HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1930-1-30, Page 6d.-Thuncday, January 30, 1%0. Does rheumatism hinder your '1'HE SIGNAL, GODERICH, ONT. work 9 Sunday Afternoon -0- By IS-11BEL HAMILTON, Goderlch, Ont. WHAT'S WRONG AND WHERE? II "WHILE working in • TV quarry as a driller," writes Mr. John J. Hogan of South March, Ont., "1 was seized with rheuma- tism in the left shoulder. I followed treatments for some tune without relief. I had heard so much con- cerning Dr. William' Pink Pills that I decided to give them a trial. They were certainly the medi- cine that I needed for it was not long before I was as well as ever. Now I take them every Spring as • tonic." Thu is one of hundred, of caws in which these blood - enriching pills have proved effective in eradicating rheu- matism. Buy Dr. Williams' Pink Pills now at your di ug - gist's or any dealer in medi- cine. or by mail, 50 cents, postpaid, from The Dr. Wil- liams Medicine Co., Brock- ville, Ont. s sa Da031--iir ' PINK : l.: .14L) "A NOJSIM1 1N fa COV. •.I r5" Brophey Bros. T1IE 1-E.►DI\(i FlN EK.11. I) I RRt't'OR8 1N1) E111it1.NERR Ambulance service at all bears. Jay or night. PI1ONES: Mire 120 Zti�'Si: BOIDF:R1CH J. R. Wheeler 1 Funeral I)ire•ettor and Embalmer All calls promptly attended to day or night PHONES Store 33.i Residence 1155w llemlluon Street. Goderleb D 4flfl1v\sowoee P Ooa'NG or satin finished -GET OUR PRICES You are under no obligation R. STANDISH East Street Phone 369 Goderick Go, Libor 011 ; 'tla not for nought : Thy earthly loss 1s heavenly gun: Mien heed tltl'h, ,torr thee, Kith, thee not; The Mester probes; what are men? Gu, labor 011; enough, while herr, If Ile shall praise thee, If Ile deign Thy willing heart to mark and cheer; No toll for Him shall be in vain. -11. Bonar. PRAYER tl God, who hast set before us 1n. Thy Word the way of life, help us by Thy spirit to heed the warnings and cherish the promises so that our Ives shall lie spent in Thy service to Thine honor and glory. Amen. S. N. LESSON FOR FEB. 9th, 1930 Lesson ToperWarning+ and Prom- isee. Lesson Passage -Matthew 7:12, 19-:7. Goleben Te=t•--Matthew. tt:ll. • in the preceding five verses Christ talks of prayer and of the relationship of God's giving to mate's giving. "It ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children. how much more shall your Father which Is in heaven give good things 10 them that ask 111m?" "Therefore," Christ adds, "all things wlmtwever ye would that teen should do to you, do you even sit to theta; for this Is the law and the prophets." The law 1• fulfilled in tine word -Love. Thou shalt lure thy neighbor as thyself. This is the law uud the prophets. 1t is • owessary- for our soul's goal that the diseases of our affections should. he cured than our intellectual mistakes should Ia. comment. If a nmu love not his brother *41141111 he hath seen. how eon N. love (bid 11'1114111he hath not Flea's" Inure 13'27. "licw,ire of false prophets." Jesus says. "False prophets." To 1 11011 the word pulse should ever 1e used lit de,njuucthru With the wool prophet. 1E9C Alts 9 eturANLt we rola eoseMlC How good are you at finding mistakes? The artist has Intentionally made several obvious ones in drawing the above picture. Some of them are easily discovered, others may be hard. See how long It will take YOU to find them. 1-(0K FOR SOLI TION IN NEXT WEEK'S SIGNAL Solution to "11 hat's Wrong BATHING G 1- Wind i. Mewing from two dirtc They ore so contradictory in an•.u'- and Where" in lath week's Signal. IRL IZ t'-1NOEcontradictory Ing. lout 111 till ages the false 11as lot - tinted "the true god bronchi it Imo trouble. Mow Then are we 10 Loon elle false from the truer Jesu- e'l.rrist teas us- "IV their fruits y,• shall know thew." See how rapidly Christ changes the metaphor iq 111- di-lseurse•. -lie wits a m neilit at:o i speaking 14f u wolf In 1111141.11'. eluth- inR and 110W it-issrtlles and figs and' 1-Flstles; but •ID uwl.es ilfe sable 'In- ference. It is ever 'toy their fruits ye snail know - theta." Christ. all art • midden setdlugl1. •104114 the