HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1930-2-6, Page 5COUGH SYRUPS to stop that cough. All the popular brands. Buckley's, Ayers, Pinex, Chase's, Penslar and many others. Tonics and Builders Wampole's Tasteless Cod Liver Oil, Penslar (Vitamin Tested) Cod Liver Oil, also Squibbs, Ayerst, and Parke Davis Tested Cod Liver 011, at Campbell's Drug Store Mime 90 Goderich •al•E41••••6••• NILE MODEL THEATRE • NILE. Ftl,. 4.- Mr. and Mrs, Elliott Harrison, of• GoderkIt, township, and were guest+ over the wt k end at Miss Myrtle Mel ntyre of G,nlcrieh, Week of February 10 to 15 the how. Of Mr. and Mrs. Ja1w, Me. Iutyre. 'The Final Reckoning," serial drama supreme, starts on Friday and Saturday. This interesting, picture novel will run for ten con- secutive week -ends, during which_ you will not want to uiiays an epi Begin this week -end with the first installment of "The Final Reckon- ing " Monday and Tuesday— Umiversal's Magnificent Picture "The Midnight Sun" a glorious, glittering, glamorous love drama of a grand duke and a .lancing girl. A really spectacular .penial with no advance in prices. If you are looking for the choice progratn of the week, %here 'tis." In the east are Raymond Keane, Laura La Plante, I'at O'Malley and 160) others! A Dirnitri Huehnw•etr.ki Production 'Fox News' and "Dangerous Trail."' Wedueaday and Thursday— Phyllis Haver and Raymond Hatton in the romance of :, 11.111 sl -ter. Showing just how the female of the species is shore heady than the reale. A rib -tickling mirth pro- +lueer with fin interesting yarn. "The Office Scandal" Universal Coinedy'Tbe Rubberneck' Friday and Saturday— HOOT GIBSON Cowboy favorite popular Western mantes m another outdoor action story. A picture to suit young and old iM "Smiling Guns Episode No. One —"The Final Reckoning" Cameo Comedy --"Skit` Bells" Itoru—to Mr. end Mrs. Frank Ilawkina, a sol. Congratulatiota•. A sleigh -load of young people from here at tentktl the play, "Beards on a String,' gh•eu In DungaJmou ou Fri- day unfelt by the young (alk of ltltke'. church. A4lilletd. LUCKNOW THE SIGNAL, HURON OLD BOYS OF TORONTO ENTERTAIN crazed Reunions of Hurooitea at 'thirtieth Annual At -Home ' TURA IN'1U, ,Feb. 3.—The thirtieth annual at-home of the Huron VW Boy.' Association of Toronto way held In the Temple building on Friday eveu- bag lust, and was the "beat ever" in the hlatoty of tbu Association. It was ,deeldelly a. grand reunion of old assea:iates, and there was u snap and enthusiasm with the whole proceedings thin lade well fur the future of the A ssn•la t uou. Danting was ranks! uu in the beautiful assembly hall, while euchre Dud bridge were pl4yed in the adjoin- ing rooms, about thirty titbits for euchre and eight tables for '.ridge. Iturtuu Till's big urcheara supplied the tuuolc for the dances, while Me- Keuale'a orchestra supplied the m0ll:• Ifur the Old-time datums. . The proetedieg4 were Inoadeast about 11:30. pert Cult, of Galt, a Goderich old Itoy' rendered• a autu, uud greetings were exteudtd to the various towIle—by T. McMllhua. M.1'., (a Seafort11, by E. Floudy to Clinton, and by J. A. McLaren to Goderkh. The proct•e•diegs closed at 1 a.m., all sat- isfie4 with the most enjoyable evening. The following were amongst those present: Mr. anti Mrs. D. D. Wilson; Sirs. and Mrs. J. A. McLaren; Mr. and Sir;. B. 11. McCreath ; -Mr. and lira. E. }'body and Misa Flo dy • Mr. and and Mrs. L. M. Pringle; Mr. and Mrs. ' W. A. Bucbannu ; Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Forbes and Misses Forbes; Mr. and Mrs. C. G. 1'anatone; Mr. and Mrs. G. LUCKNOW, Feb. •t.