HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1930-2-13, Page 3• ► . 7 -oyes` ore v. Save a image Ma= if a «A t 1 4 ti by taking advantage of the Sivas I )1 dubbing offers. We can procure for rif°I'sa you ahnost any paper or magSZZM 1, published in the continent. • HAVE VOL).SEEN The Signal Calendar? One for each paid -in -advance subscri- ber. Renew your subscription now and snake sure of one of these beautiful calen- dars. TSD SIGNAL PRINTING 00., LIMITED, Puiblishers, Geo. Williams Dealer it. DOMINION, PROVINCIAL. MUNICIPAL AND CORPO- RATION BONDS Pb., Accident. Automobile, sod General Insurance Agent Office, next to Bank of G,nutterce Phone 53 Goderich W. J. Powell Stocks, Bonds, Insurance and Real Estate Car. Life and Fire Insurance Nelson Atreet, Goderich Phone 292 I'. O. 13ox 43S The, Armstrong Real Estate and Insurance .Agency, GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY,FEBRUARY 13. 1930 ' by making a track for them in some manner to the main roads. Expenditure on snow removal will, to the County Council no doubt, give a great return in im- RHEUMATISM? 'Report of Engineer Patterson Sciatica? Lumbago' T-R-C'sppve mate speedy relief from pain and atiNeens. 1 ?r. B. F. McNeely of Peterboro, Ont., writes: "1 have no Imitation in saying that Templeton's Rheumatic Capsules are the only remedy that has givenme relief from m r pain. T -It -C's are equally good for hebatics, Lumbago, Neuntm,Neuralgia. Noharm- ful drugs. 50c and $l at your dealer's. 1st T -R -C'8 a uPM/ 11 CAPSUI,L3 i Houses and Lots in GoderiJ.'and Farris for Sole Large &umber listed to Moose from. Just a tow of tie many listed. A go..l 1 1.2 etory house, lately re - mulcted, $e09.00. Very neat cottage, Ane oxmdition. close I to Victoria school. Lights, toilet Midi garage. 51000 4 00. Goal 1 1.2 scary house, hardwood Hoon, and interior finishing. full modern equipped, arranged for steam beat- ing, $1200.(1). TWO -story house, tine condition, good appearance. ' Lights, toilet, . garage $1400.00. Very fine red brick home, eier'ytbing up-to•date, full modern . equipped. Phenol bested, banIwosl polished j Snore, Price $4000.111. Modem stucco house, complete, $32110.00. Number fine brick horlaes, modern Nulls to we them. i'rices ism $2500.110 to $4500.00. Heated apartment to rent. Partite-1.arge number lintel for sale. Special -. I00 scree choice land, with 40 ! send valuable timber. Good buildings. , Close to village of Varna, Huron County, 4 miles to R. It. station, clone 40 gad markets. Price $4500.00, $10011 eaah. 700 acres clay loam soil, 70 acne tim- ber, 1-2 utile to school, close to g1atl', village, 12 mike to G/alerich. Price 504100.00. Easy terns. . See or write J. W. ARMSTRONG Real Estate Bea S0 eveowa 296 F. WOOLLCOMBE FIRE AND AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE OFFICE: HAMILTON STREET Automobile Insurance See our rates before placing your Automobile 1lsuranee. Insure with Coytpaniesthat pay their losses. J. W. Craigie Real Estate and Insurance O. F. CAREY & SON Limited INVESTMENTS AND INSURANCE Telephone 230 Masonic Temple Building GODERICH -- ONTARIO Goderich 1 Cleaning and Pressing Expert service on ladies' and men's clothing. W. C. Snazel Haberdasher and Dry Cleaner WEST STREET Phone 339 EIGHTY-THIRD YEAR, NO. T The following is the report of County Engineer Pattereou, submitter]; to the Huron could.) cuuuelt tit its reveal. meeting: Tll•the Warden and Council. • Gentlemen: -Luring the year 1929, the construction program was very much curtalh.l, but there was carried; out, among other items, the recon- struction of the Wroxeter bridge, and