The Signal, 1930-2-6, Page 6e S -Thursday, February 6, 1930. s YOUR APPETITE POOR? PERHAPS by dieting or other meaty, you have been trenting the symptoms, nether than the cause. Lou of appetite, heartburn, sour stomach, ars symptoms that the blood is impure. This .gauss else acosuful use of Dr. Wilhamr Pink Pills in tri such Casa. Hr. h • typical azampla,- '7 began a feel easily tired," writes Mims Margaret Whim, .1 Parry Sound, "and when i sat down to a meal 1 felt l did not want to at A doctor told no I was mussed,- but naemicbut I made little programa wish his mediciea, When 1 started taking Dr. Williams' Pink Pill I soon noticed that my appetite was improving, that the headaches came less frequently and that I was not so easily tired. Now my weight has increased, nay cheeks are rosy and every ache and pain has rem iahed" Start today to improve your appetite. Buy Dr. Wil. (lams' Pink Pills from your druggist', or by mail, post - at SO cents a hoz from The Dr. Williams Medicine „ Brockville, Ontario. for free book -"What and How to Eat". . Sun day Afternoon -0-- ily IS..itI- 1. 11AMfILTON, Guderich, (het. ll Luce Divine: that stoop'st_in abate Our sharpest pang, our bitterest tear, ' On Thee we cart each earth -born care. We smile at Jelin while Them art near. • When drooping pleasure turns to grief, And lrembliug faith is changed lO hear, The murmuring wind, the quivering leaf, Shall softly tell us Thou art near. W. Hoboes. PRATEK 0 Lord, we pray that Thou, by Thy Spirit, wouldet direct and euntrol all we think. or say. or do. that all our powers may be united In Thy ser- vice. Amen. S. B. LESSON FOK FEB. 16th. 1930 Leeson Topic -Jesus Healing and n Passage -Matthew 9: 1-13. Golden Tett-Matthew 11: 17. 'We need to read the lust terse of the preceding chapter to learn the cause of the following -"And Ile en- tered Into a ship and passed Neer and came Into His own city." The reason. was this: "Behold, the whole city eame nut to meet Jet'ue and when they ,aw Him they besought Him that Ile would depart out of their coasts, and Ile entered Into u ship and passed over." Ile was driven out. 1 It is ever thin in the experience of a soul that Is *lilt of Christ. Ile never leaves of His ONO- free will. int is driven out by divided interest. On 111s arrival In His own city needy .one ell. brought to Hint for healing. Jeett, saw the nature of the disease, but He stew deeper Omit that. 11e saw their faith in II ha. They had heart ..f 111s parer to heal 1111.1 'came '4111,)ing 11. .'..told help them t0... .l,••ns ;Gauys. •startled Ili- hearer,. y ..• fol something greater in Mew th:a. 4114) Iwo else seen in thetn- .4)4,-.r :nod ulway,. ....quell to ere lit (I,.. patients with :heir ottp . ore. 11e '-Ihnlehtrr. I1,c faith Lath hind. :1444• 11 I1',;.'. •• 'And ,1,'•,.-. .._ :heir !pith. •gut pato :h. .f ,In ;,at• s••u. The S•gn,tl , Globe Thr Signal e.id `t 1.. , J" Daily Sear Thr Sign and Ii,e Lona". Advertiser ti 5(t I • The Signal'ar„i The I .-nd..n • if Free Press 6.50 The Signal and The Toronto Ma,I and Lmpire r 6.50 T he Signal and The Fanners' Sun ... 3.28 The Signal and The Family - Herald and Weekly Star 3.00 The Signal and Saturday Night 8.80 The Signal and Tin New Outlook 3.90 The Signal and Canadian Homes and Gardens 4 65 The Signal and The Catholic Record 3.75 The Signal and McLeae's Magazine 3.75 The Signal and Montreal Wit- ness se eiwal 3.85 n ew 3.50 The Signal a • d World renewal 4.25 n ew._ _ 385 The Signal sod Tenth's Companion 3.80 The Signal and The Toronto Star Weekly 8.78 The Sigeal and Rd acct 1.811Gun 3 The Signal and The Caadiaa Countryman 2.66 Wide Clubbing Rates With Other Pert. odicals