HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1930-1-30, Page 7A.'
. •
"I think Lvdia l::. tet::kh:,m's
Vegetable Comis,. .1 I. w.'.1.:..,..!
I have had six childra: e1 which hof
are Itvtng and my young:.t as a bon-
nie baby 'soy now eight n•untfn nal
who weighs 23 pours.!.. I lo:vc tab:to
your medalist lecture each of them
was born and have ccrtau.ly re.
ccived great benefit from it. I uric
my friends to take it as 1 am ►ure
they will receive the .:, ane help I .L.I."
-Mn. Mitten V, `•:,1,1;, l'uxssa,
Lydia E, Pinkham's'
Vegetable Compound
P.'.114“. M.4. t... tr.. Mao' Y I. e.
.•e C,...,,.e.t.,. C.,,4r -
The Leading Men's Store
Everything that's new
in Men's Wear
Hosod- Toilorifss and
Special Order to Your
County and District
_ The death of lienry Rpm, of Mc-
Killop township, occurred January
loth, in his fifty-fourth year. One
son and three daughters survive, his
,vire having pretlr'euMtI hlw.
Thomas Sampson, u former reed -
dent of lundPslwru, died in l'uluwrs-
ion hospital on January 1:1th. In his
00y -eel. year. 11e was section (ort-
olan tar Hooey years on the G.T.R.
and C.N.R. at Londe"bora before be-
ing appointed ruadwuster at l'alw14r4-
luu five yours ago. •
The funeral of Mrs. I. Swill'. who
;1t...•d away In 1.1111duu hospital 00
January 19111, took (.lace to Brussels
141tu•u•ry 011 the 2Ist. The 014,1,491
W116 a sister of Mrs. Jobe M,ttitao,trry
of Winthrop and duugeter of Mr.
elute -tar, who. resides wilb Mr. cud
urs. Muutguwery.
Dr. Janco. Rogers, formerly of
ltrueefleld, died at hie home at For -
face badly burned, .orae gasoline Rost
u guaolin.• trrrcb squirting ou h14 fuer
nd Igull big.
Itis'. Juan Scott. retired Winkler ..t
the former 31e11o.IIst Church, wire
oiled rt'.eully ut Vitucouver, It. 1'.. wus
INDIAN WHALE HUNTERS rale has bccu appointedagent 441
Myth, in succemiou to Wm. Stinson,
Open 1Jtt4 - Out Canoes Soon to Be retired. He will commence his duties,
Abandoned.ere February let.
The real truth about haw the "In- Alexander Elliott,. son of Yr, and
dlan Whale Hunters of Vancouver1I"• J. U. It• Lrlliutt of Illy Hl, who
(:land" killed ennrmues whales from fisc the last tluee ear+ had bees uu
pen dun; oue cedar canoes atter ela- hr staff of the •llnhk' of L'owm14re ul
borate c •re:uonles indicating that I•:xeter, has beent:uis(rrnd he St.
whale hunting was a 14g-estanllehed raltlurines, where he will fill the
p'-ac'Ice soon to be entirely abandon- lrrsltlon of teller in oue of the city
ed le Its pr mitive form by the in- I,rauehes
flaps. amus a large 'audience ea At the anneal ut te•liug of the:Myth
ktittwi, u1 Wing uu. living a oat- he National Museum of Canada, Ot- 1lertfeullurol swd.ty, boa. 11,4t week..
;‘I.. of Morris t wesillp. Ile served.served.1u •awa, recently. the fullow'hig ofncers were ele•tel for
he al:tuitu,.tt toil Sask 44 heeali Cone Mr. Douglas Ie•,•ehman, of the an- HMO:: 11uo. presidents. T. .1. Ilu,•k•
'creno, of h•1ud
i. 1110., u. after re thrnstaff pologlaal staof the 11111141.11r.1.. :InI
:hp, M. .A. Tay or; preeilent. Itev.
