HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1930-2-20, Page 1V
is the life of business. It business is good,
advertising will make it better. If it is
poor, advertising will sitmulate it. Al-
most invariably the merchant princes.
have found their way to succeoe through
EI,:11'1'\ '1'lititl, Y'F:.\It. Not K
Renewal Time
Renewal subscriptions to. The Signal
are costing in fast, and the 1930 ealen-
dars are going out fast. • As the supply
of calendars is bruited, we would ask
hose who desire One to send in their
tenewal promptly.
THE S1(1
NAi. I'iII\'1'INc; t'4). i.1MITR1), Putollahera.
Standing of Students as Result
of Series of Term
The following Is the standing of the
students in the second series of ex-
aminations of the year 1920-1930.
eWfug Juuuary 31, 1930. Individual re-
port.. have been scut heft„ fur perusal
and o„ututent by the pareuts.
The lass attending lu each subject
l lower School is 53 per cent., and,
if a .tndent falls In three subjects,
promotion wili not he grunted, hub
ll,• stu.kit will be permitted to.take
. suchsubjects of the higher form as
tie Nps. -table will allow. The figures
la brackets after 111•11e amines ludicaty
the uuuAer of luefers failed in. -
Claw Average 00.5%
1. Honors :-
Margaret Elliott (1)
11. 11 llllll rs
Noun IlaeLe d
Erie Quaid (21...
Auuir Liufleid (11
Iternhi' Moore 13) 67.7
111. lluuurs :•
Loris Kittou (4)
Robert Mahlon (3) 113.4
Jack \'ideau (41
Marjorie Prouse (1)
Credits: -
Jessie Mackay (4)
Jrin Morgan (5)
Marion Lamprey (6)
Ian Mackay (4)
-Jame! Murphy 13) ..•
f/k•low 55%: -
Wilda Rutledge 15)
Rand, Henderson (7)
�i rlyn Sow,-rby (10)
Olive Wtwtbrouke (8)'
Absent Fran most of
Phyllis' de 1'eudry
Greta `steels
Class Average 005 4
1. I luuors :- -
Helen Bisset
Alma Sallow,
Jean Whitely
Johu i'arsros
II. honors :-
Marion Snell (2) • • . Albert flown flown (2)
Myrtle Young
Kathleen Whiteley (1)
Druest Crawford (1)
Mary Bisset
111. Hoaors , -
Ileleln Whitely 11)
Mildred Sallow' (1)
)Herbert Greene (1) -
Victor Robertson (2)
Aieta Burke 12)
'red l t s :-
Elaine Burrows (4)
Hilda (Finnigan (3)
Keith Saunders 111
Betty Jeutier 12)
Madeline Geronelte 13)
s Charles Mitchell 14)
James Nafte! 13)
1)un& Young (4)
1w 35%: -
Conn Y g (3)
Earle Cartwright 131
Ida White (41
Mona Harrison 10)
Jessie Matblesoa (4)
Keith Young (6)
Verna Barbour (5)
Margery Lumby (5)
Below 40%: -
Max well
Macwell Cormier I1. Honors: -
71.4 I'rouse ' William harrow 71.1+
Mae Ryan •. Margaret Mason (1) 7t'.i
Present for only three ex amu.:- IAwglns Feagnii - 72.1
Herbert Graham 11) �•'I Ruby Erriiu ion
FORM 1. C. John M,•Meten 7(►.
flus. Average 61.4% Joh", Himont (1I' (;:s•
11. Honors:- Ruth 4'nrtven a21 ,..6•.
Howard Wilkins (1) 747 Margaret Furter (1) It7.4
Jean Ma. lounld I1 r 7(5 Mary )k Ki (2) 66.
Bert Me-e'reaU, (1) 7a.7 111. IIo .
Albert \\'ebb (1) 73" I:hc:a Itte.hlir 12)
rr"ut,oil4. 'Tyndall 70.6 Effie ,Jewell (2)
Raymond 1)e,1u (I)' ?11.5 I wet hut McCrea (2)
Ray i.,Iwrrrna• (1) ('redlt.:- ..
Fillies... Thomson 70.3' 1"girl Me\\'hinuey (41
I11. llonetw:- ltllpl Walters (3)
Audrey Wieland (1) 69.1 Janie. ttheardow•n 121
Mlid•rrd Mullan (2) 63.61 Below 55 :-
ArMa O'Brien (1) 051.4 Samuel Walter (3)
Philip Tarter (1) 1i5.4 Rummel I'frin,nrer (3)
Rut11 Murney (2) . ( •21'famea Redditt (3)
Marjorie Maude (2) ({4.4I Arthur 'Freemen (4)
David Tobin (3) (14.1 ! Earl Mero (6) '
Pity 711, Lawrence (1) Ik4.R Manion iInlnles 10)
Eleanor Tyndall (1) w•••I'hlhuor, Bisset (7) -►1.:5
Herbert l'nlmet .- (IA•5 9tn(1RM I11. B.
Cora Dickson 42) (12.5 !'lax+ Average 103,3%
Margaret Sandy (3) .02.2 I. Honors: -
Laht !'ruff (31 ....1 °•3 Elalte Bamford •1.::
Credit.:- Aitken Litt K(•
Adwanl Jeffrey (4) r,R•R i Esther Mellwain (1) ill.
Phyllis Cooper (5) 38.61 Alex. MacVicur • 75.
Fred Ross 121 57.7 11. ilonoi :-
1 Meclhnrild (1) ri7.4 Y via Salkeld
Spiritual Truths More Important 'l'haa,
Literal Interpretation
"How moult of the Bible must a
Christian believe?" was the problem
before the young people of North
street Putted church last M lay'
evening. The discussion was led by
Mr. Albert Lott, B.A., of Brussels.
