HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1930-2-13, Page 1Advertising M the life of bueiness. If business is good, advertising will make it better. 1f it is poor, advertising will sitmulate it. Al- most invariably the merchant princes have found their way to success through advertising. NIGHTY-TI111t1) YEAR, NO. 7 COUNCIL DISCUSSES THE PROPOSED CIViC JAUNT TO OTTAWA Reorganisation of Fire Brigade to Follow Delivery of New Ladder Truck The regular ueruug of the town council woo held on Friday evening, all the members being present. The Pei toll of NI/101;111d cemetery reported thn•r tu,•rweuts In the a•aI01 of January. The tax colkriur reported collec- tions of :t2,1413.00 since the Jtreriou. report. , • A eiooM uulcutlon from tee Essex County Auto Club, with regard to . tourist adsertlsing, welt' referred to die special committee. , <► cululuunicutlun from Town Sodle- itor Holmes ri•ferred to the Costs in cored by two of the ItR•al balers in tie uotluu of Stun v. Mackey (tread Oo. under the transient traders bylaw sad asked it the council would be willing to assume said Costa. Referral w flares tnmwittee. Another letter from the town sol- icitor asked for iustruetlous in the matter of the proposed lease of a portluu of the north tend of Welling- ton street to the (Jotierlell Elevator A Teanslt Co. Referred to public work. t ommittee. A communication from' the Ilcatoo. Publishing Co. Toronto, with refer- • .- a to advertising In their LaodtNe,k, WW1 AVIV( to the fluuee committee. A couuwuuicatioa from W. J. McCoy A Co. Toronto, offering their services in trudutting Al epeeist audit of tee town's books was sent to the finauee committee. The application of the Salvation Army for it peewit fur temporary al- terations to the Army citadel, par- tially destroyed by (Ire, was referred an the fire committee. The requisition of the public school hoard for the auto of $22,500 for whim' purposes for 1930 was referred to the nnantr• t•ummlttee. A lvwmunl•atton frum the Retail Men•1►au.+' -t><s,cet*Uuu of Canada. with reference to the transient trad- ers bylaw, wits sept to the stasis! committee. The following stutem(ut of the • sttrunt to the credit of the town for 1919 in tonueetluu with the county sad .ahem was submitted by the reUvty engineer: Amount of expenditure to which Goderk•h entitled ...$lest)' 2•. t•;tpenditure made by the • comity ....•. •1722 22 Balance .... .........$ 170 03 Inuring 1930 the woo will beam. titled to an additional expenditure of this auiinntt, • y_- 'Phis .✓,atemeut was referred to the finance committee. A communication (cat{on from the H+•11 'tele- phone Co. state( that the manuNeturer was being merest for early delivery of the material mors.+ary for completion of the fire alarm system. Statements from the Royal (lank uud the flank of Montreal. showing the balances of lure( accounts on December 31st last. were referred to rhe finance committee. A communication from the Depart- ment 14 .tgrleu1tae with reference to weed control wot Sent to the ',ohne works committee. A communication from the Ontario Motor League with retereure to ad- vertising In the annual road book wits referred to the eperitilr committee. A cutnnhndcatfou from Mrs. Trem- blay with reference 10 the (nepotist of noun• outbuildings nt the full fair grounds was referral to the Wilk w uric. committee. • Mr .lo.. Itueetile•r wile present and .wl.l he would like to have tbe tala1b? of (h1• set., r rlwr'.• :llnlia,t her prop• erty on !hi' llnrou 0414 disposed of. IIP sold he olid out t•:,itt ibt• sewer at • II ie :1--esstnent was out of aft prep.. ion to the value of the prine•rty. { 1o fat,1 'i .n sell or rent th ,• .I e •at %%milli le: the town have 11 far • the lucre. ('oiulclll.:r 111nlllrT !rid lie believed Mr hie(, 11•r had some cane,• for coral- lu{ahtt, but the council could not orer- rkM the decision of the court of revision. After some further discission the patter was referred to the court of revision. :•n Mr. !'has. Itati a was present and told ,►f the 'Week upon him by a doR, as reported in last week's Simi& and laked that the dog he deatroye . Ile ata4d he believed 'several persons had previously been buten try the dog. Cilie( I'tsttelethwnile stnlel• that t1 a dog was locked np, Mut, nnrher the doetor't order was being kept ,for ten rays, when it sea.; the linen ram to daatroy .11. Major Mac1•;w1111 ,Intel that Rome reeonsible pIlititn was required 10 leuok after the handling hi and out of Apr stored by the Dominion Slitter town freigat ht abed beehor. K. John Marriott agreed to attend to thla. Committee Report, 'fie finmer committee reported: -We have exnminel the minty en- gineer's report, with tints nn county Mad 1 expenditure* int% de ie gnitn In 19'2. all or which appleer satk+fnctnry, and we recommend