HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1930-2-20, Page 6[IWHAT'S WRONG AND WHEKB?J t. 4. �r—'1Lurrdaf. February' 20. 1030. THE SIGNAL, GODERICH, QNT. crackling CRISP RI/F KRISPIE snap and pop in milk or cream. There never was a crisper cereal. Delicious rice toasted into nourishing bubbles. (treat for children. Serve for breakfast, lunch or dinner. With fruits or berries, sweetened with honey. Use in macaroons, candies. Order a red -and- green package from your grocer. Made by Kellogg in London. Ontario. Sunday Afternoon By ISABEL HAMILTON, Goderieb, Ont. simply trusting 'thee, Lord Jesus, I tehold Thee as Thug art, .%nd Thy love, ,o pure, w changeless. Satfeflea my heart. Satisfies Its deeptat loug1ug. Meets, supplies my every need: C'ounstssatla me round with blessings; 'rhiue is love indeed. --least S. Pigott. PRAXES ll God, who hest cummuuded us to be perfect as Thou our Father art pu•rtett ; put into our hearts, we be• •etch Thee, a coutivnal desire to obey Thy will. Teach tae day by day what Thou wouldst have us do, and give grate and power to fulfil the some. May we never from love of ease de- cline the path width Thep ,dost ap- point : nor. for fear of shame, turn trim it ; fur the sake of Jesus Chrt:r our lord. Amen. —--Detut Alford. • S. S. LESSON FOR M.K. 2nd, 1930 Lesson Topic—Jesus Teaching :!bout Hint/ elf. l_c+.un Passage—Mattis-a. 11:2•6. 25-30. " Golden Text—Matthew 11:211 EsAnd it came to pass when Jesus j had mole an end of commanding His twelve disciples. He departed thence • to trach and to preach In their cities." He sent Ills dlstiples out tau and two but He weut alone. He made Himself of no reputation. Ile took upon Him the form of a servant. and He went out to preMIcb the gospel which He Himself had been putting in charge of others, News of what He was doing Noon spread abrond throughout the country and found Its way to John In Herod's prison. Ile who had pointed to Jesus and said, "Behold the Lamb of Gad, that taketh away the silt of the world." had leen In prisou for rnontlw. What wonder that his mind became clouded uud his v1sdo11 dark - rued nut} he began to doubt. But ,he hears strange rumors and sit ones - wants to know She truth. He scut directly to Christ. Two of His dlaci- tiles who evidently had access to his pthaw were sent to ask Jesus a straight question. "Art Thou Ile that should come, or do we look for anoth- er't" Jesus sent back an immediate! answer though not • direct one. If we want to know If the Bible is tree we must read it for ourselves. His - ~Ice Box Cookies" 1 cup butter ; 2 cups ragas; 3!r cups Purity flour; 2 eggs; 2 tea - baking powder; / vormgg 1 cup nuts and sarins chopped (optional) Make the dough in a toil and keep it oversight trot n [F,ee Ic box or • cool piece Slice thinly sad bake in a itquick oven. b . P o 7000 Roup Cook Beal. m.o. Canada roar wins Co. 1 -nutted, Toronto. Lovers of fine tea prefer Salada quality to premiums 'Fresh from the gardens' ass GODERICH INN GARAGE (1FF1C1AL SERVICE STATION Fail{ Donut, Hudson and Esse:, Gegen] Maters Automobiles and Trucks Expert en Electric Trouble We Specialise on Brake Service You can invite Police Inspection when they are repaired by us Automobile Supply, Electrical Part. for All Makes of Autos in Stock $25 --To anyone who can bring a car we can't repair—L' HARRY BRADLEY HAMILTON ST. PHONE 247 iitKhtI{r R„litt u THERE ARE 7 MISTAKES IN THIS PICTURE How good are you at finding mistakes? The artist has intentionatty made several obvious ones in drawing tn.' above picture. Sane of them are easily discovered. others may be hard. gee how long it will take YOU to find them. LOOK FOK SOLUTION IN NEXT WEEK'S SIGNAL 11County and District IIIAOreaded