— Misses Gladys, E. Ferguson and Micas Ferguson; Mr. and ('arollne we4,Ii at Fort W111iam,' and Mrs. Juo. Muou; Mr. and Mrs. J. and Lorne Webb, of Sea fort h, are 1 D. Guy ; Mr. anti Mrs. 1). Tlrompsou ; home this week owing to the illness Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Young; Mr. and of their fanner. Sir. George Webb. Mrs.•Hurry Martin; Mr. and Mrs. D. Mr. and Mrs. .1. Juynt returned' Robertson and Miss Robertson; Mr. andSirs c r y ; ro 10 Bermuda 1. H. Brown • M. 1111(1 Mn. H. I. Mor - lemur au Friday aftt•r u 111..utb a trip M It M Ha d Hr rt 1 MI'S. 0 GODERICH, ONT. Thursday, February a 1960-0 A Good Investment 1.ittlt• 131r1 (wutrhiug U14,1 her snake up for the theatre eats. , "1 o Is• enreful. Vows--wuuldu't it be awful If you trot -et like that:•" —The 1'aeslue Show. !seldou. It would be a real good investment to buy your winter Overcoat NOW. even if you do not need one until next winter. Every Overcoat in the store goes at real bargain prices. - SEE I I IEN1 W. C. PRIDHAM & SON "Ihe Store Leith the Stark Telephone 57 Men's and Boys' Wear. Goderich, Ontario. home owing to the serious nature of member of Barrie United church. Iu bus illness. Mr. Webb has been con- his youth he attended the GoderlcL fined to his bed for some weeks. (collegiate institute. lie leases two ng the regret of the ladles thut Mrs.. church next Sunday ut 3 ti crock ' Mr. luvatt and daughter. of ('1lu- daughters. Mrs. Stanley Underhill of Shaw would (,e no more with them. speaking of the great help she had given them inrthelr work, and wishing her all happiness in her uew home. On behalf of the Institute Mrs. Shaw was presented with an eleetrk iron. Mr. and Mrs. Shaw are removing to Blyth, where Mr. Shaw has the posi- tion of C. I'. R. station agent. Mr. Allan Turner, who has been rlah and the Misses Morrish; Mr. and Mgrs. W. Powell; Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Reid flus returned from a fess weeks' stay in Clinton. Several members of the Orange Lodge gttendel• the county meeting at Exeter on Tue.Sday. At this gathering' it wa4. rotat to hold the 11Th of July celebration this .4t•ar at Bay- field. Among those who attended the county meeting were Nlntau Heard. A: E. Erwin. E. Featheretou. Wm. Parker. Wm. McD.a,l aud John Castle Ou Friday evening next, }'e4,rinlrt 14th. the Badminton (flub art. 11411.1 Ing a euchre• aud dames. in the town Tit• young people of Trinity t•hurth are busy preparing a play to be given under the auspk•es of the Junior Guild about the edit of the month. 11 Thr concert and dance on Friday evening of last week for the benefit of the library was not as well attended as It should have been. The program Included the . following numbers: Plano duets, Mrs. Paull.. Miss Jean Woods; trios, Ws. Gladys (:ale, Mrs. Paull. Mlas Jean Woods: quartette., Mr. Penll. Mr. Harold Scote•htner. Mr-. •14inll, MIs. Wood..: readings, array- Strain -ger. Jetta Weaabe;-- ire- compankst, Mlle Thelma Ritz: selec- tions by the orchestra. wbleb ale. gave music for the dance. 