HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1930-2-13, Page 4*40400 3 k. NMI 1-91r7ret: y7 r.-Thurwday. February 18, ieeo. 'V7wi _r ,,eros,% -41-44.1117 1;. THE SIGNAL, ewereaesiatieeelliatedliameinsMIMIlmaneasereas GODERICH, ONT. rt ra ste A Good Investment IV It would be a real good investment to buy your winter Overcoat NOW. even if you do not need one until next winter. Every Overcoat in the store goes at real bargain prices euM,1Ilt�'d it -SEE THEM- tr meow 4444 • W. C. PRIDHAM & SON "Tote Store tc'ith the Stock" Telephone 57 Men's and Boys' Wear. Goderich, Ontario. CLEVELAND'S BREAD is a• tempting complement to any meal -delicious in itself and lending zest to the reet,of the menu. Your family will demand twice as much of our Bread as any other. Encourage them to do .o, as it is the moat healthful and nourish- ing food they can take. E. U. CLEVELAND Mae 114 Wed Street BENMILLER Mrs Elelry. of Itknmiller. entelt- talnel Mr. Wm. Snell's family of leindoehoro and Minn Mariam Snell of 1 Gaerfrh Collegiate last Saturday and, all had a eery enjoyable time. • i4,1,jiad#:i LANES LANES. Feb. 10. -Quite a number faced the storm Thursday night to attend the League service in Hackett's Yrs. Marvin McDowell. We are bop Ing fur a speedy recovery. hive sacrament of the Lord'. Supper was administered is the Wartfleld l'Mted church on Bontlay, but owing to the weather the atteralanee wag not as lairs -eats usual. The W. M. S. and the congregation- al neeetlug will be held In the Mee - meat of the Westfield 'lilted church 111 Welneltelay afternoon next, when the various reports w111 he glveu. Mr.. Wni. Walden spout a couple of sleek* with her daugbter, Mrs. S. Mel'ltuthey of Auburn. Mr. and Mrs. Alva McDowell and family %belted on Sunday with Mr. uud Mrs. S. MtClluchey of Auburn. :WA CREWE L 'H 11?*." 10111'1,:. Feb. 10. ---The uaadl !y meeting of the W. M. S. wax 11.441 at the home of Mrs. ltaymend Finnigan oil February 741i. with a good a.tteod- NIHw. Mre. Dusty gave a reading. A. .hiet wan rendered by Miss Alum Blake a''41 Mr. Drenneu. Mrs Trt- lenven gave a reading, followed ley a s..l.. (nen Mrs. Watt. 19w firat clap - ler in the new stluly book was given lo Mrs. Crozier. Mr. Keine and Mrs. anal Kilpatrick have a few remarks. Meeting Heeled with benediction by Mr. Keine. The Society are having a copper campaign; tMlss .Uma Blake and Mrs. J. Kilpatrick are captains. The campaign to (dome at the end of June and the losing side to provide a slipper. Miss Loris Swan, of Dunganuua, spent the .week -end w'Ith Mk* lona Swan. l•Ittle Fyne. Ball, who leas been very i11. la, we are glad to say, improving. Mrs. J. (hanmey spent a few days, with her daughter, Mrs. R. Finnigan; Mrs. Wilfred I)rentwn. Lorraine and J. C. are visiting Mira. I)reaneu'a parent-. Mr. and Mrs. Hackett. La•k- now•. chard(. Ther' will be a valentine t ;;.y.. «w•Iul thin Thursday ereuing. All ars AYFIELD invited to attend. Messrs. Gilbert Vint, Alex. Hackett land Clifford Hackett attended the 1.. U. L. Meeting in Wh*1I,w late la week and • number of other* from this line attended the Bruce meeting of the L. O. L. in Lt.cknow. Mr. Wm. Baldwin received word of the death of his sister, Mrs. Leon Hall (Bertha 1.. of Canton, Uhler. The funeral took place on Friday last. 11 11 11 4'- 11 s.1! t,. 