anaemia A Matheson, of Tuckersmltb, has CLINTON sold his farm to oFral Pepper and will wove to (:uderk•h 1,, the spring. Solution to "What's Wrong and Where" in last week's Signal. MAID IN KITCHEN WITH DOG Mrs. Jawea Lindsay, of -Clinton, cele - Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mallavin, of brattd her ninetieth birthday on 'Feb- canb ��� be 'huckersmith, on February 11th cele- ruury 10th. She still enjoys fair health f/— brated the sixty-sixth anulvesvmry of their marriage. lire. Hugh McF)weu, of Henault, has left en a trip to the Ween ludic* and South America, sailing from New York. uud is about the house ever> day. She war born lu London, Englund, ou the day Queen Vleturla was married. Cbur i Jug to Canada wbeu she was it child, I her parenta settled in Ooderich town - She will he away stout six weeks. her uud she lived there until her re - John Wilhelm, oI Stephen township, moral to Ctiutou a few years ago. near Credltuu, ptosed away February Mrs. J. E. Rugg has recovered sut- Sth, in his alxtymecond year, after an fieleutly after a rather aerluua oper- iltness of several mouths. He leaves allot to return home from the hospital. a VIdow, one son and one daughter. After an illness of several mouths, EXETER Alia Irene lieryle, youugeet daughter of Mrs. Knight and the late Charles At the annual eougregallotutl meet- H. Knight. tiled tau Saturday last at ing of JUMPY Street felted church. her home in Grey- tuvhiship. She was Iter. 1). !McTavish gas invited to re- in her eighteenth year. main us. pastor fur a fIf►1 year. It The death as•urred iu Uslorue on was decided tou redecorate the exterior February 9th of Mew. Victoria Kern- of the church during the coming lee. widow of Eeiwill Frauklltt Kern- summer. lck', in her seventieth year. Mr. Kern- lio far this winter Exeter can re• k -k diet! lust August and two child- port a very good bill of health. Since ren survive: Joseph, of 1'slorne, and 19110 came in there has lot leen a Sirs. Herbert Brown, of Toronto. death in the village. A quiet wedding took place at the Thrown from a tobsleigh 1111 which United church parsonage, Ethel. on he was riding, ou Saturduy afternoon. February 5th. when Wilda Christinawbeu a tram of horses took bight and Baker, daughter of the late Mrs Irak•- ran away, seven-year-old. Jackie Har - bride of Murk Lawrence James Bailie, Harness of Exeter. was tukeu to of Mina township. The ceremony w'M Victoria hospital, Lundou, where his performed by Bev. C. E. Taylor. left leg wets towel to 1N• hadly cruelatrl liiarlotte- Renner. wife of William and his right Ing severity bruls•rl Oakley, Grey township, passed twit) 11 was Tumid necessary to amp*u:u February 5th In her sixty-fifth year. his lett leg• She had been in . poor health for twwdy years and was contained in an I U'CKNON• h(stitintim at Laindon and Utter at -- Clinton. where she died. Besides her Garr. J. anderetu h back in 'his uta lntabxnd, a sol nod• a daughter sur• fico again steer being confined to the vice. 'muse for a week u* the result of an At the home of Mn. Samuel Hlcl,-, IuJury to his brad. When currying u I'slorue,-un February Mil. her laugh- b of naxwrd out tat the mill be ter. Mlw Vera May Illrks. as.- united! tell forward, his Dred (eating In amu• In marriage to George F:. McFulls, i suet with It post. The result was it sou of Mr. and Mrs. John M: Fella of I paste scalp wound which required Biddul ph. The .eremoly was per- t 1 oxer a dou•u sultahrs. formed by Iter. H. F. Irwin ..f Cut ducting' Jack twit, who had been con ee fear* traliH. 1'hr young couple left "0 a I the Yalu House tete last the trip to Flint. Mich.. and other Inuit, ha lett town, moving with Mrs. t'alu l—Cktubrr. 