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The Signal Calendar?
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ber Renew your eubecription now and
snake (sure of one of these beautiful Calen-
Extensive Improvementa in Lec-
ture Room in Contemplation
for 1930
A year of suet ssful endeavor to
the various department.* of the
church's work was reviewed at the
annual congregational meeting of
Knox church, held on Wednesday
eveulug, Irebruary 12th. Owing doubt
teas to the uupleasaut weather, the
attendance was not ser large as usaul,
Irut the meeting was alert and
Success bungs abil-
ity to give comfort
and happiness to
loved ones.
THE Savings Department
of the Bank of Montreal
offers you its friendly services
to help you attain your am-
bition for those who are dear
to you.
Mr. Chas. K. Saunders was toted
to the chair, and Mu)or Ma(•Ew•ati
acted as excreturj'._:rhe report of the
sersluu was read by the minister, Rev.
1t. C. McLerwld, and made upprevia-
tlye weutluu of the work done by the
various organizations of the church.
Strews was laid ups the ImpW'Iauce
of the quarterly communion services
utml upon the desire of the seselon
that a larger trundler of the cougrega-
Uon should make regular ,tteudauce
at these seers ices 0 rule of conduct.
Attention was drown to the approach
ing c•entenulul anniversary of fresh)
u•rlanisw in Guderich, mud the advis-
ability of making early pruvisiou for
the suitable observance of the ocOvl-
The statistical report showed a
total membership of 723, till Increase
of nineteen over the 'masher reported
a year ague Guild nus presented the honorary
The '•lu twenty-four
roll for 1'J.3 president. Mr.. Geo. MacDonald.
included tportty•fuur 'uta -b This orgardratloti of the young {rtrtple
T. r report Mr. the Sabbath a ecwbohool is doing a useful work.
iwas read by C. K. hatnaderx, Mr.. A. Taylor presented an inter-
s superintendent of that Important
inter -
doper -uncut of the church. During the rating report for the church choir, of
year the school waiutalued en aver- which she Is president. The efficient
age uttesubinee of about 200. The fol- leadership of Mr. 1). 1). Major. the
lowing pupils are to recetve diplomats I enures organist. was mentioned witlt
or steals fur faithful attendance dur- i appnriatban.
!Mr. A. D. McLean. (bairnwn of the
lug 19'29boar) of managers. reported fur that
Ita1Mden. Albert
Gan Greene, aSWhit-
organization and called attention to
1011 .R , Al she shepherd,
Annie Mac- the need of repairs in the lecture room
tau,- .Jai Shephard, Kathleen Mae. and a toutrii{datsl Humps Its the
Esau. Jack yeur .etun, Herbert Grreu, heatingsystem of the church. The re -
Second (seal sac utt.thy Muir, tiringinetulrers of the board. Messrs.
auIey McManus. Jack (vont, Hazel 1). Marwick. T. H. Mitchell. Thos.
Gatley. Itchy stou. HeleneC, Macritee Mur. linndry and W. G. MaeEventi, nett
wane Grant Mi nnsru,Mildred Mltarwi k. recleetsf for a threw -year terns.
lAr hind earluuus, iamonaMarwick. Tine financial report.. were pre -
Tiled year (seals-It,M.cCr TlI. Do • anted by Mr. A. Porter. church trees-
ey• Fro it Blsart, Bert 1lset. tis, Deri urer, and lir. F. 1:. Weir, financial
old Muir. Margaret Bisset. Marjorie secretary The debt was reduced to
at brunt° to assirt in the muses
tiou of the churcb'e work tit how.' mad CELEBRATE ANNIVERSARY
abroad. The budget committee of last _
year einsis t'i or Capt. It. Morrison, Here tort) lean Married ass Feb-
p.rt•sldcut, 1!. C. Dunlop, secretary, \\'w. auger DU
Bisset, treasurer, 1t. J. McMillen. t.. •Furty )ears ago yesterday (*aye
1). ('raft and W. $onwrvllle, and The Border Cities Soar of February
these were reulNlolutevl for 1930, with 13th) Oscar E. E'1em11ag, K. C., theu
Ute exception of Mr. M,Meht•o, who Is Windsor's Mayor and lu his first
leaving town and who is replaced by
year of Defier at the are of twenty•
Mr. L. 1. Hill. moot, (married Miss Caroline Drake.