May Be Had on Application es es THE SIGNAL, GODERICH ONT. WHAT'S WRONG AND HERE? How good are you at finding mistakes? The artist has Intentionally made I obvious ones in drawing the above picture Some of them are easily discovered, others may be hard. 81e how ;wig .1 will take VOU to find them. LOOK FOK SOLUTION IN NEXT WEEK'S SIGNAL. • Solution to "\that'. Wrong and Where" in last week'. Signal. FARM- SCENE 1. Sl„.n, and stars d*l vol •Linn• ill daytiux•. Y' 2- Ban, have no chimneys. ;t ante wall M silo mks$iuu. 4-i hadows do not e,.rresp.un'l, Zr-Hour' bolding horse is cut. (F_-•Futeen• wrist watch• 7 -line shoulder strap -T1'4 -- .'t tt 44 II is -o easy fo•r -,nuc t, 1,. n1l,nt.i , .. ,.'.:Il. 4''_ 414.' ,• ,:'j :l iii ' 4...I 4,, •. ,. .•. n�'tlt:lf Ul o:' \a County and District Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Wallace, of the ,th t'ouceaaluu of Tuckersmith, cele- brated ou January 27th the twenty- fifth anniversary of their wedding. The death of Walter 1;abkirk, u� Ileusall, occurred at his home la th village on Jauuary 25th, after several mouths of tailing health. Isla wife and Tour daughters survive. Mrs. Louis ltcsteweyer passed away Jauuary :"_cad cat her home at Dash- wood, after an illness of several years. She was In her seventy-seventh year. Resides her husband, she leaves three ,nus and one daughter. flensall has lust one of its early residents In the death of Mrs. Adam Reichard. Deceased was in her eeventy- sixth year awl leaves, bisides her hus- band, three sous: John, of Detroit ; Al- bert, of Port Hurou, and Nelsou 1'., at home. Ilamiah McFarlane, u popular young man of Grey township, son of Mr. and Mrs. James MoFltrlaue of that township, died Wednesday of last week in the Kitchener hospital, where he had gone for an operation. lie was twenty years of age. Mrs. 1). K. Melutosh, a former well- known resident of Lucknow, died Jauuary 24th at the house of her daughter In Southautptou. The re - malas were brought to Luckuow for interment in' Greenhill cemetery. Be- sides her husband, one daughter, Mrs. John Clark of Southampton. survives. The death oe'eurr d suddenly hi 11u1 - lett township, on Jauuary 25th, or Sllss Christina Willison, who lived a short distance from Constance.- De- ceased, who was iu her sZ'veuty-fourth year. had tarso ill her usual health up to the night previous to her death. she leaves a brother and two sisters. At the manse, Ilashwuult'. ell Jute nary 35t11. Bev. W. Ness performed the marriage ceremony •welting Alice, gest daughter of Mrs. Victoria Myers. ..f Blake, and Arnold. (►., son of Sir. and Mrs. ChaYles Keller, 'o! Uashu.nal. 'fhe young couple w{11 Iltc M. Biabop. The affairs of the So.ie y are In excellent condition. This year s fall fair will be held on Tuesday at .1 Wednesday, October 7th and Sill. CLINTON A quiet wedding took place 'liu'.- day evening of last week at the par- sonage of Ontario street United church, leathleen Ladd, daughter of W. Ladd of Clinton, being united in marriage to ltobert E. Reid of Hamilton. Bev. A. E. lbau• offklatel. The young couple will reside at Hamilton, where the groom is employed with the Im- perial 011 Co. Mist** l'atherine Lovett passed away Jauuary 23rd at the age of eighty- four ightyfour years. She was born on the Base line, Goderkcb township, a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Lovett, A sister, Mrs. Geo. Tyner of Brucefield. and a brother, Noble Lovett, of Ma - tout'. Sask., survive. At the annual meeting of the Clinton llortkuitural Society it was decided to hold a flower show In the town hall on August 22nd and 23rd. Officers were elected as follows: Hon. presi- dents, Col. H. B. Combe. Sheriff C. G. Middleton; presldent, G. A. Mct'agne ; vice-presidents, W. H. Cowan and Suss 3. Cunninghame; secretary -treasurer, H. E. Rorke; directors, 11. It. Sharp. -A. F. Cudmore. Col. Wnihe. Clifford G. Lobb. Mrs. A. T. Cooper. oil the groom's farur near 1►ashwo,ai.