HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1930-2-20, Page 8** 1 t fk-Thuradey, February 20. 1930. THE SIGNAL, - GODERICH. ONT. Your Eyes Do they tire or ache? If so. have them tested by the moat up-to-date methods in optical science. Glasses from $3 up. A. L. COLE, Optometrist. COLE'S Book Store Fair Enough -Sir." said the maid, qulk hauglitilY• "either take your anti from mound my wale& or keep it still. lan no ukelele.' --Selected Easy "Say, dt. you know au easyway to I find out the horsepower..of a Farr 4 -No. ilowr "Just lift up the hood and. count the plugs." -Book of Smile.. 1 . thing you require in new \L, e can take care of Any - Spring is at hand ! (--.-+-e-i-4-t-e-i-e-t-14-4-4-1-4-1-4-1-1-: or used Furniture. See us first. We positive- ly save you money. BLACKSTONE'S Furniture Exchange "O$ the loistlety of Wend THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH LOSES PROMINENT FIGURE Rim. Dr. Perri./Wits Within Few Months of Wife's Death The dee t h uf Rev. 1 ia ‘1.1 Perrie.1 It 1E, Wingbam, moderuior of the General Assembly of the Preabyter-1 Ian Church in Cauada, occurred oat Tuesday. February llth. after a brief illness. Dr. Petrie had never re -1 etivenal from the shuck of the sudden and inlet:petted death of his wife, lust yea r. jitet before he lauded at (petits. utter a It ending I be Scottish General Assembly. Three weeks be- fore his deal h his totsgregatiou al Wingliem envied him leave of ele menee ao that he might reeuperate, but his l'aNI,ov 1 human skill. and he failed rapidly. Ile was In ids iteventy-thini year. David Perri,' etre born in Scotland and came to t'atoula with his parent. at the age II( .'I 444 :scars. the family settling near Brussels. iis. attentits1 Gieleriel. High Sebeel and later took the.b.el ..1 totime at Knox Col- lege, Toned... graduating in is'. 11.- 41 Of Interest to the Busy Farmer Furnished by the Ontario Department of Agriculture Don. John S. Martin, Minister of Agriculture, will aevourpany Premier Ferguson to London. England, next glimmer to open the new Ontario Guir• eninteuts building there. - - About 50,000 tone of hay Lave been recently exported from Eastern Ontar- lo and Quebec to Great Britain. The 1929 exports of hay from Canada are greatly In excess of those in the pre. \loos year. --- Ontario Potatoes Appreciated Good sueeeaa le being attained by the Central Ontario Potato Growers A.socintion. This organization is mark- eting potatoes under 11 brand. and eroded to a standard (Glove Can- ada No. 1. To January 10, thirty ear - loads were sold In new sacks hearing the brawl mune. Some of the largest retail firms iti tuitario are now handling this stock. 'The price 71:01upares hoorably with that received. for potatoes imported from Eastern Provinces. • Co -Operative Marketing Co-operatives grow not simply by alt '1 Itt membership, but nein. surely by aft increase in the loyalty of the me:Inhere Not necessarily .1.11111114, 40 lilt;nn uitwr Of ten.. or dollars liamiletl. hut neetad leg to the extent the hie•Iness.ahis itt intprovine the conditions ef euclneon her. Not by an increase in quantity. but l'unstantly by an increase In 14 quality of the marketable product of the individual. Not by spurts of evan- -elism which bring gnome of lintel -- ban minds into the field at one.tho... int by tonsttint missionari Work which briugk into membership. liy our, ttte.:e sobor-thinkhors yl.