18241. did not start on! 5—Axle on front wheel of ,cooler an'1 u their return reside ora1 to leroduu. The new proprietor is IS oat' centre the gr•.Ntml's farts o 1 Charles 11. Stit est, who has taken Monday. Rev. J. M. Lolling .►seep[* ('all 1---Womanober has 31 days. 0 1M lour hoards are laid at the Be' .I Sl. C'ulling. wh+t hx� INr•tl the Over the house under lease. Mr. Sloss it—Woman could not paint with wrung angle Drrt w'ov for nearly four years man. United , burc•h minister tit Grand' '7— Dors do not drink paint ager of the Royal hotel at Kincardine. Betel the last fou i u I r years, • has re - knife. 4—Woman has no left hand. re - S ---,Design ibn on curtain not,rr• t [sired and accepted a cull to the United church at Imnttoth. for the evm- tory records the vise of men wbn oat r philosopbiew of Chriatlanity, bat they ing Conference year. down to dilutive the Scriptures. arid 1 do fall in love with the marvellous per- wetting Them !swan Kincardine this year. w'to, in order to qualify the'mselves souallty of Jesus 1<'hrist. The jerk -rabbits are Ming cleared The first oaruhal of the season w,e• e ta k, dottier _t member tar+ tau At the annual meeting of the West Bruce County Orange' Lodge, will, wits held in Lucknow, It was decided to celebrate the Twelfth of July at — Every Beall Telephone is a Long Distance Station New Low Rates and — Still Lower Rates from 7 p.m. The reduction in rates in January — the second reduction within a year — makes long distance tele- phone service cheaper than ever. You can make it cheaper still by taking advantage of special low rates which are offered during evening hours. From 7.00 p.m. until 8.30 the long distance rate is about twenty-five per cent lower than the day rate. And from 8.30 p.m. until 4,30 a.m. your call will cost you only about half the usual day rates` Long distance rates are listed in the directory. If you cannot find the rate you want, ask the Long Distance operator and she will tell you. We want your telephone to be as useful and inexpensive as possible. e Minimum reduced rafts Evening — SSr Night — 15e for their disproof, honestly read them In th Id days ..f mission aur out of the Zurich held• In Lurie rink last %a- n% ti - thn,ugte, anti then tHp•Dsel their pros any individual who wise ready for it of the vllluye nlmnNls to taw !setaIniglht with a large attendance. One to write a vindication of the holy re.i received baptism. after baptism. p� raid lagged eleven after an after - principal princeps! attracanee. ars cords. When tastes two 4laclplesl went leak to hes people—an uutcastr, pp,u's hoot. The i g fellows air not .S park l•lur' un skates. The prize - made their inquiry of Jesus He caned, rldl.•uleel, prtseeuted. Now a change so n►umenmA as they were :it the be -I whiners were tilt Margaret Yprize their ntteullun to His works. "Ota," 1+ gradually 1*•Ing brought abut, tor ginning of the winter aid, lMiss Isobel 1)ouglag, Mies Milo -I aid He', "and show again those things l when a man or woman desires hap- Faster'. House Hunted .Id. l Lane, Miss Gladys McDonald., whicb ye do hear and ser. The blind thew, he is told to go lack to Ida v11-1•\ disastrous fire occurred on the'Wired Lone, ]ace McLeod, Douglas. receive their sight, and the lame walk, loge and there to try to win others 10 farm of Thomn:le+ Ihsymro. 