sub - ;eel of goal and buck fruit from g"od oat bad trees amt Balls attention to Himself. "Not every otaw that taltb' utile rue Lent,. Lord, shall enter into 'the kingdom of heaven. bat 11e that I de.rth the will of 'my Father w•hleh Id In beaten." here 1s .a \ilei who b• - gun life in s manger, tool Whose par- ' encs wade n sudden flight into F:zypt 1 and wnndereel about homeless for j ea dale citta•, who says to these disci• 1 pies That at a certain time la„:de will la. culling Him. "l cml. L..rd." and Ile N11 I not , kIiow 1 hew. LYe saw Ills by the quiet river. we ' watched Ilitu arisen ludo the wilder- ness, again we saw ills by the pea - wide; now we behold Ills seated Upon u mou11tuln from w111411 lee, us 11 were, projected Himself across the whole ahyra of time. Henceforward Ile takes the name of 1,4,111 henewfer- AWED 11 Lbs. in 8 Wks And a Boy Fiend." writes Susan Satino. Thousands say tugs lionised Yeast adds S to IS lbs. in 3 weeks. Skin clears Ike manic. Constipation. renes, end. Get }41111114111rmitred Yeast tablets bons dr naval todat. G -girl should use paddle. not .0 •.ahnvel. Fish should be In water. l 7 --Bridge should reach -tither hank. cattails do not grow on ,land. 11-1 an.e date out hove our la k+. 4 Star fish ere not found lit inland, waters.:9--Girl's bathing suit has white Prow of canoe ithouhl be siert of stripe up one leg only. AN ISLAND EDEN Sark, • Tiny Brlttah Possession Ia English tbarinel, Wins Popular- 1 - it) tor Beauty and Quiet. Where Is Sark' Even many donors may have asked that quest on when they discovered that the Dame of Sark was mingling among the shoppers of the British capital. "Yet ;ark it one of the islands of the British -owned Channel group off the north coast of France," says a Na- tional Geographic Society bulletin. "it Is so small that its area can be bidden under • pinhead on an ordi- nary desk map of the world. But w het Sark lacks In size It makes up In beauty. It long has been known among Its visitors by such nattering names as an 'Island Garden of Eden' and 'Pearl In"a Silver Sea.' "Tourists can 'slgbtsee Sark in New York or London fashion in a few hours, but if they are nature - vers they will have their steamer tickets extended by the waves of the channel into caverns containing arches, tracery work and pillars and tunnels that lure even the timid to uegottate dangerous paths. Reneet- Ing these fantastic displays are clear water pools where one can watch rah glide about twenty -eve feet below the surface, "Sark is almost two Islands. Great- er Sark, the northern and larger por- tion, is connected with Little Sark by a Jagged rock causeway called the Cnupee, which rises 300 feet above the sea. From the roadway on its narrow summit travellers look east- ward toward Jersey and westward to- ward Guernsey and Herm. Both panoramas have Inspired many artiste. "Btu the sea panoramas can wait until the traveller is aboard a steam- er; there are sufficient vistas and panoramas on the small 'eland to oc- cupy' many hours of the traveller's time while ashore. Paths wind through acres blanketed with hya- cinths and primrused and wild flow- ers, making the area resemble a flor- lat's garden. Then there are other paths which cross and recross to tree-bowc•red dells where one sudden- ly mines upon a quaint stone house hidden behind thlck verdure. "There are ho streets littered with refuse for there are now towns on Bark. Neither are•there abandoned lut•u< to star the 'countryside, for automobiles have not 3 -et become 4 permanent fixtures .ark. If the on traveller must ride he may choose a - 'wagonette' or 'victoria.' "The balmy climate and the quiet - de and beauty of Sark are attract ; t %bitter, rear end in water.1O-l;trl bas gtuv uu.one Gaud m113 ONE GOOD DISH MAKES A COW( FAMOUS Isiah chowder 1a out u common dlab and it is not generally known that 11 -is tasty Ind Most delectable. 