HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1977-06-08, Page 11If you require financing to start, modernize or expand your business and are unable to obtain it elsewhere on reasonable terms and conditions or if you are interested in the FBDB management services of counselling and training or wish information on government programs available for your business, talk to our representative. 4ZI FEDERAL BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT BANK Learn how to do-it- yourself right in our store. Introducing ourTV information centre 99 practical tips: Each project is carefully cov- ered in a three minute video taped. program that you, can select and watch in the comfort of our store. Step by step explana- tions. You'll pick up tips that can save you time, effort and money. Starring Wally and Natalie Bruner hosts of Wally's Workshop, a U.S. television pro- gram. .This exciting video program is FREE and available only at Homecare Building Centres. Come in and see it soon. ((onto:are BUILDING CENTRE AVAILABLE EXCLUSIVELY AT HOMECARE BUILDING CENTRES and affiliates Code LS-6- I WEDNESDAY, JUNE 8, 1977 PAGE ELEVEN THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO Provincial President Is Speaker At District Annual Opening new doors b--ito small 11 business Financial assistance Management counselling Management training Information oh government programs for business -- -Wayne Rounding one of our representatives will be at The Bedford Hotel, GODERICH on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month JUNE 14 AND JUNE 28 For prior information call 271-5650 or write 1036 Ontario Street, Stratford BROOKSIDE HAPPENINGS Beattie, Brookside; runner-up - a tie, Mike. Geddes, Colborne and George Kerr, Robertson; intermediate boys, Jim Young, Brookside; runner-up, Mike Humphrey, Brookside; junior boys, Lowry Burnett, Victoria; runner-up, Brent Fisher, Col- borne; midget boys, John Thompson, Victoria; runner-up, Rocky Little, Brookside. For the girls the winners were: senior, Grace Ross, Robertson; runner-up a tie, Bonita Pollock, Colborne and Connie Willis, Colborne; inter- mediate, Anita Hodges, Brook- side; runner-up, Lori Hassel, Robertson; junior, Terrilyn Fisher, Victoria; runner-up, Debbie Mitchelmore, Victoria; midget, Kim Fritzley, Robert- son; runner-up, Shelley Burn- ett, Victoria. Mrs. Wilson's Grade I class, accompanied by several of their parents enjoyed a trip to Rockt on African Safari on Thursday. The Regional Field Day was held at Brookside on Friday, June 3. This takes in Colborne, Victoria, Robertson and Brook- side Schools. Winners were as follows: senior boys, Darrell MONUMENTS For sound counsel and a fair price on a monument correctly designed from quality material, rely on SKELTON MEMORIALS Pat O'Hagan, Prop. ESTABLISHED OVER SIXTY YEARS WALKERTON PHONE 881-0234 ONTARIO , The provincial president of the Federation of Women's Institutes in 'Ontario was present at the kruce South District Annual held May 17 at Lucknow United Church. Mrs. H. Maluske received a standing ovation . upon intro- duction. The president spoke on the theme of the day : "All flowers of all the tomorrows are in the seeds of today". "We need every bloom, new ones and old ones, as old ones fade and die and we must keep our branches alive y rying o a d new- ones to our numbers," she said. This is Mrs. Maluske's last year in office. Bruce South officers for 1977-78 were also installed at the district meeting, hosted by the Holyrood WI. Past president is Mrs. David Ireland, RR 2, Teeswater. Presi- dent is Mrs. George Fisher, Box 457, Wingharn; first vice-presi- dent, Mrs. Ross Cumming, Box 461, Lucknovv; second vice-presi- dent, Mrs. Evan Keith, RR 5, Lucknow ; secretary-treasurer, Mrs,. Gordon Wall, Box 744, Wing- ham; .assistant secretary, Mrs. James COnvay, RR 1, Tiverton, and public relations offiter-, Mrs. Clarence Hedley, RR 2, Kincar- dine. Mrs. Ireland gave the report of the nominating com- mittee. Mrs. Middleton installed the officers. The meeting was conducted by Mrs. Fisher assisted by Mrs. Wall. Mrs. William McPherson of the hostess branch gave the add- ress of welcome. DevotiOnS were given by Mrs. Douglas Kennedy and Mrs. William McInnes of the Teeswater branch. There were 114 members and eight visitors registered for the day. Some visitors present in- cluded Mrs. Miski and Mrs. Mc- Kay of Bruce East, Mrs. Simpson and Mrs. Gowanlock of Bruce Centre and Mrs. White and Mrs. Smith of Bruce North. Jdne Alton, president of Luck- now Junior WI gave an interest- ing account of this quite new active branch. Others who brought greetings and gave a short adress were Mrs. Frances Gemmell, president of Grey- Bruce area; Mrs. James