that it he aeknowlelg,'d and placod 011 1dM Hegnrdiug taxes of 11111.11/11 Mr 1029 on (►.W,S.R. right of -any to Colborne InwneArlp, we rer•ommend that dye towel pay the trustee, Mr. Stoth- era, the town's pro rata share, i.e.. $4.12. end that the trustee he requested to Repent again* tiny farther newest - tient on the right of way. The pwry- menl. of 1929 foxes fin he without peopelkre. Your romml • al+n ra•om- asend that the clerk of t'olhorne township be notified that it it illegal Ie ammo the I)ntarin Weal Shore ilallway right -of way, at It la being br DR EMMERSON HEADS G. C. 1. BOARD FOR 1930 .1. It. Kobertaun Appointed Tretawrer in Place of 11. T. Edwards, Reldleasd The inaugural meeting of the Col - leglate .Institute trustee board fur 1930 was held Weduusluy afternoon. February 5th. The menders are' the ,t quiet wedding was solemnised, • • same as last ycur- Rev. J. E... Ford.: at the Cultel church parsonage, l.is• Mia Emilie ltuebauun IS ptpela(ilmg. Dr. A. 11. Taylor, Dr. A. '1'. Emitter- tt►wel, on Friday evening, January :31, sun, !least,. 1.. M. ltubertsi,u, W. A, when Miss Hhdu 'Iola Jdwea, dough- a. few day's In Tomato. • t'oulthurst, J. W. Fraser, J. J. Rob- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Goo. Jame•. of • • • • - erlsuu aud 1'. J. iLaacEwan. (:tNJericll, was nutted its marriage to Miss Mabel Stokes is tls*1 'her' Rev. J. E. Ford lutiluuttd Ida de- Mr. William It. Burgess, of Brussels.'. sister, Mrs. 14\'. Luunldsuu. at Strst• • • • her of Nile,. r.sttlu GO1ERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 13, 1930 ioual LThe News of the Town Iturgess--Janws PERSONAL MENTION New Series of Gardening .trtiilkw sire 4u teller from the chulrwuushlp They l ple hove taken up their urd. •nun evil of the bard, after aervlug tlx dor aar rt•sidetwe in Brussels. ell years in that capacity, aud Dr. --- - --- EmWeraon nu* elected cliairwan. welt(► •A Surprise Party. Mr. J. W. Fraser vice-iJiultwau. Cum- Lust Thuraluy eseulig the choir of mltiu-ts were struck as follows: North -1reet Coifed clrurel► held 11 l'rois•r1y--C. M. Robertson (chair- short practice. ut 7.30 arid Ih4•11 left auto). Iter. J. E. Fuad, J. 'J. Robert' for $, itford to surprise a Omit -int -1u sou, Dr. Emmeraou. Supply- -J. W. Ler, Mrs.. Wilson, foruwrly Mb. Evelyn Fraser (Chairman), Dr, 'Taylor, \\', A. yowler. after a social time, with Couklur.t, P. J. MacEwuu. /Mauve- " n•fr1.shu1ruls, bud been slate, the or, Enutlersou tcliutrmaul, C. . ),r.•.Lleut, Mr. George Buchanan. pre- Ituh' rtaluu Mrs. 11, M.l' i •• her 4 -ter. Mr.. Ila;re ltyan..Narwgate street. ' • • • •, Mrs'. W. T. MeN tin buts retlrrnel house after spending several mouth. lir ia.k.lh•hewuu and at Ottawa. , Mr. Harry E. Wiggin•. -of. ('hi'age), hag been visiting 1:1s slater, Mrs,. Jane: 11118.it'of town, the pest week. , J. N. tenser, 1. J. 'Nile- s,,med ]tris Wllami w1,1n a sliver rale • • The Signal publishes. this a ek the first of a series of gardening. articles to. becontinued during the uaxt few months. Tbese articles are written by un exppert, atatl those interested in the growing of •f7 w'ers anti regetablest will 1111 doubt find then) hcIpf+l. n'A Institute Thr reegpIi lueettig ,.f 111 l:uder- ich ' W'u11h't's 111•1itute - wait held in MacKay hail last 'l:hurwlay' after- Iou. Thr president. _Ire. 1:Ur111111 Insset„prc.Idad. `I'laus, acre (Made for the annual at -book•. nod th.'re w'u4 si,m1•. discussion "regarding the teple: tory fuhet. Hiss,. yl.-t;..11o1N•rt .'n gave son' hltert'slhag and lutlruetke• ad- ,Ir1•-- „•n• "Ib,oks for Childr,lr."' .tt tire eh,se C taw ties•tiug buret Mats slerve.ls Renewal Time Renewal subeoriptions t.o The Signal are Doming in fait- ea -the -19M calen- dars are going out fait. As the supply of calendars is limited: we would ask those who desire one to send in their renewal promptly. THE 4IGN.%i, 1'ItINTINI: ('t, LIMITED, Publishers MR8. CARRIE WRITES IMPORTANT CHANGES AGAIN FROM FLORIDA Would Canadians tike to tee Nakened j by Mockingbirds and Nighlingales? I ' Mrs. E. W Carrie writes front St. Petersburg, Florida. under date of February ttlb.. \1'4' find it tomtit Inol,r In FI(vrlda titan ft usually (+,(nd wee have a flrei itt our fireplace evenings. This more •ing at 4ha hreakfn•t LIN.' one of our -lately, 8')11)• •(8.111481 114 he, 11 little out I of humor. rt'nmrkel:-'•\\'till, they may 1 he cold in Caned* this morning, but they were. not waked, up at 5.:tip Just i "8 i , it they w•al.lelt• to, e k e p. b• nWn•k- ing-hinds and nlghtlatalies .alining -111 their windows." So It situs "tier's ..We motorist gall to the Ito'. tower. It Is line of the ,very .hswlwrntest towers In the world. It• kits built by Etlwan1 1311 t, 'tYtltin• ant'-itlatauthroped. nod 1 s •.tlrroinlded by a moat ,f(((ete With! water, awj •.1)114 a drawisride • like kdllnhnraflt 4'ast1.