HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1977-06-22, Page 10KINLOUGH PENTECOSTAL CHURCH Pastor Gilbert Van Shoo:ignore SUNTA lt-NE '7".E 10 am. SLIIMP:1 11 a.m. War11/11; &trifita 7:30 p &fer ita Midweek Praye Sarre* Wednesday at / C.A. (Young Peor.Sie • Friday at- 8:00 p.m. LUCKNOW NITED CHURCH Rev. Doug Kaufman Minister JUNE 26TH 10 a.m. Sunday School 11 a.m. Morning Worship Nursery provided for pre-school children Jr. Congregation for 5 - 8 year old children Pine River United Church Wom- en held their June 7 meeting in the church. Mrs. Bob Scott, convened an interesting program. Four mem- bers of the Walkerton High School Band played the selection, Lead on O King Eternal.. Ross Hamilton, general manager of CKNX broad-, casting was the informative speak- er. A question and answer period followed. Written pet peeves'.'.ere submitted as the r.: Mrs. FergusonF Lester speaker. and •;:f - • — " a gift . The im a r • vvi41 'Wan i r :1tt vr. v li le: tet!it till matie. :Ammer- tat Le:r Ate"( at le ;sett:".-t-31 I IT rte:t 0 4, wIrc :mut to 41 le tern n liglrrl In :.e.rpt*.rrinpr- InP-m' foltitv,•:t itiwn itlit i ;itr:;i1 ort LUCK.H0"0/ CHRISTIAS REFORMED CHURCH Re-r L. V SE." DA JUNE 26TH ar 10a m 77: Listen to the Back to God Hour Message of Today CKNX Wingham. 10 .30 a.m. Radio dial 920 <0. ••••"› THE ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA PARISH OF LUCKNOW SCHEDL LE OF SERVICES, SUNDAY. JUNE 26. 1977 1 ST PALL'S. RIPLEY: 9 .00 A.M. ST. JOHN'S BF,R VIE 10 30 A M. THE ,ASCENSiON, KINLOUG-1 12 00 NOON Lucknow Presbyterian Church INTERIM MODERATOR Rev. Robert Armstrong Phone Wingham 357-2072 ; 10:00 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship GUEST MINISTER Rev. John A. Neilson of NOrwood EVERYONE WELCOME 7 SUNDAY, JUNE 26TH DUNGANNON HRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP (MENNO'NITE' Doug Zehr, Student Pastor Phone 529-7151 SERVICES SUNDAY, JUNE 26TH• 10:00 a.m. Sunday School 11 a.m. "Morning Worship" EVERYONE WELCOME THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22, 1977 Adrian Keet Spoke To C.W.L. Three councils of the Catholic Women's League, held a joint meeting Monday, June 6th in St. Joseph's Hall, Kingsbridge. Forty- five ladies from St. Mary's Lucknow, St. Augustine and St. Joseph's Kingsbridge gathered to hear a report of the annual diocesan convention and also guest speaker, Adrian Keet of Wifigham. Fr. Dentinger opened the meet- ing with a scripture reading and prayer. Co-chairing this meeting were Mrs. Mary Boyle, St. Augustine, Mrs. Gertrude Leddy, Lucknow and Mrs. Marion Austin, Kingsbridge. Mrs. Pete MacDonald, Lucknow gave an interesting report of the diocesan convention 'held in Chat- ham May 10th and 11th. The theme of the convention was "The Great Voice of God Cries Out For the Fullness of Life". Following the convention report, Mrs. Marion Austin introduced the guest speaker Adrian Keet. Adrian gave a most interesting report of his walk from Wingham .to Ottawa for the Festival of Life, a distance of 325 miles. That, which Adrian had taken on as more or less a sacrifice on his part, turned out to be anything but that. Which is not to say he suffered no discomfort since there were cold and rainy days to contend with and at times very painful feet. However the walk was one of the greatest experiences of his life and most enriching. The single unpleasant episode he encountered was bottles being thrown at him from a passing car. Except this one incident, all the- people he met on his journey were most eager to help him in any way. Always he was offered free lcdging and meals. Certainly Adrian felt very strongly that the majority of people are pro-life and are deeply concerned about abor- tion, euthanasia, mercy killing, etc. Adrian was thanked and present- ed with a cheque by Mrs. Mark Dalton. Mrs. Mary Boyle expres- sed thanks on behalf of St. Mary's, St. Augustine's councils. Fr. Dentinger spoke briefly. reinforcing the