HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1977-06-08, Page 14e rugged
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You expect dVolkswagen to be reliable,
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But when you come in to test drive the Rabbit,
be ready for surprises.
Students attending the Goderich
District Collegiate Institute partic-
ipated in a 10 Kilometre walk-a-
thon on Monday afternoon, May
day evening, June 2. Mrs. Honey
Scott, master of ceremonies, wel-
comed the ladies and was delighted
to see so many out. She introduced
the followinge numbers: duet by
Frances and Irene Logtenberg
followed by piano solo by Irene;
humorous reading by Anne Van-
Diepenbeek; contest conducted by
Delores VanOsch, answers were
names of soaps or detergents, with
winner Mrs. Dora Alton; jokes by
Helen Kuik.
The address to the bride was
read by Honey Scott. The bride,
assisted by het sister Karen
Reurink and his sister Emily
Arnold, received many lovely' and,
useful gifts and in thanking the
ladies invited them to a trousseau
tea to be held at her home on
Sunday afternoon, June 12. Her
rearriage to Melville Elson Arnnid
will take place on Saturday, June
18 at the Trinity United Church at 3
A birthday party sponsored by
St. Joseph's Catholic Women's
League was held at the home of
Mrs. Bernardine Kinney on Thurs-
day afternoon, June 2 for celeb-,
rants Brother Carl Vol], C.R. and
Senior Citizens Mrs. Mary Frayne,
and Mr. Frank Austin. Mrs. Marie
Austin who now makes her home in
Toronto was also remembered with
a birthday card signed by all those
present. During the afternoon
euchre was played 'with Maurice
Ivers winning 'the prize for high
man. Low ladies prize was won by
Yvette Heffernan. Brother Carl
made a fitting reply on behalf of the
birthday celebrants. Father Ed
Dentinger led in the singing of
"Till We Meet Again" with piano
accompaniment by Mrs. Kinney.
A large crowd attended the Open
Reception held for Bruce and Ann
(Dalton) Pritchard ,on Friday, June
3 at the Saltford Valley Hall: Music
for dancing was by "Bitter Sweet".
Sincere sympathy of this com-
munity is extended to Dorothy and
Donald Farrish and family on the
death of Dorothy's father. Rae J.
Watson Sr. of London who passed
away on Wednesday, June 1st at
the St. Joseph's Hospital in his
67th year. His body rested at the
Needham Memorial Chapel. 520
Dundas Street after 7 p.m.
Thursday where the funeral service
was conducted on Saturday. June
4th at 11 a.m. Reverend D. M.
Badger of the ' Wellington Street
United Church officiated with
interment in the Mount Pleasant
Sincere sympathy is also extend-
ed to Mrs: Robert Hoy of Goderich'
on the death of her husband in the
Alexandra Marine" and General
Hospital, Goderich on Tuesday.
May 31 at the age of 70 years. His
body rested at the Stiles Funeral
Home in Goderich, where the
funeral service was held on
Thursday, June 2. Burial was 'in
the Maitland Cemetery.
This area was thankful for the
rain that came during the past
week after the drought of several
hot weeks. The hay, corn and other
field crops will surely come along
better now. Some local farmers
have already begun . cutting their
fields of hay.
Several from this area gave blood
at the Blood Donor's clinic held at
the Goderich. District Collegiate
Institute recently.
RDS news
On Friday, May 20, we
had an assembly in honour Of ,
the Queen's Silver Jubilee.
The.assembly was planned by
Mrs. Burgess, Mrs. Martyn,
the Level V History class and
the Grade 8 class. Gid save
the Queen was sung. A skit
"The Queen at Work" was
performed by the Drama
Various topics about the
Queen, the Jubilee and the
Commonwealth were given
by the Le' el V and Grade 8
Classes. They were: Queen
Elizabeth II - Early Life,
Cher N'IcGarvey:
Coronation ]953, Wendy
Hamilton. Queens Activities
)952 97. Danny Boyd Why
is the Jubilee Significant. Ann
Cluley. . What is the Com-
monwealth' Robbie Sutton:
What Countries be;:-,rig to the
Commonwealth -. Mrs.
Martyn and the Grade
class How is the Com-
Chris McGarvet and What
Significance does the Corr
monwealih na\ e toda:, -
Kevin Coc* and N*Z7, MzKa
The Maple Leaf Fcrei,er was.
sung b‘ er> f
talked about :he
Background of Meda:Jons
after which M. T rti. .
distributed the•i:ver
Meda1lioris Thanks t.c., Mrs
Burgess and M7:"- M a ;-rfO7
p;anning the assen-d.:,
MI- La F.a r
race fnc,rin t:
E in an I'nf: .7r-E ueeke.nc
They placed ert‘ -second
out of tub'7":-% 'Setter
luck text t;77E-
Tuesday Ma N.s: as Field
Trip Day for so-re Studer.ts a:
RDS Mr La Fa„r ac-
con-:panned some Economic
and Consurr er Stud)es
students tc Toronto tc visit
Murray Gaunt, M.P.P. visited
St. Joseph's School at Kingsbridge
on Thursday morning, June 2nd at
10.30 a.m. and presented Silver
Medallions to the students in
commemoration of the Silver
Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II.
Chairman for the program, Mr.
David Zvluk, welcomed Mr. Gaunt
and explained that plans had been
made to have Mr. Gpunt present
the medallions before the election
was called and before he was asked
to be a Candidate for the N.D.P. in
this election. Mr. Gaunt replied:
Quote ••1 am pleased to participate
in the election with Mr. Zyluk".
Following the presentations, Mr.
Gaunt spoke to the students telling
them why we celebrate this
important occasion. King George
VI was fc.,und dead in bed on
February 0. 1052. His daughter
Princess Elizabeth became Queen
at the age of 25 years. This is the
2.5th anniversary of that occasion
and the medallions are a souvenir.