•. There are Aevern I BEING MADE IN BIG MILL POWER PLANT After Fifty Years of Service Old Corliss Engine Makes Way for Modern Equipment During the past week the big Cor- ners euglue,'whitb had been in .ervte•• for fifty ,or more years at the \\'est ern Canada' Flour M111g plant at the honor, acts broken . up and moved. out as -rap. The engine hwf'be•n as at1fa,-t{un not ou1y Gr the '-11110118 hitt. •air,. to many v►skorti to town during Its. lung term of 'service. and the fact that it has been dlseerded to make mono for nest modern 48luipwrut Is ax imprrlant more i'tirth recording. Chief Engineer J. -W. Taylor has • furnishes' The Signal with rite follow• • Mg interesting data ropceruiag the ofd eiitfbte and the new equipment now• being installed at the local plant of phi+ leading flour willing vola any. The engine Itself Is.of the vintage En - of the seventies and was built altd Itnetallel by the original -ailrllt.s En- Rlae ('umlany, pt Provkem•e, lt.l. It I-rvas dw'Igzwd fora wurkfng steam pree•eure • of from sixty to seventy pounds, which;wens 'ermsttk•r l a high steam pressure In those days. The Ewan. Vocational and' ,owwerctal-- plate. ,nal spoke a few Nujds in airy . --- averts a,f tor, -Iv. tlowerw. bloeh lugi E J M Fw a lea rr 1 \\' A. 11r. and Nr:. Edward- t'ruig. of Ike- • .hrnh..:and' artifltial lakes. Plamlu- ire a u u wu 1 t, i,retiollou of liar valuable usststan c C' ulllur t Dr. FmWtr 1 .1.W. fruit were !y town during the week. . Temperature Beadings ' wlulst. Tie •lieluw P4, the table of weather steed-'. ''N's `trill arc 1 gravely with their u s ' 'sir'• • ire a dear member and, having .omit, to•attt ud the fuer r:11 u( Fre ••••r (repn•s•uting the hoard), sal eery ple8sa nt weather lent to the vu -,the laic Mr. James Corals. iggs for the week, aee',rdlug to the of-r"atri111dmrlttllThe;vge 1a are 1iri mntan1114se 1'a C. A. Held, C. K. S+Mitette-II s, J. W, j„y.m1•ut of tJue Nydk lir Snit[ord. • • •, - - tidal \mother trh+erver, Mr. J. M:.1 with uoyks . like small( g1A.ff1•s, and ingTaemploylor '1'. If. mploee 'represent- ing of t bor)• 1iiti 11 The first tn1111uu shoats the am art tit all timid. The tuN'rr lel. Mr. and Mrs. 'Stewart Murray, of. hag employees and emprloyrr. of lalx.r). , highest -temperature of the 'tit•euty 1 ! D. T. Edwin s r ilguedd th1. stab At /airs Aasorialion ('invention • Pittsburg. 1 a., anuonte r the »oar- . ai-most wonderful wet ;rat' chime . w'hlt.h ! i l '4 hale visiting at Toronto 11.4 past rlttge of their daughter. Ietnt to Mr. four hours,8114 the :wound vul.Wur the• can he heave} for mi,s't nI . , non u( trrasurrr of the board,111I and J. weak Mrs, J. (', Stewart attendee) the,' Charles 'GIb John .. of Wilkins. lowest: Howard ltubertsuu iota emulated in 1#i This tower aide harden were pr.. - convention of the Ontario Association. bur; Pa the marriage taking plat.° Platt "Matt. a . 114(8.. ' seated to the INr.Ir1e ul the United 1 of fairs and Exhibitions !lead {u the' on Junuut • '1:dh. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Thiirahiy, February Kph ....1# 7*. Stott.. by 11 r: Uok .MM or gratitude tint A nrolwtou ars adu(1t481 express- y Prickly, February' 7t11 :f, • 141 lir the board's a rreciathiu, of the King M:d»aid hotel for tali dpys, Mrs.' Use former ry*bleu: of GeNlrrlt.fi 0• IS h i carred In lifea very poor boy, K 1R 1 .uunlat Me•►rruon tlt Stewart rrl's1rtN that the programs falt4tuluess, aklll and kioclliursa es- •c p - h r. lv • • • had hr„uir• a very -410i man. He diel were InteruNtl Sunday February •8h a5 l7 diameter of the cylinder was twenty - of ew d{fiell 1 Mr, 'Ford In the sklou rag and whu;Ulve. The G. R. Paitersos, the former rel►rr lose year nod is buried at the foot of y (1' 1 W dls. u. It its were handled by mien aril " %entailer of the (Warn. Departtm•ut 11^11(119. }eiorauiry 11Nb ft 17 rlgl.t inches by flue -feet stroke, and of tie sting officer fur many, yeears. Tu44' 83. k•ebntury •11th . .. 'the tovder. The iitafC reported net pnnaedr of women who ►taw their work, Thr of Agriculture hl Huron county; who len Thr State roads bur.. ere all paved.operate,( at fifty-five revohrt4otna per $207 from the vou•meutement vier - thief. of this year and lion year. 11 was proposed ttuet this moues 11e useel 1u fitting up the lady teachers' rtoml and the sward aeriufctsc•d In this phis, agreeing to make up any additional amount required}. A male the fain, ■ autr•r,•s. M stewing (loin work aumoug the .farmers, and Margaret. youngest (laughter of Mr. Thepurchase of new looks fur for r1' I the other hand there are some lovely *t•but 1 llhrury to the amuuit of $75, is • ut the lady dire. tors of the' will reside',nt Guelph, 1 htt. and Mr-. ItcdM•rt S. Whiter of G.rdnr' gardens of fruit and vtligetxblr,, Ti.ey I ,Io" twenty-four boort. per day and the Y banquet on the tinct rveniuu AIM fol latterly held 11 similar psi.INouln the \\'''toerslay„ February 1'1th • .