2nd comer+- D si11 , Miss Helen McDonald, Cam-, the lepers are cleaustd, and the deaf, Christ. "Let us work together." the sem of Tu -kersmitb township. on Sun -1 seen McDonald, Miss Lillian Florae, lima. the dead are raised up, and. the •missionary tells him, -until we get a day night at abut 11 o'clock, wheal Harold Button. Aylmer Alttlalaom.' Isar hate the gospel preached to community—a community that desires the residence was totally destruyed. Mlaa Audrey Horne and Kenneth them." That wag Chri is reply—a baptism." The man g•ce hack-, bells The fire is supposed to have beeniCatl.eroo. alatt'nneul 0 of feats showing that a to wlu his community with the tale- caused by an overheated pipe. Ow1aR Gratifying reports were presented at 1 man's work should *pack for him; a *binary's aid. so that often the abide to the flames having gained much head for ramal congregational meeting of .cat on. village is baptized together. The re- sult, of tourer, Is a lessening of per- eweeuttou, be sass. instead of mate* lite should be bis- vin d 1 Then Jesus added these words, "And blesseed is lie, whoesca•ver shall not be offended in Me" Thus He encouraged Christian in u comwunity, there are saring souse of the contents. The toss h a the drooping spirit, the doubting many. • Is p[loan[ pedal. The year ended with partly covered by Ineurauce. surplus in the general Shod, ithlt bran to trust uud for not staid, In the preparation on for baptismthe! pad funs Wart the Fire! ><'t31► over the alltwatk,n had been paid way before being noticed, nothing (Could bedone to save the hulWlmg,' Lucknuw Presbyterian chunh. The but the neighbors were successful in 1 meeting was In charge of Rev. C. H. McDonaldwho conducted the levo•' Verses 25-30. The first public mention of God as 1 11is F'o1her was made mm this uctusiof. ILuke tells us in 10:21 that, "La that hour Jesus rejoiced in spirit." A great gladness filled His heart that Gal had revealed to babe., that which wow hidden from the wise. He esti- mater) thus the Intellectual character 1 of those men whom He called to ie His disciples. Ip comparison with the leae►irrs of the law they were bales. • After this He again gave expression for un 0141 wsiman like me. Tads mention has got rid of the cat. [loanl meeting of St. Peter's Anglkui n ' to His relationship 10 the Father. woman was nue of the untouchables 711e Late Wm. T. CaliweU I church, Luckuuw, with the remit, "All things are delivered unto Me of --laird to reach, but she found such An old resident of the (!entail di'-! Rev. E. O. Gallagher, presiding. en my Father: and no man kioweth the .joy in the fact of "slur Father who tract, in the person of Wm. T. Cald-' bow ' couragtng reports;of the various or - Sun, but the Father." In [hive are the art In heaven" that sh•• no longerwell, dial February 7(b at his n lierrall after at brief [lines*. I]e I ganizatious of the church were re- ' paternal sw al and filial—the Father know- thought of herself as'outcast''• Iceh'ed. At. Peter'• enjoyed one of the hag the Son, the Son knowing the nor as an untouchable. but as a child ceased was foto ht York county right)' most prosperous years in Its history'. Father. Here is au expression of of Gist That old woman represents two years ago and when a toy camel Expenditures were purge, hut the year poerfco4 trust and lure and we have iu between iand 70 million pi.ple in with his parents to the township ,'f1 Expenditures with a balance and with the He r eau share that revel tat soul and India who are brands[[ by the Hindurnkenmith. After his marriage to - I deet pxld in full. The teary re - 1 the words that tallow assurance that religion ns uutuuchnbpa•. [From• Th'' Mb's Snnih t'hxtubrri end, of Galerlch, 1 c[gved u4 an offer from one of the p t Ha Lord's Prayer is taught and strangely The village of Fordwich as reeemt to the Iwdget. A fund for the redecor- affet4a the hearts of the inquirers., R 11111 three fires wbleh, but for the seines of the church has to Its credit Bishop Warne told of a group thin' fact that they were caught in their Mr. McDonald was presented was learning the prayer and where *11 i haclpleut