HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1930-2-20, Page 22 lhurrda7, rebs wry 20. 1930.
ibtatabt shed 1848
Kesither of Canadian Weekly News-
papers Maeda&len
Published every Thursday morning.
Subscription price $2.00 per year
strictly In advance.
Telephone 35 : Goderieh, Ont.
W. 11. Robertson, Editor and Manager
Thor -alas. February *So. Viet
Spring is sowing :trowel the .ones.
• • •
shoo opens today at Ottawa.
e►ld Country system of land owner -
batik,' In anticipation of the proposed
higher duties against C•antdlan prods.
When the battle la over at Washing-
ton. there may be nothing to excite
retaliation in tlauada. At any rate.
the Ottawa Government will not be
blttluk tit a shadow.
Ohl Country farmers are upleali ng
W the Guveruwent to do sowetlittg
for thews claiming that they have
reached a calsis in their .uslners of
fairs. When It is considered that for
the bulk of their products the British
farmers get private equal to tho a re-
ceived by Canadian farmers: plus the North Huron. .1r. ltobertw►u repro -
cost of tramporting the products gents u coustitueney which Is w•tfuly-
across the Atlantic, there L nom for
wonder that agriculture In Britain
doe* net pay, and puy rather hand -
*surly. The truuble. u0 doubt, ba the
Contributions to Provincial Trues
Out of Proportion to Benefits
Toronto. Feb. 13 ( London Adver-
tiser report J.—The feature of to-
day's sitttug of the Legislature was
a forceful and practical speech by C.
A. Itubcrtsou, the Literal member tot
rural. co►tuinlug some of the beat
fern:lug sections of the l'rovWce and
a highly luce•Iligeut and progressive
populstlee. Ile wits listened to with
close atteutlou, us he deult with the
Hats off i the first tae) senator!
ship. When tbe landlord and 111,41 farmers problems in their relation to
evllas•tln' theirPruvluc•irl Irglalutluu.
rents, there is not a great deal left Alter congratulatory' remarks on
c ae ec on o a • po
proved acatiug arraugeruents of the
• • . I a1f1U0 get through L
for the man who dons the actual th • t ti t Speaker, the Ina -
work of farming,. Here in Canada we House and a reference to the mover
hould ser Hutt agrkultvey main- ain- and seconder iu reply to the speech
'Talkie); of hes•key, let's stet randy for
,t good baseball season.
• • •
The crow will soon have caws to
tell ha that winter is over.
• • •
Are yen reading The Signal's new
series of gardening lathier?• • •
The greatest questiou in Canada
just now is. What is the price of
• • •
Is the appointment of women Sen-
ators.Premier Kings method of Sen-
talncd at a level of proslerlty that from the'I'hrone, Mr. Itotrt-son extend
will ensure the tontluuanre of ,wuer eat euwpolluw'uts tolu thethtwN•u Atiulstersrth
w•ho •Iated en
ship by the actual farmers. laud- efev tlI'srnka o tallpest andexperea.etI the oprHuroiu-
lurdlam or anything like It should tun that they were of considerable aid
not he countemawad •in thin new toward his. eleetiou. The people of
country. North Huron wen• nor tronvinced, he
said. that Gorrrnuient content was a
welt as Minister of fr duvatlou, tree
from the lutlueuee of departmental
herds, who [arae be vislunaty rather
than practical. I am cure If the Min-
ister will allow himself to get the
runt viewpoint and study rural crou-
ditlons first hand, our school troubles,
both ftaa,wIally and aeademieelly,
will t.e much nearer wired than
they are tutkty. 1 am looking for-
ward to the amendments to be intro
ducal, and 1 treat they will be debated
oa their merits.
Government's $osersault mt Hydro
"More aid to rural hydro users was
a slogan in the last campaign, but
three of uv ,who sat here last sesslou'
will remember we were told there could
ere no reduction lu rates, that the baste
principle laid down by Sir Adana Berk
and by his followers was hydro at cost
and that we were getting It at coat.