•41. C2I ' lowed by addresses by a uuuilirr of count of reel. has resigned to acre rt •- •Itel•iw sero. and yaftntlle) lk*bly. State troops .in tiler(• y 1 1 ore•pele,--warlike eharneters with rr- prumineut speakers. Mr. 1. wkfe Wil-, the patNltlon of agricultural fleldman! --- a . colvPrs,nud cartridge belts. 1 do nM sou and Mrs. A. E. C'ulyer, of Sivavr.,1 with the American eynnundd Company. y-Wim think they have mach trouble urged the dlrtr'tora of al; fall fairy In his new position,-which.be assumed -►,wtslding of much .I«ul lutere*t,j There 1. a'great ,heal of ih'wdat.- hoards to .tali( strongly behind the i 'February 1. Mr Paterson will'tnnlln-'cook, plae•i, at Stratford oil Thursday lobking eouItllry around here --cypress prrsitk•ut and srretary in helping to ate erha•atlonul and crop demonstrn- afteru•oi, 1•sebruary Uth, when Elsie'sw•amlw awl' -:inti stretches -hurt on minute, The big wheel. which aerved I.as flywheel dud belt wheel, was twe•uty-tau feet, three Inebes fu diato- i eter by thirty-eight inches face. The wheel with the abaft and crank Weighed approximately forty -fire ton:.. Ihtring the plus twenty=five year', thkl okl reliable was In opera - Leh, was united In marriage to Mr. sad of new gdcice equipment to the (iodwrich ,tgrieultural Society'. In. W.1 ruwuut of i4t), was aWborizeth •F. Clark, secretary -treasurer .of the were • (ri. khan - (tnuwlorrlet+ n• w1. S eas"na run would average seven •Bp syr Carl CI k I'i l 11 t f M drove slung neer )►rianrlo anal w,, thousand hours. If the Iwlrtale of rfi ➢ asd Mrs. Joseph W: 1'(nkenry, of les- L,,n ht lore( n int l fe a tNrx. Then this - wbd•I were travelling ou the ray air u aremeo would leave nr n -envy, e 1 int sou o i. - -- x l t it ha held In trust for the four wuulrlpal• - ---- The annual meeting of the Ahnteek eby Rec. (ie)..Huwlaud. 'Fite young Th.'ri• air splendid hotel., all along traxt.IIe i about 31(1,000 miles each (bees. tither recommendations were: Public Library Board . ' Chapter, 1,O.D,E., wlll'tte held at. the' couple spent the eieek-euib Pte town,' the . roads, built mostly tinf►ng tin ammo. After so many yearn of heeaq That the town join the ()marl.) Plain- . The Goderlit public library hoard ` public library on Monday afternoon. They intend -melding iur a time at !1,-1,,H,11, INarm 1F inert vi dirt not ••sit duty this engine was In ,firs -vlaui Itipai .t..aiatlun and remit the mem- bead its Inaugural meeting for this February 17th,- at 4 o'elock. ":lfautreaL --."-_--' - _--'`,lowv and, enmt the erN,f." and whit mtr•tlwtrka ndttMn end Welly e berehlp fee of 825; that a grunt of4 year lir the board tom of the library 1 K'. E. Kelly of Lembo', formerly of , On Tuesday evening of Allis week ,.r,nsnlm•nttp have• gone foto retIrc flame for a machine of Its cess. A10 be matte to the Pink l'ltlldreu's 1 hast Saturday."The board for 1934' k: (:oderkb, waa elected vitt presldeut I th1. Wrsuuluster Guild of Knox y years of the uUL 1lospolnl of Toronto; that the neves- composed of A. J. MacKay, R. Stony of the Ontario Motor League nt the church, ut w see Mr.. l'lnkeuny Waal mem. The State. however,' has taken iittiiug.-the earl our steps be taken for etre issuing of I"over the hotels and has pit enfold.. Ing iutktatry hi Goderk•h this engine y Y- t man In elunrge, the t nil t { 11 i bonds of $20,1100 under bylaw No. '3A of 1929 and that these bonds INe of- fered to local subnt'ribers at per, car- rying five per cent.; that each depart- ment spending fords arrange to have uU xceounts rendered monthly, show- ing by whom the giluMlt were ordered Mass A. Hoee Aitken; assistant Ilbrar- ur tbexxpenses hovered. The Hank of tan and Janitor, Mn. J. -('riddle: Montreal (the. report statoti I • baa house committer, Mn, R_ J. Phelan, E. authorizer) a credit of $411,000 tor b Than, C. A. Reid; look comnrlttee, evrrent cement fur the year at 5% the whole board; finance committee, per (vent. The necessary notes. will le It. Stmiehtnaw•, 11. It. long, J. E. Tum. put through from time to time as The Iibrerinn's.reyort showed an is- fund.