1t . 11j , l� J .LL v, y! 11 .�j se , 11 ;1• tlj 1i 11'': WESTFIELD • a IBA YFII LD. Feb. 11. -The• repels s tell nine to b.b at next meatlog, LORD CA SON RETIRES Fbbrurry 90th, a ittod model muablpal el• Q eetior. The candidates for reeve are 'i ion MoKensie and Brown /Rewire ; fur councl lora, Ethel Stirling, Mrs. PJd. 16turgbon, Charles Wallis, Clar- ence Bohner, 'Murray Grainger, Mfr S. Juhtrrton. Voting will be done by those present. There will be good p.r,gs am, The play "Kt(tnappleg Betty" will probably be given about the eod of the 'month. B�ea'ilslfa (frit HAS MIMIC TO AN Si lyatwerserai• Appearance, the Bort Oa/Uvad.g Seojwe, and the Ito- amastia Owner of the Man, Made MEM a Oaeenaaading Ftgm•, Mra. A. Newton -Brady returned' Loyd Carom, in his 76th year, has home MI Monday from Sarnia, where resigned hs. aloe as Lord of Appeal - *be vlslttd her mother, Mra. J. are. la -Ordinary. Thus ends the active INtnald. career of one who was perhaps the MT. and Mr.. Willard titurgwiu 111141 most arresting and rutuantic figure (dead left last week to Malt in London. dung •p by the Anglo-Irish struggle since the death of Parnell. Lord rom Ca ASHF IELD ,a o, contrary to a common belief. .', 1J was not an Ulsterman. Re Wail torn, In fact in rebel Connaught, hut, like A�IIF'iI' LU TUWNIIIIP, Feb. 11.- Parnell, was sprung from a very old The Kdntall Wumeu'a Institute held family of South ut Ireland Proles their monthly meeting at the home of tants. Educated at Trinity College. Noe. Charles Rabb on Thursday, trete 11, where, curiously enough. he roars 11. in the absence of the press- was ei fellow-mtudeet of Oscar Wilde, dent, airs. A. litrkett, Mrs. Nell Mat- Cain. unlike Parnell, became ato.•p- IG•ttale occupied the chair. The roll ed in the traditions of the southern tail was answered by "A 'irlp I Would minority; Imbibing its -traditions and Enjoy." After tete bdsinent part of its loyalties, and respouding to them the meeting the throughout his g h seretary read erverul a career with the n letters of ap.p,recdtttion [rum the sick sources of a powerful intellig.•ner• and shut -its for favors sent them. .\ It is said that Carson 'deviled" fo good program Wilt gh•ett. ',toodirng a time tar Peter O'Brien, the tauloys tapers read by Hes. Neil .1. Mat- Jurist who was known as "1'. ter the Kenzie. ' Mrs. E. Jamieson and Packer." and whom Don In ane• mad. Mrs. Henry MacKenzie. An inter- one of the cha:ucters of his "Haug- estlug contest followed. After commute- man's House." 1:e time he became ty singing u pleasing t$hdth duet one of the m net brilliant figures At was rendered by Rev. Mr. and Mrs. the Irish Bar, and In 189. he became ('ultuhoun. The singing of the National &dltllor-general for Ireland. It has Atrthefss -brought it prodtsble after- been said of Cars .u, as It was said noon to a close. A dainty lunch was of Caatlenath, that he at one time servedtby the ladles. favored irleh self -Government; and A valentine dance will be held In the our own Hamar (Ji enwood once pro - pariah hall at Klnirebrldge Friday, dated whit appeared to be euurinring Mr. and Mn. Tint GrlMln and airs, rvW,ntl that lie• joined the National and Mrs. T. J. Inunaa Were guests el Ltbrral CI :b lu Loudon one year af- Ir. 1111 Nr.. Jim. llladat••le brought In home rule. LEEBURN WC1CBUte\, 'fr'tb. 12. -alba Anne McDonald spent the week -cud at the hole. o1 Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bi'.ie, , Auburn. Miss Aileen tFrej.meue was with her ruusiva, Mr. and Mr.. Faua•r N,see at Able•. all Itsst week. 11 r. lh•Irs'.0 Horan bus guile 111. 