IA year of Active and useful work least night the fortieth miniver -
wag Indicated In the report of the nary was observed by the couple at
wenreu's Missionary Scsatio, read by the Essex County Gulf Club. where
Miss Porter. The '4101 of #34++.12 was tier)' were guests of their children who
Wised aud scut to the Presbyterial live to the district about Wiudsnr. Mr.
Total Assets in excess of 1960.ahx1,010
•nsuna• Mrs: (leo. Mae.. -old is the Mrs Ft Mu sr., intend to leave
president of the Society for 1113U, sue` for a twoswonth tour of the British
et•sllise Mrs. •Richard Walter. who re- Isles• sailing from St. John no rel..
fiend ager three yours of faithful runty :si, and aceurdiugly they were
service ht that office. presented with two travelling bags by
The report of the Arthur (belt. their children dart alk -let.
(nail by Mfg+ Margaret %%Go mi•
The part)- was our made up run
Thr 1'Irae held man) interesting meet tireIy of the family circle. those preb-
41111 t its
the year, and u* the re -cut being Miss Bertha Flewtug, and the
(suit u( it+ catluus efforts was able to four sous, Douala, Keuueth, Oscar ant
+end to the Presbyterial 3V.M.S. Lusa- Hugh, the tanner two inning demo.
urer the n •'ni',we .antrflndluu of ianhi'I by their wives, and A. 11.
$741.51) An energetic and resourceful Lea►c•. partner of air Fleming. sir.,
Muni of •'ffit•e•i+ of the Circle is head -
rad brother of Yrs. Fleming, sr.
tri and M g
el 1.y Mrs. Dunlop as president.
The MacGillivray Mission Baud. the
junior missionary organization of the
congregation. reported thruu{th its
ever -faithful president, Miss \Vtggiits' stun. and has served two terms as
Besides sending for sum of $11N) lu ehafrwan. lie in also nue Ht tit• Hut-
ataudiug 'muniments of the develop-
evelopment of the St. Lnwreuce waterways
system. He has been president of the
Canadian Deep Waterwv)s and Power
Association since Its organization.
The Fleming family are well-kuowii
rnwun•t• residents of Godericb.
"A man's fame is in the hands of his
blegrephers."_EJmil Ludwig.
Mr. and Mrs Fleming are the par
ents of eleven children. Mr. Viewing
has for many years been a member of
the Essex Border l'tIIttles l'osumis-
the Presbyterial treasurer. the Baud
did much other good work during the
Mrs. W. .1. Met'reatb presented the
report of the Ladies' Aid Variety.
This Mud et active workers raised
about $(NNt enuring the year. [ad holds
a balance of $574 to be devotedto nee -
fol purposes ad uecashm arises. Mrs.
A. D. )Leland Is tpe president of this
indispensable orga
zatlou. •
l'h.• rfgsort of the West :piaster
A Signal Calendar for Every Paid -in -Advance Subscriber
EACH one who opens and
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.-us SAlr,. u e.,elr'.wtre
800 Branches in Canada
Taylor, Marguerite Morgau, Marjorie
Fourth year seals --Keith Cott, Ken-
neth Cott. Gladys Morgan, Wilfred
Greenwood, Geraldine Saunders, Jeau
Murata, Ida Morgan.
Fifth )ear souls--1.1uuult Bell, Keith
Sixth year seals-Duunld Wik"gins.l
Alex. MacVft'ar.
Seventh year teal ---Robert Muir.
