HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1977-06-29, Page 1Summerfest Was Success
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P9 $10 A Year In Advance $14 To U.S.A. and Foreign WEDNESDAY, JUNE 29, 1977
Tommy Gilmore Is Canadian
Champion In Baton Twirling
Tommy 'Gilmore, 10, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Art Gilmore of Lucknow,
has again proven himself in the
ft wirlin
Tommy competed on the week-
end in the Canadian Baton Twirling
Championship at Thornhill Com-
munity Centre and earned himself
a first place in the Boys' Champion-.
ship Juvenile class, ages 7 to 10,
and first in the boys' Open Contest
in the Juvenile class.
He scored 'the second highest
mark in the Boys' Championship
classes. The highest mark went to a
19-year-old Edmonton youth. En-
tries were from all across Canada.
Tommy, a member of the
Wingham Canadettes, was pres-
ented with his trophies by Tim
King, World Championship win-
Died At Pinecrest
Mrs. Alex Hamilton of Lucknow
passed away on Wednesday, June
22nd at Pinecrest Manor Nursing
Home, Lucknow, in her 89th year.
The, funeral service was held at
MacKenzie Memorial Chapel,
Lucknow, on Saturday, June 25th
with interment in Greenhill Cemet-
Florida Visit
A note from Eileen (Hall)
Cummings of Owen 'Sound, in .
renewing her paper, mentions a
recent visit to Florida where they
spent a week with Hank and Ann
(Petersen) Becker and family at
Fort Meyers Beach.
The Beckers operate a boutique
and four housekeeping units over-
looking the Gulf of Mexico on St.
Carlos Island.
Ann is supervisor of nurses at
Shell Point, an exclusive senior
citizens complex. She is the
daughter of the late Otto and
Marion Petersen of Lucknow and a
sister of Jim of Lucknow.
Graduates As
Joanne Lynn Walters, daughter
of Winnie and Gord Walters of
•Goderich and granddaughter of
Lor TIC Luckrow. gradu-
ok•(.i troin R crswr Polvtuchnical
roronto on June 3rd with
a Bachelor of Applied Arts degree
in Journalism.
Joanne has joined the staff of the
Goderich Signal Star.
Following the Bed Race at the
Kip Summerfest on Friday night,
the Kinsmen and Kinettes staged a
Monte Carlo night in the area with
bingo and games of chance.
A midway was in operation at the
park from mid week to late Sunday
after the tractor pull - and attracted
a large following.
Saturday morning saw an inter-
esting soap' box derby at the
Wheeler Street Hill with an
Equestrian Horse Show at the
Caledonian Park from 10 a.m. on
into the afternoon.
A beer garden at the arena on
Is Valedictorian
At Graduation
On Saturday, June 18th, Mr. and
Mrs. Cyril Boyle of St. Augustine
attended the graduation ceremony
of their daughter Marie at St.
Joseph's Hospital, London.
It is the last class to graduate
from St. Joseph's, as this training
school is to be closed. There were
sixty two girls who received their
pins. Their formal graduation will
take place from Fanshawe College
on June 30th.
Miss P. O'Dwyer, director of
nurses, welcomed everyone. Dr.
Paul Harding addressed the class
and presented the Margaret Russel
award in Obstetrics to Miss Brown.
Marie Boyle gave the valedictory
One of the girls sang a solo
written by three of her classmates.
The entire class sang their class
song. A delicious smorgasbord
dinner was served to the girls and
their parents.
Marie had as a spe'cial guest
Sister M. Bernadine (Sarah Boyle).
Sister is 62 years a nurse and is
known to many Doctors, Nurses
and patients of St. Joseph's
Hospital. She is a 'native of St.
Augustine. daughter of the late
Bernard Boyle and Hannah Cum-
Saturday afternoon had music by a
country and western band. A steak
barbecue at the arena from 5 to 7
was followed by a senior citizens
card party at Lucknow Legion.
Dancing to the Bittersweet com-
menced at the arena at 9.30 p.m.
and the crowd was so large, that
many were turned away. Advance
sale tickets guaranteed space until
10.30 p.m.
Sunday wound up a full weekend
with a tractor pull staged by
Lucknow Tractor Pullers Associa-
tion with a large crowd attending.
Fred Flanagan. 8-year-old son of
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Flanagan of I
To 'Work On
Water Tower
Extensive work will commence
next Monday, July 4th, on greasing
the inside of the Lucknow Water
System "Standpipe".
The village works department
has recommended that household-
ers refrain from washing clothing
*hat_...da.y, for their own protection.
It has also been recommended
that water users draw off enough
water for morning use.
Lawns and gardens may be
watered this week but residents are
requested not to use their garden
hose after work commences next
Monday, until it is completed.
Building Razed
Is Landmark
Of History
A village landmark of consider-
able interest was demolished this
past week. The warehouse, owned
by Bob Finlay of Lucknow and used
as, a carpet storage warehouse and
showroom, was located on Camp-
bell Street, east of Finlay Decorat-'
ors and west of the Gordon
Montgomery apartments.
Bob Finlay engaged the Jack H.
Gerrits Construction Ltd: of Clinton
to demolish the building.
The structure was built about
1862 and was the former Wesleyan
Methodist Church, located on the
northwest, corner of Outram and
Lucknow. placed first in the under
nine year class at the Kinfest Soap
Box Derby on Saturday morning on
the Wheeler Street hill. Fred won
two heats to win his division.
Highest Standing
Genevieve Kinahan, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Kinahan, R. R. 2
Lucknow, graduated from Lambton
College, Sarnia Friday, June 17, in
the Early Childhood Education
Genevieve was on the Presid-
ent's Honour Roll and also received
the President's Award for attaining
the highest academic standing in
the Early Childhood Education
program. -
She has accepted a position at
the Wingham Day Care Centre, to
begin in September.
Severe Electrical
Jolt In ,Leaving
House Trailer
Mrs. Terry (Linda) Pathwell of
Lucknow received a severe electric-
al shock last Saturday morning as
She was leaving her house trailer
which was parked next the home of
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eldon
Mann, on Stauffer. Street in
The area had experienced a
severe electrical storm through the
night, Friday, and, for some
reason, the trailer was "live" as
Linda went out the door, on
Saturday morning.
The vent on 'the trailer had been
open during the rain storm and
Linda had thrown a towel an the
floor to dry up the water. There had
been others in and out of the trailer
that morning with no problems, but
when Linda attempted to open the
door, she received a severe
electrical jolt. She was in her bare
feet at the time.
Her two young children. Jackie
and Gerald, were still in the trailer
at the time but were not affected.
Linda fell out onto the ground
and her screams alerted her mother
in the house next door.
She received electrical burns to
her fingers and on her back where
the bolt left her. The shock
travelled through her arm and back
and into her legs. Linda was
treated at the hospital and releas-
The Rathwell family left Tuesday
for Fort McMurray, Alberta where
Terry has accepted a p sition with
Syncrude of Canada in the Alberta
tarsands as a Fire q rnent
Technologist. The accident delayed
their . departure by one day.
Died Suddenly
Robert Durnin, formerly of St.
Helens, died suddenly on Tu:sday,
June 21st at Pine Lodge. Lucknow .
He was in his ts5th year.
The funeral was held on Friday.
June 24th at MaLKentie Funeral
Chapel. Lucknow.
Interment was to Greenhill
Western Grad
Shelley M. Alton, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Alton of R. R. 7
Lucknow, received her Bachelor of
Science degree in Computer
Science. Convocation was held at
the University of Western Ontario,
London, on June 9th.
Shelley is presently employed in
Toronto with the Bell Telephone.