the completion of the road through the McNau,ht swamp, between the townships of Grey and McKillop. This work opens the road between the Villages of Walton and West Monkton, and is part of the most dir- ect route from Goderich to Kitchen- er. It is expected that a great deal of traffic will make use of this road in the future. Satisfactory results were obtained from our maintenance operations, -and costs were reduced in several re- spects. The following table shows the costs of our trucks and graders: TRUCKS Licenses $ 160 00 Storage .. 20 00 Gas 1372 68 Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada A TOWER OF STRENGTH Aseurance is Force - $1,896,915,000 Assets - - - 5468,958,000 Dividends to Policyholders increased for the ninth successive year in addition to a special maturity dividend bonus PHONW : (Hike 115 14•sidence 541) H. R. LONG, District Agent i BARGAINS IN GOLOSHES FOR MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN This is the time of year when w1 clear out the balance of our stock of Golobhes. The makes we sell are the very best M quality and construction. The materials used are of the highest grade and will keep their color. Our priees an, away down and our stock is complete in Rises. Came early while you are able to secure a choice of styies. GEO. MacVICAR THE PRACTICAL SHOE MAN NORTH SIDE SQUARE T041 S EvERGRtfN PLAYGROUND .I CAN" Golf in victoria this Winter and make "Empress Nowt j• new ode service through Canada eneleise rico to view die scenery 'of the Rockies enrwtate, J. M. BEATTiE C. P. R. Town Agent Godeileh, Ont. ANenu N PACIFIC GODERICH Oil.. .. ... Operators Repairs Interest 35'; Depreciation Livery Hotel Bills Automobile Expenses .. - Clerical Assistance gelephone and Telegraph Expenses to Conference Filing Equipment Stationery • 8 45 96 90 I 416 46 • 975 001 dial 641 29 95 :110 37 300 05 $ 59:1:. "18 Total stafern't to D.P.11.0175,316 54' Paid to Boundary Counties 2842 76 Traffic Officer 1264 02 Lights 20 00 Damage Claims ......... 215 6:, Materials and work for lo- cal municipalities and others Deducted for refunds fur sacks, drums, etc Deducted for gas re Harris 6659 37 1498 48 .115 77 Total of vouchers to Treasurer . ....5187932 59 i RECEIPTS • Refunds deducted $ 1,481 28 Cheque refund 4 50 Deductible Receipts - 153 451 Refunds 5594.6:1 1107 30 i Sales 230.50 1120 501 Rentala .. 776.35 132 00 $ 1OQ1 48 2520 NI Received for , work and 1 materials due 1929 r Received for work and - materials due 1928 !Received from Boundary • Counties Fines and Fees re Highway Traffic Act Special Wingham Received for lights - $ 6885 93 Less value of 3381 mi. tra- velled on other jobs....$ 522 15 71,163 yd. mile, cost $ 6363 78 or less than 9c per yard mile. GRADERS - Cost of operation, includ- ing repairs $ 5422 32 Interest and depreciation 1452 00 11929 Levy - proved business and li:ink condttionll, but every new practice in road main- tenance has met with criticism, and we naturally And many persons op- posed to keeping open the roads in ' winter. Complaints are received that the snow plow has covered mail boxes; that entrance roadways have been til -1 • led with snow, etc. While there may be cases where complaints are war- ranted, and while methods of opera- tion will. no doubt, be greatly im- pyoved, i do not think that the obje•- , tions raised are sufficiently great to • stand in the way of a work that will be of a great benefit when generally cu tied out. However. until the pub- lie demand is greater. it is not ex- pected that mu, h extension of, the work will b.