• perbdps conservative and individual- istie preslucers who, oiler convinced ef Ibe valise of .o-operution, remain loy- al to Ibe end. Use Tested Seed • ----- That price should be the last cow: sbieration In the Wyllie of seed le the advice of a Well-known peed sI)(' violist. Quality. as indicated by pur- ity. germination. and trueness toi name. is the important- thing. Exper-1 lenee has repeatedly demonstrated that It is far cheaper in the end to bny the best seeds obtainable than to take as a gift low -quality. weed -in- fested seed. l'autullau seed authorities advocate the salt* policy in view of the results of seed surveys which (Beate clearly that the average farm seed u.e'e!It badly infested with weeds. It is eonsiantly urged by men well in - termed teneerning seed conditions that seed purchased should he confined only to the tested. varieties. Seed may be tested -at the nearest government lab- oratory. It pays to groom live Mock every day: Your yeas can be made more productive by brushing them thorough- ly and taking care that they are free from dirt and filth. (Me prominent - dairyman claims that by keeping his cattle clean his revenue has been ill• Creased by one-thinl. TIrt: LATE itt)v. pt:ititir. 11.1'. first regular is-torat . was in Kidd Nis -solid teem -hip. Middlesex wherehe remained for two year-. He wa'A at 1'hesle3 for fetor years. and yearai ago he was helm:tett: as minister of ftt. Andrew'. church, VInghai itt li. widell charge he re- mained to tlw time of his death. In 1919 Dr. Perth. received from Kilos (*.thy.. the honorary- degree of doctor of divinity. Dr. Terre was a prominent figure in the eituncils of his Chun -h. Inning - the tronbknot times of the church union agitation he fought valiantly Miti - Hilthe nd 4Pres"4..ItirtkeeirSionfari and valued services wer.• reeognised ky ltiiiiii,.r.,.vitto I nhuini incei, az!. MUM his election last June as moderator ..f the General Amembly. He is 'arrived by two daughters and one son : Mrs. (Itev.i Gerilon Rite boil. of Sudbury; Mrs. IL Parker, of %%Ingham. and Rev. D. K. •Perrie. of Neel' liattleford, Seek. The funeral took pinee on Thursday anemone. Preceding the public ser- -rice held in Se. Andrews church. Wingham. a private servito for the family and immediate friends vise held at the mange and was condueted by Rev. James Wilson, D.D.. of Brampton. The Presbytery of Maitland 'had charge of "the funeral. Rev. Thome D. McCullough. Kincardine. moderator of the Presbytery. smoke briefly, as did Rev. Dr. A. J. MeGillivray of Guelph, a former moderator of the ArAo•Lobly . , and Itev. J. W. MaeNamara, joint clerk of the Assembly. The Presbyterian chum!) was "(11- ,inlly represented by C. S. McDonald. Iluiirman of the board of administra- tion Rev. Itr. Kannawin and Dr. 1Vilson. The United. Church's official representative was Rev. Dr. T. Albert Moore. secretary of the General 4' - Ill. The Church of England. the Rae - list Church. and other,. ehurehes also were represented. 1 A number of meseagee «4 sympathy lame reel among whieh were one from ' the officials of the l'hinvii. one from the Hamilton null Lention synod, Lord and Lady Willingdon, Premier W. L WHAT A LITTLE BLIZZARD AMONG FRIENDS? Even the stormy days can be happy ones for the children, when the Heat Folks are in your home. Build up a good fire with Heat Ica.. Coal, Make a plate of candy. Hunt up a rainy day game or two, And the children will play happily in- side the house. No wet feet ! No sore throats ! No croup ! It's worth trying. CALL THE than they bad been from fifteen. This should prove conclusively the value of weeding out the non-paying members of the herd by milk -testing. The local department of agriculture etands ready at all tiniest to athise the farm- er lu these matters. New Hog -grading Rules The new hog -grading laws which tame limo effect last September have Combatting Fires A Western Ontario farmer In Cf1111. Emoting on the number of barn fires caused by lanterns upsetting or P1- ! plodIng euggestt a remedy which sounds practi.able. The base of the lantern is stuffed with cotton lotting until completely filled. A email hol- low is then made with the finger to allow the wick to lie in it. The lantern is then filled with oil and the surplus fluid &nine' off. The wlek will take the oil from the enturated batting as :111,1 this metleel undoubtedly on...l uuh.. any isesibility of the trouble some fluid spilling. NEARLY PIPTY PER CENT. COLBORNE TOWNSHIP 1 WANT= first time in the history of life ae- Mr,. E. Mitchell visited friends in Mrs. soinuot Amu. of Goderien, bit: nrires:r. ED. --mem FOR GENERAL MD WANTED. -FOR GENERA I. INCREASE BY SUN LIFE twou visiting at the home of her son, "kiAlt)RNE ThW""IP' reb' 19.