HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1930-2-20, Page 4• 6.-sltisrada7, 'Febrpary 30. tae, • THE SIGNAL, - GODERICH, ONT, IMPORTANT --- We want to get it across to everyone who wears Men's Clothing that we are offering a wonderful line of up-to-date Im- ported Worsted Suits-- tailored by F ashion Craft -EVERY SUIT GUARANTEED-.---•- $25.00 UARANTEED- X2500 You owe it to yourself to see these Suits W. C. PRIDHAM & SON "The Store with the Stock' Telephone 57 Men's and Boys' Wear. Goderich, Ontario. wa•tf.roao noostnes f or satin finished -GET OUR PRICES - You are ander no obligation R. STANDISH East Street Phone 369 Goderich Notice to Water Takers The Water and Light Com- misttion is pleased to announce a reduction of one dollar per annum on house water rates from January 1st. Owing to the large number of takers this reduction means con- • siderable less revenue, and consumers are uked. to co- operttte in the economical operation of the plant by ,see ing that the water is not wasted and that all leaky taps or services are fixed at once. L. L. Knox, W. T. Murney, Sec'y. Chairman. Bro heY Bros. P THE LEADING FUNERAL DIRECTORS %ND EMBALMERS Ambulance service at all hours, day or night. 1'111 *NEVI: Store 120 Rea. 21i GODERICH J. R. Wheeler Funeral Director and Embalmer All calls promptly attended to day or night PHONES Store 335 Residence 355w Hamilton Street, Goderich Cleaning and Pressing Expert service on ladies' and men's clothing. W. C. Snazel Haberdasher and Dry Cleaner WEST STREET Phoae 339 BARGAINS IN GOLOSHES FOR MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN This is the time of year when we clear out the balance of our stock of Goloshes. The makes we sell are the very best in quality and construction. The materials used are of the,highest grade and will keep their color. Our pricer, are away down and our stock is erimplete in size.. Come early while you are able to secure a choice of styles GEO. MacVICAR THE PRACTICAL SHOE. MAN NORTH SIDE SQUARE GODERICH WESTFIELD \1'ESTFIEI,1), Feb.. 1S. -.Mr. Stotwbouse had the misfortune to have both bones In his leg broken by being 'kicked y a env last Tuesday night. Mts. D. C. Rodger, of Woodstock, !sine kicked• by a low last 'ihn•; lay /14.11t last week with Ilk mutter, Mrs. W un. Rodger. Jnr. (:. Herta.on. of t:tslcrlch, has returned hider atter spending a few day. at the home of \1r. V. A. e •a tupda•11. LANES LANES, Feb. 17. -The W M. S. of Hackett'e church held their meeting at the home of Mrs. Vint lust 'rhurs day. There was a good atteidaleo and the ladies quilted. a quilt for the Fresh Air Home at Whitby. 4'owmlltlktl service w111 I. be held in Huckett'si church next Sunday. Miss Pearl Finnigan, of Duugauuou, visited her friend, Mks •Mary Vitt, lust week. Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Campbell visit- ed friends at Olivet last Thursday. department ('ton•+ u last tut 4 Ilenja•min, who has been t4 for some time, is uut so well this week. The sympathy of this community is exteuded to the family and friends of Mr. Percy O'Reilly, who was killed suddenly one day last week. The young luau was wetting In Vancouver. A quilting bee was held at the home of Mn-. Earl MacDonald, Kin - tali, on Tuesday afternoon, when sev- eral of the ladles of the village• had a pleasant afternoon Messrs. 