Soule manta brought 'out were as
follow-,;: Although the church is no
longer so doguwtic as formerly re-
garding the personal belief, of its
members, yet in order to preserve any
Idetitiry' r-ertutu fundaMental tenets.
are ue•eestury. The Bible k the record
of I:,NJ's progressive revelation of
Himself to men. The centre and climax
of this divine revtlatiou ' 1s( .,Jesus
('hri't. The accounts of crea11 n niid
of the origin of mankind as given i1)
1 1'tll+i.
Heed nut be aeceyuevl• Itterally,
yet they contain • trio fundamental
truth that the Universe owes Its ex•
knew, to to supernatural. omnipotent
Ikd11g:awl roan hlwsclf hears a spir-
itual likeness to his Creator. 'Chen -
therefore no quarrel ts'tweeu the
70.7 Bible and science., The story of Jonah
i, an allegory. It 14 1114 necessarily
09,3 imp„.+ible. shute God is a factor In Jt:
00._4' but ("ireful study Of all 1114' circuai-
07.9 .dances lends away from the literal
interpretation. 1'ht purpose of Jonah
Is to 111u -trate 1st x.-l's'mission Io the
surrounding heathen nation. after the
ua{nicity, and her reluctlaar to enter
upon Udo mission. The purpose of tie!
more liberal attitude Is not to under.
mite or dir{nrage• the truths of the
BIIde•, but rather -10 „sten„• these by
emplu.izlog their deep spiritual ire
50.91 A' plan, fair the utmost tolerance to
50.7 ward the view'. if others was made.
These 1"•1111- must be mut, becau:e
52.4 they are w often raised; yi•t after all
31.6 It Is the splrltanil teaching of the
48.:t Bible that is most stgtdfkant, and
42,7 upon the most Christian. are agreed.
Several of the young people joined
In the dis,utssion, which was directed
very capably. In addition to bolding
cis Arts degree from Queen's Univer-
sity. Mr. Lott is in final year theolo-
gy with Emmanuel College and
87, 11op•s to enter 114' Christian ministry.
83.1 Iiia ac-cl,mpl(shmeut and ambition are
82.2 particularly ,'ourtnendable, .ince Mr.
771 Lwott'tabors uuder a very' serious
bandit ap.
74. At the close of the d4acusslon, the
72.3 point was raised that young folk of to;
72.2 clay have been 4 -barged with being
09,4 less spiritual fundamentally than we,
68.3 the ease tt,trty years agar. After some
67.5 exchaut,• of opinions, It was suggested
that this be made the subject of a de -
fano which will probably take plate
in the near future. The topic promise.
tee IN• a live one.
The meeting ea. I1) charge of Miss
61.9 Thelma Cher.
507 Harry Cool (2.
'i0'' Ruth Caldeell (3)
Below 55%.: -
Marjorie ieter (3) 54
Re•g. 1'a-tle 131 's3.4
Ruth Worsen (5) r 50.9
!Ray I)re-nan (3) 444
Motel Edwards (6) 46.
Willie Thomas (5) 4(I.
Class Average 63els
I. Honors: -
Eileen O'ltrien
Stanley Tnylor
I Irene Stoll
Fred Bisset 14 )
Mildred Wilson (4)
Bessie Bere (3)
r,4 5
Verna Edward (1) 57. 1 Howard Y g
Marion Raines (3) Jean Abell 111 "
Kenneth Jerk (2) :w" If,t I.} Taylor 411
Below 55%:- 'Jean PfIee
Myrtle Pfrkomer (3) 54.4 William McWl11mey (2)
Phyllis Morton 141 5.1 4I Alma Howell (1)
Rnrke• Mcleod (31 03.8? Graham McNee (2) -
Y'.•rn ('lark tilt 51.8i 111. Honors :-
i0nllen) MAeKny (5) ,•41151 Naneye Clarke (1)
Margaret Grlffith (71 ...... ...47. i Margaret Sanderson (1)
Donald Croft (0) 44.5. Margaret McLenn (2)
Edna Crawford (1) 30••il (lady. Taylor (2)
*'()RM 11. A.
4 :ate %
Average Edi
1 Honors: -
Madeline Naftel
Donate. Middlet0111
II. Honore:-
Roe F:rrintton ,71 Dina Knight (2) 59.0
III. Honors:- I Fred Fgener (3) 50.41
1n,rethc hornet 121• 'Dorothy Hender.0n (2) 514.2
Cotes ('ultert (2) 32.61 Mny Boyle (3) ` 57.44
Thome. Page (1) 62.15 Wilton!. I'Innte (4) 5(1,5
APIA Fisher (11 62. Below 55%: -
Merlon Porter (2) Ai- ITent-lett,, I)nfld (3)
Jos PrIddle (34 SO 7' llnrray I1elheringron (3)
s'rediba:_- Rnrnadette Boyle (3)
Harry Babb (3) ..., 59.7 Norval Andersen (4)
lle,trlee Catepbell (1) 59.4Hllllnrd Tremblay (4) 46.4
Joan Holter (2) ( RA• (Cnttdnss'd nn page R1
,i5 7
Madeline Athena, (2) Itl•:5
.time+ McNiehen 2) 111.4
1 tl
Chrlane Robertson (1) 1111.2715. ( Pearl Sandy (1)0N).
77. a1.