- housework. Apply at SIGNAL or- Itentailiabk, Expansion Shown by Re- port of Year's BUSiDeSII It is only four yearn aiuce, for the Aidln, for the past two weeks. matinee In Canada, a thinndian cum- Goderich fur a few days this week. Al housework. Apply MRS. WM. Ian y was aide to anuounee over a bib Mrs. Ewing, who has been on the CRAIGIE. East street. lion dollars (if assurance In force. sick list with "flu," le able to he out The event WAS properly celebrated by satald.. • • the Company in gumboil, Sun Life -Mr. 1 \Vhisou stalely(' a car of Assurance Company of Canada, and cattle and a ear of hogs on Mouday evoked much gratified comment from jsublic men, financiers and journal - Isle, Is well as creating general eat- tafeetion among Ibe Canadian public. 1.1 was regarded as a sigma itettleve- moulted In some confusion among the ment in a little snore then fifty years leas well informed, breeders and ship- of that Coutpady'e history. pers. The new qualifivations are •ae President Macaulay upou that otva- follows: Hogs Stall be divided into Eon expressetl confidence that the two classes., the bacon hogs and tht• momentum theu acquired would curry non -bacon, boot: the baron class 1, the company to even More stlei.rhaug divided Into two claws, the "selects"- achle%enients In the next decade. But and "bacon." The standard for the it i. doubtful If even the president of select grade is the same except that the Companyhimself, who personi- the minimum weight is now set at net; confidence and (optimism, could 190 11.s. weighed off car. The seeenii. grade of bacon hogs or "batons" must ' weigh trout 170 to 220 pounds off ear The first grade of the non-leteei, class is known as "butchers" and its weight range rims (nail 150 to 23i. pounds weighed eft car. All hogs a suutetli fleshing und finish not 001I forming to bacon standard are inelud ed in this class. The old shop grad, has beeu entirely removed awl. untit.r 150 Ile. are known as "tights or "feeder*** and rtstuireuietits t..1' killers ate filled from the feeder amt.!. Protecting Cat le The stockman must be pet-p..40.1ft, on Ibe lookout to prevent his Chilli, eteli ecrub• cattle (rem attacks by vermiti. partivularly lice and ring- I ,,,werni. The former are most persistent alai cause much an llll yenta.. Cement anti belebore. six 'arts to 0110, been used but it has beau found that this dries the hair. Unwed nit way I he rubbed into the parts attacked by Ore or sabadilla powder or some Insect powder may he dusted into the hair. One applicatiou may kill and clean: up the pests, but a new butch will hatch out and hp ten days another up-. lineation will ite necessary. 4.,,%v. pr'6.e.alitiereingforlaltrg'ut"g ..anaounts 'of milk require large am s of water as well as feed. It makes HP. nen pints of every /allot' of milk produeed and is neceesury ter all life; promotes.. It M said that of every! 100 pounds of Milk prodneed there is; contained, on in average, 87 pounds' of water. The cow requires 500 petted"' of water. including that in the feel, for everyt, 100 pounds. of milk pro - duvet,. Good von -s twelve gallons or more of water per day, and should have stress to it at least_ twice a day. This .eupd pty nee not be wanner than 45 degrees if available at all times, hut if supplied qaly twits- a day It should be wriented to 6.'i degrees or above. An abundant supply it water will prevent elligete Lice troubles and nesist In the predue-, lion of the 111/1761111101 quuntity of milk., Miik Market Improved . Market milk has been greatly li144. proved in quality in recent yeare.; Health departments in many titles have been applying selentiflo tests In order to protect the consumer from 1 contaminated or adulterated