1). A. and A. 11. Mclean were 111 Goderich Iii. Werk ou jury duty. PARAMOUNT PARAMOUNT. Feb. 17.--)fr. \Vat- ..ro 111111 Melvin Webster. of Varna, are visiting friends here and In Lucknow-. )Ir. A. iiutultt.,m, of tieufryn, vis- ited friends here prior to Ills removal to. Durham. Miss Blanche Jamieso* nIneut a the church. It mus derided to hold a aortal evening ou March 17th and a committee was appointed to arrange for a suitable program, whk•h cote eland of Mrs. John lung, Mrs. S. B. Gardner, Mrs. Peril Baxter, Mrs. Ray Moore, •Mrs. Gus Vans/tour, Miss Beul- ah Lung. The trustee board will be risked to do e4Unle uevte..ary work *r 1 the church, and a molumintee cuust*tl*g of Mrs. John Lung, Mrs. Jas. Jewell, Mrs. Eel. Walters, and Mrs. Gus Vanstewe to complete the furnishing of the vestry. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Eel. Maskell lu Mange. The meet - Ing closest alit. singing and prayer, af- ter ahk•h •M•rw Jonathan Fishes served a lynch, and a social half-hour was spent. Mrs. Will Long drove • si•(ghhad front lit•Irwlller. Mrs. Gu. A Different Woman Venstone, secretary, DUNGANNON week in Toronto recently. 1►I'N(. XON. kvb. 19.- -Mr. rid Mrs. MacDonald has returned teOlrs. Jarvis MetIride, of l'arlow, v's- her home in Huron, after a pleasant htrl at the. home of Mr. and Mrs, Jae. • vial[ with her daul,4tter, Mrs. Eldon l.lnitl uu Tutyewluy. es tars, dw a ywr.. I .Asn al„Uly+ A,1 Henderson. Meorers. Itobt. Davidson, G. C. Tre- ew,•n,nsend KrwrAn., ord 1 11.,,.14. 4 /w ",rA Ieucen, \\'m. \1'ntwm of Niles Nu11 \1'n,. ° "y�rV ea A very pleasant time was spent n11 ,.ne ad a r+e4 es den•, Fridley ert,Unt-St. valentine..., I►ac- 'Thompson of Auburn attended the Knoche(' Salt. 4 obta .bl• at drug +'t 'Tho..,.1 „I of sue.. 1L.r \L•h,.l th 1 1 •• I Aant gnat el„arelte ,a lnfornony s•n• (1.44 Krutrenn Ann been all4rrals l �.,(fer,r l,41 ever+ awl' kn1„ tnwMe, and afar ten./,•n. nultln l asa di!fru, r' assess 1 Aad lu yrs '0' roa.n°rk, AW thank( A at*en Sins I am nowt of arvk apt, , awl 1 lIll Sint a 14111' (Ivry nl.anln:l. 11,.1 1 ,l'' ar the ►dlk rv.nadn,nb n,nr nA ,A hnyMrr. IN yea1 41( a Aatgnn Aare Miaow a Snap -84a .4 sur sed self. I Fns ('ada a, 7:t'. a b.st, when the 1. F. W. O. nein 4* social ••^••-... .._ .___ __._ -____. _. ____..___. BELFAST ,wrulug fur the members tend their , f Month Kid...-. M lay• A tsar, roar„ . ... . to or Th young • ,e., de -of 11►r I nitrel m"utb.-tt�snt ta,altb Wt haN aesat stet out after which dancing and , Iolrcl+ will put on their play, "The FER Village falwvrr," in the a►rlsh hall It8LF.1S'F. Feb. 17. -Mr. and Mrs. D. K. Alton vklted with their daugh- ter. Mrs. Percy Graham of Shepie*rd- tun. for a few days last week, Mrs. Was. Blake visited with her daughter, Mrs. Albert Alton, for a few days recently. Mrs. Jas. Cooke 1. visiting with friends In Toronto this week. Mr. and •Mrs. Andrew Gaunt. of $t. Helens, visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Sherwood, one day recently. Mr. harry Fowler visited with his daughter. Mrs. Hynes Cause lw11. one day last week. NILE The F 1 1 a dal friends ► varied program was ear- 1:aMt, wen• untovel g 1 FREE TRIAL OF Miss Mary Maelutyre was the. rlte.t .