HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1930-2-6, Page 1e Advertising it the life of business. If business is good, advertising will make it better. If it is poor, advertising will sitmulate it. Al- utoM invariably the merchant princes have found their way to success through advertising. Renewal Time Renewal subscriptions to The Signal are coming in fast, and the 1930 t•ahn- dare are going out fast. As the supply of calendars is Iinlited, we would ask those who desire 'one to menti in their renewal. promptly. All;HT1'-TI1IIllr YEAR, NI). 6 GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, I'EBRUARY 6, 1930 TIIE SIGNAL 1'ItINTiNI; CO., IyMITICD, Publishers G. C. 1. COMMENCEMENT CHURCH NOTES INTERESTING EVENT AT MACKAY HALL Principal Hume Reviews the Rec- ord of a Year of Many Successes The Collegiate Institute commence- ment exercises took place before large! aadlentcs in MacKay Hall on Thur,. -I day and Friday evenings of last week, the hall heing well filled' on both nights. An interesting program wee presented, those taking tart be- ing with few exeep4lona pupils of the school. The prograte opened with two chord noes t, the pupils, "Men of Harlech" and "Awake with the Lark," conduct- ed by Mr. Douglas Campbell. Tire ,nerd dative was gracefully 1 executed by Mie. Mona Harrison, and this %a• followed by a duet, "Come to the Fair," by Miss Ruth Bunt and Mr. It•g. Fisher. As an ;more the, vocalists wing •'Juanita." Something hew it Galeria' was the "gerund.'building," In which about a { dozen heye took part under the direc- tion of Mr. D. 1. H111. With some of the larger bays for a base, and light -1 er te,ys standing on their shoulders, a human structure was raised that The wceting of the Yon11g People's Society of North street United church' :sill Lt held on Monday eveuing, rote i ruary 10th. Mrs. Andrew will epeak ou "Finns In Canada." The News of the Town Services 1n Knox church will Ile' Real Estate Bales conducted by the mlulater, Subjeete , The residence of the late Mr.. J. W. of sermons: 11 a.m., "The Power of 1lauattcr on N'aterhu street has been the Keys:" 7 isle. -"High T'Ittking."' purchased by Mr. and Mrs. Tho• as- Sabbath er•h.ol and Bible classes at X11'ultt•r+. I Ml•s Dorothy vi -ss•,o i, %!siting d } tui invitee everyone interested toll REEVE OF BRUSSELS GODERICH HOCKEY IS WARDEN FOR 1930 .t. (. liate.rr Has Haat bung and Stteeesshtl \lnnieipal Career 1 Mr. A. C. Mocker, Reeve Of Itrusacls.l WAS the choice of tbe Huron county _ council for Warden for the year 0. Mr.. ltaeker had the distinction Wednesday Night's Wm Gives of being elected to the Wardens 193� Them Championship of chair without a coutest. The newly -I 0. B. A. Group elected Warden has ba( a ling mune kipsi career, having been flat elect- i ed to the council of ltrusselu seventeen Gottlerich intermediate; are chem. years ago. lie served 115 councillor for pious of group No. 11 of the Ontario right years and for the }asst nine years Hockey Association series by virtue hr of their 1-0 victory over Seaforth at - PERSONAL MENTION Hospital Anniversary The Woweu's Huspllul Auxiliary of I Alexander Marine anti General hos- friends at London, visit the hospital on Saturday alter - noun, 'February 15th, to (*Ochre re fifth uuniversury 4.f the opening of hospital. Tem, will be served and Runs will be shown through the stunt fou from 2 30 t 5 ''1 Birthday gifts wilt.lo gratefully re-' s Yuut I) W. F. Clank Is vieitI hl gutter- of Turunt"• daughter, Mlsa Ketta' Clark. at Toledo. formerly of Goderich township, has' Mas. J. Ilayes is visiting her daugb• Purchased the restdeuce on Bruce ter, Mrs. 4Capt. ) ', W. Maclklnald. at street formerly occupied by Mr. and Sarnia. 3 o'clock. I Mtr. siting s The services at Victoria street United church next Sunday will be conducted by the pastor, Itev. Gordon Butt. Sermon Mubjects: morning. "Death or Life;" eveuing, "The Chris Hutu and 111s Possessions." At the February meeting of the Altar Society of St. Peter's church of- ficers were elected as follows: I'reel dent. Mrs. John Hussey; vice-pree dent, Mrs. G. Plante; secretary -treas- urer, Mrs. 3. B. Reynolds. "How may we know our limita- tions rend how may we reach them?" 1s the topic for the Men's Club at North street ('ritel church on Sun - any next. at 10 a.m. It will d* intro- duced by Mr. J. P. Hume. B.A. At the Baptist church next Sunday the pastor, Rev. W. T. hunt, will