Meta 1henrdown (2)
Credits: -
The News of the Town
Situation .l/leetel by 1ti11 \1)w lir
lite IsTirlature
.t hearing w1)- given of °spa
•I Ilan on Tuesday in 1111 a, 17011 tak
Arthur Pirtle Play Next Week ; PERSONAL MENTION Have You (.1.l Veer 036.Markerst by Owen Geiger. .4 Henson, ter t
The .\rthnt- Circle 4d Knox ehureh - ( The highway' traffic officers are 1, - unseating of ltobert Higgins. Reeve
will present the play "Tons of Money" tuwlug active and u warulag hast ib'tl.+till• est the ground hint the tat
11r. .I. lhtlton, of \'si,,gh:uu, •lest been given that motorist.: should flitter Is diwpualifi,d- by rea9--
in the lecture norm 1)u Thunday and
11 of the
i1•Idnv event -g- 01 next week yet,. a few days In town last week. Fou us possible. and not Inter than rerilnt of cwoluweute as u member of
runty. 27th sand 24th, lwnwen4.ing at Mr. Donald Gray has returned front the bit of March, proonre their 1930111w Mil age pensions o,board of the
4.15 ,'cldw•k. This is a spirited, witty Florida, where lie spent several weeks..
Miss Mar,. Mat -Vicar hoe returned h,;nrndatlreadanyd lmnurnukrrc(. d 'ie thehre, Ikt-asup; Ieh5aufn(ye.' isMor. t 1:ltgw g1.li((4 ,•co.u.runrtnloguduy,1yuud brilliantly funny farce and there!
bill net 144 a dull Moment, Tiekets:I from a mouth's visit with friends at and motorists 51„1114 k,.,,,, on the w45' of 111„ county,.�,nt
, merely ., cuuunittei•
Adults, :,In .'..t children. :t.5 cent's,' Turouta,. side by getting their new. markers at man. receiving tote for , iuwlttee tueel-
•- Once.
Itis{ iter parents, Mr. and Mrs. Johrr , of the county road' eomwi.,•fou and e
The local curlers hrW several1 ' ' a •C. O. F. Lrdlhre cher committee, of the manly council. i
MI+, )1. R. Mar1'icur 4 11) Ty/route , In 1le•,e•ntler lust a statement was,
games at the \Vest street .rick the: Court Cewlrrilh. \u. ,tL, C;u,ndinlr.
this week 'Metallic; the .pI millhr Issued t.y the Attorney -General of Ou- tri
1Kast week. . hn Monday evening a rink (leder of Fon•-sego held a smtcressful i
skipped by ,los. llrupbey defeated a cry oleuings, „ocher find ,1•ut,'e i1) the Ilel11.•Ilow.': Farb, to the ,effect that in the view of fru
\l4' Ju. �anha, ..t Iktnut to visit lie
ho Winter' �dsa Held Here This
Week 'Before Mr.
Justice Jeffrey
The winter assizes were held In
toelerie•!t this week, before Yr. Jostler
Jeffrey Court opened on Trteeday at-
4-ruaou. There were three civil a•
41)19 on the list nod two erlminal
.ee. Mr. .4. C. Helghlugtuu. of To-
uto.,wu" the Crown prosecutor.
11un:dd 1(I'KI, ioii, of HeretaII. was
1t on the charge r(•thrft of money
n T. C. Joyut, in whose store at
1 ' the Department ......i...rs of pension wall tlw' 11"."'.4 "11s "114° at
rink 'skipped by l'. H. Hutul,rr by, the in(; his parent... Air.- and Mrs. 1'. 11,11 „n Moud)ny ;•cii,lii . There was testi., erre out /II -qualified for rt fir xitil ti year.. Ahrr 4.rllrner had
.e,M 1)t` IK -6. 171- 111.e -up a:,s no fol- \ a large ntrendati •' :out _ a-pl•ndle1 ►
pilo, Newgate street. ltlou. told this tea, s1) rtrm,ntad by -'-
!eat given o1) two counts. nue involy.
lows:time was hid by •all pr+.4'u:.' 1Ru•I 11
Dr. L. M. )I111er Geo. .Yndn,iv, Mr. and Mrs. John l.. Alkcn at l,rVe-p'inners at euchre erre u• fol a promise that, If the seat of any Int; the theft 1)t S1, the nth17 the
T. It. Wallis
Gee.: M -J '1.d traded the funeral of the late William lou.; Lady'. fire. lies. lint M.7 saI : '"'•:11ber-cl,, I wire attacked eon tbi. 11N•ft of 45, McKinnon pleaded guilty
T. Caldwell 114 lieusall last. week.
1. legislation eondd be rnnctef and wit. ono -treed to three Months do
John HUnit r \i,48)18 ,ycl• . Mrs. Russel held has returned from L•ady's e4fir 7 111 kbl(+S : „',.,,t -e•4' the• sifualluu. •Y bill ha since; the rnuuty )nil. No ertdrmr was pro -
G. 1.. L'arsu-s 1. Eastman gentleman's• ,first. D. Brennan: gent,.
Jos. lSrol)b.•4 C. H. Humber Pine River, where -she stent some flus• twos'• ,eon"obniun. Lewy.' ,h.hrtston. "'''•11 int/44114eal in the In•gi-lature f, w•nrMF 1)u the third eenmt: that ac.
(,skip) --]s. Iskipl-0•
at the !mew 1)L her -al, Mr. L. Is. After lunch doming t't.k plate, 1111 t:dielat( Ute position of member., 1)f ''nsal bud taken money 1)t v*.rlous
Reid. mu -I, being: fllrldNIo11( IH' the $,4r 11...moils who are also meluter• of au 'times 11) the Inst two yeses.
Ur. uud Y•4'. McKee Joluntou, of )IeKlnnun'. thefts were def•, tad by
• logien Has Big Night . Iwtrelt, milieu the weekend with 1111. b,,:,:•h „r, 1eltnt, old age pension hoard.
In the prN•eeR11s 111 e)-kr"she Ilan -mean. 11f marked hills used by privet.-
The euchre and ) phi' held In the' isomer parents. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. I 4:. Stanbnry, of Exeter. appeared detectives from "Curonto 11) purx'hasing
l ult'iiIluws' Hall on th4. night ,f St. Bowler. L.
r . J1, '7Hospir l Itirthday • arty, 11111„ for Mr: Geiger and F. t'. S. Evans, of artl•Ip' from MiKhlnon lu .l,ynt''
\ 771-- n s I►ay-d rlday, February
1 Mr. Jas. C. Carrie L at Hamilton this
loro14hn. for Itw•ae Higgins. In vile torp.