- are required. - sue of '23,279 books and magazines Ill The public works commlttt1 re -our- the year' 1929. (►f this numtter 15.173 mended no antlon with regent to the were Lemuel to adults' and 5,100 to compinint of Miss 1' iron re road ell jurrnilt•s. There were :141 new readers charge for 1910 and that of Mrs.; registered. New books purchased last Elenaor Elliott re local Improvement year included- 223 fur adults and 141i Th, feature of the evening -was a crib - sewer rate for 19-'J1; that the town join the Ontario (:ono( Roads As+roia- tlon and remit the membership fee of $15. and that the chairman of the plhlk• works committer arrange * delegnlIon to attend the convention of 'the•Asatreintlon In Toronto February 2112)4; that the clerk write the Domhr Ion Department of Marine and VIM -1 held their annual athumte on Monday meet. regarding coopeeratlon in the] evening in Me -'Kay Hnll. There was n atter of constructing a roadw•ny from a large . attendance of the members the north end of the town to the and their 'families. The first part of river breakwater at the harbor. the evening was spent In progteseivc The swede' e' etmmittee re•omme n.kcl euchrm. The lady's prize was nun Iq Ioeal Society, also attended the WW1 1 i forth. The eereuatuv Was (wrtormed will have another crop in iArmltwt. f house, E. L. Dean. J. E. Tum, C. A. Reid, 11. It. Lung, Mayor 11. 3, A. Mee - Ewan. Mrs R. J. Phelan and Miss L E. Sharman. The following officers and committees %fere appointed: Chairman. A. J. MacKay ; secretary, 11. R. Long: treasurer, R. Stonehouse; librarian. annual meeting held at Toronto this Itresident,'lrn•w•nteil her with a levan- w, „ s s Well was the while source of sewer Is week. I taut silver Iraq, accompanied by an taken,•aro of. The ntimNN•r of tourists the 1Np1 plait, lint 8111, the advent of A euchre and dente snider file sun- mistress expressing appreciation other(is Int'tcit+Ing testy tiny: every plxe• the Western Canada IP1onr Mills pk'ea of the L. O. B. A. will be held services. I ler sacrifices in b. -half' is crowded and rates are going tip. many other power nnita were added in th'e Masonic Hall 'on 'Friday. Felsof the Guild and wishing her and her l,ni never We the same person Iwlee add at phi• time of abuttlntc the too- ruary 28th. Mash' by the Schmitt h114tand many Years of happy married at ehurch, unneerts, err anywhere. it Iles down' for Ise last run it was Mur Farrlab orchestra. Curds nt 8,15 pin life. • - I reminds one of •'Phart tions. and modes, roun.k-I by some fifteen other units Lunch. 50 cents, and Elamites, and the dwellers la whleh supplied power for the various The N'. M. S. of the Baptise church Presbyterial W. M. S. 1leso,Nrhtmin, and in .Judea: and Cap- nachlucry for the .manufacture of flour and salt. Wert. has been under way now for Mite on the installation of a net • power plant.. The tint[ of the hew Itellls & Mowlam engines was started on January Sth. Tina Is 1 high s1N•eel comioand engine, tri Inchon by ' i'pa Inches, by 11'41 -inch Mtroke, operating nt n speed of 300 revolt: tions per minute and d,•velnping 570 brake hors•p,wer. Excavation work is now under way for the foundations for . 111111. entente Not. :t and 4. Messrs. E. Leonard & Sons of London, w•ho have the contract, have errm- wt11 hold a ,ar•rd emovil In the The executive of the Huron !'.'res-. pmdocin, In l'out's, aunt Asia, Phregin auditorium Friday, February 21st, at byterlal W. M. S. of the United Churelt I nod 1'nmirhyita, int Egypt. and in v p.m. The eller feature's will la• a met In Clinton on January dl. The I the parts of Libya stolen 1'yrenr." 1 dialogue by the members of Chicle and Weathers gttve ' encouraging reports. i hope 1 helve that quite right. I had a dialogue by young women. ,%oltintary. airs. McKenzie, the Christian stew- sruch n irrrlhle time memorizing If offering• untship secretory, reported havingl•when 1 was n small girl at Sumloy `Members, of the Gtckerk•h I'ost,.t the 'Ward frim 41 auxiliaries out of a to- 1 *drool that it 14 one of the texts 1 Canadian legion were guests of the tal of 62. 'Twenty-five of this nnu►ber l shall not forget. Menesetung Canoe Club at the rotima of reached their allocation. She et-; The cbnrebr• here. ore (Titivated. latter Club no 'Ilwwlxy evening Pressed the wwlsht that those wJin I many les.ple being throe( nwny every Sunday.. The Ii, -i n temens at 8t, P'eter's Episoneil Oilmen here (the nrtor Is 1111 told me they asked *for a ,.lbrtlun of *318x1 lir py the debt on for Juveniles. bilge tournament which resulted in a The revenue umouutt•d to $175.57, tic. 24 to 24, between tbe players This' wax made up as follows: •Curds, from the two clubs. ' A Tight lunch $57.40; fine., $93.3({; reserves, $10.71; was served• and a pleasant s011a1 tine• magaziies, $8.10. - was spent. }livings exerad i115 these of is* I the , Im Ill mid they re nh'e1 . 11181. -------- 'Torr, of Money" is one M the must year. There are nine groups of (7,0,1.r 1 t wish we held people Ilk(' that In (:IRI- pdtII, 1 the erection of the last of the Wosea's Lstitute At•bome successful of modern . Englitlh farces,. with a membership of 141(. 4411.1 . it, I+ from Ite•llevllle, I Interim toilers and the James Vance .Cour- . The 4;oderich Women's Institute having had n run of acres hundrtrt Mrs. Greer. the treasurer, remitted and RradnnteN%. like my sons: from pony, contractors, of Woodstock. have to hrmu•h rsheer the stun of itteA19.