HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1930-2-13, Page 8e
$--21ta edgy. February 18. 1930.
Your Eyes
Do they tire or ache
If so; have them tested by
the most up-to-date
methods in optical
Gksaes from $3 up.
,,A. L. COLE. Optometrist.
Book Store
Annual High Tea
by St. Georges Woman'. Guild in
Parish Hall, on
Thursday, Feb. 20th
Tea served from 5.30 o'clock
Tea Tickets 50 cents
Candy and Fancy Work
'3'f uron Taft
Special Business Men's Lunch
daily at 60 cents
A la carte eervicc at all hour-
Hugh Wong
British Exchange Bldg
Telephone 162;
-Special Values
IN --
4 All Winter Footwear
Men's, women's and
children's Goloshes.
Felt Boots.
Men's and boys' heavy
laced Rubbers.
All at clearing prices
W. Hern's Shoe Store
Phone 43w
Minard's Is an enemy to pain.
it penetrates to the root of the
trouble, soothes and disinfects.
Splendid for neuralgia,
backache and stiffness of the
muscles and joints. e.
Watch this
Next Week
for our
Agent for Tip Top Tailors'
Make -to -measure Clothe,
Suit or Overcoat
1 MEET PLLY-077 curs
REBIILTB 1111 A Till
Neither Team Sevres in Wstfsr'd• I The death of J. 0. Reinhardt, a
former resident of Ooderleh, oc-
curred on January Loth at 8t Cath-
arines, where he was draughtsman at
the Foster Wheeler plant. Mr. Rein-
hardt was cranking his automobile at
his home, 20 Chelsea street, when he
was seised with a heart attack and
expired potently. He had been a real-
tiederidi Game en Leeaf lee
Goder4ch und Watford intermediate
hockey teams met iu the fine grate qt
tide U. ll. A. play-off at the Writ agree'
rink en Monday night, . when. they
played fur sixty minutes without reticle
lug a dw•iptuu, the score being a
Wank, 010. IL was a bard -fought con- dent of St. telbarl,ws for eight years
text from *tart to finish between two iiiil eta. a member of \Yea(nal aster
evenly twitched, teams. The rink wail folded church. Hi• leaves, beahlea his
crowded with hockey euwuxla*ts; p wife, two dlugbtera, Elsie and Edith.
tu. t, it was the largest crowd that has 1w,1b :ret h„rue. Tw'u minters rod four
(Continued from pap 1)
Moved by Counl111or Balite, second-
ed by Councillor Wornell, that the
matter of collecting arrears of taxes
against the skating rink property on
West street ire referred to the finance
emi nittee trite power to consult the
solicitor and to take the required pro -
(settings to collect. Carried.
Moved by ('ounelllor McLean, sec-
onded by Deputy Reeve Craig -e, that
the Collegiate Institute. separate
sebool, public library and any other
synd4ng bodice of the town be re-
quested to send in their requisitions for
eitinessed a gamete ut the local riuk brothers, William, of Kitchener, AI- the year as soon as potedble. ('.armed.
this Malsuu. .About 135 Perauui trues' bert of Ariss, Edward of DetroitMoved by Councillor Mclean, see -
Watford accompanied their teaw here,' John of Idaho, Mrs. M. Stroh of Milt- ondel by Deputy Reeve Clg le. that
waking - the trip uu d epre.-lal trine,' un pool Mrs. Cbrlltg ralne C. Van Order each committee 0f the count -11 -bring
NLic11 aril ra4! rt the 1'. �. 11.station, elf Garr. Mich, uhu survive. While In to at the nett regular meeting a re-
al 7 o'clock.' Goleriell Mr. Itrhlharet wax draughts- port outlining the work for the year,
Phe wine got under Way at 3.30 man for the Doty Engine Works. ills with aid eatlmute of amount ut funds
o'clock %eta 1te(erve W. 11. !.egg, 01 .. wife was formerly Mien Mary )Cllr of required. (lrrled.
l.uud,ru, iu charge. From the first: 4;(slerlch. Moved by Councillor Humber, se•-
drop of the puck it was a battle ondad by Councillor %Vors•Il, that the
• • '
throughout ut twee, el cue 1 nlKle).
low- turueel 1111..101: LII/N/ c.rwbiuutioi the parks be re erred lo Ihr ad•nn'Uery
Characters in Canadian Fiction
(From "Janna," and 'The' Whiteoalta of Jalna," by Mato de
la Roche)
(Whiten for The Signal by M. G. ROBERTSON 1
When Alayne Amber married Eden
Wblteoak lobe became a member of an
nntewtal (doily. Three geteratloua
were living W the big homage, acid
wldle They presentedan artonlahing
varlet} of temperament and disposi-
tion, and quarreled hotly among thew -
selves, they *till were deeply devoted
to one another anal held sacredly to
away much of the after,,on with
Roney perched bit the baek of her
On a tnilld,day of December Gran !
would take her heat walk of the sea-
uou. After that lobe would keep to the
house until the. first warm spring
day. It was an important o•elusiuu
when the unuouueemeut was made:
"Gran's going for her- boa walk."
Supported by her wire 4h' N'011111
all the tradition* of "the family."shuffle to u (*rutin gate hl the hedge.
The old uncles were as unlike as a e►latarte+e of perhaps fifty yards;
brutherr could be. Nit -hulas, dark, there she would *tend for a while.
n-llcing past experiences In her life.,
heavy, gouty, had *a{uauderd 11,. and r'enllhtg Ill. dors when with here
as grocery or oaksr
MAIL. Iausedlata poo -
eeerlon elven. Apple to AIL K.