Reports were presented alto by the
aduk Bilden vino and by the girls
Bible class. that of the latter being
read by the vita -president of the
,class, Miss Margaret Shephard. This
class, which tweets every Sunday, bas
a roll of fifty-eight members and Is
taught by Mrs Rslditt and Mas. Mac-
The St. Andrew's Club reported a
I suc(wssi'nl )cur. Mr. Frank Clark is
{/resident of the Club and the teach -
orb are Mr Ger. Schaefer, for' the
senior group. and Mr. D. 1.11 f•
the jinmlors
W. J. Powell
Stocks, Bonds, Insurance
and Real Estate
Car, Life and Fire Insurance
Nelson Street, 1 i.xierieh
Phone '292 1' 0. Box 438
Geo. Williams
Dealer le
Flee. Accident, Automobile, and
General Irtnlrartee Agent
Moe, next to Bank of Conulwrcr
I'hone !S;1 lioderich
IOW, and the treasurer asked that ,
tins be wiped out this year before the
extensive improvements planned for
the lecture roomare undertaken.
These improvements are designed In,
provide letter ae(ommoxlatlon for I
Sabbath wc•Itool clasews. committU•e
'meetings. etc.. and will involve a very
conaideruble expenditure. The board
of managers was asked to obtain Outl-
and further information an(1 report to
a congregational meeting.
The nggrerytte amount raised in
UEI9 try nil departments of the church
(exclusive of balances and transfers'
was $13.267)87.
Mr. Andrew Porter sees reappointed
church treasurer, and Dr. J. M. 41tId
and Mr. J. W. 'Fraser were again ap-
pdnted auditors. The trustees. 11r. A.
C. Bunter and Messrs. J. 1'. Ttwmxon
and William Wallace. were reappriut-
ed to that offfee.
Mr. Wu) Bisset, the budget trees-
ann. presented the report of then EAST WAWANOSII
budget (ontlnittee. The full ulloiation.Council met on February 11th. with
all the members present. Minutes of
hot meeting were rerun and npprove•d.
on motion of Councillors Reid and
Yuugblut. A representative of the J.
1). Adams 'Co. waited on the a 'II
ha reference lu IIle s1Ue of road tut•
of $2W0 was met, this amount having
heel. forwarded to the church offices
r,e0NU 206
So SKINNY Ashamed in
I3athingSuit Gained 1516s
-Kalah Lanatns . .. lotted
sands gala 5 to 15 Ib. di 3 weeks
with new !maned Yeast. Skin clove
like magic [carves, saasayades
vanish overnight. Get irontsed
Yeast tablets hom druggist today.
.•hater). The council, however. is not
-outemplilthig purchasing :any addition-
al machinery this season. .
lnm►municnlh,n from the Retail
Merchants' Association calling the at-
tention of the council to the revision
of the Ontario Statute's In regard fit
the Transient 'traders Act passed• at
The Armstrong Real Estate" (lived .a..i ii, m of the Legislature 1t•.
and Insurance Agency
Houses and Lots in Goderieh and Farms
for Sale
Large number listed to choose from.
Just a few of the many listed.
A goad 1 1-2 story 1 se, lately re-
modeled, $800.00.
The auditors prreentcd their report
of rtrelpts and expenditures for 11)213
the abstract statement allowing total
ree•eipts of 555,496.21 with an e>(pend-
itnn' or X:dln25.77. leaving a dk'ficit
on the year's operations of $520.716.
The report was adopted on motion of
Campbell and Walker.
Mowed by Mr. Walker. seconded by
Mr. Yungblttt. That William Rnblusou
Very neat cottage, tine condition', close ix• npgeduNd weed hispattor. ('ai'rlsl.
to Victoria school. Lights, nulla and The engineer's report on the ElNott
garage. 81•� drain, affecting certain lauds in East
(mend 1 1-2 starry Iwuae, hardwaal °DR" and West Was%anosh and Kinloss. was
and interior finishing. full modern
equipped, arranged for steam heat-
ing, 11.200.00.
Two-story house. tine condition, good
appearance. I.ighta, trrilet, garage,
rend anal provisionally adopted.
