HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1930-2-13, Page 5i r t) { -01 1 THE SIGNAL, - GODERICH, ONT. r. „a. Thanday, February 1$ I$/M-i COUGH SYRUPS to stop that cough. All the popular brands. Buckley's, Ayer's, Pinex, Chase's, Penslar and many others. Tonics and Builders Wampole's Tasteless Cod Liver Oil, Penslar (Vitamin Tested) Cod Liver OiI, also Squibb., Ayerst, and Parke Davis Tested Cod Liver OiI, at Campbell's Drug Store Phone 90 »r. Goderich Telephone;;, your next order for GROCERIES -to-- PRICES GROCERY Choice line of fresh Groceries and Fruits in season. - Ilei. I1F:LIVFat- Geo. Price & Son Telephone 248 Corner of Syron and Nord Street Notice to Water Takers -1'd m 4 The Water and Light Com- mialtion is pleased to announce a reduction of one dollar per annum on house water rates from January let. Owing to the late number oft takers this reduction meant. con- siderable lets revenue, and consumers are asked to co- operate in the economical operation of the plant by flee- ing that the water is not wasted and that all leaky- taps or services are fixed at once. L. L. Knox. W. T. Murney, Sec'y. Chairman. Sparr's -FOR- ality and t 7' nr Service Hamilton Street Phone 146 We deliver in town ST. AUGUSTINE ST. AUGUSTINE, Feb. 11.-.Josep6 Bowler is helping John Thompson to cut woad this; week. Stutter Itcid, of Crewe, is visiting at Mason McAllister's this week. Mr. Alexander Anderson had the ttisfonuue to cone In contact with the Suter -carrier last week. It re- quired a number of etitches to elope up the wound iu his hand. Wrlllfiglou Nixon Is helping Joseph Leidy to rut wood in Mr. Johnston's swamp this week. The young people in this vkinity are enjoying themselvees these moon- light nights skating on the tee lu J. CYalpt's field. The lee is good. KINGSBRIDGE . •KIXI;SiutiDGE, Feb. in.- -Many thrn'ksstu the Goderich propde for the kind h.epdtallty and goodwill they showed to the members of our Dram- atic Club. stud also for the apprecia- tion and applause that they bestowed on the play, "The Dutch Detective," which was presented in the MacKay 11a11 Ftnbntary 4th. Mrs. M. J. O'Counor is dYeitlug her daughter. Mee. Aug. Kitalan: of St. Aurtbeltie, for a anupte of weeks. Tbls February of ours has barn very changeable and unexpected in its mreds Only 1aR Saturday she kidded or into thinking Spring was on Its way; hut In dew than Iwenty- feur hours she wax laughing hilar - leeway at the Joke she had payed upon U• by slaking us fully realize that the King of Winter• waw still holding mnprPme reign over our Snow -*wept rountryside. We are merry to report that some of our notables have coat -ratted the' Il•ason's fashionable disease, common- ly known to all of us as the 'minims." We 'sincerely hope for them a 'nerdy recovery. g', t WHITECHURCH h' WHITFJCIIt'1tClt, Feb. W. -Mr. George Kennedy ,pent a few days last week la Toronto. Mrs. Duncan Kennedy spent -the week -end In Goderich with Mem. Harry Tlebborn . e Mrs. Purdon, sr.. has been under the doctor's care the last few days. The Ntotct concert, which has-' been postponed. was held on 'Friday night In the Institute Ilan, with a goodly number present. A splendid program was given. The quilt, which was made by Misers Annie May and Susau Car- rick. was sold for $12, Mr. Thos. I Gaunt being the lucky kidder. The Y. 1'. S. of rhe Puked church are holding a valentine social in the church basement tau Monday evening. The regular monthly meeting of the Woolen's Institute will be held 013 Wednesday It the home of the pres- ident, s - ident, Mrs. Wesley Leggett. Mr. Donald Finlayson. of Lo halwb, visite) last week with lila aunt, Mn. Jas. MacGregor. Mr. Fruuk Carroll, of Ashfield, was ylsitiug last week with Mr. John h-lnely of ('ulross. Miss leer's %itches.re of 111.. ,ale Hints on Gardening 'Moat of us are amazed at the way time flies. Though It peasa only a few days since the year was ushered In, it is in reality fully els