• undertaken. as it is not desired to farce an improvement on the public that is not wanted. ' It would appear that the resolution passed last January, petitioning for increased subsidies, would have re- sults, but it is possible that an in ,•r•n•e 4011 be _iven It/ the tow nship only. and not to the counties. While any increase wilt Is' welcomed, a con- ' .sideration of the traffic on the county ' roads and the revenue that it pro- duces would warrant very substantial increases to the county road subsidies., From the number of cars in the county, and total number in the pro- viut•e. it can be computed that the County of Huron is entitled to 3': "of the revenue of the Department of 6653 :1' Highways under present conditiona. The approximate expenditure.: of the Province are as follows : County Roads $ 154,000-Qn • Township Roads' 48,000. Provincial Highways 100,000.00' An:mill eriet of pavement) $23S.(wxr.(11 The revenue of the Department of Highways liuring 1929 was+ approxi- mately $14,000,000.00. 3'.- of this, o hip near the village of Nile, where! e grew to manhood. In Match. 1890, 1 ie we111 to Niuga. \1111., and in 1892, cruel on 14 farht four 'tidies south f the town. where he resided nutil 920. 111 then ;;ave 111' farming, ow - to ng to lulling tlraltb. an, 1 ! ha• follow.; ty; year with his wife and youngest lunghter moved to Brandon. where 1e contlnutd to reside until ids (teeth. In the year 1x94 he married Miss' %note Young. fortnerlc of Colborne township near a;olrrIII. Ile leaves to! mount the Ions of a loving hlwhund ind father his (booted wife and ,ares• 4 '. also The grandchildren., 1'11/• dam:liter. are: Mrs. .%ss Ilhinele mrd. IMsford. Man..: Mr,Allan Power. Laat:rauge. 111.: Mn. J. 11. $tis'lair, 17ali1•-t ,ll, 'rota-. Them are also three brother, and sh sister- Thomas 11. ,1111 Fill lid, F.. itf %tau. : • Frederick %V.. of !tiding %lounlaato. Man. Mrs .Uncle Begley of Port •lkrver, ,rut, : Mrs. 1.111 Montgomery, of 1►e- tr111t. )lieh.: Mrs. (telt. %lontt-'stunery. of Vancouver, It. 4'. : Mrs. John l'ilk►m - 1u1,. 111" Verson, Il.('.: Mrs. J1111II W. ,1'1.eull. of Unity. Sa-k • :11:.1 Mrs. %Villiani Johnston. of Fairview, .%1111. The funeral took plume from lab. reel- d/•n,t' 1111 Thursday. .1 alien 2:1. to grandma cemetery, the nmeral et.rr• ' ie•s being ,vnnluctel by !ley. Mr. Barker. pastor of Vitoria street I 1'uita.l chnnh, IlrantIon. 'lite palllrear- 411 were Joseph Boyd, 1k.efor4l, Mau., John 11. Ilan -king. 1toLssevalu. Mau., .%llt•rt *silent], Jame; Wade. John Iboyd nqd William Campbell, of l Ira Mian. h U 300 20 126.3 '21 1481 50 2651 91 13'712 $ 15,450 84 88,542 35 6874 32 1929 Subsidy estimated... 87,6)1, 27' amount is $420,000.00, and it may be Cost per mile of operation 68c. TRUCK GRADERS Coat per mile of operation 21c. One crushing plant was remodelled this year and is giving satisfactory results. Agreements cover the rebates to wh h h ben 11 ted m dunes The annual returns to t ment of Highways show made as follows : IRoad Construction Bridge Construction Maintenance Supenntandence 5)933 48' Village r This is the first year that our expen- ditures in the towns and villages have not in all cases exceeded the amount provided by statute. Some work was done in this season ;in the matter of clearing roads of snow for wheel traffic, and the roads 849 2; in the southerly and westerly part of 1 the County were kept open. But the 146 251 December storms were so intense !that the streets in the towns became • blocked, and on December 23, we had ;the roads open for cars for a consid- 2s32 • • seen that the Province could afford 5191,65 p) y 'roads frl:im its own revenue. During