•n :Friday evening, February 2Sth. ! of her friend, Mi... 1'lnyllls Maelhatiall 'lid. is a four -act play- which will for the weekend. I take two and a half hours to complete. Miss Olive wmpson. NILE. Feb. 19. -lis. Grace Blake .pent nlw week -cud at the home of Mr. mat Mrs. 'Percy Graham, near Port Albert. Mr. Harold Squires is visiting at the home of Ills uncle. Mr. John Tahb, at present. - ND. and Mrs. -flex. Watson and hvo children , Visited Mr.. Watson's sister, Mr.. Rtdht. Melon's of Kln- tai1. over the week -end. cin Tuesday. February 11. Mr, Calvin Itlltle ge. a former Nile boy. was married to 311.. Elsie. Fischer of Port Arthur. We extend e,.ngnituletlous. If yew lin,. ,•-r •u,-., lnr�,,. ser •n ,1 sew. at oa•11,r•11,r11.0..1•11,r11.0..1t xlrn.• 11•• ,,..,•. e,r,l,l a :nae away special " 1:1 .A\'1 Iw•laae4 shirt. urate 1t easy for you e, pn„r on/ ,'k,m for ,,.ural) Bargains in Fancy Work All stamped pieces at hall price Smith's Art and Gift Store Astonishing Value! I.:d, •t anti stmt up, to -date i.••ip;li 111 11 Strainer Pail \„ til, I,, brt'ak oft or clog dirt('tib ,rt Very easily kept cleat, tloJ.Is 10y4' imperial ! (11:t rt - Very i'pteial 89c ()or the Money" Sale end. Saturday, March 1.1 Alf. Tebbutt & Son WEST STREET lir Deliver Phone 486. of PurpleThe proceeds are for church later• Ass sour dras.rl for a"• cna 1•1A�t Grove, spent the week -end .with her I"a"•s. `;ab.or. "r sur r.awar 7s poser tan. • •! (�S• sister. Mrs. Will Stanley. Mrs. It. A. McKenzie 4 spending a ctrl . nmo. a n,.l t.,utr .um,wui I,a e,s•„1 Mrs- Clarence Irwin. of Itapld lily, fru days lu. 1Vluglwlu vliting Ler „W .t.„ n,• .sol pass* els ser, Aire'. J. ttl.aw, tlr teas asst tons a n•a rnu.rey o mu.c,.1 erre 14 the 'guest of her nether. Mrs. Ids t i'1 kruartu•e d,.r, sans .r �m ,e '0,1'1.'1' MODEL THEATRE Stanlec, Thr re solar. prettily meeting of the krth '' eu.• .. art 11 scant •. The 3lisses rots, Vlul.t and }:Isi1•' Women'. Institute will Int held at the lock s'•ur (trouts( L' author-m."1 oth maul 4urrtur Rit.'hle spent the week -end with their home of Mn-. 1V. R. Stothers ou Thur.-beete.e, ter wr npe..� cousin. M4.a+ Grace \Vebster. ds'. Febrnsrc _'7th. Those in clwrge etre Zeta b, Ia1nr • Manulartumt f [lir program are Mrs Ruht Dtivld- a. istinga nup,n-4 I4. ltanetwa•r. ttaa. Mise Am eeew Macl.4* ld i. sura e. 1 i as{e.l. 175111. ...wears ad:llltytal ate►. -en1. lies. Thu., anthers and Mrs. tug near T,.eswatrr this Werk.. ., 1'arosb. _ Furl. limo. - Thr , 'Wumeu'..1k..111,41111011of lir CARLOW 1 I'ultel e110n01 •held a valentine social dinipla ,■• 11 !In the school nano of the church las' EJ7C •. Inight. Quite a number were ilayS CARLO11, }tl. 19,--Mi.•I% t arkl }rldrty c preset t One of the features: of the � ' • , and his uncle, Dr. N } t Ixrk. lett last . 