weeks. Spring will approach at the same speed, and soon we shall to sallying forth with rake awl fork, glad to ere the last of the he and frost and eag- erly tvelcousiug the first green wlst that um/tsars uwuug the willows. But there will be still more satisfac- tion when the brown earth app ears steaming through the last snowdrift, U we have plana d our garden- ing activities ahead. With a pencil, a wed catalogue, a bulletin or two, and our visions of gardens of lust year still lingering In our minds, It Is a simple matter to hay out ti really waster garden for 1930. This eau be arranged so 'tint we shall have plenty of flowers and vegetables without in- terfering wltt our regular work and i is•re'tatIOtt at all. The Vegetables Sttvlitht q t:,ne vegetable gardeu. It taker only a few miuut. s more time to use a string, and there will be a Bene of sett:dee- pun during the whole season lu ad-, miring our handiwork. . Moreover, there Is a distinct saving in spacer! when- the rows are straight and cul-, tivatlon la made easier. A .!hill year's, supply of vegetables can be aridly pnslued where the garden is fairly'. large, and this usually applies to all' places In • the erouutry, the •v'illages or, the timelier towns. If there is room enough, full -slued rows of from thirty Rachis to four feet are udviwable, so Stmt. full udvaiitage can be token of purse err garden tractor cultivation., Such vegetables as carrots, beets, let- tuelr, and spinach can he grown In the+ harrower row's, while potatoes, toma- toes, encumbers, equaelh and corn re-, huh* from three to four fret. In the{ larger garden It will not be neces- sary to worry about conserving mace by alternate row's of quickly maturing stuff 'ouch es lettuce and spinach which are taken off before the later sortsrel uire the full room. But this dors Lot mean that tomatoes, for fu- Atet ',, should be ullowtd to sprawl over the ground. Staking of three plants is always edvieable, ss the fruit matures earlier and is cleaner. and it neater aptaeUTSnle 4 ,given to the whole garden. 'tun 11* rows north and south, 40 that the swtzhlne will be evenly distributed•. After the early crops are harvested, and the fine of them, like the radish, will be Wady in from three weeks to a month, sow a cover crop of clover. rye. Brats, or some other quickly growing thing which will over 'the ground, keep down weed*, add attractiveness to the garden and also fertilizer when plowed under. Squad*, cucumbers and melons can be grown along a fence or ou sloping ground. so that they will get the most sun for ripening and the fruits will remain dry. It is well to .et tuddc the warmest and rlcheet portion of thegarden for such 1 things. Do not be content with just the or- dinary run of vegetables. but add two or three few' things every year. ength of your season, too. by planting several varieties of those things particularly desired. Suomi pions' plantings will also help in this eonneetlon. •Firn Iona a a It we .erllas•tthree varieties car nof 11 and parer -an early sort, a medium one and a late variety -and plant one-third of each at Intervals of a week or ten days. we shall extend the season for these vegetables over a much longer period. Erect the regetnble settle,' eau be beautified by n fee rows of flowers along the sides or a clulpp, in rash corner. Topples. cosmos and other bright blouse are suitable. in the vegetal'''. garden, too, should be grovvn lir fl urrnr that ore G, be used• for cutting purposes, particularly ' those flowers, such as eweet peas. sleet Ih' eee•k -enol at the lulwt• of Mr. awl Morn. Wesley Leggatt. )Iles olive Kennedy was visiting last week with MIs. Annie Moore ail the bonne of MIs. Lewle In Wingbam. Don't forget the box social to lie; - I ell In the ha!' on Friday. Fehrunry 14.' Little Allen Inglis, sun of Mr. and Mrs. This Inglis, is very ill at prerveut. Mr andNr.. Robert Stewart mull. lain• from Klnl.,s. ap,•nt NnnQny rill %le :end Mrs.' Ilerb Laidlaw h. rite■MIN I•• ICUNU■••IIUNE■ 1 a ■A■ ■ •HAVE YOU HA• • taken advantage of the many ■• Dollar -Saving Values ■ ■ .alp offered in our l.r;l�' • • 6r Stock -taking Sale? SPECIAL: PRICES IN ALL DEPARTMENTS ■ i•' ■ • • • • C• ome, Buy and Save • •of • ■GEO. W. SCHAEFER vgL • S•tore t.Z..