HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1977-06-22, Page 22ATTENTION SENIOR CITIZENS EFFECTIVE SATURDAY, JULY, 2nd, 1977 and every Saturday thereafter from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon n The Village Of Lucknow 'There will 'be a courtesy car made available to transport senior citizens within the village of Lucknow for the, purpose of shopping, etc. FOR PICKUP PLEASE CALL MONTGOMERY MOTORS PHONE 528-3007 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL DON CAMPBELL JR., CHAIRMAN LUCKNOW LEGION ACTION COMMITTEE PHONE 395-5526 BUILDING CENTRE Galvanized Atrazemer.r. DO IT NOW- SAVE! GIVES A COMPLETE WEATHERPROOF JOB ALSO 1 x 4 HEMLOCK STRAPPING SPIRAL LEAD HEAD NAILS ARbOX NAILS 8 FT. RIBBED PLASTIC SHEETS ALSO AVAILABLE COLOURED, PRE-COATED GALVANIZED STEEL ROOFING In 8 Different Colours .14" APP 411P APP .14,' 4P 401P Alir dr ..0" 411, 41, 40. 400 411P ST. LAWRENCE CEMENT PORTLAND AND MASONRY IN STOCK 40' .10" AP' .dir .iir AP dr ar ..or AP AP Ar 40, ap JOHN W. HENDERSON LUMBER LTD. PHONE 528-3118 LUCKNOW AND Simplicity A McGraw-EdsonProduct MIX 'N PAIRS A TCH The 747 Wisher and Dryer 'combination. Total program selection for greater flexibility in wash- ing and drying cycles. Also available is the more economical washer the 727. You can purchase the 747 washer dryer combination or the 727 washer and 747 dryer. Both give you Simplicity quality and styling in 2 price ranges to suit your budget. LET Simpiirity SHOW YOU WHY Greer TV and Electric Lucknow Phone 528-3112 D747 W747 • ''' =ay. al, PAGE TWENTY-TWO C\ THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22, 1977 "It Rock Display Viewed At Holyrood W.I. The June meeting of the Holyrood Women's Institute was held at the home of Mrs. Raynard Ackert on June 2, at 6.30 p.m. The members enjoyed a bountiful smorgasbord meal, overlooking beautiful Fairy Lake. The meeting opened with the Institute Ode, and the Mary Stewart 'Collect, said in unison. Minutes of the previous meeting with a verse "Planting Correspondence was dealt 'with, and a letter of appreciation was read for W. I. Services given. ----IrtiiiitatiOns were' received from the Ripley W.I. for an afternoon Tartan Tea, to be held June 8th in the Legion Hall, Ripley, also from the Lucknow W.I. for a tea and bake sale afternoon of June 11th, in the Legion Hall, Lucknow. Mrs. Gerald Murray' thanked the Holy- rood W.I. for sponsoring the last 4-H project. A planning meeting for catering to the Craft Festival was set for the evening of June 13th. in the Township Hall. with committees #1 and #2 in charge. Mrs. Harvey Houston. reminded the meeting of the WorkShop to be held in Whitechurch at 9.30 a.m. on June 13th. This is to include Curators who will meet in 'the United Church; PRO's to meet in the Community Hall; Secretary- treasurers to meet in the Presbyter- ian Church. All members are to bring their lunch and their books. Mrs. Raynard Ackert gave an excellent account of the District Annual held in Lucknow, naming 1262 W. 1. branches in Ontario; also 574 quilt blocks have been made and are for sale at the Erland Lee Home. Changes in the Hand Book are to be found in the coming Home and Country, and should be clipped and put into each mem- ber's Hand Book. This being an Agriculture and Canadian Industries meeting, the theme of the meeting was Pollu- tion. The roll call was answered by naming new ways to recycle items in the home, Mrs, Gerald Murray gave the motto "The Sound of Music in Nature". The need to make music and to listen to it is universally expressed by human beings, whether it be human life, animal life or the sounds of birds. Mrs. Lorne Eadie gave a reading "Do You Know - It's Spring". All were asked if they really noted the beauty of wild flowers, listened to the songs of the birds, noted the shades of green in the forest? Do you have a Nature Guide to check each wild life as it appears? Mrs. Ackert dealt with the topic "Saving our Environment". This topic can be assisted by recycling newspapers and old bottles. Ener- gy can be saved 'by walking or bicycling. Vacant lots can be cleaned up. A highlight of the meeting was a demonstration by Raynard Ackert on rock collecting. Many beautiful rock specimens were viewed. A contest was conducted in which each member was invited to bring a pollution tree from home, decorated with garbage that might litter the roadside. Judges for this contest were Mrs. Arthur Phillips, Miss Mary Maulden, and Mrs. William Graham, and prize win- ners were Mrs. Raynard Ackert and Mrs. Gerald Murray. Mrs. Howard Harris gave courtesy remarks, and on behalf of the members, thanked Mr. Ackert for his excellent rock display and presented him with a gift. The meeting closed by singing 0 Canada, Discuss Amalgamation Of Ripley-Huron Mrs. Barbara Gamble, convener of Agriculture and Canadian Indus- tries, was in charge of the program at the Ripley , Women's Institute meeting in June. The roll call was "Bring a weed and name it". Many weeds were presented and Mrs. Gamble had a chart with the proper weed killer to use in each case, A discussion on the amalgama- tion of Huron Township and Ripley Councils followed. Many .comments were made, but it was decided the group should know more regarding this before making too many comments and perhaps a speaker may be secured to explain the plan, during the next year. Mrs. Gamble introduced Mrs. Mervyn Funston of Reid's Corners who demonstrated Icing a cake. She had cakes displayed, gave the recipe for her icing and demon- strated several fancy designs:This was very much enjoyed. Mrs. Graham Cook, District Director, gave a brief but full report of the District Annual held in Lucknow on May 17th. A workshop will be held at Whitechurch on June 13th. All W.I. members interested in learning more about the work are invited but especially P.R.O's, secretaries, and Tweedsmuir Hist- ory Curators. Bring a box lunch, tea will be provided. Mrs. Walter Lock reported that the drapes for the Township Hall have been hung and will be presented at Agricul- ture Society concert. Thanks to Mr. Creelin, Township Councillor, who assisted in procuring the fabric, etc. and to Mrs. Barbara Gamble and her committee for their work in having the quilt completed to, sell RETIRES AS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 Mrs. Leo Murray of Kinloss, presented Mrs. Collyer with roses. The afternoon began with num- bers by the school band, followed by brief remarks by Lloyd Ackert, school board member for Lucknow and Kinloss and vice chairman of the Bruce County Board of Education{. Others speaking were Mrs. William Coulbeck, a fellow teacher, who referred to .interesting events in the life of a teacher amend expressed tharfks from former pupils, parents and teachers. Others who were called on were Rev. Doug Kaufman, who gave the invocation; George Joynt, Reeve of Lucknow; Neil McConnell, area superintendent; Keith .Waldic. area superintendent. Following the prec,entavions, social time was enjoyed with an opportunity to talk to the retiring teachers. tickets, to buy the curtains. The quilt was won by' Don' Picot of Kincardine. The Tartan Tea was planned for Wednesday, June 8th, 2.30 to 5 p.m. at the Legion Hall, Ripley. Proceeds are for Kincardine and District General Hospital Auxiliary. A program planning meeting will be held at the president's home, Mrs. Ross Cumming on Monday night. Mrs. Kirkpatrick thanked all who took part at the meeting and to Mrs. Annie Scott, • Mrs. Marian McCharles and Mrs. Gillies who were the lunch committee.