1 Thursday for F bells weekend with her aunt Mrs 1t)r.1 The director. of the library bard evrnIWt w'Ii, x anelling match. Refresh- n • Jliss Christine Robertson spent the 111e*t• were served at the ebse. weir• and family. met at the lion* of the librarian. Miss We are glad to heir that 1lr. Join. 1.. Meetly, 1 Monday evening to elle- Fa F,arrL . Is able to be out again. Ile rn4s ways and lueans of turrras(ng 1 pe aking n meal and rapid. ree•overy the number of-teiss•rlI.ers. it is fel Week of Feb. 24 to March 1 Monday and Tuesday- - Irene Rich and Warner Battler in a domestic drama of unusual power and appeal, Magesl by Witham C. Ile Mille. • A w.,ndrrfnlly poignant story abrin, with drama. thrill, trbutiun end deep heart appeal. ornate settings feri- a ftodils -and inn. Tulips from his recent nec111ent that the I001.1le .Io not fully nrtllae now appearing in abundance. The many friends of Mr. Eel.Hardy the value of :e poetic library ..r u This is a sure sign of Spring. Procure a kw for the home or sick room. They will certain- ly drive away the thoughts of the severe winter just passing. 1enrollment woukl prevail. `1i11 be pleteasi to know that the .h •ry e.r -Thr dl - improving In beanie and Is now with Run! Telephone re, -ton. of the 4 ,slerich Rural Tele- phone t'o. held their normal meeting oe Tuesday afternoon at the home of the mummer. Mr. Thos. Stotlwr.. .early n11 the direr•tors were present. .t ; retifylxg repast of the year's bus- bies'. was presented. The following are the dlre,-tora h.r the year FLORIST Wm. !tattle. W. T. Riddell, W. J. • - c Universal Corned "Just Wait•' Park., W. F. Finlay. J. Dustow-, r. gtmaStreet Phone 105 Goderich]"" Ills .brother-in-law-. Mr. George 1tean, Jr.. Auburn. Miss, Amelia 1lellwain, of Nile. I. 1-.ltlug Miss Winnie .)larch this week. ASHFIELD Mr. Harding. of -Hamilton. lin- Wen engaged to work with Mr. M01v11 Tyn- 1 has movcl .tS11FI ELD TOwNSH 41'. Feb. 1S.- Ttw February meeting of the Women's ML.siouary Society was held at the home of Mrs. Richard Ma. -Donald on Wednesday. iTebruary 12. Mrs. 'Coign - loom w•s in the chair. The meeting was fairly well attended. although the day was cold. The next meeting will Le 'held at the home of Mtn. T. Nfaclhnutld, Isrehal.h. A number of young- 1Kr.ple of tib 1 iclnity attended :1 very sucee..•snit skating party on Lake lhtron. neat Kintail, a here there are several acres of very smooth Ice. Faeryon.• reported n goal time. • Mr. Kenneth Thilltt: of Toronto. Is visiting with friends around Kintall at pre -est. We are .urry to report that Mew. AMPLE ae*I JSISTbS.VMNSII Pia ileeaaaaaasgalckby'•Soetk•- r l Salve's, cam actually sea tars err . Man ee e.vwrikt. c4 • •Sootka- 1.a'fram druggist today. N..is beauty pmorrow Mottling. :all nvipri rv'tlrv.11rl lit i hip'yiml►oliPell••4IPviortii-Pe:0411Pr 1 11 f F Our Midwinter Stock -Reducing Sale ENDS ON Saturday of this week ---February 22 There still are many bargains in ladies', men's and children's wear left for those who have not already taken advantage of the sale specials. Ext4a Special in Wool Blankets for one week only. Plain white Blankets with blue borders. Whipped singly. Regular $9.00 and $9.50 values for . _ _ - _ _ _ _ A few plaid Blankets. Mossfteld brand, pure wool, whipped $6.95 singly. Regular $9.00 and $9.50 values for_ $6.95 The balance of our stock of ladies' and men's winter Overcoats offered at clearing prices in order to make room for new spring merchandise. A. CORNFIELD "Shop Where You Are Invited to Shop" West Side of Square Phone 418 -41 1 4 4 4 4 i 4 4 4 i 4 1 4 1 4 4 4 Akt lrikdr#4ltl 1Milftat lttbontilNilol•w IbeiIk‘I I I►i1(11ti i 111111 for u year an. the brick house• on hls rest farm. Mr. I1. Brindley bus the contract for supplying wood for No..1 .'hod. and is busy dell.ering ' It while the .lelghi*g is gond. Mrs. A. Johnstone Ira, 11.111'' r,. Au- burn to visit her daughter, 11r-. 