14th --under the auspice's of the Can-! week attending a ,elusentlun of Ila, Mizen. vi -i111 Alexandra hn-pial uta „t rhe remedying It- i lxllou before
Several wltne'scs Rase (hnra'•ter
udlau Legion w•4', u sldeudiel sue00/iso ►-ratio Retail Hardware Men -hams • atunlny afternoon to n•Irbralr the g e•tJdrnry 11) behalf of McKinnon.
the hall !Nang crowded. At (arils, lire. ; _tss dation. ' fifth anniversary' ad the opening of the
[1c Legislature the hearing was ad-
sun the 79413 , prir.1. and Mr. Mr.4V. Nt„ckdah•. o{ the 'him" pec+rut h,,•pIGU building. .411.mb4.nc „f )ounawl• slur die t1). await di•{oslldon 1. 11 l)unshne, of London. was de'-
llw.. Mills ,the veutlemnn'. prize. Mr. meld of Public Ill 41441'' ur„m,,, the \\'nmett'x Hospital Auxiliary tern: u(ihe bill. un Un,•- undrrstunding that
Nmr rnutrN•1.
i if the 1dit.d,N•s out lass written argu• King :1.4
+. MacDougall. an artier for
James Green. 1[ 4allekt't, was the
aas in town the past meek and made present to do the honers of phi• nee8.- 'wents will he accepted. the lolnt 11) ls- theft 1f to barrel of elder, w1). ad -
holder of the. lueky ticket (No. 901' a tali. at the office's James Maellear, slue. 'Pile• bolter- weer Mrs.
, sit. ls•iug 1h•nrly dherb ,e I by In(flit v• 1„nrnel fu the russet nnrt-of r1) nf}Mtent
:old yeas awarded, the large box oto local issuer of motor vehicle licen-e" Mrs. C,. Milllams 11114! Mrs. B. J.
chocolates. The must„ for dewing was and drivers' permits. vaults. and Mr..•Dudley Holmes and It- filet. _
Suit for $27.006
Sask., was a visitor at the home of of the visitor. 'brought gifts to honor Newe. Ladder Truck .lrricvs Au nnu+nil rasp on the civil 1Sst
G.C.i. Hockey Team at Seafotth Mn R. Henderun the lost week. Mrs. • of 111, uccaslon, uud these were re-
The -ea motor Iad,k•r stink lose- tea- that of 1 bn nen re. Public Iltll-
'1'he Gosierirh Collegiate Institute' Snyder was called home on aM'mmt (*iced ley Mrs. J. Johnston in Ishulf chased be the town consult from the isles Commktanp of (7D1ton. One der
tarn„ Fire Engine CO. of o Mitchell in July- last while Stinson Mellve'n,
hockey team played a friendly game, of the death of her mother. Mrs. w. 11. of the h, pl. wens dellve•n"I 1.0 1loudny utft4'nteon. 111 eight-year-old troy, wlttt other
with the Seafurth collegiate team at Lobb, of _e ieb township. GreNitrtp /stn Waffar(I arriving shortly before 5 4',lnek by eliildren was playing around the
Seefortb last Saturday afternoon, the' . - - - any f the Prov hoist! highs/1y. Tial hydro ...etiolation let Clinton. he rime
score resulting in a tie, 2-2. The terms ne of
in N'eatlrr TIN \Vetfurd Gnlde-At 11118' gfcr" fire alarm weer rune to bring ono the In cnut+u t testi „ high tension wire
were as follows: After one of the coldest {aerials of; alines the entire front page .1 Its brigud1 111111 the n,•w truck w'a. ler- 111.1 'A. burned .0 badly that it was
Guderkh--Goal, J. Rbeardowe. ; de• the winter the Weather Ions .aiddenly I last week's issue to well written g((111 'inmost the Square in condemn) tN,r..arc to amputate hl• Mfr arm
truce. It. etaklart', w. Neweinisbe: become quite springlike, there being; hockey news anti comment. The Lamb• with the motor pimping •naloe..4. test and left MR. in addition the young
centre. V. Elliott; wage. T. Plaut, R• a difference of over fifty degrees In IlI fou t4'yu certainly lull the (( hes key of rhe ladder" vol- made and Its new lad lost the use of the fluter
Newcombe; subs., A. Colborne, Ian temperature between the dew p.11dbfever Illi. sinter. :11)11 the team Ina. {deer of equipment aa1. the .*tiler of 1' Id. right (land. The boy'a father,
W 0 ll,liveen, 51141 for 325.000 bre
(shalt ,,f the out and for 42.000 for
hhu'•Ir for expenses and for. extra
•:u,• :1),d attention made neesaary
by the Injury to his von. in defence
it was contended that there was n0
and Mrs It �t1,u,•hou-e eel, the lith of ne•encete• on the port of the Utilities
R a nnmth r romp et ....14-4.1116.14.„onnd•"tun and fist the boy was 8
e , e nbirthdaynong, a tre.pa-.er. W. L. Stewart (Toronto)
Mlnits he s n bit odder than he was woos 'omesel for plaintiff rind F. J.
army yen r. ago, ,e - a• alert I',ys - 11nth4. 4Tnronto4 for 4efendnnf.
rally and o- keen m,•ntnll> as 111400 ,l,nlgmrut wax rewen•al.