1'11 help tilt ww,ml her hl, 11, te, )1r Idrnry Horton. to .lahlYeld. I1.•''ry Ilot ton. well-kmww'n here. %v,as rutting dawn tries two week, ago when 1111 1,11 oil hon foot uud he had 10 case 1ft' fu 1.1s work. 111.. (.set Ir gradually getting all right alga'''. Mr. Oliver look. •whip u'yinz L• .top a runaway tenni r.seot1t. w'a- k11o,•kwt duan by the homes nu.l his L''ws alp .11:14,11 nn, hurt. Our Itgwilar narks r,eei tti a letter the other day from San Diego, tial wide!' e:em1• by aeruphine i,i iw1 day. Sirs. 'I'huwes Ilortou un.fawo •hlld- roil ore 1l+iting her parent.. 11r and Mrs It Ilk(. iu e:,.derlele township. this week. 'Phe It Y,I'.1• ..1 1:oderith Ilnptist' ehun•h c,11a• out in a ,l,•i4hload :end • htid Ui,'Ir wteting, Monday ,%cuing at . the holm. 4.1 Jlr. sued Airs. A. elution. Ttw junior 11(1.1,' class or lis -burn r 1 Sunday s li,s.I art rutwtainiug tit intermediates. MIs- ilortoi's class. at • a ess inI evening h1 the Sunday *'hewn • I on Friday evening. - the home of \ . a . S. nllton 1111 ?tuwiay last. By 1892. howe.vrr, he was a will- 'ehntert IIth. I tont Union nt. t)nd Ills dulled an SO - F llcitor-General were discharged under nd some of their friends eni,oei ri the r•.:icor ur -Bloody Balfour " kating party followed by a Weiner' Those err.• roast on Friday last. We regret to report that Mr. Iiugh Ferguson, of Laurier, is on the sick iso this week--- -- land Ieag•Ie wasIn full re volt; and when a Unionist Mintier• was oak erclon. AIItt'ibN, der.. 1.. --Mrs. Nll. Jewel Careen, as Balfour's chief instru- and daughter, 41f (•olleorue. were the. went, made hlmnelf respected and guests of her father. Yr. R. Scott, feared. H• himself 41(41 out know and.e►ttx•r n•latIves recently. what fear was; he was In constant Miss MarJurie Hetherington. of (god' danger of his lift; armed policemen le visiting. her cousin. Miss Sadie displayed their revokers In r11urt uo sty church wee bele at the home of Mrs. Featherstone on Thursday atter- noon, February 0th. when there was Iattendancea good attendance of member.. It • was decided W have a pancake social on Shrove Tuesday. Mrs. McKay kindly offered her home for rhe occa- sion. It was; decided to serve meals on July 12th. when the Orangemen will celebrate bore. Mos. T. Bailey left on Saturday to visit at London. Stratford and To- 'W'Ernar11 n, Feb. 10. -Her many Tonto. friends art. sorry to bear of the illness The young people's department of I Carter. • prevent Interruption of his forensic of Anna McDowell, daughte of Mr. and St. Andrew's Unked church are plan - Mrs: T. Alwlerson, of God erk•ii, eloquence, armed oeee•rs guarded his spent Saturday last with her Aster, Carson(homy. Thorough all of three trying Mrs. T. Straughan years arson never flinched. tour was ys when Mr. 11a1- putting Nationalists Ilk. John Dillon and William O'Brien to Jail and then tuquiring sincerely about their health; days when the. a AUBURN tag everything upon a policy• of co- Ali %.11j SECOND OF THE BJG MJDWJNTER It -I. ock-Reducing Sale z� tt f illi AT CORNFIELD'S cl See last week's paper for list of BIG ;SPECIAL VALUES and come to our store and see many more Bargains Big Bargains in Ladies' Wear Big Bargains in Men's Wear • Big Bargains in Goods by the yard - ( 4sr:":.,"��..