HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1930-2-6, Page 88 -Thursday, February u, 1930. THE SIGNAL, -- GODERICH, ONT. Sk Valentine's Day February 14th Secure your Valentines early. Wi'e have a Targe stock. Priced at lc to 50c COLE'S Book Store Special Values All Winter Footwear Nlen's, women's and children's Goloshes. Felt Boots. Men's and boys' heavy laced Rubbers. All at clearing prices W. Hern's Shoe Store Phone 43w THE GODERICH vat mutt VP TOWN O. 00«1 '^. vN,. No: HERE' R. Ygli MOMES THAT H'`ZE T HEAT FOLKS NEVER MIND THF. r<NO'W GATHERING AT CARLOW ' been at once your moat cherished HONORS GORDON YOUNG recommendation and monument. Through 1ts high acid sacrad minis- trations you were led Into a know ' Mr George Fleury formerly• of Dun - County Treasurer Receives Testimonial from Township Friends The township hall at Carlow was the so'tue on Monday evening of a gatbertffg of members of Smith's 11111 United church and other residents of the townolilp in'honor of Mr. and Mta.� Gurdon Young. ill. appulntuient as county treasurer having necessitated; Ile. Young's removal to the county . town, 'and the severance of many Gae l which had connected him with the Smith's 11111 congregation and with' other township affair., hie frleuds de- sired to ntalllfest their high esteem' for him and his fatally in some tang- ible maumer. An address expressing the sentiments of the gathering was read by Mr. Alex. Young of Loyal. and. a hamlrume clock With 11'e+stuinsh•r chimes was presented W Mr. and Mrs.' Voting. Mr. Young made an. able atul, appropriate reply. Outer. present spoke In w:trw te'rui, of Appreciation of the services of Mr. Young 10 the community over a lung period of years. among these being Messrs. 4'. A. Rob- ertwm. .l.P.1'.,• Warner Walter. Win. Marsh. .tlex. Young. Willi:uu Young. Leonard Kent. John Y g. Mrs. A. Ilendersou and Miss Ilelen Clark. All jolueel Letrrtily !In -Uighur "Fur Ile } tete Jelly good re•Ilews." which wits followed by three rousing cheer•. Aftr4 the Attiring of several p,patiar Songs ,i light lunch Was serv.s1 by the 1aeMe- Rev. R. It. Cumming ons ehalrruan e! the evening. The address was as lullows: Mr. and Mrs. Gonion Yomtle. - Golerich. 4Int[rlo. Isear Friends. -The cocgregathat j and friends of Smith's 11i11 United church have gathered here this eten• hag to pay year honor and to shoo their respect and esteem. for you nn the o4:tsle n of your renewing to Gead- erlel. It is not without mingled 'feel - Ings of sadness and -regret that we litre learned of your decision". but we reeognhy' that changes come 11i all of our lives, and we must accept the. situation. '4Ve know that you have1 Leen gnidei by your best wlwlnm. and that the dire. -ting hand of Got ha* teen in evidence. While you are out going j great dlstah.:e from ns. mill- we •111,11 have the privilege of seeing you awot.g ns oo•asioaeally because of your fut.•reets here. yet we would take this opportun- ity of expressing to you our 'hearty goodwill and our high appre•iatlou of your worth and character while. you have taro anion,; n-. `.1 prophet I. not without honor ez*•ept in his awn ',nuttry and amen;; his owe p..ople,•' yet although yon have been born and raised among us ,in this , e)minuulty wee are not ignorant of • your merit and ability. nor unmindful of your den•otel service and sacrifi- cial labor 'un behalf of the highest -and best interests of vont neighbor- hood at house and of your county at I Jorge. It would be unworthy of u- as a Veildr If wee were to fall to pay trib- ute to your high Intellectual attain- ' menta. Worthy of the atoek fruw which you have sprung. you availed yourself of the privileges afforded you in the public and high schools of Colborne and l:uderleb. and you