the year, expenditures in The revenues of the Province in Blyth and Brussels were greater than respect to roads, are entirely apart the amount required by Statute. from the revenues of the Dominion k ave a co ec cars road machiner galea t 1 46 to a near! the whole cost of 111) he Depart- Wingham, Hensall and Sealort'n, • on y, ex. expcnditures-while the other -urban. muricipalities etc. Motor vehicles are responsible are entitled to extra expenditure dur- Ifor the present road expenditures and > 23,065 47 dug 1930, as follows : it would 1* only reasonable that re - 13,091 48 Town of Goderich ei70 0:1 1 venae derived from them, or from 120,691 50 Town of CI 'nton 1 of Exete County Bridges....- . ' 547 17. Machinery ... 12,584 440 517 5,316 54 ! ROAD CONSTRUCTION Road 19 Grey twp., south- erly from McKillop tp.. $ (toad 21 opposite lot 25, West Wawanosh . Road 25 M c K illop-Grey boundary westerly from Logan tp.. grading and grn veiling Road 30 Howick tp. along lots 29-31 Road :cel Mat -telt tp.. 1•'orl- wieh bridge Road 2 Colborne tp. cul- vert opp. lot 4, Lake Rd. Road 2 Ashfield tp. cul- vert extension - Road 7 Culvert opp. lot Is N. R. Stephen Road 28 Howick Tp., Gor- rie bridge Road 1 Turnberry tp., 2 culverts 8th annual grant to Wing - ham Sth annual grant to Hen- t sal! Highway liability insur. Compensation to workmen Snow fences ...,. Signs 130 87 any other source associated with road 41 00 ,construction, be expended on the roads. If this were done, the rate- payers could be relieved of their road taxes - In conclusion i wish to thank the members of the Council, the Road Commission, and all others who have helped to carry out the year's work. Respectfully submitted, T. R. PATTERSON, County Engineer. Goderich, January 29. 1930. 1388 536 594 3 426 4 792 1032 1279 6766 3055 648 55 2460 202 OBITUARY 83 erable distance leading to Goderich, - but there were no cars running in the KENNETH \NIRi4IN gal town, so that it was decided to stop' Word has toren re•etred of the I operations, and we are, at present,'death death at Seattle, Wash., nn January au, keeping open only 25 miles of road. i 26th, of Kenneth Murrls, at the nip) Attention to a great many features of ninety-two years. The d4M•easet wee 9 1 is necessary before perfection •n snow a member of one of the ldone'r fam- 3Iremoval can be attained. If the snow Ilies 11f ('ulhorne township. Icing n was distributed evenly along the road, son of Samuel Morris. and lived to the problem would be very simply ,; that township for most or his 011144• 961 and drift prevention, therefore, :s life. A grasl• many years sego he went1 • worthy of a lot of study. Every dritc to Buffalo 111 live with members of his 291 has a cause, and some of them are 1 m 114411 Inter 1,n 8.': wfahereily h1 mmle h4'isweIotnicto tclth htile• the following : is 44411 Archie. Ills wife diel many years 40' 1. Rail and board fences. 2. Brush and shrubs growing ago told he Is sun demi by tw44 sons 00 along fences. and n doiighter: Fnmk 14. Murcia, oto 3. Tall weeds and grasses growing , Buffalo, N.Y., -aIle ,11111 Areh. II. 001on the roadside. Morris of Seattle. Mr. Abner Morris 00 4. A single board on the bottom of Goderich Is a hullllruther. The funeral look place at Seattle 3+41,11-1 50 I of a wire fence. my 3O. 01 6. Cuts in hills. 15 6. Bare pastures and ploughed N1.%1'IRN'L' .t. WEI.aI • Human Eraser Circus' Manager --"Well. what's wrong row?" lndla-rublc•r Man "'Every tin* the strong Mali writes a letter he 'Mew me' to rub out the mistakes," -!.cells Mercury. - Ifields'adjacent to the roads. $ 23,065 4 7. Orchards. The death occurred recently at 8. Buildings. ('hteago of main -lee .