�'� 17;fr1i�l and General Merchandise All goods are offered at prices we cannot repeat All our goods are firsts ---no seconds Sale continues to Saturday, Feb. 22 , , A.T' "Shop Where You Are Invited to Shop" West Side of Square)! 1,4,;0 ; ,, ._na s Phone' 418 ; . !il V,, ^1N. Mr Wm. and Mr. Wellington Good! His courage won hint the admlr- were called t.. Indiana by the serious; atlon of his tort:. It is. In fact. a Illue•paradoxical truth that Edward Car- 1ie„Ais of their brnthrG Mr. Edward' -son was never really unpopular with Mr. and Mrs. M. Hultzhanrr, al the Nationalists. and was almost Londe•rboro. /pent two days %tastingi popular with the Sinn Feiner,. H. relatives in Auburn. was, after all, one of their own; a real Irishman from the south, and a J M185 I►. Homey and Mia: Mc1op- aid spent the week -end with Miss Gladys Taylor. - 'altos (grey_ who is conducting the domestic ectetwe class here, .pent the weekend with friends In Guelph, re - hinting un Monday. We are rdorry to report that Miss Sturdy is net as well as usual. Mass Lila Vungblut and Miss Anna Beadle leave on Monday to take a enure• of training in Stratford h.. t SIJ qui 1«ep ,• CODERICH TOWNSIIIY t;t 1 1 1E11'11'11 'PI 1WNNII II'. Feb 12 - The 11' 11 S oI Unto'' United .-hare 1. wets this Wednesday ufte•rn,''44 at rhe h..tm• of Mr. t:e• Fa71,lm.r The 1(ouleg Peoples S.s•IWy 11f 1'11 - lou chureli met 1,u.t Friday miming in the eburrla The president. Misr Pent- land. had th„rge of Oa. weenie. It was de•..Mei to auto I ,,.''teat 1r•giii- t nine with the next meeting Plans were mote for u %alentilie 1•. trey to he held on t'riduy et11111114 It oma- ski. .h• -Wed 1. ••,•t up a ids. to tete future. Death of Mrs. ,e1'. H. 'Abb.-There palssed ..way lu ('Ih i,u b..spilui on Pehrria r l tab -'one•' of 4.,'dtrlcti tow n• ship's *nest highly '+nets d citizen,, ( Mrs W. 11. Lobb of itayfield Leath .:111.• :is a !Nippy release atter s•vernI weeks of linens,• suff.riug Mn. L.4.b hail been u residwn or Geeel erihh tow '' -'tit for oder lorry - four users. Ste sal, of a ,we..•1. retiring di'p.•-Trion, et. r happy in the seer%• Lw,.ot tellers She wax n uw•ml. -r 11•' Iluliue..tiIle• 1 iiited church and active In many .41 Its urgaulat1ioua. having until recently held the "ffi.1 of pres- ident of the %Some..'. Mia.lutary clety. She was torn lit Brantford iu the your 15111. a daughter of Richard Moore. it siiio..huaster. and Eliz.. I►Itkeua.n.. who also had Leen a aeh.sd teacher. After heating Brantford the remll% settled near Fullerton. where her Gather «„udueted a singing acbs,l with markt,( smvra. In her early girl- hood she became u member '.1 the former M.•Iheslist Cbun•h and 8414 a first-class fighting mon. It wan Car- ; member of Bethel-,h.dr until her mai- Sou who acme few years ago, public-; Hoge 'there ate left 144 numru the ly revealed his long-standing Mem:- j los, of a holog wire and mother Iver ship with the late T. P. O'Connor. hutGatwi Mr. W. 11. Leiib, four eons - Nor was It for a northern seat that Wilbert. F'ri derick uud Frank. uf aIndrsond sat at Westminster. 