111 for it few weeks, haze, gone to To ruin' aud I'utehrr Mc4'harles Is I Anderson; I►r. and Mrs. II. J. Hedging; instating In the shoe store during; Dr. and Mrs. U. E. Jones; Dr. and airs. bis a}ts.•uee. P. E. Clarkson; Dr. and Mrs. B. A. F'rlend. of - Mls. Mary mestio lin, I Campbell ; Mr. aud Mrs. C. Besweth- who has been III at the home of h(r erlek; Mr. aud Mrs. W. A. Dover; Mr. brother. Harry 31cQuillin, will be and Mrs. D. Crawford; •Mfr. and Mrs. pleased toy know that she i, Improv- C. 5. McDonald; Mr. and Mr.. S. 31. lug. Wickens; Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Dane; ; The funeral of the late Mr.. Tom' Mr. stud Mrs. M. Searaett ; SIP•. and (:ollau took plate on Monday. I'ebru-j Mrs. J. 1I. Messer; Miss Lavin.' Knox.. ary 3rd. The service NHS held in the Miss Fannie Paterson; Mr. J. A. Clue- South Kinloss church anti "interment emu; Mr. R. S. Sheppard; Mr. .1. 11. was made at the South Kinloss eon -.Lyon; Mr. G. A. Newton aud Miss etery Mrs. Goliath had been ailing' Newton; Mr. Fred. Piper uud Miss for some time, hating .uffe•red from Piper ; Mr. 11. Holmes ; Mr. F. W. a strukt•. Hodgson; Mrs. M. Irwin and Miss Ir• • wits; Thos. McMillan, M.1'. ; Mr. and ASHFIELD I Mn. J. Flndlater; Mt. ane, Mrs. A. E. I Sputton; Mr. and Mrs. W. lialluutyue; Mr. and Mrs. Stan. Wright; Mr. and • (' t His Root.—rl9 al 1 Mrs B F 11'indrum - Mr. awl Mrat, .000 • a o' .b a .oyn- wuuk% about Kleist! was shocked toiR. C. IIeKtnney'; Mr. and Mrs. A. C. bear of the sudden sleuth of au old I Chupullltl ; Mr. and Mra. W. J. Jones; and esteemed resident, Mr. James/ Mr. and Mrs. H. Rutherford; Mr. and West. ou 'Friday morning. January 24.) Mrs, A. 5. McDunstld; Mr. and Mrs. A. Although Ise had not been to gad Meh-tlle; Mr. and Mrr. A. D. llanoab• health for 'tome menthe, Mr. West _had; Mr. anti Mr.. A. Murray ; Mr. and been going about as usual:He wits sot Wt. -1U . Hanley-; Mr. aud Mrs. W. and star of many given to much complaining. On Thune Claxton; Mrs. E. I'ridham ; Mrs, P. day morning be NYS taken suddenly Hlwsey ; Mir( G. Stirling; MH- -A.- 111. Medical aid was stocired and he tendeu• Miss B. (;rainger; MISS Jean seemed t revive again ding the amine PP Matinee Sat. at 3 p. m. •t)/tl/.•ell•Ili.r•. e „ Miller: Mir. A. Flynn; Miss H. L. day, boo owing to adrutielig sears, Straiton; 511s. M. ('utt; 111.. M. Is - ■rd; Miss E. headman; Miss N. fide strength tuns gone and he' pMa'trd Mins Sadle 1101011141, Mise M peacefully awry early Friday [aura- I EIItr Misa M. McGregor; Miss i J. Ing. He Nils in .bis eighty-first year. He was bort. of. Irish parentage In Smith; Mist. E. Hamilton; MISS. M. lfastings Brunt. and w -a• the youngest 1 Proctor; MISS E. Curren; 3li0s (. L. 1 and also the last 'survivor of n family !Curren; M1a0 M. Correll; Miss Thel- 1•hen he w. a young maze 1 mu Dale; Miss M. Coulters; Mien D. I of eleven. 1' he and his brother, Richard West, 1 Bates; MIsa D. lFtalls; Miss•J. Stewart, came from Hastings up to Huren Miss M. McCall; Miss A. McCool and Telephone your next order for GROCERIES —to -- PRICES GROCERY Choice line of fresh Groceries and Fruits in season. 11'} Irl 1.1 1 11: Geo. Price & Son Telephone 248 ('nnu a •.4 -,1nnr,- :,ii,l \�.ri Vrne1 county and settled on the form Int hundreds whose names we could not uhtal A'.htIeld towttold') on grids+ he had n• BAYFIELD 'RAYFIELD, Feb. 4.