SAUNDERS, Ooderlcb.
street, between North sad Victoria.
Modern conveniences, garden. M. W.
HOWELL, 'phone 213.
f apartment. I'oaaearlon may be had
mmedlately. For further particulars
apply to HAYS • HAYS, Ooderleb,
FIL-1NK J. GLENN matter of pr•hasing'new .Tal; for, t,utrlutuny In fast living In hie youth. little ..1i 1:I;ru shebaitwallet! al that
w the (est period. The (,,.derich Jur- Word was received on F'ridny -I))and !arks committee.II1 w.Nrr Ca
Ile now divided els Ieillure between slot for her husband's return. Then she
tiara line, Slasldurt,. McKay and 114e -r-. t:e•..r; a and Leonard Weise pumhawe twenty new Keats �r(mn lir, hex musk and els noisy little terrier. "11114 skunk' back Cu the inns•, he
slimly, three el last you'. juuurs, lrx.k of the death of their brother•; Cr.
11PP at !1t eachseats to be similar Nip. Entait,- alrtmler, delicate, white Iwttwl and keeled by her Nobs mud her
started for Goda. regular.. uuu in-law, Mr. Flunk J. Glemt. ut 1118. to pres•m1 weeds b>ut with heavier iron haired, had hot Ina !none). hl '.p1lecu. grandehlldreu, and .settle dowh, eve- I
turnavl le a fair :•nae. Sto,lelart was. home. %%'uitiwrIgl,t. Alberta, on 1111111- or with extra braces, ('annals !atlun and 4kbaellug notes for tritoidr, wilted!), fur the white'.
:hr 0u l.-t:uld111g star of 111.. tr40. 'There Err Sart-. The funeral was held from' %1 •{ 1 ... •111 , In hes old age, for he' was mist Rev-
ho all Cawley utt.,r.. t;rveit !tad
cwt •y "enc or IIImLs•n, .e1- much to a When young Pier.
• a uuwbt•t• u' d1.,+d-"u sheHn tot 11'aiuNrighl United .*lurch on Janie euty, be laid two oar (ions: the y•
•oth goals 01 the tint part of the •Icy _•.111 to • Wainwright cemetery. ametttlUu of 8hakespun and the hnanght t.. Jalua :w unN.'lruwc !rid
oe,-ra I 1.111111141 by l uUll(illur Mater, that the up
. .' spwei•11 e•mllwit4-• 4tye• Au htyeenlrry
sondest but the golll.....•r- procel The dare•a.evl N'as bunt uu the ern"' a made o f the. nt et t t tl \ t r fr euro of his uwu Idea -t4. His •p4 esu.' l:rnn sets tally Iwo -ailed 111111. et en flit `ALE - TI1l- 1'NI)BR81liN-01)
TIC boase. l'hw•rful .surroundings.
Centrally loftiest. Two Iota of garde%
eel! t n„I. Will be leek! reasonably.
Terms If dashed. Apply at once to
Doe wH, Goderich, Out.
v4 )14 SALE:--•F'AIIM. Ib ACIt8S ON
Duro!' road three miles art of
Goderich; good barn 70 by 50, red
brlek5`h(1u1P, running water, bot and
coil: Ihnv'-{der• bathroun. 11. a
4:4(4)VI:S, G1s11•rkll R.R. 1. Phone 311
"n Ik►1.
• . ' c4) t e s u w .renenstruck Win swarthy over the head offers Kw sale property. rt
'a.:... t.. the lark ut turning 1.1,411t•1.1,411t•rand. c noir /.11.111111 ut 1141141;a111111.11. 111fnet"r4 and report' uu arrears of tux- a great risk cat, Sadie.. who' Nax { la+ y, past
eserything that caw.' their way. Only
•,e" Is•„a,114'..44.•re pseuds•;! eu; 114,011.
11.1 1'%l'111‘1" w101114v, ut p11140010 Ito
.."le lea 111. •.
'The• home l,.lau 4101 th.• 144141' of the
play hi the whittle etltnza, but Ihiy
111-1 .-ouldtl t get any -breaks.- ' %Vat
:4.1.1 had uuly tier men on :fie
„a,'iderabl,- ps+rt of the time. 11.
etapielurd w,1'the visitor's worst ut
tender. Rete'ree 1.e4g was quick to
n"Lee• II. 1:e'Gle. and gave 111111 e124.
erul tripe to the 'lewdly box.
The last period prove, a little more
exciting ,,plough both teams kelt MI
.1;1.(1,111, fifty-nine year. :ego. and usually 1,•nile,l u'eru• 111. shoulder.
Nuh hi•r endo•. It'll V1 11011 the otl,r-
,.. •
on eti l {dant ('armed. I D k wur,I ill deuouwiug 111e uud Piers
lice( there Yntlll h:n relive 111 to the ll"c144 by,.11,tutly' He•4e t'ralgf,.: seer' aevw stn in•. him even to hl; we•al•. }'
1%'ea :!lent! tyeruly Ulna yvar ugh.•4 thirst lonelier. Philip, 11444 401141 Iltrt:11 10'11 la. ge to Ow Mate,, !:ran,
andel by Councillor Croft, that the ',tartest oil the futon and ',honied.