What more could we want? Yet the
Prime Minister In hie Mitchell speech
forecast a reduction in the eerrlce
charge, which 1 think is already to et
feet. The question is, who gave hiu,
authority to make such a 'statement
and how can that be reconciled with
former statements?
"Rural users are also promised flu
andal aid In Installing hydro. 1 con-
tend that Is a very doubtful favor. 1t
the first place the fhrwer who cannot
afford to install hydro is better with-
out 1t Hydro on the farm i, deslr-
iu more ways than one, and the
farmer la entitled to It, but it is not u
money-maker. It may well be celled a
semi -luxury. Too many ears are
I bought ou the installment plan, 110(1 we
eau 111 afford to adopt that plan in
order to get hydro. Again. If a man's
the rural municipalities suffer. Let us
look ■[ the highway (-rats, and the un-
fair burden put upon the minor uat-
n lctpautJms.
"In the county of Huron we have
approximately 10,000 motor vehicles,
and, taking the figures for 1929, the
average llceuse paid In the Province
was well over $11, and gas tax of b
cents amounted to au average bf $15
per motor vehicle. Thus If my figures
• re correct. and 1 have gone to tonatd-
erevble trouble to verify then[. the coun-
ty of Huron, pays bra uutowobile and
eomwerctal vehicle licenses the sum of
$110,000, and in gas tax $150,000, a
total of $200,000.
"At the same time it receives hack
from the Government iu county aud
township grant a little over $150,000.
The county of Huron eauuot afford to
wake it present of $100,000 to the Pro-
vincial treasury for carrying on their
various activities, and this is in midi -
Hon to the twenty per cent. paid on
the R'rovincial ldghways. In this con-
nection I would ray that if the Gee-
erument laid any attention to the var-
ious traffic (-misuses that have beeu
taken from time to time ten per i•eut.
of the,,prrst would be sufficient. These
are suggestions and facts that can be
elaborated when the amendment hill Is
lot real used..
Old Age Pensions
"Now. Mr. Speaker. the other point 1
wish to deal with 1s the matter of
old age pensions. Some anoendwetits are
forecast. but no indication that the
county will be relieved of Its twenty
per Beat. contribution. On the flour
of the House hist year it was said that
tial thlu and no anemia of ell-, the aid given to Inmates of ronnty
K Y•credit is gaud enough for the Govern- homes would nearly ,nunterbalauce
quem would change their attitude. I molt it is good enough fur all' other the twenty per tent. cost to the couu-
-'Neither has the hbuorable member I, purposes. The
whole rural pap spite's' ty, aud again 1 must refer to county
for West York, wbofalways discreditedis wrung. What we want is reduced figures to prove the error of that
the O.T.A. anti at all times made lite !potter rates to urban centres fr statement.
miserable for the Drury Government•; which rural lines are run. "in Huron County Home forty lie
chance of lutlutneing the 'get turs Solstice Pisces mattes rete it • n plru%ion. If It is u full
ate reform? The swrwy', blustery weather which b North Huron. Asa matter of fact.- • Jost to to
• • • Canadians ex rten•e during}'ebru 1 y pr "We aunt our outlying towns and pension the contribution from the
Pe Mr. S Speaker. In ever ll where the cll4gr, built up by receiving the twttx• Province wadi 1'e' $t2 each, n; >J=�W►•
Now that there is a lad) member ary and March L+ children.
sly bard on honorable msttutrer spoke and worked l ! rate as charged to the great lnduetrlal while at the seine time the• twenty
will it be gaLLaut to advocate the
babies and )tills chlldreu. Condbtlous bad au increased majority. The Infer-
f tis mother to 1 I centres. It Is ours by all that la fair per cent. levy made on the county for
make It necessary or
e elite is plain and I hop the e eIslt ,
abolition of the Senate? keep them cuufined W the house, I riff Just and when we get that rural the 400 t>'•ustoners amounts to near y
• .• •
A "nuisance tax" that should be
abolished is the Feral 'Meuse fee
levied ou radio users. It is difficult
to cullect and cannot produce any great
amount of revenue.