—Miss Jane Born—to Mr. and Mrs. Herb.' ton, are visiting with ler mother, Mas. Stotler., on }'ridgy. .Inuuary 31st, a 1 Mclirlen. eon. 11r. William }akoner, of Laugwide, Mr. Allan Reed hu- returned home', ylslt.d ou IFriday with Mr. and Mrs. from Guelph. having liken ,1 short . James Falconer. , ' course on dairy cattle at the O. A. l'. Mr. Harry Chimney, who has been very 111 this winter, is recovering nicely now, and has been able to call un Bow4• of 1116 neighbors. Sir. find Mrs. Peril F'aleouer and 1,441,4• aud Miss Norah Falconer. also Mir. and Mra. IA.e.ter I''lli(o wr. of 4'111- n ss. silent a day lust week with Mr. 111111 Mrs. Wm. Falconer of Bluevale. Mr. Charlie Martin loaded two tars Mrs. 1%. R. Stothers. Those In charge I of preesd hay here last week. of the meeting are Mrs. Davidson. Mies Martha (Tifton. of Luckuuw, is Mrs. Thus. Stonier* and Mrs. 11„4.4. vbitiug for a few days with Miss Ida The 14144.4 entitle] "Beads on t4 i McQuoid. String." given in the 'wrists hall Inst I Mr. aud Mr-. Roy 3t-(:ee spent the Friday night l'.4 the sono;: people at w:eek:end at the home .e1' his parents. Itlake s church. under the 411.piel.s of S1r..11444 (1tlla•rt of 1,11 kuuw I. pre -- the Women's 111.1111114. wits (let eI ly jug hay' nt Mr. Win. Das sop'.'. netts! and 4511. well resited by an ale .Nr. Russel I:ntult egwut 11 few doss prelative audience. The gels were 111- last week at the home ..f 31r. Initial tersper.tl whit vlillu end piano seg- i nrrle. e•liou.. The. hull wu.. coudortitjdy' 11 r. Blake Gaunt visited last week filled. the pr.re'.ls anwnutII44 to bath his sister•. lir+, Wilber Nl•h..l- 441er ass, '"1a or .\filum. Death of Miss Jennie MlrMath.—(n; Miss Mary IA.tt, ed Itrussels. I. here Saturday evening (here passed, awns visiting with tier sl-ta•r, Mn, David at Hie huwe of Mr. Hugh Finigan, in Farrier. the tiring.•. 511ss Jennie McMatln• Mn .law.•. Coruellus 'and Miss daughter of the late Sir. and Mrs. 'tenth Garbutt have not been 444 we11 M('Mnth. The deceased had hews I lately as their manes friends would n rrdd.•nt of Dungannon all her life. like 10 see them. She ryas 14 woman of very retiring Robert Kirk Paulen,..—Word has lien disposition, lint friendly, n good neigh- rereired of the ,bath of lir. Robert dor, mid highly esteemed 1s all who Kirk, of 1-au.e, 11 4., a former re.i-! I knew her. She was 111 only als,ut a ,lent of Dungannon. IMtenstd weak week. and as she had always lived , last un Aniherrt Island about eighty-, alone she was removed during her four gars 5544 51141 had lived in then , The Women's Institute met at the, borne of Mr.. Heltrr Ealy la.t Thurs day-. with a good attendants.. The roll Pall was answered by each nitwle.r telling 'emit. Christmas gift she hail reeeise1. Mts. N. F. Whyard gore n very Interesting paper. also Sirs. 1'. Finigan and Miss Elliott. The next meeting is 10 he held at the home of Many friends of Wallace Johnston and .inhn Spenser sill he sorry to hear of their serieue loss by fire. whkb, .ar-urred reovutls at Corinne. Sask.. ellen their place- of business were destroyed. Both are former w•ell- known re.idente of Bayfield. Barrie and Mrs. Arthur Sproat of Toronto; also two brothers, John of East Wawanosh aud Daniel of New 'fork City, and two, slaters, Mrs Charles Campbell of 1'elgrave and Mrs. 