.4 Lout twenty flee craw ago he 1t w' hail married. Mier and his children 4
mutter of ptrelursing u 1108' rush
married to l[Is; Ido Westbrook. a
1/4141n fur HH' trru-urrr's oKfce Ile re furutevl the young element Iii t'hel -1 W111lvlal go to the si:n,.., .4
daughter of the late George %Vent h.u,u-lul(1. Whltwrik u Yankee! Nu. no. no: It
k ferrel to the fhwll,1.P rn11111111red• With
Lr"ole. '8811,. Bird in 11,slerie•h a ,year _ ]fenny'. the eldest, having whereas' ` %amid kill tu'. He mn.tu't g... Shaw'•
psnvc•r t" p1... e'. Cartl141.• ' un yon. M.•g:;ie. to drive ter.• se.•r boys
:Igo, III• leaves to mourn hex pa•xlug. Ifocwt by Ikpuy Keeer Cnulgir,• the estate trove hi.. father, elm ex•' 10 eh, Nt:d'<•' I
•hl.. widow nod three 41111s. 1111 ret 1 x(•4)41,44.41 by Councillor Croft. that the Plus', U. pru41(1e a hour •fur 1111 the: ' -1ud sir lead her way
'l,.n„•: one wen predeceased bine. lir. family. This Le w"uld have dun,. in Piers wits ("rah -4.n +11141 hi- tss.r noun:
10%'11 eedlne•r, fir. , M. Juhu41et b.• heti' nese oted without more oris.
awl Mrs. Jesse Gray',
BT"'‘' etre'!. ally amw•, fur it wuv a joy to him lo, I
requested, to roma• and ,nwkr the re'idea 114.81 to enjoy are uncle and 'aunt to Mr. Glenn. have them meter his row'. 1.1 1,1 �istcr, } the distilwtfuu
iluirel (vial rv•'orts, vpttvda► assts:*- ' of ;Mapllg nue• lunldnet yt•ars of
Frank. ns he was familiarly 1.11--14, ment rolls and f\trike all data re-'Meggir, the only daughter, "ern
was well and favorably known Isere and eery s4ubls.rn'." was deur- nit*. Iter birthday was .elebnU14i Ili
yuir,d, he hull the nee..ary avert of 1 tea• style lino befitted V. great an i
and 41 the country br[we'u here old � ly loved by her brother and the young
playing ux cautious!'y a* e(er. Coach I4inguninwt. S.vres of relatives atoll I reriabn on local Improvema'nt� sld4':'
walks as constrltMld. Carried•. half-brothers, of w4om there w}•n• event Ilrr u'Igblory for miles uruuud'
' lluruef's sestet had Laver' uice op-, friends will sympathize with Mrs.' m084,1 by ('ewu.•illor Iluuliw•r, s(• four: Eden, the poet, l'fers, the furca -1 gathered to I her. and Her !icer;
purtuwtiew to 111.111V.re
r., but some of the Glenn and sone In their irreparable onded by Cuundllor Cmft. That the er, }'inch, at tate awkward -st'hls.l-boy' hail the church -bell ring our h11wl'rwl'
Flap. 44140 wrung, while in other in -loss of 1111`118011 and Lather. watt'r" of preparing the uwewury age,
and delkate little Wake. a child. merry peals. Gran would test sltap n
-tames the %%'at.U,nl eualic proved to • of nine. wink all .day'. She would not miss see.•
money irylaw to provide funds for th,.
iii• taws great an omxtach! in their' MRS, CHAS. ORLFFITH 1 new fire department ladder frock 1s•, The ehlef figure, however, in' ter• moment of her triumph. She even'
hiIb. About half -way thnoug4 til;; . ferrtrl t4) the nese aid flnxn(e cone
faintly was "Gran," ninety-ulne years dewei, from the terrace 4n front of
period the Itwale Managed lo launch rhe death cMtvrted fiery *maidenly ren 1 of age and looking forward with avid- the house, the great bonfire on the,
on Saturday, February 8th, of May mittaes jointly to bring to a draft by- 1 R y lake ..inn whff•h andel- the day's
by -
the puck p the Watford net, but the. given. wilt- of Mr. Charles Griffith.' law anal report. ('armed. ley to her hundredth auni\etvar
goal esus dislllhowevl by Referee Legg,' Mrs. Griffith was on her way hump, Tlse DeytttaUsn to Ottawa neem ruled the family: They humored' fa'rtivitiea. 1
0 11 chilratae4 li was scored from oft- lute auturda night whet& she nazi" 'There was some. dbvueelon' with her. deferred ,to her, loved her, Were. With no apparent- lessening of her
side,-wuch to the disgust of the homely!rel• with ay -heart attack. She was I reference to the pro po.ad1 deputation ,aiuueeed at and often Impatient with' strength the old lady. lived to see an
team and the tarts. The visitors proved her, but always they' obeyed her. "tlw' birthday come and go. etugusta
taken into the home of Mr. Gordon' fir Gnaws. /Lnnellnw Bailie ) 11ee1sf-reivalned at Janne, thinking that, •If TlIOmAS Gt'NDR1', h1►DPIIICH,
thrurw•Ives, to be u feat aggngatiou r Young, where she passed away. , The I el a preliminary meetin(t u, yleclda, They had to. The only person of whom,
and were .4(1144. is get away. Soule' late Mee. Griffith esus upparen•tly ,what requests -the deputation 'Mohan h r stood
,'the least
bit in awe
w/aw,'he did
stern tolEngaand, nd, the ocean
nice tram play was Au evidence at not In 111 -health, although she had Place before the Government. Count'+11- y
tines. but the close, burl checking uu been troubled 811 11 hitch Mowl Pres- j lar ('raft /all M untieratewwt• tete pres• 1.ady'Buckley. living p England and l agein. (hie• ev,•uing the vi ar }omen Telephone No. IH.