1 Ur. , w'rir, and family, for n few Week-. W. M. S. Meeting.-7'he W. M. S. 1111NWary met in the halt on T11111,111*. February 13th. with a gone', attend- ance of members and the president.I Mrs. Marsh. presiding. The meeting was opened• by the slttgina of 11y 71111. n- Nina. Header-on.Arrangements were trade for the ob.; •► GEO. STEWART "CRAIG'S WIFE" Universal Western "Speed aid Spurs" "Fox News" Wrdnr.day and Thursday - Betty Compson and Groat Withers I•n•.c,:t •.::n . ••1111,1y ,d a 110/11,311Iwr•. 011'11441 In Mil 01114•011111111la amid Nirtatio. and 110.011141,401111 *11e• 1 romantic jeep 01 eolleite life and the fast-moving "Time, Place and the Girl" McRridr, Don . E. Anders, Thos. $tother.: 3. frau+ton and N''. P. 'Why ard. The ufner•r" ere: President. J. 1 rnstoa : vice-l.re"tderlt. will. Bailie: manager. Thu-. *others: lineman. Calvin McIntyre: secretar5•trea-urrr and central manager, N. I. Whyseri : , autliturs, 1:. C. Treleaven 111111 11 31 NleKenzle. I GODERICH TOIYNSIIUP a) and prayer by e ervance of the dayof prayer, March. GOD EItICH Ttlt4NSHIP. Feb. 111.-- 7, Mrs Stoll reviewed the last part of Mr. Harold Peter. of Atwood, Ontario.' visited with hl. n the first chapter of the study hook, kat :Mr. G. 11..r "From Jpnlsalem 10 Jerusalem.'' )¢{se 1 wood. last week. Pe..ple'a S,u•11•ty of 1'11• Tete Noting J oon M. fa01 ,-e presented with n lou rhurcll will meet on - Friday e.ren- I life membership certificate, for which leg. in the church. the young tsoPl" sly.• graciously thanked the S.wlety• are medially invited to attend The meeting cbaed ails .Ingi11g awl,A most t•njoyalle social esening I prayer .. na. held at the home of Mr. and Mr- 1 ---_.__ Ge,. Mcllevatn last Fridley evenlag b; $A1.YFIE14 1Ile .N. 111463 1'.'.44'' •' $n•lety of ('hlon -_ church. The evening ONUS Aleut 4,. 1IAYFI61.1'. Feb. 1•. 11r,.., 11'. _ame•s, contests and singles. Dulling Westlake ts4lnke and lfie le.nui We -4111k... the eveaing Mr, and Mr•. An }l11 Who were vl-iting in Ilet teat . r,,; u•r acts .rrruh,l with nti :nlltn• tnrncl hnn,e on Tlutrsw6wy hart. cud a silver -aer ii* ho 't 11'. J. •Frrtnl.ox. who N411010nt MOM.tlw•ir nrrnt tuarri•eogerol. atlas 1(nrgnrr- • time visiting her son in London, ser- it.• FaL•o,ner rend the xddre•. and Mr.! 1 nirltel hnmeeu, Thnrsda}. F;yerett Menotti!' made the pres,Ita Nit William 1',rki r left .ro Tne:dny Goo. Mr.. Fuller replleil very fitting \I 1%. s.u*el: win, served iiad a Vole• of •,1 -pend a tee days tet ttar*ta. tluu,k. mus tenderest to 11 r. and 31r+. ilea. .1. •Itneb,n, and 11i Iau'y 11,'llii:,iu for thele kind Iluspltal1t3- d., 'WI" 11 T• nin. Hitt. \Ira. 'Fow-tnebip Tear kind Syateal.-At. I' P. iA•N'1• hl T.murto far the past • a.. weeks. .returned. bo • on Welne annual hal of httod Jrlt day._ - the Telephone System John • rttation n and' Huller w•as 111Meinlal coawi4simier lit lathe. r, dl'. and Mrn. W. ivlu. had been v1.111h&c of 11r. 11.irphy • who has renewed ' * at Lon- i Ion and St. Thomas, returned inn,,, nn`In,m the 10%,11.1111, 1V. ,1. Y4.11 5%11,• 11P•• Sunday. pointed atudlinr. The s .u'tn au- )Ir. and 11r•. 