preach morning and evening. Sermon subjects: 11 a.m.. "A Nom.. Father's Decision and Challenge.:" 7 p.m., -The Wheat and the Tares, or the Problem of Wickedness." Blble s -hoof at leachesd to the ceiling of 11* staged10 a.m. The pyramids took various forms -- and the diffleult acri4oatie work per-' formed. with apparent ruse and un-; BRIEF'S atudlwt grace. wade an exceedingly interesting null sometimes thrilling', exhibition. A later number In the pro- gram was an exhliltlon of tumbling, by the boys, who perforated teats that wuuW qualify them for a eireoa degree of the first class. • The girls bad their tarn in a spirited tan!Te7lL -dibced itp lour matdenisitrt appropriate costume, and again in an exhibition of mtmetlas by twelve girls, Rile being a series of exercises Im- ytglTtiy tore- motions of Tart/stet aporte. A quartette in costume -Misses Naomi McDermid and Ruth Bunt. Messrs. Allan I'entland and Reg. 1.1sb- er- sang a series of national airs. Principal Ilume conducted the pres- entation of diplomas and medals, pre- fneing this with an address In which be reviewed the results of the Inst year'n work In the school Ind re- counted with pardonable pride the varlona sutieessets won by G. C. 1. students. It was indeed a year of achievement. in Venentage of pupils who were successful in the Depart- mental ezaminatluta the G. C. L ranked 1Irst among tbe seb,s,ls of the county. No fewer than eleven of last pear's students are attending Normal Schou and five have entered) upon t'piversity courses, three a1 London Tine scholarship offered by sthe vUniversity of Western Ontario for Mimi county was won by' $jw Catherine Crawford. All three of the Carter scholarabtps for Huron cuunty were won by G. C. 1. pupils - the first by Miss Helen Zavltz, the second try Miss Catherine Crawford and the third by Mies Catherine Sale. Mies Zaritz was ntso the winner of the Dr. Strang scholarship and the Peter Adamson s•holarshlpi were won as follows: Middle scbad-1st Evelyu Dean. 2u41 Margaret (;roves; lower 'wheel Lather Mcllwaln, 2nd Alex. MacVicnr. Altogether G. C. 1. students lust year won scholarships to the value of $535. in the field of sports also the whop' was eminently successful. (If the six chief trophies °fiend for competition at the Inter -salad field meet last fall five came to 11e G. C. 1. In this con - section Mr. Hume paid a tribute to Mr. 11111, the school's physical instruc- tor. for the splendid work he is .:•r ing In this department. The second part of the program sax a three -net play, "Leave it to Dad." in %Meeh the various rely, weretaken by Stcn rt Ferguson, Ethel ('trek, Dorotby Aliett. William 'l'hontaon, Jean Abell, James Sulberhutd. Alma llowctl and William Barrow. This, ova '•h , erly ticteol. and showed that some itf the stutk•uts are developing' bletrl,nle talent In a marked degree. The orchestra .'ndrleted by Mr. D. Major dlacourecdl excellent music at - intervals In the 'urogram. The arlom- *tt1ste of the evening were Jean' •M. -IMnald, Howard Young end Mr. Donets% Campbell. All who took part in the pr„earn and the members of the aunt' who 411 reetcd the vnrtoux sunders are to he entlgretnlntcl epee presenting :111 ell ter uinwett so Whore -ding; and st well ,srricl out front beginning to end. FULL LIFE OF ROAD MACHINERY Manhfarturell in liodcrirh by the 'Dominion Road Machinery ('o. ' 'f'ie •factory and 'drive of the Dom-, halon Ronde Machinery Co. of +;o ere. lob are *Ittatcl at the corner of East' street and 1',tnrbrtt road, where machinery I. matlutnetarerl in tract every requirement 111 the roh•ir;frtbm and maintenance 41f mad+. This inl•Ihh(IP' ismer maintainers, large and small grader. crawler tractors. atone -crushers. elevators. gravel bins, screens of n11 alae, and makes suitable tor c,nlrnctors and for muntcipm1 purposes, plush scrapers, i wheel ,miler+. drag lines, street sweepers, etowplown, pick ilei%r., Can-, atructlou plows, spa•.' Every nrtlele to eaten, .ted nhJer the anperviaion of papyri and ixla•r- iened mwhenlra. anti nil a re 'ld nn.ier a guarantee to he as represent ed. Any part found dcfeet1ne In mater- 1 nal or workmanship %III he replaced! free of rhnrge on the retnrn of sante to the heed office at GoderICh. Anyone intervene' In rood machin cry Is Invited to visit the factory wblie In Gederieh. The local sale* raprosentattre Is ' . I. ,lappa. Gnderich. 