stages. would in all ped. with ti check for 8100 as a mark of were leaking good progress except one old woman. :the came to, class each time, but tuuld not to induced to ray more than "Oor Father who art in heaven." penally, when she Wad asked why she would say no more, she smiled and saki. "Pastor. what's the necessity? Is not that enough SWIM y have wiped out the teualmtvs i reelatlon. Officers a luted for fa seetiou. The latest was in the store oIrl[ PDoo Harry' Samson, where It h supposed the year were: Flnantlal secretary, Mrs. G. H. Douglas; treasurer,' L. A. ba that a cat, in prowling around up- ! Finney. The following names were *tains among some txes of summer addict w the board of manager, S. E. unsex whkh had t,eeu sentinel ou a' table. knocked them down and against! H.ttoertsum, \William Fisher and Junes Sin"- stovepipe . Mr. Saloon as ,n (pre' At the annual vestry and congrega• freedom from anxiety with all who Missionary Het esuof the RnrW. come to Him. His child -like spirit being stowed by one of the weak ones of the earth Is Illustrated iu the fail Fashion Fancies lowing. A gentleman visited a deaf 11 lid dnmb.r• 11001 and being asked to Why dial tIli k God make1111 lt[•board wrote. you dent and dumb, not notke me x11 1 could hear and speak'' After a time It small boy rose and walked to the front end write under the• question, ..Evert to. Father. for so it seemed good in 1 Thy, eight.'. WOKUJ MISSIONS Power of Christ in India Gat twat us Jesus Christ, wild Itishop Warne. and He is the Gospel. The people of 111111.1 bnac cis systems of pilllosiplty which hate leen deme!- nprl through many centuries. tieing great philbwq,her• themselves, they do not easily tall In love with the MOTHER Of TWINS HELPED Restored to Health by Taking Lydia E Pinkham's Vege- table Compound Mitchell, Ont. -"I had little twin babies and for quite a while after I was so weak I could not do my work beclu1M of pains all the way up m3 lege at the back. 1 also had headaches and got very little sleep. I took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vs stable Compound, and soon i Ina able to get up and do my work. 1 have taken three bottles and 1 am fine, do my work without trouble and am gaining in weight and Istrength. 1 will gladly recommend the Vegetable Compound to anyone." -- Max. F. STATroN, Bea 220, Mitchell. Ont. they settled on the Zurich rat , y sr♦tls,wvrw to Install u MAof eta{uwl township, where for years Mr. Cold �glnex windows lu the church, which well ran the fitrinl fur Daniel Bell. wait gratefully actepteel. Officers for fnrn Afterwards he ed for pp time he 1930 are: People's • warden, G. H. fore retiring to Hensel!. Besides hls+i Smith ; rector's warden, Edgar Holly - IN middle life, when Masher is not es great u it once was, and the blood stream u naturally thinned and de- vitalized, anaemia easily lays hold on the system. At fine, just a tired feeling, it quickly results in bodily weakness that ordinary tonics cannot avail. Dr, Vt'illianu' Pink Pills then become a wonderful aid They supply the necessary oxygen to the blood, increase the blood count and renew waning vigor. "I was seized with anae- mia," writes Mrs. Quarks Lambert of Port Hope, Ont•• "and was in a very bad state. Aa a girl 1 had taken Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for a nun -down condition and de- cided to take them once more. Again the result was marvellous. In a little while 1 was fully well 'gain." You cannot begin too early to check anaemia. Dr. Wi4 haat% Pink Pills are sold at your druggists or by mail, postpaid, SO cents, from 'ilea Dr. 1I'itlianu Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Sas Coal and Wood Genuine Hard Stove Coal Chestnut Coal Pea Coal Coke Pocohontas (2 by 4 egg) I can supply your wants in any of the above furl. Prompt service and reasonable prices L. FLICK Telephone 178j (iodcrich ft t rt this wife er Ieace•s ce sans a i man; delegate to Splint', R. 11. Mc- Quillan; sidesmen. T. W. Smith, W11 - Ilam Ketcbubnw. Fad Martin, Thomas Salkeld, Herbert Mcllultllu, Evan Mc- (juillin, Philip Stewart, H. Johnston' and %V. iI. Cook; vestry clerk, I1. Johnston; auditors. G. A. 81(14111 and It. I1. Met:1411ln. Rev. W. Fingland's .Wdrews itty. Wtm. Finglasd. S1..t . 