made; , visited with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Nixon, for a few days last week. ledge of God and of ills truth. In its! gannon, Is spending the winter with orgaulzatione you found a means 01I his slater, Mrs, Wm. Irwin. exercislug your, faith mid developing Mr.. Samuel Sherwood, who has the strobg Christian character to been under the doctor's care for the Which , you attaLUe•i. and which I last mouth, la Improving nicely and w•IU always be your glory and we hope to see her around soon. comfort 1n all the changing life that ' `1� 10111 lies before you. A. a member of ^ ESTFIELD the erosion an 41 trustee boards and cif; the Sunday school, particularly as teacher of the adult Bible class, you have given a leadership acid 'eervke tbrougbout the years which' has art ; a preeedeut Hutt w111 be difficult to. emulate. After everything else about you has beeu forgotten there will still *laud your noble efforts and sel(.denyh,g achievements on behalf i ( a11, 1u whom you took a loving and .y11puUu')it Interest. Lonely •ami ttuetakiess as your task often Was. it Wale carded through will' a persevere Mee :end .aga.eeratlou of whl h ...Co you yourself were capable. I. your private affairs you hoe leerue with fortitude and patience your burdens anti reverses, uud throughout the long and trying clreunlstatices you ha... Men sustained by An luaplk'it 11it:h tit the loving ;ilia alibiing land .t+ ,your heavenly Flethrr G..1. Yobs uut:iuchiuY and luclut•ible .!rite: to e:ol l,a. Tern to 4411'''1 its at ..7ec au 141.4 itaaiuu awl ecautple. A- a Nark of our d1441. 4 4 4. :..r y"m ami the dc•jtil.l.• l.Lo,: you W14. .1144.,7. -ounnai.l in our :t(te t.,:, sail lose. will you .IG u. the 11. .11..r 4.1 :. eepting lids 1Vesttnns,l, ,'Li:w' . L .. As a slight tangible 1..koro sm1 mt'u: tutu ..f .your •••m'.,,14 *I with the Lyo`yle:.:r SmilJ4`- 11111 rutted d)Un'lu: • alas. it, tuelq.ilon- *-.i,cs bring into your lift harniuuiun. memuri..t of all the wowlerrul day- you 'limit .awoug It, hem.- and nal it chime out for you ninny happy ,days -yet' to .,,Me. Toward Mrs. Young :nod noir worthy 'family we hold equally high regardds and onr dearest hope nue fervent - prayer IS that siltegether you. map Toa_ Is, ..paired and Risen kindly . Providential 'ear.. to enjoy- the Itis of life. 1111(1 to trace your plisse in the welittre• of the a nannnity lt, which it may be your pleasure to live. figurd un behalf of the congregation :cud friends of Smith's 11111 Ural• .l church. , • LEFBUR` good use of your time and ability.: Reaching a high standard of excei-1 • lence while at school, you continued � your efforts at improving your cal - eats as a habit of life, until yo*' 4�, gained and st111 retain an honored T--•�i<' • place. to our midst as •t •reliable au - LC./ thority Insall matter• et life nod con- duct. in public- life you have brought re - Down to your family and honor to Did you ever notice how mach your community for your indefatig- pleasanter the weather seems _ able service" in township and c ty When you go out into it from a warm councils. You have given to mnnicipai government high idents and ma -tinted activity, and to the larger field. of service you have justly earned tin en viable reputation and a permanent can give you comfort inside your place in the wise deliberation- and home, and "pep" outside. trustworthy administration of the af- 'Phone us for a load of D. L. & W. fairs of the people. That you may Coal, which is the best your long be spared and permitted to Vole I money ran buy. !(nue this great work Is the sincere and earnest desire of ail tre'sent. Your connection with the former Presbyterian church at Smith's 11111. and later as the United church. has LEEBUItN. Feb. 5. -Mira Ite:a Hamilton. ree"her 1n S. S. No.