• A well-known resident of Nee 1.144 ship of Me61)I..'. h+ the person .•f Mrs. would not I.a: wemrlttg Juhu E. lraley, passed away Januar., 1 27tm after au illness of e•aub mouths- ' e Id missing on It•, sus. l "was :i daughter of f!.e late. farmer'. l.rralla. w'. J. sh:w14ou and Ws**1•.rtr to Ibc • Horse bus mule's toll. t„tenship, in tchi,h Bios s{s•;,t :1 :1 aver P -41144'-h.tlf of mows Oat brio. tile. Her hu-h;uu1 surrit.,•. u•Isiug. • Zurich .tgrirultutal Nutlet) COUNTY COUNCIL CLOVES +'. n:rr:f,Li ••••,'.;11),,, t 11,- to ,', i:1,I Ilse r. l.v') Iq."lI 1!I.•.N' n,1,tn! ii' q Thar rl l r ionic en Iir•I. .;i1t rani front that of the rkh... '.\cad wiutii the multitude- .-caw t they mars -idled and _lorlfhd t;al.'' human ilr-tlu,•t is II'.: 114•4I 14.10 1 111111 , for .,car guidon., 4o 4i\lur lnspirnliou. They ane the rower wish that had ;riven 4.' .1esias and unlike the scribe. they did out .Inuit. %ernes 9-13--('alling 1e Uissiple.ldp. h e r lave n r •vr,Jiu; 41; 1' ...., 1- 441,1 ..r:,,:nl- h •-t ,•,- 41; Loth t le 4',' ,-•l a 4r.,•i1*lly i1.1104.1, • iPaly pttju•,t''cs toeltell aawat.' It ha.* las•n delu,matrattat..41r111. e4111- .Ireu :,.'4Inire ra,•lut prcjudkce cur!) in {ire which they find nluloa Impsz.Ilde t.. eradicate Inter; t'o the 4'olhlakS111n' 1. strk ing to foster friendly atti- tudes by In. r.sinclug children of car list nae. to nue another in n g.uinl • In these verses we 1111)1' n nulls:''taclrouroen[. description of hlua,elf and 1%;411 Imp. on GOOD DISH poled of a feast iu his own hole.. MAKES A 0001C TAltioDt31 "And am Jesus pws.ed• from thence. ile sawn man. named \II,thew. tilt-' 1, ling at the receipt of custom." This 'I'M. is the season for cranberries man was following n .14•.plw.t oven. and almost every housekeeper has n talion. The Pharisee. .gild Stat- flaw' Jars of cranberries on hand to thew a publican. a tax -gatherer, a serve with fowl, wlien needed. Cran- elnn.r, an ellen. so was Zi.cehene berries make all appetizing dish, and esllwl. but when the turn .awe for yet the average housekeeper doer, Jest's Christ to speak about %ashen, - not use them enough. Food .experts He said. "Ile is the sum of Abraham. say they contain numbers of vIta- J.nus always elves the real man, the I mils. so they should be used its more Ideal. the possible man. "And 11e than a garnish for fowl. or In pie. said unto him, Follow M.." The' Have you ever tried a cranberry very- imperativeness of the tone need souffle'! if not, here Is a splendid hitter' a antidote' intent. The Bible lei tented recipe. hell of commandments, but they are 'It ANit I'1)115 a01'FPLE not grievous. they are net the utter , One cupful milk, 3 a' yolk.. 1.4 141.1'' 01 the arhltrfiry will bat t*t(t`teas)ian1 -Olt. 1 tfil.1r•IJon It son subtle Id.ndhtats of n heart that lice. pike, 1 tablespoon osier, 1 capful co . to le, s ev fret' for u. , and 111111 t ml l seem sugar. 1 capful ri/oke,'. 1 .•e1 i n nnablr to live wl(hont u.. ....tries. 1 tall!. plena, 41.:1,lllnlea gels -And he arose and followed 111111, •(u find :t et(c•uhktes. Iloa e.l-y it Is fi.r.'von. to rice and., lIul,_Lj{,{• mill, ,t' L,, i4hutf cttp „Inn,\ t'htilsL` as compared with 0,, of '.1144411' and pima- he .4h. Inn et double bailer Whip the Milk ie hot Odd the egg•yolk. well beaten t..g.Ih er )'h1, „u. -Luff .npfnl ..f •uwu• .111'1 Cools nu 1)1••14 r ,ell ! , 1, car It 6 Ole ',Ult. I 1+1 4h.