�v. Ica�g e rr��.gr pe; PHONE 56 1 . y.'fm P ;;i: ■ 4'.�,>R+�6xJ,MRdriG4't, e.-��� . '..11Li,... •11Itll•.l•rl1l/1• I1 • .11i1111, ■ i • •■ 1 i Many Special Values final three days Sale ends Saturday February 15th :°; for dpi the ••rasa wktch ars sot sspecttilly noted for their foliage. no Flowers Wbeu we come to planning the flow- er garden, we must adopt a dUterent attitude entirely in regard to the rows. In very few cases la anything but clump planting advisable. A much bet- ter show can be produced where groups of ten plants of one variety are placed together with the smaller aorta, such us elyseuw, calendulas and alwllar thitua, at the front; with hollyhot•ks, dahlias, memos, marigolds and the Manger xtuuiaa at the rear. One must guard agalust clashing colors and also against blind spots. That is, there should be something blooming at all times. In the Catalogues will be found listed the different milers, the heights of the planta, and We season of blooming, wr that there will be no trouble iu laying out our garden well in advance of planting, and if we take a little time with our ixucil and paper we should have contlnuoua and, pleasing bloom from late spring until frost. PROJECTFOR NEW TOLEDO -DETROIT HIGHWAY Senator F'rank Tom at Head of This Undertaking The proJcet fur another new main highway in the Toledo -Detroit district owes its inception to Senator Flank Tom, a Iluron old buy and brother of Mr. J. E. Tom of Goderich. The Toledo News -Bee in a recent issue pays a tribute to Senator Tum for kis public- spirited activities in the following words: "From Mme superhighway to another, Senator i'raak Tum is mete*, as any man In Titletl0 thew• days. 111. work in eurryttlg through the now famous Tom bill of which he was the author. in the State Legislature, had a great deal 1u do wkh the SUMO.% of the effort to turn the Miami and Erie eanal Into a 2151-mlk boulevard. "Now Tow has turned his interest to the north of the city. Ile ham just .outlined to u Member of Commerce committee the plana for, making a Toledo -Detroit main highway, using the route of the abandouel Toledo Benin street car line. "The seeulc possibilities 4.1 this new superhighway along the lake shore are immense. 1t will do a great iketi relieve the It -semi congested roads betfiloToledo and ltelrult. nod i1. will 'liable much through truffle Iron Detroit Ito l'leceluttl to be routed without pounding the pavements tat Toledo's dow'ntow'n district. -Without able leaders. big public Imprnrements such as this languish. It le fortunate that tit the proper tine a man of Senator Tom's abllIty and experleuce could be found to get the project going." Speaking Pharasaceutically Two druggists were talking about one of their confreres who had Just died. "He was a great druggist," said one. "He was," admitted the other, "But don't you think he made his Chicken salad it little tiro salty 't"--4:. E. To- gether. . titearaer liarilt Ste. Marie Ssld J)FTRO►IT, Feb. •:r. The Detroit patentee freighter Sault Ste. Marie, owned by the .ilgontf Steamship Com- pany, wtts s.d.I at public ettllon today under nut order of the Federal Court here to satisfy a Judgment obtained by the Pittsburg Coat Company. cover- ing fuel hills. The surer -said bidder; was Thomas 11. Candler of Detroit.' whose offer of $11.700 was hlgher'that' that of two other bidders. Candler' would not say whether he was bidding' on his own .behalf or as agent ter nttt' er interests. The vessel Is tat present tied tip at Ecorse. PORT ALBERT 1'c'IMT A 1,IiF:ItT. P.•1,. 