'rhe Ladle.. AM et Koox .hurt' will hold their annual high tea on Mareh 18th. Valentines from nue to ten cents. Wide assortment, Campbell's Deus Store, Goderich. A euchre and dance under the aus- pices of the Canadian Legion glon arill_�oe held in the Oddfellowe Hall on Fri- day evening, February loth. Ticket. 50 cents. --A---stuathPP---ef-l-he mcaelnrnF lioderfeb Rebekah Lodge were at 1'liut.n last Friday night assisting Its the Instituting of u Rebekah Lodge hl that town. The degree staff of the loc. al lodge conferred the degrees upon the candidates. To Comers of the'Yu-kum-tit ('lth,-- We will hold a hand-tlmee euchre and dance In tbe Legion rooms, Brit- ish Exchange hotel, on Monday. Feb- ruary 10th. instead of Wednesday. February 12th. All are requested to he In hand -tines apparel. Remember. cards start at R o'clock sharp The famuua ,itlrunawk•k Trio of London will present a program in Mrs. Ralph Graf, and will come to 1;'slerleh to reside. Victoria Heise and School Club The Victoria Houle and School club will bold their- atonal birthday party un Thursday, February 130h at t, p,.w., In tate kiudergarleu ri.,tn It will le. greatly appreciated by the members If all introits would try tt atteut.tli. meeting, It beteg u favor able opportunity to meet the prlu: i dal and the tenehers whose wort, me:Ws so Minch to the future prosper- ity of the children. A goal earful time Is prowlaed for all. Below Zero This Meaning A cold dip developed last night and the colt/t..4 weat'e•r of the .season was reported tilts 1'1'humility t morning, when according to the uffielal weetb• rt• observer for •;,nlerieh. Mr. J. 11 Mute's the therwumcter registered seven degrees helots zero. This is the first below -zero weather Goderich Inas had thio wluter. The readings fur the past week were as follows: Max. Min. Thursday, January 30 22 ' t► FYldas. January 31 23 19 Saturday, .February 1 25 17 Sunday, February 2 2b ' 20 ridundal;-rebruary-S _ 2n 2Y Tueeday. February 4 31 23 Wednesday, February '3 27 3 Mr-. John Keun', of 1)etnrit, is visiting her parepts. Mr. .not Mrs. M. J. Bowler. Miss Margaret Strang. of Toronto. spent the week -end with. her mother aud sister here. Mrs. Gibbons. of Detroit, 1. spend- ing a week with her parents, Mr. and Mr.. It. Brennan. Mrs. James 11111, of Staffs, visited at the home of her won; ' Mr. 1). 1. 11111, the past week. Miss Nellie Colborne has returned to Toronto after a visit with her mother, Mrs. J. II. Colborne. t Mrs Lehman Woods. Of Guelph. was q week•end visitor at the hotter of Mr'. Wm. Price. Elgin urenue. • Mrs. Thomas Lyon, .,f I.atolesb oro, etas the guest of Mrs. Thus. Wootton. Huron road, over the wt -eek -end. Mise Grace Redmond. of Atiburet sprat the weektud with Mr. and ' Mrs. John A. Chisholm, Bruce street. Miss C. A. Polley left this week for Toledo, Ohio, where she will epeud several weeks with her sister, Mrs. Wm. Major. Mr. H. D. Cameron. of I.uckiiow, the 1 the! vis- iu- ceiscl. A Friendly Note [ram Will Cinema The followlug pleasant wrs•.ige mints 1.1 the editor front Mr. 11'. 1. ('lura-. a Goelerlcb old Loy who for Many eater: ha• re•si414•11 turd .oud1101rd . business ut St. lams, Mo•: "Encloser' ideas.. find cheek fur r;• newel. Always delighted to read 't current events ayd personal new, which are ux,st htlensthtg to o1 torn and ruisal iu Goderich and ye away now close to forty yttars. 'fru yearly subscription set•tus very smut; h, coup/Mete; wish tit pleasure 4•1, Jnytd each week from your spleteltd paper " ' Water and Light ('etarniasion At the inaugural meeting 'f the %Ater awl light c,wwltslou for 111341. W. T. Murney was again elected ohalrnau for the year. The regular meeting, of the 441111 1111..1011 will be; held at the town hall on the second and fourth Thursdays of the mouth., TEAM VICTORIOUS IN SEAFORTH GAME baa been in town this week in the at . o'clock p.m. It was decided to 1n - Interests ,pf the Retail Merchants'' sure for public !lability, . pr.ls•rty 1 Association.damage. collision and fete on the 1 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Shields and motor took recently purchased by the; MOMM- Ge4144--end- Mi. aped Mrs 148rUl.hr;,n,ul...i,.., e,. pileati.., Baia -b'.. Alnslle. of Detroit, visited} relatives C. N. it. for a 414-mn11d meter oto the! la Goderlch at the weekend. lighting service wa. grauted. -.The Mearns E. and ft. Mct'artttr, ort-- -4111-e,-Mittestee-fritte tins rin.et:.le1:;-J Petoskey, Mlch, have been cl.Itbng at Keltrepresented the •o mmisalon1 the home of Mr. and`Mrs. R, J. Phe!