1t was. 1 G,wlerl.le township, and Clifford.. of ee , "ht old unlverslq, Trinity College, Dublin, that sent him to Par- liament, and few ualversltree have ever had a more brilliant representa- tive. In the House, his striking, ar- resting personality made Ita••ef felt at was presented with a club -4%1g by the once. 'Che picturesque appearance, the soft Presbyterian church and alias Beadle tine brogue. the ro- with a steamer trunk by the member.. mantic carneereer o of the man, made him a o m dl of the Anglican church. Me wish them c m an ag figure. anc(•ess. The great fight of his life was Mr. James banning, of the steamer against home rale. In this, as the ab't'ulloch, has been tbcNing hl- champion of IIlster, he was a far cameo. Mrs. John Ralthby, mud other Creator whotlmime ermeolad relatives the past two weeks. Churchill, some yeah d. "Hateron The Women's Institute will meet In will fight, and Ulster .• t the 'Fnrestrra' tial( on TIww1Ny. Feb- Thr war rrlea of those pre-warwillhrigh days, runty lath. at ..1.5 O'.•l..ck Subject. when List .raven wen• marching. and -Things Monty Cannot itnv" -Mrs. 11. the south was beginning to arm. now 3 itnghlut. (toll call -- 11; me 10911%41h"seen( far -Ag and faint, but sixteen Ilosteaws. 11''s. [hidden, Mr.. S11.1'1. years ago they rtvetted the .ett.•ntluu Sirs. Ric_ CARLOW of the world. In their forearent. a draluatic and atnr,st myaltrioun fig- ura, was Edward Carson. Not sine.• Parnell had a lean r 01 such raid and 1'.tItLim Peh. 12. --Tow• loony deadly passion appeared on the Irish • Wields it t -. Oen-. Simms. of god- Beene. :r Clinton -and( six daughters -Mrs N :(nyder. of Ra.l►sann, Sask; Mrs. Ge.. llend,•rw,u, of Stanley township; Mr• Lorne Jervis. of Holwesville; Mr. N W11aom. of Saruht; Mrs. C. 1). ('ox; NIplssIug. Ont., and Mrs. Joy Snyder. at bonor. There are twenty-six grand ebildre,, aha. tau brother... Fred mud lrbane. and two sisters, Mrs. Thu. Lobb, 111 Chllliwack, 11.C.. find Mr.. Jas. Nelson. Vaucourer, B.C. T11, fun- eral tool piste on Sunday, seri.w being conducted at the home by her pastor. Ite•v. J. W. Herbert. of Bohnr.- vine. assisted by Rev. L'. 11. 1'11x• of NlpfsAng Tile interment was in One toe cemetery. her four sons being tie pallbearers. Mr. Wilt. ('ulquhoun, :. cousin of the titrwased, sang very feel- ingly. "good Night Ilse and Good dl Morning 'Mere." All the member. .t "Tr ' F St • ,ad � i 1 H SHOULD HE suffer from rheumatism like this? . tOtf TF he world accept the •d. .•jce of thousands of mea and women, ha would sad Mist by taking Dr. Wil. tiama Pink Pills. Rheims - limn Is not a surface aibneat dist can be banished by rub- bing with liainonta or oils. Watery, palatal .larks blood must be built up and puri - 6.d before then (an be any program toward permanent recovery. Ti'.. and spits, swearers have proved the value of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills in the treatment of Aswsmsner. "For soar years," wrier Thomas Martis, of Newer, Ontario, "1 was so badly troubled with rheumatism I could hardly walk and suf- fered great pain. 1 had medi- cal treatment bra did not get much relief. Alar tak- ing Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for some time the tremble disappeared and has nes since