- Toronkr 1'niver.ity aid Wycliffe Nortel the brick -settings, Wben court. to bet, ankh Ls over *4(111 more than, t'"flegc. will l the• holler hoose equipment the preceding year. • that of 112 mull- Most « people hart. • the impnwalon will consist of three water -tube beli- ttle ptlarks, 22 exeedirl n 19. oWhile that St. l'eu•rslnrg Is n whited Warty. ars of 3S5 hors' power Pa'h, fireti-by It is 8 very false Iden, 1'+n hear type ,M: forced drlift stokers supplied ' last year there. stere ''1113. 11. The 1'i people enc, -The churches are rurnln5 by the combustion Engineering Co.. of .. moire th.mmltttr "recommended 11„", the purchase. of 200 dog license toga; Mrs. 11. Stowe and the gentleman's players Thursday and Friday, Feetlrn- use or ellvnlolN•s.1.0111411,ss 1'osllt, who this pinlr. It' 1A a ;rent pity the MItIIIn 11 and New fork. TIN• slakes for 19.'3/1 and reported the sake of the 1 I.y Mr. 1►. McNevin. After cnnls a dry• 27th and 2Sth. .' t%as unable to he pre'-•uL report(,! elf nrh•s on. nor, alae(' l to "nm" as Anil holler settings are designed. to good nanny other places. 1\e diol feel op•n.te!th• 1er11ers at ratings. of front 541 It.p. Wes tinghouw• elevric motor I splendid program nus carried out. -_-_____ ._.- 141 ti(e ua•udn•rs. Twenl)•six members ,a 11,11e hmlle when, nfter'sI t,tllag 811 1:Mt per c•e•rr1. , to 2.10 per tont. • Feed e t the Brock *trete factory at n price The numbers included a piano and were caped by l)enth.•the .tmrrlrnn motes. .wP .had In aster for the boilers will tate treated CH'UBCH NOTES of $4181, violin duet by Mr, W. !'rice end Miss i There are two Imauer aaxfllurpos. TPN• fire emamittec re ommcntlett Jens Pelee; a recitation Icy Jack 4'utt : ' \ • domes Bring.- wr Sere toll fl silt' by n +ofNming system having it cap- gtr ua'arly trenched the total make an extra effort losMMnlp time ti mount. Mrs. &sable, the Mission Band sec- retary. reported eighteen Mission 4lateds with a membt.rship'of 1416 ami and thirty-three emserutire perform- ances In London, Englaact. A play that Seems to have sprung from tine dtn- istati!rea mind for the purpose (Imply of amusing audfeute4. 'Tuns of 11 •y" will IN• prosented by- the Arhmr ('1 rile r :Crewe. and \%(aura, in whim every bel: nollfrly nt the slelrc's xnd nstuir- salty of 5:1,18N► Ib , of anter pater tour. that the water tint/ light itnlnllssinn he piano duet by Mlsies'Frntl•e' Thom- The srt•4ires at 'North gtrtr•1 . Puht w-nllitlre 111 toe cougreg..Mou Is n 111 1.111. st••11111 oat i1 (ruin the 1s,ller', - p sun and ,lean Macunnnld; tableau, ell chant m•x1 Sunday will be held 11 1 her of the W. K. A. sells that ',ley slid not take (lnnadlnl The 1 , n.,kwl for x written report on the run, .y s lir a nese•,."It1.lter go tl, the M9rt Naitlotl rel xL•e the rohtiiHou of the comblus- ell Runk" Rev a11. W,• toxtk 1beir tt„n will 1N• heliraterl by 111rr 11,11,y ' dttlon of the fire hydrants. The coal- '1' tar' \Vnrufng by Mrs f Ills the usual boors. In the Men' 1'Inh Mr 1 \i• (bran 111 ionncy Hnubio tnIttee retorted that temporary le" stet and Mrs. C. Cutt ; Plano Wits- ,1. 1V. ((snore will intrdtt.,' the tnpleb44' reiarr). ru(ortel having 1,4214 -ell, aria had been made M the flee hall nuns by M°..4.. McConnell; pinnu and •Is retaliation erre Jiittitlallrle't" -censers. totl111ug 1181 carer lust ,tea r. ,it4i r, and the Lull T),i n ("turns}.lin 1$nitre are( The, r1'rvle•+ at the Baptist church It' cc decided. t.• sold the l'n•sl. front MlnmlOou (yon ihld mru. from floor amt 1hat w stet orGout traction maminlin duet by Mr. A. .. i 1 y Ontario In wane of the meal jTomhr chains had been porehaaed for. the 111,. Gladys Shore. and a one -u -t next Sunday. will hecohkt•tel► by thy 1. tt'rihl motiug at Sin forth on• April ens'ao-it inns here) (rest Qni1N'IeI one new ladder truek. '•Ite'ganling Mr. play. entitled "1110.44.Hll • sbnnds o \\' 1 pastor, -Itev. W. T. 'Itunt. Stenson sub 34101.- . ,.t.eit (noel every` derllitr. stn we- belt W. 1'. C. King's request that the Bell Ours." The members of ,the rust were jecta• 11 am .., •"Imtorers In theVlie-, - etlr,•fromrelieved. ' Telephone fire alarm 'phone he re- Mesdames Wm. Abell. Con, Bisset, 1'. yard ;" 7 pm.... "Eternal Life Soughti it. rating Traeler Desnonatratietl Thnre 'vhn ton• furs here. The mined .from fila residence. as he in- Raines. C. (hut, C. Woraell •n4 J. C.I and 111s.,e1. Rllle.echool at 10 a.m, fn -spite of II". heli 4nrid(tlun of oda leaves very obligingly remain on fends lending in his resigwitIon as a member of the fire brigade, w -e find tint Mr. King has not stent In his Stewart. Mrs. Beattie *as director of the play and she was' presented with a ,silver tray by members of tbe cast. 1 Tie reenter netting of