the {lord, u[ • both teams soon beano suer for the past ten years. Ween ad end eon met of !lee Roane Dredging only .at intervals 'visiting ber mother. the family group and he amt the old' Miles attended to anywhere and=
this up end the players had to rely to was Morn •In Galerkh, a daughter of Colstpelny anuli be evmplrtcd atwo,tt the;'1'erhaps because in spite of herself' MOO; Playa! backgammon. (IQIn was effort made to give matlsiycaa.
a great extant 011 individual plays. As. ibe late Mr. and Mn,. Robert Given, rid of May . anti It wined he stood she was a little bit afraid of Augusta,.. much elate) when she won the first I. Farmers' sale_ notes diecoaated.
the final, gong roundel play war in'. and was in her fifty-third year. Slur business for the Goverpment to keep Perhaps bae•ause the daughter had at- Mime and4 lnstatett evmr on a aro d In She
the Watford end of the rink. If toe Lad resided herr all her life end wag' !'hese powerful dredges here Enol all tatnad, a higher ewsodal pakdon than' WE81dY W. IISFII6R,
home team 4ati• I-4-eil- all evening tai held In high esteew by all who knew e• required drel-dng was done.' she. the old lady made fun of Augusta' Piffling end had to - he belled by Auctioneer.
the • did in the last five er ten ber. Besides the husband titers sur-, . "unlllor lIuu)b r send the ck• attatiun lwhind her back, red pretended !till[ ':')"Ming • Wake. She claimed that pm
3i o+, as het, en when A'alte
minutes of play They would have wen vh4's a- rawly
of two daughters Rud' sh11uld b• a wrong one, and he pr's- " avoid uut remember her name..
The two outstanding atara on the' one Rion: Miss Margaret Griffith. Mrs. pored that it Should include all the referring to her •as Lady Buntley, or, 'Itut. Grandmother, you -rent'
teems were the gar-ka•eeperk Mecln-' J h 1 Mr.Ii (' if members of the council who were able Rrinkley, but. seldom by ber proper looked with a grin at F1n'
lot 22, cone.w.-4)n 4, Mast Wawanuah.
.-one•.ining 4welve acre; more or Imp
on ..w.hkh is ere ted 11 good frame
house of -cern nouns, with kitchee
Ellin w,osl-h,-,l ; furnn,e !totalled. Till•
dmhulldii+„e 4vmprke horn 33 r 4.4.
..nM. stable 10 x '. nouthouw 11 z I8
.1.0lr for three horses One box slain,
sl • plgiwn :": x _" henhnm,e 16 x
and silo. The bmldinate are In a
good slate of repair: with lightning
roils Thee property li situate on a
good read, three miles north of Aub-
nrI.. '.n a rural route. line acre of good
bearing orchard; firstsiass soli; all
41411141 but ane -half acre; 2% serge
purr alfalfa ; well f4'ne;ed; two good
wells. ThL� pregrerty Is' (oraldered a
good buy for wont(e,ne, n It is In a
good I•Pctinn, 1111e mile from school
and two miles from e•bun•h. Terms
r•asouable•. Possession given any time
after February 1st, 11130. JAMES
W(1d)De, Box 33. Auburp, Oat ' .
'•' will conduct ashes anywlers. My
id : t terms are reaeonabte and i will ea -
h who I Beevor to give satisfaction. Phase
c Cheater o restore nn, nrvey .r scowl watching the gams. and et ed ! Carlow 1314, or address! R. lit 4. thee -
Uel in goal for Watford and 1)+wk , nth, all of Gol•meh. One 'lister and to go. -% motion to. this effect was title. - !rite.
for Goderie•b deserved a greet deal of four brothers also surelve:. MIs,, Cora , adopted, although Reeve Turner said! The old lady leveed her sons and j -Gammon." an."
ere it. They played heady hockey'. O1ven, R. ]. an ('ceih of Port Huron, the eomts(il should eoruddeY tux Bost of her xrendrhlltiren. and dearly liked,Those who multi ere her face ret
out -guessing and turning elude every- M1141.: Harvey and Wllllam. of To -rah u deputation. It www left with
ince Them stew her little ellen- Geed 'a adlange eoiu over It; her bads DRUGLESS PRACTITIONER
thing that.cane their way. They »were! ronin, Who were all here for the fun-' the water, light end harbor committee (lulls. They Nae quite used to dear drooped ; they sprang to help her,
'the heroes of the game- erRl, wht1.6 toot place from the family- to_•ljrtaage a date for the trip to Ing her Tall. awaking from one of beer' +'Urretivel her orlhut airs 1nln�Ttedtallaied nt l f'HIROPRACTOR A D DBII(ili/Y
It was a cvmpwrativrly clean avu• n•4ldene. Elgin x81-11114', on Tuesday Ottawa.-.mldem nape: "Kia me, aomolsrly'•;' T7R1ilItAPI44T
test, only. ones Penalties being Landed afternoon 111 Maitland cemetery. 1»- It was decided that photos of the quick."