need of positive attitude in the Right to Life struggle. Father then closed the meeting with prayer. Lunch and a social hour followed. The evening ended with a plant sale. Gave travelogue On African Visi1 Unit .2 of the Lucknow United Church Women met at the home of Mrs. W. V. Johnston on Tuesday, June 7th at 1.30 p.m. Mrs. Eldon Bradley opened the meeting with a poem "A Good Creed". She also gave a reading "Great Clock of Life" and all members repeated the 23rd Psalm in memory of Miss Hazel Webster, who was a member of the unit. Hymn 582 was 'sung. The Unit is invited to St. Helens U.C.W., meeting on June 21st at $.30. Eighteen members answered the roll call, naming a characterist- ic of our fathers. Three visitors were present. Ten members were asked to go to PinecreSt Nursing Home June 10th to play cards in the evening. Hymn 545 was sung, followed by scripture reading by Miss Lena Robinson, taken from Deuteron- omy, the 28th chapter, followed by a reading "Will Abundance Bring Gladness". Prayer was offered by Miss ,Elizabeth Robinson. Miss Ruth Thompson showed excellent slides of her trip to Africa when visiting her sister there. Mrs. Barger closed with prayer, and Mrs. Bradley thanked Mrs. John- ston for the use of her home and the committee in charge of the dessert. A bake sale was held at the close of the meeting. Pine River U.C.W. Lucknow Unit 3 Unit 3 of Lucknovv United Church Women met at the home of Mrs. E. Wightman for the June meeting with an attendance of 21 and 1 visitor. Mrs. Bert Alton opehed the meeting with a reading. Hymn 15 was sung and the Lord's Prayer repeated. The roll call was answered with the name of our first Sunday School teacher. Unit 3 is to look after the flowers in the church for June. Mrs. Clarence Irwin made plans for catering to a wedding in July. An invitation has been received from St. Helens . U.C.W. to attend a tea on June 21 at 8.30 p.m. Unit 3 will visit at Pinecrest Manor on August 2nd at 2.00 p.m. Mrs. Nelson Raynard read the scripture from Matthew, 'chapter 6 and Mrs. 'Alton gave the medita- tion. Mrs. Stuart MacGillivray played a lovely piano instrumental. Mrs. Ken. Murdie spoke on the development of the third and fourth worlds. Hymn 445 was sung and • the .meeting closed with prayer. The committee served a lovely `lunch. Mrs. Bert Alton was auctioneer for 'a hobby sale. Presbytery Met The June meeting of Bruce Presbytery 'met in Room 208 of Wilfred Laurier College, Waterloo at 4 p.m. June 3rd before Hamilton ConferenCe. of the United Church opened at 7 p.m. Rev. A. Proud gave the opening prayer remembering the president- elect of Conference, Rev. George .11--;ung, who -is in hospital because an accident, Mr. Jas. Sauris, Tte•swartr. in hospital with heart 1;27g.-....r-, and Rev. L. Warr of -Ad.. who is ill. riece-tszt• it wa.s a short hustne•ss %:ith arrirtc.`e.d -The •.:err , ind 'ATT1117 pit:71:C Tp ie:rt n ; •:nr%. -The 'ill Ti •if te.:(1 1-frtad 1•',1 in ill Ale er.ir,;4 v'th hr Thor..nant' n tator.' itliourime.nt min leqeman larded -he noorr,:ng ialrnan :3, R. lene.?.,cr.or, through which she hoped to have a souvenir packet of Canadian post- age stamps for each visiting guide. Stamps requested were the recent- ly issued sets of the four seasons - skiing, fishing, swimming and hunting. Typically Canadian, the set of four were being purchased in transparent 'envelopes for each girl. Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Purdon of Lucknow observed their 56th.. wedding anniversary on May 22nd. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Dexter, natives'of En gland, but residents of .this locality fore many years, observed their 58th wedding anni- versary on May 16th. 46 YEARS,AGO MAY 1937 While working on the railway section east of Lucknow in the vicinity of Dickie's Hill, Robert McNall had the unpleasant exper- ience of being chased by a big black ' bear. The animal refused to be . frightened off, and it was a case of fight or run for Mr. McNall and he wisely chose the latter course. The bear then made off into the nearby swamp from which it had come. Bears, it was reported, were becoming. more common in this district, from where they had totally disappeared for some years. Another one was sighted in the Bruce Beach area and a few years previously one was shot on Rodger Corrigan's farm, east of Holyrood. Dr. C. C. Evely, retiring surgeon of Guelph, opened a practise in this community. RIPLEY DISTRICT SCHOOL Intended for last week SWEATSHIRTS Since June 3, the halls of R.D.S. have been decorated with grey and black sweatshirts. A majority of the students ordered these items at the first of the year'. BIOLOGY TRIP The Level' -V Biology - class —and" Level IV Physical Education class had their annual overnight camp- ing trip to Wiarton on May 30 and 31. While there they hiked, canoed and went orienteering. Thanks goes to Mr. Malhotra, Mr. Brown and Mr. LaFlair who went along to supervise. It was an experience enjoyed by all. TENNIS AND GOLF On June 3, the Levels III and IV Physical Education classes went up to the Ainsdale course to play golf and tennis. The weary students came back at noon, after an enjoyable morning. Lucknow W.I. The June meeting of the Lucknow Women's Institute was held in. the Institute room on Tuesday afternoon, June 14th. The hostesses, Mrs. E. W. Rice, Mrs. Spence Irwin, Mrs. Jas. McNaugh- ton and Mrs. Walter Alton, served a delicious dessert prior to the meeting., After repeating the Opening Ode and the Mary Stewart Collect, the president, Mrs. Mary MacGillivray read a suitable poem and conduct- ed the meeting. The treasurer's report was read by the secretary- treasurer, Mrs. Bert Gammie. The roll call was answered by "A resolution I would like to see passed". Reports'on the work shop held in Whitechurch on, June 13 were given by Mrs. Raymond Leddy, Mrs. Bert Gammie and Mrs. George Kennedy. Final arrange- ments were made for the bus trip,' scheduled for June 21st. Mrs. Jas. McNaughton was chair lady for the program which opened with 0 Canada and 'a short sing song with Mrs. Wes Ritchie at the piano. The motto ' "Don't find fault, find a remedy" was ably given by Mrs. Rice. Mrl. Alton read a poem "Our Forefathers". Reports on the District Annual were given by Mrs. Wilbur Brown and Mrs. Alex MacNay. A humorous skit was presented by Mrs. Grace Campbell, Mrs. Bert Gammie, Mrs. Howard Barger, Mrs. Jas. McNaughton, Mrs. Grace Gibson, Mrs. George Ken- nedy, Mrs. Raymond Leddy and Mrs. Spence Irwin. Mrs. Rice favoured with piano solos. The meeting closed with the Royal Anthem. 04040411041N1******************4114141t 4.4t444•414.40111411011414+11041. LOOKING BACKWARDS THROUGH THE SENTINEL FILES WITH MARGARET THOMPSON ••••••4•41••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• OUR APOLOGIES! A number of News Stories were held over because of lack of space. 20 YEARS AGO MAY 1957 Some 800 Girl Guides from other countries were to visit Canada in the summer of 1957 to attend the World Camp at Doe Lake near Sprucefield. Mrs. A. E. McKitn. Lucknow', was busy on a project 60 YEARS AGO MAY 1917 Representatives of the municip- alities interested in the famous West Shore Railroad - Goderich to Kincardine, met in Lucktiow to consider the most recent report on the road by the Ontario Hydro Electric Commission. The Com- mission had reported against the construction of the road and delegates to the meeting decided that it would be better to sell such material as was valuable and abandon the enterprise. The decision of the meeting was another landmark in what was then one of the greatest swindles ever pulled off in Western Ontario. The tov., ns of Goderich and Kincardine and the townships of Ashfield and 1-1.1ron guaranteed bonds of the -,rirnpany in the amount of $400,- elk, The construction of the road 'as commenced in 1908. The money was all spent before the road was half built. With the money gone construction stopped. PAGE TEN