MIPs A decade or tut.. y,•ong,:r. Mr. King c. Atnent gull un Aelhon 111 IM-
lvernment to
lip ,\meat of
•llltmai was
. The tux,
bre• In the
k C. Ament,
White, who
me•1" and
roved their
t 1'R,Illp
Mrs. 11 l' Reid. of Detroit. is vire' ' int. i11 the same way. x. :he members t
Cmirrs Are at 1t i . Platt.
furnished- by the Drivel- orchestra. Mr.. Norman 'nyder. or 1(8116x„11.' Mr-. 1i. 4'. Dunlop serve! tea. Many
McKay. B. Barrow. Sunday morning and the hi;d1 palet -the embus-las/le support of the people notch interest.
Seat...rib - Goal, Habkirk : defence, on Wed•neselay. Maximum and nitni- `of the district. One of The Gnhda-AIH
('left, Trot : celery, Itaney ; wings,
mum temperature reading. for the Tootle paragraph. is Ur follow.: Righty Years Young
I'arke, Cardinal. plant week, ail registered by the vf-. "Goilerleh team preyed 111 be about Mr nal Mr -..1 \ Campbell, of West -
Referee= ---Gordon Muir, of Seaforth. Hein! observer. were es follows: the finest bunch 1f boy. the 1,,•111 fk•id. 111• "p.'t ti ,g r f.•,. we.•k1 In 1nwn
)fax, min. team 1111+ 11111 this year. They played with their tem In law :std 1,411thter. 1fr.
Thursday. February 13th ...38 21 n fast , loon game o1) their own Ice,.
Friday, February 114Is .( 214 .13 and teak their defeat here ,u the
Mk N ' I
Saturday. February 15th .,.IS 2 'aglow ice with trite sp''rt'.amnxhtl)• het IQIti tl \Ith 1 1
S lay. February 16th ..,.11 •2 wishing 4'.9(1ord hof. Pre'ry 51N•e" I
Monday. February 17th ....29 4 In the next 1.1111.1. .1 g:1me-. Here.'s
t I i 1 i
'Tuesday. February 114th ...38 24 . bolting we to et again 11x1 year.
4Vcdnesilny, February 19t1 .-.:A 341 ' (:liI,'rch."
A• In the least. the Chapter has a+- •Below zero. -------- Campbell .1. s former Reeve of the half of the Felernl G•
PI•u11 In elurNtf 1, l,atrlmic and •--- Walkerton 1a Going I'p township . f F:,, -r w':''c:no-h and an cull ,i sale. Int from Phi
hn"pltnl work and tea. she to add re-HortirulturAl 74i'4-1 Premiums The situation 1, the Ontario Hockey ,•x -Warden of the co ...y "1 limon. Brna.el.. The amnmlt e
lief work to its activities tlds year. .4t a recent meeting of the director •Y.•oclutfun bits reached An interva t _ __ __ _ ._� $1312.12 and 448144) 41p.1
The oMleers elected for the coming of the Goderieb Horticultural Sudety.' hall sago. a- the testing. In It"' The dog which attacker Mn rhea. 11 alt., allfryled. was pays
year are: lteQenL Mr.. Reldltt; tat the following list of premiums was de• running are now preparing for the linnet two weeks axe 11as' INe11 de.- find place by WIHlam
vie-rettont. Mrs. Dunlop: tad vice- eIded' ori:
send -finals In the intermediate well rnye1��No signs orf dheylw• dec.•lo{N11, 8otr .lrornf and Clareenor
only four u4am" are left 11) the race op•ratel a factory 1)t Brit
ret4'nt. )1 n. H. J. A. 1dacF:wan : stet Sprine premium • t cos(• bush- S p i M. Robin.' mldwluter clearing who, If was alleged. tram fP
retary. 1 latent for the „ham Innshf r title. They are,
e., twelve tN•R,ntA., • twelve ramal Walkerton. Bradford. 1'nrl- and Jore!
gladiolus. four drlphinlnms, sone ler- sire 14rmmene•Int Stoorday' of this 'reverty Ru the dereuta
1)r r. ennlnls, two regale Idles; till prem- an. The. Watford team. who defeated w,ek, utter• many un.nuv-+na'ino cep. ,foment.
Yrs. Field, lam tun paper white narcissus, t I C I It fl I Iwo k 1N.rtnnith gee adtrrllw•mrnt en Thin ra.e tees adjourned
Annual Media; of Alta+eek Chapter
The twenty-ninth animal meeting of
the Abmeek Chapter. I. O. D. E., was
held at the mettle library on Monday
afternoon. February 17. There Was a
large atten(lanee and favorable re-
ports of the year's work were given.
y 114-s F. Buchanan: ass
w-crltary, Mrs. W. J. ,MrNevin; treas-
urer. 1Ir'. A. J. MacKay: c,vuncillors.
e Mrs. Cornell'. Mrs. Brown. ' w1, res 4'r , h in the t*t room a. ere .
Mr. N0114'. Mrs. (:allow, )ire". t-nikeld. hyacinths, ten single early Mills. were ellm11uted til+ week by \lnik-) pxlge :...f phi- i --nee. next non•jary• Millar.
Mrs. Williams. Mrs. Herald, Mr+.