milk.; Milk dealers themselves are also! making use of these tests to protecl! the consumer. the dealer and the care -1 ful producer alike. By systematic! testing and grading of -ineomiug raw milk supplies, the dealer Is 110W able' to eliminate milk unnultable for bot- tling and thus to improve the quality.' A Dominion Department of Agriculture, Bulletin. No. la has been issued treating the subject from the %tend - point of food value, cleanliness. keep- ing quality. healthfulness anti flavor. It explains the Importance of 'hest. .factont, and tells bow the testa are made. From knowledge of the quality of milk obtained from these tests, dealers are able to grade milk and to pay for it nveording to its value. lewal conditions such as present anality uf milk supply, relative shortage and surplus at different seasons as well as contpetition nt other outlets for milk must be taken into ("fleshier'. any system of grading. Milk Testing Pays There ie sound common sense in the suggestion of n farmer keeping five good cows In place of fifteen "just cows." The vase is cited of n farmer who tired of the work entailed by keeping fifteen cows and who re- ' duccol his herd to five "good ones." !The surprising thing was that the net •' returns from the five were greater Mackenzie King. mid Hon. W. D. Ross. Witit,KI I Lieutenantalowernor of Ontario. The . remains were taken to Brussels for masa LISTS SHOW interment in the Brussels cemetery COAL The_pnilbearers were Albert LIoyd. sr'. (continued from page 1) J. 8. MUSTARD COMPANY 11. W. Eithitt. 11. F. McGee, 1%. 11 , Pews MI Gatwick . AIM. Porterfield and John Tervitt. I Gurney. John Andersen. A. Ibitchition, Li•elyn Culbert (5) FORM 111. A - - -. Clam Aiming. 04.3' FREE -- Power Farming Demonstration Tuesday, February 25th, 1 p. m sharp Massey -Harris Shop, Kingston Street Moving pictures taken in all parts .,,of Canada show the tractor and all other power machinery in action Come and bring your friends. Everybody welcome GIBSON BROS.. AGENTS Free Slip Covers with every Marshall Mattress sold during the month of February J. R. WHEELER FURNITURE DEALER - FUNERAL DIRECTOR Phones: Store 335, Residence 355w. Havidton Street Goderich 1. Honors :-- William Sutherland Annus Sutherland Dorothy Allen Arthur Brown II. Honore: - Lenore Craig Margaret Rynn Reg Fisher (11 I• ••13t. Long Itimes Salkeld 4 l Walter Neneonthe (1 III. Honors: Iruptl Crnwford William "minder" .1.4111 LIA1/101' 1 2 ) tffli Etla Helen Cooper (1) Gorden 11ealt•lien (3) Cretlite.-- T. R. MACAtI.A1' . . Preaident. Sun Life of Canada have foreseen that the seen. IlilIon would be snrpassed within four years Yet this is what lots 110111,1•11.41 The annual re -pert of the Sun Life com- pany publiebed today AllOW. that the total aitsuranees now In force are close to two nnel u, half billion. or $2.401,- 000.000. Softie Idea of the magnitude of these figures tnay be gleaned from the fact Gist they exceed the total net national debt of the Dominion by more than $100,000,000. The new paid -for business for the year shows Or 41410, or or ta per cent. of an inerease Orer the preceding year. This Increase is greater than the total business written in 1925. The actual new pill& for Mishima was $654,450.000. This is an amazing showing considering the conditions tbat prevailed during the latter pert of 1929. and reveals what a wide and efficient organization has been created by the Hun Life Cotwpany. and how thoroughly it enjoya public confidence. The income of the Company. 1171.- 850.090 fan increase of over 000 over 1928). is $15.000,000 more than the entire marime. revenue of the Dominion in 1928. ersedb Theenasseyts of the Company were in- .,atn$ w early .000P000..000 They now tand The undivided surplus has been In- creased by $5.'468,000, bringing the ertalits:- Benson Pentland (3) 5445 Below 5.5%:- William Thomson (4) 411.3 Harold lireekow (4) 52.1 47 't SECOND YEAR COMMERCIAL GROUP A. Group Average 67.s% gp -ltmiors:- Dorothyy Steep 93.9 Lulu Jewell 461.6 81. Marie •ityan 81.7 Dorothy Wolters 79.9 ye • Mabel Brownlee 76.7 . , last. Mr. N. Pierson ishipped pun of it SIGNAL Goderkh. (lir of boos and sheep 411 Veduesday. to be completed at Illytb. TO RENT Mr. John Treblethew is kept busy days. He is retailing oats front Metlaw elevator. the average test being 3S a TO RENT.