` 3. near Auburn. 5petit the .ireekrud with her friend, MI'ea Anne McDonald. at tis: borne of Mr. and Mrs. A. Clutton. Mt-. Lizzie Horton visited in G;odl- erkch for few lays last week. A Sad Mishap. -Early Mou•'.ay mornlug Mr. Job* Farrish. sr.. me: with a use.; unfortunate accident which .geeessitaled the amputation Ida left hand. He and -Lis son. were threshing beaus by Mitring theta through- the netting -box without the helve.. In -owe manner, probably by the mitt catching. Mr. Farrlsh•e hand was •brawn 1n and Was so billy crushed as to render amputation necessary Today's report Is that Mr. house? There's no need of shivering and shaking, when Beat Folks Coal CAi.I. TIM J.B. MUSTARD COMPANY Phone 98 - Godericb MEN'S Leather Vests and Windbreakers at $3.95 and $4.95 Made of sheepskin. Lea- ther Vests have knitted collars, sleeves and bot- toms, tweed - lined with two pockets. Sipe -s 36 to 44. $3 95 Same as above with leather collar and cuffs, wool lined. Sizes 36 to 44. $4.95 M. ROBINS AVM for 1 ip I op i ti lors' Clethes. Suit or Overcoat $24. PHONE 384 11'ES'PFIELD. Feb. 4. -Mr. W. A. Caunde.11 was a Goderich visitor one lay List week. Mrs. Melvin Taylor returned home last week after spending several dins with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 0 Smith of Brussels. Mn Bert Talkie and children spent u, couple of days this week with the forruer'• sister, Mrs. R. Stonehouse of Goderta•h. Jars. W. P. Campbell, spent a couple ,.f days last week with •Mrs. J. 11. II00%er of Blyth. The many friends will be pleased to hear that Mrs. Wm. McD..well's Math.. er Mrs J. Anderson. of Myth, 1s' slowly imp int Mr. Gorden Snell- had the wistotl- nue t.' fall and era, k a 0.ttple of ribs The sr. ralltent of the Lord's Supper will ie adminlsterd in the Westfield nrrh on Ktmeloy. 'earlei :ever has again brok'e'n out in :his eommuulty, tau of Mr. and Mrs. !terryy. Ms :air's children 4'e- ttig• ill With it. I'he.t' are the only .styes cit tiresa•tat, awl we .bre i.epinc will spread nu farther. Mr. Merrily Mcll:.srwi.i. • t' i...;.,1c.:. stent over the wee: -c'u't at the hells' cit Mr. and Mrs. John Viat'eut. Mr. and .Mrs. J. N. Comptes', are spending a couple •4 weeks at the borate of their dauzi'a¢crr Mrs- B. S1,•ae 11,11-e of e;udertwd., . l'()LBORSE TOWNSHIP, 00i.1t oft\E TOW NSH11'. F'eJ. 4.-- Mr,. •'hy,...Ailhi and ,.'n .4rnokl sire: Tuesday tfterno om 4u s:utieri -b visit ing Mr,. Robert 4:11 .0 bou•.r of bet eighty-third birthday. We -extend our tvngra,'utatioae urs.:: ;:.r r'+4 a+t•'u . E Mtht ell 4:-11•41 'rieud. is• G•derieb on Tuesday. Me. Itel Mrs. Service m• -red auto tie mons. vaeatr.l' by Mr.. A. Jehie--. to•n In clic rewa+hlp ha:: on T')e*h47 of this week. We wek..me them to the t.urg. Mr.. EaUS. oLo has .0 faith- fully atten.k•d a number .kk patients la -C r :•rwu+Lip . ., a daughter. . The litt:e sen of Mr aL.1 Mr-. El. utter Robertson had hie Lissa badly hurt oldie playing with an ale cit. "Tueolay afternoon. Two .ef his ting - ere, were very badly cit. but througl: Dr. Weir*. .-arerul asst-:.:.uu they ares teeing saved. - . Mr. H. Mew. .et. is • i,itiug frkeci.I• In Goderlch. Mr. Thgtuns Horteet• is engaged to work--far-Mr. Aldan Allot.' Ho -aril -hies wife and toe children Will move Into Mr. Allln'e brkk house on the ath con• t. estion. Mr. acid Mrs. James Slogan. jr., entertained a number of Yriemle at :u to know that he !s keeping so well atter his recent illness. Mrs. Varcoe, who I1 very 111, 1a gradually becoming weaker. Mr. John Tabb Is not us well aa bL friends would wish. He hits heart trouble. Mrs. A. Johnston spent Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Herb Morals. Mr. Fred Clark, of Plato, Sask., who ha. been