'Henry Mt'Gee of Whitechurch Messrs. John Beecroft and Henry It[e Gee lett on Friday to attend the fun era,, which took place on Saturday Tile community extends; sympathy to the bereaved one.. la STOMACH TROUBLE •'1110 mor• stomach trouble. Can est earthing," wants lira E. where. Thousands say indiges- tion, heartburn. •�.s vanish hoe magic with ►cwt •-uvea- Conaapatlon, sick headaches end o.•ra,en. rte . heart quiet, sound sleep •t once. Rheumatism flies sway Compleswnclear' u..4 Clot " Fret -a -tape from do ugg,at twist. Illness. through the kIudue.s of Mr. west for oyer twenty years. B esi le- Make your friends happy with one of our pretty • VALENTINES Lace Valentines 3c. 5c, 10c, 1 5c 25c up to 75c. Children'• movable, pretty and comic Valentines 1c to IOc. Friendship Valentine Card. 5c, 10c Valentine Serviettes and Table Decoration. Smith's Art and Gift Store Flulgauhis . to s Inane._wlu•ry-stye Pa-smal-ski!_-..3.1 h.• Loi , leave. l. .,on. Willi. TELL HER WITH away. site 1s survived by one slater, 1 of Canoe, awl two married daughte•1 - Mrs. Stehle of Seaforlh. and a broth.I thea. sad Mrs. 11'111 Lyon or IA.nde- i er, Robert. of Detroit, Moth of whom! hon. and Miss Ruldnn Kirk of Torou were here for the funeral. which' to; also two brother-, Andrew, 4.f took place on Tuesday ,fternon. The funeral se•rilete. weer,- eoldueI. d by i Bev, C. C. Kahle. of the United church, , of Which dce•u.etl tun- a we•wbe•r. Interment was in Duugunlun eeme teles, `D1m*annon yeMal Report: Follow- ASHFIELD ' Ing is the report for January ..4 Dun -1 genteel st•huol: Roo. +r ns y The' .1SiiFIELD TOWNSHIP, Fell. 4.— Total 1444 per cent., honors 75 per ,lunger lived for tt I 't furry ear, late Mr. We.t was a man of stirling l Integrity, of it quiet and kindly site-, position, a geed net, 1ia•r and highly esteemed by all eh., knew him. He loved hi. own quiet tisane and all those who were near and dear to him. Ile Na, neter a seeker after place or power or the world's applause•. He Is earthed by his widow and four sons: John. of Detroit, ltithard. at home, };Imre, of Ton.uto, and harry. who tenches nt-For.lwleh. and one daugh- ter. Mrs neuron- Elliott, of , easerley, 1411 of whom hate the sine, re sym- Iaths „f a large • ircle of friends. The funeral was „n Monday and was Inrgels anetel.sl by friend+ and neigh- bor.. The neurite was conducted by hi. paster. lee': P. M 4ulquhenn of A-bfie•ld Presbyterian church, Inter- ment ea. lu KIur1111 cemetery. the pallbearer- lacing Elwood Drt•nuan, (coign 11 Cal ger. John' Courtney. .1 Mi Row leer. James 11'allare awl John 1 soya11 •t rises Nm•••••••Nsslsmug sass • SCHAEFER'S : Stocktaking Clearance • Notes ''resident Wilson 1• a lire wire --a "chip off the oid black." Mr. Thus. SteMillatl an- earls on the scene, and he danced till the old- time dance,. • • • Secretary Fleetly prtalict- !1441 at tendauee at next year'. function. • • • 1 Treasurer Lorne Pringle wit. the busiest men of the evening. 11e sold over 2141 ticket• at the door. • • • At 10 p.m. the gue.t•4 were mill comp • • • Bert Me•4'reath had charge of the !program 5tdd everything went with 5 rush. • • • Mr. .1. Hauutnle. formerly of Wing - haw, cause all the wits frotu 1k•'. Stehle., in.. to be present. • - • J. 1t. MoNlcol. (:onwertntive organ- • deer, nils present anti wondered at strength of our ,\w.ocinttun. • • • Mr.. 0. C. limns hail .