Members are to receive a choice of erten. \\'adk4.rton sun both g:nn4'+,
taking the tensed by n !►) .rent.•. La.' seas ( arson et al. v. Benrl was an notion
Robs. John+ton, Mrs, W. Naftel. one spring and ore fall premium.CHURCH NOTES to rerncer plr/ASlw.slnn of .ertain Innds
night the Brine candy team were•
Y flower show eemmlttee "was til/e- NmNer.-til 111 4.11unhwtinc the Itoylnl 1n the Oesrilan is r. Plaintiff"
Maitland Lodge Entertains pointed with power t.. hold d16,I1tYs ---
claimed that to 1927 they entered
la -t Friday night 144 \'al.mtfue;aM)Iltnn 1'o1PRp teAnl. of Kiu¢5ton, to 1.f•ut. .leen Ncmple. of the Loudon
1)t Any sensible time. The date of the Into no arrangement with the .late
hay1 Mititland Lodge, No. :CI. .\. F'. al 141111141a1 show was set for August 14)1'11„ T4.rilto uteri In n -redden-duntln;a111• 1,f the Salvation .Yrn,y, hn" be•ui Fra p,, r. S. Beard ret Detro
giic for
A. 31.. held its amoral ret -home in the
game. The eel to ,+ •5 -ie Tle 1:„df•rhrh' appoheed L, n."15t 1'a`►dnlu Pearl
and 15th. the par,hnw• of the lands In gosttnn•
Ya -only Temple. 'This
pro:ed to bee' 4rrnngrmint- urc being completed 14'''k'. e•nthnsit"t" wish WitIkerton itf Ierl,' in the Yrmy'. work In from which It ten. Intender to take
ore of the most pleasant and popular for a canvas. of the town for members. the hest "(leek in their attempt for G4w'714'a .
F gravel for sale at Detroit. and that
event. of the season. there being a the O. H. .4. intermcdinte cbam{don• The annual hiss„ rueitting of the
.ship title. 4n11grd•k'atluu of North street l'u11e1 offer fir death „f rhe weld iMArt his
very large ntteudnuce of local 11n5or, OBITUARY church was hetet Wednesday evening sin. Frekrlrk H. Ban rd. nq.re.enHnR
to. brethren and their tam111e-4 net well Monday'. Hi,'kslba!! Game% of this week. .4 report of the meeting 111. father's m,'ot., r•fn.r4 to pars
as 11 number from Morning 'I'u-o more gime- of ba.ketball were, will los given next week. out the 1.i nement..Fred W. Doty of
Lodge. The master of the lodge. Mr.•.14 111N W. TE(/ Toronto la one of the pinintlff1. la R.
l'. )I. Robertson. \V.M.. Dr"ideh fort There psn5-eel away In G„d4.ricll on played at the.,I:, r'. 1. gymnasium 111' Tho t.'et at the Meu'• Club of 3. S:i1 I+ Mansel for pinintlff., and
the first )err of OD ecenfng'- ,enter• , Monday ulvhf. rhe rinlet. being he North street Lulled .': '1. 1.0 Sunday m;,le and frit+. Lame f\Vhudanrl
hainulrnL 1 witch took place In the! 1Vcdof••,dac. Fel:rnnry bah, n highly ra'een the ¢irlS' and IN)); teams of mnruheg next will be: ••far.un5 fr11tn''1'
e.tetnel re l,lc, t h, the Is•r-'on . 4•,f thi' Seafnrth and d:r"h•rlcl sehrols, t.l„ i 1.11'4' of }:It's }4111•." la le 1Hthwltuee,l fir defrndnnf..
lodge r.onl. .Yfler some brief r,•ularkr 1 ('.tm R'. 1ro,. in ht- eightieth year. The bw•al team" won 10111 "441114..1. the by 4iE. 011e. Jei,kilo (111N•r .vesico- Prere1l11,gi• 11 til+ trtlem are
the ••h:ttrmxn prieeeilel with the Pro 11 r. Veit 11:„1 hw•n In Irl-hrnith for Jho IrI ' by n !:S-I(..core and the 1,3 • a- n -!mL •I:n141 until the act loot .d Granite
past two, years earl 111141 sero runtlne, w S Grnvel 4'o. Lfd. 4'l AI. t. litunurl T.
Rrnn1, width was x varied and he 0 \Y'c•st e, id 1" di., posed ..f ret Sfrod-
101,4111 • 11uP. The first 'number wits
I by UR- -cent•• „f :.)-11. 'Che unnes ecru a rche5 In Knox chervil next Son
a 4..,.11 40111. . 'I'hek n[ Day. 1y MI to td. bed •Ince early In January. 16' 18111, kd by 11i". 44)11111 uud 1y Mr. 1) ,lift' .sIll to rondnctea by the m11,1 -ter.! I
an. tern In Fullerton township. Perth ,tteb x• Are•. Isar, h Sed : nuotlon• In
F:"Sher Home. nod as an encore M1-- ! 1. FI .. 4nlrjecty of w•ru1to- I1 n.m., -Free-.--•
lmxty. A .4111 of the Irate )Ir. and Mrs., Lindh!) of girls' tenni.: ";..4'u" �hrnisgh nb1 '1'rnfh;" i p.m., the Hellon referred to the trial
Ilnmr• sang lase if, Meant h. Make \Milian' ie.. 1Vh111 :tont .Ix year 1f I Go.i9Priell I;t•elyn ih:an and 1lndclfl1,• ••41ca•*1ring . J1.ru-e,lrm." 8111bn(!, buConrtt1111114.111114111 1ou Tlmr•d„v m11nr
Us fund." Mr. flnnPy. 1Ie(:e•, cornet torr h4' aonel with hs parent" I•. \" •son, forwards: Jessie NICK:O.' .clsool ane! 111!.1c clxae. 1)t •3 n'c•loc1.
I:nt, of Auburn. contrihnted. -ever; Grey towm•hi ). 11nron Manity. :tn•II 11111 re: Ilete liaison. Margaret At the regular neve ter ..1 the In..
ng Grand .l1)
uunnl1.rs 444 intervals and wen. henrtn' +,eme yexr" later be canoe to Gorl,ric11! groves and Dor/thy Alkn. mums.