• • •
The Guelph police commission does
net regard lightly the use of fire-
arms by pollee officers. A constable
who fired two shots In the air while
pursuing an escaping man was dis-
missed from the form.
n pealed.
with us, and so far the Government has
given no indication of giving these con-
ditlonw any serious consideration, fall-
ing to realise that the proepe uI the
comfort of the outlying parts
l to the country as
a wholPrevitee Likeemmysw uorble friend, Mr.
Nixon, the lewder of the Progressive's.
I know and realise most of your good
legislatluu haw been and will be token
from the tiptrositloI, yet 1f by that
methal we tau Improve conditions we
wilt be content to retusin in opposi-
tion for a abort period, and work for
the good of our constituents."
w'lll • ore.' indlttgly decrease. $14000, besides the cost of the lova'.
t. whose rooms may be over -heated or "*jr. S,leuker. in euutiuuing the de• rates
lad-' ventilated. The little tines bate. do so with the h that stinal to
Better we had u dozen cities of 50.000 pension board. The only method by
OOPS c that teal be raised Is dln+ct
cornea racket! r Iano ug u well a a a gr p u w*I get alp the pleat. taxation. In our ease it will require an I
box of Baby's Own Tablets should be "I contend, Mr. Speaker. that the
tion of the contemplated legislation is
kept in the home and an occasional the result of Intelligent criticism and I hydro rates charged outlying towns
'doge given the baby to keep him fit, have done more than) au illina else to
suggestion d u gupathr lust of the Opel deplete the population of the serious
or If a told suddenly grips 61w to re -position Burin at sessions, lu fret,
.store m health the Government tarn -, already ,. i ntlrs.
him in good condition tilt the brighter,Rates in my riding In the claim,.
nuanced increased grants to towi'ratthlp
councils to aid of road building. yet
Baby's Own Tablets are just what in the seuskru of 1N'30, Inc Gorern-
caul cold and their whole system be -
constructive nstructive crlticlaw many a offered.; Irlpulrtlon than a couple of fit„ , w. which t
'@ guard against Oils a wi full that large r par
. Warning to Fanners
(Saskatoon Star -Phoenix I
The American formers bare been
fooled tutu accepting "protection"
against imported grate, meat, vege-
tables, fruit and dairy products.
Thla debars thou from objtctlugt to
high duties ou manufactured articles.
Theoretically, the farm industry of
the United States share, the bene-
fits of protection with all the other
economic Interests. In practice the
American farmer is the goat. receiv-
ing none of the iieneflts and suffering
all the disadvantages of an unreason-
able pathnlel fiscal policy. 'I'he Canad-
ian farmer should take cane not to get
into that irosition. Nothing
give greater satisfaction to the
Protected manufacturers of Ontario
uud Quebec than the appearance of
Western farmers before the 'tariff
board, not a* objectors to high tar-
iff. but as supplfttuts for a 'hare of
the loot.'
• • •
Reprereotativas of Newtovndlnnd
are in Ottawa talking over trade
matter* with the King tloverumeat.
Canada would welcome arrangements
which would bring the ancient erolony 1
into closer ,'Homerclal relations with
this Dominion.
• • •
Or111Ia. which as a snwmer resort
has spent a good deal of money in
exterminating the mosquitoes which
formerly lnfeeted the district. is all
tutted over the recent discovery of
hl toh lth again and keep 1 1 dy at
warmer days came along again.
towns a
$71: Brussels. $5.'4; lily[h. ftp•.. Toronto
the mother Deeds for her little ones.- went defeated a mate by it eemblued par., $2s. londou 826, Hamlltun $:•S-
re: Goderlch, $43: N'iugltuw.