• .•rw! Inc 1141''., 1'1.111*m 111, e ,t)111 y..lntin: 11:.;.1:..1. r !tn, in .. -: oll.urd-in the la.;;.‘; he 1.,'all,. ;,d- .II,-„, 1'I•,1 :I,IJ 14.n '111'11 , 1. :..••! When .-.l.t. fold ill 1:... rehab'- �lirflc rii•iti•u. Otte it, til' s.rving dishes nod Verve .old. • '1'hi- r.a1ar w'rve. six. A Cake and Pastry Expert ,says : "Since Purity is a strong, rich (lour, with gtett expan.ltt.g qualities use I tablespoon less per cup 11 your cake rcul•e calls for ordinary pestsn or soft silica{ 41„1-r. Lf h car for Milk, use half mel{ Iml.h,.!f'”Nter ,I:.lc la -um) with New Recipe for Flaky Pie Crust - - Par t•n6, 1: nye : calk•' Parity ulcer. N u.•1� 444111, +% ewe .Mnteaiag li c11h mid wa)n 41..- a and rAf,, rutting i• the abortion, • 4.... • I I.r Inc'meal. Mitt taerP.. I'- •I .ant then, 1at�,j nntte dry f1:, tetra rich pastry sae, set matter and hall lard. PO%elk ter Panty Heir CMM.Book. Western Caaada now Hills Co. Limited Toronto, Ont. 96R FLOUR: 91/ the Bus for nevd ASTHMA Head A' Bronchial Colds You will bless RAZ -MAH No matter what you've tried, don't despair. Die RAZ -MAH. Mr. Jamas Forest, New Hamburg, Ont., writes: "i was much affected with Asthma for yearn. One day Rev. D. 14. Brand reeommenderd KA7 MAH...It has a wonderful effect. The first does gave me rebel." Guaranteed relief fmm it worth or your money hark. No harmful dap. 50e and i1 nowt at your dealer's. tea N nesse sod Dag Tettlpletlewae RAZ -MAH _ 'fi ;l Lt. '1;„t,vot'1'••t• OP . u:n't 11-.;ia:t'ion 1':. ' proof ;,f ,u•l,gt u r :.0 1 1• :. an amilicll 4 11114,1* the,v ptl ,l au:'I idles rt. -ply -hie the indigent .or upon these causing his or her being'Ida.'.,I in hospital.' uud 11.d u{sau -the county from which an indigent I- sod; tilt the reeve of each muuieipnlity or wed i.r'1 41,•-.111, nffker of the tnttuiclpnllty from which an indigent patient is be lily; taken shall give his authority it. writing and certificate of residence Ise - forc said indigent patient shall be all- ; that no Indigent patient shall Ile sent to a hospital outside the tinnily unless reasons satisfactory to said reeve or health offl.er are also given 111 writing. Old Age Pensions Committee The change In the personnel of the old age pensions committee bee made necessary a rearrangement of the dMs- '4rlets over which the individual mem• bents respectively have charge. The new• distribution Is as follows: Mr. iligglns--Sea n1.w. Hay. Stephen. l'alxrrtie, Exeter, Mensal'. SIr. 311dd1.ton--ilullett, Godericl. tnwnshlp. Tuckersmlth, McKillop. Mr. Wright -Hawick, 'l'urnl.erry. Winghatn, Morris. . Warden Iinek,r--lrnseels, Grey. . \Ir. •..\viI , Fist \ n Aru- ng-h. \\vast Wnw+nanh, Blyth. Slr. 1'rulg4. Go.lerlth iotcu. Col- Isrruc. 1'Ihuon. Setit.,rth. i).1lI.Y N %TF.1: I'U\441 t11"1104, Lm.dnn. F;u:je,►nd. 1 s..s :t(i I./1 11011‘ Per Ira, I'ct 11.• .4. watt -r the atil, Jus' It.+i , dally" rnk•• 1., ,: •h „fru its Figan- tic pupulnti, n. Ib r. tri: Hlithortt . have to suppl, an ar.,1•n1 44it1 square and 4i , Ow 5)4.14 1dllon people tire ieaMr they 'stmt: Wnttt't you hart; irna1ine.l that earl, of Ole +' demand. no Icsa that '36 gallon .every da,. Yes, Cat( Is Only the fiv' r age supply pet h• ad per day. in the dry, hot weather the amount ragiflP. ed for each p.reon h"rnme. 40 gal- lon., or more than it barrel of water per day for eaeh man,,woman, and Oh11d. I.ondorr Ir not the thirstiest town. Scotland ennsumes more water than England. In Olaseow and Edinburgh, for Inatanee,the average consumption per brad Is not 36, but 37 gallons; and to Helenshurgh. in Dumbarton- shire, belongs the distinction of be- ing the moat thirsty town in the whole of the British isles. Here they take 11 7 gallons per head. One rea- son gleam ter Scotland's large edlti- .ss.