HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1930-2-20, Page 5jam,. ,nue- It:+rls.ur, of Gosl.rich,
t41hs1 hist eyevk wills his Mother at
NI r. EIw.ss1 Barbour I end n very
.nc.,-»fol sale on \\•Idltesllny last.
teen .though it tan-. emit .1 rainy day.
Mr. Elwell Webster. .•r willgham.
went through the village ..n S111dny'
with his new suuwmo1,1l', fu whidi
he has intllt a menhir- :aeroolsne en- I
gine and on which it a regular aero-
plane pr(.peller. It seeius to run ()silk
the suuw•-banks in the diteh the same
to stop that cough. All the popular brands. Buckley's,
Ayer's, Pinex, Chase's, Penslar and many others.
Tonics and Builders
Wampole's Tasteless Cod Liver Oil. Penslar (Vitamin
Tested) Cod Liver Oil, also Squibbs, Ayerst, and
Parke Davis Tested Cod Liver Oil, at
Campbell's Drug Store
Phone 90
Painter and Decorator
FUtilllaltst for painting, wall-pala•r-
uag, t•(' chorrfully viten •.n re
Residence. No. 4. Bayfield Road
Telephone 259.1
Fresh Bread
Baked Daily
That's what you get when
ordering your Bread from
Cleveland's. It contains
the purest ingredients
known to bakers. Buy a
loaf today and taste the
We specialize in
Cream Goods
of all kinds
Prose 114 West Street
Hints on Gardening
This fs probably the most critical
time of Ute year for all wintering
plants. The sun is getting stronger.
and durlug the middle of the day la
often quite warm enough to stimulate
growth, espet•lally in a southern ex-
posure where the snow fiat tlisatp.
petrel Where Oda occurs the plant
can plant a few small trees with at- I This vegetable closely rttembdes the
traetive flowery. I4011le of the Ilett are 1 cauliflower, but by many autborltler
the lfacrel double -flowered crab, 14 considered even superior. The vault-
F;uropsau mouutalu ash, yellow wood,! flower-like heads are grunt' tin Mug
Jupaucae tree lilac, and catalpa. Ai juicy stead, both steam and head be -
crab slide or apple tree of *owe good, lug edible. It it easily grown and
%•tlnrlety makes a pleasing and useful, hardy. Seed should be started indoors.
feature of the garden. or else elnnts be secured. One should
A Hot -lied go over the flew seed catalogues and
read the dereriptIons of these untv,m-
Where one plana to use it large wuu vegetables and select one or lis
number of those plants wh1ttt wast be'to try every year. In this way, us esu, 11
Warted indoors, or where one is not i Interest will be built up In the vet' -
1n a position to purchase suet' plauts table end of the garden a, tuuuug the
as petunias, zinnias, marigolds, cos- i flowers.
Mos. aster.,, tomatoes, (•tillages, welt:
bre-0wr lender. and %ben the leer- flower head lettuce anti slluilar!
Is rotten
ti a 1 . The POW'
things, a hot -bed
eury gra•, down again at flight severe
atruttIou of ata•p n a tf ( i
h aair s
damage results. Incidentally, this ex- difficult nor expensive, and, in addi-
WHITE4.1 Feti 11. -.\Ileo.
htfus why growth in a s„utheru ex• tion to growing such plants as the the thnrve•Ir R eel of )lr. and Nit...
onions,MMih onThus. Inglis, of West %Vawanostt.
that faring the north. Tu preveAl f the talon Sok err a
pusurr• is wore liable to 1.. kllltti than above, it may be used to produce'
surly lettuce, to ra es• iotsswl away 00 Sunday. February it.
