HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1977-06-22, Page 11"I know Cancer
can be beaten"
Mrs. Florence
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Cancer can be
beaten. Your
dollars are needed
now to continue the
battle. Give hope a boost.
When a volunteer calls, be
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West Wawanosh ToWnship
Council met for its regular session
on Tuesday, June 7, at 8.00 p.m.,
in the Township Office, Public
Works Garage. All members were
in attendance, Reeve Lyons presid-
The minutes of the May meeting
were read and adopted on motion
of Councillors Hickey and Cran-
Ron Snowden attended the
meeting • to inquire about the
consequences of building an addi-
tion to his home if such addition
should encroach upon the road
allowance. Council advised that it
would not consider closing the road
allowance, and that he should
contact other land owners in the
immediate area •to obtain their
views on the subject.
Two trustees from Auburn were
in attendance at the meeting and
inquired about obtaining culverts
for road drainage in the Village.
The Road Superintendent agreed to
order the necessary pipe.
Correspondence from L. Authier,
District Municipal Engineer, was
read , and as a result, Councillors
Hickey and Foran resolved that:
"West Wawanosh Township re-
quest the Ministry of Transporta-
Alin) and Communications to in-
clude the inspection and appraisal
of the one structure, in West
Wawanosh under the appraisals it
will be undertaking on bridges in
most towns and villages, since it is
considered uneconomical to hire a
consultant to, prepare a report for a
single bridge."
Due to a request from a resident
of the hamlet of St. Helens, a
discussion took place regarding the
problem of cars and trucks
speeding through the hamlet on
concession 10-11. Such possibilities
as a four-way stop, three-Way stop,
or speed limit signs were declared
impossible for such a situation, and
as a result the following motion was
made by councillors Foran, and
Stothers, and carried by council:
"That the Road Superintendent be
authorized to order two signs
reading "St. Helens-Drive Slow-
ly", to be erected on concession
10-11 at the -east and west limits of
the hamlet."
Messrs. Stuart Reavie and Barry
McDonagh, representing the Luck-
now Lions Club, presented their
plan for the construction of a
Community Centre in Lucknow', to
Council, and advised of a meeting
to take place on June 16th in this
Messrs. Harold Menary, Bob
Gibbon and Roy Robson were in
attendance, and council again
received complaints in regard to
cattle and- pigs running at large,
and causing considerable damage
to lands and crops. Council
informed the farmers that it was
waiting receipt of a draft by-law
from the Township Solicitor, for
consideration and, probable pas-
sage by Council. This by-law twill
likely contain a clause dealing with
the condition of road fences
intended to enclose livestock.
Motion. by Councillors Hickey
and Foran "That West Wawanosh
Township Council recommends
that the interest on tax arrears
registered with the County of
Huron on S1 /2 Lot 22 Concession 12,
since 1974, be written off."
The three tenders received for
pit run gravel were' opened and
considered. Motion by Councillors
Stothers and Cranston: "That the
tender of James Adams, R. R. 2
Bluevale, for hauling pit run gravel
to road construction at 59c per
cubic yard for approximately 20,-
000 cubic yards be accepted
subject to approval by the Ministry
of Transportation and Communica-
A motion by Councillors Cran-
ston and Hickey authorized the
Road Superintendent to advertise
in the Daily Commercial News for
tenders for a new _grader with
-delivery date- December 1, 1977,
and requesting quotations on new
grader both with and without
The road accounts were ordered
paid on motion of Councillors
Stothers and Cranston.
The following general accounts
were passed for payment on motion
of Councillors Foran and Hickey:
James Devereaux, salary, 231.-
10; Jdan Armstrong, salary, 523.-
27; Receiver General of Canada,
IT, UI, CPP, 126.12; H. 0. Jerry
Ltd., cleaning supplies, 30.00;
Albert Coultes, blasting beaver
dams, 20.00;, Ray Hallahan, levell-
ing Durnin Drain,' 110.00; Bell
Canada, telephone,, 22.70; Village
of Lucknow, 2 fire calls, 300.00;
Bruce Raynard, tile drainage loan,
2,400.00;. Peter LeBeau, tile drain-
age loan, 7,165.00; Goodall and
Campbell, cemetery by-law, 79.25;
Huron Business Machines, steel
shelving, 163,71; Village of Luck-
now, arena costs, 10% share,
595.00; Municipal' World, dog tags,
65.56; County of Huron, 50% 1977
requisition, 25,722.50; Bruce-Grey
R.C.S.S. Board, 2nd instalment '77
requis., 69.25; Gamsby and Man-
nerow Ltd., superintendence Mil-
lian Drain, • 1,167.60; Hanna and
Hamilton Ltd., balance const.
Millian Drain, 1,120.00; Huron
County Board of Education, 50%
1977 requisition, 46,781.00; Huron=
Perth R.C.S.S. Board, 50% 1977
requisition, 3,210.50; William For-
ster, 3 fox bounties, 6.00.