The taxes having 'el beim accounts:
for with the exception of three against
the w. Ir. lot :t`+, .••.tm+•s+l.m 10. at furth-
et esteosipH of 1Inue was given the .sr1-
s.•ctor 1(11 March 111h, It being •roilsid•
Very tine net brick hrntw•, everything erten that this amount await be fnrth-
up- to- date, fall modern equipped. coming before that date.
Steam instal, hardwood polished Bylaw, No. 1. 19:30, 1.11110rming the
Moore. price $40)1)10. - ipooh] t'emit of . tnwnehip ofricht Is;
Modern stucco house, complete, $32110131. hyla ye No. 2, authorizing the txrrrw-
Nunmber fine brick hoax's, nlrxlern equip- lite of sufflcliuf money to meet the
fowl. Ask to see them. Prices (rum ordinal.) "expenditure. end bylaw No.
$2500.00 to $4.11X1.0(1, - ' ' :i, providing for exp'ud1lnre on rand+
Heated apartment to rent,. -• (hi,' enuring season, were all read :tut!
Fauns -large n her lilted for wale. , pMssesl. - The fellowing actsis were paid:
Spchal-100 acres arnica land, with 40 The Munition! Worbl, etimaMs. $.'Pl.3st:
acme viluahle tinnier. Good bxtiklings. I Wm. IL ('xm{dx•II, andlfnr• $12.:'11;
'Close Go village of Varna. Huron Frank '19unm114011. nnd0or, !12.111; F.
County, 4 miles to R. R. station, close\ndd•rwru, Milnes. #1:'+); flnundlnl state
to good markets. Price $4•'i(10.00, $1(0X1 nrnts, war tux, next express.•Iuarges.
enol.$3.1.40: G. A. Jordan, storing crusher.
200 teres clay inarrt .roti, 741 acres tile- *21).58): It.p Tull'101rnitnan, 11 4.)
her, 1-2 mike toIs hrxtl, close to good q. Hallahan, patrolman. $R.2.i : M. Me -
village, 12 mile,. to tirxlrrich. Price d i1i1�d,11, isatriiinlan, $4.24 : R. 1'hamue).
$61100.01) Fenny terns. 1 patrolman. ¢18.10; O. It. Vhnent, pa- I
See or write trolmnu. aln.i7r.
J. W. ARMSTRONG runnel% adjourned to sleet again 1111
Res! Estate TuesiIny, Manch 11th.
Ret IS Goderirh A. PORTER), I EIJI /at'lerk.
1-'I4:IIT1 T1111:1• IF \I: \1r
Telephone 230
Masonic Temple Building
Automobile Insurance
See our rates before placing
your Automobile Insurance.
Insure with Companies that
pay their losses.
J. W. Craigie
Real Estate and latsrasce
Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada
The annual report of the Sun Life Assurance Company of
Canada, as published in this week's issue of The Signal, shows
a year of wonderful progress.
Read this report carefully and note the rapid strides th.•
Company ie staking.
PHONES : Ottice I lS
I is'idence 5410
District Agent
New Assurances Paid for
An Increase of 8213,207,000
Assurances in force (net)
An 1 acreage of $304,322,000
Total'Income (net) - -
An Increase of $28,110,000
Surplus earned during the
Year - - -
Payments to Policyholders
and Beneficiaries -
Surplus and Contingency
Reserve - - -
An Incense of $5,869,000
Total Liabilities -
(Inclttding Paid up Capital)
Assets, at December 31st, 1929
An Increase of $79,239,000
- $2,401,237,000
Rate of Interest earned on mean invested assets
OrricE Bvn,DLNG
The high rate of dividends allotted to parfiripating policyholders is continued and the special
dividend on maturing patine, extended and increased.
The special amount entered as a lubdity to pro
.i.ie f•,i unlureseen contingencies has been [train
mined at $12,500,000.00.
After making all these deductions and allocations.
