The Signal, 1930-2-6, Page 3Save a Little Money
by taking advantage of the Signal's
clubbing offers. We can procure for
you almost any paper or magazine
published in the continent.
The Signal Calendar?
(Me for each •paid-in.advanee sol.-cri-
ber. Renew your iubecription now and
stake sure of ole of these beautiful Calen-
Geo. Williams
Dealer lit
Mie, Accident, Automobile, and
General Insurance Agent
Office, next to Bank of Commerce
Phone 53 Goderich
W. J. Powell
Stocks, Bonds, Insurance
and Real Estate
Car, Life and Fire Insurance
Nelson Street, Goderich
Phone 292 P. O. Box 43S
The Armstrong Real Estate
and Insurance Agency
House..nd Lots in Goderich and Farms
for Sale
large number listed to choose from
Ju.t a few of the many bated.
TV. , .t . ,.•
Automobile Insurance
See our rates before placing
your Automobile Insurance.
Insure with Companies that
pay their losses.
J. W Craigie
Real Estate and Insurance
Telephone 230
Masonic Temple Building
Cleaning and Pressing
Expert service on ladies'
and men's clothing.
W. C. Snazel
Haberdasher and Dry Cleaner
WEST SIR El' Phone 339
1.•r 14.•;;11 ..r worse.
Proposal Made for the Purchase
of an Asphalt Paving Outfit
for County Roads
The Huron county council conclud-
ed the January session at Friday
noon. The following is a continuation
of last week's report of the proxeed-
Ings :
At the Wednesday atternoou session
Adjutant Kerr• represeuting the Sal-
vation Army Rescue Home work at
Loudon, was present and addressed
thio council In support of the applica-
tion for a grant. He said that the. 111-
atitution faced a deficit of over $4.000.
County Engineer Patterson ad-
dressed the council, givifig an outline
of the work of his department during
the past year and mentioning the var-
ious larger expenditures for bridges,
snow fences, machinery, liability in-
surance, etc.
Mr. Goldthorpe hound fault with the
way the snowplow was being used 1n
his -township, piling up snoW 1n tri!m
of farmers' gates and waking it AL1
most Imp o.*•ih a for the farmerss,to
get either int...or out of their places.
Mr. Anderson also thought the ay..rk
.,a- not satisfactory.
The Warden 'stinted out that if asp
'o911-tti9 did 1114 want the plows tui
•,p. -rate on Its roach: -u request to the
gaunt)- authorities wIl• ail that was
The Wardell exioressed p1.'sl.urc
that. the goal roods Comwlsstot had
.•pt within the limits .f the two.
,e,:i levy.
•••v i•a; tit.':n!,.n- ors-v-ced ell.
v ;•! Ao 'n''thiotliffi a!t' of enfor.•
tel:• Nis t:il, it.tro•1,.,',I :1 wo;l)n
,r the appointment of 11 •pe,ri;sl ami
I.r. '1'hl- w•.1- .c•or,.t,d 1.} Mr. ltie•
. u-. 'tors: iftcr was. def.:it
1 6y a taw:it:J. yot, or 19 ;,. 0.
I'. A. Knh:urtscn. Jl.l'.P., ‘1I lr,' .e
£tea-- Special
a.s..w-arlrr- - : .. snr.e.lausaar
Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada
A 1'QW1-R OF SIN !'N(:
Assurance In Force $1,896,915,000
Asset.. $48$,9S8,000
I)I\I(I''III1- (it• I'olicc hololers= inerca,4 d far the ninth suee•ssivc
year in addition to a rlxv'ini maturity dividend' bonus
P111)N Fr
( Mice 113
Residence 5.110
District Agent
This is the time of year when we clear out the
balance of our stock of Goloshes. The slakes we sell are the
very best in quality and construction. The materials used are
of the highest grade and will keep their color.
Our prices are away down and our stock is complete in
sizes. COW early while you are able to :+*rare n ehnice of
" Improved Schedule"
1.v. Toronto
Ar. Winnipeg ..
Ar. ileghia ........
Ar. Calgary
Ar. Vancouver
Modern 'Equipment
0.IN► p.m.
s.45 a.m. 2nd Day
11.'14'S p.m. 2n11 Day
7.4() a.m. 3rd Day
0.430 a.m. 4th Day
Convenient connections at Winnipeg for all
points went; at Regina for Saskatoon; at Cal-
gary for Edmonton.
1'. 1'. K. Town Writ
Goderleh, Ont.
results. Ile also referred to the excel-
lent work being dune by the `lalva-
limn Artily Ite.wue Home at Ludon.