•h.rge of the euchre triad bridge tables aud did her work well. • • • e►nr old friend. J. .3. Sleds' ren.. Ile:sitel (we1114 par 1a ..r ....free. nidi It was 11111th ,elpres•latel. • • • 111 ' itert Clttt. Nle. sang .41 laattiftilly• 1s n i .•Erich old tali•. There• seri• dxty more' Indli” pree• SALE ■ nut Ills yenr'thant ll rentlpne 1,r Increase. Mr. John 11. Graham, of Gaaerich. nt• ,cent. tended the funeral of the late Mr.. Jr. 111.--lk,wnin Jones P_ per tent, I Quaid on Tuesday. Lois-Treletveu 90, Bertha .lanes 72, Mr. Alex. Gordon, of Watruus, Harold ?Finnigan 54, Viola Young 3'2. Sask., 1. visiting with .hi. sister, MI"; 11.--Durotby Robb 97 per cent.. .11 - Mary I;ordun, Goiderdc's and hisala Anderson Mi. Violet Errington S3, b they Ur ingu4 Gordon •.bfietel BIIIi 4.1.11_444„ Iso Iii 1 r 1 I' rk ro a cut . fi ._, Ili+ mans friends are delighted to Madeline' 4'.'uo,n 4;4. 1rrl,e ;;reef him once again. Feria. Alton 62. I:i11ue Steller • . The Late Mrs. Jaime, Quaid,—.Meter Malcolm moceuzle 56, Dori. Sw t,, `. 144 -illness es:ending oter a year. they Alvin 1(t•et 43. Albert Rivett tales•n, 4. death took piece 111 the early hour. of 1r--Ihau.lsl 110-- :el 1,•r sent, 11 41 - Sunday morning, February 2nd, of, yy'y (htlbrrt 91. Mrs. James Quaid. A. Mary Ann C Printer ('las, ale Errington. Dougherty, deceased sills iorn un the, Clayton .\nders.n. Annan Stewart. 1st coneeession ..f Ashfield art.. e•i:;laty• q'innifrel Swan, Allan Treles.eu, three years ago. She was the eldest 11'lola :satins. fent lilkett (nlesent 4. In a family of eleven thildree. the 1t t'rliuer— Nell IIllltl/es. Franklin son• and dnnghter'. of Mr. 33'i111unn }:,Yly.. Elwin Finnigan. Bernadine Inv. Dougherty and ill.. wife Eitzilletl+ ,.tt Inbaenl4. \%lately 'Dongherty, the .atrlie-i of lis .II ICKt4 �Te•n•he•r. i‘%1,41.11 f1.1%1 d's .'tle•r4. Her tugng.• o *woeResign . no pl4Z0nld took pdnrrire ,-lents Ferns 1.—WIlfn'.1 Penalties! s2 Saes• sen r. mg... 5he_j41141 her.. husband re- ,.4111.. Horn.\udersoti 76. Amy 5..nhg sed 11 the funt Qnacorner•,4,• lsidhtI'bl0iult11rtn the deulhld'M of MI r.. F.'„rtes 11 .-Mlierjerle 31,-3VI,luues 142 Ijanld five years ago. when she (x1111- per cent., 1Vlhna, Treleaven Nn per to reside with her daughter. 51re:. ,,,'IO.. llurjor“1,0'7,!‘e .'Ik,tonl41. i:;, •Clear.• .ins. MbKe•uzle. !Ake rend . She is Peptlnnd 4�.. 4'li,nlgnn tit, Ilnr- -molted by two ,laughter, find four toss Mair (12. .31ing Iteel fw. -ons: lir. ,(ohn (putld, MRs. Jus. M1e. Sr. 11'. .11Wred ,\ndrrson 711 Pei krnzli. Ashfield: Sirs. ,'chug soul( ,4.1,1.. Belie snots 67, 4 Staley IL:'. ter, Kitchener; Messrs: 1S'illium. .0-.`• Jr i''. -Bert Whyard, Gertrn-l- (rel awl Wilfred. of ;taskat'hewat,. .\ I•'innl vin. C„rm:rn lingo,'•. 1),*14 Ni, son Hurry• and a daughter Sarni. ins, all tie'.I, e;i Ler (vat. 'I'h..nnto diel a 'ember of years age. She is 1.:4,4, 61, .hens ).i4 in. nn. .3gur- survlel nlsn hr neo brnthet, a n, loosser.:Mr.ThomasikagiSr. III. Beth ''ark 'Qt Iter sent Msslimha, 1km;;herts..rhVerna Anderson s4. 31.4 rib. 1',Ilslne•Il Ihirloe. 11'illiams. ait1 ' r 11,-14,lirLeo. lktgherly. alaultnha. lir- ,lark''aukps„-e'•rd n In',, 111 11 4'lu ietl'i11 Iced nits. Mn•1-111e• 4'ulbert 444. t•ln•acter aud her m1• •y will1• 'rinse 111/Irkel thus 4'I were :ob- long cherl'.hed fat• her kindness. Our- sut for lair or 'more e[uuoiiutl11ms Ing her 1,•a _ lIlite s sir w.. le ,1 •Ply1'.