-11TORE SUITABLE FOE 11). to the bushel. grocery or office. Immediate pos- Mr. -Melville Tyndall bus engaged session given. Apply to OHA8. K. „oMrlillaiutitall.t.eigulo,ornOt tg:erteh towuship fur SAUNDERS. Goderich. tIie 110t,SE TO RENT. -ON BRUCS Th' uuhl,I weather II"' "Pk.bal litk: street. between North and Victoria. e " a' WON .", the show ..up. tp le 't've" 1 Modern convenituees, garden. M. W. although there are many high drift.. 11414wELL, .pholle 213. to be +Cell on the roads yet. _SHEPPARDTON ! CoRT lt EN. -COMPACT MODERN a apitroneht. Poseession may be had _ hnumdiately. ',Nor further particular nms.4.11:.;r81.1.11.atur notp itit1y to HAYS & HAYS, Goderich Bogie, have returned hour after a most enjoyable time spent with rel Anil* HMI friends Til[01110. FOR S.tl.E WANTED ib TO liOltrW.-a5,50u FT first-class aecurity. Good interest and part principal if desared, payable quarterly. Apply to BOX 41, Till Mr. :11.4 Mrs. D. .titonu,( 4 'rea vlsitts1 last week with their thou:liter Mr.. Percy liraltunt. A ess•1111 evening under the 4I- 41 of the Atiglietin Guild will Is- held at the Mime of Mr. an..1 Mrs. Will Fostei on 1.*riday, •February 2s. Everyone come and have a good time. Mr. **rank Ilitekine is %caring a broad *Mile. a lamming 1..thy 1.1 havine Arrive"! to stay at their 110111.. Cengratulatioue We are 'deemed report that Nir Jas. Crawford is progressing ts‘or ably toward reeovert :tom ids recent painful accident. Mr. mud Mrs. J. 11. Graham. ..f. Goderich, (sailed on friends: in tlw, neighborlioeil. The young folks 1n this vicinity spend many ph.astant eveninri skat-' ing, as the 1,-e hes been In excellent vontlition. oreN LETTER ' To My 'Fellow Litizene.-Antither It -loll of the Canadian Parliament is at hand. What part shall we as cit- izens of North Huron play? Shall we sit Idly by, admitting incompetence, and leave to the rce.t of (*auntie the making, amending and Annulling of legislotionY Should net we. one of !the heot and most intelligent of eon- stitnenvies. piny our full tart and . make our:elves felt In the councils of the nation? This can only be intern - gently done by each and every bomel 1 instructing your representative as. to e hat you hare in mind that would male for the betterment of contlitions.1 Airendy many have written OW regard- ing various matters and for this 1 ant truly grateful and Will lro-A4 to bar thelr tboug41tt crystallized into legislation. Every home has thoughts shout wrongs that should be righted or laws which would make this a better country for our children. Kind- ly let me' hear from you on any mat- ter. 1 would be delighted, encouraged and strengthened by a tetter from every home, addressed to me, care of. House of (*moutons, (tHawn, Ontario. For the time beteg I am your advo- (att. and hired man. 1' me It is my dealre to serve all, regardless of polit- ical affiliations. I would like to have a letter from every pupil in our public, separate and High Sehools stating what they are most intereeted 114 I everyone should have a bobby), and I will mall liter attire. booklete, etc., on same. Any farmer Interested in teeth., and care of any kind of live stock or ha any fit her braneh of agriculture who wIll write me will receive everything that is pobliebed. Millions of your money has been well /Tent on research and every -citizen interested in any lit* of thought can reeelve literature on same. During my incumbency 1 am anxious for every family to get the habit of reaching out for helpful literature on every phase of life. Faithfully yours. GEORGE SPS erTON F'44 -"EA" "T 'A" B or. for wed Apply to .1..111 1'1111:15.11. It. It. Ne (leder- II Tel. -phew Carlow 14441. rim • SALE- FRAME 111111.1tING 11; ft , matehed lumber. Kab- ala.. for earns. or chicken house. Ter pottielthirs teleplima• 131, or virile 1' 14. 