Tilts count), he Kahl, N•Ilr being con-
gratulated from all sides. upon Owl
wanner In which the children's aid
work wait being earned on.
Rev. J. E. 'Ford. who lune been con-
nected with the Children's Aid So-
ciety for aeveuteeu years, spoke
briefly 81141 praised the superintend-
ent for his' good work. Ile had at
first leen doubtful as to the results
o( the new methal of carrying on
the work In conjunction with a com-
mittee of ,the council, but he had
found the new plan was giving excel-
lent results.
Asphalt Paving Outfit
Messrs. Beattie and Craigie moved
that the good roads commission con-
sider the advlaabillty of purchas+htg
an asphalt paving outfit for county
purposes, as with such an outfit an
asphalt top could he put' on some of
the county roads at a const that would
result In a great saving In the up-
keep of the roads and would also
save the expense of oiling. Referred
to the good roads commission.
Mrsnr•. Turner and Ballantyne in-
troduced a motion to ask the Provin-
cial I nigh wa y. I4epa rt ment for the
refund of tike sem ..f skint RAMI {81111
by the county as tax on gasoline a -ed
by the county power graders lit
Messrs. Craigie and 11014thorp•
moved that the work of cutting down
the hill and prote.•tiug the .road
Stafford 11111 be tlroceedtd with a-
ston as possible. and that the rvni1111
Lear all cxpN,nses• of the work. Re.
ferret' t6 the good roads commis -ion
Mc --r,`. 111130f. :141,1 14401.14401...i'Turner .n
that the fug v(tos 4hgrlrtwent ho
lelI 1.41411 to 11, a to tow ns '141141 c11-
1:Ise- thevuuA gr:lilt - 1•1 pr'4''4'."11
for their road- as 'iis, spay)) r.. t4,
rule a -hip erib 11.
Provincial Highways ('oa
thio af!.•rtwo:: , --ion u. -
1Mtn. and %I •Kihl..,n :,•",i•1 J ' ti,
UAW -11,e of Virions Vdntiri.4rttiett
\! -r, T+: ao•r ;1/111 c'l:t1 novi
t1,n1. whereas the cork of the 4.1.1 ll41-
telnio11- 4.1anit1e' of .Thi• const;:
4,I11114-11 bas to do with exte'ndtuir, -
a. fallow.: Ik,ttlinioh Govern:net.t.
:n per rent.. l'rovio;•iul (;o-erltaelll,
:n per rent.. county, :Nn per cent.. this
comity eonncil In of the opinion th 11
the expense of said r.wutittee.shunld
Is' lore. pro rata by the Gow4rIIm4111•1
oncertnol and the county. 81111 that
this expression of the opinion of tile'
0,4111(111 he forwarded t. the Govern -
molt and to the different Fount)
councils of Ontario asking their co-
operation. This was carried.
A tion by )le',.rs. Cott uud R.
Thompson, that some attention he
.laid to the dangerous turn on the
ualerich highway at Myth. ens re -
ferrel to the good roads commission.
M. -.,1r11. 11. A. (lays and itnllantyne
motel that. ..n account of the extra
east or *milting weals and building
permanent culverts, which take the
place of wooden eulverts. the Govern-
ment be memorialized to increase the
grant on township roads (0 50 per
\grlrulhlral Representative
At the 'Thursday morning w'.'lou
Mr. G. A. 11e('egn4, - the county agrl-
.•ullural representative. wan Invited
to Address the council. Mr. Mrl'alrlu'
,l.':llt with 4arlon. phase•s of hi -s work.
Including the whiter eonrY' nl *:sitter
the n -e of fertilizer. drainage work.
weed control. sheeyr cllppl415.- poultry
raising. fruit growing, sellooi fairs. •
et, Thr of 4e41141mcnl .f an advisor'
u •^ n1 4, coimo . 1111,11 1V11.-
s-1 1 to, !, li,l '1'h )1111111 eV
a ;111-•• '4 1 , nttt(Hltl1.'
/4414”.:1••• 11 44 4' ,.u' IN1111111 b,•
• yip(!!)- '111rl,111 'I'II1• 1 ' !II: .4 :,
-••,ip In ole• girl-. in I:.'• form
f:n 1':,•• lllo)th 141111', a' the )un•'
14.1,--4ltirte 1111,1 - r.'.n11C.l 11,
greenly 11 Ott hn-.r-m 14 W.
.if pork.
( Ililelrent .%id Work
11. 'I' Edwards, superintendent .f
the Children's .U,1 Society, Wns the
11e114 ur adilre.w the e.uneil. IIF spoke
nppr'^ of the work of l'ollee
Magistrate held, whose knnek In deal-
ing with children had given splendid
"After Baby, was WttaA
Skinny. Gained 22 Lbs.'