12. --Mr. EI- un•r Graham is iisiting in '1' to thin welk. Mr. AI.y ;.lydou. of 11',tirars. busk.. f+ lHdtinc with his sister. MIs.. Mary Gordon of Ooderkk, and hie brother, Mr. Angus Gordon, Aaktleid. ills many friends are delighted. to greet him once again. Mr. Jas. l,rawfont, who had the misfortune to fall and break h!e leg, Is recovering nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Robert 1)urnin rpm Saturday with Mrs. Durnlu's father. Mr. Jas. Orawford. Mime E. Long was in Stratford• labs week -end attending the Norval School a.t-hots• awl re uulou banquet. MLoe Katheriue l)rawfunl, of Gtsl- erk•h, spent the week -end -at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Will Crawford. Mrs. Jas. Young, who underwept an operation In Goderk•lt hospital late- ly, has returned to her home. Mr. Alfred Pollock, tit line ltivt•r,' ileitis' his sister, Mrs. Nelson Graham. tau Muttluy of this week. Mr. LRuert Crawford. Miss Falun Crawford and Miss Je•ati lwdttor of the G. C. 1. spent the week end at their tesslt•tive homes. Miss Alva Stewart vl+ited• with her amu, Miss F)thel lIruwa. A few people from fort Albert at. Itndoel the 1retetor dewutistrntlou Lt Goderich last Friday. I)UNGANNON DI'XI;AXN'tX. Feb. 12. Mr. Puhn•I er Kilpatrick attended the Normal School .t -Bowe at Strutter(' last Fella} . A number from lore attended the dance is Auburn last Friday night. Mr. Harold Sproul, rho wus here on: a risk to his parents. Mr. and Mrs. David Sproul. has returned to his home In Saskatchewan. There was u good attendance at the euchre party held Iu the parish ball list Friday night. The winners were Mra. Harry Fowler and Mr. 'Phu.. Rivett. CesgratulaUeas to Mra. GIrvine- The February meeting of the Wuweu's Missionary aueiety of !Mugu United church was held In tete Snil- day ,.'hood room on Friday. Februay 7th. with an attendance of twenty- one. 'rhe prt•sltient, Miss Cello Pent-- laud. ent•laud, presided rued the program was in eharge of -the girls of the Society. The following birthday letter. was sent to Mrs. David Girvlt : . Ihulgauuon, (1111,. Feb. Sth, mai. Dear Mrs. Girtin, - We. the mem• I sn fir t 1 t 1l'ou n's � , to . U si ler r y Sesely., wish 111 renrey our euugratn- haluus to• you on ulntidug your odghty elghl1. birthday. We are very proud of our "(dee life u1 oder and although you c:uutot attend our nu•cl- Inge, as we would like you to, you are a source of Inspiration to us. as we kuow we always here your pray -I era, your active interest and ceeoper-' atloi it the work of our Society find? every other branch of cbureli service. I We hope you may 'Ise spared In good ! health nod rich bright intellect tee se wavy nwre happy birthdays end show us till hour to grow old grace- fully. (Signed on behalf of the W.M.i.1 Miss Cella Pentland, l'resldeut ; Mrs. G. P Ilarrds. Secretary. Her Ilighly-eighth Birthday. -Wel needay, February ,ith, was tie eighty-, nnuiversttry of the birthday uf one of INIngauunn's estimable old i ladies, Mr.. David (Arvin. who through- out the day received the trongratulu- dens and g,fod wishes of many friends and neighbors upon loving Visited another milestone lel Illus. lJuuruey. Her birthday cake, which was served to her vestal, was made by her- self. Letters of congnatulutlon also; were rot-civel by esiI hating come, i from the extreme points of the Bron lineal, iuch,del ht .which nire lel- lees from I'lorlda, Sanson% r, c'rl gary, Chicago. Purtege 1,8 Prairie. eco Nits t.ir'lu mss u1.1u the recipient of wan) gifts from friends. Altherugh V four- score e h l et I n her f ur- h has S h u n m I r a 1 score years and ten, she 1s bright.' cheerful and active, and has r' fnlutj ours h ..f her youthful vig or. her erect tignrc std stately vier rletg.• ..(,niug Int little of her 11.1 vaneel act•. She 1. .Atendeed hen rt i• est congratulations and It Is trust ed that her declining years may 4 x.: DAViD L4 yt; GFOR:rE "AV 1.1 as WILLIAM H TAFT CA?L s; FOUR, rAe!^. t .