$Ma le Chat the water supply te Mi batter than 1a Magian. I • 4., ,,' rl 1. . SE.IFORTII The .leave .,'-c'urt'wl ill his hums iu W'afurth.un January _:ah of William C.. M,ft.tgnno•ly. iu Ili. reveutydirt year. 1h•ce:l-ed 4144.• burn cat 1'i -kering. but had resided in Seaton!' for many years and w;.s tt revolter by trade. 111s wife, Pot -Merl) Sllss Slargaret Fraser uf. Blyth, survives, with one tun, Wil Ilam, of Toronto. Ina Lillian Little. daughter of Mr. and {Mn. 5.' Little. formerly of Sea - forth, tins nutria's' on January Lyth, at M.i;regor, M,luItribe, to Darold 'James Shah'. The young couple will reside on their form south of i Gregor. • John G*lct•udock passed away Thurs. 1 day' morning Inst, at his honk in Eg- muntiville. in his eighty-third y.•nr. Ik'ceas.sl wits a native .rf McKlllot township, where he lived until his r, move) to E;;otondt111r twelve ago. Ile I. survived by his wife, te- sons, \1'Illlnm and Inert, of (':gmuml v111.•, and two daughters, 3lrs. 4.V. I. •Fer.n•ou. ar home, and Mr•. t'harh tutl.r. •. 1 f , t. Cation -hies. W I NG11:1M The animal t•..mussaus•meut exercise - Of \\'li.'uh:un 11110 W'bonl took i.I:n 1111 .:.11 n 11:111 on Frid.ly- e1'•! '' 1'.tr...tae , I:1r•.• :nt..ttil:tIer : In''4'-'1.1ic , .r•th. eta- •:n'r11-,1 \ h-' ill nl' In,, .'l ell \.. li.11 11 ;l1 WW1; f il••' -I , I I I t 1.1 . , .11 . 11,11,'.' . i-1 11 'n1, \Its 1. Fell-. 2n•1 't I, r• 1: \'a• •tn;u•; '-.•.I'r{,tly, lir-. :r, ,•nrrt•, W. .\. Gnlhra141,. The prtzc-wineters in the field crop I1n.1 1-1..a1v1 rt•.st coul{a•tlt11.11 held la.t fall by tie TIII11h1•rry .\ai.11tnr Mt So• lett'' 11;1 I. h.s•n ann.xro 1,1 Th.. are: lat. .C. and W. St,-Kngue, Te. water: uxl. lease Wright, Wlogham . Sr,*, (Fey.. I'owxk, Whlghaun; 4th, 1)a% 14 1Forhlne, •Wingham; 5411, Richard Wilton. Wtngham ; 6th, Jas. Claldwell, WIngham; 7th, Wm. Wellings, Wing. balm; Wh, 4'. Carter, Winghem; 9th, W. It. l'ralkahaak, Winghnm ; 10th, Geo. Mcl4wen, Blues -ate. The Piirnberry Agrkalturel Society ham elected officer, as rollewe for 19.10: ent, C O. Campbell; let viee- mnt, J A Brandon; 2nd vice- preaddent. pleo. Owls; treaanr.r, A. "4.Ve used to cultivate a mobility .t thought as well is mobility of work' -Henry FonI. motbinin s '.,ksemi i • c1I• Blood. 110.4t• r .fervu- ,.* T `-. Gv R h the a- s with Minard's fc.:r ti.i,.s a ti. i.. it rc:rtovea D. t:druff, a:irnu:ate% the acafp n ' d ?rakes the hair soft and 4, Span's Quality and Service Hamilton Street Phone -146 We deliver in town throats need this Oouble- Treatment RUBBED on the throat, Vicks relieves in two direct ways: (1) Its vapors, released by the body heat, are in- haled direct to the air pas- sages; and (2) At the same time Vicks "draws out" the soreness like an old-fash- ioned poultice. -0 . ICKS2/VAPOR lJ OltNOrfA14WOM.itLa(t ED/'t.Wf� H. CLEMENTS Painter and Decorator F-sUn,ate'. 1.-r painting, wall laper- 111¢. ,-1.' ,'h.rrfully I4,%..,1 1•n re* - 1.1e -t Residence No. 4, Bayfield Road Telephone 259J The Leading Men's Store Everything that's new in Men's Wear Hand Tailoring and Special Ord,r to Your Measure • Chas. Black rich Electri7a1 April aeccs fit. Frark McArtLut 1. Psi street.Eleitti(al Shop 1r 82 . Godench Coal and Wood Genuine Hard Stove Coal Chestnut Coal Pea Coal Coke Pocohontas (2 by 4 egg) I can supply your wants in any of the above fuel. Prompt service and reasonable prices. L. FLICK Telephone 1 711J i;odcrich Plumbing Heating Sheet Metal Work and General Repairs John Pinder Office and Residence, St. David's Street Telephone 127