11.11. of 1Htuku, who recently visited hitt par- i encs. Mr. and Mrs John Fingland, est Lontlestorn, gave n very Interesting lecturer in the comunuaity ball there on places he and Mrs. F'htglaud via - heel in Scotland. Germany, France an.. Bred Company t Switzerland last year. His addre•�sWife: • How did you get Into this was illustrated with lantern` yhtu1es sante''" he had collected on the tour. The Hubby : "Rad company, masse." places of outstanding interest were WItt': "What do you mean by bad the restored trenches and the tar- , stretching war cemeteries with their endless rows of white atones, murk, fug the soldiers' gra•es; the costly 11111 beautiful war memorials near the battlefields of Fntuev. itelgium and in England and Scotland, and the fine buildings of the league of Nations In Switzerland. Mr. Fingland, who was threlgh the war, marvelled to see so many shell -shorn towns and country- sides, so desolate-lolrking In 1918, now restnrtd to fruitful fields• busy vll• !ages and towns. The n.Id esst was given under the auspice., of. Knox I'biteti church. SFAFIIRTH _— The death os evrreel at his home in Harpuelhey. air Fti'hrnxry 11th. of 1hue •1 lel t;rmmnott, aged seven tysnlptt years. Mur upwards of forty years de uncal conducted a dairy business, which- was taken over by his son n few 'years age. He M survived by his wife. o,w w,t., Joseph, of 1larpnrin'y, and two dnnghters. Mrs. S. Stoney and 31r.. 11. fall[, of McKillop, town New. Newer, Newest! 'rills line night eery Hinly toe alt. ]diel to the dusty pastel green chiffon afternoon frock shown atsovc. For time .'newest'note Is the unusual cape collar which enthert est loth sides lute sort sleeves finished by shlp. Mow'.. A %%Aiding In which the people of The skirt nchletes distinction by Exeter' were match Interested St_ook the intricate seaming treatment which' p1a1•e recently est Toronto, when Nary cutis In n low circular flare. news at [Hive Tome*. only danghttr of Mr. and neck and twist complete the c is ftp- Mrs. J. A. Jones of Torainto. het -sone fa•9rtine of this dainty frock. 1K the bride of Cyril llenry Emcrsme roses. 11 hoists the normal w•aia(Ilne Stewart. only son of Mr. and Mrs. A. end 'uneven hemline without which E. Stewart, of Westnount• Montrent no afternoon frock Is (smattered,Cetut- The groat Is n aeafnrth old troy. his Mete. A ahlmtterlug silver slip. AC- father having formerly owned the t•entuate. the /harm. flour mill here. company?" (tubby : "Well. there was five of tie t0 our 1sO111' Of whiskey, and the ad h• er fear were teetntaIlt•r.'• Sphere. est Colds Need Direct Treatment IT Is an ob- stinate cold indeed that can resist' the direct double action of Vicks. Rubbed on the chest, it acts 2 ways at once: (1) Direct to air pas- sages with its healing va- pprs released by body heat; (2) Direct, like a poul- tice, it "draws out" the soreness. Ognways ©at t3nos ICKS ,VAPOR UB byAInuoNJARSdg[o &Aso Apply Minard'a at once. It halts the pain and stopsinflam- mation. Removes all poison from cuts and sores. F ep o bottle on the shelf. Plumbing Heating Sheet Metal Work and General Repairs John Pinder Office and Residence, St. David's Street Telephone 127