rewarding with a strenuous' old 4ptlrlt had fled. Goderkb, Phone 341
out. Those serving penalties far Wet- I rsw .e*1 wit. x member of north strP4't harbor ebatld be sent to Engineer' 1 bug end n loud smack the one
who' . They Inld her to rest !Mahe her hos- ( FgolpprM with 'Metro-
furl were H. Crowe, N. McTaggart, it. United church and the patstnt'. Rev. C., Lamb at London and Hon. R. lis obeyed. Her cherished pet need tem.; band and returned to (1* stnngr0 bathe Electronic electricice gm':
Cook, ll Stapleford (3), anti for Gal- F. Clarke. assisted by Rev. J. F.. ' Bennett at Ottawa. I slant companion was a cross bid quiet lenses Nest morning the lager' ;and cblroI' Chroab organic sail
ellei4 G. Alps". J. W1Hds, J. Lemieux. I Ford, eondu,.tel .Use services. At. the The Mayor said he bad it letter parrot, mimed. Boney (in derision of come to read the will. The opinion of I QP** cel diseases. Indy In attendaaee.
The line-up: service at the house Mrs. Henderson, from a Godrrleh old boy calling atten- Bonaparte), to whom Gran had taught ' the family had been divided as to the I ogle, hours 2 to tt and 7 to 9 pi,
Gdderkh-Gaul, H. Doak; elctetae,i sang "Gond Night Here and Good tion to the condition of the bathing many. Hindu curse's wblcb she de- diwprsal (iron wuukl make of her own *excepting mown" asd •Phenol awl
E. Wewtbrlwk, J. Woods; centre, "Bud", Manning There.'• ueeompanled by Mrs.' beach, and Ills Worship suggested that lighted to hear him utter, fluently, in private
fortune. mi hich had `rbeen a by appoint
meaL -
:sturdy ; wings, R. Stoddart, D. McKay ; ; Jas. Barbour et the piano. The ]alt- ! this -iie kept In Mind in outlining Me hl4 ren(ernr yoke. R 7 y A. N. ATKINSON
subs., J. Lemieux, Gees. Allison, 11 ' hearers were J. J. McEwen, Wm. Tall ' work of the year. I Alayne saw ber for the first time; told them that it would 4* left to
Residence and omce--Corner .f
Muriwy, ! FC. . Robertson, Fwdwln Homey-, John; Councillor Humber move, second. 111 the big living room at Jaime. one of the family. but twyond that I South Etna! and Britannia feed
Watford -Goal, L. Mclutosh; de-. Muir and !'red Cralgle. el Icy ('ouncillor Moser, That the tax' "Slanting rays of sunlight p•rwtrat,1 she would say nothing. Some though:
(ewe, Ii. Crowe, C. Harper; centre, H. � - I (vlle•tor present at the next regular' hyt between for slots of the creedal that it would pre to her favorite
StttPk•(ord; wings, M. Macintosh, N. .1A•MES ('FThWEN I meeting of the (aunt- a (vmplrte list. shutters converged at one point, the Ernest; some that Nick, as the oldest
M elate where old Yrs Whitleoak sat. Toa. would get it. and, at' tltarlo, all of
a�lsggart ; anti*., It. Cook, R. Brvee, • Jetts• s Curwen, an esteemed and re- of all who are In arrears for taxes. _
Stapleford. 44,1.8 44 resident of G,elrrich for with names, and amounts. Carried. Like
her me Ute they
most significant Eat ttemsvgr Pd he mt8. vied b.,n hate!
Referee -W. II. Legg, of Lundin• many years. passed away at his home I Reeve Turner brought to the at t j mapported Aoeonutanf • 1010 (latarlu street
' on Arthur street on Tbursdar morn- tenthin of the 1 •11 the ease of Miss Presence in the room. Yet she was in• • family. it was, tberefaw., with much Stratford. Phone 1580. Rea 11M01F.
The Gator At Watford Ing. February Ath. Ile had Isere III for Anta WTdte, who, he was Illform(1, .dulging in one of Ile head,r her
by Itattsl largo.; 11"1118 oolaty thandt tIt beywgatberel in the'
amaze -
'The I:,slert••11 iulrrwavliutes were ".'81'n11 m,mhhs, but hew immediate made npolextlon last year for admit Pa7
eilninalcd from the U. 1i. A. inter- fri(ud4 thought he was. rwvvering to taffy to the hospital tet 8 nurse -in- 1 Purple cap with pink rosette.. had meth and anger thatfinch was the!
they learned
Mel eerie+ uu N'aehn•sthly even. s.nu• extent when he lalwelrl away training. Her application 111n was weepy., of her(faccee v11 4*0etli as the
heavy only
jaw' 1111,11 yl(lW. ne of themsuggested
uggestel break- I DR. F. J. R. 1soturnoR,
wl, bent she had never been nll"w(1 t" 7 s RRv*
ing, whe:m they 'were defeated- by Wet- 11.4-ut any warning In the presence , go Into the hospital, and she had int uud row of Uo {lerf(t tinder teeth. Ing the w111, but Remu cried:"Nu.; F/YR, DAR, NOSE, THROAT.