1t la au easy Mali to prepare and la espaelal- 13 suitable uu u luncheon or supper menu. The- recipe is: FISH c:HOWDER 1-t; Ib. diced raw suit pork I% cupfuls. cubed raw potato 2 cupfuls of ruw fish 1 stalk celery chopped flue 1-1 cup of diced oau11U 2 4p cupat of boiling water 1 qt. milk 3y teaspoon salt 1-8 teaspoon pepper Paprika Put the diced raw salt pork 111 a kettle and heat until the pork scraps are golden brown. 'These scrape may or fluty not be reiuovetl. Add ouluus to the melted fat h1 the kettle and sok until a golden brown. Add potat- oes, celery and Coiling water. Cook ten minutes and then add the pieces of raw fish. Cook fltteeu mluuters long- er. heat the milk and add the first mixture. Seaon sud serve with crackers. Serves xis, Visit the Land of Sunshine Some {Ample travel extensively - ocean cruises to far eouutrles, Europe. etc. Why not spend a few months this winter In California -the land of sun- shine and play, where climatic condi- tions are unexcelled the year'round? A fascinating country of much choirs, mountain w'enery of great grandeur, colorful deserts, splendid cities and beautiful beaches where bottom; is the universal pastime. Golf, tennis and polo are also very popular, while yachting, fishing and hunting can be etJoyetl to the full. Deming in the warm moonlight nights for those who choose. When visiting California travel one or loth ways via the Cuuadlun Rockies cud stop over at Vancouver and Vic- toria. Superb hotels, fine golf t'ourses and magnificent scenery en route make this well worth while. Full information, literature, etc.. w ill IM' gintly supplied by any Cam adiall Pacific agent. COULDN'T WALK FOR FAT But Inst her flabbiness in tws weeks sir wits eripplerd by fat, but reduced in two Weeks this easy way. That u i.L•oi,n tn1lll her husband says roil sue• weighed nearly _•co Ibis. and had to iv at haute. 1l, of this letter:- .' SI'' wife how been suffering with :oohed legs wad feet fwd weighed iW •Ib...} ..is. very .e dein able to go out' walking. Aftl-r nn king Kruachrn Salta for 4 sou weeks. her Ilablimesa has goon, ieg. Neal feet feel saws." 1. eras fat is tauseei by the liver, kidneys and bowels, the "scavenging' organs of the body fading to do their work properly. They do not throw off that waste material the Product of digestion. This accumulate'*, and lrfore you realise it you are gtowulif Lulco,isly fat. The " little dally dose ' of firma -hen Salts tones up the clump - sting Organa 11/ 1,erfurni tbeir work properly, Slowly but surely the un- gainly masses of fat disappear and what vuu kw- in weight you gam in un- bounded health and vitality. The %ears dn,p off aa the fat melts away - leaving you energetic, youthful and vigorous. H. CLEMENTS Painter and Decorator E.timan+s for painting, wall -paper- ing, etc., chtertully given on re- quest. Residence, No. 4, Bayfield Road Telephone 259.1 Turkey de Luxe V i A good story Is Moving told at the SON., Ontario, at the expense of a groupof bachelor Iris •ln an apart- ment C tui went there* who ordered a turkey from a farmer. ward "tbese sayings of Mine" are'to fit into e complex lite of the who,. [,ons :0 inerea.vlug numbers of vaca- ! be the not and core of the only dur-I Mau. To make hituself indeientieut [ionises and tourists. There now are Otte prttwtptee -nt the to ift-Jiic I are industrious ' and useful to his e.wu�aT a mnd one on Little Sark. &te -posh ` wise or foolish according sic they j rave and country, is surely a worth- master. who also acts Sark.. as1,toms art - build or bullet not on Ctlrl,t. • I while Su tlt'3' flc.•r, Suits Loth poster Increasing in TGe surcry frankly' crit191ze+ touch imp.rtaoee. % of the 1,11.1.11111 1. and religious teaching WORLD MISSIONS hitherto obtained. TLB former has "Even with Its. growing contact The_ Red Many • ('ountrywith the outside werld. Sark remains out always been practical, and Its the a rrim.•i,'iti island. 'rh.• rein -c ii..d lit .Incus this' last bit of Canadian latter the missionaries have out al- i territory belonging do the Red Man.ways been able 0. "arontrrt rellgiun' jallllouar, that looks for all tte world ,omprf'fug Ostia 12S.;1_'U ,'yuan''• bleb Indian life in any real way." as It Its architect had in mind a loaf m:I<:+, /in M.141 Into possession of the ltegumin g the 'physical welfare. u; of bread,'Is seldom oeeupted. Sark - Government. 