visiting his brother, Mr. .t. l'. Clark. has gone to Stratford and Ewbro to vinic relatives there. Mrs. Albert Good, who has been 111, Is able to be out again. The Government inspector has been up to MeGaw this week inspecting the weighing of the milk belonging to the dairymen, for the purpose of compar- ing It with weights of the City Dairy, giving the farmers fair play. GODERICH TEAM VICTORIOUS (Continued from page 1) box„ thin MacKay and W. Mrt'ilnwitey were the !Inst pair to go off and Jack Woods and K. Streets foIldw4I closely on their heels. The ice looked somewhat deserted with only four Olen to a '1dr and it Isoktd as 1f one of the team: might break through and store. Giem- and Neellgcr of Clinton each drew a Ieurtlty in the hast reg- ular period. In the three overtime periods both' team+ played as cautiously as ever. mic The funs by tills time were beginning; to give up hopes turn derision le r'achel. Several "times in the- over-' ::aur 1tages it looked as if either leant wowkl get the (111,1 'break" and scare. but it was not forthcoming :fad the game waded with the score .1 b1844k, We. The (4111) 'penalty handed out In the overtime play mus to 1V.s, di. The goalkeepers played a brilliant game and tanned aside tunny fast - travelling *hots. Wo,1. an(1 V'.c't- brtk4k worked hard eat the GolertciI defence and the saws Gaud might Is. said of the Clinton defence. men. Ned - Iger and J. Elliott. The Golerlch for ward line bluntly euulol not fuut•tieo smoothly under the stubborn resist • - ;iu •e offered by Clinton. and there vias little t.. choose Ie*we'u the dis- plays given' by any of the players The narrowbes. of the ('Tinton ure•ua was a band:c•ap to the Goderlch [caw. wbo are accustomed to a larger Ice surface. The'spleadkl work of A. R. Oliver, of Galt. as referee was• a feature of the gatue. Ile followed the play with the eiusest attention, calling play for the least'offence against the rules oft hockey. Nine isetualties were hackled out. Cornfield's annual midwinter stock- redudng sale will commence on Sat- urday, February Sth, and will con- tinue until lh•bruary 22u.l. Fur list of special bargnlua turn to page -t ill this issue. KORN TALBOT. -41n Sunday. February 2nd. to Mr. and Mrs. 11'llllaw Talbot. Seidel.. Ilse, Stanley township, a daughter. KENN'FJi.--At Kubryvllle, Out., on Sunday, February 2nd, to Mr. and Mrs. George Kenney 'nee Grace Wootton, as -daughter. DIED OURWEN.-1u Guderich, on Thurs- day, February. 8th, James Curweu. JOIINSTI)N.-In Goderich, on Sunday. February 2nd, Mary Anti Hamilton, widoes• of the lade Hubert Joh:esteem 19 her Stud year. QUA ID. -In Ashfield toeushipt uu Sunday, February 2nd. Mary Aum Dougherty, widow of the late Jawe•.. Mould, in her S:,th year. LOST OR FOUND L UND.-NE 1t PUBLIC LIBRA141 I A pair of eyegli.•e, owner apply at 8l(>aNAI. t►}•F'll'E Tt) RENT WANTED WANTED. -MAID FOR GENERAL. TT housework. Apply at SIGNAL OF- FICE. WANTIOD TO BORROW. -16400 22 Brut -class security. (food taterast and part 4'rindpal if desired, payable quarterly. Apply to IIOX 41, TEC SIGNAL. (loderlch. WANTED.- YOUNG MAN FOR sand! farm near London. E:per- ieuerd with horses and cattle. Year- ly engagement. State nationality, ex- perience, age, wages expected. Educa- tional privileges If desired. Hoz "09, SIGNAi. OFFICE. MORTGAGE SALE. MORTGAGE SALO OF FARM PROP- ERTY ender and by virtue of Nile powers of sale contained in a certain regist- ered mortgage made by Arthur Jones and Edward Jona'. to the vendor, there will be offered for sale by public auction at the Itedford Hotel, Goiter - lets on Thursday, February 13th, 1930. at nue of-Io•k In the afternoon. the freehold farm property known as: Lot Number Five. In the Eleventh Concession of the Township of Col - morn.. in, the County of Huron, West- ern Division,' er,ntalnIng 100 sere•: more or pees. - This= i* laid to be a desirable •farm ra RENT.