- at the mann! meeting of the .\wocia-1 am and leave today for Florida. • tion of MutdciIwl Eleetrkal '1'tilltIes Mr. and Mrs. ticnit F. Altkeir base, h'ld at Toronto last Week. returned to their Jnue at Hood River. -- -- Oregon, after a stilt of several week. Mr. Hart -lien in Business For Himself at the home of Mr. Aitken', parent -.The people of Galeria' and visit Mr. and Mn. J. L. Aitken. Ity will take notice that Mr. V. plat Mr. It E. Smith 1+ in the Mnrit}me • risen has atart.dl t1 Mwiless (..r him Province., fu the interests of the, self to the old stand of the 4,nk els h Doml,lun Road Mitchinery Co., and Belnty Shnppe on the north aide of Mrs. Smith Ware.' 011■, Saturday b. West ,t reef 1oppsite the p,+toffa• h' mead a week ..r two at I)efr'It. � Mr. llareisou 118.1 been Mr. F'. To de's The mauy friends of Mrs. 1G,bt, uaslstant for the -pato four years. He Standish will t.e. pissed to learn will carry u►t the amines* of ladles' that she 1■ uow able to le up and • and gentlemen's hair dre'asing and about the house after her recent would to pleased to it.-ele a share et serime; illness. She had been c,nftucl Ile public pittronege. to her tied for nitre weeks. The'tamuty parlor has been taken Missies Nora Horn and Flerete'e•' over by Miss Edna (itmpbell, an ex - Wiley. of Mitchell. were guests of i'erien(wl lady hair -dresser. She 'e a Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Litt at the week- gr:oblate of Detroit Setidol of ('ustge- end. At the Sunday .evening service (!dens and first-class service is In North street United church Mls' guarnntc•d In all kinds of. beauty Wiley assisted the choir and rendered culture, For appdntwe•nt+ telephone, a solo, "Hold Thou My Hand." 536. Miss Olive Mo:Nee, after spending a ------------- month - =- -- month with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bitten by Vicious Dog Jas. McNee, left on Friday for To \Ir Chits. Ranee has a badly ionto, !I not there joined a party of marked face, the result of an attack 1'. friends with whom she 1. now 4/0 the a slog while hr was on his rands as way to Tampa. Florida, to attend the Insurance colic. for 401 1>10.4141y merit - remainder of the winter. The trip is le- , ung. Ile had just made n call end w•a' leaving the house when a 1•0lll,' dog Ing made by automobile. Mrs. 11. T. Allard and two children., Jumped at him and grabbed. his nose late of Chicago. are visiting at the and iip in Ills teeth. The wounds re- bottle of Mos. Allard's father, Mr. J.; !wired medical attention. The dog! R. Bedford. After n visit of two or which le -aid to !chug to the people three weeks here, Mrs. Allard will; .•f the 11011'4• at Which Mr. ltnm'e Wes join her husband in Vau.ourer, where; calling. ha• since 'men captured and they expect to make their home for j is held by the pollee until it It de - a few months, later settling to Seattle., diel what disposition Is to be mask' Wash., permanently.' of it. The dog Inns a had reputation, ----- -_-- having on other..n'atelons. 1t is said, WE AIT TRY •town a cici,na temper. There- have! TO DEBERVE THIS 1.0..11 litany eomplah.ts about the none' leer .If seemingly vngalwm41 .kbgs about teen, 111111 it thinning nit would net Atong the reward.+ of editorial do any loran anti tconld hxsem the wolor is the ,.&fldunul' letter of 111. 1111 111(1.1' of attacks such as tint of proval from :111 appreciative leader. which Mr. Ranee wa- elle ,tctim. Such a letter came hi our mall this Public School hoard week fr..n, Mrs. Chas. ill', Doty of Thr regular meeting of the piton, Toronto, formerly l of Gndetteb, mid in % oa o l board w. held on Motor 1 brier' tint 1ho rsurrocl c' iufribintrs"Aftpnn,nn, .W11 11 '1'rustddi Person, whoni she 111s•utluus may elute 111 11„.:s'•lutirmnnl, Thole -on. Curt, Nafte•I. 1'nrrk' end WiBnce present. plenatte of tlppreelatiutt we take t..,' She pnlnoipwal of 1'eutrnl srhonl re Ifla'rfy of publishing the letter hi full -ported for the mewl. of January: "Enclowsb find postai note for two! Boys 1111 roll. 1112; girls, 97 -total 1119 I Ilnrs 19rrerfltg 'nr .ub.rrlpblon fur' Average 1111414111 114‘. logs, 92.4 sa y Brad-" The .tfieers of-Saltford Sunday school were mach pleased to receive the following note from Mr. George E. Morris of Lethbridge. Alberta, ad- dressed to Mrw, W. eanderwn: tress urer ',f the school: I "Lear Mrs. Sanders,u,-I as • pleased to read in The G.derl•h Sig- ual that Saltford S lay school 1• progressing. Let the good) work eon- ' done, keeping t1 mlud the tact that while a great many, like myself. are apt to let the affairs of a imsy Iffe eruwd out sone of the worthwhile teachings of early home and Sunday MacKay Hall next Tuday, F'ebrunry ""` '� ""` "` •e,e seraa sown es 11th. The pn teens will be in aid of die out entirely. The enclosed very the l;oderleh 1,Ions Club Frlppled 'mall ehdtue is sent with the best chlldrene fund. Tickets at 50 ventswishes ..f a 1/111•11of half-n-eetoury each Inc for sale at Code's hook ate' store, Campbell'+ drug store and Dun lop's drfe store. OBITUARY MILS. JAMES A. GLEDHILi. The death oceurrg1 at Toronto on Wednesdal. January 29th. of Lydia Fisher, wife of James A. Gledhill, in her eighty-first year. Deepened was the daughter of the late J. J. Fisher of Colborne township. well known in his day a* au importer of thorough- bred English horses. Her husband Is a brother of Mr. Thomas Gledhill of town and also a former resident of Colborne towteadp. The funeral took piece on Monday to Mount Plea•nnt cemetery. Toronto. J1. C. JOHNSTON Hugh Conley Johnston. for the Inst twenty years a resident of Saskatoon, who diel Jnnttary 14th after a short Illness at his home, 321 Fifth avenue. In that efty. was laid to rest in Wood lawn cemetery after a server In Mc- rhns'l at which !ter. .1. a. 'Mi,iKenrl.• offklatcl. Mr. Johnston w:l. Imre ,It I}Illevafe. in this comity. snot w•oe+ n resident of Gonlerleh for n time before going to tie West many years ago. 11e Is survived by lila wid- ow. Mrs. Catherine Johnston. two brothers. .1. •'. Johusfnn, of 8tak810011. nu.I Janie. Johnston, of Chleago. and two slaters. Mra. Ben. tenets, of G od- erich. and Mrs. W. C. Ernst, of Toronto. MRS. It)1tEIIT JOHNSTON Mary Ann Ilnmiltnn, widow of the late It'.hert ,1,tutstn. passel ,1w•(ty- nt the home of her son. Mr. John Johns - ten. Nee -anti! street. 111 Sunday, Feb- ruary 2nd. in her eighty-second year lkeensed had beet In ill -health for the poet fotir years. She was bent in 1'olls,rne township and resided there she greater part of her lif'. She liverd for fotir years at Auburn and for the past fnnr year. she ha! made her home with her amt, Mr. John Jehnstout. ' tf I wir;'Iterintabnnd predeceased her thirty-five years and she Is stirrived' by her only son, Mr. Johnston. of t;onlerh'h, and. one sister. Mrs. Elite 1 teeth Beckwith. of Tnr.tlo .t private: funeral service. V011111114 041 115 Iter. 1' F. Clarke. woos Mold 011 Ttn•.dny after noon and Interment wit. he Colborne cemetery. The Imlflenn•r were George llarnllh•1i, fins. Beadle. 11'. James lobttston and Minim Pall r. Those' present"at the funeral from n distance; were Mina Elim Hamilton ,nal Mr Lionel Hamilton. of }Lases. . SPRC1Ai. OPTICAL NOTICE Here Pair eyes examined he mit well-known end peinateking special- ist. Mr. ilugh'nn, formerly n11 ie:11 ex- Pert for Kent., Toronto. anti Henry Morgan k Co., Montreal. "Shirty years' expellent, nineteen years coming to faierieh. Von are asntred of the belt apneal work to he ohtalnedl and et very moderate slain. We- furnish all the late !tyle of mounting*. the belt make of the beat makers, and tett prices are from 34.00 up. Thursdny. Friday, 1rM'sary 13, 14. SMITIi'S� ..RT MINORS, Oederlcb. Mr. Murrls enclosed n ehwlne for $10. North Street W. M. S. At the February meeting of the N. M. S. of North street Coital +dowel. held Monday e(teruoon, a program .of unusual interest was giv- en. The suhjeet was, -Church Union In Seut1; owl." Mr.. ltamilton by means of a diagram revieweal in a moat in- teresting manner the history of the Scdtlsh rhumb from the time of its inception to 1899 to the Dlarnptlon of 184.'3, showing the reason for each division that took place. Then step by step she showed how events l.1 1111 to the partial union of 1900 and to the practically unanimous union of Oc- tober, 11•:9. Mhaa Mary Itotertson gave a splendid address on "From n Woman's Standpoint." recounting the Impressions of one of thirty' women who were privileged. to he present at the union ceremony in St. (Mee' .church. Miss Bailie gave an impress- ive address. on "What the Union Meant to the Youth and Children of the Church." Mrs. Hetherington read ■ • .Merlon from Muel.are'n's "The Days of Atilt' Lang Syne." stowing the intense love of the Scottish