They are n mild hut thorough Iaxa•I Opposition which would have aecum with depopulation in Huron comity
Live which regulate the bowels. sweet- i pl 1 taw to the lust five eynari.
pllsIn that pec purpose. -Surely the inference is fair.
en the stomach: break up colds and: • In the speech from the 'Throne. �� Oratarie Overtaxed
simple fevers; banish comstipatlm and
make the cutting of teeth easy. The
are sold by medicine
ur by mall at 25c a box from The D
Williams' Medicine Co., Itruckt I:N•,
Ont. -- —
changes are forecast along educational
lines. More aid to rural hydro users
Spring at the Coats
(Vancouver Star
A fortnight ago winter held Van•
ionver In what the )mine reporter
would call its icy gripe --rhe sort of
winter that occurs only at intervals
of years. t}br Continuity •u.I severity
It was the worst that has been kuow•D
In a long time. It lasted a whole three
•e•rlos and the thermometer would go
one of the little insert• in the town, down to fiftee'u or mixteen above. and
while the temperature was away semettmes even haver than that. es. -
down around aero. But W not evenerButiglttls over. spring is hp the air.
the wee muWnitu entitled to n chew! Mild breezes have brought rain from
season'.' the 'Pacific and already the ground
is sok and We awateur gardener is
getting out his tools and looking over
the seed catalogues. Now, atter the
rain, tbe sun shlues, and one In-
stinctively begins to luuk for the
first Shimmer of green ou t!:,• trees.
1t Is a little ho early yet for that, ler-
hale. but the children are already
bringing in the piety -willows and cat-
kin.. There will be mime coldish, wet
An interesting announcement from
Ottawa 1s that of the appointment of
Krw. Norwell Wlleron of Ottawa as
the first wowoti member of the Senate.
Mrs. Wilson Is a daughter of the late
Senator Robert MacKay of Montreal
and her husband was formerly a wenn-
{ of Commons. rev.- days,t course, between nuw.and Last-
antuldtalitie;' ri
more Itetoerwtr grants to
In meeting highway cost*, and newer -1
oil, atnendaneuts to the existing stat -1
ute.t are promised, which will reecho,,
attention when presented.
"Although not acquainted with the
eruct nature of the changes, it surely ,
is fair to anticipate they will be along 1
the line of pre-election speeches.
Mr. Ferguson's Edueatbaal Gymnasts
"In the matter of education. the
Minister of Education told his audience
In London in the early summer that It 1
watt promised to take up two years of I
high seh,*,t work In rural schools, but I
when the election gut hot that was
modified, nud we were told that It
would to optional, and the Minister be -
Cattle very paternal bra hit anxiety to
keep the boys cud girls at home to
order to keep them away from the
temptations of the urban centres. But
bow will It work out In acttrsl fact?
One of the thing* we were tupptwd to
avoid by the township 'Khoo( board was
the Inequality in township school rates,:
yet by the new suggestion that rltua-
[fou will be amee.tuntecl. Thus: a sec-
tion with a big assessment can under-
tertake the fifth class work with the l
help of lucrensed grants from the
her u[ the 1 utn*e (-oar o Government as forecast, while a weak
melting the county of Burwell. She er. but winter le definitely .s'•st --the section w01 never attempt it, as the
hrrsell Ass lakru an active part in
boys have 1'egtttt to play football in burden, 1. already too great. Imagine
the grounds of the Central Sehol. it you can the luequallty of service
political work, especially iu euuueo- just across rhe street from this office. and consequent discontent in the dif-
tion with the organization of Liberal - ferent wetious of the township. 'Phis
The Cat's Purr can M. better understunil when we
women. realize thut assessments vary In • the
• • ( New York World 1 wmr murk Ip►ality from $w►,Iv►ta, to
(',wsdittens in Australia ore compered How does a cat purr? Tile• whole $2501KN►, std 1 Rord many of rho
unfavorably with those in Canad.t but Performance, we meet confess, 1s a weaker sten-Lon-4 are the newer sec
the following fatngnph from The cumylete mystery to us. }'tie u IoDR (Ions which. 1u 'view of deloIu'atisao.
1 Irmo we thought It was atanddateel should Possibly- never have tnru
Sydney Bulletin: • with the beast's breath and was shool,1.