-►rrt►IIK' SI'IT.11tLE'F'OM of .'lay Iunm sull„-nta)nt 11'2 Ivrea bar- la ariker' ur uth.e. Imwrdla•r tats Ing hove- rultivatt.l and the loalaner .trs.iu❑ gtrn .4(4.4y 4o 4.11.(2. K n Ieeta,g.mnl hu parom•stkure. well Torreranl*d artao „atom br (.1I'NI'FIRN,�GfkMrrh. twm*II ave k•. The buildings Inelnde a 1'fi- 1101 SF: TO- RENT.- I(N pt iti'l'4. '.furry frame house and a large frame i .wreet. between North stud Victoria. lase with, eemeQt fuundtftbn, M(4Iern conveuieme•s..garden. M. 11'. There os.sald to be a school al' the 114 w'1:Lt.. 'phone 213. dlstauec "f shout one mile and the distatace to Golerich Is about eight Li alt RENT.--CUMPa("r moDER7 wipes. • , a .apirtnfent. Possesslen may tie had; Terms rand Condition.. One-tenth Immedinteiy. For beeches particularsof the purchase money to be paid In apply to HAYS & HAYS,'Golerlch I aebur by narked cheque at the time .Ont. of sale and the Illallee to be paid withie thirty slays thereafter, or on such other terms as may be setls- faetory to the vendor.. Further.particnlars blas to had oil application to: JEFFERY, WEIR. McNLIIERAN & W)ORHOUSF. Solicitors for the Meador. i Market Lane. London, Ontario. The line-up : Gssterk•b-4;oal. H. Doak; ,defence, E. We'tbruol, J. Woods centre, J. Lemieux; wing.. H. Mnnmey, Geo. Al - listen; subs.. -Had" Sturdy. , Kay. R. Stoddart. Clinton -Goal, G. Elliott ; defence, J. Nediger. J. Elliott ; centre, J. Twy- ford ; wings. F. McKwan. W. Giro; onto., 11'. Mel'llnchev, K. Street., G _ Referee-- .1. R. Oliver, of Galt. Hockey Notes 14. Doak. the Goderich net -minder lees played a wonderful game all through this season and much of the local team's wean 1s due to him. In the group games already flayed Doak 'let only five shots past him, while the team has ,moored fourteen goals against 1 other teams. Se•aferth played a tie gave with Clinton intermediates cit the Clinton arena last Friday night, the score be- ing 1.1 atter thirty minutes' overtime. Fnrrl.h is feeling as well a+ oonld euchre party last Friday seeming. be ezpe_•tel. Much sympathy 4 felt On Monday eveDitag the congrega- tor Ilea Iq his misfortune throughout tion of 8mltb'g Hill United chutch the entire neighborhood. BELFAST 14EL1'.1ST, F'rb. :t, --Mr. and Mrs.: Isaac Andrew, of Zion, visited. with. Mr. and Mr-. James Cooke on Thurs-:. day lag. - Mr- David .Alton and Milts Lizzie Alton. of Lneknow, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Alton one day past 1 week. Mr. Sydney Ferguteou, of London.' vi.ltel with his pierehtis, Mr. and Mrs.! Thos. Fergie:on. over the week -end. Mr.. Hamilton is visiting with Mr.! and Mn. .lames Cooke for a few weeks. Mr. Mild Mrs. Sam. Alton and .nn .Ia--k visited with Mr. and Mrs. Janos, Alton. of 1.ueknow, on Sunday last. Mr. met Mr.. Cecil Mullin and son Gordon, of Luc•know, bre visiting with Mr. and. Mrs. Walter Alton for a few days. , Mrs. Jack Emerson, of Purple Grove, presented Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Young with u beautiful chimes clock. Mr. Young, who has been a lifelong mem- ber of this church, is now making Lis home. 111 Golerich. C. A. Robertson. 71.1'.l'.. left on Tuesday for Toronto to be present at the opeuiug of the Legislature. Miss Leola Snyder. of Toronto. 11 visiting friends here fur a time. Mr. Joe ballo cque has purchased) u fine tow from Mr Walter Pittman. As (h1s Is bis first attempt at the dairy business. we wish him every success. The dairymen of this part of the township have got In a goal supply of ice. It is about 14 inches thick. Mr. N. Pierson ahiive! a carload of fat hogs on WNlnrsdny. The price pail was 11.2.75 per cwt. - Mr. Geo. Henn, sr., visited hl. *laughter, Mr.. Will $lteveus, 1Verbie- day of last week. Mr. Bean intends leaving next week to spend the re- mainder of the whiter with his two daughters in 1'.'runt., We are pleas."