;icing ht 19.9 uu 11'''',11111 or 111-1.eu11h ,11 , gas' hP 'e ore. printed out the Geo. Weir; 1st vhw -pres.dent, Mrs. I;.
ii.ehid been it rc-Lieut of Yrms►uver. surprlsing amount of totethollght and It. Leith; unl vice president, 31r.. M
Tice death of IIt'i : Iluteemehl, 4.4 preparation which was necessary be- I Callum; secretary-trell.urer, Frank
Clifford. aruried. J:tiluury 111th in jure whelps could be hunted and klIJ-I Atetcalf; a•esi..tatit seertear3-treasurer.
th.• %%'1ughw+ 1,, '.4 l•re he had ed ;row an
an open come. The making ! lits., Mel. .11 df occuu
r+ lune year 1,
.sou ilex el:..hueu mouths. The tautly of the canoe, the preearstlon of the 131r'.. G. M. Chambers. 311.4 Gillespie,
,gas taken to 4'11fferl for burial. - harpoon, lilacs, floats and other tar- , Mrs. A. Taylor, Mrs. 4'. 1.1tlie, peeve
The amnia westing of the Exeter
chamber. of Cuwwer,v was held in the
form of a banquet at the Central
Important decrease In the number of Ms,•l'lura M'Gohcan, w•ho was n'
on the Blyth public sellout
whales dor to comnu•rc1a1 whaling. staff in the absence of Miss Hanby,
with steamers and harpnona fired who is ill at the home of her ,.trent".
from guns, and the Indians' Dot+ 4 Rev. Dr. stud Mrs. Itartby, London.
occupation with other moria. remuner-
emuner I liths gou14 tw Guelph 10 sauna' her
ative pursuits have comSined to dls-
courage all whale hunting on the part "('110441 duties there. Mrs. 31. H. Mascou
of the Indians, and as a result it is, is filling the vuettn•i' ton the Myth
or soon will bo, abandoned entirely. slatf,
A series of very interesting slides
The uuuual trefb+g of Blyth Ag
pictures of whale bunt -
S,N lets oris held on Fri-
supplied by the Canadian Govern-
ment with Motion Picture Bureau were at- nue due to the stormy weather. On
so shown: as well as specimens of the soy t of the races at the fair In-,
tackle used by the Indians. year• tht'rr• was a dollish In the fin -
tackle for, allhuugh then. was 11
FISHER FOLK LEAVING. larger attendance than usual. the ,•s-
• pense9, wen• higher. 11 was decided to
kle, the stocking of the canoe with J. It. t'ute J. I1. It. Elden, 'Mrs, .It
fond and water to last over several N'igluln,u,: directors (two secret, I.
days, sad the claeort t cereutun es J. Witham., It. Putt, Ezra (tender.
performed before and during the Miss 1.. Herrington. Mrs. Ishellew.
hunt were described by a man who llr4,•F'. 31+rshall. Mite Sreiuhol(, Mr-.,
had actually vlaltee these Indians. I. letidlaw.
e.1 un January 2(4111, rifler a very .wet ou the evening of January 17th. and purchased specimens of their old
Mrs. Goodall i formerly Latina
,clef illue..s. Ile "u.. Iu his fifty- 'l'i,e work of the past year wits re- whale -hunting goat from them. 3lurshaIl4, a fernier resident of It:yth,
.evetitb year. Ile weut to Forest about viewed) and ottle•rs were elected rs The decrease In the number of 41491 ree•ntly ut her home' at ('ort
eleven yours ugd, taller practising nt follows: llon. presidents, W, G. M1dd, cedar trees suitable for canoe making Ilurnn-
Itrueefl4dd for many years. Ile 1. sur- M.l'.I'., Major Wuod of London, Reeve for whale hunting the much more
.Ivel by his wife. one sun and own l'nutcis. B. W. F. Beavers; president,
aughten,' T. 4). Soulhcott ; vice-president. Dr.