%, Welsh. of Wnt • ROAD MACHINERY Considerable improvement has been erloo, lima. general suiterintendeet made by the removal of hedge4•, rail and' !raffle manager of the \Vaferlot. 2 Ren 3 -ton dump trucks fences, brush, etc., and by the use of Cedar Falls and Northern Railroad ' (2 2 -ton trucks traded • 1 snow fences, but a great deal remains Mr Welsh. who mus only forty-four as part pay) balance...$ 3200 00 )ears of nge. died of heart failure nf- 1 Snow Plow 425 00 to be done. ter an op•ratlon performed IR u 1 4 Used Trucks • 450 00! We have, at the present time, in use Chicago hospital. Ile Wile, n nephew 11f 1 Willett spring blade over five miles of snow fence which Mrs. John s. Platt of Golerl/h, x11.1 scraper 623 20115 of great value, and considerabll his father. Maurice Welsh. who sur 1 Truck Grader attach- more is needed. This snow fence, (•lye4 Is a na)411ihof .%slaflrld mn e-' ment and engine 500 00 however, will have to be replaced in ship. The III 1 r 191 was a prominent 12 Slip Scrapers 144 89 a few years, and considerable labor is figure In lids home city of Waterloo. involved in erecting it each year, and 1'. EYS on't dose. a ChildiC CONTINUAL dosing upsets children's delicate stom- achs. Vicks is applied ex- ternally and therefore can- not disturb the digestion. It acts in two ways: (1) The body heat re- leases the ingredients in the form of vapors which are inhaled. (2) At the same time Vicks "draws out" the soreness like a poultice. ors ws at rag ICKS ?,VAPOR UB MM'WON.,LIRSItlL ortmx, Brophey Bros. THE LEADING FUNERAL i)IRECTORS AND EMBALMERS Ambulance service at all hours, day- or eight. PH0Ni 4 $tore 1211 " Rea. 21) (.04)F:RiCII -Por three years ! have been trash ra with kidney treat*. aid 4nuM wnv.y walk for tela. tart ('hnetnlaa a friend 04 mime rarer 1" .ray with u• fors lew'day, awl brought with Ire a bottle of Munition halts. and gave giw a gond ,lase. Atter about a week taking • Mlle every muffling, 1 foual lir trout* leaving nae, and 1 would walk we11. I have taken hruaetro t I laity until * mouth ago. and then 1 tMsapit 1 em,ki nen/lµ', without tlrm, but lad week, the Mol t rods rami bark Latin 1 immediately sot a bottle .1 k newton Salts then and dere, sad 1 Irl quail a new woman aw4n. 1 am w, MAI, 1111 1Ile 1 tlsogbt 1 would write and k•t you some what 1 thank cel pen wonderful Sans.' mus m.a rarer male Me Maw+area. -(Mrs.) 1. B. liner -hen `411, L1. obtainable at drug and department stuns In ('anada at 75e. a bottle. A bottle contain* enough to rust tor 4 M 5 ■onus --gad health for bdf•acrnt a day. I have under consideration the plant- taking n -kern Interest In puddle at : $ 6,343 09 fairs and IUR n nletnI,l'r or seycrnl Repairs to machinery.... 6,107 60 dug of permanent snow fences in some s,s 1 41 s and ornrnnulty orgnnla;ltinu-. _ places on the lands adjoining the He hail dunes • nwws4'ip•r work find $ 11,450 59 highway -ens n gifted pnblh• speaker. haring 1,133 85 Regarding snow removal, I have las the Waterloo newspaper states) been impressed by its practicability, ,been n-ket to appear el 11 speaker $ 12,684 44 'and by its low cast.• Districts, having • isd11re clearly etery elude and vide • BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION snow fall similar to ours, report costs group 16 Waterloo. his talks hearing' of about $40.09 per mile on snow re- ' with ninny themes but ism Uenlnrh moval, and frotn our experience this 1 with law• 1•nfnr,••txenl mot piddle would appear to be about the right utllitiee. Ile 4s '.archei toy his lath - figure. We have been expending up er, w'4. Is chief _pa•ln! Ft get" 'f the to 87,000.00 per year on snow rcmov- Ch•.np.