Khox church roads ill thk. district. about one dun, auxiliary, LV.M.S„ will he held on dris1 fanners were pr,P1ent xt. the Me. TIu4s(Liy. 4'ebrnery 'IS. at '3.30 li.m. *'ormiek-Ihering tractor dt•gtonstra- until the nen' oiPA grow. We have a century pinna hi lld,m nn 1111. Iawu 111.111 -very lovely, rr- gnnttun. and he hn_-4 now agreed 'During the evening .,elections were Mrs. Stirling Mel'hatll ills., Wiggins; lion held nn Friday Inst by the Inter- • to remain a member. pending any r, nderehby the Institute oritcatra, At' and, Mrs. Herold' will hire charge of I iillional Ilnrve,ter (Nonparty in con- For the l'ripphd ('hildMri''s Fundalteration,. in the orgnnlzntton upon the clone oh the program hutch was the meeting>. Junt•Hon with Messrs. Murphy & Johns - arrival of the new ladder truck."'1'b *ert•el•. Services in Knox .hur'h next Sob: ton, the 1oAl 1111' dr•a1efs The new .4. splenditt na'Ienee tuned oat on t l having isle 1 rommilla• also re luwr ee ar ng 4' a ball( w111 ire( conducted by the mluf•yirr power firming m1.thrN1 ;w•hleh is anter(, 'Ihlr•11t• tiit.l• - ir :11, '.•n.11111 fur' the enl•rnalnnl1.us by the Rrnitswi,.1, ''r. lri'.,t ,rte!• elle t rbc tower for the the borne Mire Engine Co,_ at Mitchell Town Hedley League Subjects of eternal ns: 11 a.m., "KAT- fag Ontario' at 1 h pretixt tithe• is ate( he., sdlel the new ladder trio*, The junior town - league htilsey , ing the h`niih;" i p.m.. "Twit of sin- making great strident In this dlstrllt, TO., The program t ho Inde) vocal atoll Y rrlout rcto!remtntt of the jiant. .he 1tigrIIistrutnr'tlt11 mo+11•; .fnry-h•Illni,, chat•- the Ina -lige or the new co:structlen whir.. resold, It was enl.nth . dr- games played nt the \\m. 8 11 rink ; (lasso. Snweipe • no' . stat! li1bL• and : pest. ibie ti 1411 *o nee nlog actor Ith1N•rsminlloll*, nod 4•n acdy I Is niot4 well funder 8-iy, 1t 1s expe•t•t•• Ilcnn•d +once time this mlmth. on \Crtincs.,lny t•vrningw. are not et. chir,ses. xt 3 ei d(rek. ' 1+'l'mty ofi., Ihle pnl•nu+ of nbin•inllR lit These reports ern• ill ado1HN1. tract fug large crowds, but the are Tlie•re floe ttteetlri "of the ,tri"hnr fortnnstiin►; on 11114 tmNirtald 4116ea.'01111)4re slid was 1linttulahly ,0„),.a.,,`...1 that the Want .• ill he .nmpletnil,in; T 1 K( R 1 1. by the n bpn•r•taticr ^1111111•Ile` Thr I good time for the spring trade. meters, supplied by the Bailey Meter 1'.nl{slny. of llontrt•nt. The engine room whet, rrnnpletel will eonslat of Inn V 13'1• eomtornd en lthP. of 514) In•:1ke ieur.elownr ent•h aln41 two C tips- ( pound engine., of ;batt brake horsepower each, the latter directly ...toweled 10 2(11► k.w. 00 -cycle, three ,• phase 5:, volt generators Steam will he .u1gptIt8t frlun the boilers at 2)111 ' teunnd. pressure tool simerltenttl .m 176 degrees F. The ,•lura t steenm e int he used In the salt manufactur- ing proves*. When completed the plant • will be self-eontaincd, supplying pow it wax 'Welded tw Inter the lomat (renting tt ((rent deem of Interest among, Circle of Knox church will he held ill 'rhe. irtietor '4 bit 1 Is n nasHllIn 1 Jlr. Tim- SAnti f t:iNlcrieh, hal number of copies of The 1lumftiput1 fh1. players. Two gaell5't wore played the Mann - the on Monday evening -through which -many prn•lirnl helps errhl wn. under GM nnspi.:•. of the y.'" World and alar a copy of the Nilotic' on Wednesday night of Inst week. to FPttnmry 17.111. el' 5 p.nt Mrs. Roht. may 1N• obtaine'. Lim,. .C'h(b far the Inrn. fit of the I the contract for renewing the setters .\.i for the metnl,er*. Phi. first match Tel. 1 Innt''4 teem de.' ltk.,•t will IutfP rlwrip• of the Meeting.' 11 r. T. Murphy. Mr(brmlrk-(icer- vitt ;,dal children's bntd. 1i ltebalf of al part. of the old corns,. and, 11111was sse't'lrstd in completing tbl. wor • The following motions were prte*bnt- tented Walter Neweomb1.'s 'sextet by The Ir.tfldt w111 IN rend by Mtw. 4haA ht¢-Agnnl fefl''Galrflch, _w Mr orgnnlr,"i the l.nt Mayor 11arFi,r+rel rnvr• n 1 t $ I.L. • • •' hat n llongrrlite •attire.shi which In reeurd time. To celebrate thio !tell V welcome a toe present . In nn AMnndanee of Nee ,.ream. i unn: bloc•kmwn for this district for hua InadP far rrl(Nlled hlhtri;•. by the j al and adopted with little ..r no 11"- the ante of 5-1. Tex• $,rurnl Raine re-' lthrik and al►;iori.,r on `( nlriers of the Ilse• meeting, op.,nel ft with an nddns 1 stilted In a tie wore. 4-4. This con King" will he glyen by Mr A f web met tl s per t \Ir. '%ler h1'`sk•lo 4 the efforts Gott were be] Mr. Sandy treated $ the eea(r1o7Pna ry.,Sion TNk It itlian IsbuNI test was IN•twe•n Jean's cnptaine'd by 'Iee•iNtlttt Moved by Councillor Muse]. -enrol- Beg. New.ornln• and Victor Ellk tt. Mr. Itev. ('anuli W. If. Ihtvl.win, 3.11.A..! the Loll. 1'., gave .n very COMM talk Lion! and other ,labs In