty', Detroit. itetrnsrrl
iv,i, rhe 111tnQhter of Ge(.rge 11110 Mar
garet itenley amt ons le,n1 on the 7th
41111rw1on of G«l(ri.te towtrthip•11es-
'1ty•4•v.n years ago. Her !husband,
George Green, predeceased her some
thirty-five year,, dying in Gordis.
Later Mrs. Green moved. with her fam-
y In (:esh•rlc•h,township and then is
111,511,1,1. .1 year ago hist' November
tete had a stroke, from which she
te-ver fully rtnvercd. in 3Hg'tMt she
went hI nwkle with her daughter. Mr.
!`arty, it D istri11t. where she pawed
v. The funernl was had on 9i1„�
1113- af$'rnl.on 'from 81. Ane1j'es',, ('nit -
sl .hutch to Il11) le111 c'tae'tery, 181
!Ice being conducted by Rev. It. M
Gide, assist's' by Rev. F. •11 Paull of
Trinity chnr't1. The pallbearer's were
Robert and ilerry Thompson Jnnwew
Reid. Gnp., Fred) a:(1 'Mervin iLrnley.
''he surviving members) of the fats
Int are Moe. J. Rich flgdythl, Mrs. A
Carty t nine I. Mel Phis. S.•hoffele
I Mlnnlel, all of Detroit. Mr and
Mr. (darty and son, Junior Nr sad
Mr.. Rich end Mr.. (k-hoflekt a:tenila8
the funeral. One dnnghter, Alit* (IRK
Albert N'anstnne). deal at Gerrie and
one sot►sl;eorge at Drayton
and daughters. there were In attend- K. Rounders, hathnom aec'ssory; Mr KiNGSBRIDGE
,DA. Sanely, nitrites; Mrs. Lamb, Jr..
►plea; Mrs. ('. Wertelc. knitted
Pods, Magazines. Met. persons, 1
oz. Individual ten piths; Mrs. 1'. };.I
le, 1 large tee pot; Mrs. Walter!
,'nee at the funeral Mr. 11. Robertson, TI
Strattord: Mr. snot Mr. Itnsw'll itnh- al
ertson. Miss Ethel Robertson and Mr, g,
and Mrs. Wm. Henderson, Ine•knnw' d
Pay the tax As. wrwkd pet!. his pump in- MIAs Annie Campbell, Toronto. and
(Continued no page xl Mrs. F. G. Ea le, Ile lit
+ g nn.
Naftel, 51.00; Mr. J. Jnhnsf
Kingsbridge. Feb. 26.---Th.e death of;
Joseph 1'. ilaI qn occurred this (\\'41-'
neat,, 1 morning after s long Illness.,
This funeral will take place Fridley'
g at Kours hrldge ehnrrh.
house 1111!1 a sore eye.
vie Friday lest Mrs Delhi Gir'in1
haft the misfortune of fallieg mn iii';
floor nod spraining her .oris,
hnrthlg her leg. We hope the agent I
Inds w 111 50111 reeover from the ef• 1
feet. of this rery unfortunate hap• i
pard a ig. -