•1 HINDENBURG THOMAS A EDISON 'A' I,oRD PA RMOOR WILLIAM E GLADSrTIDWE ale 4 • 1- JGHN D ROCIt.ETL1.LER Si I c 1t+ f ONNONS NM:N11t;Kati TINT 01P .IT P4EVENT1. •t • • 1 The Itrltlsh Dense of Common. and I,xlor lenders hace'en''orwd n per pse•al 'that . r e ..f their nnnds•r +foul'' toe offer u.oi•eif ler r, -election If he has iui"el the nom or o'renty. They arm to forget that many umeu In this tfg••. ctrl In oiler n:,•+, .11.11 Ito the leaders pictured ttloyt, ion le d,tN• Intlrh to make their mark In Mr• world even after they had passed the seventy murk. Gladstone. riff; iiiinately known as the ''Grand led Man." was Prins Mlnistcr of r;e,., Rrl,nln t;it'••e times lifter he had ptrawl the age of sttemty, mud wit} c•ighty•four wenn he resigned from profit teal life, while his arch opponent, ifsr*Pll, was lrrldlne the destinies etf Engine(' In his portfolio for the neeatd time at the age of ...event, Tiftee Cabinet Ministers tat the poen-rn Labor c;ovenlnlrent own up lo seventy or mafre, in eluding Lord 1'arm,or. laird• Ht1A1 c'hsn.etlor of firers' 1'r!' On. tent Rattner was 'Foreign Minister when he wu• math Older then' -seventy, and his ?word Is tise well known to need n•tetition. The people of Germany took to ad n14 man, President ron lllndrnburtt. to steer the arhlp of state Ingo p•ne•fnl waters, 51111 John 11. Rockefeller, sr . although nearly ninety. 1s 0111 pbwferfnl .nnneh to be res fully listened I.' when IM speaks on financial matters. Mr. Jostler Taft, United i)tatee .5-npreae Conrt. until n f,•t 1ys ago was still dispensing justle', de,plte. or he inose of, his age. Theme% Edison and i.lo)d George ere tint` ynnhg Iw lige tett are still remarkably nctlte one cheerful. is 'esthete to be filled with a moss - art of the joy and happiness which hate been cuaravterlatic of hepr past lite. Unwary Amami 1fes11tag.-T a an- imal meeting of the Dungannon pub- Ik library wus held.,at the home of the librarian, Misr Dreauey, on Tues - (ley evening. After the minutes of the last meeting were reed and adopted, the librarian's report wus given and pruvtd very nl)ttlsfactury•, rt(,turtlug more inenrls•rs, mote fres, and more 'woks read that, In the previous year. rhe treasurer's report also was mils. taelury. More books bad been Matt- elutvel this year, all expenditures had been wet • awl a .mull surplus re- atabtel to start the new year. ,t mo- tion was gassed to make the board of directors a vowwittt•e to solicit new sub.•ribers and encourage more reud- Ing b) the odder ones. The following officer. were elected : 1)r. T. E. Case, honorary president ; Mrs. It. l)a.ldsoa, president; tier. C. C. Keine. vice= president; F. hoax, sttretary; A. B. Maine. treasurer; Miss L. Dreaney. librarian. 'rhe other directors are: Wm. Mole, Mrs. H. A. McKenzie, Mrs. C C. Brown, Mrs. Thus. Stutberr, Mrs. J. Ryan, Mrs. G. M. McKenzie. Miss I. Elliott tool N. F. Whyard. Ex- pression was given to words of praise for Dr. T. E. lease In his efforts to make the library the first cousidera- titan for the support of the muumuu -1 by. It was unanimously egred that be be fundi honorary president of the board. Wert Wswaaaah Fire Insurance Co. --The annual meting of the MYR Wit- wauush 'Fire lusurruce l'otupany tack pinve tau Friday afternoon It the par- ish hall, Lht11gauuot . A large assembly of policy holder. as present. The first part of the meeting was devoted to the directors. The chairman. Mr. Wm. Watson, gave u summary of the year's busluevs.. He '.stressed nu• Net that 19291 was the heatleat year of losses tie tewipuuy had experienced for 'many a year. and he urged policy- holders to exer•lae inure than ordin- ary care in the preveutiou of fire, by avoiding the careless use Of eignrs, eigarettcs. pipes. g11 oIlde and other ageficieo that are the origin of many fires. Mr. Wutsuu wade an exe•eUeut speech in presenting the official re- pot!. Thr xeerud part of the tneetiug w tpolicy hold • . r. was akin by theorfs W J. Parrish of .'.slifield wus nppuiutt-t chairman and Mr. C Treleaven ee, - Ne1ary. The auditors' report was giv- en by the senior auditor. lir. J. Wil eerll of Auburn. 