the IM ow 1 ie. en' • clerk be Instructed t, prise the Miry Two more games took place un Well will la• the (+pedal preacher nt id! meeting 'h+ n A•xpthl.' manner. .Mr.. i"4"Ir nt the -work. 1 _ a • M hy Councillor Ball that t 11 I 11111 refereed loth games rector of at. John:s church. Montreal land note) w+• (halrmauu hnmllkia the Inee and meth au a pod ucat 11101 111 I:XIIIBIT ori it COAIts 1.ter of Marine ad Fisheries at IDarb • nearby evening of this week. 1teg. George', church on Sunday' next.i Ilarry. lecturer Miller, lturer of the I. Id. C.. stn t'%'t ttl nnl 1slnni y for t1 1 fawn rrrl.Pstlrl the lioyenrna•nt io Newcomta•'s team were tht•torlouts morning shot evening. Canna Davison' gave Iw•o Inte•ri•sting and insfrnetive• Othlfellnwe' ,\l•hatu►e 1 prole / 1:odl'rie and vicinity is. ordain, a title to the " ianFe 1n tbe over Walter Newcombe', tenni by ,the runes to St. tiewrge'a on Sunday sal talks ,aid abo mnsiderpble informs.' 11urnn Lodge. No. (12, I.' v. 41. F., l,r s•b:481 in a sterid showing nt , Maitland River called the Indian Is- score of 3-1. The sttnnd match lies a prelhr►iamry vI*lt to -n m1«Ion that thin and inntr►ufttnp for trletor (Ter IN•11 their unnu$1 itt Itis,' In the tend.Indies' fir coats which in being made en • that It may t,e,nme nrntlable a nue-sided affair, Victor Elliott's be 1N to conduet here m nnteming ators. lits fret folk, -•The Evolution fellows' i1911 hist Valleyn11th1 9'hel by. the Alaska Far Co, on Thureasr; for fwtnr, nee for In11nstrim sites. teams detesting Ted. i'Innf's park (blither 1(811, for wbleh work he Is, of the Traitor," ens ti history elf', c•ve1,1 ens 8 an•at..neve *, there In.• 1 Friday and $ntutduy of 1,11i. meet lit Carried. e•bnaers by n 0-0 wore. Mr. W. Mac- sp•rIRlly gnnNfMl. • 1 frettior development Moonthe late; Ing a 'very large- attendance of elth1-1 le. E lehle.rt'• store. An exttsrt fir•' Moved by Connoillm• Worsen. .,H•- Ikrould• .v.. 111 charge of the mimes Monday evening at the young nlnctle•s to the pre•wenf'tin. ":\n In.; fellows ant! _1itt t' frllll(IIP. t'hrz •hilt, rler• ,1 1'epl'ese•IltallVt l'r1 '1.ue man b tandlnR people'• meeting of North street !'nit- 1 sido Unit -1'1.1e tok nt Quality." ,1J-'. se. and ad• 1 port of the eyenlnen r wdecnfr'rt M fof Inloror 14 Io ehntee 11'e nit ended by Cotlnelllnr Iinml.t r, that the I,wg1if4, e Won Lest TPP el church. a very interesting subject drew., delvei trim the : ncd•hanlc1nleanls.,.J'r wieners t.o•nrg its follow •: It nod t• lrr'psred to give intottaattoa matter of arranging for ,s bane( Mad ee he referred 10 the qo•• hell committee V. Elliott S 0 1 w111 he Iitr.NMtersl • "flow match of ent.trnellon of ten• ihtt•st Me1'orpilek• 1.8dt,'0' setae-. lot, Mrs. Ih' 1'. .11,,41: and 11,14 i' a tree tr ttnc Oct.!. gaaiitt k to report. Carried.11. NewcomA be•-_..,.' 0 1 the Blb{e must a I;hrlatlan believer During traelor. 2nd. MI -s F. S141;1141 ci,n'solalhrn, Mr..tami valwPa of the )(mime. Curs. A ve:v .Mored by Councillor \Iel,.dltt. ere- T. Plant 1 3. 0 Willie the service will be In the form' Mr. ('. A. Worrell advertising man- 1'. 111.44.1 s.mtltiee•n's-bat._(► (tsr• ext'•nsi,e eato••k of tine f r b ball g • nntiel by I)rpny litter 4 rnlgie. that 1V. Newsman..' „1 4 0 of n round-tn111e dismission, 11 will he ager of the 1 11. 1'. ell London. 11111.11111.1i -i elrlrl.: 2m1. 1' \'idenn; 3 rti. Wes. Ear!! .Mown anti itenntiferl 8,.11* are offet'.ti the matter of esttmntes of receipts Following Are teen teroaainlag lel and reviewed by Mr. Inert, Loot'. In ehnrge of a progrrun of roving' raw While 111e.' 411111114 .w'c•'e 111:1 fly.; IV tatrnrtfve pelices, The ladles and expsndihtres for the year and of gators It, the seheldle: B.A.. of Brussel., who takes a deep pleturlw which prove( to lieof high reels the children were entertained In striking the tax este he referred t0 Weedm•aley, 1.'), 19. R. Nowermhe Ieterest lit this snhje•t. y0,11.).5 pe"1ik• edicnfh.nal vrelne mid very hNrrte* she belie nom. Leach was served the filmier c••,mmltte' to hring Ina es, PMtu. N'. Neuc•onM dn• ' Elliott. and alt nthel's 'Menaces, In thin din- I Inc. Mr .1 \\' Kith -ride and \Ir Thom- and this was followed by dancing. resort. Carried. Wtlednewtay. Fob eat. -Plant rs. W. (Continued on p. tP A) Wednesday, Feb. 2s.-- flare ,s. W, ere cordially Invited to call and In- , .,parr the es t1lhlL whet h./. (icy Ol e tempatt bnying a pant or not Nt•'P emotion ore 1nrltet to attend Arai takes! to 1)ym.s•k, other Il:rveder offielals.' tbe made flit which wits furnished by the tiny. Thursday. l'ridav and 'a 1 ft. ssi- part. 1 a T Bram. Mies 7 ,' emkle': er,•,.,••tr,u nt Mi'c t•11 •••-1••• ,• ,r•': 41' so,, • ,.,• oterl wtlh the neo h taltOtM * taa ::ot<i ,,. =.» .,.. -'' _ ✓ -• _ _"' ,..v.•.•a►x,! ..+*c11tt:‘1010106 `.4•s., 'r "tw„w'