HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1930-2-6, Page 44-Tbur.day. February 6. I O. • THE SIGNAL, - GODERICH, ONT. LIIJ:.1.-1 jite,4 113g 1:.1,•,1 II /-..1/ 14JIJ:.1/ •1,:�1 J 1�.,.,. ! . 11 ../ • J 1.1J i Annuali win erStock-Reducing AT CORNFIELD'S "' • COMMENCING SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 8th. % and continuing to SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 22nd. Once again we announce to the people of Goderich and vicinity our Annual Midwinter Stock -Reducing Sale. This is your oppor- tunity to secure first-class merchandise at greatly reduced prices. Read the many values offered below in ladies', men's and children's wear and visit our store early in order to secure the best bargains. All goods are offered at prices we cannot repeat. 11 11; 11 1 11 :11J �a'f• IJ Values speak for themselves. All our goods are firsts, no seconds. Ladies' Coats \1'r• are offering thi• balance of our stock of ladies' Coats at clearing prices This is the tifile of the year to get a good Coat for lea*' money. Tliey eome in broadcloth, .uedine and duvetyne in various shades and styles. Collars and cuffs of thibetine, oposuni, French beaver and imperial mink. Various sites. Sale priee from $10 up Table Damask Ladies' Hose Ladies' silk and wool Hose. Regular Enc $ I.25, Sale price. per pair V..77 Ladies' silk Hose, assorted shades. 69c Regular $1.00. Sale price, per pair V..77 Ladies' all -wool Hose. elastic tops. Sale 69c price, per pair a Pure linen Table Damask, 60 inches Qn wide. Regular $1.25 a yard. Sale price.. 107C Pure linen Table Damask, 70 inches $i • 10 wide Regular $1.45 a yard. Sale price.. • LINEN TOWELLING Pure linen I-owelling, 17 inches wide. Bor- ders of red. blue. green and mauve Regu- lar 25 cents a yard. Sale price 20c Pure linen Crash Towelling, 17 inchesQwide. Regular 25 cents a yard. Sale price..1 VC c ►'i Another Crash Towelling at per T T11 yard .... 14c FACTORY COTTON Extra heavy Factory Cotton, 36 and 40 J inches wide. Regular 28 cents and 30 22C cents per yard. Sale price UNBLEACHED SHEETING Unbleached Sheeting, 2'4 yards wide. Regular 89cperyard. Sale (� g price. 9c BLEACHED SHEETING Heavy English Bleached Sheeting. 2 yards wide. Regular $1.00per g yard. Sale 6('c CfZ price V..77 ii I!J 111 GLOVES HAT S Ladies' and Misses' Hats in felt and vel vet. Regular ,$2.98 to $4.50. Sale $1.79 price Ladies' chamoisette Gloves in two -dome style. Also fancy turn -back -cuff style. Sale price, per pair 39c BATH TOWELS Bath Towels in plain white and whiteQn with colored borders. Sale price, per pair ..3✓C CHINTZ CUSHIONS _Chintz Cushions with frill _edge. Sale price, each 29 DRESS FLANNEL Dress Flannel in plain and fancy check patterns. Regular $ I.00 per yard. Sale price . 69C FUJI SILK Fuji Silk in assorted shades. Regular 49C 75 cents per yard. Sale price FLAT CREPE Flat Crepe in 38 -inch width. We are dis- continuing this line. Regular $2.45 per yard. Sale price �17S POTTER,S PRINT Potter's Print in fancy assorted patterns. Fast color. Regular 45 cents a yard. Sale le price JJ BETTY PRINTS Betty Prints in assorted patterns. Fast colors. Sale price, per yard . 2Uc SATEEN Sateen in 28 -inch width. \II shades. 