$5,868,89996 has been added to the undivided sur-
plus. bringing the total over liabilities. contingency
accounts and capital stock, to$60,307,762.44.
inaccorlanee With our usualconservative practice
the securities owned by the Company have again
been valued at figures much below the market quota-
tions current at the close of the )ear. This under-
valuation represents an important element of
strength to the Company additional to the specific
provisions in the statements.
Your Directors are pleased to announce that the
high scale of profits at present allotted to participat-
ing policy holders will be aunt mord during the ensuing
year,while the Special Dividend on maturing policies.
intrrsluctd last year, has been extended to include
policies maturing after having been in force five
Years or longer and the scale of benefit has tern
New policies paid for numbered 161,391 for a net
amount of $654,451,143.27, an advance of $213,206,-
751.36, or more than forty-eight per cent., over the
previous year. This narked increase and the fart
that the average policy, lot the first time, exceeh(
$4,000, afford itnpressive evidence of • the ever
growing popularity of the Company.
After deducting amounts rea,sured the total
assurances in force amount to $2,401,237,036.94, an
increase of 8504,321,102.37. This'a'lvaace is notable
not merely for its magnitude, hot because when
allowance is made for terminati.ina by death and
maturity, it represents a remarkably high rate of
continuance, and eviden. es great satisfaction on the
part of our policyholders.
The amount paid to policyholders lance organiza-
tion, together with the amount at present held for
their security or benefit, exceeds the total amount
received from them in premiumaby $139,290,474.03.
The rate of interest earned on the mean invested
as- s has risen to 7 02 per cent. This figure includes
a certain amount from bonuses and stock privileges
accruing on many of the Company '+ holdings: but if
these were entirely eliminated the rate would still be
6.60 per cent.
A net profit of $13,077,2284.62 was realized frons
the redemption or Bale of securities.
The surplus earned during the year, based on the
values entered in the accounts, amounted to $42,-
86.3,57N.59, but from this stint substantial appropria
tions have as usual been made to further strengthen
the position of the Compaany. •
An additional $10,0110,f100.00 11.0, been deducted)
from the market values of our s.. unties as a pro-
vision against possible market fluctuations, raising
the amount this set aside for this purpode in the
accounts to $311,00(: 3000.00.
A'farther 81.000,000.00 has been written off the
Company's buildings. ,
$9.31000.00 has been appropri.:teel to raise tier
annuity reserves to the Rutherford table of valuation.
with interest at 3 t$ ,pr rent. This 56,ft10.00 in excessexacting
requires reserve
the Dominion ( invcrnmt•ntstandard.
$1.200,000 00 has been set aside as additional pro
vision for claims arising from total disability, death
claims as yet unreported, and pas -isle claims under,
cancelled) policies on which a surrender value or rein-
statement might be applied for, •
$!!,606,165 67 has been paid or allotted as profit.
for 1 h tear toprdievhnld. rs.
- t
' The business of the Company has always aro
conducted under the exacting provisions of the
Canadian insurance law and the rigid super-
sisiun of the Insurance Ikpartment of the
Government of Canada. Ever since we en-
tered the 1 nited States in 1895, the Conipanv
has been under similaraupervisintt there and
i, now subject,. to the regulations 0( thirty-
eight States of the Union which require
periodical exaniination of the atTairs of all
companies licensed in their territory. In the
(!iw•harge of their regular duties a committee
of twenty' -two examiners, representing the
Statesof Michigan, Masaachuaetta, Minnesota,
1 thio, Tennessee, \\.0 hingtnn, Virginia, West
Virginia, Florida and the I)istrict of Columbia
1.+-ently completed an exhaustive examination
into every department of the Company's
affairs. The report of this committee
makes gratifyingreference to the liberal
treatment accored to aur policyholders, and
provides authoritative testimony to the Com-
panvs strength. Even adopting the low
y.ihlations 'stared by us on our securities, the
committee still reported a surplus at the dose
of list year $1,333.921.71 in eterss of the
figure daimed by the Company.
ristsr�t a