. slimily " N . 1• 1
Mintage, 10 t keep the p u,
• When scientists work for pwuu ars
1 11 tit
or ne funeral a 111411 on Wednesday
i g of fresh horse wanner which but
l 1 t it a d rmant t
w�.tive their bruin power will flag seal •undltlou uutfl file wvnttil•r really Is•en t t 'q }
,err struts duo 'see . +fuel frequently to prevent
. o tlre•uht11 e-,•wetery. Ln.ktuw. lie
" ebb-- hie !melees. there are three sr.
tsvuwe sterllo•."-�Eaetnmr Curie. i tburning, and *tore this in some tees. \fr-. Jan'k Flannigan of Terme,
wenn* up. Muleh with Arne, leave.
seal slot, turning over uecnsiuuatly. tlirksie uu.l Pauline. and three
or similarfront
material whl'h will flue lentil ready to use. The hot -bed should.
est t fu.w the sou rod anther that
-Karon Cafe
Special Business Men's Lust`
daily at 60 cents
,A la carte ervice at all hours
Hugh, Wong
British Exchange Bldg.
Telephone 11;2.
lie la bry,lhers tae Reddy and Jack. all int
wm•t t+lu,hbh• protective material or
located where It will be
as 1t does on the road. Ile made the
trip trues Ilia home at i•'ordyt'e to
\\'fughaw in thirty minutes.
Mrs. Jack Johnston and Mr. \\'sills
Miller eiPe11t last week -end with rel-
attires at Wroxeter.
Mr. Harris Purdou, uf Detroit,. 11
i eidltyt tide week with hie parents
at St. Helens.
Quite a number frons here attended
the funeral of Rev. lir. 1'errte, in
\1'iitghnw, om '1'huiJ�4ay host.
Mrs. Jennie Slwpaw i. of London, I
d.iughter ..t sirs. John \IeGee, er..'
bled the wief..rtune to fall down
slain at her hoult• last geek.. dud
break her right urw at the wrist.
coupe° Milan were at home 111141 will wourfl1
fur the rson looking atter lr hate
i 1?c
d rruutal „imam.
all, area'. 1'ru[wKlou o[ til. lh11l for ,oil the a•eIII , f the ha y
1111 herbaceous tduring all sorts of weather. Prefer- the lame.
d have some shelter frau
s 1
1 t•iiwhrrs and roars is advisable. in the' ably. It shout d r u
cOhler dlstriets of Canada. it is also; north and welt winds by fetwes, build -I Mrs. James I:righaw and hale, of
lugs or shrubbery. Sele,•t or prepare, 111yth. spent a few days Iaet week
y good peau to .sorest grape fines. with her laireut \Ir. and Mrs.
raspds•rry bushes. etraw'brrry plu11tn o well- manure site and wake . Idle,
dons.currants and similar things of the manure eighteen Inches deep; (shades Wlghtwan.
ti M un top of It rn on Friday February 14to
when the trmld•rnhee els
nide!) from week ro week.! desired size. and cover tightly with 0 Lulu Venni. of t'n rss, u daughter.
'hr latter should ;dope! and Mee \\'iR.ur \ichulslot and
brother from
Special Values
All Winter Footwear
Men's, women's and
children's Goloshes.
Felt Boots.
Muff's and boys' heavy
laced Rubbers.
All at clearing prices
W. Hern's Shoe Store
Phone 43w
when well pressed own. .. -
when g u whiter like the present nue this place a light frame of wot.d any \Ir and \irs. Matti.- Stni . on (need
1 fluctuated
are a ..nude of worry in ,e•rtaitt die- window sash. 1 \!r n
damage to wintering plots is always. a few- itches toward the trout, w'hlell. sou. of Auburn. sleet Wedpesday last
quite heavy. Mitte and rabbits also' must (s• south. Cover the teatime with with her sister. JI n.. George ,I -('len-
are a lettuce of worry, in certain dist-1 three: oinches r four ihes of fine ."1.1. The agleam
Ices, these pests girdling shrubbery, bed wi11 beat uprrapouW ly at
d \l r. Robert Ilenry Pardon. of \\'al -j
awl '.