South sures Agricultural SoefMY .1. IL Browning; secretary -measurer,
At the 11111111.11 meeting of the U. It. t'ompllu; directors, 1. J. l'en-
:outli Huron .4grl•ulturul Seelety, held hale, Thos. I'rydu, J. W. Powell, ll. C.
it Hensel! January 17th. the follow•• Rivers. A. O. Elliott, J. M. Southeott.
iug officers were ele•I4d: President. Students atteud:ng the short mum
Dr. A. It. Campbell; 1.4 vice-pre4l- In Exeter held a debate on the sub -
eche 4►weu Geiger; 2tul sloe-preadeut. fret, "Weed •ed. that modern labor -
W. 41. Dots:all : se•retary-treaa'nrer. saving de •'s Iwce done more to
K. M. M'l.ec..11 w101 1141.111•411141.111•41 10 110141 IigIlten tineletdrudgery of the farmer
a seed fair on Tuewlay, February- than of the housewife." The afflrma-
ith, and the "mutt sprIng fair dale tire was taken by three boys and the
• r •
Chas. Black
Phone 219 Goderich
We oarry a gore! stock of
Electrical Appliances,
Fixtures, etc.
Electric Wiring of All Kinds
F'etimates Kion ,on application
Frank McArthur
West Street Electrical Shop
Telephone 82 Goderich
was set provlsluuelly for Friday, negative by three girls. This Instruct-
% re 11th. , urs, acting as judges, decided in fay.
Seaterth EIerts Three l'eunri lers or ..f the ueguttve. A lauquei for the
Owing to the fact that only Ihret' students was given lu James street
1111114(4,st for the office of town conn• church on Thursday last Rader the
'Moor of S.•afurt.h ut the New Year's auspices of the Chamber of Commerce. Trswten Item risnnay, unNe.,.,.- .... ------ - meeting - -
elteeion, a :wood nomination was nee- - Northwestern Coast of Ireland. Ito d►w•usts torr udris_,..-..;
e ores curl oris held on Tuesday Hing the mews, The old directors were
IF THERE IS A BABY Soon the majority of the islands ugatrt em,,,eitel, with Ihtel.l I,nldltw•.
.•verthag of la.t week. ix {ters.Hls off the western and northwestern president and •J. It. It. Elliott. •.••
Coal and Wood
Genuine Hard Stove Coal
Chestnut Coal
Pea Coal
Pocohontas (2 by 4 egg)
i c•an Supply your wants in
any of the above fuel Prompt
service and reasonable prices.
Telephone 17 1j Goderich
Heating -
Sheet Metal Work
General Repairs
John Pinder
Office and Residence, St.
David's Street
Telephone 127
were nominated mud, of these f11, IN YOUR HOME coasts of Irnland will be unlnhablted. r14tury-treasurer.
luallfiel. tamely, W. A. 1'rh h. hew. F`or gen••ratfons bits• passed unevent-
d Holton, Conrad Eckert Herbeli
Box ■nd A. I
s --
Messrs• Sutherland. nekern and Belt- Tablets h
111 lent to support• a fe
sr , oue .0 fully. for the hardy Islander4•In their
D. Sutherland. tin
1'ue- eta -girt retreats. icy Intensive chltl-
ba last Ole Net Uok p.lu,e, au.l There Also Should Be a Box
tai v'atlou theyforced the sog to yield
Baby's Own a ets grate and potatoes; the rat graz-
y p° _. S..4- Sir. le. 1; WAW.YNO$11
To keep her little cares well is the lag was su
rim -mini aim of every mother anti to coins. goats. and .sheep; and. when
-ere, (n -r 4n tete task .site_ alu.s►ki .e1the weatber Permitted, the men put
way. keep a Ion of Itaby's Own Tali-� off In their frail craft for 'the adja-
Iet- 4n the home. Thiene Tablets lien.; rent Moiling grounds.
•el mens little Uvea when illness I The islanders lived simply out
.1u were elected. ,heeding the pall lu
the Birder named.
Fordirichlr*Oeisbor *4.