* Detour Fan "I understand your husband can't meet his creditor's." "1 don't believe he Nauta to, partic ularly."--Berkshire Eagle. Reaping the Reward "1 didn't marry beauty, my boy : I didn't marry wealth or position: I married for symp1thy." -Well, you have rice." -Til -Bits. More Team Play - "1s your wife 'having any slimes/1 in learning to drive the car?" ' -Well. the road H. beginning to turn whet, stir dura."--Turuntu Goblin A('CTiON SA I.ES Al 4'i'ION SALE OF l'.tTTLF: AND 'qua. GS. Mr. Ernest Townaheud will sell by public auction at lot 105, Huron rad. one mile east of Go erich, on FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 14th commencing at 1 p.m.. the following: Jersey cow, fresh; Holstein Guern- sey. fresh: 2 'Holstein cows. to fresh- THOMAS Gi NDRY. GODRRICIit, AUCTIONERR1NG i en 1n Feb.; Jersey cow to freshen in LIVE WL'UCK AND O JRRA1 March; 2 cows elite In May, m*rham al'('F'IONRItiR I eow, milking: Holstein cow. milking: Telephntko. No. 11S. 15 heifers, springing; 9 heifer. In calf; sales attended to anywhere and every 4 heifers, good !beef ringers; a number effort made to give • W tlafacr i of ynnng calves. :4 sows. dile time of Farmers' sale notes dlwounted. sale; 1 sow, due In March; 8 chunks. Sale will he conducted under cover. ' WESLEY W. F18HElt. Terms.. MUMS of ten dollars andAuctioneer, under. cash ;• over that amount eight. grin conduct erlee anywbere. Ily Great F.etits) fo Mark Completion of gip, Paul's Reslnrafion after 11,.• 74':1'4' re-torntiom work. daring whit), the choir, the dome spa a nod the Ir:a,sept, h:,•e barn .,nnpl4'h•17 .I,..rd. SI I'nnl • e uln•d. London. England h u. Is, re'npsned with n solemn festival Instteg rigi tette do- earl I, hes. Thl- wo,drnu''hhllding was .-rectal In Platt by sir Christopher Wren, and the restoration work has Mat nearly 12.500.04m 111* Majesty King George will attend the first thanksgiving service on .lane 25th. Above Its a payout showing Mt. Paul's Cathedral from the air feentre). .14 the left Is n group of 'fere nnn'nns repairing and prcoerch,g the stonework near the dome whole on the right the peons, '.how, a mass of scaffolding aronn.l the top of the 44reat dome. which tins re enlly been completed. months credit on approve) bankable. !paper. Fnar per e•nt. straight for • cash. T. GI:NI)RY & SON. Auctioneers. ERNEST TOWNSIIEND. Proprietor CARD OF THANKS MR. AND MRS. JOHN JOHNSTON wieh to thank the neighbors ■rad friends for kbndneaaes extended dur- ing the illness of Mrs. Robt. Johnston and In their time of bereavement. THE LADIES OF THE WOMEN'S Hospital Auxiliary wiMh to. extend their'fneere thanks to Mr. Maxwell for the nee of the theatre for the boepltal benefit on Monde; and TueeMy of this week. MUSTERED ACCOUNTANT terms are reasonable and 1 will en- deavor to give aatlsfacann. Phone Carlow 1314, or address 1t. R. 4. G1ed- erieb. 1)R(1.LEfiel PRACTITIONER rillIlOPRACToR A. 0 DRUGLESS THERAPIST Goderieb, Phone 841 Equipped with electro -magnet bathe. P:lectronlc electric treatmeate and chlroprartlr. Chronic organic and nervous diseaeee. Lady In attendance OMe•e hours 2 to 5, and 7 to 9 p.m excepting Monday and Thursday and by ap'actaetnels4. A. N. ATKIN9ONN Residence and ofbce -(Corner of South Street and Britannia road. THE PRESIDENT AND MEMBERS of the Home ryryaa net Mehod Club of Vic- toria school Nke this opportuulty •of thanking Knox chur•h choir for putting on their play. "Betsy Bobbitt," the pro- ceeds of whieb go to the welfare work of our school. A good time was en• joyed by all present. I MR. AND MRS, STEPHEN WELI.ER wish to thank their many friends and neighbors fee the kindness extend - NI to thein at the time of Mre.