1Yaab.d Toast 41.1 a. err Mrs.
Male. Tbnern4 oar to 1514..
*a tWools, n«
essesiciet. Oda clean at...cM 041
You* *abbots trews Mg44.4 We,.
re.,- . .444 ,1 1
h.. 1,-.'1 4 .0 ,n- . 1 t
nits ,, refuge.
.\ Vole of thank, V% I. .'-1,.1. :.1
11,.• •.11111) . r, rl, and treasurer for
h.s;,ltulilie- ewt.•adwl by theta ,t:trh._
.11e -es -ion to Ih, IIIelli'er• .4 44,e.
A ennroIittCV. -.'tap«'.o•,1 of• 111.•'..
1Vanlen. Clerk. 11,11nnrt'r. '111111 idem-
ire•r.. of the council from (;,sierich.
t'.I11.r11e�. G.Ilerirh iowushltr 111141
toll. 0440 aplte1111trsi 1.r milky arrange
meats far a joint meeting onto the
lune,' 4' y Council.
Bylaw. Nos. 1 t. 5 were adopted
No. 1 appoints Reeve MehJhhal and
County Clerk H.Inlnn auditors .411
crlminnt justice 11111111ts. 11(14) John,
rameron of .ts11fleld and A. E. Erwin
..f itayfield• auditors of g,ueral n,• -
.•omits. No. 2 fixes the salaries of
(vanity officials. No. 3 authorizes the
borrowing of money • fo4 current ex-
pendltnres. Ni.. 4 confirms 1114' votes .
of money pae*lleil during the session.
No. 5 appoints ThomH. Gnudry county
eonstable to enforce the liquor con-
trol .tet
Iltat action deferred until (he cow -
mission can se the sltualluu.
Ile model' o Messrs. Cult and
Thompson. that t turn In the road
.4011t1 of Itlyth be improved, same
nrow wends t ion.
' ice motion of Messrs. Collins and
llallantyue, that the road weatetly
from Ethel and the road wtvlterly
prom ('ranbrok to the Morris town
[hie be placed on the county road
system, we would point out that the
first-mcuttogcd road was tuelaksl In
a bylaw In Julie. 1927, making addi-
tions to the county road system, but no
action from the Department of High-
ways approving of the road has yet
been secured. Regarding the road
westerly from Cranbrook, we recom-
mend that 'it be given consideration
at such time In the future as a bylaw
may be passed making additions to
the county road system.
Re motion of Messrs. Armstrong and
Middleton. asking for additions to
the county road aysotew, the road east-
erly from Londeaboro and southerly
to the Huron road Is already includ-
ed in the by-law referred to above.
Regarding the application for the
Base line as a comity road, we recon'
wend that it be -considered in the fut-
ure. when such additions may la'
trade. -
Re motions of Messrs. Ballot:One
and Francis, that the 't'hawc, Road
bridge be rebuilt ; Messrs. Craigie and
Guldth.irp'. that the. work of cutting
the Saltforl hill be uud,rtako-n
M,ssi,'. Bent) e 1111)1 Craigie, that al.
asphalt plant he purchased, and
Messrs. Thompson and Belittle, lila)
rho Eginonevilb• street be retlllrc,1.
,.• r.'.•ouuucnd lilt' these matters 1,.
given, 'otl1hlera t 110 when preps) ri4
the pregraul of work for the )car.
Be 04,44 1..1. of Me. -r. Ke)- Novi
Allddlo•Iou. Ilrat the c.lunty I44 r.•y«.u.
Role for light- oil .The
-aloe 1l.'" lillnt'm.Ial 1. n,. ..4.. .•
110.1"...11 :or \I.• -l- '1'houpe ..
\LKiI tel,..: .^rl.1111 I.4 l(' •r ,1
Lida! "t..
EAewul45c l'nunuiltev
..1 11,. 1 I I.
How well you look!
ant tenting you again to exams ere
sifter, petards for the ronrhnud sums(
Hary nin Alumni through my dusty tbae of
tir.swAen (holy last reek a man cwt me 1 uAo
saw tete a few muatAs ago when 1 u.,a enpyled
seta,sv). N's first revue* sear Arno
ell 1 looted. 1 ,vpt'ed. )'e., 1 hon.
8nue*ra Baas to thank: Ile said he Iola
feeling • op' colour and would start the 11 r.s-
^hen Aahtt nett day. 1 alouys re. ommend
Arusehei.J,.. F.
11r1.14.1 I,.., 6« '..,«..,,a.
hnlselwll .811. H ,,I,l usable at drug and
departIu•11t stoma ,n 1 44.0.1, at ;Ay. a (milk.