The Howick Agricultural Sweets,
which held Its annual nesting last
week. is in good financial condition. irllh a cash balmier on 1195,' lta
of 4.l+�_____-_ t happily, write.. a Belfast correepon-
1'Ihe 80NIPt�oue of the oldest 1Q ate art-aueldealy_--- The majority of troubles which of -1 dent to the Chrlstfan Science Mont -
Oils {ort of Ontario, and has held •filet little. ones are those which arise; tor. They enjoyed absolute freedom;
nu day fair tvntln,111 owing
for thea from a disordered emdltlun of the' they had their own laws and form of
lost seventy years, but owing to the stomach and bowels. It Is In quickly government; and they tolerated ,,no
increased e'ldinterest taken It has boort esrre•Itug theme disorder- that'' Interference from outside. True. eer-
Jelded to hold a two-dayfair (kis patty's Own Tablets show their! lain county councils had nominal
year, the dates beta, October 3 h. calor. They banish constipation and, jurisdiction over them and perlodi-•
The fair will be held at Fordotdwlrh.1 Indlg.'etiou; cornet 1-01114 arta tiler-: catty struck rates. But no tate col -
officers are: President. Thus. len-2nd chaos ; break up colds am! simple ' lector ever made a collection.
1stle pre -president. Wm. Goggin; 2ndlfevers - and allay teething pains. The Islanders, bowever, have fill-
! H. i'. Edgar; tit■'rotary I Conerning the Tablets Mee. E. Rob - en on hard times. Their crops failed.
treasurer, J. H. Rogers. erns. Cap •u4 OP. Ocie., writes: -"1 and owing to the activities of steam
BRUSSELS' always keep Baby's Own Tablet. ini trawlers the tient at of th, sea is no
the 'mime as I know of nothing to longer within thelr reach.
• equal char for little ones The whole population. sem. forty
At the annual meeting of the East; The Tablets are sold by medicine men• women and children --has just
Society Agr{,vltural 8lety the of-1
dealer% or by mall at 25 cents a lox left lelstraholl, the most northerly
fre-elected. lees of last year were re-elted from The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., bland off 'the D• n.entl coast. A low
The fair will he held this year on I
Brockville, Ont.
Thursday and Friday. October 2nd I
and 3rd. Some Improvements in thei ZURICH
grounds are planned.
Rev. S• Sellery, a veteran. minister Stephen M I'erebey who with his
of the Methodist (now Tufted Church,
and a former pastor In Brussels, diel
recently re his home (b Toronto, In his
eighty-first year. Ile was auperan-
1919 and had since been a
'rhe follo,.Ii.. 4. the report for S. S.
Na 1,1. East AVawauosh :
lir. tY,-ttedtr ettn.rrafm-. !e: per
Ilan' \'lucent S1, Vetter Gross
Jr. IV. -Marjory Toll all jeer rent..
Verna VI-neenttam--Tisk.1teunett 72.
Lorne Snell 84. -
$r. III. -Esther Groat( Si pees cent..
Elsie Snell 7s, Margaaet %inent 414.
Jr. 111. --Lloyd Johnston :d► per
rent.. Aubrey Toll 50.
Sr. I1. -Viola Gross 79 per cent..
Y inlet Grose 70. ticker Vincent 114.
Roy Bentley 32.
Jr. IL --Amy Toll 77 per' cent.. Eva
Vincent 00.
I'rinrr. - (hazel ttcntley OP per cent.. 'The earth is the cheapest and sta-
('hera Gross 44'1, Marjory M,Vittle (Id. a-1 plats. In which to store oil "--Sir
ALBERTA Rll'HMOND, Teacher: tired 1h•terdlne.
INAsseval Trees In New Zealand Are
Fast Ya:dshlng-Are of
Bliw • Gruwtb.
Only two great privately owned
kaurt forests remain In the Ikuulnl.rn
of New Zealand, It 1s said, 1n a de-
spatch to the Christian Science Muo-
!tor from Auckland.