G. Humphrey, salary, 988.49; B.
Gammie, operator, 932.86; Receiv-
er General for Canada, IT, CPP,
UI, 537.20; B. Gammie, window
cleaner, 1.26; Joe Kerr Ltd.,
bulldozing. 2,344.00; Garry's Auto,
air filter, 50.92; George Smyth,
welding, material, 66.25; County
of Huron, calcium chloride (bags),
51.36; J. A. McDonagh, compensa-
tion premium, 267.00; W. A. (Bud)
Hamilton, gas, 64.72; BP Canada,
diesel fuel, 367.01; County of
Huron, snowplowing, sanding
(Auburn), 453.00; D.R.M. Sales,
parts. repairs, 333.55; Curtis
Industries, filters, etc., 149.66;
Siecker's General ,Store, gas, oil,
51.25; Pollard Bros. Ltd., ' liquid
calcium, 3,533.97; R. Farrish
Construction, crushed gravel,
24,693.50; Two-Way Communica-
tions, 2-way FM radios, 4,512.83;
Tom Armstrong, pit run gravel;
13.00; Joan Armstrong, bookkeep-
ing, 35.00.
Councillor Stothers adjourned to
5 July at 8.00 p.m. at the Public
Works Garage.
REPORTERS: Sheila Osborne and
Lori Roberts
On Friday, June 3, we attended,
the field day at Ripley District
School where grade 8, grade 7,
grade 6, grade 5, grade 4, and part
of Grade 3 competed. Junior girls
runner-up was Barbara Scott with
11 points. We had a tie for
champion between Trudy Korten
and Tabatha Middelkamp . both
with 18 points. Junior boys
runner-up was David MacLean
with 11 points. The -champion was
Robert Campbell with 13 points.
Intermediate girls runner-up was
Debbie Roberts 'with 11 points. The
champion was Robin Cuyler with 18
points.' Intermediate boys runner-
up was Harold Peet with 11. points.
The champion was Paul Trepanier
with 20 points.
Senior girls runner-up was Lisa
Collins with 10 points. The
champion was Shelley Strauss with
16 points. Senior boys runner-up
was John McIntosh with 18 points.
The champion was Philip Trepanier
with 20 points.
We are sure everyone enjoyed
their day at Ripley District School.
Murray Barr and Steven Ecken-
swiller left on Saturday by motor
for. Grande Cache, where they will
work for the summer months.
We are sorry to report that Mrs.
(Dr.) Donald Hodgins is a patient in
the Kincardine and District Hospit-
Mr. and Mrs. Don Bertrand and
children of Simcoe visited over the
weekend with Miss Winnifred
Percy and attended the Arnold-
Reurink wedding.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Percy were
guests at the Thompson-Sach
wedding at Gorrie.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Barr 'visited
on Sunday evening with her
parents,, Mr. and Mrs.Gilbert
Hamilton at Lucknow.
Visitors on Sunday evening at
the Maulden home were Mr. and
Mrs. Ernie Hanna and Lois,
concession 10.
Miss Mary Maulden and Mr.
Leonard "Maulden, who have been
Mr-. and-Mrs-.--Frank-
'Maulden and Keith left on' Tuesday
on their return to England.
Friends of Don Robertson are
pleased to know that he has
returned home from University
Hospital, London, where he has
been a patient.
Mr. 'and Mrs. Allan Nicholson
and Brandon of Wallaceburg spent
the weekend with Mr. and Mrs.
Bert' Nicholson and Lois.
A bridal shower was held at the
St. Helens Hall on Saturday
evening for Laurine Morrison to
honour her in her forth coming
marriage. Chairlady for the
program was Jean McQuillan. The
program had readings by Isabel
Gaunt, Olive Kennedy, and Edith
Cooper. A comedy number was
performed by Brenda DeyelI.
Musirrrnumbers were given by
Way e Forster, 'Janice Gaunt and
Rosemary de Boer. Following
Rosemary's instrumental she was
joined by Mrs. Bill de Boer for a
duet. Laurine then opened her gifts
and thanked everyone. A social
time followed while lunch was
Recent visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Ross Errington were Mr. and.
Mrs.. Mac Conley. and family of
Mr. and Mrs. Doug MacDonald
and family of Ddngannon spent
father's day' at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Angus MacDonald.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Irwin of
Wingham visited with Mr. and
.Mrs. Allan Cranston on Friday
Mr. add Mrs. Hugh Todd spent •
the weekend at Holland Landing
with Mr. and Mrs. John Bick.
Kairshea Held
Social Evening
The June meeting of the
Kairshea Women's Institute was
held June 16 at the W.I. Hall, in
the form of a Sunshine Sister
Social. Each member was asked to
bring a friend and also the 4-H
members and their mothers were
invited. At 7 p.m. all enjoyed a
delicious pot luck supper. Mem-
bers and guests were welcomed by
the president Mrs. Evan Keith.
Following the meal Mrs. Bill
Haldenby was in charge of the
program as follows: Each member
introduced her guest, and together
were asked to repeat a Nursery
Rhyme; a humorous skit by Mrs.
Bob Gilchrist and Mrs. Leonard
Clarke. The 2 clubs of 4-H girls put
on their skit which they had done at
Achievement Day for the course,
"Focus on Living", very well done
The Tweedsmuir History books
and Scrap book were on display,
and one half hour was given to look
these over. Mrs. George McBride
conducted a' contest. Mrs. Lloyd
MacDougall called the names from
the roll call - which was exchange
of gifts with your Sunshine Sister.
This was most interesting for each
to find out who your Sunshine
Sister had been for the year.
Courtesies were given by Mrs.
Harry Lavin, thanking the 3
directors, Mrs. Bill Haldenby, Mrs.
George McBride, Mrs. Leonard
Machines, also the 4-H girls and
friends and hoping all enjoyed the
The meeting closed with , The
June 24, 25, 26
Full Weekend of Entertainment
Thursday, June 30th
Lucknow Arena
Music by Helix
West Wawanosh Council Minutes RIPLEY
Intended for last week