HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1977-06-22, Page 1Ordained
• At Langside
AN.1 1.:,'s BEV FREE): KAY
If f.hc./.t.• is a dr:Man, 41,11. in the .0 .
S10 A Year hi Advance 814 To U.S.A. sod Foreign WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22, 1977 Single Copy 2Sc 24 Pages
Public Meeting Shows High Level Of
Support For New Community Centre
A very well attended public
meeting at the Lucknovv Town Hall
on, Thursday night of last week
gave the Lucknow and District
Lions Club the endorsement they-
were seeking lo proceed With ,the
establishment of a new community
centre in the village, to serve the
needs of Lucknow and surrounding
rural area.
For some time, the Lions have
felt the need of a community centre
for the staging of dances, weddings
and large social events and
For upwards of the past, year,
they have been investigating the
costs of such a new building,
delving into-location, management, -
continued maintenance 'after con-
struction and a variety of other
matters pertaining to the operation
of the building. ,
Over the past few weeks, they
have visited the area municipal
councils to determine their feelings
and .to explain their proposal. The
Lions are willing to spearhead a
fund raising drive to raise the
money, and they would propose to
turn the building over to a
community centre board to be run
-by the area --municipalitires;• who
would share .in the cost of
operation, or profit, as the case
might be.
Stuart Iteavie, outgciing presid-
ent of the Lions Club, chaired the
meeting last week and presented
their findings to date.
Xfter looking at a number of
buildings, the Lions concluded that
the best structure for their require-
ments, and for the money, was an
all steel building manufactured by
Gohcon Ltd. of Dundalk. A repres-
entative of the firing--"Dtiticari
Goheen, was present at last week's
Proposed site for the new
building would be at the rear of the
Caledonian Park, in the south-west
corner, 'in the ski hill area.
. The proposal called for the,
levelling of the park hill to create a
building lot and parking area for
about 200 cars.
Approximate cost, completed,
would be .in the area of $150,000.
The builciing would be 06 't.y 140
and 9,;(1tticl omnio(!;itc ',bout 50(1 Prop e Su mer Day C re Centre
. •
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R',-*CreLljOn (''..,11111.)11iVt. Will not I he ~iris ha% v rneetmg
Retires As Lucknow School Princip
Stuart E.' Collyer, with his wife
Kathleen. • are pictured at the
retirement party at the Lucknow
Central Public School on Sunday.
Friends. fellow teachers, former
students and members of the Board
of Education took the opportunity
to wish Stuart and Kay well in their
retirement. Stuart has been prin-
cipal of Lucknow Central Public
..ondar\ Lduca-
as oblini.c1 at Cariboo
K.tinloops, B.C., and the
Universit:, of British Columbia,
Vancouver. His theological educa-
tion was received at KnOx College,
ToNwto from which he graduated
Ma' • 1,. 1')"
Alt,:r almost years in the
'business community ; Mr. Kay.
entered upon studies leading to the
Christian Ministry. During the past
thrcc years he has been the student
rninisiel to the Whitechurch and
Langsidc Presbyterian congrega-
tions, He takes up his appointment
to Kitimat, British Columbia Sept-
ember 1st.
Mr. Kay is married to the former
Janet Isobel Graham of Brampton,
Ontario. They have two children,
Graham, a third year student in the
Faculty of Music, University of
British Columbla and 'Wendy at
Sell Store
At Holyrood
Donald and_Dorothy Murray of
Holyrood have sold their Holyrood
General Store to Winston and
Karen Allen of. St. Thomas.
The new owners will take over
next Monday, June 27th. The store
will close Saturday noon, June
25th, for stock taking.
The Murray family purchased
the store four years ago in April
from John Maxwell. They will
continue to reside at Holyrood in
the former Jack Ackert home, now
the property of Ernest Ackert.
Mr. and Mrs. Allen have a family
of two boys, age 15 and 5, and ,a girl
age 11.
The property was sold by local,
real estate salesman, Warren Zinn.
Gets Promotion
Al Irwin, formerly of this
community, has been named
general manager of the newly
formed Esso , Home Home Comfort
Centre in Victoria, Bk.
A ,4i,d his '. Mary
\iiitlris cor,trui-L, and their
tani ,1‘, ti) the khind on .June
lath tl—n! their home at Colquit-
Lm, l3 ( Al had .been employed
with imperial Oil in the Vancouver
area prior to his recent promotion.
School since 1951 when he succeed-
ed John Donald 'Ross. now of
Pictured with Mr. and Mrs.
Collyer are Richard Moore, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Moore of
Whiiechureh who was top male
student in the grade S graduating
class and received the general
proficiency award at Graduation
Night held Monday night. He
presented Mr. Collyer with an
engraved wrist watch on behalf of
friends and former students. A gift
of money will also he received by
Mr. (WM'S-.
student and daughter of Mr. and
Teresa Murray,. also a grade 8
• .1 ,..on •
rt, •v,
4 ,.."1-,1011!.1 will 1),':.P111
Registration is nc open tol
.Parents and Tots. and
Bronze Medallion classes•
„ te..r Mt.
Nletntrs t tic swim [cam
participate in meets in the
are.:. The pool staff would like le
hear from an\ (qte age., 5-17 who,
would like to belong to the team.
For more information about the
swim team and registration for
other classes see the advertisement
elsewhere in this paper.
Joe Agnew
President Of
Lions Club
On Monday, June 13. Lucknow
and District Lions Club held their
dinner meeting at the Log Cabin
Restaurant. The new officers for
the coming year were installed by
Past District Governor, Grant
The new officers are as follows:
president, Joe Agnew; 1st vice
president. Walter Arnold; 2nd vice
president. Rick Jardine; 3rd vice •
president, Lorne Cook; Lion Tam-
er, Al Hamilton; Tail Twisters, Cliff
Livingston and Bob Markham;
treasurer, Alf Herbert; secretary,
Bill Nelson; directors, Al Gibson,
Tom Helm, Allan Hackett, Bob
Five guests from the Palmerston
Lions Club were in attendance.
Lion Charlie Webster reported
on Lions Variety Fun Night. He
reported a very successful night
with attendance up over previous
Lion president Stu Reavie report-
ed on their meetings with Kinloss,
Ashfield and West Wawanosh
councils in regard to the propo5;bd
communit‘ centre. All three
indicated Tetuan\ e apro‘ al.
Members of the building commit :,
tee had met previously with
Lucknow council which aiso indicat-
ed their support..