•ake is. unto Ita11read. with Automobile J. R. Wheeler Funeral Director and Embalmer All calls promptly attended to day or night PHONES Store 33.5 Residence 35Sw Hamilton street. tio,Mrleh r 1 1 11ir ?., r ' wlaowooa eusOals*C r . or satin finished -GET OUR PRICES -- You are ander so obligation ,N1) R. STANDISH East Street Phone 369 Goderich GODERICH INN GARAGE oFFICIAI. SERVICE STATIO\ FOR Durant, Hudson and Ewe:, General Meson Automobiles and Trucks Expert on Electric Trouble We Specialise on Brake Service You can invite Police Inspection when they are repaired by ads Automobile Supply, Electrical Parts for All Makes of Aute' ie Stock $25-T" anyone who can bring a car we can't repair -$2S HARRY BRADLEY HAMILTON ST. PHONE 247 M Jfe Ikiii (//es HiePJoiiey" Wroxeter bridge-$ 13.091 48 ROAD 1N ENANCE Weeds ``4,. 4047 68 Ditching and Draining... 2942 99 Grading 2972 611111, rn 1, so' that with double the expend' hdqes 11 unrtr4 Itl,hmond: e11.. two, Dr egging 22 217 29 11 Lure, we could keep the roads open **ter.. Mrs. E,18 sr l (;aIle. , f Sham Culvdrts' , .., •,' . 3470 971 for cars. Considering that we have •()kin. Pa., null Ml's Ce/elle Welsh, 44f Bridles/.., . .F ..:. '2949 57 winter roads for three months, and Rlehmnnd, Va., and a hrothe'r. Will' Resurfacing Oiling and Tarring • • • • Snow Roads Calcium Chloride .. - Guard Fences 64,447 13 i open roads for nine months, the , \V,•I-h. of ('hl,ngn. Tiie•fnneral. whl• h 4887 83 i monthly cost of gravelling and drag- took place nt Waterloo, wen attended 7043 66 4106 64 gang *9.1'00.00 b)- a •lnrge eonerorse of friends. In - approximately. while lith a $15.000 eluding a great nnmlwer of rnllway 1 our summer roads is *9.1 1228 03 !expenditure on winter roads, the andel. of loos and neighteiring - monthly cost would be $5,000. , 1 State., 1 501 A point that is generally overlook - SUPERINTENDENCE ed is•that our traffic on frozen and ,tusEPII ALREirr Intel, ! Salary of engineer and,annw-covered gravel roads does not There {als+tll nwnc at his home, noel .tt.'rinfeen4'nt # $(10(1 0(►ldestroy the road as it does during the 149 Nath street, Wombat, Man., on, Railway Fares • 77 66 • summer, so that a road surface is, .InnIry ' 21et last. one orf the pioner e ------ -- - --- ' provided at little cogs, - ' of Manitoba, lis the .p.•rson 4.f Mr. Jos• 1 ' The .benefits of open winter roads' eph Albert Boyd Ike,•ensel had nM are obvious. Along rnada that have en)o)el the nest 4.f health for annum - 1 been kept free from annw, the farm-' Is•r of vein and for the last sit ers are disposing of their drivers and weeks et- more heron) his death war 1 cutters, and with the main roads kept ...tinct to hi" tied with caner of the' open, i am Aufnciently familiar with IsowelsIli• was horn in Stanley tnwta• the ingenuity of the people of this .1111), linnet county. ,January 2411. !county to believe that those on the 1 luta, but wheti a small hey ,loved aidemads will also get out their cars I with Ids parent. .144 Colth'rne taw h• 'n a r• 114V • , i 7 f(//i „p -,,,A 4080 SHE .an Jo it better than 1. Every p.ly•Jasy she deposits we never buy ,roything unless we have the cash in th, ;'.talo we :are free from worry, have no and each year our savings are growing." savings first, and to pay for it. "With tnotley creditors to :avoid The Royal Bank Budget Book will help you in the distribution of your income - both in spending and in saving. St04 ASK FOR A GOPY The Royal Bank of Canada • Goderich Branch 1. U. I•,a et m w n . Manager