Young 1'flq,le - Society of North street tutu Jury
The ' grand r?r wens comi:,n), n(
encored after mph number. Mr. Yc-I town"hl, nn41 took lip farming.on the 11 "• f , ' Petrel c•hnrrh HUN, Monday night Mr. Robert 1i. Gran J (foreman). D
'et, appear In costume. An inetrn- S { I Wnfnrtb---N. Bolton and R. itn)ph. R
1'nt ltne. near Ilolme+clic. Chc de• forwards: , J.-'Franci . centre: N. lint Roy Stupehmi-e %rill.•i"'ak. - (other
mental trio, of Strnthard, eompierel 1)[I M•1).et .rrc,vl w•r4.ra1 term. nn the kirk. A. Felmrind" and 1t. King. guards: I Homier" will Melody n vewal solo by 'Y M T run. W. N. Shohllm. T1u,.. R.
514'.. W. Culligan. plani.0 Mr. W. Cul• township or,nnrll. in 11114 he retire! \I. McLellan And N. Cndmore, snit,. Mr. 1t. neaten/an Anil n plane dart els"„n. A. Morr•II. Feed .1 lilann.
ligan, violinist. And 114'. )los.. 'erilblt, fens farming And 11101'441 to Goner lel'.I 1{nrup of bore team.;
by 1t• --r Ip. Campbell anti I1. 1' R •1 •'. .1 .arm -t .411 Thomas 1? (Slake.
rendered several ocleetlnns of classical \\-hili• n 4'r"id4'nt �f tills town he wet" (:Mlerhfi- ('ha". Naffed. renter: The Roy Scoots will tnnr h in n F'nlwnrel -tall. Dan 1>.•a.' 9 \ Enveh
music with goat effect. Two voe•a1 sol-
engaged In the tn.nrnnce inane`+.I John Knewhnu and Frank 4nvxRe.I t'...Iv to Victoria -rhes 1'uir,e{ clwr,•l 1VIII It. Htwkina,
o., entitled "The Piper of Love" and; Surviving are his widow and „neI guards: RrR. N4.wmmbc and :\Iles for Ile• morning •ervtcr nese Sunday 1'pon the llaractions of Nr..T,sMIdP
"Daddy's wweethenrt;Y were Aling by . daughter .and t)iree stew:: Mr.. I(tt» i'l i Pentland, forward.; 11111 marrow. and the pastor. Iter. Gordon Bufl, Jt,int - the retro jury eLr. J shoe
Mrs. W. F. Snnnileri:•L Mrs. 1). 1).1 Forster. 1,f Ylnrklam: \\'llllAm and Vlctnr Elliott and .lmhrrnr CnRgrne till .ire ;n, alq•rnprfnlc xAdrnr_._E',rr ^otrnt! rani. the (Tlldrnn'N Shelter.
Major gave n m,1sl'RI ''1n rogue en.I F7ldrel Yeo. of ilolmw.ville. and Irene I .alae, ttr, ,•c.mb,g .„evict 11 r. i(1114 , "111.„•4 44nd fir 1„only hone„ .4 eoil'u' amt
4141,91 "An 1114 Swe4helrt of Atha.
' I I l and Cri. h. Qua reels: Trot. Parke. (1,i(f, y:11 be -Thr end awl (le \eaj In
Ta,. of Winnipeg'. Mtn. Three .l•irrs also hn•pwe+fed the court hon.... In
the piano ,It•r'intepantment being playe•t) And three hr„flu•r" also snnRp: Mrs Jphnxton. l'InktNy. 1',., it 1 -- their pr,+.•ntmenl they rrmmnwwlsle;
M. .1. White and Mrs. 11. Turner. of I•r.rnr Improvement. at 471 It,.n' • n
t r11rr� 141 the. reit
TAeennn. YVn.h.: Mrs. J�diif C. TPo, of -" reritgr ami :,r th" ,•.otrf lenl•e' In
Wows. At floe Ilarhar �dnl,l,y aclll le held Re frrnnw+ ISilrl. ,qudln¢ the relewlprntfn of
n1y11: .inns•.•W. Veep, of \Vinn11eg:' The lee linrcrst ret the harbor a ..'b.'..4 at Ingn.m. Gospel-erviees a• R f the roses
Benson 1'4'„. of Weston: and -0 moil completed the part week. Tim .apply 11 .- n, ami' 7 p.n. •Morning ,uhjert: r„•111 Inn l.rl¢hr.'r color :end :1P pe-
Veo. of Toronto. The tate Mr. Ten *a• of lee was secured from two point-, "Th.- Itn1Al"m 01 the Holy Spirit and
riding of n room In the d1('- h11nae
n trr,•rrrher- of North ;trees Unit" 4'1111, 1, the harbor and the other 111 the Fir, 1' Fyrmine .nbjeet : "Inn' 1..rd's 1 n• :, uniting rrwrm for ladle-
c4rurrh and no. A riveter intend 1),t lake directly opposite the C. 1' It ' 4;r,- -4 4'on1)n1'e•lnn." n(4IPt e4''• teap-
ot the vrtice•5 N'IIPI, his health per- Itlelof. The lee i. Bald In be of good stem will 10• adminbferel nettle dos,' Iflrth(4ty Party
miffed. in pont', he was a 'haucid, (tttallly fhb, year. Aa long those who 1.1 I"4. evening .errlc•.11,4' 4'irh.rin lice N :unl S ho.,' 011.