-Welder's aecfdent and during her illness. Thank, rare nl•e extended to the matnin. assistant matron, and nurses for their kindness during the time Mrs. Weller was In the hospital. FOR 4.41.E M11.1.; 1le4UND FOR SALE. - Three-quarters American fox, one- quarter beagle. A splendid fox and ; rabbit hound. He le two years old and has no bad habit'. Apply to WM. ARMSTRONG, Box 331. Lneknow. Ont FRANKPHAD . G1BBS, OAItTER Accountant, RC Ontnrto strait, Stratford. Phone 15140. Raw UMW. MEDICAL. DR. F. J. R. FORSTER. P7YE, MAR. NOSE. THROAT. Late House Surgeon New York OfA- thalmie and Anrsl Hospital, aseistaat at Moorefield Eye Hospital and Golden Square Throat Hospital. London, MlIg. :. Waterloo St S. Stratford. Tel- ephone 287. At Dote! Bedford. Golerkb, on the evening of third Monday of ease month t111 the following day Tneieday. at 1 p.m. LEGAL j1'IoNHST M. LEE. Rarrlster and Solicitor Sun bite Building, Adelaide and Virtbrla street., Toronto 2. Telephone Elgin 5.301. DUDLEY E. HOLMS volt SALE-FARM.111 ACRES ON 13arrlster, lite. • I[nrnn road three miles east of s. tlApce-llamIItnn strrcL eloderlck. Gomlrrteh ; gondharp 70 by :,0, rest Phone 27. water, hot and �t R. DARROW. BARIIIETIR, ETI'. hence. C. E R. 1. Phnne 33 - 8ue•essor to J. I. Kllluran. Phrn1e 97. (1R1ne-The Square. ikxleticb. brit k house. ',running cold-: threydeee bill GROVES. Gn,terich it. or, 4x11. ' Aro',Fi'I4NITi'RF: FOR SALE 141' Titi'STEE. shahs, filing '4hhiets. add- ing mnehhre, typewriters. prpteeto- grni•h', sure, and numerous arflels'a of eip,lf,nent M the Estate of linron in- ve-o kl)t•. Limited, tiolerteh. -Make offers tells E. DANCES, (fad . rlrle, S,olleitor In the Tneitee. raft RALE. -THF t'ND1RSIGNAD a offers for sale his property. part , lot 22, cononwinn 4, East Wswanosh. containing twelve acre. more or law, 1 on whkit Is erected a good frame house of seven mums, with kttehe'n and wool'hMI ; furrier. installed. The oullnidihigs epmprlst' horn 84 x 41. raw stable 18 x 22, roothot.w 12 x 10. stable far three homes, (one lw.- shell!. Mom. pigpen 22 x 24, henhouse 10 x 1 24, rind din. The htlbling• are In s gond state of repair. with lightning, 'Inds. The property is situate on 'it good mad, three miles Mirth of Aub- urn, nn a rural route. eau' nese• of gess; belying nrehnrel; first-class roll; all seeded tent ane -half nen,: 214 neve* Imre alfalfa 4 well retired: two grand well•. uehI. property Is ro.n.idereed• a good buy for someone, as It is In a gold sertlon. one mile from sehnnl and two miles from rhnreh. 'Tet7N I • reasnnshle, 1'ostees'lon given an7 Halal after rehnu,ry 1't. )f 40 JAMES WOolle. ltex AR. AOMtirn. Ont. ' Aelave R'Hare ilslRIKI•IR., Pr.. H 1' HAY*4-1•1C.HAYS 'r: 1' 4 Hamiik.n St.. (indenco iNM111f;ANCE, IA/ANB, ETC. MchILLOP Mi1TUAL FiRE IN SURAN(111; (X). -Farm an*1 IAn fated town property In.nred. ()facer's Jas. Connolly, Pres., God erirh i'. 0.; sites, brans. Vice -Pres Ite'e•hwool i'. 0.;' D. F. - Mel3regnr. Sec -Turas., Seaforth P. 0. Dlrp1'totw--4. Rrnadfoot. R. R. Nn. 3, Seaforth; John G. Grieve, Me. 4. Walton; William Rlnn, it. R. No. 2. Seaforth; John ilennewlfp', Brod- batten : (leo. McCartney, R. R. No. a, Aeaforth: Robert Ferris, itarinrk: Murray Glh.mn, itreeefleld : Jattaeas Evans. Bee.hwnod : ,fames ('onnolly. (ioderleh. :l gents --.J. W. Ten. Gnderi-h: Alex Leitch, R. R. No. 1. Clinton: .inhn Mnrray, Sesfnrth; E. lilnchley. Seaforth. Talky -holder$ can make all {aymente and get their cards rcelpt- M at R. J. Mnrrish's Clothing Store. Clinton; (Calvin Cntt's armory, Ring. *ton street. Gnderirh. or ,7 R. ReId'a General 4*nre. Ra,Aeld. '