One of there Is at Whungeroa, In
the far north. where about five
Mouths ago s mart was made 1n cut-
ting about 15.4 00.000 fete.. There is
no mill now on the beautiful harbor
of Whangarou, ore. the centre of a
great timber district, and the It t;x are
towed down to A i"l.iand. u four
day4' tow. and Milled there.
The ether forts! la ,u the treat
flal•rit•r t+tan ', u the entrance to the
guff on which A1 -kland Is si!uated.
11 lies lottg b••• -u kuowu that the
lays of the kauri as a cououcrctal
Umbel were numbered. 1t it one of
the finest timber trees In the world.
11. is stated that a great kaurl con-
tutes Leer • willahle timber .ban tiny
other tree, and ass gimeral 111 1ih
s. 1. I it )i, - 11:" wood tial few if yny
equals. A kaurl forest contalult>a;
rally big 4reett, up to twelve feet
through, Is a weuderful sight. What
Is probably the largest kauri tree 00
record was 34 feet 1n diameter. The
gray trunks rise Ir the twilight of
the forest like great cathedral col-
, MUDS- -60 to 10 (cel clean up to tbs
1 eandelabra-like system of branches.
To fell these giants, cut them into
lengths, and get them to the mill, b
' a work af much labor and skill.
I Som.11mee the loge are rolled into •
river bed above a dam, and at the
right season the dam Is -tripped"
and the maim goes roaring dowu to
the still. The Caere also produces a
valuable gum, which used to be
much In demand. This gum is found
I in the ground over great areas where
there are now no trees. Forests once
Stood In these parts but were swept
away by lire. The gumdigger can tell
from a depression In the ground
when. a tree 'ince stood.
From the earliest times kaurl
wood was prized; ships used to call
at New Zealand ports, long before
there was a Britt h government
there, to get kauri spars After Euro-
pean settlement there was plenty of
kauri timber at cheap rates, and coo-
'•equently there• was a good deal of
waste Now tris Splendid timber Is
a luxury. Estlmu,,,a differ about the I
age of these trees, but it Is knows
that the kaur$-is-a-oonlearatIvsti
slow Trower, and the "old men" 01
the forest must be many centurlee
old. Indeed estimates run as high as
1,700 years and more.
, Fortunately there will be kaacia
preserved to see as slghta In addi-
tion to small patchts of kauri re-
served here and there, two magnl-
Icent forests are preserved north ot
Auckland. One U the Walpoua Stats
Forest, the largest remaining collec-
tion of kauri trees. This Is of incal-
nuated In
redrk'nt of Toronto.
Fred. 1)arldeon was elected town
councillor by acelumution. to fill the
seat vaentell by the• re.ignntiuu of
Robert $potton•
Howard Meehan. plumber. bail hIa
Bedroom Suites
We have a varied assortment
of Bedroom Suites on hand in
walnut and walnut finish.
Now is the time to buy that CLINTON
Chesterfield Suite and enjoy it
these long evenings, as you
listen to your radio program.
lylne Island about 114 acres V area
Instrahalt is known to every1i.•rson
who travels across the Atlantic via
Belfast or Moville. and ares Its great
family came here a few months ago The islander* complain that the
fro,,. Belleville. 1•a., has. ;wr•hased steam trawlers have destroyed their
the loo -acre farm of David Schroeder fishing grounds, and last summer lh.'
on the town line between Hay and men Oshed l0 vain.
The purchase price was 48,3111, and men
ponsmetduu will be given Murch 16th, ter.
3I n. t'eachey- le a daughter of Iter. (': from
and Mrs. Schrag of Zurich. Mr. and stat'
Mrs. Schroeder intend moving to
Dashwood to reside.
Ward Fritz of Zurich, 1Nmn11 Gray
of l;oderleth, Gordon Snr.•ru' of the
linem..lt line and Harry Zimmer of
Ihis4lwsssl k•ft a few day', ago on a
motor trip to Florida. They ,earned
their tent. stretcher., eookitg utensils.
etc,, Intending when they rem heti n
warmer ,'Ilmate to tent and camp on
the way. They expect to 1..• away (ur
several weeks.