people for the home, which, however, wast Is. given 1111 for conscience' sake. Th., Steeling w -es closed willi,tht' IMxo'rg, and prayer. Large Audience Ifiers May The Kingsbrldge Drametle Club. giving the three -act enme.dy, 'The Dutch Detective." in Ma 'Kay Hall on Tnesdny evening, was gr.etetl by a bumper house. the audtenee pvcrflow•- Ing Into the vestlhule of the hall. The play, which centred around the do - Riga of an nnthttto(1a but amntenrl.h detective, was full of humorous sit- uations anti gare the andien -e plenty of laughs. The eiesl, the members of which all titled their parts wPll, w•;ts ss !ollows: Ambrosia McCarthy. queen of t1,• larch counter Miss Gertrude ((Connor: Jnbo Gmbh, the pollee force of Spllnterville---Mlehnrl Foley: Otto Schmitz. the Dubh i eteetive-- tndre,w Martin: '\resoluta Sonrdrnlrs, who lose! her tlaho but finds ennaol- ut111 ,'lw'tvh're-Mias'k,rtlly O'Neill: .% ureet0. cat and his bride, Gladys !boater Coo. an eloping entple `-Thom- i a. Ilownnl and Mins 'Aortal,' Moyers: I'Innk .11rli••k and Hnrten-s- Smatter,, two e,e71pnel !mintiest --Innen. Sullivans ttlti Miss Thelma McIntyre; Katrina Kant. from Ilnmiltnn 1'Ity-111sa' Ger(rnde Foley; Meijer flannital Howler. who seeks vengennee upon the noun with whom his dnnghter hn' el.pll Roy Meyers. +Before the play MIMI Aileen lhiprh• ler favors. the audience with piano !elections, rind between nets tongs; were given by Rev. M. Sullivan of j f4linton. Mr. Itnym ind Dalton and Mr. Andrew Martin and the anllnr trio, Metter*. Martin and Dalton Find 1St. Frnynr. Mita Martina Mosey played, the ncenmpinitnfnt*. At the rnndu- tion of the program Mr. J. J. Hayes, In behalf of the Alter Sor•iMy of St. Peter's church, under whole antpleee the play wan presented, In a few w.11ehmten word% expreswel nppre- elatinn of the large attendance. 1930. 1hiw g.wil 'fie Signal 11Iwnyt L Klrl. -h.tal Iw;a, or tgt.0 p1r cent i l eft+} 11:nik deptalf., 1$411.1117.34r i s The editorial. me excellent. Toe' The grin, !pill of Alt -toritimitred rq have 1141 Iden how retell Influence yon ; tarred : Boss on roll, 172; girls, 174- exert. another Stomal feature I+ the total, :NO;. A% erne.. atPada nee -1:4 canton found nn the editarilit ;Nov. Mays, girls u,tatl, 1, 4..r1.58.2.per +enf. p d any Ita1.1 delsi,its. .0 `''e always enjoy Mrs. ('nrrie'-! The eliniouti et the 144.111101 tnan• ktters when she goes abroad and agement committee reported that fisc' shares with it, the delights of travel chllanai front the county Children's i think The show grow, better Steiner Mere ntteudlnw Victoria school all anti1 nsklthe Iwrard f.. deal w•Ith ole the time. There 11115.• Ia•en- mph 1141 1.1 11 I'•r of•d rhurgl11K-nwldent fess. articles during the past year or two. 1i. misted also test only ane other f Particularly enjoyed the one 00 non re.ltient {ntpil 8.11'. n1Ici Ihhl t'ic- (•ol. Van Egmont!, 1 dlatinrtly n•: t'rin nrh,nel aud Iturt til+ 1(1111 wn' paying 1he rt•gnlxr fes of *3 n wonlh. member his 5011. Mr. Edward Van F:e I'hcm avec uo non resident pupils 11t mond, t he tole whc was , horn in Centpi1 es•heot. Russia during the tames( from Mt. ' The secretary was Instructed to env. tie used lo vitt el the haute of write the intik aehel acoria of 1 my arnmdfnther and ins then an old Stretford. Walkerton and other leaven ; to nsrertaln the prnetl•e P. to collet- man of ninety-two or three, I 011011 141 tion of non•n•ddcut feear for owes fnpp,.e. from the County Shelter. '1,a1'ely there linve been fine coteThe heard aweph•d un ht'itsttlon trihnl1 1' frim Mr. Elliott ;Intl also from the VIrtorin !tome and Scheel Club to attend the Clolis 8nnw11 loin le from Mr. ('line. Healy. They always day party, to he held Thurakty even call ne idensnlut rendniecences. Mr Ing. Febrnary 13t11. Henle Is au.•h an enthn.laatle •old boy.. The Geilerich Wotnt,ti's Institute is he red!' lb el'eme 141 -hate carried sent n cheque for $3O trvan!e'tM' ant - Into the workaday world so ninny we. n(•knowledgtl elth thanks.nry of the mtt'icel hlstruct;r. lads lm1ey memories of hl! boyhood. The chairman of the finance roan- "Excne thio lengthy carafe, hut' nits,.' rnper(cd on estimated receipts we want yon' to know how much ire and expenditures for the year. fuel apwe gte The Si al." a "lotion was mewed asking the pion council to levy the stun of 422,14*) for the pwtrpwsem of the board for 1930. The regular sleeting of the W.('.T.1'. 