Annual Arthur Circle
"Tons of Money
A Comedy in 1 hree Acts
1,111 1.� pr. -4 ,1 ni
Thursday and Friday,
February 27 and 28
Admission - 50c
Children under 12, 35c
tr bythe fourth da. bask., has tvllel ho mo l
theund trees. ttvnksTur1°'trmsthrorr►pests hot d"`° sufficiently for planting par• .lade. _
Poses One tau plant 1y rows quite wok on utcerunt of the serious In-!
with collars of bulldtng paper, tar Pose together, so shut a fl.ed three by ins ..f his her. who Us,k as stroke
paper, or ealvanirad wire netting is g(IaMI �uuda,' from which • ht• is still i
advised.' , , four feet will prodswe ample plant., fur
There dI'-wertsg Shrubs i the ordiuury garden. In 1-014 or stormy I \t r. gaud Mr.. .tells Anderson. of
shrubs in very br garden, write, W. T.
weather. water aepaariuRlc and Duly ua St. Hen
el-. epeut Sunday last with I
few fluwrriuR' bright days. Ventilate a little every
I their daughter. Mr- Hebert Portion.
Mayotte. IMminiou Horticulturist• day by rutshlg .the sash, ke•pltag it )1//PS SadieCoiling, R.N., of Ripley.'
open longer as the days grow warmer' went throe, a an operation for goitre;
Among the wort satiefttetury in order The plants should not td• removed.
on N'wtiroti ay lust hi ani unto General
of blooming are spleen :argittu, and directly from a hot -bel to the field, ilospitail. Wx• Is ImpruyfnK ',wet).- spires Can Houttei• 111141 the. Russia°
except 4411 very favorable eircumwtane+. Hiss Isabel Fux was vinieeIy leaf
Idea ehrula bard)na triers. is R"••tl but ahoLld be hardened off for u week weak with her sister, 51rs. Rey Patton.
. r it very hardy. 11 one lives In a or two in a cold frame. whish is ex- ,.f Lucus.
part of Canada where the climate l+ serif' the same ata ti.t• hot b,•41 with I
. suffering.
wild the golden hell (fursytblai is tKrt Ilse wauurUnusual
still earlier and well worth planting •ies
lath for the power* and for npitar- Some of the avec usies ceCP-
nnee of the shrut afterwards. Follow-
ing theseare Japaneserose truer rue- tables which are worthy of a place in
014111, Ptllladelithrs' variety virginal. or every garden and which when 11x1414
any other of tilt' manygood tnrietles meted will win that piacr fruw then
of mock orange, hydrangea artxlree- on are: ('os lettuce. spivaeh. te•par,'
tens grandiflora. hydrangea pautculata gee, Brussels sprout.. crews.
graudiflurn. and. if aroomnte has rem for chard. endive. ' kohl robi. vegetable
orP, one or ware ac, and n marrow. broad bean.. -flats it. or some
bush honeysuckle should be plantet. of the herb... The new green sprouting
algin welgelin, Eva Rathke. and. it one tix
ir•coli 1s especially re,- onwrudel.
11 /l.::'•; I .`•;i I1`:' : I • W-:1 11 Ines' Ijl
We are simply
overloaded with winter stock, and we are going to reduce our stock by slaughtering prices
Sale startsSaturday,February 22, and lasts until Saturday, March 8
Thursday, February 20. 1900. -ti
s snag says • and b4 • der
Thuuxads writs kidney
ills, constipation, indigestion, `u. back-
ache end o,erai1ht with "Fr uit.e.titea.
Nerve• quiet. Sound deep •a oats. Gat
-fruit sc rtes" from dru - ist tode
Spring is almost here and that
House Cleaning
and Decorating
Our new Wall Paper Books are m
,till p.n �..n �,•.r. t1 -::: ,..n.
t,•n ,L, I.,ur I ).!..year ink.
Phone 1S7
Victoria Street - Goderich
your next order for
-to -
Choice line of fresh
Groceries and Fruits
in season.
11 F Iii 1.1 \ 1 1: -
Geo. Price & Son
Telephone 248
Corner of x.10111' and Nert0 Street
`• :Sparr's
`1 a .t1
'�' 4r
Hamilton Street
Phone 146
We deliver in town
35 Men's
Regular up to $25.00. All
sizes and styles in lot. Clear-
ing at
$6.75 and
Men's Overalls and Smocks
in black, blue or stripe, good weight and strongly
made. Special Overalls or Smocks _ $1.39
Men's Fleece -lined Shirts and Drawers
Dodd s and York -knits. All stzr °.