.NI=s Edna WIlliuws is away- uu a
trip to Florid*.
Ie.cnl hunters arc at sboollog
141 i41• number, of jt, rallMts. over
.AN) have already been 'shot in this
-ertl.m this sinter.
flvr w11es south of Zurich. 1t Is difficult to see what govern-
t action can be taken In the mat -
for inlstrahull lies six miles
the coapt and this 4s outside the
tion• limit
Secure Against 1►astger of Fire or
it'omb and tins .Attacks.
Thousands of people who pass the
new Bank of England every day re-
gard the two bronze doors, each X
weighing two tons, at the principal
entrance In Tiartholotnew-lane,
as part of the hank's defences. They
are. however. merely decorative ruin- Se
pared with the barriers ot the under-
ground fortress AO feet below. There
He the strcnc•r.omS which have been
built In the heart of the bank site lo_
house the gold and securities against
the danger of tire or poeslble bomb
1 gas attacks in war time.
The greater part of the five years
already spent on rebuilding has been
The reorgaulz,iti.nt of The$herloek devoted to these strong -rooms, for -
)lamo ing Planend 4►r.au }' Patty which thousands of tons of concrete
t f Doherty 1'isn.o, t imitel has reinforced with steel have been used,
eatable scenic value
Thursday, January 30, 19110.-T.
Rub a little Zam-Buk over
your hands and arms to,,heck
and heal all roughness and
chafing. It's wonderful.
Zam-Buk contains valuable
herbal extracts which lubricate
the tissues, soothe pain, allay
inti, iumation and grow new
healthy skin. Cold-st rtes,
'chaps', frost bite, chafing and
similar troubles are quickly
ended by Zam-Buk.
It provides the handiest and
safest antiseptic drt ssuig for
all injuries and skin troubles.
COLDS -Fos cold to doe .sad, smear
a Inde Zam Bak over the palms of the
hands, and inhale. For colds is chest or
tick, roe,b.takly with elq.hn
I4uk night and ruing.
Notice to Water
The Water and Light Com-
ntiweion ill pleased to announce
a.reduction of one dollar per
water rates
from January 1st. Owing to
the large number of takers
this reduction means con-
siderable 1144444 revenue, and
consumers are asked to co-
operate in the economical
operation of the plant by see-
ing that the water is not
wasted and that all leaky taps
or services are fixed at once.
L. L. Knox, W. T. Murney,
Ace's. Chairman.
� CX�i%Who Pays?
.Int 1, , t -
he'n t•ffet•tell, lir. Manning taking The construetlnn of the doors is be- 1
over the jnll•re't of Mr.,I$herlot•k. who inc kept a closely guarded secretee
is retiring from the firm. Mr. 51,u. Forty tone, however, Is stated to 1►e
u4ng ha. sold oho Loudon factory 10 a ruo.+erate estimate of their weight. ! X
;L:• $1"11'' Rall" Co., and the Phil"' Even while the hundreds of workmen I
nuslue•Ss, which will Is. condoled i hes!., been busy on the site. gO1tf, X
Planus Ltd.. will h,i eentr,lizel In the stored In the brink; its value Irvine
'1111.011rsctorc. o 'rc /III their .iib l about t{630,O+10.1•00.
ferent styles Of 11111110,4 will in fulnre
lane manuleetee.I. The muse• le ex- • A Privileged (et.
FURNITl1RF- DEALER end under the name of `th,-rlr k Mnnning weighing about 1.000 tons has
Mole `. M,•I,' .,.;'., 441.4, ::.11\\'
Hamilton Street Goderich, Ont.
i r
is n tempting complement to
any :heal-.Ir•Iielolly in itself
and lending zest to the rest of
the menu
Your family will demand twice
a mtw•h .Gorr Rrra.1 ss any other.