1 Thlu Is nit Inrrense of $1.000 over IoM will 1.4. held at the home of Mrs..1 11. I year's levy. Colborne. Rt. Patrick's street. 4111 Thia rnn,iutied ilu• hnalnrss 41 the Mondeo. Fehnitry 10th. at 3 p m. meeting. 'rs totd•u !tette. t+elug sicca.! ... , revers hip each year by *eeIIitatlon, the Seaforth rink -on Wednesday even - Mr. ltaeker wits 'born in llrusaels i11 MK. This was n. replay of the game 1874, icing r run of )Ira. Barker and Played at Seaforth on Tuesday of he late /:e lege Busker. Ile ha, leen last week, when the score was a tie. a llldlong resWetut of Brueci', %'herr 1-1. A capacity crowd of enthu+rlastic fans witnessed the game., Geodetic,'supporters were there in good numbers h, cheer their team on to victory. another hockey special Ming run on the C. N.It. It wall a hard-tonght struggle from is'etudng'. cud. For upwards of fif- ty wiuutes the tw•u teams fought to f g iallt•so draw, which indicate% how evenly matched they were. When play got under way It awed easily lie •.011 that Loth trams Were out to win. Con-equeittly the contest was a fast aur, with first • team and then the ether attsteking and shooting on tete opposing goal. It was a much better exhibition of hockey than the Cllntou and Coderlch teams' provided on- Mon clay night. There was 110 scoring in the first two periosts, although there were some close calls, both • goalkeepers making s'u# senettluual sates. Many of the shu(m on the goals were dead on, A. C. IIAE44ER Warden of Huron County while others were rather 'fluky. and it was jest by sheer luck that neither team scored. The players of both teams produced some nice cone 111L,u nt tlm_ett, _ The final stanza proved to be the most exciting of the contest, with both _el _wise - Oederkb went on the offensive and attacked the Seafirrth citadel repeatedly. About halfway through tete period they were successful in oItntutig a goal, which gave them the game. Joe Lemieux, who had turned. to a brilliant game at centre for GMlerieh all evening, got this ;mounter. For a few minutes after 11ti' the reeforth leain were on their toes and pressed hard for a goal to tie .fe game.. but in the ilial Mon, ents ,'f Ida( the game was pretty well In the Reaturlh end of the rink. .411 the Goderich players turned 11 11 gaol eau* and it would he unfair to nentiou any player In particular who starred. The sane thing might else Is' said of the S;nfurth teen. The credit for the smallness of the sdore should be given to tbe goalkeepers. who played exceedingly well. The referee was A. it. Oliver,. of Galt. and he handed) out eleven pen*, ties for miner offences, Seaforth serv- ing six of these and: Goderieh fire. The line-up: See feet h - Goal, R. McGeoc h : de - [trice, Allan Reid. .1. Hart; centre, iee. O1Brien ; wings, 1. Yungblut, Len- n ie ()Brien; subs, 11. Holmes, F. Wil- lis, Geseho. ti«lerith-Goal, 11. Doak; defence, E. Westbrok, J. Woods; centre, J.. Lemieux; wings, 11. Murney. Geo. Allison; subs., "Rud" Stunly. ikon M'Kny, 1t Stoddart. iteferce- --A. it. Oliver, of (Imit. Group Standing Won lest Tie 4;4alerlch 5 0 1 Seaton lt 3 '2 1 Clinton ± 2 2 •MItih.JI 0 0 0 •Ai1tchell Audi defaulted the remain- ing games in the schedule after play- ing layIng two mntchett with (hoderkh, and r'tt•h of the other tennis. Senferth and Ciliates is credited with two wine. ' he 1s engaged In the grain tiredness 111 l»'ities he is a Conne'rvettre. He la it member of the Brussels United shunt and takes an active part in the varied affairs of the village. Mr. ltaeker has a fanlike° of two (1a1:ghter. and tau .ons: Misses Mary anti Ileki t;eergr_guie Itrusselx, Warden Bneker's mu/detail exper- Ieuce Isms Imes attended with consid- erable success. In the year 1922 the r11Iuige of 11rus.els had u tax rate of furry -fee mills mad there was a de. fielt 4111 the hooks of gt1.IMMr. 10 11(21) the tax rate was only thirty wills and there was a morellos iu the hank e f :)10.000. A ('old Plunge While eutttig holes In the he al the harbor on \I lar afternoon for fishing purposes Capt. Peter MacDon- ald backs) into nue of the holes that he himself hnd• made /11141 went down oltt of sight. F41rtnmtcly Jos. McPhail happened) to be close by and noticing Mr. Maeltonald go down he grabbed a pike pole and hooked it Into his +oat collar and r+aened Ida. It wits certainly n nan% escape, but Mr. ,aeloouuld was cone the wore for h is cold hath. G. l'. I• WIns Two More Two games 'f bnskrtlndll were played at the G. 1'. 