In closing he .wistied the students
every success in their corning
exams. the best of luck and he sure
hoped that each one passed.
Miss Joanne . Hamilton also
talked to the students telling the
history of the Monarchy. The 'film
..The Sceptre and the Mace" was
shown. Several parents attended
the event.
Several from this area attended a
bridal shower for Miss. Reina
Retirink, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Tyme Reurink 'held at the Trinity
United Church, Ashfield, on Thurs-
the stock market.
Mr. Malhotra and his
Biology Class journeyed to
'Toronto to visit the Science
Center'. Both groups had
troubles along the way. A tire
had to be changed on Mr. La
Flair's van and the bus which
the Biology students were
travelling on got caught in a
traffic jam.
On Friday morning. May
27, the Level II history class
as well as some Level IV and
3 students went across to the
complex to see and hear Mr.
Sam MacGregor, the Con-
servative candidate for the
Huron-Bruce Riding and Mr.
William Davis. Premier of
Ontario. They arrived here by
bus from Port Elgin.
Or Monday. May' 30 the
Biology 515 , and Physical
Educatir„,n. 414 are going
cart-p.nzi a: :he Outdoor
E '-raT.,.:7" Centre near
+.‘ irttir. we IA have a
eip:,n: or. tn,a: trip nex: we al;
s, E MBLY - 1P7. Fii-Jca:, Ma:, 2 the
r d an
Mr Ma1hr..tra
presente:f pr.zes tr_ the
w inners fr'orr. our Sr .ente
F;-:7 Rjth r. ra‘. ar.
of what the dtes
ntronJceic he
e the r tub' The
:17 es of were
t" Mr La F;a A
77 .-.,now w..;'-_r. M7
- an ,' Ire e, I
Geognapr.:, :gas-DTT, p, ec
is of Roipie-, and ac::v::ies a:
RDS Thanks lc Mr La 1.--;a:r
for arranging this as serr b
.S un- n o: ca 1s
be here This schrio yea7
owtl draw rng tc a1: ,rose as
our find. exami star-. or
Wedriesda:, une
30th to raise funds for new track
and field facilities to be constructed
on a 10 acre parcel of land south of
the school. Between 6,000 and
7,000 dollars is the estimated
amount raised. Special thanks to all
those who sponsored the students.
Miss Sue Vogt of Livonia,
Michigan visited last weekend at
the home of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Peter J. Vogt and family.
Over $3,000.00 will, be realized
from the 40 mile bikeathon that
took place on Saturday, June 4
sponsored by the Lucknow Minor
Hockey Club. ,114 registered and
started from C & M Transport in
Lucknow, going North passed
Holyrood, left two corners, left and
down across Highway 86 at Bob
Irwin's corner, across Gibson's
sideroad to Howard Blake's, left on
%-h- -c &slim Ash-fie -1-,
passed Brookside School into West
Wawanosh Township to St. Helens,
crossed highway 86 to Purvis'
Lake, the South Kinloss Cemetery
back to the starting point at the C &
M Transport. 106 finished the 40
miles and each received a silver
dollar. 4 cyclists made the 'round
trip in 3 hours. All local organiza-
tions, service clubs and Townships
assisted the Minor Hockey League
in planning and looking after this
event. The proceeds will go
towards Safety Glass in the
Lucknow Arena.
The house belonging to Mr. and
Mrs. Cecil McNall, on the 4th
concession of Ashfield Township
just west of Dungannon was
burned to the ground on Sunday,
June 5. The cause of the fire is
believed to be a faulty clothes
dryer. Mr. and Mrs. McNall lost all
their belongings. °
Students at St. Joseph's School
at Kingsbridge participated in a
Field Day on Friday and Monday of
last week. At time of writing the
results were not known.
Mrs. Victor Finney (Rita . Wal-
lace) and her son and daughter-in-
law, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Finney of
Stratford, visited with their former
neighbours at Kingsbridge and
Kintail during the past week.
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Dalton of
Toronto visited with friends in this
area on Wednesday, June 1.
Mr. and Mrs. John Moerbeck
and his father Mr. Leo Moerbeck, a
patient at the Huronview Nursing
Home, Clinton visited with friends
at Kingsbridge during the past
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hackett and
son Aaron returned to their home
here on Sunday, May 29th follow-
ing a three week vacation with
relatives and friends at Cold Lake,
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Courtney
visited in. London on Tuesday, May
31st with Mrs. Vincent Austin, a
patient in the Victoria Hospital.
Mrs. Jack Kinney visited 'in
'Detroit and attended the Annual
Pfe ,‘,4--12nrce Hospital Nkkrar.ae May
'Mass and Reunion held at the
Raleigh House May 15. Hohoured
guests celebrating their 50th anni-
versary were 4 Members of her
class of 1927 and also the class of
1952. Mrs. Kinney presented
Providence Hospital Alumnae Ar-
chives with pictures of their grad-
uation —the first all-city graduation
exercises, held in the memorable
Masonic Temple- Building, also
their graduation picture class of 15
and her Michigan State Diploma of
Nursing and three Sepia pictures,
one of the hospital, a Norman•
castle type architecture and two
pictures of the entire training
school classes with the Sisters of
Charity. Organized by Saint
Vincent de Paul in Paris and
coming to Detroit in 1869 quote
"Florence Nightingale, the Lady
with the Lamp, recognized the
worth of the Sisters as trained
nurses and emulated their exam-'
pie. With a letter from Queen
Victoria and the Embassador of
Britain, she called on the Very
Reverend J. B. Eteinne, Superior
General of the Sisters in Paris and
obtained permission to spend some
time in one of their establishments
to learn their 'method of caring for