1140N 1.17. Gisler'. h. 'NHL 8.N11E- -VE111.' ItHIGIPt AnTis• a Tic !mew. Cheerful eurroundinge. Centrally keated. Two lob. of garden well treed Will be sold' reasonably 'Dims if desired Apply at fillee 10 lillX wi.$ Goderieh, Ont. 411 SALE.- 40NE At'itE OF 1110141D sandy loam mut four -room cottage with !III rOtiVoliletwer. Good cement ..ellar: eleetritity; 'fruit trees, straw - Week,. lane. subside for market garden or poultry. flood lake view Easy terms. JAMES I.AVF.HY. Eidoir street, thrwierieh. Ont ARTHUR B. WOOD Vier -President, Sun Life of Canada totni over linbilities, emitinecncY He- mlines and .1090 stock 1u more than 6.4 Without ?dutiable assigned.4 .76.1' win Della Murney (1) s 67 1 Emily MeClure 120 714 72.2 67.7 /1111114. Tear 41 ) 66. ' Norman Bowler (1) 71.11 Marguerite McDonald (1) 7112 me,IJohn McLean (3) tie. t Clara Moore (4) An. . Irene Marsh (4) , 03. 'Mary Greene (3) K11111011 limiter (31 411)5 67.6 611.1 63.7 aka Charlotte (Arlington (4) t12 it l'nt Page (5) 62, tate Ida Carrick (1) . 59.3 Vesta 'NIA) (2)55. Eilesril Rambler (4) 59.1 Clete Wntson (1) 67, Edith Cornfield (6) 5K3 Untie Thema: (3) 57 Nil WAril Johnston (3) 56.2 Inqican McKoy (3) ,-,q.:-, Earl Elliott (7) t 576 'Dorothy Linklater (3) 56.4 Margnret feitephard (6) 340 Below 557,':- ' Gladys Shore (7) 41.6 Albert Baker (3) 5.4.7 afnrie Shields (9) 48.1 Reg. NPWCAllille (3) 53.1 , GROIN' R. John Kneesbaw (4) 32. I Group average 67.7% items PfrImmer (2) 110.71 Victor Elliott i Florence MeKenivie 43) 47.21 Naomi McDermid (1). t-- (P441 'FORM IV. , i Ambrose Colborne (1) . Ode Close „Average 62.4% Gwen Elliott (2) (10.8 11. !tenors:- , J. P. IIUMF.. Miirgaret liroves 714 Priocipal. Frank Savage ,(1) 71.5. 97.6 (ahem' Bros.. Maseey-ilnrris agent - In 00.11(11. ennounce n demonetrntion 415.5, of power farming on 'Tumidity after (15.4 noon next at their warehture on OrdtivKinginton Street. Everybody intetted.si 64 1 will be welcome. 63.3 ---- -.--- 63.11 A euchre Anil dance under the 1114. 90.7 \lary Ferguson 111. Honore:- )ennItl M nelson (1) Jenn Walter Charles Nnftel (4) Eielyn Dean (2) Ruth Bunt Carlton %Voris', (1) fttewart Fer101.100 (1) 62. ekes of the L O. B. A. will he, held Arthur Simpson (2) 61.8 in the Masonic Hall on Friday, Feh- Evelyn Cooper (2) 61.41 nutty 29th. Mir& hy the Schen m - Helen Inoldson (1) 60,31Farrialt orchestra. Cards at 815 pm. Ethel Coot (3) 002. Lunch. Aeholantna 110 cents,. In connection with the Item of $119.174.492 paid to polleyholders and Ipeneficiaries for death Moine., ma. twat endowments, profits. et.-..- it is interesting to note that not only have payments tinder this head since or gn- ideation renchel the sum of $419.- 974.090. tint that this amount. togeth- er with the amount nt present held. for the seetwity or benefit of policy- holders, exceeds the titbit lemount re- ceived from them in pri•iiiiirms by $1311,410,0M ETPli more 'mitre...dye 4. the state. mem that the rate of interest minimt on the moan invested seteets hes risen to 7.02 per cent. Title Grime In - 14 cert tin amount from bonuses rind stock privileges accruing tin some of the Company's holdings. hitt if thew were entirely eliminnted t54 rate grOliki still he 6.110 per cent. Such a remarkably ettecessful yenr by a lending Ste n.oirence eomjeeny favonehly reflects the sound eondi- bons in general (*emotion business. Al ATIONEIKRING THOMAS GUNDRY, GODERICH, • L1YVTOCK AND OMURA) AtTerioNtatt Telephotte No. 119. &tales, attended to anywhere and effort made to give ma tirtaetbe i"antitens sale no es d etude.. WESLEY w. rtattrat. will conduct Auenctilesuneer. anywhere. My terms are reasonable and 1 will en- deavor to give satisfaction. Phase !.Cariow 1314. or oddness H.R. 4, We- i 'Mel BORN KELLY. -At St. Joseph's hospital. London, on Thursday. February 13th. to Mr. end Mrs. Basil L. Kelly, 11 POD. 11ELL-At Edmonton. 