shown the loam sign er returning." Start soes Mises year rheumae . Buy a boa of. Or. Williams' Pink Pills at veer nearest druggist's or, postpaid, by mail at 50 cots., . boa from Th. Dr. Williams Medicine C., Bockius, Ontario. a.vs Dr.Wdliama PINK PILLS a ,wutl+srws-o PIANO 115 114 CO4.1T111111a'• Bedroom Suites We have a varied assortment of Bedroom Suites on hand in walnut and walnut finish. Now is the time to buy that Chesterfield Suite and enjoy it these long evenings, as you listen to your radio program. J. R. WHEELER FURNITURE DEALER and FUNERAL DIRECTOR the family were present 111.11 others ,'hones: `tort 335, Res. :t55 from a distant* who attended ware Hamilton Street Sir. :end Mrs. Fred Moore. of Munro; Gederit�, �- Mr. S e' Willson, St. Marys; Mr Jo. Lobb, Se gismo, Moth. ; Mr. Parry Itrltr. Croswell. Mich.; Sirs. S ler, Mitchell; Mr. J. 1t. Lobb. Gen: Mr. Kin. rolyuhono, Mth'h' 11 Maley eauttful floral tributes were re•cch'ed from syntlmitheri. frleatds .ri.It. who i--'wndieg the winger with ler nit e, %Ir'. Will" green. w-111 1s• -.try to learn that she has been •cry We are glad, knitter t.. le aIle 11 report than she is now-"nw•..118t lee ter. When the war cane., dwarfing Ir. - land, Canon threw himself Into the larger struggle. He i»•.ante, ,,uee,e• steely: Atrc•nev-tie r•ral In the A.s- gnfth Ministry, chairman of a Union- Ist "Oh1g.•r Group," First Lord of th Mrs. Or , Alex. Racal.%. ,•f 111mi: Admiralty under Lloyd G.•e11t4•, and eon_ has been vi.hitlg her ''u.th,'r member uf the W;.r Cabin. t. Stith) -- - ••••s•••s®e••. THE hgfif MODELTHEATRE Mrs. Thos. llel'hee. -r.. who Lx- L.h•1, of his old fooe b•eamr his friend quite poorly with arthritis bol i- Carson even w.-nt so far as to nice 'hie to be around xgafa John Redmond at I,nrd Beaver Nrs. W. Itaym 1 and Hifi,- d,Wgli- brook's ('herklv-('ourt in Surrey h ler Shirley ti'lteal in Toronto with' diaeusn an trlsh settl,rn••n'.; eh,•y her mother. Mrs. Sykes, and other rel - tine ell ulgl,t, but got nowhere in mites, the end. airs. A. .Iohmston le,'pending the Wlth the war over, and Ulster giv week with her brother. Sir. .\het. ' t1 a s'•parate government. Carson's S'„ung• controversial career was cloned. Hls Mr C. .1. Rutw•rlson. '. 1'.,'.. +lent I fiehtlwz '11•; had comp to an end; se the wvekptld at his hone•, n• leru11. w" m a 4 1'•.1111') occurred to the law o 'rimiest', Stolidity ner.nlh!g. l•• 'is,•h'• hung up his spear and Mr. Three. Wilson, buyer for the Co• shield to devote what was left of his j operative Co.. .htlpje1 •:r earl.••tt 1s.' to dIsprnsinc British j,tetir. hogs form N.saw• '1'lie+ei•ey. If • w';1. it gr .at law lord, as he had Phe young 'lmsgdr 11f Smith.... 11111 h. en u drat lawyer Lord liirk'•n• are prett eriilg n play. "Marrying Anne." (lend, who was his "Galloper Smith" to he gM9r. In the near future. Watch In the old Ulster delta, int who x.•p ter the tint“. and -,,.nom• er.'nnrel to orated from him over 111, treaty with enjoy a good hefting. Collins and Griffiths. said that he was We are very gnfeful to those in kr' after in forensic ability than either r authority who are working se) faith - !tied Edward Clarke fee Lord Ruxsell. fully to keep the road mom frotn ♦Iid that• taken all in all, he was 1 ,wI,'rich t.. Auburn. The open load "the greatest advocate the English make+ It eonvenierrt for d,stor. and Bar produced since Erskine." .there who him, npu•h driving to di.. i Ninny in this dI.trl,t ,,ere griev.d'1 hawed Hall a Crown .,pt.k. Week of Februar 17 to 22 friends. ' to hear 111 the sudden irsmaing away' The See -alien edition of the Lon - .n Teuveln, of this week of flee Rev. I don Dally II:gpress mays: "A young Dr. they'd 1•.