\LMF:it K11.l'\'1'It11'I: 'r •-. hAUBURN. Meaforth, and Sam. of Tomato, and two sisters, Mra. S1c1'ullongli a( Buf- falo and lir.. Sala. Winter- of Cane.' riot, .Ula. tie had heeu a *utterer for month, from gangrene in blsl Gad. The burial. w5% 111 Salmon Arm eemeters, on January lath. giro Kirk will dee remembered by ninny old IN'a- w•auo.h friends • .. Death of Thomas 13eeeroft.—Word wit, 1'ee•iye1 here on Thurselay morn- ing .;1 the snil11ru death. 111 Id. home Il Barrie, of Mr. Thout44s lteeerOft un all East Wawanosh bus. Abaft a year ago Mr. Beecroft lend a serious Illness of pneumonia N'III.'Ii greatly Iwlalireel his health. 11e• 4511• the owner of a niter, hank at Barrie and was u eared for Sy -her daughter. Ur 11,1 Kenzie, and ler slangliter-lo-I ie. Mira. In loin Ijanld. The funeral took Ouse. t♦ • STARTS ►cla'1(\. l'tb :• -4 ►n lunw:rs ou Tuesdat aftern.a.n. Fehrn;ns 4th, X ;ane 1 seen cause, to KIndOn the borne o the home ..( d.rensol'• sou•lu• ut S1r, anti MIs. Sidney c neer lite, Ml r. Joule. MIcKe•nzie•. The ser Feb ”" • Thursday Mi ('ll 1 tr to 6thMr, ,3rtluar 1 na,gtdnt 1. Spending his r ise• . the• 1,.trse . NM 144 sluices 4.f ludid:;ys with hi• parents, SIP. and e Iter. .\. C. Tiffin of. Galrrleh. The pima „f Ilii• 114,1411-1 pnllls•„rers wort %I,'-'.rs.Its,.1. .\, MI. Kruzle, Will Foster, Edgar Donghet • continuing until Saturday, February 15th II church sire holding :t herd-rtmew swirl ts, ,' 11'111 3'r,comnu. 11,1* rua•nt : on }friday eveuiug no. in the fetidly plot ll Dnn ng,lun' giros. C. 11'llllnms and Mlis: Shinto'.et William.. of Galerteb fawn04. MgcI•meh•ry, the -burial Pertlre fit flu . , ,• being rend he Her. C C. ■ . Mr.. 0 1 i n:Mut. The • Reduced Prices in all Departments • II THIS SALE IS STORE WIDE • ■ a 1 Come, Bufaod Save 1 Your 11 Store GEO. W. SCHAEFER PHONE 56 of Value • • 1 ■ • ■ • 1 1 ■ • • Illi••ll•$.II•IIRPl�U...•UIIIl111 • M11'sl..n i I tlsrucl at Ile• borne 1i Ment. •Islet. ztane Kalne, pastor 0( 1 i,tiisiesten 1 nit,•d Mr C. ll. Strnnclnua, un undsy. rlmrrh. Mrs. Donald Patterson am Mr. P. Pool ...es of the West, are vLlting, h,a st+err. Mn. 1M'. Anderson. 'DUNGANNON 1\'111' delivering cream nt the -- (', 1' it. xtatMn ..n Friday Int,'11r ' IPI Ni: ANN( lN, Yd.. n. -lir. Frank G. Merlin. hey's driver rain 81%0 rind ' Savage. of the 0. C. i.. spent the broke Its 1(i. week -end 111 thehome of hi. parents arent olds%. Jnno4ry R1st, An at- Mr. and Mn. John Sorngr. home was held In the Forester.' Hall. Sir. and Mrs. (4. Si. McKenzie had , ries ,uol dancing Irving the Inl•tltne'. ne their guests ever the weekend In the course of the evening tr and Mr.. M,Kens eS4 brother, Mr. Reel Maw. Rome! Shaw were r•aned to the 1M',.Illdge. and o , •.• . Mr --r'.. glow•• Platform and 11r. Weir In 11 few .r.11- pal end 3'nrrrn Cnaltt•r, of Toronto chosen wor'M presented Mr. $ha% They made the trip by nintor 5a far with n cane and Mr.. Shaw with n art renew. where Mr. Lorne WK." - siker Ira -ertlee At the name time 71P met them with his anow-mobile. 31rs. .3. 