For years 1•attadtt'sI cxporta have cauanl by a pnrsage of air r partrough of the • Rust PrivlleRes for All
largely rveedad if. 1111 arts, tar It bras :tome peculiarly formal ► :I schools in a municipality should
had a IttlnDee with which to meet It. respir.etory tenet. in inch Ile same lt:ove equal tnxa(Ibn, mid the s 11.010
Interest and other liabilities nbrond. way as :t -lore is r:ul-cd by the pas- 'Vial MuThe n age changes
Privileges.V 1
t Australia. 1r the baler baud, cells sage of air over the human ns'o1+i. But are not in accord with changed cuu.ib-
much les- abroad than it buys, and cutely' ae have had tut aetwol cut (flare, nu) snore than was the township
that It 1
astiron the thin or.' of flha1rlel des- urine observation and tuna school board hilt. While w,• are on this
pair. As a result, more or lows direct, the tiffs i►yp'thesls is all wrung. if bieath Lrtthje• t. re ear to take seriously the
Oanadian Mtnl•ter of Finance has a 111141 ansthtng to do with It. nt le:tat-In' scants of the ylluleter of Education
reliable nitwit's. mad when (fie debris
.t war had been mostly cleared away
he began. In iirala to re•due.. the public
,lett. Auvtrnlitt has the difirit habit
badly, and has been Increasing its
foreign debt at a pace which makes u
catastrophe seem imminent.
• • •
Some enterprising newspaper man
tit 1►ttasv.t should be "In" ut•the
fin.[ meeting between Miss Agues
\Isephai1 and the iluu. ours. W11w11.
Will the lady Senator cut the lady
M. P. because the latter Is. "only a
commoner?" Or will Miss Mnelihntl
turn np her nose at the Indy Senator,
t)0calime 411e 1 Mi-. :dart dui iI ens
'ehrted, oldie Iles. Wilson is only all
appointee? Or will the lady tienntur
bast of her eight Children, while Mlay
MI* pltall prs•Inlm. her sworn of the
married• estate? Or will they argue
the relative merits of Liberal and
1•. W. 0. polhh•s? Or will they. lie -
Ing women, f fly etnbrue and com-
pel+ Motes on how• they Inst it over
the men? At any rete. there's mater-
ial for a good story 1n that tint prat of 1'r'' ii int Ii_ •wnys. AgIIIi.
meting. Mr. Robert "'c -' '•' '''rat the ttenlr
• • • per cent. 1 •. y on 1 c "may for old
In the United States Senate a Com- •ge pensions moonlit- to [nearly
$14,0(M) )""1). while El"'amount pa)
'dilation of iMmuernts and low-turl[f able to all the iumntee of the Huron
County Home who are eligible for
the tea) we had suppo.e.l. the purr
should etup and go, PIM :14 a fiddler's
tone stops and goes when be conies to
the end of his bow. But It doesn't. it
keeps right on goleg, and while It 1s
,wraodoually sulejw•t to rhythmic ac-
cents. It doesn't stole --unless, of
cuI1rac, been pull the cat's tail ur In
WOW other way snit him in a hnuwor
that It stint. altogether. The only e•x•
planation we are nide to (bilk of is said of mr 1 would suggest that tPt Lire
that be has n re•culsil,g mechanism In- Tasking any drastic change in our
side of him thus k, 1» 1l,n1 ser d sc•Mol Iowa 11 thorough snrs•ey of the
cud mould. It 1- obvious 11111 a great
whelp situation be made. areal fie bine
scientific puzzle exists herr. null.„
somebody should elenr it op.
C. A. Robertsons Speech ►
({p udon Advertiser)
The Ontario li,ternwent cannot
complain of n want of definiteness In
the criticisms offered by lir. C. A.
Robertson. the Liberalattrmher (tip-
tirNorth Huron. Take the matter of the
revenue extracted from motorists. II•
has made a careful calculation. and
estimates that the county of Huron
pay's n total of $2(i0.000 In sur taxes
and motor ear !i eases. 'rut It gets
back from tin -finial iitreasury t
Ilttleoverover1 it in
contributes to •rat s ler cent. of the
ed on by the Government In which creased school taxes are vital questions 1
additional 4 1u mills to meet the cost.
This could eery well hat ! eau met
by the Government mut tit its liquor
teveune, the proceeds of which, we
were told at one Uwe. were to be de-
voted to just such purposes.