4'. 11'i.I oinbe' awl 11i-- foetid to be Wee. ellen* cumin Ions ter May Wlder.urle 1141 "Il 44atur.II% 10 the eo*clttn►on of the year. with a visit thelr' daughter tit Wind -or. comfortable balance in the treasury .I arr. noel Mr•,. 1V. 4'. Rader. of War- At the fir -4 Meeting of the rumlui.•' load• 1111*.. were 0,rk•e118 guewts 1 stoners 3. 11. Stirling w•a- r."lp{wduted ' with Mr. Heil Mr-, J. 11'..1op.tt. They chairman.n,. C. E. \fist• Ir.i11ry"•Inh•,I weer on their way to Tormlu awl secretary, iunl Mr. Ern.' -t Ellwood. from there to 'North /',trnlinei. mak- 1111etn1111. Inc Ihr trip by motor. Mr. Ilnd. r I. lir*ce tailed ,ChurrlltThe anunal 1 weer and manager of a big feldepwr 1111.1111.• -of GraceUnited chnnh •, 111110, anti mill at 1Wnrronel. They Porter's 11111. Inas held un the atter u.•.,I, u 1 ehr*aiy 1214,. The n.Vs't4n f..uuef muse snow tuts Lnnd•n' to ,11n,- n em,41 with dcvotlon111 e.xerli.ei- ttayrllo tri 111 any other Ids.+ o" I,y the pastor, Ret. It. NI. Gale, afar, their long trip. which the partnr um* ele•terl to th. 1 firs. T. Mallei,. a•4,,. v{.'rd as rl.air• slut \Ir John Torrencen wa. 111, ,i*1 Frida and Tnr..ntn, rrtnnu'.1 1 piffled ..•.'r.•tilry- for the meeting. I1.• on r, (4-'. , 1 ja.rts mer* presented sifter the readinc Sir. 'F i-,1,, motored from It.'- of 4•hr miinte•s of Ihr 1H-1 nniuuiI ule•e1 troll on Thor -slay slut I• rlefthlg hl' -I Itag. The. pastor pre -wilted the report ••' mother, Mrs. R. AMI*. - ' aerelon, showing an Increase of nine new member+ during the year. Mr. F. 13E'NMILLER Ph'knrd presented the flmutel•I report, shooing a healthy condition orthe I finance. of -the church. Mr. Reid Tor- 1tFNNii.ieFat, Feh. Ise --M1.- gest-1 ranee presented the report of the Sam rude Gledhill is visiting in Toronto.in day salami, $11$11110614/$11110614/011'11int Horn-son Lippett.iplett, who line been salami,that of the Young People's +,.*tett'. Mrs. I somewhat ;, .Ilfferent he -Ili for 411/111,•, 11'111 1'0% reported bur 116. 1. idle.' AI11, dna.. to.', w very serious turn h1a and Mr. Feel. Elliott fur the buildingWn*In5 ot.l I. 44111 In a very "'hem' committee. 1.141.e change nos lig in ',smell,iun. the offk•ern of the chard., apart from Carmen Stevens had charge of the rhe retiring of Mesar.. Ti.".,Rattler 1',.'n.g Penile•'( 4'lnb nnr'tln_ Inst and 11,1,1 Tottu*rc. Me.+ars. herb 1'.•\ aunduy. \II•s Edna Reid Root. a Iwtls•t and John Torrance -hong rle•te.1 un 111.' 44.iiknbmr.4 In Canada. Nnmlu take their pin.e•. Some • cuing, 0.,5 ohm- were' received for the model made In the method id rai-ing funds „in•hlp ec►am•I* electron *Iden *111 both for cnrrrot extw•b•e. uud 4h4. ';Ike '1!"' n1 114.x4 nett:'+ me•tti.g ml-.lona*.• and walnteuaue,• ft:wl. )1,, \fembe•1+ were nominated for nr•ie'' (:anlfl44'r. 11rs. 11i1ton Wood- and 11, - ,oweIllnr•-. and school trustees. • \'le. 1%lllu�t neve .Ilrpwflllte 1• R• tui Wamatt'a Aaasebiliel.-The regular monory- eunuuilte• bur the year. 