1t stretches from We, IIM• people much is still wanting. Ices will tell you that the principal Albany Biter to the Manitoba bowl- 1susceptiblejob of tete Jailer is to replace rusted The Notion Is peculiarly dory_. During preceding years lb.' to tnberculusis and trachoma, and Ire Governments of the United State.' requires a noire udcquate health pru- ne' Cauuada hmve ,_-raduuIly anptlrrl , gramme, especially along preventive locks with new ones. "The modern trend on Sark has not minimized the authority of the the lands that were 1111'4' the Indhlns'. , hues- Dame of Sark. To her all taxes, whe- Hlstury is repeating Itself : nation- I Again, the survey has something 1e cher In fish, farm produce, poultry or B • and go. and the North• Amerl-5111 shunt 11e Heed of more ear -opera- money, are paid. She approves all can India D. ns a 1‘9partlte Iroph•, will I tion between the missionary cud the improvementa on the island and she be soon no more. There is sadness II owns the only church to be found (:esernwenl, 411141 less overlapping en . there. in -..444-Ii . h,unges when we renember I the purl of denominations. A great ' unified programme, which w111 bring to the front leaders of the race and train them for specialized service among their own people, is the goal of all those who are warmly interest- ed h1 Indian work. - that 141149 the Iced Man roamed at large oar n continent all his own, but his last..1ears are peaceful, thanks to a kindly Government and to Christ- i 111 people: and those of them who are left ore being helped to a life of 11'e(.lttes4 and indeleudenet'. This dares not menu, however, that the In41huI problem is no more. The l'nited Slate. Government has lately brought "art a survey which seeks to find out Just what service is best -listed for the Indian of 11111NY. (;n•ntest stress 1s laid on education, as 441111 by educntiou can the Indian 11 Special January Sale THERON REQUISITES 4so Value for only Containing Four Full Size Beauty Requisites French Narcissus Perfume Supersmooth Face Powder Cleansing Cream Tissue and Astringent Cram $2.00 bfttle 1.00 box .75 jar .75 iar C r iLN ATTRACTIVE GIFT BOX• Together with a Beautiful. String Indestructible Pearls Free We have been fortunate in securing a limited supply of the World Famous Theron Beauty Requisites and are authorized by the Manufacturer to offer these wonder- ful sets of Toilet Articles at a price much below cost. One Week Only January 25th J. H. LAUDER, Dispensing Chemist grins this Coupon with you. Our Supply is limited Mail Orders add 2Se for Postage sad Packing February 1st GODERICH Come Early What Mother Alissa the present holders are descendants Passerby -"What would your moth- of the original -forty- The rights er say, little boy. If she could bear granted to the Cateret family have you swear like that?" been sold several times and the pres- Iieiy--"She would- be tickled to tint Dame of Sark is a descendant of death if she could hear It." the Last purchaser." Passerby -"How can you Ile like - - that?" THE FMNPIRi"B SIMI. lieo3--"That's no lie. She is stone -- deaf."--Chicago Tribune. Giant Liners linrove Far Ports Pam "Sark was inhabited by sea rovers who menaced Channel shipping be- fore Queen Elizabeth's reign. The Queen turned the island over to He- lier de Cataret, who parcelled 1t out among forty families he brought from Guernsey. The Island Is still divided into forty parts and some of Fashion Fancies { Through Sues Canal. . 11/thing for (ompHmenls ' line n iy well use ,11.