ford by Ow :lore of K-1. 4l'fj( was the "f his wife and daughter. He leaves to o Intl alrpli+•,tlow leo the Shad1 1.71 pin She wore u c"lunlpu4)us gown of we whale not gnrrn•1 In public over Late House Surgeon New York, Op►
s1*'.' game of thi• ploy-.tCGs and took mourn
(111nghtlrMa t HetnrlMta,vxnrl Roth
hospital and had been aoll'led there. l"81'1* velvet and her shapely hetet., poor old Gran's tertian,. It was hers ;tbalmlc and Acral Hoapdtal, aalrlafait
Once on Watford he. Thr. one-sided The l;Derr 111 ill the local hospital e'lasping flop gid lop of her rlsnr to tilstasse of low '.he wished and the
at Moorefield Eye Hospital and 410141.
fan,', .awe a: u •urpri.•e Uo the lue;ll snn. .1 1111. IIP esus A man devoted U.. (either •hunl11 'here 'overfed her or stick. were henry with rings worn hxbtt 11f fitfully loyalty pr'valled. 1Square Throat Harpital. London, R>;
fans, who hat: figured- the guar his home and family and wee known (or the dw•easio'd. '4 s4'.oIy bubbling Peer 118.4. had some hard thing. to waterloo SL 8.. Vern+ford. TA-
f11r its upright 1.hxraoter in all ifs doing hese given n n•ux1h1 for not' beer before One familyrecovered from ; epicene 267.
N rl,e be 1s great deal aluser• doing loo. •'11,111 escaped
Rlrlt tithe handsome \drlln,.
drill,-'• with ha ten eIlwe' end t their resentment. but they were fin- At Hotel Bedford, Gnderleb, on „the
The mild weather of 1Vehosllu)' '1'b' lixy"r enal'rste- that the not- � l
made the ire- very* .lei and Kroh fast mm •h sy nre'I 4 hes been ecp' ii,t l r ter 4411(11114 be taken op with the h".. 1 curt, RMF had gun' to Julia. 1 . ally .8n141ne1 that he had used no I evening 0f third Monday Of oath ,
111 leer eta; luq.osible. Pratt WWI) the bereaved 9' 111 bye large number itnl board. Indln. t" ek+it t, married deter. 'Pier,• nodus influents. 11\er his Rrsn(.mothrr, month 1111 the follow! day. '111r.dag,
all the goal- scene! wvrr ..f a "tinny' "f friem,le. The late lir, Curare,' was P the ut renal mnrrl.8l Cxptahl White -1 turd !bat M• was As much slirprMnl! at 1 p.m.
n.-ry 1• :not Ih,• \\'a-wrd Iiia was born bo MT.4114141 TM Henry hie parents,' The Itr'ce al'" h: d some rem/Irks d',.k. q They had 118'd for n time In as nlly'un* when the will was read.
11'1 late Mr.' rend Mrs. HChtrw'r+• on the subject of nnCollCet(( titers I
1..r lucky in this r'.'.r,'4 arcurding and the Runk overdraft 1111(1 8411(1 hr 11141411. then ,hv•IIIa,I U. rr4n'. (• to 8 horn* old Bonet' pined without els - ���
ii' rd•'w,rt:. Watford,,'1r-t :curet two gout, resided Iw•fore faking ,rp . 111 r*48 would hnv' saomethluR turthrr- to su,rl more wslnbrintis .!*mite. .11otu that ml+trass. Ni, longer teal be wrsvm MP'
, their Iwo
in each oC the fire p•riew s and four d'ue' 111 Gtnlgfch Cumberland,
Itis larR
in Ilse third, while the bomb, gut antes corms from Cumberland, England. when the list of taxes ho arrears Ihr' the Captain Inherited a 1110+'. of 1 Iilndn 10 '41.4, 11111 to reerybdy'41 R\EBT M. LRE.
The memi,ers of hls father's family whnuld be before the council.. property In Quotas% which Induced RIIu1LPnMnt cried imthetkally, "Viet,,
Joe w•mi'nxesn,4s Ge,1 pin e AII113uu frame.'
we a still living are !sane Curwrn arse Ihr
The council adjourned ret O.Zv pm aline theyto )�lived ferme to. (lto !year quaint
hr two. � nn r� ifultly, sto filth. Wast del e1►Pruv vl 1 8un Life Arendt er and Solicitor
std N
redln•d with Golrrlch's uwu counters. Misses4'rl Minnie and Mabel Curet,'n of With mMrAnt to the ni,lttrl of Then. not liking the (old. they looked :of by the family' •tel the old Idol re- • Victoria streetr, Toronto 2.
1 result f their win Watford' C:oerkh township, lira IIerlrert Fish- hlsnrf free x .•o loatlon Through u felted a• faithful rare as }n the bap I, Telephone Elgin 11101.
MI White.11 application t a {iiarr
..............-----.1-. --- a Banister, Etc.
4 ,1 rex (1 ,a• ort P N for 111(48 meets 11';tlkertun fu the se•oud rr of (`arena, and 'Mrs. W. !vet.* of decide 'th tier days when he Was fondled and
Milo, Alberta. For the past twenty-, 1 nnrtle-ln•tralning at
ave years! Nr. ('urweu had seen Slgrutl is in built
inr-rep iu %�141'IN':I hey': genas the employ 1rf the Western Cameln the reason the young lady 'IMS m11t puri•Mlwel a large property and
iultuw•x: _ been to
'11 t ill ' h11• I •The
'11er I
Alexandre filen(- Uey e'er. 1(l to 0n e 1
form.41 that shore of Lake (Ontario, where they petted by Gran DUDLEY 8. HOLME7,
+v n•
GexlrrlCl-- 1:cy1, 11. U.ak dofrucc• }-I"or Mills. .1 Pri<-ntr Iurinl a.n lee
ken on the staff 14 ,hent a'• a roomy mltusln. minting their pI14."