•rrle. of 11 'Ingham. mod- Scotswoman, who booked her pas- •ratur or Ii.. Presbyterian Cheireli In mate to Canada at Wood Green, paid en ids.s her fare of f15 1;a in La If crowds. 1A trundler mel let 11. town -hip Itul, having sieve-,'• • nalf . rowea a w'•ek en Thursday efening rind hail rt piesis- for throe years." ' .nt tile. In a so , l:II 4.11114' 11f 711.0711.00r1.`ogr, '•is,' ,•(:, lire. !emelt trees • ere .'1 81 the OnempI.. melt ti'penee. Icsr. At a recent Labor' party cones h^rl oil Tn••..Iny .1 Irma! deal of hied enc.° In !Ando.. it we. r.teal.d that The .,onto -1I .net h1 bh. 1owroall•. the sum of4i 49.Oim Ono has I nes' was IrNn9o-1ed. Mr 13111 $sl- "s loappointed' ins appointed nsw•sw.r for 111(M11 , , spent by (treat Britain on account of tits slightly n,hnrd salary. The ape enempleyment since the great war. ;ointment of rnadnwater was laid oyer until nett meeting. Thr board of it takes 50,000 rorbuds to make health, with ilr. Weir as chairman, line ounce of the oil of ros.., Mt Pa A VALENTINE T:•' ')t"•1` FOR TME"HEART C. • TME HOMO-"'- HEAT gOLKS CC''AL., } l' -y vinndln and Tuem(la Lawrence Gray and Louise Lorraine starred iti a halt of gangster'', the underworld and a newspaper re- porter's grim adventure. Action, mmened' and a wonderful dog, this picture has then) all, "Shadows of the Night" JACK PERRIN in it leo-r,.1 \t•. -tern +l'i "TME FIGHTING TEXAN" "Fox News" .h fit Wednes(Iay and Thursday' - Glen Tryon aid Marion Nixon tell you the story of a big-hearted • enuntry 1 10 who be.atoi, a gorgeous yr�t 111-h .prints overnight. 1"he n it mune�K�me�wJ71%r' to Women, he knew it lot about pea- 7nuts. Seethe peanut printf in a"How to Handle Women" We, don't deal in theatrteticketa. 'We don't run a cabnret. We don't sell anything that will take the family away from home. Rut we do sell D. L. & W. Coal, whI '. will go a long way towan!,•tna�lt Jn1g the home so pleasant and comfdrt- able that nobody will want to leave I it. . Our phone number is 98. Try us with an order. nlao :mei cot the name place. a.: ` i "t -�, Mr. Mature, who Iola been living ' with hie nieee, Mtn. George Glen, dor• �tM� �Ar�those Rafe phalli -fa rem for j Ing the past year, although net years childther 1 lot age, da able to be around every dsy. At one rime be was a re,Ment of ('nndttctnr-"Ves. under fr.11rfeen." I J. B. MUSTARLI COAL wi (lnderk'lt and was employed by -the Tasker -'That'. all right. I've oily COMPANY l P ' Mf, 1'. ('rabb, hardware merchant. five.'' l'varson's. _ Goderkt CALL'MR '1 -rte:.,.ag!'�d'.I & 4 Universal Comedy --"The Newly- weds' Hard Lack" terwlay and Saturday - The Cali bf the Klondyke" An execllent drama of primitive men and the lure of gold. A treat for all who like outdoor action dramas with thrills and plenty of punch. "THE FiNAL RECKONING'' Second episode of the new Serial Felix the Cat in "HIGH Ur Matinee Sat. at 3 p. m. ••••••••••`•• lI