Kirk- patrick, chairtnan of Bruce County Rally and Mrs. Harvey Houston, provincial public rela- tions officer, who this year finishes her six-year term in office - Barbara De Vischer, home economist for Bruce County spoke on her work with 4-H clubs and senior training schools. She said she was disappointed in the nine branches who failed to send their forms back concerning the . senior courses offered. President Mrs. Fisher gave a report of her year's work. During the day, sing alongs were enjoyed by the women. In the morning, Reid's Corners WI conducted and in the afternoon, Purple Grove WI conducted. Entertaining skits were per- formed by Ripley WI in the morn- ing and Lucknow WI in the after- noon. Displays of macrame and quilted articles, Bruce County tartan and a supply table were set up. The ratification of the district directors was done by Mrs. Wil- liam Middleton. Business arising out of the last meeting was dealt with. It was decided not to give district of- ficers a raise in mileage to 15 cents. It was voted to pay, in full, the expenses of last year's dele- gate to the national convention. Mrs. David Ireland will be the next delegate to go, as she was unable to go due to the air strike last year. Mrs. Middleton gave the report of the provincial meetings. There are 1,262 WI branches in Ontario. Miss Molly McGee will replace Miss Helen McKercher as .director of Home Economics Branch, Ministry of Agriculture and Food. Two dozen Adelaide Hoodles roses will be planted in the International Peace Gardens.9 The week of June 6 to 10 is visitors' week for the WI at the Erland Lee Home. The 80th anni- versary of FWIO will be held at i3ingerrran-Pa-rk-,-Kitet' renef, July 13. There are some bylaw changes to be made in ,members' hand- books. Members are asked to check in the next Home and Country for these changes. It has been recommended that mem- bership to FWIO be raised to two dollars. Thanks was given to those who sent in used stamps as requested last year. There were 511 women at the officers' con- ference and it was "the best yet" according to Mrs, Middleton. Reports of the different com- mittees •were given during the afternoon. In. Memorian was given by Tiverton WI; and pennies for friendship was col- lected and presented.pith a total of $114.14. Branches answered the roll call with, "A seed our branch has sown" which told of different projects started by the branches. Mrs. Edward Jacob of Kincar- dine WI gave the courtesy remarks thanking the Lucluiow ladies of the United Church for the noon meal. Conveners of Standing Com- mittees were elected. They are: Education and Cultural Activi- ties, Mrs. Donald MacAdam, RR 2, Wingham; Agriculture and Canadian Industries, Mrs. P. A. Murray, RR 1, Holyrood; Citizen- ship and World Affairs, Mrs. Oscar Norman, Kincardine; Family and Consumer Affairs, Mrs. Nelson Eskrick, RR 5, Kin- cardine ; Resolutions, Mrs. Donald Gillies, tox 94, Ripley; Museum, Mrs. Robert Courtney, RR 1, Ripley.; Bruce County Tar- tan, Mrs. William .Arnold, ley; Assistant, Mrs. Douglas enne y, 2, Teeswater;, Federation of Agriculture, Mrs. Jack Farrell, RR 3, Ripley; Scholarship, Mrs. James Kirk- patrick, Ripley; Alternate, Mrs. David Ireland, RR 2, Teeswater; Federation Representative, Mrs. Russell McGuire, RR 5, Wing- ham ; Alternate, Mrs. Howard 'Thompson, RR 3, Ripley; Cura- tor, Mrs. Victor Emerson, RR 3, Wingham; Auditors, Mrs. David Eadie, RR 2, Wingham, Mrs. Garnet Farrier, RR3, VVingham; Tartan Award, Mrs. George .Fisher, and -Mrs. McNay; Pro- vincial Board Director, Mrs. Wil- • liam Middleton, Chesley; Folk School, Mrs. Burton Hodgins, RR 1, Kincardine and the Nominat- ing Committee for ;7)3 and 79 are Bervie, Holyrood and Mrs. David Ireland. THINK! DON'T SINK! BE WATER WISE! The Brookside School Field Day was held on Friday, May 27 on the school grounds. The results were as follows: senior boys champion, Darrell Beattie; runner-up, Eddie Davidson; intermediate boys champion, Jiin Young; runner-up, Mike Humphrey; junior boys champ- ion, David Sproul; runner-up, Bill Weima; midget boys cham- pion, Rocky Little; runner-up, Alex West; primary boys cham- pion, John Vandervelde; run- ners-up was a tie Scott Hackett and Kenny Logtenberg. - The results for the girls were: senior champion, Janet , God- frey; runner-up, Karen Metz- ger; intermediate champion, Anita Hodges; funner-up, Mich- ele Dickson; junior girIS champ- ion, Laurie West; runner-up, Peggy Gibson; midget champ- ion, a tie between Wilma Vandervelde and Janice Cook; primary champion, Lorelee Howes; runner-up, Shelley Good. Several of the men teachers attended a dinner meeting of the Men Teacher's Federation at Vanastra on Wednesday evening.