• 1 OOlce--Hamilton street, Goderiek.
bens not reached the pros(•ribeil nge. 1 Jnlmn. after the Men In India where••Phone 7r.
F. \Vestbr"uk, J. 11 '4I. ;centre•; -Bud as he•lo► ret Ih.• hem.. "n VIetda)' Ibut they 11:111 first met. , 'Pu • 111nn t l'y I TITAN. - Ai Mons,• 'JAw•, Sask.. nn
snudy� wing:. 1\. lleHuy, It. St1w1- 'caelneteel by' Rev. G. Butt of VI(torla; 1151 that her
1* takenon111 1n Come with tide d»ughfr. \ugnsUl.
Thursday. 'February 0th. to mr. and i R. DABROW, BAltihdBfElt 1fTC.
I: 1 i Vhf street ('nidal ehun•h. and burial wasbrequire(' Ind their .m Nfehola+ There F;rWe1t I ices. Richard Worthy Ryan. 'a
II. Muriel. n' and. Philip were w' n and I sole '
rt ; J. ..ut,.u'x, 4;.•,.. s"I'' 1 %1'litlnutl ..•u*•ter4, the pallbearers
..h' Is oft a .age. • daughter Moselle Beverley Mar
i r 1 Augusta ' , plume 07.
'4 1 ::rd -!:"rens A.. II,.II'tu h: ales swing accred WestTurner awl A, NRthfl duo -riot In the cvur4. of tante (ret.• j } o t Offfoss--Thr Square, (Ioderteb.
n of the Western Canada Flour, WONDERS OF' W'1•7. !'ANAL. q'1't k Teti 1'hlll' 11 14.11. awl DIED
e' 1
re 1' •, N •Ir r uI
1 1
II 1 H n
fe o 1 1 11,
. H C
r - ,
• " n
14 Ire
tr •, 1 • " r•
14111.1141. 1 1. od r .h. n Sn4u
red t r: I � FI'Pi In e a
Ia It l 1
\ i I• leu, • ether
11 Ichurchyard o the ehnr•hv
were • lxi l In th
a r
s,;l ldrt"rd ; wing<. N. McIntosh, B • e.of Detroit, ren 1fMJIN 3,545 Ned r 1•As•d 'fhml h It' n day. F ebrrtlary Ruh .May Giver', ie -
\l 'I'+Ig Yt rel It t i I' w 1' 1' CraigI >R
"ole, It. Bruce. • r u a aloe real • r hillp8 two voices.
1 n y,
Herbert Fisher of Carlow and II. F: the (Mud.
ishilitis oldest son, waw master of .ire• I lnv(1 wife of lir. Chas. Griffith• in I
tau, s
deiced• Wt hex , ut C'hl(dlRo. Many floral
•14•--• . Rht t inndon. ' RR Advieiss from fort Said •'spree•' na and Ronny was thfrtr-eight, while I her 53tal rent.
Y»).-- In NoH'rkh• on Wednesday.'
Fefrrunr, 12th, John W. Seo In his
)11th year. 1
The fnneral will 'take plate from 1
hls,late reskknee. Llghthonse street,
on Saturday, [eehrgary 15th, at 2.30,
p.m,, to Maitland ,cemetery. Service, -
at the house at 2 o'clock. Mr1+11.TtpP MtrFIYAI, mut IN-
StIRANCE O0. -'['arm and 1.
1lined town property Inwgrwl.
OlOcern-Jaa. Connolly, Prew., Ood-
Prieh P. 0.: Jaw. Ruane. Vice-Prak,
CARD YR. 1I1Attr.F:S GRIF`FITft ANij� Beachwood' R 0.; D. ir. McGregor,
Al F'.\N111' ala' to eit'n4 HtPlr atatry Ver.-Treas., 8eaffrth P. 0.
cul thanks to neighbors and 'friends Directors -A. Rroadfaot, R 8
for the many kindnesses shown oft th'• No. 3. Seaforth; John 0. Orley., Nle.
time of their recent 590 bereavefWnt. 4. Walton; William Rlnn, R. R. 44
They also au•knywl(Ige with : ppreela- 2. Senfntth; John itenhewlew Brod
tlo f
_-- tributes from friends in town and the opinion that the passin;, rhronth Iran N,,s looking forward, cn.gerlr,
Strikitl Oil in ('r,llfornia •
from uul.hle lolnts, including $n,tlt i of the -'huge Sineapore Ora frock In' to the great day Wheel she wunld• he
R Ste. Marie. Meeh., ('hlrago. Detroit' two sections is the gl'441":t feat 0*,.r one hundred.
The 1.os .141981.8 lexemier of Jam' and Toronto. ' testified to the esteem: accomplish••d by 'that waterway, ti- - The tinily' lifer' at Janne world not
nary '13 has ad arUele devcrlbing the, and affection in whirl) the late Mr.' though usually ships pass through Iea,l an .t4Pre'r to think the White -
operations of the 'IStylor Drilling Co..' ('urw'n wee held by thee,' who knew 1 the canal'In !loran hours ■ 1470, rniks n y religion. famll
..1 w-h1Ch the head is Wnll,i a Taylor. him and him frailly. particularly c y.
3 7• :hr year atter the canal wt. -opened. , but they had a (astlron nui,' ((Iran's.