Special _
Men's Fleece -lined Combinations
All si. es
Clearing out at $1.39
Police Braces, Special 25c
Leather -faced Canvas Gloves
Clearing at 25c
1 Lot of Boys' Rubbers
Special prices 39c and 49c
1 Lot of Children's Dresses
rgc or velvet. sizer 11 to 1,2. $1.95 to $2.95
C1,'nfil1g out al -.
Men's Leather
$3.95 to $4.95
6 only, Fur -collared Coats
L, athtr-lined, in light or dark grey or blues It.
I,,ee tL;.filt.
Special, clearing at $13.50
Men's Odd Vests
Regular $2.50 to $3.00. Clearing out
Men's All -wool Sweaters
Large assortn►ent if p11tt•rns 1,, citrus.• inns
Clearing out at $1.79 to $2.29
Men's Handkerchiefs
1:1•,1..r 1,111. 1arg,- -1/,.
4 for 25c
Men's Work Sox, Special 19c ,
Boys' leather aviation CAPS. Black 89c
or brown. All sizes. Special V.�ll
Men's Leather -top Rubbers
12 • to 15- Clearing at
$2.95 to $3.45
Men's Work Pants, Special $1 45
Children's Fleece -lined Bloomers
Special. per pair 19c and 29c
Scotch Fingering Yarn
a -,44/r11 d co;or- 111 chonsc it 19c skein
�,ote•ial, e, hilt they last
Boys' Tweed Bloomers
Sizes 26 to 36. Special $1.19
Men's Broadcloth Shirts
in fancy checks or stripes, collars attached or de-
tached. some plain white. cream and greens
included. Sizes 14 to 17. Very $1.39
10 Dozen Men's Work Shirts
Dirk grey or khaki. drill flannelette work 79e
shirts. Special
Men's Mackinaw Coats
All sii,•9.
Special at $3.95 to $7.75
Boys' All -wool Windbreakers
Sizes 6 to 10 Spet 1111 - 95c
Men's Heavy All -wool Work Sox
Special 3 pairs for _ _ $ 1 .00
Men's Leather -lined Work Mitts
Per pair 39c'
Men's Fine Kid Gloves
Assotted colors. Special $ 1.29
Men's Fine Wool Gloves
In grey. brown and fawn. Special 59c
Penman's Merino Shirts and Drawers
A11 '•ves. Per garment
Men's Sheep -lined Coats
Sizes 36 and 38 only Regular $12 51) $6J
Special _ _ _
Boys' Winter Overcoats
Clearing out at
$5.50 to $6.75
Come to the store. It will pay you. Now is the time to:buy for next year.
Watch Pur Windows for Extra Specials. Don't forget the date, Saturday, February 22
Agent for Tip Top
Tailors. Phone 384
25 Men's and
Young Men's
Well tailored in ad r
brown or fancy checks.'
and stripes. in single or
double-breasted styles. All
sizes in lot.
$8.95 to $12.75 4J
Men's Heavy Red Back Work Pants
Sizes 30 to 42. Special - $1 69
Men's Horsehide Work Mitts AJ
Ht'avV wool linings. Special 89c
Men's Leather -lined Gauntlets
;per sal
Better take advantage of this lot !
:111 pair- of boys. -,•Innis I; I/i:u'k "' $1.95
n w'tl. slid lrnt1 r .. I ' - - vp•'r'i 1
100 Pairs of Ladies' Goloshes
len Mack only
Sites 2 Vs f,•
1 buckles nr •2 (ru.kl
i -guitar calsus• nil
1 Lot of Ladies' Rubbers -
A11 9Vr♦ in Ittt `i,e, 1,111 39c
Children's Rubbers
\11 9, i•- to I, if "pc, t 111
Men's R
Sizes 6 to 11. Special
:,%ii , I ?t4
,1 •
...h.. vw•sir IM
one eon (teorge at i\raytoti