The W111(114 of the SOnth." Two
Liberal. The fitment, took place from •pot In a .supply were the two 1,"vl St e:i•,rge•'s clmrlh lin. I,eld1i',I .-' h. hi it--.•t,•t:rh 8-1411-11 -6'', t. Sett"
file g40hfn1 artists of town on the teen- hi. 10(' resfdrnet, 1,lghthnn"r street.' a
I hp dealers, hobs. ('lark ane' .1. 11. i Inhofe girl In le forte of a Photo . on Thorwlny evening lA"t. In theldrol-
yprogrnm were Billy Joe .1nhn"', on Sntnrdny nftentom, to Maitland
ton and George Parson.. who WPrr' cemetery. Rev. C. T. Clarke.larke, assisted
greeted ,•nthn.InstIPAlly I.,' the lixdt-1 by Rev. .1. W Herbert of 11nlme.ville.
flier. Billy Jnr geyP .t-
eprnl rerttntlnme, I.con441•tel the services tad the pall -
while George sang two p)pnlnr rhlm,J hearers were" 1'. J. Cantelon. John morning on the eonstrnetInn of n new', pre-entvel by Mrs. T. H. Ruthy.47 of ma 1 t•aj,1. So"hnwere Wren by
"Piccolo Pete." and "Harmonica flnr- ;Cottle, James Connolly. Jsns 'lenient motor 1 •h for the Fe ern,! Deport. Toronto and! ha. 11441.I1 framed area, Mise, Ilmne nal Mr. A Traver.„. real•
ty." The piano ncrompmnl.t. 4P1'4' Mr ' G. Jenkins and Alf. T,'hbnitt. .44 the meat of I'nhlde Works for 104al 'we. hU'ig' hi the rector's v.•stR y If will he Inflow. by 11111y 1.e. 1d,n.S's,. and A
D. 1). McJnr and Mr. G. 11. Dark. of+service at the house Mrs. R. !lender- Bert Maclionnld dud Jo.. M-'1'hn11iot Im•ren h
-Int ,t4.ie.t find le %,ta:1- 14
'-.•7 31111y by me•m1"r "•
• .11 L,• yon1N1
Go(lerI h and Miss Ios,\111
wnn. of son smut "The Find of the Road.", ane building. the honk RMrli w111 he the wars tress. _Hartle.' Bible e1A•a of Knox chnrrh.
urn. :Y pt,•A4914 (*40111'.' of the even- Those t.r,w•nt At the funeral from 1 tweenfy-two fet long. The plan, t�e•rc A, St (k ,,,',.- rhnrrb to -t Sunday Community singing sad conte -10 were
Imes entertainment was the present'(- i dlatanee Inelndel Mr. len Teo. of drawn by. Engineer Brown. 1 the aer+mnt• nn.rn)ng .an.) „tent*" other fetfnr.•" .d the pr..traro 1iay--r
(ion of ruse. to the ladle. taking- 4Vestrn ; •M r. .Nelson TM), of Toronto: fee -cutting •p, -ration,. in the harbor wet,. Oleo, by Rev. Canon W. 11 (ac• Maelfwa11 .poke It few ward• of erne•
past. the pre -monition.. being made by Mrs, John C. Ten. of Myth; Mr and In preparation for the moving of the Peon. of Noinn'al. and In the lifter. _rests: •:: t.. the (Inn on Its tie -
Jessie Trott noel Peggy Cooper. Yes, Lenny Yeo, of Winnipeg: MI..; frskhter. for ,nlnadh.g purposes are 14011,- !:n1.,'.11 1)1414o1 met A nnmfer 1)f, work, steel a thre•lriyer h1rtIwlay pace
At the elo.e of the program lu11eR i Irma Forster.' of Mnrkh.m. And 11i•r ,amt! render any. A 11r847 mm,nnt of ire mets','.'- of iir eonsneulltton to .11'.. -•.1.t, 44•.1.1 !Ic''ts+l esn4Ms w •a sent t.4'
Wag ..erred. The tier in the tNa" - lInfe•ldn.on. of Mitchell ha. nlrendy leen rut ort and dimmed
hly hill wax then rlpnrll and dnnclnRl __ _.2 .. _ _ Pee eros• miners In rnneectMn with rel Mev. Rellltt. the first vrexlele•nt of no'
Into. the ricer by means of the• le ape. •:11 misAltan to be held herr In 10. ('ht',. who In her own ebarmtnv manner
took pine... The dno"P nrelteslra w81I A' Pnehre end donee nn.ler the nn• -'i conveyor over the river breakwater.
compose) of D. P. Ma lot. piano: R. I pier", of the Cathollr Wnm,n'• T,P*¢n.The ',leaner Valeattler will he
Redmond. violin: II. 111a'k.tnp, tint.': • will he held In the Melanie flan onIbrought n.•rnrs from the north side of est wag 8)11)141 In the prrep/irrithnx for dial welcome to all present Lnr
A. Trarefee. trumpet. nn') F. (:allow. 'Manley evening, Pehrnery 2.'rth.I the iprlor *tartly to be emended at the ml«isn, which I• to cornmeal, wag .er4et and after singing the
step.. (bit mn"ir and good Inns h• the (hwerleh elevator. o , slant S)rhiti('t 1i' 1, 1 f(1nal 4o'hem 44'4 VI 71400,4" .11.ner
to the
by 11r. Major. A quartet composed of
C. K. Sannder., W Austin. .Jae. F.
Thomson and F. R. Miller sang "The
Turk" and fila same 8r01110 with the
addition of Mr. Arthur Trst•er'e haler
tering "010 Meek Joe." Another lend -
Ing aolnla of the eventing ten. qtr.. A.
J. MacKay. who contributed two .1,105,
entitled "Pattison Waltz Som"• and
anthem. and !tl,eet Here. Mack Mac- graph of the first St 4;e„r;:e'• rhnrch er1nrte•n room ret \'iah,rin %Afoot.
llhnald. "Reddy" Mat -Donald and1 ail(.h an. situated „n St: George'- 1 whlih aa• tnsiefnlly de,.r:,454) in vat -
John 0rel t a 4'M- crit Anrl was destroy, 41 by tiro entitle colors. There were ,, ',rhe num-
Work ass started this (Tlutr.my 1 rem fifty years ago. 'rhe pletnr9 4.11" her present, a'1d f11" program gas
1o1w•1. next. The Aerslr. ,.f 71111 ,hey I •xpres.ael 111.• tdeasnre she felt in h•
were well Attended and mach inter-" iter the. honore.l and evtended a or