21c Sale price. per yard Children's Dresses Children's flannel Dresses for ages $2.00 8 to 14 years. Sale price CHILDREN'S BLOOMERS Sizes 26 to 32. Regular 50c. Sale 35c price. per pair •7 LUNCHEON CLOTH SETS Linen Luncheon Cloth Sets with colored borders. Size 54x70 with six napkins. Regular $2.45 per set. Sale price FIGURED COTTON CREPES Figured Cotton Crepes. Regular 35c 29C per yard. Sale price •7 KIMONO CLOT H Kimono Cloth. Regular 95 cents per 59C yard. Sale price DRESS CREPE Figured Dress Crepes, one yard wide. Ca Regular $1.00 and $1.10 per yard. Sale price. CHINTZ Cretonne and Drapery Chintz. Regu- lar28 and 30 cents a yard. Sale price CURTAIN NET Colored Curtain Net in blue and rose. 25 Regular 49c cents per yard. Sale price _ _ _ Curtain Net in ivory shade with lace edge. Regular 45 cents per yard. Sale price 2SC GINGHAM English Gingharrrs, 32 inches wide. Regular 28 and 30 cents p -r yard. Sale price.22C Ladies' Dresses Dresses of satin -faced Can- ton flat crepe and geor- gette. in light and dark shades. Regular $16 and $17. Sale price til $9.95 . . . All -wool Crepe Dresses, Cloth Dresses and Jersey Dresses at greatly reduced paces. r,• J FLANNELETTE Flannelette in plain white and assorted stripes, 36 inches wide. Regular 25 cents a yard. 19c Sale price •7�• WOOL BATS Pure wool Bats, 2 lbs. Will not creep through the cover. Sale price, per Bat $1.85 WABASSO DIMITY Wabasso Dimity, 36 inches1wide, in', white, PrZ mauve, yellow and peach. Re ular 29c 'a 22c yard. Sale price FLANNELETTE BLANKETS Best quality Ibex. white and grey. with m pink and blue borders. Sale price, per $2.19 Si J pair _ ':;'.;- Men's and Young Men's SUITS at clearing Sale prices ranging from $14.50 MEN'S DRESS SHIRTS Striped broadcloth, separate collars and col- lar attached. Regular price up to $2.00. $1.39 Sale price MEN'S WORK SHIRTS Grey military flannel, Regular price $1.25. Sale price _ _ _ _ MEN'S WOOL MITTS Men's wool Mitts. Sale price_ - 33c pr. BUCKSKIN MITTS Heavy lining. Regular $1.10. Sale price . _ _ _ . 75e pr. PENMAN'S All -wool WORK SOCKS Grey and white heel and toes. 39e pr. Regular 50c. Sale price _ _ _ 98c MEN'S WORK SWEATERS Dark brown heather. Regular $145 $1.75 Sale price ---------------- MENS FANCY CHECK SWFATERS Regulai price $5.00. Sale price_ -$3.85 MEN'S Siege-veless Pullover SWEATERS Regular price $1.65. Sale price $1 .00 P.OYS' OVERCOATS \'. 'hi - ..-.m's gnor:•. All -in - $9.50 MEr.'S OVERALLS and SMOCKS \t. r)verall- ;aid `tmoe!.- $ 1.49 It'aek and blue. Sale prier... BOYS' KHAKI aREECHES Itoc k!�aki Its eels• - '`al. �.ne $1.49 pr. BOYS' ALL -WOOL JERSEY SUITS Boys all -wad Jersey Suits. Regular $ 1 45 R1.75. Sale price. per Sui! MEN'S UNDERWEAR }f.avv weltht. ,111 wool Shirt~ and tlr,iari- $2.50 Regular $3.25. Sale price, per Suit... Pr•mnan's fleece -lined Shirts and Drawers. 75C itegnlnr115e per garment Sale prier, per garnwr•t. BOYS' UNDERWEAR Boy,' tierce -lined Underwear Regular 75e 65C per garment Sale price, per garment Men's and Young Men's OVERCOATS WI. are offering the balance of our stoek of Olen'. and young !nen', Overcoats at clearing Sale prices They are the se'ason's latest ,styles and shade.. This i- your Outlier to Ret an up-to-date Overcoat at less than ~tank faeturer"s prices. Sale prieeu, rang- ing from $ 1 4.00 up MEN'S AND BOYS: CAPS AU. AT SPECIAL PRICES Many other items not mentioned here at greatly reduced prices A, CORNFIELD Ladies' and Men's Wear. jo J::�. ,,;,. "Shop Where You .Are Invited to Shop" West Side of Square. Phone 418. .. ' - ...ram L•! Goderich, Ont. 3t4� .�r9fC 4 4J