Encourage tiwln to do so, as it it
the moat healthful and nourish-
ing feed they can take
Mae 114 West Street
,I...44..1 to nen 1 in grenter activity at When ,.,111 at the Rrltlsh For- i vee
the local thetnry• elan om • ,, s :t writer In the Lon- i es
1 •s b•u,ipu t ons h: tel by "IP 4. 11ntott • don Dally ak telt, I heard somethlnO
I Hoare ot Trade on Friday evening, of the doin:-q of Tib•, the official cat 1 toy
situ an iitlen..ance of flfty•f1'.• 1114.111- and only men;het of the stiff e. tin is .i A
' NTS Mill their frk'nds, Mayor fordo' allowed t., p,•;iwl throng' N,.• -, Had- , x
I eh1ldinist 1114 development• to du.e. In inn at 10_10.
195.• project of twitting a hr inch plant I Tlhs 4.:,•. Leen in ro sidt nese for 1, X
' of I.ibhy, M,•Nell k Libby 1n Clinton.. many y ,t' ledshe now (Inds It I X
Tlu• /weaker of the evening wits It. 1,.
' Straiten, of the Bell Telephone. Vette-
ette' (Hilly. lerndnn, who described the
1 growth of the telephone from 1.it to
pre -ant tl.,y. S(s•ashn wf soppily o,
the missend Rets to ehfelt the tyk-
e ,:hone is tent, he r•L,t.d haw tit 4(:+• 1,1.
Ian was enabled In listen to the heart
's•uts of a p:itl4nt 4rnusmittel by
ue. 'and tuu4 diagnose the case
front A dtstan.'e.
Vert T Il -C's. (let Rafe, speeds relief
friar' ls::in and RIM nees. "i was not al le
to ' et anv'L.ing to help me," w ries Mr
Mn. is. Hutt, Ott Dennis, Ont , "until
I tried'! empk•tnn's Itheumat i e 4 'epodes.
When 1 feel a twinge 1 start. using
T It -CIL" •
T -R -Geri are equally good far Neuralgia,
Nenritia, Kist int , i nmhage. No harm-
ful dross. Me and el at your dealer's. t s0
Tivcs Tag&
very thine, walking term th • base- X
ruent to the top. Recently she die- X
1•overed-hat. It she stands In front of
the lift and m'aows long enough,
aom,•one wltl take pity on her and ; ,tit
ring for the life. Should y,ie be taken /•
to the wrote floor, she- simply re- X
mains 1n the lift until the attendant �y
takes her up or down to the right ...Int
one. Then, with her nose and gall In r`
the air. she strolls out In state.
WIB Hold Mnillsit Show In 1930. rf\,
In New ot t'1, success, attain, d In
the (.rat Prince Edward island (nut
Cxhlhltlifl It ha t-treen decided to hold
a similar show In 11130 on the Rams
There are Rh ,It 490 different var-
asieties of mason' 00a.
e.".". end 4"tn- I
I1y have mnvel to 131rathroy, where
Mr. Rmlth has taken employment In
Butler's woollen mills. 4 th yr�t�a�tl�/�y y �ts�y�l�ts�y�/u�/o{�yo�t� XXXy�
t s .41 agent at
.Ante d ltrMb/w hsArt/ksnfkaXXXXX XXX llsyb+enXX*CdMrNX XX
You who believe advertising is too expensive to
justify its returns, listen to this:
Twenty-eight years ago the makers of a watch pro-
duced a cumbersome hut accurate article, priced $1.50.
Without advertising, they sold that first year 12,000.
The next year; with a little tentative advertising, they
sold 87,000. Encouraged, they increased the factory
and distribution, reduced the size of the watch, priced it
$1.00, made a reasonable advertising appropriation ---and
sold 485,000.
When the makers of a famous camera began adver-
tising thirty years ago, they made one camera which took
a 2 1-2 inch picture. and sold at $25.00. In 1917, that
time of the distressing upward trend of prices, these
people made a better camera that sold for $10.
Who pays for the advertising? Or does the adver-
tising pay for itself?
And what good advertising did for the watch and
the camera, it can do in some measure for your goods.