•1, n1/ etpres slop In describing the Smnetny night frock■,r blai•14 fish in't - that new•• old material which has suddenly at- tained popularity For informal Wear one could ece- leer nothing smatter then this frock with Its shoutder e•apa•Iet and long. slim Imes. The low. C -shaded derollel age at hack 1• ,l-centunled by the swaying grace of the cnpelet. Shir- rtngs at the sides ludlente the very high walstllne which calls well -merit- ed attention to the \•-shaped Incrusta- tion below the hips, from which falls it short circular tier. The skirt Is the graceful ankle length. The slip Is of black satin with flesh georgette yoke. And in ouch a frock one may be as - anted on ensnaring more than compli- ments in its silken mesh. .1t The tremendous size and far-flung Interests of the British Empire are most forcibly brought home to the man who will brave the burning sun for a day or so at Suez to watch what is passing through the canal. Not only doe, he see there the palatial steamers of the P. & O. on their wp to and from India, but twice or three times a week certain "de luxe" steamers carry 600 first -clans passen- gers from Kenya and Tanganyika to London. There are still vast territories un- inhabited and uncultivated, but the white man is pushing In from all sides. And In Africa the white mala generally incane the Britisher. except in the Sahara region, where the French have established an ever -wid- ening sphere of interest and where Marshal I.)autey has been the build- er of the modern empire of Morocco. Egypt Is prosperous. South Africa certainly is fol. -jog ahead. The idea of a Cape to ('acre railway Is, being adyauced agate. . (Covenanters' -l'hnreh DV. tt•ttyei The old parish church of Fenwick, , three and a half r Iles Mon Kllmar- nock, Scotland, wi, .destroyed by fire reeeptly' The chi ch was nee of the most htstori_ end pieturesquo in the . west of Scotland. It dated frortqq 1642 and 11a flrat minister was P'. William Guthrf.• ens of tic great figures of CovenantinZ t1m.5. Summer Hotel for N. s.. It la o ported that a summer hotel with Stty bungalows, a ewlmmtlag' pool and 'golf Bourse, Is to be erected at Gilbert's Cave, [Autry county, Nob Penile. HalIfax _capital Is Interested. Lamm Cigarette Bill. A tonal of 88,193,999,560 cigar- ette* were sold In Britain last year+. A few Jays later a weighty ibox lrrived at the apartment and upon being opened wa* found to contaln -a n ice plump turkey very much itis. ' - mre of the girls hate ever 1.I1hdrt or dresstl a turkey. but, being uu- afllitlg 1+, let the butcher luow• of their dilemma and trying hard to -be de 111•.1 ie:i1 eel, they dti•deil lo du, the job 411 home. After lengthy deliberation It was agreed that Die most Painless and bnieuo• ruction? would be ehlor,form, anti they press -Med, to carry out theft plan: They made a splendid job of pluck- ing and singeing, and laid the bird in a pun its a closet until next wonting. 'rben while one Prepared the drt'sa- lug and another the cranberries, a third undertook to get him ready- for the Oven. • But when she opened the closet door. out stepped the turkey, minus feathers, and gobbled at her angrily. Banka i* Logsdon. There are nearly 1,700 bathe Ila the London area. The African pigmy and the Nordic belong to the Mme sps'Ms."-may Cooper -Cole. "increasing sae has sot made me a singer In the chorus of deepalr."-R. Parkes ('adman. Sparr's Ink Quality and Service Hamilton Street Phone 146 We deliver in town GODERICH INN GARAGE ItFFI('IA1. NEIt\'I('K MTATIcuN FOR Durant, Hudson and Essex, G 1 Motors Automobiles and Tracks Expert on Electric Trouble We Specialize on Brake Service You Can invite Pi hce Instsrtinn when they are n•psire+l by rte Automobile Supply, Electrical Parts for All Makes of Autos ia Stock $25 -To anyone who rah brim/ a ear we can't repair -re HARRY BRADLEY HAMILTON ST PHONE 247 Every Bell Telephone is a Long Distance Station Call at 7.00 and - Get Evening Rates If you want to cut your long dis- tance telephone bills - watch for 7,00 o'clock. The lower evening rates begin now at 7.00 and they save you money. Between 7.00 p.m. and 8.30 p.m., the rate is about twenty-five per cent off the day rate. And from 8.30 p.m. until 4.30 a.m. the rate is about one-half the (lay rate.' -- Long (distance service is con stantly improving. You can talk to the next town or across the world from your telephone now - quickly - reliably - more cheaply than ever before. It is still cheaper when you take advantage of the lower evening rates at 7.00 o'clock. w Minimum reducer mese Emitting - Sfe Night - 9fe