'.n .1 Mr. and -Mrs. J. 11'. Taylor of - -- , the average time of passe ,reel that every member of the
I passage was for- sof course'
t"w'n. "if you will study crowds and terrl !'ty-eight 1101trs, 111111 the largest shlp family. unless (otw{detely Pretratesl
Taylor (trilling Co. yesterday tsaysl tied animals you will learn a gr•AI aecommOdated was one of 4.414 tons.. by 111nesat ahetnld attend morning *rr'
the artlelnccompleted Taylor ::\o. 3 In! deal of potltica from them."-O4'0rge•I To -day ships of 27,000 tons peas vice ,n Sunday. Gran, who would
,he Inglewood t..iXnlot area' of the;
Potrero field dor an estimated 3.500:
harrrlrs of ,et gravity oil daily. *.ate
'e•st1;r.My' afternoon the flow was,
-!iii going Into th.snmp, blouse it
had not virtuosi up sufficiently to,
tarn it Into the tanks. Ikrttom of the,
hole is 4x141 feet.-- The well ram,' fn
,:tt('(OOt And pressure or the flow l
was report's!. ret 3:d► primula. Fear
..,- enU•ri8lne1 that It wowed sand rep,
n. other tells in that era. brought
-1' i.•Irefcw.t. have *10114' In thr pea. In
the event it floe's sand up the hole
,a ill he eleened to bottom and oil atria'
.rt before the' well Is put on p'rman-
.•r;t proal ntlon,
'Flet• Taylor well is No. 8 drilled by
Wallace Taylor k is owned by
Wallace Tesler At I ht. saamchtte*e
Bernard Shaw. through the canal
Leat tear 5,545 ships with a to'al
net tot.nage of 28,962,04.4 passed
through with transit receipts ammint-
1 Ing to 142.000,1100. in 1k70 the
number of v.•ese Is was 4x9 with a
,onnage of 436.649, aline the ee-
1 e 4p4u antolMrd to $6.5MF.oPO. ,
his ,•nndltlun WA. 11111 rvtldd,n,l colt• I •-- __-- _
11111 ill had been minister of the: Frere State Army+Clot.
l'r.shytl•rian eh,r'h at %Ingham for . A co;n,rh•t'• reoreanlsHtlon of th. 1
thirty -.Ix years and was edee•tel moll-; p'r.,. ,yt,t.. *rmy er 1, proles', whirl I
prat.* ret the (General Assembly 'last I wilt reHlrre Oke 5Uen�rth or the 4,4,•s
June- 1r a ymnlg matt 1►Avld' 1'errl' I ent regul,rr fore.• by ahnnt 5.000 men
attended lraderleh ('ollegdate intel and pry,. sump $1 $00,000.
Otte. HP eradnat*d from Knox Col- T41rtm.• ;11a period of the civil war.
lege In 144RR and in 101!1 was Rive11 , the F'r••e Slate army nnntbered 50,„
Ole honorary degree of doctor of di- I Ono, This fn.•re less rrdueed until 11
vinity. The funeral takes piece today. slow rotate 71. :,Qlcers and 7,119 oth•
with Interment In Itnewefw ('wmetery. or ninon. eusLore 11,022.1$8.
Rev. Dr. Penis's Death
Iter. David Petrie, 11.0.. moderator
of the Presbyterian ('lurch In Can-
nata. 01e1 "n Tuesday morning Inst
at his home in Winghnm. He had been
fn impetrrd health for .nme Naw, lett
M•ver (mw•nt to ride ht -11 motor car.
WAY delvers In the old 4.he(Un, a"-
z•"mlan4,l by her sone and MPR. with
Little Wilke beside the ehschman.
Remy drove tale ear, and tried al-
Wites to i'sw the phaeton beton. It
reached, a certain rearm* doping
stretch of 'Tared, for if they felled to
paws before that pilot was rooted
they would 4* famed M follow the
phaeton tete nest of the way. Gran
we. always pleased when not dilly
their own car hent half-a-ahne•n others
SP 84.811 were foro'.l to mote behind
her at a Demon! peep. On naivel at
the chneeh she was supported to her
sent, where rhe jolntd in the wrrvlee
and necked peppermint's until drnwsl-
n010 overcame her end she dosed, not
too quietly. At borne, after chirreb, I
Nape & 1'lape
was }
• hc,
Hamilton St . 4loderfen
11 the beset' ul floral trills/tote hsgeh : G.O. Mellartney, R. R. No, 3,
.2¢1=-- SPA fnrth: Rohm Ferri*, !feriae!:
MurrayCahoon, BnteMPld ; James
Evans, 11ee'r•hwood; lamed Connolly.
WANTED. -MAH) F011 GFNER,IT, (i(Ai.irh.
hn,t.ekork. Apply at SIGNA1. Or• ex. 1,4110 R.
Teo, MM rtes:
Firm..Atex. Leitch. R. N0. a. Mites:
John ltnrray, Seaforth; 11w Alnchley
Q/A!ITIOD 'PO RhRitelW.--if4 uuu Sesforth. Pettey -holden, eye make all
11 tlr'trlase TOenrity. Gond intervert ee at.paymeR. 3. w And get their erteda re!t'elpt-
and part principal 1f desired, Parable Clinton; Calvin rCult's Grocerying /torr,
quarterly. Apply to BOX 4L Tire Aton'street. Onderieh, or r)3re11 Rohri
SIGNAL. (rnderdch '
Getters) Stem, lapael4.