A bottle contains rnuagli t. last tot 4 or b
loathe -coal Malta nut balsa -oat a dao.
".t healthy toy would much rtlo•,
go to u hall park mats n ,saloorn,
!truce Horton.
,AA.W I.
-1-; .r ,•ln,-:Ifi,,,l '.,nrnIi; lc,. r.4•,.rt..•I.
'31..11 !hi. ...HMO', 4.'.' rr,.tret- w•r) 11111
Ow practice lof -ending children to
out'1de 1111111 ...hold- withotn •.nl'i1,1e111
rltm•e. We would .trongl) urge 'Om;
our people of the comity tsot roliz.
our own high schools to all cause -
where at all Iswslble, s. wC ere very
proud of our own educational iu-tdtu
lions and w-onld dls.•ourage in ever)
WHY 11 117 slight or apparent slight of
the clove nature." Appointment of the
foll.wlog ('o0leg11e Institute told
high r* trustees. els per r•sulu-
dons mode. was res•..ultneuded: It. E4.
M lug, Rev. J. E. Hogg. Clinton :
1)r. 11. I1. Itoss, Senforth; W. 11. Turn-
bull. Exeter; Dr. H. 'Taylor. (:oalerb'l ;
Ilr. R. 1.. Stewart, 1Vhigham.
Children's Shelter ConwnIttee
The Children's Shelter Committer re-
ported having visited the Shelter and
found It 114 first-4'lnss condition under
the care Of !Mfrs. Tigers, the matron.
There were five children in the Shelt-
er, rangi in age from five to eleven
After it few words from the Warden yenres. 1A111 seemed In good health and
thanking the nester. for their eo- fnllr were going to solos.] regularly.
..p•rnti.n in the work of the ....shot, Finance Committee
the ,uu11cil ndjourtiel.
find Roads Commission
I'h,' ;.Irl 44111. 1•11111111 411111.,11 ret«n 1.
Hegnrlling motion: referr.'.l In 4',.
!Mel s 141111111-04u, we lest b' v,•
r n h r tel 1 Ihnll. shin
!'.I I h rjn 11:14 he I"•• 44 4•
ST.i'rr' and 11np.' . 818.10 n
(,.sola 14,.4- 0:1'Irr ,y ,-
11n ..1.lillon,4 .. 1 n I' :1I:er1 111 MI-.
I. IP.,„ n, ,.f \I, , 41„ 40,40,d
It,:r.11 . Ih,• t44, ,. n 4h, roa.l
north �,aforlh he fa,p•r..' too
Mon 4,, )lessrs. 4-r.teis owl 10;1.11n•
tyre. duet the ,•,lmnnission e.xamtae
the I --ler bridge; emotion of Me•-rs.
Mole and Maek.'nrh'. •lbnt the road'
north of concession e, on the town
line of Ashfield and 'Vawatrosh Int"
rreon.trt,t,d. and motion of Messrs.
Middleton and A. 1'. Keys. that the
township of (;oderl,b 1'e paid for
gravel taken from the pit on the 'len-
miller road ---we re'nmmend Ihnt con-
sideration he deferred Until the coin
mission has an opportunity to examine
the location.
Re motion of M . Wright and
Beattie, that the county tray $10 on
tee tights at itllsevil*, we recommend
The finance C,.tunlitlee passed -1
number of tic.onots and-r,•omtuemied
Inuit the rate for 1..11m141 roast Doris",
1t the mill.4.i, alae dollar and that
ib" g.'11 road: ,•.mkeep ., i
In ebi. estla;ale. The .,.nuniotee t'.
the ' ..1 of stationery Wool -'• •
:I a Dlvl.lun 4'onrt4 4'
lond r., .mue•t.d'-.I 111,11 ,.
of 11,. Pion.'.:' 4'(111.1
r111...I It. 41:, mal•, r.
t.'enn!* l'rolr•rt* • ('onlndt(e'
additional •GInal-fits_ ‘,1.141-.
mended, '
The Ixlrislalinn ('hominis.
4' .• Intl •IHt .11 ••''111111't
on the Act' .f the F.egi
ing 1. the 4rausporliltil.l of taw I
which provielcs n+ follows:
"No person shall ,:,wry .r unhurt»'(
fowl on 841) highway to Ontario n1
less he 11111(144 a permit for that pro.
1f'ontir•11rd .n page It1
Itching Ends in 1 Minute
itspm .esu..• far call.. Magi* analtei
'$esus -$.1e.' sad.4 itch eas4 tan *a
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00000 296.
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Brophey 1r14'..
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