"Now. Mr. Chairman. I am nearly
Hard Wiled
A 6060,41 haired waitress very much
out or sorts sailed haughtily to the
table at which sat a grouchy custom -
snatched a napkin from the pile and
er. She 'slammed down the cutlery,
fussed 11 III(runt of him. then strik-
ing a furious pose snapvc'. "What 'ch
"t ''ii le of eggs. growled the
'.How 'pi a vet 'eat,"
'.Just like you are.'• -Exchange.
through. Much more might be said.
bat I have endeavored to keep to sub -1
tecta with which I am famlllar, and 11
have tried to be fair and constructivel
In my crlttdivmus
, but 1 mutt repeat that
countydepopulation, rising taxes. lack
dro 1s not the only activity err- of a fair deal In hydro matters, and 0-,
Mn (:
. Fra- all of Neustadt, Ontario,
had Asthma 10 years and fur 2 years
had Wait up at night. She writes in
part: "1 couldn't rest promrly, couldn't
Glee pp couldn't work. Than I learned
of R.AZ MAII For 6 or 7 years now
haven't had a trate of Asthma
may have your money back if $1 worth
of RAZ -MAIL doesn't bring YOU relief.
No harmful drugs. 50c and 81 boss
at your dealer's. 1M
Co rum w'
and buy Tewaplet s
1 T1 ter
When the Nerves
play out
It is common to be titled after
the day's work but you test and
sleep and are ready with new energy
and vigor for another day's effort.
But when the night's sleep fails to
reit you and you get up feeling tired
and worn-out and face with dread
the new day, it is time to take stock
of your health.
Either ea the result of the esees-
hive expenditure of nervous energy
or because of worry or wasting
disease your nervous system is be-
coming bankrupt. it is high time
to get the building up process
established by the use of Dr. Chase's
Nerve Food.
Dr. Chase's
Nerve Food
The greatest of restoratives for
the blood and nerves.
The Leading Men's Store
Everything that's new
in Men's Wear
Hand Tailoring and
Special Order to Your
• •
Chas. Black
Phone 219 Goderich
where in his report to the Lieutenant -
Governor he says this: The bill to pro-
vide towneh[p millet boards has been
brought before the Legislature on sev-
eral tncastons, and w'111 be again laid
before that body to order that every
phase of opinion for and against may
as- censt+ltal?' '19e Prime Minister
complains of lack of eonstnt.-tive criti-
clam. and In order to avoid that being
Iteptibliraus bus won n aeries of
ti,torlew over the regular Remota h.-
sm., and inv. vuc.rvded not merely- in
ebrkln* the movement for incrensd
....toms duties but. in Meme Instances,
• in lowering tie existing duties. 11
"mild have been n tragic mistake 11
1,0 II/toe/It Government had lett •
^••7aan in the halide of rhe bigh pro-
ts"'ikwdwtw a1 WaahlugtuM by "hitting
pensions world he $2.St*1 H they were
entitled to the toll allowatce•a
These are Interesting figures. and
were not challenged front the Govern
meat side. They clinch Mr itob•rt-
son's argument for the payment by
the Government of pension charges
now levied against the teunlcllat1110''.
and for the return to hem of more
of the money taken rom them 1n
I'ruvinelsl taxes
Ufe—like good golf—is made
up of many little things each
one of which helps the score.
Better digestion—steadier
nerves—clearer twain, we all
factors that count and are
gained from the
use of Wrigley's.
e•r.r .weal
....�PEQ R
9 r
You Get Them ALL
in the New
Rogers -Majestic Model 591
Lowboy of figured woods with panel
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$188 to $358
Complete with Tubes and Dynamic Speaker
To buy a Rogers -Majestic is to take advantage of
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See, hear and compare it to -day and you, too,
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$275. COMpLE1 .
Rogers -Majestic Model 597
Highboy Jacobean period cabinet of
American walnut. Doors of matched
butt walnut, overlays of genuine
Australian lacewoad on centre panel
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the walnut knobs. New Coloture-
Dynamic Speaker. Super -selectivity.
L Zinn and H. Sturdy, Salesmen at Goderich.
ERNEST FITT, Salesman at Wingham