1. gymnasluw 4111 Monday evening, one btw.en the 11074' team. . and one het woo!' the girl.' team. of the Goderich and Mitchell 1411oo1s. Roth games were won by • 1., the girls' by they store of 44.211 and the boys' by the saute of 26.111); 1F 11). Thr G. 1'. 1. trams were net follows: hoes --('ins Naflel. center: Jahn Knt•cahuw and Frank Savage; guards: lice Ncwl•.tnbe Mid Allen I't'utland. for,artls; (till harrow, Vigor Ellielr CLINTON-GODERICH GAME and Ambrose Colborne, 1111110. • iris -Evelyn' Dean, cental : \lad cline .to•hesn and Medcllne \ Ifiel. forwards; JeI:sl•' vices!(, Cleta %'a t eon land Margaret Sanderson. 811811 : Irortthy Hurtiey foul 1t,rolhy \1 Frighlalrr Convention \l. --r- 11. to. 8I,'i•tly :aid 1:. l4 Zinn, local salesmen far the Frigl- dnlre, were at Buffalo last week -moil attending the FrIgidulrc annual region nl 4nns.•11t lou w1.1111 wen, held 111 11. \In,-ir ilex '1'11e111r,' un SII tnrd•.ty. '1'114 event cm4lndcl whit a bu11llw't held at Hotel Stotler In the evening. Mr Otto Joloann, of 1Vrnxeter, who is the local district representative for Fri;; Wake, also utas present. Mr. Johns 1 . wa- ems o1 the represent/1W cs,.) 1, i,. 4ei,eft n •n1411 reward nt the withering for ontstandl11g sn1Pm nahh• rm(•11t .1111 lily: 11129. Messrs. Johann, Sturdy x1111 ''/.t•o, a'o were present at at gulher- t11t; „f 1'rigidtaire salesmen held at L,•, 1„n to I rldny Peening. Marine Club Social Tie third social of the s'awnl els,'n by t1* Marine Club wens held in ter tkl.lfellow.+' hall January :41st and a joyl111 evening ars spent hese! ores eat. The first port of (11e evening was !Tent In card pleyln2. ..'bre nu.l five hundred.Mrs. R. Mathes to won the Indl's first prize, n, st AV.,. E. oto fly the rtn+olulion. Mtr- Morris W'c:,er won the gcntlemsn's first VI. e' and Mr. Amos Stewart the cm• sal thin. .4fter fnnoh the flair was cleared and flaming ennui ,•11•ed at,1 we- cnntinned until 3 a.m. All pros ent hada steel time and tis•.!,esti rise Marine ('inb s.n•lnt. the' hest of the season'* troika. Watch fol• the next number' peel Mer the: yon get. your env itefleit Pet' to time: 'flu musi, we- furnished by Mr. Tom Fllln(t ;mel Mt D. else rn. icon.I Ills management of tis. t;hikiree's Shelter acknptbtlerlgea with thniks a lineation of several boxes of eake anti walldwlehsa from the G+nlerieh Mar tm ('Inh. ON MONDAY A TIE Not a Goal Scone! in (:setae flayed en Clinton ler ' Not n a .11 w^1' so•nred 1u the O. 11. t. :etermedhte game staged At the Chil- ton arenas ,'n Monday night, when lite 1 uwlerl.h and Clinton -teaume played for ninety minutes ht once of the most evenly -notched c.ntc'fs o1 the se0M+o1. Tl i wns the second overtime tie game the Ioegisohnd played this pear, the prey oua gator toeing with Seafort11 nn Tuesday night of lest wcek, when , the ' genre WW1 1.1. 79ic' rink wn' 111041441 V.! 11' honk. • 11'111141ets. Who witnessed it clCan lively genie .d • l ,i.Cy. 'The conic- a .tttrastci (Iver Ile hundreel Gofier',c 1 fans. IV011 on two hundred I. i':•l•n, made tie trip on a special t- N. R. train. while ul:toy tatter, %ant sy ,ni•omt`,dr. Tim Name commented about R::o u 'clo'k, after the :rr•r1a1 a'1 rhe Geol. erbeh trnln. The (linen! pdnycra went - Into the eontr4-t .11.ru sitesi tt will. R. thiel' r011 !IMO 4,111t `:11t tb.;r ri,nittot 1011 'len. ILe o Iter 1tr-grm,p hotior•. t1 the first leriod piny a ,s pretty evenly divided 811l1 there w.,r nn penaltlee. lb the second frame t 1,1.,t0rs a:o -1 tit' • Lt.., _- . •e. .I Wetels, ,'r the li.aterk•l• ire up dr, x De firs. penalty- of t'•e t e ' 1 in fl,lt 1 wld41le sttinza for n 11111 tilt Offen 4 R41111z1r.g that Gales' '1 h • '. my fi • r , men on the Ice Clinton pressed hard, Imo the', necks Were Ineffcetive. .1. "Elliott drew Clinton'. first max' e near the cone of the period. A. the 1 ' 11 lose• , Ixt.,1 C1:•.•ell rochee11 tomo nice tomhlnnllon, hitt the r- v4 fp I....! 1) inter, el.:,4 by t le Gnderieh rwtyt, who checked cense , fM• h si (ieb to :n bud ,, cal n e than^ec (" •"urn to obs+ p.tIod w1 n tlo•y slut lulu Cliutou 5.,.1 y. 1.1t their. failure to TIMkp .nil !M at •.1•44. right time spooled the a„catvenesa •.t h, 'r Puerta, The pleserM W(?4.4 r d1 is, mix things at till. tinge' .f the game, hurt Referee Oliver a Is prompt to notle"e the tusslee end the offender, a trip h, lit pens y (Continue' on 11. re MI