1'ergu-on rend an addre.., rt,- .ser.''' mit of the Lord's slipper III t dispensed hl the Pre•bM_•Prlaa ERS Wit. t';dentine a 1►ay is the on time of the year when Flower - carry their most expressive message Make this year'.. valentine a vales tine of Flowers, We 'can, arrang, suitable Flowers that will please het immensely. If she is far away w, can arrange to de -liver tits Flower- tc4 lo. r by wire St. Valentine's Day is Friday, February 14th. , GEO. SW TE- - fAR+ FLORIST' Bruce Street Phone 105 Godeeriel- HW 11I'I'1 EC I l l i itt, I I WrrEHI R('It. Feb. 3 His - Norah Falconer '.pseud IMI week nigh Mrs. I irIVert }'nle.uer ref ('nlrr.s'.. Tile ' S.oteln ereneel't wh14•h tun. 1, hive been Kited ..n 1%e.ha.'+ibty I,,..t wpa last [wow.' all aer,tint of sto, and the assailing bad roads aud teeing pat on In the Institute 11..11 ou F'rMSy, Pelmets 7. .31 the -lime time an antogrnph quilt 44111 be sold. The .onng people of the United church are holding n tnlentine ris-In1 In the snnday .4;11.01 rest en llun- I,, es:•ning next. Mr. nod Mrs. Wait. I'ur.im calm 114111e1 n mailer of their neighbors and relatf-es ..n Friday evening 1Mt ,3 sleigh4o ad from \Vlugham spell' n happy re vning at the home of Mr. and Nits. ('e•11 Falconer one evening last week. 311.'. perky Mather'., of Wellwytl Sa'.k., and her cnisln, Mr. We+Icy Harbert -re. of .Acton, vl•itel for •n i tea .114.11114.1114.ley. In.t week at the ,,• or their .on'.in, Mr. W. i1. Farrier. . 1 Mr. George Webb, of Wast Warn flash. I. vert low with plural paenmon I In, and hi. f:4mIly have all been called from the MM'otueu's In'.tlhttP, ezprP.a• 1 a' . •lr j t ^- P016SO • FAST-GROWING POPULARITY ! The steadily rising p—ojellarity of the Superior Chain Stores indicates thegt.04i11g pn•fen•nr.• for aeon•. that offer ,t complete rerviar. The ou,binali,.n of pere enol movies. by experienced growers 'named buying tamer thnl brings you the last quality nt the low. -t price and 1.1ornpt delivery defies eosepetiti.rn. To tong'.,' 1- t„ knew- tee er erS41e• „Iter 441141 IS' r..11 V1111-1..1 -WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS Wagstaffe's 40 oz. jar New Marmalade 29c Berden'. Eagle Brand M.Ik, per lin 19r St Charles Fv.pnrated 111.114 small. 3 for 21c St (Charles Evaporated Milk tall, each 14c Beehive Brand Corn `yrup 2 s, per ti . 171 Marlyn,'were Toilet Soap, 3 'takes 23c Lawrason'. Snowflake Ammonia, 2 pkgs. 15, Flusho. each 23c Lux - for fine fabrics. 2 for 19c Finest Red Cohoe 1:2's 19c Salmon I's 33c S,0 S Cleaner, 3 pads 14r. 6 pads 23c ,For cleaning aluminum Assorted Fruits in Tina- 1'. Cherries. Crushed Pineapple Tid Bit. Pineapple Grape Fruit Pear., Peachier, fruit Wad. Crape Fruit Juice, 3 4in. 45c Lealand Olives MASON JARS J. J. McEWEN, G J. CALVIN CUTT, each 33c Highest Quality per Ib. Peanut Rutter 23c Vi -Tone, 8 oz. tin 33c; 16 or tin 55e Kkovah Health Salt.. 2 tins 35c Kara Coffee, "The Secret Blend;' Ix'•, 35c; 1's 69.. New Shelled Walnuts, Quarters, is Ib 25c Maxwell House Coffee, per Ib 63c Wax Paper Presto Pack 75 Sheets Hangs up. each 15c Blueberries 2's, per 4.11 23c Lily Brand Per Tin Chicken Haddie 21c Caradian Peaches, 2's in Heavy Syrup, per tin 23, Shredded Wheat. 2 pk4s 25.. Western Oatmeal, 5 Iles 25c Sliced Pine.pple, 2 s plats, 2 tins 25c Sun Maid Prunes, ,gond tire 2 Ib pkga 39c Golden bates, 2 lbs. 23e Canadian s hits Peens, 3 1b.. 25c Cheese "Snappy Snacks” 2 pkgs 15c per Ib. Premium Tea 69c With Cup and Saucer Fret 11 F. 111-.1 iv Fit 1 111':1• Phone your order to CHAS. AI.TON. Dungannon ROBT. PHILLIPS, Auburn. oderich. Goderich. 1