00 January I 31st. 144414' 10 Mr. and Mrs. Benson IL Bell, .1 Fort McMurray. Alta.. n daughter ( Bernice Lillisint. !NULDe-At AWN/HAIM Marine and General Hospital, Goderit•h. un Wed- nesday, February 50. to Mr. and Mr.. Ottwa' A. 'mos. ft daughter I Ilelen (7laire). BWANSON'.-At Metropolitan Genet, 111 Howpititi. 1Valkerville. Ont., on February 7th. to Mr. and Mrs. T. Morris Swnnson, a son 4 W I Ilia m George Swanson). IN MEMORIAM TR! '(:M ER. iu. lo‘ Ins memory of Father, William Trueniner, who passed awdy February lath, 1927. -Alwaim remembered by Daughter Ruby, Ilueliainl and Children, of To - Tenth. DRI PRACTITIONER rinftopRACTOR A. I) DR110L8 THERAPIST Goderich. Phone 341 Equipped with electro-maenetie bathe, Eleetronic electric treatments and chiropractic hronle organic and nerrout. dlweapes Lady In attendant* OW, hours 2 to 5. and 7 to 9 p.m. excepting Monday and Thursday and by appointment A N. ATKINSON Resident* and office --Corner of South street and Britannia roast CHARTERED ACCOITNTA!YT L'RANK P. GII1BS, OHARTIIIRBD ▪ Accountant. lte Ontario guest. Stratford Phone 15.80. Reit 13203. MEDICAL • • MR. F. J. R. (ORSTER, 11, EVE. FUR. xose. THROAT. Tate Howse Surgeon New York Oplie 1thalmie and Aural Hospital, *sonatas< • at Moorefield Eye linepital and Golden Square Throat Hoepital London, Mg. 5.1 Waterloo St s , Stratford. Tel- ephone 267. CARD OF THANKS MRS. J. W. N'I'X)sAND FAMILY wish to exprese their heartfelt thanks to friends lind neighbors for kindnesses shown during the illnest of Mr. Yee am' in their time of bereavement. I118? OR FOUND At Hotel Bedford. Goilerkii, on tbe evening of third Monday of park month till the following day Tneetiar. at 1 p.m LEGAL r 11 Barrister and Solicitor Sun Life Building. Adelaide and Victoria streets, Toronto 2. Telephone Elgin mot. DI,IlLEY HOLME 7, Barrister, Ete. office -Hamilton street, Goderick - Phone 27. r R. DARROVV, BARRISTER, ETC. successor to J. I. Kilioraa. Photos 97. Office -The Square. Godenetk Raps 41 Rape ETt R.C.11A VS --R C.11 AYS in . 11 A Hamilton . tioderien DISII'RANCE. LOANS. ETC. NicKILLAYP MI1TITAL FIRE IN• RIIRANCi CO. -Farm and ino bite] town property harmed. Offieerw-Jas. Connolly, Prey.. Gott- erich 0.; Jae. Wens. Viee-Peem, Beechwood 1'. 0.; 11 F. McGregor, Seaforth P. O. OFOTIN1I-PUM Or. II NEIL ()WN'''" Direetorst-•-A. Broarifoot, IL Rcan bare sam. bt . prnelng uimotunt.No 3. Seaforth; John a Grieve, Ne. 1 The February nt-lietne of (1* Men- C. K fewtnng Canoe (lel, y.»'lli be held on M lllll in% night next. ' . i0wr. .R_A,T,IIN'ilvilli,,,Ttt4.. RRun IN viriNiTy . at ot Soh ford on Sunday night. Find- - - ----- - Ti, regular monthly meeting of the el* Please leave at SIGN,11, flairpsteat, Women's lloaplani ..foxilinry w itsml l 1*hI OST. -IN GODERICH ON MONDAY AY iel In l aCs'hrititrY a'rray24th. at 1, oftornoon. A tire chain off Durnnt 4 p., A fall ,i'emidowc. Is repo...tett carirard.Eirrkltlyemre with ------- i toil.wrAND.Eastret Try a Brassit• Golfer If you 'meth nt me again. 111 knock row block off " Caddy- -"flew. haw. yen wouldn't even know what club to 1141, 'York Central Lines Magazine. 1 08T.-OETTER CUSHION ON L Provincial highway on Friday night. Tebruary 14th. ,Finder kindly notify BENISON flOWERBY. It R No 2, Greleriett. Telephone 2 en fhb 4 Wnlion: William Rion. R. R. ithi. 2. Senforth:' John Ilennewien, Bred- hegen ; (leo MeCartnee, R. R. No. ft. Flea forth : Robert Ferris. /lemon ; Murray Olharro, lirneedeld ; James Evans. Beechwood: JAMS* Connolly. tioderlch Agents -J. W Yen. Goderieh: Alex. LeItch. R R. No 1. John Murray, Seiforth Ilinchley. Seaforth Polley hidden* ran make all piument. stet get Ihtr cords reeelpt• ed at It .1. Morrislea Clothing Store, Clinton; Calvin Cutts Grocery. King - aeon street, nr J 11. Reld'a -General Stnrp Bei:field. e