't he monthly meeting of the Women's As-' m(r,ting elourd with tl•. heuellrtlnu1 sw•Mtiun *11,4 held et the home of! tie the pastor. NUN-- Jonathan }9sher, the president. Iles 1VIIl Long. .ondncting the meet-, ing. The meeting opened with *Ing - Ing, Scripture reading, and prayer. aryellfenti nw'all"`r. answered the roll enll with n quotation. Filer visitors; were present. Mol. John i.,ng and Mt. I.I. %Palters move) the adoptlnn of the minutes Mrs Ed Walter. and 11r.. 311.. .l,-w-elt nw,ea1 hist. the Iasi-. le• buy for the bast load of mol fur' We cars a g,,."1 .tock "! Electrical Appliances, Fixtures, etc, Electric Wiring of All Kinds Fstinlates .1154.41 (01 applicati.•n Frank McArthur West Street Electrical Shop Telephone 82 Goderich ZAM•BUK Soothes Injuries & Prevent. BLOOD -POISON Friday and Saturday - AL WILSON ltd- world', ,,,•,.t daring .tont .slot 111 a sky -thrill action drau,x. ,IMn.lrvil 11, an a pili mad *w•m1.•r of the younger generation, in a spectacular high dying "The Cloud Dodger .' Episode No. 3, "THE FiNAL RECKONING" Cartoon Comedy -"HOT DOG" Just as a n•u,nnlrr. ",t'BMARINF.," the gnat underwater special pnsluctiou, : cnntew t.. the Model on Wednesday and Thursday, March sifis and lith. Thio mighty drama of the sea features JACK HOLT as an heroic deep sea diver. A , lecture to thrill the most blase critic, 15)N'T Nils- IT ' Matinee Sat. at 3 p. m. PERIO • SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL MERCHAN iS ! A dollar taken our of yon* toe -Ighe,'''4.«.lbye forever." w Isle one -Lent at home simply say.. "Till. .: ameet again." Do not confitw• superior Chain Stony Uhl, the Corin.rntion•t tnnesl storef. Tide great '.rg&wli*at1.11 WON built up by independent Grocer...ening .rad ops•tating their own stores, Mat buying 5net advertising together, thereby enabling them to .sere you tetter. The growth of your community depelals, a great d,al,.irp n. the "nevem of your local %rerchn:lbi. Supps.rt your local superior Store and thereby help ynnrf.'If. We invite parvs.n -4 prices. 11 E 5E1.I. THE BEST Fe tit LFs'. AYLMER 2 for Vegetable Soup 19c Ovaltine, small 50c; medium, 75. Targe f 1 25 St Lawrence Corn Starch, No 1 finest quality: 12c Ingersoll Cream or Pimento Cheese per pkg. 14c Royal Baking Powder, 6 or 30. 12 oz. 53c Babo "Best for Cleaning Porce- lain,' early 44e Aylmer Jumbo Pea., per tin 22c Large pkg. OXYDOL 19c Better for all soap uses 5 String Brooms, red handle. Special. each 43. Million.ire Sardines, per tin 17c McL.ren's Invincible Jelly Pow- ders, 4 pkgs. 25c Maple Leaf Peas, No. 3 sieve, 2's, per t n 1 Se Pear., 2'., Light Syrup, per tin 15c Post's Bran, 2 pkgs. ... _ 25c JEWEL 1 Ib. Carton SHORTENING 17c 1' Ib. Royal York Tea - 35c Broken Orange Pekoe, in alumin um packages Cowan's Velvet Chocolate Buds, per Ib 37c Prunes, large size, 2 Ib.. 33c Aylmer Boned Chicken, per tin 39c Aunt Jemima Pancake Flour, each 18r Old Colony Maple Syrup. small bottle 38c; large bottle 69c Libby's Sauer Kraut, 2 1-2 s, per tin 15e Pure 40 oz. Jar Strawberry Jam 39c Roman Meal, per pkg. 33c Golden Dates, beat quality, 2 lbs. 23c Trio Brand Sealed Raisins, 2 for 27c Western Canada Oatmeal, 5 Iia. 25c Pimentos, 1 4's, per tin i0c Veno'. Cough Syrup, per bot- tle 27c CHATEAU 'r Ib. pkg. CHEESE 19c 11'E 1)M;I.11VI•;R EK1';I Phone your order to J. J. MCEWEN, Goderich CHAS. AI.TON, Dungannon. J CALVIN CUTT, Goderich. ROBT. PHILLIPS, Auburn. *1