111. e•\audna l tern el the (nooks hr found eveyvtluing lu ex• t•elleul comfit Mu nod 5411e surds of encomium to the secretary. Ile 111x.' stress',F the great ued of rare in the pre)entlun of fires, tar their company would 1.' forced to increase the rate. Ile moved the adolrtiun of the audit- or, report, which was seondetl by Mr. Dinah" Me•Iman, the other auditor. The elee tion of directors followed to fill the cnoincie* of those whose three- year -term had exlllresl. They wen. T. Griffin. of Kingtsbrldge Itobt. Drtrld- ron, of Dungannon, Old Chas. Hew- itt. of Kincardine. dine. .UI were re-elected by acclamation end responded to tall'. fur short epetahes. Other utetubvt'• ul the beard, Messrs. W. McQuillln, W. 1'. Reed and'w. Thompson. so al N stoke briefly Mr. Alex. Niehols..u, of Lue•know, was ulseent owing to 111 - twos, haying under' • an operation in Toronto.' There were nuttily reprise MD. of apprwiation of his valuable rervit•ee. l.' the a :an pstn), and u tuuIit t we. unanimously passed extending to hint the sympathy of die meting ;end •' 1 • V ex a ,.. e� r In the hu N• o his 1 t R f I :•pet y ttAiO am eI� wd.a -Mack L.ttoria writes about Iron - lied Yeast. Thousands say adds 5 ba IS Ib.. 4. 3 wreaks. Comp4zioa dorm like magic. Nerves, constipa- tion vanish overnight: Get Ironed Test tablets from druutst today. a s 4.0 WRIGLE WRIGLEY'S is good compost on any trip. les delicious flavor adds seat and enjoyment. The sugar sup• plies pep and energy when the day seems long. In short K's good old good for you. ca tt After Every Metal Bargains in Fancy Work All stamped pieces at half price Smith's Art and Gift Store Don't pass up this! Special price on a PURR AI,UMINt'M Double Boiler Remarkable Value. Inner n r holds 3 m r' IPe Sal Pints r'uter holds 5 1-4 Imperial Pints. . Worth the Money Sale Price 79c SALE ENDS FEBRUARY 211TH. Alf. Tebbutt & Son WEST STREET We Deliver Phone Ogg A Free Slip Cover with each Marshall Mattress sold during January.oi ,;I.rII Buy now BLACKSTONE'S Furniture Exchange 'a 11a soul d island" PERI ♦ STORES WHY HESITATE? There 0.e. N bene when only tics• rb:' noel 1 afro,' to pa) higher prier- t dnl•l take ad%anniee,e•f a deliver) service Sow the rnperior Chain '.ton's will,the n.n:del lancing power of .steer sic hmtNlnsl.t,,#,.. make it p•.-.ii.l• fore.ertone tt..l.'et(; their groceries dell ervel atl.l at nes! PM,ng••. F..r actnal .tnnlity. Per. lee. price and lapid delivery these stores are unexcelled. Why he.itate. 'I'l, .rt' )'one enter nnw fuel he c'1i41ce41 tint a,p flat WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS 10 Bars Fresh, Crisp per Ib• SURPRISE 49c Arrowroot Biscuits 29c A t'ure, Hard Soap Purity Quick Oats, per pkg. 27c Interlake Toilet Paper, 3 for 25c t,illex, per pkg 12c I.ealand Sweet Mixed Pickles. 30 or , per bottle • 47c P and R Sandwich Pate, each 14c 3 for Aylmer Soups 29c All Favors Except ( hicken Toilettes Marguerite Cigar. •mild. fragrant, (nil wrapped, 10c site Packs of S Cigars SOc Apple Jelly. large 40 oz. jar 33c Aylmer Catsup, 12 oz bottle 19c Libby's Spinach, 2's 23c (-nen Meal, 2 Ib.. 13c Oxo Cube., 4 Cubes 13c, 10 Cubes 2Sc Maple Leaf Salmon is 's 25c Linn Valley Asparagus Cuttings, 2'. 2,c Delicious Home Made Fudge, per Ib. 29c Maple Leaf 2 for CORN 25c No. 2 size Pure Raspberry Jam, 40 oz. jar.35c Marshall's • Kippered 'tarring, ('s 24c Marshall's IL -ming in Tomato. Sauce, 1's 24c Marshall's Fresh Mackerel, ('s.24c Jersey Gloves, greyer brown, per pair 20c Kellogg's 3 Pkgs Blue Ribbon 3 boxes Silent Matches 25c Corn Flakes 25c Lr ull Count 1 'I if WK 1►Ki,IVI':R I' Ill' I' --- ± + - -Phone your order to - J, J. McEWEN, Goderick, CHAS. ALTON, Dugafwn. J. CALVIN CVTT, Goderich. t R3BT. PIIILUPS, Auburn. t.. • :.r. •r i ..r y- v<•yy.p •t rrw t . .,, ,� . ,,.; r •1«►y ' sR 1 �L .-.'e t -._ .. l' 41,'. ie y.. tau 11 yt t1 Pi tib t5 riC 4: l